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in total (4 years each from A, B, and C) D is at 80
AVERAGE years. The original age of D = 80 − 12 = 68 years.
Hence, age of E = 72 years
AVERAGE Now, the average age of A, B, C, and D = 80 years; A +
Traditionally, average is calculated by dividing the B + C + D = 320
sum of all the numbers by the number of numbers. And average of B, C, D, and E = 78 years; B + C + D + E
= 312
(Since the average di erence between the age of A and
Average =
E is 2 years.)
Di erence (A − E) = 2 × 4 = 8 years
For example, the average of the four numbers 214, Since E = 72 years, so A = 80 years
215, 219, and 224 will be: By using central value method of averages, every
question of average can be done by mental calculation
Average = 218 only.

Central Value Meaning of Average Example 2 Average of 10 two-digit numbers is S.

However, when we reverse one of the numbers AB as
BA from the given 10 numbers, then the average
Average can also be seen as the central value of all the
becomes S + 1.8. What is the value of B − A?
given values.
Applying this definition for the above example, let us
Solution Average of 10 numbers is increasing by 1.8,
assume the central value of all the given numbers =
so it can be assumed that 1.8 has been added to all the
Now, find the deviations of all the numbers from 214
Hence, BA is 1.8 × 10 = 18 more than AB.
214 215 219 224
There are so many two-digit numbers that satisfy the
When assumed central value is (214), the sum of the
above condition. Using hit and trial method, the
numbers can be 13, 24, 35, 46, 57, 68, and 79. In every
= 0 + 1 + 5 + 10
case, di erence between the digits = 2
Now, finding the average of deviations gives us
Otherwise, we can use the formula
(BA − AB) = 9 × (B − A)
= =4 Where BA and AB are two-digit numbers.
Hence, average = assumed central value + average of
deviations = 214 + 4 = 218 Example 3 The average score of Rahul Dravid after
Therefore, we can assume any value to be the 25 innings is 46 runs per innings. If after the 26th
assumed average and then find the average of all the innings, his average runs increased by 2 runs, then
deviations; and when we add all the numbers and what is his score in the 26th inning?
divide it by number of numbers, 0 is assumed to be
the central value. Solution Runs in 26th inning = Total runs after 26th
innings − Total runs after 25th innings
Example 1 Average age of A, B and C is 84 years. = 26 × 48 − 25 × 46 = 98
When D joins them the average age of A, B, C, and D
becomes 80 years. A new person E, whose age is 4 Alternatively, this question can be done by the above
years more than D, replaces A and the average age of given central value meaning of average. Since the
B, C, D, and E becomes 78 years. What is the age of A? average increases by 2 runs per innings, we can
assume that 2 runs have been added to his score in
Solution Since the average age of A, B, and C is 84 each of the first 25 innings. Now, the total runs added
years so, we can assume that age of A, B, and C is 84 in these innings have been contributed by the runs
years. scored in the 26th inning, which must be equal to 25 ×
A = 84 years 2 = 50 runs.
B = 84 years And after contributing 50 runs, his score in the 26th
C = 84 years inning is 48 runs.
After D has joined them, Hence, runs scored in the 26th inning = new average +
old innings × change in average
Initially Finally = 48 + 25 × 2 = 98
A 84 years 80 years To have a mental mapping, we can see the whole
B 84 years 80 years situation as:
C 84 years 80 years
D ….. 80 years

Decrease in the age of A, B, and C can be attributed to

the increase in the age of D. So, after getting 12 years
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No. of Avg. 1st Avg. 1st Addition 1, 2, and 4; and the average =
Innings 25 innings 26 innings
1, 3, and 4; and the average =
1 46 48 2
2, 3, and 4; and the average =
2 46 48 2
3 46 48 2 Average of these four averages = = 2.5
… … … …
… … … … Hence, option (a) is the answer.
… … … …
25 46 48 2 Central Value Method
26 48 It should be observed here that when we find the
average of all the possible triplets, all the numbers (1,
2, 3, 4) are added thrice. So e effectively we are adding
Properties of Average 12 numbers. Hence, the average should be equal to:
1. Average always lies in between the maximum and the
minimum value. It can be equal to the maximum or = 2.5
minimum value if all the numbers are equal. Therefore, the average will be equal in all the cases.
For example, A1, A2, A3, and A4 are four numbers
given where A1 > A2 > A3 > A4. Extension to this problem The average of
Average of these four numbers will always lie in four positive numbers is A and the average of all the
between A1 and A4. possible pairs formed out of these four positive
However, if all the four numbers are equal (A1 = A2 = numbers is B. Which of the following is true?
A3 = A4), then the average will be equal to each of
these numbers. (a) A = B (b) A > B
Average = A1 = A2 = A3 = A4 (c) A < B (d) Cannot be determined
2. Average is the resultant of net surplus and net deficit,
as used in the central tendency method. Some Special Cases
3. When weights of di erent quantities are same, then 1. Average Involving Time, Speed, and Distance
simple method is used to find the average. However,
when di erent weights of di erent quantities are taken,
Average speed =
then, it is known as weighted average. Here, the
method of weighted average is used to find the
average.For example, assume per capita income of However, while solving the questions involving time,
India is USD 500 and per capita income of US is USD speed, and distance, we should assume some distance,
200. Now, if we merge India and United States into preferably the LCM of all the given speeds.
one country, then it is observed that per capita
Example 5 Lovely goes to Patna from New Delhi at a
income of this new country will not be equal to
speed of 40 km/h and returns with a speed of 60
= USD 350. km/h. What is her average speed during the whole
4. If the value of each quantity is increased or decreased journey?
by the same value S, then the average will also
increase or decrease, respeffectively, by S. Solution Assuming that the total distance between
5. If the value of each quantity is multiplied by the same Patna and New Delhi is 120 km (LCM of 40 and 60)
value S, then the average will also be multiplied by S. the total time taken (Patna − New Delhi and New
6. If the value of each quantity is divided by the same Delhi − Patna) = 3 + 2 = 5 h
value S (S ≠ 0), then the average will also be divided
by S. Hence, average speed = 240/5 = 48 km/h

Example 4 The average of 4 positive numbers is A 2. Average Involving Age

and the average of all the possible triples formed out Average of a group of n persons given at any point of
of these four positive numbers is B. Which of the time can be calculated in the following way
following is true regarding A and B? 5 years 10 Now 10 yrs 5 yrs
ago years later later
(a) A = B (b) A > B ago
(c) A < B (d) Cannot be determined
N-5 N-10 N N+10 N+5
Solution Let us assume that the numbers are 1, 2, 3,
and 4
Average of 1, 2, 3, and 4:1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10/4 = 2.5 Example 6 The average age of the five members of a
The triplets are 1, 2, and 3; and the average = family is 20 years. The youngest member of the family
is 4 years old. At the time of his birth, the average age

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of the rest of the family was N years. What is the The sum of five numbers is 290.The average of the
average age of the family (in terms of N) excluding the first two numbers is 48.5 and the average of last two
youngest member? numbers is 53.5. What is the third number?
Solution Sum of ages of all the members of the family
= 100 (b)84
Sum of ages of all the members of the family excluding (c)96
the youngest number = 100 − 4 = 96 (d)108
Hence, average age of all the members of the family (e) None of these
excluding the youngest number = 96/4 = 24 = N
The average age of the family(in terms of N) excluding Q4.
the youngest member = N + 4
The average weight of a group of 53 girls was
3. Average Involving Number System calculated as 58 kg. It was later discovered that the
Average of 1st n consecutive natural numbers weight of one of the girls was read as 65 kg. Whereas
her actual weight was 45 kg. What is the actual
= average weight of the group of 53 girls? (rounded off
For example, the average of 1st five natural numbers to two digits after decimal)
=3 (a) 58.62 kg.
The average of 1st n consecutive even natural (b) 58.37 kg.
numbers = n + 1 (c) 57.37 kg.
Sum of 1st n consecutive even natural numbers = (d) 57.62 kg.
n(n + 1) (e) None of these
For example, the average of 1st five even natural
numbers = 6
The average of 1st n consecutive odd natural Q5.
numbers = n The average marks in Science subject of a class of 20
Sum of 1st n consecutive odd natural numbers = students is 68. If the marks of two students were
n2 misread as 48 and 65 of the actual marks 72 and 61
For example, the average of 1st five odd natural respectively, then what would be the correct average?
numbers = 5 (a)68.5
Q1. (d)70
The average of 5 numbers is 306.4. The average of the (e)66
first two numbers is 431 and the average of the last
two numbers is 214.5.What is the third number? Q6.
(a)108 The average age of the family of five members is 24. If
(b)52 the present age of youngest member is 8 years, then
(c)321 what was the average age of the family at the time of
(d)Cannot be determined the birth of the youngest member?
(e)None of these (a) 20 years
(b) 16 years
Q2. (c) 12 years
Kamlesh bought 65 books for Rs. 1,050 from one shop (d) 18 years
and 50 books for Rs. 1,020 from another. What is the (e) 21 years
average price he paid per book?
(a)36.4 Q7.
(b)Rs. 18.20 The average of 5 numbers is 65. The average of the
(c)Rs. 24 first two numbers is 81 and the average of the last two
(d)18 numbers is 38. What is the third number?
(e) None of these (a)63
Q3. (c)99
(d)Cannot be determined
(e)None of these
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Q8. (b)72
The total marks obtained by a student in Physics, (c)56
Chemistry and Mathematics together are 120 more (d)64
than the marks obtained by him in Chemistry. What is (e)None of these
the average marks obtained by him in Physics and
Mathematics together? Q13.
(a)60 The average weight of 45 students in a class was
(b)120 calculated as 36 kg. It was later found that the weight
(c)40 of two students in the class was wrongly calculated.
(d)Cannot be determined The actual weight of one of the boys in the class was
(e)None of these 32 kg but it was calculated as 34 kg and the weight of
another boy in the class was 45 kg whereas it was
Q9. calculated as 40 kg. What is the actual average weight
The average age of 80 boys in a class is 15 years, The of the 45 students in the class? (Rounded off to two-
average age of a group of 15 boys in the class is 16 digits after decimal),
years and the average age of another 25 boys in the (a)36.07 kg.
class is 14 years. What is the average age of the (b)36.16 kg.
remaining boys in the class? (c)35.84 kg.
(a) 15.25 years (d)Cannot be determined
(b) 14 years (e)None of these
(c)14.75 years
(d)Cannot be determined Q14.
(e)None of these Seema's present age is four times her son's present
age and four-seventh of her father’s present age. The
Q10. average of the present age of all three of them is 32
The average age of seven boys sitting in a row facing years. What is the difference between the Seema’s
North is 26 years. If the average age of first three boys son's present age and Seema's father's present age?
is 19 years and the average age of last three boys is 32 (a)44 years
years, what is the age of the boy who is sitting in (b)48 years
middle of the row? (c)46 years
(a)28 years (d)Cannot be determined
(b) 29 years (e)None of these
(c) 24 years
(d) 31 years Q15.
(e) None of these The sum of eight consecutive even numbers of set-A
is 376. What is the sum of different set of five
Q11. consecutive numbers whose lowest number is 15
Ram's present age is three times his son's present age more than the mean of set-A ?
and two-fifth of his father's present age. The average (a)296
of the present age of all of them is 46 years. What is (b)320
the difference between the Ram’s son’s present age (c)324
and Ram's father's present age? (d)284
(a) 68 years (e) None of these
(b)88 years
(c)58 years Q16.
(d)Cannot be determined 16. Average score of Rahul, Manish and Suresh is 63.
(e)None of these Rahul's score is 15 less than Ajay and 10 more than
Manish. If Ajay scored 30 marks more than the
Q12. average score of Rahul, Manish and Suresh, what is
The average, of five numbers is 56. If the average of the sum of Manish’s and Suresh’s scores ?
first four numbers is 54, what is the value of the fifth (a)120
number? (b)111
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(c)117 (b)2400
(d)Cannot be determined (c)2600
(e)None of these (d)2808
(e)None of these
The sum of 8 consecutive odd numbers is 656. Also Q22.
average of four consecutive even numbers is 87. What The average height of 27 persons was recorded as 162
is the sum of the smallest odd number and second cm. If the height of Shreya was deleted from the
largest even number? observation, the average height reduced by 1 cm.
(a)165 What was Shreya's height?
(b)175 (a)184 cm.
(c)163 (b)226 cm.
(d)Cannot be determined (c)179 cm.
(e)None of these (d)186 cm.
(e)None of these
The average marks in English subject of a class of 24 Q23.
students are 56. If the marks of three students were The average of the 9 consecutive positive integers is
misread as 44, 45 and 61 of the actual marks 48, 59 63. The product of the largest and smallest integer is
and 67 respectively, then what would be the correct (a)3935
average? (b)3953
(a)56 (c)3853
(b)55 (d)3835
(c)57.5 (e)3635
(e) None of these Q24.
The present age of Romila is one fourth of that of her
Q19. father. After 6 years the father’s age will be twice the
The average age of some males and 15 females is 18 age of Kapil. If Kapil celebrated fifth birth day 8 years
years. The sum of the ages of 15 females is 240 years ago, What is Romila’s present age ?
and average age of males is 20years. Find the number (a) 7 years
of males. (b) 7.5 years
(a)8 (c) 8 years
(b)7 (d) 8.5 years
(c)10 (e) None of these
(e) None of these Q25.
The average height of 16 students is 142 cm. If the
Q20. height of the teacher is included, the average height
The sum of the present ages of P and Q is 25 years increases by 1 cm. The height of the teacher is
more than the age of R. The present age of Q is 5 years (a) 156 cm
more than that of R. Find the present age of P. (b) 159 cm
(a) 20 years (c) 158 cm
(b) 25 years (d) 157 cm
(c) 21 years (e) 159.5 cm
(d) 22 years
(e) None of these Q26.
There are three positive numbers, 1/3 of average of
Q21. all the three numbers is 8 less than the value of the
The average of four consecutive even numbers P, Q, R highest number. Average of the lowest and the second
and S respectively (in increasing order) is 51. What is lowest number is 8. Which is the highest number ?
the product of P and R? (a)11
(a)2592 (b)14
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(c)10 (c)60
(d)9 (d)Data inadequate
(e)13 (e)None of these

Q27. Q32.
X’s age 3 years ago was three times the present age of In Arun's opinion his weight is greater than 65 kg but
Y. At present, Z’s age is twice the age of Y. Also Z is 12 less than 72 kg. His brother does not agree with Arun
years younger than X. What is the present age of Z ? and he thinks that Arun's weight is greater than 60 kg
(a) 15 years but less than 70 kg. His mother’s view is that his
(b) 24 years weight cannot be greater than 68 kg. If all of them are
(c) 12 years correct in their estimation, what is the average of
(d) 6 years different probably weights of Arun?
(e) 18 years (a)69 kg
(b)67 kg
Q28. (c)68 kg
Average score of a class of 50 students, in an exam is (d)Data inadequate
34. Average score of the students who have passed is (e)None of these
52 and the average score of students who have, failed
is 16. How many students have failed in the exam ? Q33.
(a)25 Average weight of three boys P,T and R is 54-1/3 kg
(b)20 while the average weight of three boys T, F and G is 53
(c)15 kg. What is the average weight of P, T, R, F and H?
(d)18 (a)53.8 kg
(e)30 (b)52.4 kg
(c)53.2 kg
Q29. (d)Data inadequate
The average speed of a car is 5/7 th of that of a bus. (e)None of these
The bus covers 750 km. in 10 hours. How much
distance (in km) will the car cover in 7 hours ? Q34.
(a)375 The difference between the present age of Arun and
(b)285 Deepak is 14 years. Seven years ago the ratio of their
(c)365 ages was 5:7 respectively. What is Deepak's present
(d)295 age?
(e) None of these (a) 49 years
(b) 42 years
Q30. (c) 63 years
The average of the age of Sumit, Krishna and Rishabh (d) 35 years
is 43 years and the average of the age of Sumit, (e) None of these
Rishabh and Rohit is 49 years. If Rohit is 54 years old,
what is Krishna’s age? Q35.
(a)45 years The average age of 80 girls was 20 years, the average
(b)24 years age of 20 of them was 22 years and that of another 20
(c)36 years was 24 years. Find the average age of the remaining
(d)Cannot be determined girls.
(e)None of these (a) 17 years
(b) 19 years
Q31. (c) 21 years
Of the three numbers, the average of the first and the (d) 15 years
second is greater than the average of the second and (e) None of these
the third by 15. What is the difference between the
first and the third of the three numbers? Q36.
(a)15 In a Zumba class, the average age of all the members
(b)45 was 43.5 years, I0 members left the class and 6 new
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members joined. If the average age increased by 2 There are 14 members in a yoga training centre. Four
years and the total age decreased by 110, what was members of it leave and 6 new members join the
the number of members in the class initially? centre. As a result, the average age of the members of
(a)34 the centre decreases by 5 years and the sum of all
(b)36 members also decreases by 20 years. What is the new
(c)32 average age of the members ?
(d)40 (a) 28 years
(e)30 (b) 27 years
(c) 25 years
Q37. (d) 29 years
The number of heat wave days in the Indian sub (e) None of these
continent in 1995 was 29 and deaths due to heat wave
were 406. What was the average of deaths per heat Q40.
wave day in 1995? The mean temperature of Monday to Wednesday was
(a)12 37C and of Tuesday to Thursday was 34 C. If the
(b)13 temperature on Thursday was 4/5th that of Monday,
(c)14 then what was the temperature on Thursday?
(d)15 (a)36.5
(e)None of these (b)36
Q38. (d)34
The age of Jaya 10 years ago is equal to Simaran’s (e)None of these
present age. The sum of Jaya’s age 8 years hence from
today and Simaran’s age 12 years ago is 90 years. Q41.
What was the age of Komal 13 years ago from now if Three years ago the average age of A and B was 18
Komal is 9 years younger than Simaran ? years . While C joining them now , the average become
(a) 42 years 22 years .How old is C now?
(b) 33 years (a)24
(c) 20 years (b)27
(d) 22 years (c)28
(e) None of these (d)30
(e)None of these

1e 2d 3e 4d 5b 6b
7b 8a 9a 10 b 11 e 12 d
13 a 14 b 15 b 16 b 17 c 18 e
19 d 20 a 21 e 22 e 23 b 24 b
25 b 26 a 27 e 28 a 29 a 30 e
31 c 32 d 33 d 34 e 35 a 36 b
37 c 38 c 39 c 40 b 41 a

Detailed exaplanations = 290 – 2 × 48.5 – 2 × 53.5

1.(5) According to the question, = 290 – 97 – 107 = 86
Sum of five numbers = 5 × 3.6.4 4.(4) Actual weight of 53 girls
= 1532 = 53 × 58 + 45 – 65
∴ Third number = 3074 + 45 – 65 = 3054 kg
= 1532 – 2 × 431 - 2 × 214.5 ∴ Required actual average weight
= 1532 – 862 – 429 = 241 = 3054/53 = 57.62 kg.
2.(4) Required average Or
= (1050 + 1020)/(65 + 50) Decrease in weight = 65 – 45
= 2070/115 = Rs. 18 = 20 kg
3.(5) Third number ∴ Required actual average weight

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= 3054/53 = 57.62 kg = 4x years

Or ∴ Seema’s father’s present age
Decrease in weight = 65 – 45 = 20 kg = 4x × 7/4 = 7x years
∴ Required actual average weight Now x + 4x + 7x = 32 × 3
= (58 – 20/53) kg = 57.62 = 12x = 96
5.(2) Difference of marks x = 96/12 = 8
= 72 + 61 – 48 – 65 = 20 ∴ Required difference
∴ Correct average marks = 7x – x = 6x
= 68 + 20/20 = 69 = 6 × 8 = 48 years
6.(2) Total age of 5 member family = 24 × 5 = 120 years 15.(2) Mean of set A = 376/8 = 47
Total age 8 years ago The lowest number off second set
= 120 – 5 × 8 = 80 years = 47 + 15 = 62
∴ Required average age ∴ Required sum = 62 + 63 + 64 + 65 + 66 = 320
= 80/5 = 16 years 16.(2) Ajay’s score = 63 + 30 = 93
7.(2) The third number . ∴ Rahul’s score = 93 – 15 = 78
= 5 × 65 – 2 × 81 - 2 × 38 ∴ Sum of Manish’s and Suresh’s scores
= 325 – 162 – 76 = 87 = 3 × 63 – 78 = 189 – 78 = 111
8.(1) According to question. 17.(3) Average of 8 consecutive odd numbers = 656/8
P + C + M = 120 + C = 82
P + M = 120 ∴ Fourth number = 82 – 1 = 81
Average = 120/2 = 60 ∴ First number = 75
9.(1) (Tricky Approach) Average of 4 even numbers = 87
Let the required average be x years ∴ Second even number
then 80 × 15 = 15 × 16 + 25 × 14 + 40 × x = 87 – 1 = 86
= 40x = 1200 – 240 – 350 = 610 Second largest even number = 88
∴ x = 610/40 = 15.25 years ∴ Required sum = 75 + 88 = 163
18.(5) Difference = 48 + 59 + 67 – 44 – 45 – 61 = 24
10.(2) Age of the fourth boy ∴ Correct average
= (26 × 7 – 3 × 19 – 3 × 32) years = 56 + 24/24 = 57
= (182 – 57 - 96) years 19.(4) Let the number of males be x,
= 29 years ∴ 18 = (x × 20 + 240)/(x + 15)
11.(5) (Tricky approach) = 18x + 270 = 20x + 240
Let Present age of Ram’s son = x years = 20x – 18 = 270 – 240
∴ Ram’s present age = 3x years = 2x = 30
Ram’s father’s present age x = 30/2 = 15
= 15/2 years 20.(1) P + Q = R + 25 ……. (i)
∴ x + 3x + 15x/2 = 46 × 3 Q = R + 5 …………… (ii)
= 23x = 46 × 3 × 2 Subtracting equation (II ) from equation (i)
= x = 12 P + Q – Q = R + 25 – R – 5
∴ Required difference P = 20 years
= 15x/2 years 21.(5) x + x + 2 + x + 4 + x + 6
∴ x + 3x + 15x/2 = 46 × 3 = 4 × 51
= 23x = 46 × 3 × 2 = 4x + 12 = 204
= x = 12 = 4x = 204 – 12 = 192
∴ Required difference x = 192/4 = 48 = P
= 15x/2 – x = 13x/2 ∴ R = 48 + 4 = 52
= (13 × 12)/2 ∴ P × R = 48 × 52 = 2496
= 78 years 22.(5) [Tricky approach]
12.(4) Fifth number Height of shreyas
= 5 × 56 – 4 × 54 = 162 + 26 = 188 cm
= 280 – 216 = 64 23.(2) Average of 9 consecutive positive integers = 63
13.(1) Actual weight of all the students ∴ Fifth number = 63
= 36 × 45 – 34 + 32 – 40 + 45 ∴ Smallest number = 59
= 1620 + 3 = 1623 kg Largest number = 67
∴ Actual average weight ∴ Required product
= 1623/45 = 36.07 kg. = 59 × 57 = 3953
14.(2) Let Seema’s son’s present age 24.(2) Kapil’s present age = 12 years
= x years After 6 year’s Kapil’s age = 18 years
∴ Seema’s present age. ∴ Father’s present age = 36 – 3


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= 30 years Brother’s opinion:

∴ Romila’s present age 60 < W < 70
= ¼ × 30 = 7.5 years Mother’s opinion:
25.(2) [Tricky approach] W ≤ 68 or W 68 ≤
Height of teacher 33.(4) We are to determine the average weight of P,T, R,
= (142 + 17) cm F and H.
= 159 Obviously, this can’t be determined as we don’t know the
26.(1) Let the numbers be: weight of H.
a<b<c 34.(5) Seven years ago, let Arun’s and Deepak’s age be
According to the question, 5x and 7x years respectively.
(a + b +c)/(3 × 3) = c – 8 ∴ Arun’s present age
= a + b + c = 9c – 72 ………. (i) = (5x + 7) Years
Again, a + b = 16 Deepak’s present age
∴ 16 + c = 9c – 72 = (7x + 7) Years
= 9c – c = 72 + 16 According the question,
= 8c = 88 7x + 7 – 5x – 7 = 14
= c = 11 = 2x = 14
27.(5) Y’s present age = y year (let) x = 14/2 = 7
∴ X’s present age = (3y + 3) years ∴ Deepak’s present age = 7x + 7
∴ Z’s present age = 2y years = 7 × 7 + 7 = 56 years
According to the question, 35.(1) Total age of remaining 40 girls
3y + 3 – 2y = 12 = (80 × 20 – 20 × 22 – 20 × 24) years
y + 3 = 12 = (1600 – 440 - 480) years
= y = 12 – 3 = 9 years = 680 years
∴ Z’s present age = 2y ∴ Required average age
=2×9 = 680/40 = 17 years
= 18 years 36.(2) Original number of members in the class = x (let)
28.(1) Number of failure in the exam = x (let) Total age of these members = 43.5x years
∴ Number of successful students = 50 – x Total age of (x - 4) members
According to the question, = (43.5x – 110 years)
52(50 - x) + 16x = 50 × 34 According to the question,
= 2600 – 52x + 16x = 1700 43.5x – 110 = (x- 4) × 45.5
= 2600 – 36x = 1700 = 43.5x – 110 = 45.5x – 182
36x = 2600 – 1700 = 900 = 45.5x – 43.5x = 182 – 110
x = 900/36 = 25 = 2x = 72
29.(1) Average speed of bus = x = 72/2 = 36
= Total distance / total time
= 750 / 10 = 75 kmph
∴ Speed of car = 5/7 × 75 =
375/7 kmph
∴ Distance covered by car in 7 hours
= Speed × Time
= 375/7 × 7 = 375 km
30.(3) (Sumit + Krishna + Rishabh)’s age
= 43 × 3 = 129 years ………. (i)
(Sumit + Rishabh + Rohit)’s age
= 3 × 48 = 147 years ………….. (ii)
By equation (i) – (ii), we have
Krishna’s age = Rohit’s age
= 129 – 147 = - 18
= Krishna’s age = 54 – 18
= 36 years

31.(5) Let the three numbers be x,y and z,

then (x + y)/2 - (y + z)/2 = 15
= ( x + y – y – z)/2
= 15
= x – z = 30
32.(4) Arun’s opinion : 65 < W < 72


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