Rules - Rules Clarification 4

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Blood Bowl rules clarification 4.0

(From TFF almost official rules FAQ)

Blocking and Blitzing:
Q: If a chainsaw wielding player throws a normal block and knocks both players down, does
he get +3 to the opponents AV-roll?
A: A chainsaw wielding player may not throw a normal block.

Push back's:
Q: May I choose to push an opponent into another player instead of into the crowd?
A: No, you have to push him into the crowd if there are no empty squares available (and he
is standing next to the sidelines).

Movement and Picking Up the Ball

Q: If I am dodging from one square to another square in the same players tackle zone and he
uses diving tackle does I still get -1 for his tackle zone?
A: Yes you do, and also if you re-roll the dodge roll.

Q: How does Stunty work?

A: It ignores tackle zones, so an AG 3 Stunty would make 3+ dodges anywhere. Diving
tackle, Tails, etc still modify the roll.

Q: If I try to pick up the ball and fail but someone else from my team manages to catch it is
it a turnover?
A: A failed pick up is always a turnover no matter where the ball ends up.

Setting Up and Kick Off

Q: When a 10 is rolled on the Kick-Off table, is it possible for the kicking team to enter the
opposing half and catch the ball (classed as a bouncing ball?), or do you count the ball as not
having landed until the end of the blitz turn?
A: The ball doesn't land until after the blitz turn is over.

Q: My opponent fails to catch a Kick-Off that has scattered to the scrimmage line and now
it enters my half, what happens?
A: As soon as the ball leaves the opponents half of the field it is a touchback, both when it
enters your own half or scatters into the crowd.

Misc. Skills, Traits and Secret Weapons

Q: Am I allowed to use more than one bribe to avoid being sent off?
A: Yes, if a bribe fails you may add as many bribes as available and/or needed to convince
the ref to let your player stay in the game using them one at a time until you roll a 2 or more.
Take it as bargaining the price with the ref.

Q: Can I declare the use of Kick after the Kick-Off scatter roll?
Q: Can I declare the use of Mighty Blow after the armour roll?
Q: Can I declare the use of Diving Tackle after the dodge roll?
A: You may always wait until after the dice have rolled before applying a skill, this also
covers Mighty Blow, Diving Tackle, Break Tackle and Kick.
Intercept (p22):
One player on the opposing team may attempt to Intercept a thrown ball. To be able to
attempt it, the player must:
1- have a Tackle Zone (cannot be Bone Headed, or Hypnotized, or ...)
2- the Range Ruler has to pass over (at least) a part of the square of the 'intercepting' player,
3- be closer to the thrower than the thrower is to the target (square/player of the pass),
4- be closer to the target (player/square of the pass) than the thrower is.

Only one player can attempt an interception.

The opposing coach must declare his intention to take the Intercept attempt before the
thrower rolls for the pass.

Take Root (p68.)

After declaring action take Take Root roll. On a 2+ player take his action as normal.
On a 1, the player MA is considered "0" (zero) until drive ends, or player is knocked down.
A 'Rooted' player may not Go-For-It or be pushed back. He may however do all other
actions that do not require him to move.

Take Root (roll sequence):

1. First you have to declare which action the treeman takes.
2. Then you have to roll for Take Root.
3. Now you can spend MA to stand up. As you have no MA, you need a 4+.

Standing Up (p11):
You can stand up at the beginning of an action at a cost of three squares of movement.
If player has less than three squares of movement, he must roll 4+ to stand up. He may not
move further unless he Goes For It.

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