11.deep Learning Applications in Medical Image Analysis-Brain Tumor

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Deep Learning Applications in Medical Image Analysis


The tremendous success of machine learning algorithms at image recognition tasks in

recentyears intersects with a time of dramatically increased use of electronic medical records and
diagnosticimaging. This review introduces the machine learning algorithms as applied to medical
image analysis,focusing on convolutional neural networks, and emphasizing clinical aspects of
the _eld. The advantageof machine learning in an era of medical big data is that signi_cant
hierarchal relationships within thedata can be discovered algorithmically without laborious hand-
crafting of features. We cover key researchareas and applications of medical image classi_cation,
localization, detection, segmentation, and registration.We conclude by discussing research
obstacles, emerging trends, and possible future directions.

INDEX TERMS Convolutional neural networks, medical image analysis, machine learning,
deep learning.


Machine learning algorithms have the potential to be invested deeply in all _elds of
medicine, from drug discovery to clinical decision making, signi_cantly altering the way
medicine is practiced. The success of machine learning algorithms at computer vision tasks in
recent years comes at an opportune time when medical records are increasingly digitalized. The
use of electronic health records (EHR) quadrupled from 11.8% to 39.6% amongst of_ce-based
physicians in the US from 2007 to 2012 [1]. Medical images are an integral part of a patient's
EHR and are currently analyzed by human radiologists, who are limited by speed, fatigue, and
experience. It takes years and great _nancial cost to train a quali_ed radiologist, and some health-
care systems outsource radiology reporting to lower-cost countries such as India via tele-
radiology. A delayed or erroneous diagnosis causes harm to the patient. Therefore, it is ideal for
medicalimage analysis to be carried out by an automated, accurate and ef_cient machine learning


There is a myriad of imaging modalities, and the frequencyof their use is increasing.
Smith-Bindmanet al. [2] lookedat imaging use from 1996 to 2010 across six large
integratedhealthcare systems in the United States, involving30.9 million imaging examinations.
The authors found thatover the study period, CT, MRI and PET usage increased7.8%, 10% and
57% respectively.

The symbolic AI paradigm of the 1970s led to the developmentof rule-based, expert systems.
One early implementationin medicine was the MYCIN system by Shortliffe [3],which suggested
different regimes of antibiotic therapiesfor patients. Parallel to these developments, AI
algorithmsmoved from heuristics-based techniques to manual, handcraftedfeature extraction
techniques. and then to supervisedlearning techniques. Unsupervised machine learning methods
are also being researched, but the majority of the algorithmsfrom 2015-2017 in the published
literature have employedsupervised learning methods,

Currently, CNNs are the most researched machine learningalgorithms in medical image
analysis [4]. The reason for thisis that CNNs preserve spatial relationships when _lteringinput
images. As mentioned, spatial relationships are of crucialimportance in radiology, for example,
in how the edgeof a bone joins with muscle, or where normal lung tissueinterfaces with
cancerous tissue. As shown in Fig. 2., a CNNtakes an input image of raw pixels, and transforms
it viaConvolutional Layers, Recti_ed Linear Unit (RELU) Layersand Pooling Layers. This feeds
into a _nal Fully ConnectedLayer which assigns class scores or probabilities, thus classifyingthe
input into the class with the highest probability.

Detection, sometimes known as Computer-Aided Detection(CADe) is a keen area of

study as missing a lesion on ascan can have drastic consequences for both the patient andthe
clinician. The task for the Kaggle Data Science Bowlof 2017 [64] involved the detection of
cancerous lung noduleson CT lung scans. Approximately 2000 CT scans werereleased for the
competition and the winner Fangzhou [65]achieved a logarithmic loss score of 0.399. Their
solutionused a 3-D CNN inspired by U-Net architecture [19] to isolatelocal patches _rst for
nodule detection. Then this output wasfed into a second stage consisting of 2 fully connected
layersfor classi_cation of cancer probability. Shin et al. [24] evaluated_ve well-known CNN
architectures in detecting thoracoabdominallymph nodes and Interstitial lung disease on
CTscans. Detecting lymph nodes is important as they can be amarker of infection or cancer.
They achieved a mediastinallymph node detection AUC score of 0.95 with a sensitivityof 85%
using GoogLeNet, which was state of the art. Theyalso documented the bene_ts of transfer
learning, and the useof deep learning architectures of up to 22 layers, as opposed tofewer layers
which was the norm in medical image analysis.Overfeat was a CNN pre-trained on natural
images that wonthe ILSVRC 2013 localization task [66]. Ciompiet al. [67]applied Overfeat to 2-
dimensional slices of CT lung scansoriented in the coronal, axial and sagittal planes, to predict
the presence of nodules within and around lung _ssures. Theycombined this approach with
simple SVM and RF binaryclassi_ers, as well as a Bag of Frequencies [68], a novel3-
dimensional descriptor of their own invention.


OS : Windows
Python IDE : python 2.7.x and above
Pycharm IDE,
Anaconda 3.5
Setup tools and pip to be installed for 3.6.x and above


RAM: 4GB and Higher

Processor :Intel i3 and above
Hard Disk: 500GB: Minimum

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