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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8.498,741 B2

Ihrke et al. (45) Date of Patent: Jul. 30, 2013


(75) Inventors: Chris A. Ihrke, Hartland, MI (US); U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS
Lyndon Bridgwater, Houston, TX (US); 3,572,807 A 3, 1971 Haaker et al.
David M. Reich, Huntsville, AL (US); 3,580,099 A 5, 1971 Mosher
Charles W. Wampler, II, Birmingham, 3:33 A 12, Sainter et al.
MI (US); Scott R. Askew, Houston, TX 3,707,963 A 1, 1973 Rhian
(US); Myron A. Diftler, Houston, TX 3,849,668 A 1 1/1974 Dane
(US); Vienny Nguyen, Columbus, OH 3,922,930 A 12/1975 Fletcher et al.
(US s s 4,073,201 A 2/1978 Taylor et al.
(73) Assignees: GM Global Technology Operations, FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
Detroit, MI (US); The United States of DE 3734.179 A1 4, 1989
America as Represented by the EP O190907 A1 8, 1986
Administrator of the National Continued
Aeronautics and Space (Continued)
Administration, Washington, DC (US) OTHER PUBLICATIONS
c Ro
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this botics 2002 1001.htm.
patent is extended or adjusted under 35
U.S.C. 154(b) by 912 days. Primary Examiner — Khoi Tran
Assistant Examiner — Dale Moyer
(21) Appl. No.: 12/564,088 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Quinn Law Group, PLLC
(22) Filed: Sep. 22, 2009 (57) ABSTRACT
A humanoid robot includes a torso, a pair of arms, a neck, a
(65) Prior Publication Data head, a wrist joint assembly, and a control system. The arms
US 2011 FOOT1671 A1 Mar. 24, 2011 and the neck movably extend from the torso. Each of the arms
• 1- is includes a lower armanda hand that is rotatable relative to the
(51) Int. Cl. lower arm. The wrist joint assembly is operatively defined
B25, 17/00 (2006.01) between the lower arm and the hand. The wristjoint assembly
B25J 17/02 (2006.01) includes a yaw axis and a pitch axis. The pitch axis is disposed
GO6F 9/00 (2011.01) in a spaced relationship to the yaw axis such that the axes are
B25.J 18/04 (2006.01) generally perpendicular. The pitch axis extends between the
(52) U.S. Cl yaw axis and the lower arm. The hand is rotatable relative to
USPG 7OO/245:901/21:901/36 the lower arm about each of the yaw axis and the pitch axis.
(58) Field of Classification search s s The control system is configured for determining a yaw angle
and a pitch angle of the wrist joint assembly.
USPC .. 74/490.01-490.15; 700/245-264;901/1-50
See application file for complete search history. 19 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets
US 8,498,741 B2
Page 2

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( a Ya

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US 8,498,741 B2
1. 2
DEXTEROUS HUMANOID ROBOTCWRIST and a control system. The hand is rotatable relative to the
lower arm. The wrist joint assembly is operatively defined
STATEMENT REGARDING FEDERALLY between the lower arm and the hand. The wristjoint assembly
SPONSORED RESEARCH ORDEVELOPMENT includes a yaw axis and a pitch axis. The pitch axis is disposed
in a spaced relationship to the yaw axis such that the axes are
This invention was made with government Support under generally perpendicular. The pitch axis extends between the
NASA Space Act Agreement number SAA-AT-07-003. The yaw axis and the lower arm. The hand is rotatable relative to
government may have certain rights in the invention. the lower arm about each of the yaw axis and the pitch axis.
The control system is configured for determining a yaw angle
TECHNICAL FIELD 10 and a pitch angle of the wrist joint assembly.
In yet another aspect, a humanoid robot includes a torso, a
The present invention relates to a wrist of a humanoid pair of arms, a neck, a head, a wrist joint assembly, and a
robot. control system. The arms movably extend from the torso.
Each of the arms includes a lower arm and a hand that is
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 15 rotatable relative to the lower arm. The neck movably extends
from the torso. The head movably extends from the neck. The
Robots are automated devices that are able to manipulate wrist joint assembly is operatively defined between the lower
objects using a series of rigid links, which in turn are inter arm and the hand. The wrist joint assembly includes a yaw
connected via articulations or motor-driven robotic joints. axis and a pitch axis. The pitch axis is disposed in a spaced
Each jointina typical robot represents an independent control relationship to the yaw axis such that the axes are generally
variable, also referred to as a degree of freedom (DOF). perpendicular. The pitch axis extends between the yaw axis
End-effectors are the particular links used for performing a and the lower arm. The hand is rotatable relative to the lower
task at hand, e.g., grasping a work tool oran object. Therefore, arm about each of the yaw axis and the pitch axis. The control
precise motion control of a robot may be organized by the system is configured for determining a yaw angle and a pitch
level of task specification: object level control, i.e., the ability 25 angle of the wrist joint assembly.
to control the behavior of an object held in a single or coop The above features and advantages and other features and
erative grasp of a robot, end-effector control, and joint level advantages of the present invention are readily apparent from
control. Collectively, the various control levels cooperate to the following detailed description of the best modes for car
achieve the required robotic mobility, dexterity, and work rying out the invention when taken in connection with the
task-related functionality. 30 accompanying drawings.
Humanoid robots in particular are robots having an
approximately human structure or appearance, whether a full BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
body, a torso, and/or an appendage, with the structural com
plexity of the humanoid robot being largely dependent upon FIG. 1 is a schematic perspective illustration of a dexterous
the nature of the work task being performed. The use of 35 humanoid robot and in accordance with the invention;
humanoid robots may be preferred where direct interaction is FIG. 2 is a schematic perspective illustration of an upper
required with devices or systems that are specifically made arm for the dexterous humanoid robot of FIG. 1;
for human use. Due to the wide spectrum of work tasks that FIG.3 is a schematic perspective illustration of a lower arm
may be expected of a humanoid robot, different control for the dexterous humanoid robot of FIGS. 1 and 2:
modes may be simultaneously required. For example, precise 40 FIG. 4 is a schematic illustration of a back view of the lower
control must be applied within the different spaces noted arm for the dexterous humanoid robot of FIGS. 1 and 3 having
above, as well control over the applied torque or force, links for moving a hand;
motion, and the various grasp types. FIG. 4A is an enlarged schematic illustration of a link for
In order to approximate human movement each major joint the lower arm for the dexterous humanoid robot of FIGS. 1,3
within the robot, Such as waist or arm joints, requires at least 45 and 4:
one actuator for each DOF. However, in a multi-fingered FIG. 5 is a schematic graphical illustration representing
hand, it may be advantageous to drive some combinations of yaw and pitch angles of a wrist joint assembly of the lower
finger joints from a common actuator, so that there are fewer arm for the dexterous humanoid robot of FIGS. 1, 3, and 4:
actuators than finger joints. Nevertheless, a highly dexterous FIG. 6 is a schematic illustration of a back of the lower arm
hand will have a plurality of actuators, perhaps as many as a 50 for the dexterous humanoid robot of FIGS. 1 and 3 having an
dozen or more, to enable a variety of grasp configurations and alternate embodiment of the links for moving the hand; and
fine manipulation of grasped objects. Additionally, these FIG. 7 is a schematic perspective illustration of another
actuators must be packaged in an arrangement that approxi alternate embodiment of the links for moving the hand of
mately represents human structure and appearance. FIG. 6.
Accordingly, a wrist joint assembly is provided herein that
is operatively defined between a lower arm and a hand of a With reference to the drawings, wherein like reference
humanoid dexterous robot. The wristjoint assembly includes 60 numbers refer to the same or similar components throughout
a yaw axis and a pitch axis. The pitch axis is disposed in a the several views, FIG. 1 shows a dexterous humanoid robot
spaced relationship to the yaw axis such that the axes are 10 adapted to perform one or more tasks with multiple
generally perpendicular. The pitch axis extends between the degrees of freedom (DOF).
yaw axis and the lower arm. The hand is rotatable relative to The humanoid robot 10 may include a head 12, torso 14,
the lower arm about each of the yaw axis and the pitch axis. 65 waist 15, arms 16, hands 18, fingers 19, and thumbs 21, with
In another aspect, an arm assembly of a humanoid dexter the various joints being disposed within or therebetween. A
ous robot includes a lower arm, a hand, a wristjoint assembly, power supply 13 may be integrally mounted to the robot 10,
US 8,498,741 B2
3 4
e.g., a rechargeable battery pack carried or worn on the back elbow joint L1, and the second elbow joint L2 perform the
of the torso 14 or another Suitable energy Supply, to provide movements that represent the movements a human elbow can
Sufficient electrical energy to the various joints for movement perform. Rotation of the first elbow joint L1 about a first
of the same. elbow axis B1 causes the upper arm 22, below the elbow joint
According to one embodiment, the robot 10 is configured 5 assembly (arrow B) to bend and straighten. Additionally,
with a plurality of independently and interdependently rotation of the second elbow joint L2 about a second elbow
moveable robotic joints, such as but not limited to a shoulder axis B2 causes the upper arm 22, below the elbow joint
joint assembly (arrow A), an elbow joint assembly (arrow B), assembly (arrow B) to rotate axially, i.e. rotation of the second
a wristjoint assembly (arrow C), a neck joint assembly (arrow elbow joint L2 about the second elbow axis B2 rotates the
D), and a waist joint assembly (arrow E), as well as the 10 lower arm 24 and hand 18 (FIG. 1) to face palm up or down.
various finger joint assemblies (arrow F) positioned between FIG.3 illustrates the lower arm 24, including the wristjoint
the phalanges of each robotic 10 finger 19. assembly (arrow C), the hand 18, the fingers 19, and thumb
Each robotic joint may have one or more DOF. For 21. The lower arm 24 includes a plurality of finger 19 (and
example, certain joints such as the shoulder joint assembly thumb 21) actuators 26 and a plurality of wrist actuators 28.
(arrow A) and elbow joint assembly (arrow B) may have at 15 Additionally, a plurality of electronics 30 configured for con
least two DOF in the form of pitch and roll. Likewise, the neck trolling the finger actuators 26 and the wrist actuators 28 are
joint assembly (arrow D) may have at least three DOF, while also supported on the lower arm 24. The lower arm 24 is
the waist and wrist assemblies (arrows E and C, respectively) attached to a load cell 32 which is used to connect the lower
may have one or more DOF. Depending on task complexity, arm 24 with the upper arm 22.
the robot 10 may move with over 40 DOF. Although not The wrist joint assembly (arrow C) is disposed between the
shown in FIG. 1 for simplicity, each robotic joint in the waist hand 18 and a lower arm 24. The wrist joint assembly (arrow
(arrow E), neck (arrow D), and arms (arrows A and B) con C) is configured with a large range of motion, typically
tains and is driven by one or more actuators, e.g., joint motors, described in terms of a pitch axis C1 and a yaw axis C2. The
linear actuators 38, rotary actuators, and the like. Fingerjoints pitch axis C1 is disposed in a spaced relationship to the yaw
(arrow F) are also driven by actuators 26, but it may be 25 axis C2 such that the axes are generally perpendicular. More
advantageous to mechanically couple some finger 19 motions specifically, the pitch axis C1 is positioned between the yaw
so that in Some cases one actuator 26 may drive several finger axis C2 and the lower arm 24 such that the pitch axis C1 and
joints (arrow F). If the finger joints (arrow F) are driven by the yaw axis C2 do not intersect. Likewise, the yaw axis C2 is
tendons 34, which can only pull and cannot push, return positioned between the pitch axis C1 and the hand 18. The
motion requires either spring loading or an additional return 30 fingers and the thumb 21 require multiple actuators (not
tendon 34 with its own actuator 26. shown) to provide power and positional control. For example,
The arm 16 is divided into an upper arm 22 and a lower arm a single finger might have four or five joints which need to be
(or forearm) 24. The upper arm 22 extends from the shoulder independently controllable. In some designs, a palm of the
joint assembly (arrow A) to the elbow joint assembly (arrow hand 18 may have additional motion capability to conform to
B). Extending from the elbow joint (arrow B) is the lower arm 35 the shape of an object being grasped. At the same time, to
24, hands 18, fingers 19, and thumbs 21. For the purpose of facilitate the hand 18 reaching into constricted areas, it is
simplification, as described herein, the upward direction is desirable that the hand 18 has a slim profile. To accomplish
toward the head 12 and the downward direction is toward the this, it may be preferable to locate the actuators in the forearm
waist 15. and to transmit mechanical power to the hand 18 via tendons
Referring to FIG. 2, the upper arm 22 is illustrated. 40 or other such slender transmission elements 34. Such a hand
Although only one upper arm 22 for the arms 16 is shown, 18 is sometimes said to be “extrinsically actuated in contrast
both the left and the right arms 16 operate in the same manner to “intrinsically actuated' hands 18 that contain their own
as described below. The upper arm 22 has a shoulder joint actuators. With four or five fingers 19 and thumbs 21, each
assembly (arrow A) that includes a first shoulder joint S1 having up to five degrees of freedom, the hand 18 may easily
providing a first DOF, and second shoulderjoint S2 providing 45 require a dozen or more actuators. In order to package the
a second DOF, and a third shoulder joint S3 providing a third required number of actuators in an intrinsically actuated hand
degree of freedom. Together the first through third shoulder 18, Smaller actuators are used. As a result, the intrinsically
joints S1, S2, S3 perform the movements that represent the actuated hands 18 typically become too bulky, too slow, and/
movements a human shoulder can perform. Specifically, rota or too weak to perform the required dexterous work.
tion of the first shoulderjoint S1 about a first shoulder axis A1 50 The wrist joint assembly (arrow C) for a dexterous robot 10
moves a second shoulder axis A2 for the second shoulder joint with an extrinsically actuated hand 18 is configured to pro
S2 into a desired position. Based upon the position of the first vide a large range of pitch motion, about the pitch axis C1, and
shoulder joint S1, rotation of the second shoulder joint S2 a wide range of yaw motion, about the yaw axis C2. Addi
about the second shoulder axis A2 then moves the arm 16 up tionally, the wrist joint assembly is configured to be slender,
and down relative to the torso 14, or forward and backward 55 i.e., have a slim profile, such that the hand 18 and the wrist
relative to the torso 14. The third shoulder joint S3 rotates the joint assembly may perform dexterous work in constricted
upper arm 22 about a third shoulder axis A3. Rotation of the areas. The wristjoint assembly defines a pass-through36, i.e.,
third shoulder joint S3 rotates the upper arm 22 axially, i.e. an open space, which is configured to accommodate the trans
rotation of the third shoulder joint S3 rotates the elbow joint mission elements 34 that connect the actuators in the forearm
assembly (arrow B) to face upwards or downwards. There 60 to the joints in the hand 18 and/or fingers. When the trans
fore, together the first shoulder joint S1, the second shoulder mission elements 34 are tendons, which are configured to
joint S2, and the third shoulder joint S3 form the motions of a only pull, not push, it may be desirable to provide antagonistic
shoulder joint assembly (arrow A). actuators (not shown) to maintain tension in the system. The
The upper arm 22 also includes an elbow joint assembly wrist joint assembly (arrow C) also needs to be configured to
(arrow B) which includes a first elbow joint L1 and a second 65 be sufficiently strong and operate with sufficient speed to
elbow joint L2. The first elbow joint L1 and second elbow Support the hand 18 doing useful work, when compared to
joint L2 each provide a degree of freedom. Together the first humans.
US 8,498,741 B2
5 6
Referring to FIGS. 4 and 4A, the wristjoint assembly must thumb side 44, and the other socket portion 50 may extend
also be actuated to achieve the yaw and pitch rotations about from the hand 18, near the pinky side 48. The ball portions 52
the respective yaw and pitch axes C2, C1. A pair of linear of each link 40 are in engagement with one of the Socket
actuators 38 are slidably disposed in the lower arm 24 in a portions 50 of the hand 18 and of the corresponding linear
spaced relationship and are generally parallel to one another. actuator 38 such that the link 40 articulates relative to the
A link 40 operatively interconnects a respective one of the respective socket portion 50. Each socket portion 50 includes
pair of linear actuators 38 and the hand 18. The links 40 are a base portion 56 and a pair of flange portions 58. The pair of
operatively interconnected to the linear actuator 38 and the flange portions 58 extend from the base portion 56 in spaced
wrist via ball joints 42. The links 40 extend in spaced rela relationship to define a socket opening 60 therebetween. The
tionship and are generally parallel to one another. The linear 10 socket opening 60 is configured to receive the respective ball
actuators 38 operatively connect the forearm to the hand 18 to portion 52. A slit 62 is defined between edges 64 of the pair of
achieve the motion of rotation of the hand 18 about the yaw flange portions 58. The slit 62 is configured such that a portion
and pitch axes C2, C1, relative to the lower arm 24. Each of the rod portion 54 of the respective link 40 movably passes
linear actuator 38 is configured to provide a long linear travel therebetween when articulating the wrist joint assembly (ar
range to rotate the wrist about the yaw and/or pitch axis C2, 15 row C). The base portion 56 is configured to extend from
C1, at a sufficient speed and force. In a preferred embodiment, either the linear actuator 38 or the hand 18. The ball joints 42
the linear travel range of the linear actuator 38 is about 100 may be optimized for the wrist joint assembly (arrow C).
mm, the speed is about 80 mm/s, and the force ranges from Referring again to FIG. 5, since the angle P of the pitch
about 320 N to about 1320N, continuous. Two of the linear motion is over twice as large as the angle Y of the yaw motion,
actuators 38 may be coupled with a desired kinematic the socket opening 60 of the socket portion 50 of the ball joint
arrangement to result in a wrist speed of about 120 degrees/ 42 is elongated in the pitch direction, i.e., as the hand 18
second about the pitch and yaw axes C1, C2; a peak torque of rotates about the pitch axis C1, to facilitate insertion of the
about 200 Nm about the pitch axis C1 and of about 150 Nm respective ball portion 52 during assembly of the ball joint 42.
about the yaw axis C2; and a continuous wrist torque of about The base portion 56 also presents a contact surface 66. The
25 Nm about each of the pitch and yaw axes C1, C2. 25 contact surface 66 may be a face of a screw that retracts to
The wrist joint assembly is configured such that the rela allow insertion of the ball portion 52 into the socket portion
tion between the displacement of the linear actuators 38 in the 50. The screw may then be screwed toward the ball portion 52
forearm and the resulting pitch and yaw of the wrist joint to Snug the ball portion 52 into a backlash-free contact
assembly (arrow C) are nonlinearly coupled and depend on a between the ball portion 52 and the screw face. The surface of
geometric placement of the ball joints 42 in the palm, the 30 the screw face and any interior contact regions of the Socket
location of a line of actuation of the linear actuators 38 in the portion 50 may be machined to the same spherical radius as
forearm, and the geometric relation of the linear actuators 38 the ball portion 52 to provide a good spherical constraint that
to the pitch and yaw joints. Referring to FIG. 5, a graphical spreads contact stresses evenly. Providing a good spherical
representation of the angles PY of rotation about the yaw and constraint between the ball portion 52 and the socket portion
pitch joints that were derived from a mathematical analysis 35 50, allows high actuation forces to be transmitted to the wrist
(described in more detail below) is shown at 43. By takingfull joint assembly. In the present embodiment, the ball joints 42
advantage of all these geometric parameters, FIG. 5 shows may be configured to exert a force to the wrist joint assembly
that the wrist joint assembly (arrow C) can achieve a large (arrow C) that are in excess of 530 N (120lbf) in push or pull,
range of pitch motion, i.e., approximately 140 degrees of total without dislocating the connection between the links 40 and
travel, and a large range of yaw motion, i.e., approximately 60 40 the ball joints 42.
degrees of total travel. Singularity-free operation with good Each linear actuator 38 is configured for independent linear
conditioning for maintaining a near uniform accuracy and movement, relative to the lower arm 24. Therefore, the link 40
strength throughout the operating workspace of the hand 18 that corresponds to the respective linear actuator 38 also
and/or the wrist joint assembly (arrow C) may also be moves in response to movement of the linear actuator 38. As
achieved with this configuration of the wrist joint assembly 45 a result of movement of the link 40, the hand 18 moves (i.e.,
(arrow C). Referring again to FIG. 5, asymmetric travel about rotates) about at least one of the yaw and pitch axes C2, C1.
the yaw axis C2 is provided, i.e., approximately -15 degrees While the linear actuators 38 are configured to move inde
to approximately 45 degrees, because the thumb side 44 of the pendently, whether the hand 18 rotates about the yaw axis C2,
hand 18 precludes travel to one side, due to what would the pitch axis C1, or the yaw and pitch axes C2, C1 simulta
otherwise be a collision of the thumb 21 and a support struc 50 neously is determined by the relative movement of the linear
ture 46 for the thumb 21 of the hand 18 with the lower arm 24, actuators 38. More specifically, the linear actuators 38 are
while allowing the hand 18 to rotate more toward a pinky side configured to move in the same direction at approximately the
48 of the hand 18. It should be appreciated that this asymme same speed to rotate the hand 18 about only the pitch axis C1
try mimics the motion of the human wrist, which is subject to and the linear actuators 38 are configured to move in opposing
the same rotational constraints about the yaw axis C2. As a 55 directions at approximately the same speed to rotate the hand
result, a slender wrist joint assembly (arrow C) is achieved. 18 only about the yaw axis C2. Therefore, the linear actuators
To accommodate the large range of motion, while main 38 are configured to rotate the hand 18 about the pitch and
taining good strength, the wrist joint assembly (arrow C) yaw axes C1, C2 simultaneously by moving both of the linear
includes a plurality of the ball joints 42. Each of the ball joints actuators 38 at different speeds relative to one another.
42 includes a socket portion 50 and a ball portion 52. Each 60 It should be understood that due to the spatial geometry of
link 40 includes a rod portion 54 and one of the ball portions the wrist and particularly due to its asymmetric geometry, the
52 extends from opposing ends of the respective rod portion precise relationship between linear actuator's 38 speeds and
54. One of the socket portions 50 operatively extends from a the resulting pitch and yaw angle speeds is nonlinear. Such
respective one of the linear actuators 38. Additionally, a pair nonlinearities are observable in FIG. 5, where the solid
of the socket portions 50 operatively extends from the hand 65 curved lines represent motion in which one of the linear
18. More specifically, one of the other socket portions 50 may actuators 38 moves while the other is stationary and the
extend from the support structure 46 on the hand 18, near the dashed curved lines represent motion in which the roles of the
US 8,498,741 B2
7 8
two linear actuators 38 is reversed. For any pair of pitch and centers at either end of a push-pull link 40 may then be
yaw angles (PY), the corresponding displacements of the calculated to reveal a deflected length of the corresponding
linear actuators 38 is determined by the intersection of a solid link 40.
curve with a dashed curve in FIG. 5 at (PY). Coordinated Additionally, an input-output relation between the pitch
motion of the pitch and yaw axes is attained by computing the 5 and yaw angles P. Y and the linear actuator 38 displacement
corresponding coordinated motion of the linear actuators 38 may be calculated. Computing the displacement of each lin
either by solving the nonlinear kinematic equations or by ear actuator 38 to produce a desired pitch and yaw angle P.Y
interpolating in a look-up table of pre-computed values. is determined using the following steps. It is understood that
Details of the nonlinear calculation procedure are given these same steps are carried out separately for each of the two
below. 10 linear actuators 38 for a given pitchandyaw (PY). (Step 1) At
In an alternate embodiment, shown in FIGS. 6 and 7, the the home position (PY)=(0,0), establish a coordinate system
wrist joint assembly (arrow C) is adapted to provide series fixed in the lower arm 24 with originat the ball center 42 at the
elastic actuation. Series-elastic actuation is provided when head of the linear actuator 38 and with the Z-axis aligned with
the linear actuator 38 drives the output through a spring ele the line of action of the actuator 38 pointing towards the hand
ment 68 instead of the links 40. By measuring the deflection 15 18. For any configuration of the wrist, let q be the displace
D of this spring element 68 and knowing its stiffness, one can ment of the actuator 38 measured along the Z-axis from the
monitor the force being exerted on the wrist joint assembly origin. By this construction, q=0 when the wrist is in the home
(arrow C). When the robot 10 makes contact with the object, position. (Step 2) For a general position (PY), compute the
the spring element 68 absorbs the shock resulting from the location of the center of the ball joint 42 at the other end of the
contact. On a longer time scale, a robot 10 controller 70 push-pull link 40. Express this position as (x, y, z) in the
monitors the force of the contact and can command the linear coordinate system established in Step 1. It is understood that
actuator 38 in a closed-loop wrist joint assembly (arrow C) to computing (x, y, z) as a function of (PY) is done by standard
regulate the force of contact. The series-elastic actuation may means of computing the forward kinematics of a serial-link
be accomplished by using one of the spring elements 68 with chain, in this case Such chain consisting of the lower arm 78,
a respective linear actuator 38. Referring to FIGS. 6 and 7, the 25 the intervening wrist link, and the palm link 76 with angle of
spring element 68 may be used in place of the rigid links 40. rotation Pabout axis C1 and angle of rotationYabout axis C2.
Referring specifically to FIG. 6, the spring elements 68 are (Step 3) Let L be the known length of the push-pull link
elastic members. In this embodiment, the spring elements 68 measured from one ball center 42 to the other. (Step 4) Then,
are coil springs 72 that are formed from a material with a low the displacement q of the linear actuator is g-z-VL-x-y
elastic modulus. Referring specifically to FIG. 7, the spring 30
The other direction, i.e., computing the pitch and yaw
elements 68 are formed as a push-pull link 40 using com given the current displacements of the linear actuators 38, is
pressible material. Alternatively, the spring element 68 may more difficult because it is governed by polynomial equations
be placed within the linear actuator 38 such that the spring that have up to eight roots. Although analgebraic formulation
element 68 interconnects a head portion 74 and the socket of the Solution may be used to obtain the pitch and yaw angles
portion 50 of the linear actuator 38. Likewise, the spring 35
P.Y. a more computationally efficient alternative of building
element 68 may be placed between a palm link 76 and the a 2-input, 2-output look-up table, based on the same algebraic
corresponding socket portion 50. In yet another embodiment, formulation, may also be used. The look-up table may be
the spring element 68 may be attached to a frame 78 of the interpolated and formed into the graphical representation 43
forearm. In these embodiments just described, the links 40 shown in FIG. 5. The method may be implemented to run
operate in pure tension/compression, due to the ball joints 42 40
within a control system 84 within the robot 10 that is opera
at the opposing ends of the links 40. As a result of the pure tively connected to the wrist joint assembly (arrow C).
tension/compression, lateral deflection and/or bending While the best modes for carrying out the invention have
moments of the links 40 do not become an issue. In addition
been described in detail, those familiar with the art to which
to an elastic drive-train member, such as the spring element this invention relates will recognize various alternative
68, series-elastic actuation requires a measurement of the 45
designs and embodiments for practicing the invention within
deflection of the spring element 68. In any of the above the scope of the appended claims
placements of the spring element 68, deflection D may be
measured by a deflection measurement device 80, such as The invention claimed is:
strain gauges that are mounted on the spring element 68, by 1. A wrist joint assembly operatively defined between a
magnetic Hall sensors, by optical methods, by changes in 50 lower arm and a hand of a humanoid robot, the wrist joint
electrical resistance, or any other known device configured to assembly comprising:
measure deflection D known to those skilled in the art. An a pair of links operatively interconnecting the lower arm
alternative to direct measurement of the spring element 68 and the hand;
deflection D is to measure the deflection D indirectly by wherein the links extend in a spaced and generally parallel
measuring both the positions of the sliders and the corre 55 relationship to one another;
sponding pitch and yaw angles P. Y of the wrist joint assem a pair of linear actuators operatively interconnecting the
bly. The position of the linear actuators 38 may be measured lower arm and a respective one of the pair of links;
by optical encoders on motors (not shown) that drive the a yaw axis;
linear actuators 38. Also, the pitch and yaw angles P. Y are a pitch axis disposed in a spaced and generally perpendicu
measured by sensors (not shown), such as magnetic Hall 60 lar relationship to the yaw axis;
sensors, miniature optical encoders, and the like. By measur wherein the pitch axis is disposed between the yaw axis and
ing the pitch and yaw angles P.Y., the positions of ball centers the lower arm Such that the yaw axis and the pitch axis do
of the socket portion 50 in the hand 18 may be calculated with not intersect one another;
respect to the lower arm 24. By measuring the positions of the wherein the hand is rotatable relative to the lower arm
linear actuators 38, the position of the corresponding centers 65 about each of the yaw axis and the pitch axis;
of the ball portions 52 of the socket portion 50 in the lower wherein each of the linear actuators is configured for inde
arm 24 may also be determined. A distance between the ball pendent linear movement, relative to the lower arm, Such
US 8,498,741 B2
9 10
that the respective one of the pair of links moves in 12. A wristjoint assembly, as set forth in claim 10, wherein
response to movement of the respective linear actuator the spring element is formed from a compressible material.
to move the hand about at least one of the yaw axis and 13. A wrist joint assembly, as set forth in claim 10, further
the pitch axis; comprising a deflection measurement device in operative
wherein each of the pair of linear actuators is configured to 5 communication with the spring element;
move in the same direction Such as that the hand rotates wherein the deflection measurement device is configured
at least about the pitch axis; and to measure deflection of the spring element.
wherein each of the pair of linear actuators is configured to 14. A humanoid robot comprising:
move in opposite directions such that the hand rotates at 10
a torso;
least about the yaw axis. a pair of arms movably extending from the torso;
2. A wrist joint assembly, as set forth in claim 1, wherein wherein each of the arms includes a lower arm and a hand,
the hand is configured to rotate relative to the lower arm 60 rotatable relative to the lower arm;
degrees about the yaw axis and 140 degrees about the pitch a neck movably extending from the torso;
axis. 15 a head movably extending from the neck;
3. A wrist joint assembly, as set forth in claim 2, wherein a wrist joint assembly operatively defined between the
the hand is configured to rotate relative to the lower arm from lower arm and the hand, the wrist joint assembly includ
between -15 degrees and 45 degrees about the yaw axis. ing:
4. A wrist joint assembly, as set forth in claim 1, wherein a yaw axis,
the wrist joint assembly defines a pass-through configured to a pitch axis disposed in a spaced and generally perpen
accommodate transmission elements that connect the lower dicular relationship to the yaw axis,
arm to at least one of the hand. wherein the pitch axis is disposed between the yaw axis
5. A wrist joint assembly, as set forth in claim 1, wherein and the lower arm such that the yaw axis and the pitch
the pair of linear actuators are configured to move simulta axis do not intersect one another,
neously in the same direction at an equal linear speed Such 25 wherein the hand is rotatable relative to the lower arm
that the hand only rotates about the pitch axis; about each of the yaw axis and the pitch axis; and
wherein the pair of linear actuators are configured to move a control system configured for determining a yaw angle
simultaneously in opposing directions at approximately and a pitch angle of the wrist joint assembly.
equal linear speed Such that the hand only rotates about 15. A wrist joint assembly operatively defined between a
the yaw axis; and 30 lower arm and a hand of a humanoid robot, the wrist joint
wherein the pair of linear actuators are configured to move assembly comprising:
simultaneously at different linear speeds such that the a pair of links operatively interconnecting the lower arm
hand rotates about the yaw and pitch axes simulta and the hand;
neously. wherein the links extend in a spaced and generally parallel
6. A wrist joint assembly, as set forth in claim 1, wherein 35 relationship to one another;
each of the links are attached to the hand and the respective a pair of linear actuators operatively interconnecting the
one of the pair of linear actuators at a ball joint. lower arm and a respective one of the pair links;
7. A wrist joint assembly, as set forth in claim 6, wherein a yaw axis;
the ball joint includes a socket portion and a ball portion a pitch axis disposed in a spaced and generally perpendicu
rotatably disposed in the socket portion; wherein the ball 40 lar relationship to the yaw axis;
portion extends from opposing ends of each of the links. wherein the pitch axis is disposed between the yaw axis and
8. A wrist joint assembly, as set forth in claim 7, wherein the lower arm Such that the yaw axis and the pitch axis do
the Socket portion includes: not intersect one another;
a base portion; wherein the hand is rotatable relative to the lower arm
a pair of flanges extending from the base portion in spaced 45 about each of the yaw axis and the pitch axis;
relationship to define a socket opening therebetween; wherein each of the linear actuators is configured for inde
wherein the Socket opening is configured for receiving the pendent linear movement, relative to the lower arm, Such
respective ball portion therebetween; that the respective one of the pair of links moves in
wherein a slit is defined between edges of the pair offlange response to movement of the respective linear actuator
portions such that a portion of the respective link mov 50 to move the hand about at least one of the yaw axis and
ably extends through the slit when the hand is moving the pitch axis;
relative to the lower arm. wherein at least one of the links and the respective linear
9. A wrist joint assembly, as set forth in claim 8, wherein actuator includes a spring element configured to provide
the base portion presents a contact Surface facing the Socket series-elastic actuation; and
opening: 55 a deflection measurement device in operative communica
wherein the contact surface includes a screw that is con tion with the spring element; wherein the deflection
figured to retract away from the socket opening to allow measurement device is configured to measure deflection
insertion of the ball portion into the socket portion; of the spring element.
wherein the screw is configured to be extended toward the 16. A wristjoint assembly, as set forth in claim 15, wherein
Socket opening to Snug the ball portion into contact with 60 the hand is configured to rotate relative to the lower arm 60
the ball portion. degrees about the yaw axis and 140 degrees about the pitch
10. A wrist joint assembly, as set forth in claim 1, wherein axis.
at least one of the links and the respective linear actuator 17. A wristjoint assembly, as set forth in claim 16, wherein
includes a spring element configured to provide series-elastic the hand is configured to rotate relative to the lower arm from
actuation. 65 between -15 degrees and 45 degrees about the yaw axis.
11. A wristjoint assembly, as set forth in claim 10, wherein 18. A wristjoint assembly, as set forth in claim 15, wherein
the spring element is a coil spring. the spring element is a coil spring.
US 8,498,741 B2
11 12
19. A wristjoint assembly, as set forth in claim 15, wherein
the spring element is formed from a compressible material.
k k k k k

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