Juan Aliyunus - MPI

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Nama : Juan Aliyunus

NRP : 01111940000070
Kelas : B
Topik : Sistem Monitoring dan Kontrol Otomatis berbasis IoT pada Budidaya Jamur

Judul Artikel 1 : Solar-Powered Multi-Network Greenhouse: Automated Mushroom Monitoring

and Management System Using Microcontrollers and IoT-Based Applications1

Article Info :
Type Journal Article
Authors Albius, J; De La Cruz, R. L; Gumandoy, J. B. I; Ofrin, W. D; Puyo, Engr. P. E
Proc. title International Journal of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Year 2021
Volume 1
Issue 1
Pages 1-18
Abstract This study utilized the Solar Powered Multi-Network Greenhouse through
microcontrollers and IoT-based application to design an automated mushroom
monitoring and management system. As mushrooms are more to suffer from
increased temperature especially in tropical countries like the Philippines, this
study develops an automated system where composition is controlled by a
microcontroller and monitored by Arduino IDE. The greenhouse monitoring
device used different highly-capable sensors, which provides accurate parameters
used for monitoring systems and better control management for cultivation. The
different possible solutions to control parameters and maintain stability value
suitable for mushroom cultivation were addressed. Thus, the prototype went
through series of trials and tess to ensure functionality and accuracy of the device.
Likewise, performance tesing was conducted for temperature, relative humidity,
and light to control and monitor the needs of the mushroom. The results revealed
that the device is accurate, functional and capable. The study suggests that the
greenhouse could be improved by installing a CCTV for constant monitoring of
the interior and exterior of the greenhouse. The greenhouse could also be
considered to be situated in a more private place as well as improve some of the
application features.
Keywords Arduino, Greenhouse, IoT, Monitoring, Mushroom, Solar-Powered
City California
Editors Iiari
Month December
Publisher Institute of Industry and Academic Research Incorporated
URL https://iiari.org/journal_article/v1-2-182/
DOI 10.53378/352853
ISSN 2799-161X
Tabel Mengritisi Artikel
No Bagian Artikel yang Komentar
1 Intoduction • Pada artikel disebutkan bahwa teknologi rumah kaca
modern dengan sistem otomatis di bidang pertanian
adalah hal yang sudah banyak digunakan karena
rendahnya biaya komponen elektronik yang
dibutuhkan untuk implementasinya. Namun tidak ada
data yang disajikan terkait pernyataaan tersebut,
sehingga pernyataan tersebut tidak berdasar. Apakah
sistem otomatis benar-benar murah?

• Disebutkan bahwa dalam agricultural intensitas

cahaya perlu dipertimbangkan untuk memaksimalkan
pertumbuhan tanaman. Namun jamur tiram bukanlah
tumbuhan hijau, apakah jamur memerlukan cahaya
juga? Bagian ini seharusnya menyebutkan pengaruh
cahaya terhadap pertumbuhan jamur secara singkat.

2 Experiments
• Judul artikel menyinggung mengenai pembangkit
listrik tenaga surya, namun bahasan mengenai solar
panel kurang memberikan informasi, seharusnya
bahasan terkait panel surya pada greenhouse
dijabarkan dengan lebih detail.

• Artikel banyak membahas mengenai pengujian sensor,

namun bahasan terkait hasil keidealan lingkungan
yang dihasilkan oleh aktuator kurang.

• Fungsi dan cara kerja dari hardware seperti sensor dan

mikrokontroler dijelaskan dengan baik. Namun tidak
ada penjelasan menegenai aktuator yang digunakan.
Seharusnya juga dijelaskan mengenai fungsi dan cara
kerja actuator dalam mempengaruhi kondisi

• Pengujian yang dilakuakna adalah dengan cara statis

dan dinamis untuk melihat pembacaan sensor pada
device dan yang tertampil pada aplikasi bylink.
Namun tidak dijelaskan mengenai tes kesesuaian data
yang dibaca sensor terhadap suhu sebenarnya.
3 Result and Discussion
• Artikel banyak menjelaskan mengenai data pada tabel
data, namun pengaruh nilai data terhadap
pertumbuhan jamur tiram tidak dibahas.

• Hasil yang didapatkan menunjukkan bahwa system

100% berfungsi dengan akurat, dan mampu memantau
suhu, kelembaban, dan luminositas di dalam rumah
kaca untuk produksi jamur tiram. Namun tidak
dijelaskan mengenai menejemen system greenhouse
setelah sistem berfungsi 100%

Tabel Meringkas Artikel

No RIngkasan Keterangan
1. • Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian • Sistem memberikan
pengembangan untuk membuat pembangkit listrik penjelasan secara detil
tenaga surya otomatis rumah kaca multi-jaringan menegenai pengujian
untuk pemantauan budidaya jamur dan sistem kesesuaian tampilan data
manajemen menggunakan mikrokontroler dengan pada device dan aplikasi
aplikasi berbasis IoT. blynk.
• Komponen yang digunakan untuk mengembangkan • Pengujian dengan cara
perangkat dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagai statis dan dinamis menjadi
berikut: System Fan; Catu Daya 12V; Panel surya; opsi baru bagi saya untuk
Kotak persimpangan; Wadah Tangki Plastik; jenis uji pada sistem yang
Penyiram Overhead; Wi-Fi saku; kabel; Light saya buat.
Dependent Resistor (LDR); Konektor Panel Surya;
Pipa PVC; Baterai Siklus Dalam 12V; Pengontrol
Pengisian Tenaga Surya; Modul Relai; RJ45; Cat5e;
Selang. Selanjutnya, perangkat lunak yang
digunakan untuk memprogram perangkat tersebut
adalah program aplikasi bernama Arduino IDE versi
1.8.13. Ini adalah Perangkat Lunak Arduino (IDE)
open-source yang memudahkan untuk menulis kode
dan mengunggahnya ke papan. Ini berjalan di
Windows, Mac OS X, dan Linux. Kode ditulis
dalam pemrograman Java dan didasarkan pada
pemrosesan dan perangkat lunak open source
lainnya. Selain itu, perangkat lunak ini dapat
digunakan dengan Arduino IDE.
• Pengujian yang digunakan:
1. Pengujian Statis. Data dikumpulkan dalam
memantau parameter rumah kaca melalui
aplikasi IoT (Blynk Application).
2. Pengujian Dinamis. Data yang dikumpulkan dari
Aplikasi Blynk termasuk hasil pengujian
kelembaban, suhu, dan luminositas yang diukur
di rumah kaca. Selama 9 hari, sampel data
dikumpulkan setiap jam dengan interval menit.
• Besaran yang diuji:

1. Temperatur
2. Kelembaban udara
3. Lumenitas cahaya
• Hasil:

1. Pengujian statis setelah tiga kali percobaan

membuktikan bahwa perangkat berfungsi penuh
dalam hal sensor suhu, kelembaban, dan cahaya
karena memberikan informasi melalui
mikrokontroler dan Aplikasi Blynk. Perangkat
itu juga akurat karena memberikan nilai yang
sama di kedua mikrokontroler dan aplikasi
Blynk. Sensor juga mampu memberikan nilai
yang dibutuhkan dalam hal suhu, kelembaban,
dan luminositas yang cukup untuk kisaran
standar parameter untuk tumbuh dan budidaya
2. Pengujian dinamis membuktikan bahwa tiga
parameter (suhu, kelembaban, dan luminositas)
diukur selama sembilan hari berturut-turut
berada dalam kisaran standar untuk
menumbuhkan jamur. Oleh karena itu,
lingkungan mikro yang dibuat dari rumah kaca
cocok untuk budidaya tiram putih jamur.
Meskipun beberapa jam dalam sehari tidak
memiliki luminositas yang cukup untuk jamur,
kantong buah-buahan di rumah kaca masih
menghasilkan jamur tiram putih. Ini
menyimpulkan bahwa beberapa jam paparan
cahaya sudah cukup untuk budidayakan tiram
putih jamur. Sensor kelembaban dalam artikel ini
dianggap sebagai tidak faktor yang tidak
signifikan dalam budidaya jamur. Sebagai hasil
akhir, perangkat ini 100% berfungsi, akurat, dan
mampu pemantauan suhu, kelembaban, dan
luminositas di dalam rumah kaca untuk produksi
jamur tiram putih.

Judul Artikel 2 : Enhanced IoT-Based Climate Control for Oyster Mushroom Cultivation Using
Fuzzy logic Approach and NodeMCU Microcontroller1

Article Info :
Type Journal
Authors Ariffin, Muhammad Azizi Mohd; Ramli, Muhammad Izzad; Zaino, Zarina;
Amin, Mohd Nazrul Mohd Amin; Ismail, Marina; Adnan, Rosanita, Ahmad, Nor
Diana; Hosain, Norhasiah; Jamil, Nursuriati.
Proc. title Science &Technology
Year 2021
Volume 29
Issue 4
Pages 2863-2866
Abstract Urban farming has the potential to utilise unused space in the community to
alleviate food shortages and increase the community’s income through local food
production. When Internet of Things (IoT) technology is integrated with urban
farming, it can further improve its efficiencies and yield. The work in this paper
improved our previous work of using an IoT-based climate control system to
regulate the cultivation environment of oyster mushrooms automatically. Even
though the climate control system could produce two batches of mushroom yields,
there were several limitations, such as less efficient climate control due to
threshold-based corrective action, water wastage, and system instability. This
paper aims to address these stated limitations by implementing a fuzzy logic
algorithm and redesigned the climate control system. Two crisp input variables
from DHT22 sensors representing temperature and humidity were fed into the
Node MCU microcontroller’s fuzzy logic coded in C language. The temperature
and humidity conditions were divided into five fuzzy trapezoidal membership
functions resulting in 25 fuzzy rules to control the duration of running the water
pump and ventilation fan. An internal, lightweight web server were managed all
HTTP client requests. The enhanced system also included a safety measurement to
avoid overheating the microcontroller and causing water wastage. Upon analysis
of the data captured in two months, the result showed a decrease of 40% in water
utilisation and an increase of mushrooms yield up to 226%. The enhanced climate
control system also facilitated maintaining and controlling the temperature and
humidity conducive for optimal mushroom cultivation.
Keywords Fuzzy logic, Internet of Things (IoT), node MCU microcontroller, oyster
mushroom cultivation, urban farming
City Selangor
Editors Universiti Putra Malaysia Press
Month October
Publisher Pertanika Journal of Science and Technology
URL http://www.pertanika.upm.edu.my/pjst/browse/regular-issue?article=JST-2634-
DOI 10.47836/pjst.29.4.34
ISSN 2231-8526

Tabel Mengritisi Artikel

No Bagian Artikel yang Komentar
1 Intoduction • Pada artikel dituliskan bahwa fuzzy logic digunakan
untuk meningkatkan system otomatis berbasis IoT
yang sebelumnya menggunakan metode on/off, namun
tidak disebutkan mengenai logika lain yang dapat
digunakan untuk meningkatkan sistem. Apakah fuzzy
logic cukup andal jika dibandingkan logika lainnya

2 Experiments • Pada artikel disebutkan bahwa fuzzy logic yang

digunakan adalah metode Mamdani. Bagaimana jika
mengganti metode tersebut dengan metode Tsukamoto
atau Sugeno misalnya.

• Artikel menyebutkan bahwa metode heat loss gain

digunakan untuk membandingkan sistem yang
diusulkan dengan metode manual konvensional untuk
mengendalikan cahaya, suhu, kelembaban, dan air
yang dipasok ke rumah kaca. Namun artikel hanya
membahas mengenai pengendalian suhu, kelembaban,
dan air yang dipasok. Pengendalian cahaya tidak

• Disebutkan bahwa kualitas CO2 didalam ruangan

dipertahankan sebesar 600ppm akan tetapi tidak
disebutkan bagaimana cara mendeteksi kadar CO2
dalam ruangan, sensor yang digunakan dan cara

• Untuk mengontol temperature digunakan kipas dan

pompa air. Bagaimana jika menggunakan actuator lain
yang lebih terspesifikasi fungsinya untuk pendingin
dan pemananas ruang seperti Termo Eleectric Coller
3 Result and Discussion
• Disebutkan bahwa pada Januari 2021 ketika system ini
digunakan terdapat pengurangan penggunaan air untuk
meningkatkan kelembaban udara. Namun pada mei
2020 juga terjadi pengurangan penggunaaan air yang
signifikan, pengurangan tersebut tidak dijelaskan. Jadi
apakan penggunaan fuzzy logic dalam sistem ini benar
benar berpengaruh?

• Penelitian membandingkan antara hasil panen yang

diperoleh ketika januari 2020 dengan hasil panen
Ketika februari 2021. Hasil panen Februari 2021 lebih
banyak karena menggunakan fuzzy logic. Namun bisa
jadi hasil panen yang didapatkan juga dipengaruhi oleh
faktor luar seperti perubahan musim. Sehingga
seharusnya pengaruh faktor luar terhadap perolehan
hasil panen juga dijelaskan.

Tabel Meringkas Artikel

No RIngkasan Keterangan
1. • Peningkatan Kontrol Iklim pada budidaya jamur • Sistem dengan fuzzy logic
tiram berbasis IoT menggunakan Fuzzy logic dan memberika pengaruh yang
mikrokontroler Node MCU lebih efektif terhadap hasil
• Hardware yang digunakan: Node MCU ESP8266 panen jamur tiram.
dengan bord, DHT 22, Modul Relay, Fan, LED • Menginspirasi saya untuk
Display, Exhaust Fan, Water Pump, Wifi Modem. membuat Tugas Akhir
• Metode Fuzzy logic: Mamdani dengan menggukan Logika
• Pokok bahasan: Fuzzy sebagai logic control
1. Penghematan Air system sehingga system
2. Kelembaban Udara control yang dibuat
3. Temperatur menjadi lebih optimal.
4. Hasil panen jamur tiap bulan
• Hasil:
1) Penggunaan air menurun 40% dibandingkan
dengan sebelum penggunaan fuzzy logic
2) Grafik pada gambar.19 artikel menunjukkan
bahwa suhu rata-rata lebih rendah hampir
sepanjang hari setelah menerapkan algoritma
logika fuzzy dalam sistem yang disempurnakan
sistem kontrol iklim membantu manajemen
suhu di rumah jamur. Ini menunjukkan bahwa
suhu ideal untuk budidaya jamur dicapai dengan
kontrol iklim yang ditingkatkan sistem.
3) Hasil yang sama muncul pada grafik
kelembaban rata-rata pada artikel Gambar 20.
Kecuali untuk hari ke-2, kelembaban rata-rata
sama atau lebih tinggi setelah menerapkan
algoritma logika fuzzy. Hasil ini membuktikan
bahwa menanamkan logika fuzzy dalam sistem
kontrol iklim yang ditingkatkan memfasilitasi
pemeliharaan dan pengendalian kelembaban
ideal untuk budidaya jamur.
4) Hasil panen jamur sebulan penuh dicatat untuk
Desember 2020 dan Februari 2021. Produksi
jamur meningkat drastis dari 4,260 kg pada
bulan Desember menjadi 10,470 kg pada
Februari 2021. Peningkatan produksi jamur
sebesar 226% membuktikan keberhasilan
manajemen setelah algoritma logika fuzzy
diterapkan dalam mempengaruhi pertumbuhan
jamur lebih optimal.
5) Menggunakan algoritma logika fuzzy dan
meningkatkan iklim sistem kontrol dan desain
internal rumah jamur telah menunjukkan hasil
yang menjanjikan hasil berdasarkan hasil jamur
dan penghematan air. Iklim berbasis IoT yang
ditingkatkan telah berjalan dengan sukses
selama lebih dari enam bulan dan telah
menghasilkan hasil panen jamur total 43.460 kg.
Di sisi lain, masih ada ruang untuk perbaikan.
Sejak Sistem kontrol iklim berbasis IoT
diterapkan di lingkungan nyata, banyak factor
luar yang tidak terfikirkan sebelumnya
mempengaruhi hasil eksperimen. Misalnya,
rumah jamur terletak di dekat jalan yang sibuk,
emisi dari kendaraan dapat menyebabkan
peningkatan polusi udara.
Daftar Pustaka (Nature Style):

1. Albius, J., De La Cruz, R. L., Gumandoy, J. B. I., Ofrin, W. D. & Puyo, Engr. P. E. Solar-
Powered Multi-Network Greenhouse: Automated Mushroom Monitoring and Management
System Using Microcontrollers and IoT-Based Applications. IJSTEM 1, 1–18 (2021).

1. Mohd Ariffin, M. A. et al. Enhanced IoT-Based Climate Control for Oyster Mushroom
Cultivation Using Fuzzy logic Approach and NodeMCU Microcontroller. JST 29, (2021).
ISSN 2799-1601 (PRINT) 2799-161X (ONLINE)

Solar-Powered Multi-Network Greenhouse:

Automated Mushroom Monitoring and Management
System Using Microcontrollers and IoT-Based

1JilvenD. Albius, 1Rica Lorraine B. De La Cruz, 1John Bert Ivan Gumandoy, 1William
Daryll D. Ofrin & 2Engr. Paul Enrico F. Puyo

This study utilized the Solar Powered Multi-Network Greenhouse through microcontrollers and
IoT-based application to design an automated mushroom monitoring and management system.
As mushrooms are more to suffer from increased temperature especially in tropical countries like
the Philippines, this study develops an automated system where composition is controlled by a
microcontroller and monitored by Arduino IDE. The greenhouse monitoring device used
different highly-capable sensors, which provides accurate parameters used for monitoring
systems and better control management for cultivation. The different possible solutions to control
parameters and maintain stability value suitable for mushroom cultivation were addressed. Thus,
the prototype went through series of trials and tests to ensure functionality and accuracy of the
device. Likewise, performance testing was conducted for temperature, relative humidity, and
light to control and monitor the needs of the mushroom. The results revealed that the device is
accurate, functional and capable. The study suggests that the greenhouse could be improved by
installing a CCTV for constant monitoring of the interior and exterior of the greenhouse. The
greenhouse could also be considered to be situated in a more private place as well as improve
some of the application features.

Arduino, Greenhouse, IoT, Monitoring, Mushroom, Solar-Powered

Suggested Citation: Albius, J.D., De La Cruz, R.B., Gumandoy, J., Ofrin. W.D. & Puyo, P.F.
(2021). Solar-Powered Multi-Network Greenhouse: Automated Mushroom Monitoring and
Management System Using Microcontrollers and IoT-Based Applications. International Journal
of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Volume 1, Issue 2, pp. 1- 18.

About the authors:

1Bachelor of Science in Engineering. Laguna State Polytechnic University-San Pablo City Campus
2Instructor, Laguna State Polytechnic University-San Pablo City Campus

International Journal of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Volume 1 Issue 2

1. Introduction
Food shortage is one of the greatest difficulties encountering mankind in the 21st century. For
instance, global warming and other weather element changes have claimed significant landmass
sufficient to support mushroom cultivation. To address the problem, the greenhouse practice which
has been in existence for years is now modernized, automated, and deployed in many parts of the
world. This technology is yet to be embraced and incorporated by many developing countries
(Okunola, 2013).
The mushroom culture is gaining attention in the Philippines. Mushroom is a delicacy and is
indeed accepted as a vegetable. There is partial mushroom cultivation in the country today due to
insufficiency of planting resources and the limited local familiarity about its culture. Mushroom
cultivation entails little space and time and farmers can make use of their rice straws following the
harvesting method. Mushrooms can be grown the whole year round as long as good storage of rice
straw is arranged and provided. Thus, many alternative methods were presented on cultivating
different varieties of mushrooms. Gaining its popularity, the greenhouse plantation plays a vital role
in the mushroom production industry due to its low-cost industrial unit and the horizontal space it
The Pleurotus species of mushroom require a short growth time, compared to other
mushrooms. Its fruiting body is not often attacked by diseases and pests and can be grown simply and
cheaply with high yield, wider substrate utilization, sporelessness, wide temperature, and chemical
tolerance as well as environmental bioremediation. It is an edible mushroom and also has several
biological effects as it contains important bioactive molecules (Yang et al., 2013). P. ostreatus is
characterized by high water content and low calorific value (1510 kJ kg−1 edible parts), making it
suitable for inclusion in calorie-controlled diets (Jaworska & Bernás, 2009). The pileus of P.
ostreatus is low-cost Arduino-based valued not only for their taste but also for their nutritional
qualities especially in vegetarian diets.
Modern greenhouse technology arrays automation in agriculture which is now commonplace
due to the low costs of electronic components required for its implementation. The greenhouse is an
indoor sheltered place where plants are grown and cultivated. In the agriculture field, the mushrooms
in the greenhouse are extremely cultivated and productively maximized since it provides a micro-
environment that is much easier to control. In the same framework, some significant parameters
should be monitored at a greenhouse to achieve good results in terms of agricultural production. Two
of these parameters are precisely the temperature and humidity that are commonly measured with
physical and manual methods. Various efforts have been completed by many researchers to automate
and modernize the traditional greenhouse system. An embedded scheme closely monitors the
microclimatic parameters of a greenhouse round the clock and activates actuators when safe
thresholds are surpassed to restore optimum conditions (Enokela et al., 2014). Their design employs a
Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) which is interfaced directly to a microcontroller that ensures user is
continuously alerted about the conditions inside the greenhouse system. An arrangement of this type
can provide information to the user about the situations inside the greenhouse only when the user is at
the physical location. On the other hand, a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) with smart irrigation
capability monitors the microclimatic parameters around each row of mushrooms and activates
suitable pumps for irrigation when the moisture level drops below a safe threshold (Rahali et al.,
2011). The WSN is defined as the collection of sensor nodes that perform a specific task and they are
representing one of the technological solutions to automatize and improve the management of
mushrooms (Jimenez et al., 2012). The drawback of this system lies in its incapability to control the

ISSN 2799-1601 (PRINT) 2799-161X (ONLINE)

other microclimatic parameters such as temperature and humidity which play a major role in the
development and yielding of mushrooms. In addition, the operator can only view the parameter and
limit conditions of the greenhouse at the physical setting since it engages LCD which is based on the
Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) that permits a greenhouse user to monitor and
control the microclimatic parameters via Short Message Service (SMS) (Rahali et al., 2011).
However, its drawback is that the control action is not automatic; it is initiated by the user who may
not constantly be attentive, which could disrupt the cultivation of mushrooms. Two separate web-
based WSN applications were correspondingly developed and discussed by Qiang and Ming (2008)
and Mancuso and Bustaffa (2006). These systems permit a greenhouse worker to monitor the
conditions over the internet. Although the internet communication platform is almost always there
and accessible, it requires that the accessing device such as a Universal Serial Bus (USB) MODEM
should have enough download data competence which may not always be the case in developing
With the current trend and changing demographics, the traditional forms of agriculture cannot
satisfy people's needs thus need changes and enhancements. In this regard, the advancement and
development of Internet technology have brought light to the growth and innovation of agricultural
modernization. As such, the agricultural Internet of things has become the inevitable trend of
agricultural informatization. Through the remote nursing and management of greenhouse, the
greenhouse monitoring system realized the precise extent and real-time control. The greenhouse
monitoring arrangement environments implement scientific monitoring and management methods,
which improve crop disaster prevention ability and increase production (L.Dan, et. al., 2015). Hence,
the Agro-alimentary sector is integrating new technologies due to the vast production demands and
the diversity, quality, and market presentation necessities. A technological revamp of the sector is
being required where control engineering plays a critical role. Automatic control and robotics
procedures are incorporated in all the agricultural production stages: planting, production, harvest,
post-harvest processes, and transportation. Modern agriculture is subjected to guidelines in terms of
quality and environmental impact, and thus it is a field where the application of automatic control
techniques has increased substantially over the last years. Many alternative ways are formed due to
the high demand for food production and one of these is the enclosed cultivation of plants using a
greenhouse (Andrzej Pawlowski et al., 2009).
The proponents of this study saw the need to develop a system for a family vegetable farm
which keeps track of the farm yield on a day to day basis. By developing an automated greenhouse
with sensors, it makes farming economical, easier, and cost-effective by incorporating agricultural
engineering and technology. As such, this study aims to:
1. design and create an automated solar-powered multi-network greenhouse for mushroom
monitoring and management system using microcontrollers with IoT-based applications;
2. develop a micro-environment system using electronic sensor networks, cloud computing,
and computer networks that automate management and climate control processes in
mushroom cultivation;
3. control and monitor mushroom cultivation and collect data utilizing microcontrollers and
with IoT-based applications remotely; and
4. test the performance of the device in terms of functionality, accuracy, and capability
through static and dynamic testing as to humidity, temperature, and luminosity

International Journal of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Volume 1 Issue 2

2. Literature Review
2.1. Mushroom Cultivation
Cultivation methods for edible mushrooms vary considerably around the world. Methods
primarily depend on the type of mushroom considering its ideal type of environment and parameters
need to be monitored from time to time. Depending on the location of production, many specialty
mushrooms can be grown using either indoor or outdoor methods with different stages of cultivation.
The mushrooms of the genus Pleurotus rank second in the world mushroom market and is the
most popular mushroom in China. The Pleurotus spp. of the class basidiomycetes belongs to a group
known as “white rot fungi” (Tsujiyama & Ueno, 2013) as it produces a white mycelium and generally
cultivated on non-composted lignocellulosic substrates (Savoie et al., 2007). The various kinds of
Pleurotus are commercially cultivated and have considerable economic value including P. ostreatus
(oyster mushroom), P. eryngii (king oyster or Cardoncello), P. pulmonarius (phenix mushroom), P.
djamor (pink oyster mushroom), P. sajor-caju (indian oyster), P. cystidiosus (abalone oyster), P.
citrinopieatus (golden oyster mushroom) and P. cornucopiae (Pérez-Martínez et al., 2015; Knop et
al., 2015; Zhang et al., 2016).
P. ostreatus can be widely cultivated, which can adapt to different temperatures. It exists on
every continent except Antarctica and grows throughout the year (Qu et al., 2016). According to
Ahmed et al. (2013), the cultivation of P. high-king, P. ostreatus, and P. geesteranus requires a
temperature of the culture house maintained between 22 and 25 °C. This optimal temperature result
indicated that Pleurotus species were able to grow better during the summer and autumn in
subtropical and tropical regions as a potential opportunity to develop oyster mushroom production in
poor and developing countries (Oei & Nieuwenhuijzen, 2005; Kashangura, 2008). Some species
thrive in the dark and others in partial light. It is likely that all mushrooms, which require light use a
common regulatory pathway for basidioma development (Kurtzman & Martinez-Carrera, 2013).
2.2. Automated Greenhouse
Unlike the manual method of cultivation, plants in the greenhouse are grown in a controlled
environment. The temperature differences can cause harm to plants. Sometimes the farmers cannot
predict which action needs to be taken so to control the environment and may take wrong decisions
thus causing more harm to the plants in the greenhouse. The automated system allows assisting
farmers to create suitable decisions since it provides the status and conditions through the sensors
with accurate information utilizing the IoT web server. Thus, this system helps the farmers to control
greenhouse from remote locations (D.Shirsath, et al., 2017).
The greenhouse system may comprise an illumination, a sensor, and a controller. The
illumination and controller are arranged to vary the intensity and the spectral distribution of the light
emitted by the illumination. The emitted light may be pulsed-light, the pulse characteristics being
variable by the controller in dependency of the output of the sensor. The controller is arranged to
interpret the relevant variables measured by the sensor and to assess the actual and/or expected
growth of the relevant plants, and control the intensity and/or the spectral distribution of the light
emitted by the illumination. Some sensors may be provided for measuring the intensity and/or
spectral distribution of the actual light in the greenhouse, other sensors for measuring plant
dimensions of the relevant plants or plant groups. The illumination may comprise a heat collector
which can be connected to the heating or air conditioning inside or outside the greenhouse (Lakhiar et
al., 2018).

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The automated greenhouse control system is made up of two principal units:

sensors/actuators station and remote monitoring station. These two units consist of sensors for light
(Light-dependent resistor), temperature (LM35), humidity (HIH4030) [10], and moisture (VH400)
(Enokela, 2014); fan, fogger, drippers, and artificial light. The intermediate node aggregates all data,
and then sends the data to the PC through a serial port, at the same time, staff may view, analysis and
store the data by the PC that provide real-time data for an agricultural greenhouse, fans, and other
temperature control equipment, and achieve automatic temperature control (L. Dan, et al., 2016).
2.3. The Greenhouse Project
Greenhouses are controlled area environments to grow plants. To achieve maximum plant
growth, the continuous monitoring and controlling of environmental parameters such as temperature,
humidity, soil moisture, light intensity, soil pH, etc. are necessary for a greenhouse system. This
study aims for a simple, low-cost, Arduino-based system to monitor the values of environmental
parameters that are continuously updated and controlled to achieve optimum plant growth and yield.
DHT11 sensor, Soil Moisture Sensor, LDR sensor, and pH sensor are the main sensors which give the
exact value of temperature, humidity, water content, light intensity, and soil pH. All the
environmental parameters are sent offline and online to android mobile phones. A GSM (Global
System for Mobile communication) modem is used to send SMS (Short Message Service) which
displays the present status of the environmental parameters. The SMS is sent to the user when the
sensor value exceeds a defined level.
The farmers can control greenhouses through SMS from any place by knowing the status of
the greenhouse parameters at any time so that actuators (cooling fan, exhaust fan, water pump,
artificial light, and motor pump) adjust environmental parameters. Ethernet is also used to send the
data parameters to the mobile phone which eliminates the SMS charges. All environmental
parameters are sent to the server through Ethernet and stored in the database. The user can monitor
and control parameters through the android mobile application (P. Vimal, et al., 2017). However, the
temperature differences can cause harm to plants. Sometimes the farmers cannot predict actions to be
taken to control the environment which may led to wrong decisions causing more harm to the plants
in the greenhouse. The system allows farmers to take proper decisions by providing the status of the
sensors with accurate information through the IoT web server. Thus, this system helps the farmer to
control greenhouse from remote locations (D.Shirsath, et al., 2017).
This study constructed an Arduino-based system with IoT applications that assists in
monitoring and cultivation of mushrooms in the micro-environment using electronic sensor networks,
concepts of cloud computing, and computer networks that automate management and climate control
processes in the greenhouse. This improves the quality and quantity of the by-product that generates
higher revenues resulting to economic development in agriculture. This may assist farmers to extend
their skills and knowledge in plant breeding and agricultural engineering and technology. In addition,
the data generated by the system may be used in doing advanced research in agriculture. The
development of a system that combines agriculture and technology can assist in accurate and efficient
remote cultivation and monitoring not only mushrooms but also other plants by providing suitable
environments and favorable conditions to maximize plant yield since climate change disrupts its
growth, quantity, and quality.

International Journal of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Volume 1 Issue 2

3. Methodology
3.1. Research Design
This study employed a developmental research design to create an automated solar-powered
multi-network greenhouse for mushroom cultivation monitoring and management system using a
microcontroller with IoT-based applications. Hence, it was defined as the systematic study of
designing, developing, and evaluating instructional programs, processes, and products that must meet
criteria of internal consistency and effectiveness (Richey, 1994). The approach used on the design is
purely constructional depicting a step-by-step procedure for the planning and fabrication of the
greenhouse prototype.
3.2. System Design
Figure 1
Blynk Application

No. of device connected

Frequency of sending
reports (One-time, Daily,
Weekly, Monthly)

Time of sending reports

Email address where

reports are sent




The figure shows the system design using Blynk application which provides real-time monitoring
of parameters in the greenhouse. It is an open-access application that provides data information
generated by different sensors. It can be a self-design feature where the user can input different
parameters to monitor. Blynk application uses an account on Google where the data are being
reported. It sends the daily report that can set time interval preferred. Monitored data reports are in
excel format which has time versus parameter values for each sensor. It also contains a graph feature

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where it shows the real-time movement and timely variation of data produced by each sensor for
better monitoring of parameters. Users can monitor low and high value occurrences. Lastly, this IoT-
based application allows user to edit the program directly in setting up value upon the controller
mechanism activation. It is an easy access program without editing the main program itself.

Figure 2
System Flow Chart

Figure 2 shows the system flow chart in monitoring and controlling the greenhouse using an
automated device with various sensors. After initializing the device, it reads the data sensor for
different parameters such as humidity, temperature, and light. The temperature sensor displays the
degree Celsius value of the temperature level in the LCD. Meanwhile, the humidity and light sensors
provide a condition after displaying the values as part of controlling for cultivation. When the
humidity is not on its standard value, it activates the sprinkler to meet the specific value of humidity.
Similarly, if the intensity of light is not on the standard value, the LED will automatically activate and
stay in one state until the LDR sensor is read and meet the standard value for the light parameter. All
these parameter values are displayed on the LCD while data are sent online and monitored through

International Journal of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Volume 1 Issue 2

Figure 3
Block Diagram

The Figure 3 block diagram shows the flow of inputs and outputs of the components of the
device. The line arrow pointing inwards to the component is the input while the line arrow pointing
outwards the component is the output.

3.3. Design Procedure

The design procedure of this device focused on the problem generated in different
greenhouses. The self-constructed and tested design implements a wireless sensor network that
monitors and controls the specific parameter in a greenhouse (Figure 1). The detailed procedure in
constructing the research design follows:

1. identify the possible problem encountered in the greenhouse;

2. analyze the data produced and identify the different parameters to be monitored and
controlled by the device;
3. choose the appropriate sensors for each parameter by analyzing the given data;
4. construct a design that generates the control mechanism and the monitoring management
of the greenhouse;
5. construct the device; and
6. check and troubleshoot the functionality of the service.

Hardware and Software Components. The hardware components used to develop the
device in the study were as follows: System Fan; 12V Power Supply; Solar Panel; Junction Box;
Plastic Tank Container; Overhead Sprinkler; Pocket Wi-Fi; Wires; Light Dependent Resistor (LDR);

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Solar Panel Connector; PVC Pipe; 12V Deep Cycle Battery; Solar Charge Controller; Relay Module;
RJ45; Cat5e; Hose. Furthermore, the software used to program the device was a programming
application called Arduino IDE version 1.8.13. It is the open-source Arduino Software (IDE) that
makes it easy to write code and upload it to the board. It runs on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.
The environment is written in Java and based on Processing and other open-source software.
Moreover, this software can be used with any Arduino board.

Figure 4
Schematic Diagram of the Device

Figure 4 shows the schematic diagram of the main controller of the device. It includes various
sensors and modules that allow the system to carry out specific functions as follows:

1. LCD. It is a flat-panel display or another electronically modulated optical device that uses
the light-modulating properties of liquid crystals combined with polarizers.

2. 12 V to 5V Converter. A device for altering the nature of an electric current or signal,

especially from AC to DC or vice versa.

3. NodeMCU. It is an open-source firmware for which open-source prototyping board

designs are available.

International Journal of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Volume 1 Issue 2

4. Arduino module. It is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware

and software. Arduino boards can read inputs - light on a sensor, a finger on a button, or a
Twitter message - and turn it into an output - activating a motor, turning on an LED,
publishing something online.

5. Temperature Sensor. It is an electronic device that measures the temperature of its

environment and converts the input data into electronic data that is recorded and provides
signal temperature changes for monitoring.

6. Humidity Sensor. It is an electronic device that measures the humidity in its environment
and converts its findings into a corresponding electrical signal.

7. Push Button. It is a simple type of switch that controls the action in a machine or some
type of process.

8. Light-Emitting Diode. A semiconductor light source that emits light when current flows
through it.

9. Float Switch. It is a type of level sensor, a device used to detect the level of liquid within a

10. Rocker Switch. An on/off switch that rocks (rather than trips) when pressed.

11. System Fan. A powered machine is used to create flow within a fluid, typically a gas,
such as air.

12. 12V AC/DC Power Supply. It is an electrical device that supplies electric power to an
electrical load. The primary function of a power supply is to convert electric current from a
source to the correct voltage, current, and frequency to power the load.

3.4. Performance Testing

The system was tested with all necessary components interfaced to examine the performance
of the device in terms of functionality, accuracy, and capability. The inspection was through data
monitored every hour for 30 days. The data were compared every day in terms of all the parameters to
be measured. The following were the performance tests conducted:
Static testing. Test cases are developed using various test techniques for achieving more
effective results. Each tester considers the best method or technique for the developed system hence it
is a method used while the code is not yet performed. Failures of the designed systems in a static test
are often human error particularly mistake in a document specification. Errors are much cheaper to fix
than defects or failures; testing should start as early as possible. Static testing involves techniques
such as reviews, which can be effective in preventing defects (Hambling, et al., 2007). All of the
parameter sensors went through static testing in terms of functionality, accuracy, and extent of
capability. A check (✓) denotes the condition is met while cross (x) if it is not met. The result was
successful as all of the parameter sensors work properly. The test was on a 30-day trial.

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Dynamic testing. This method involves working with tools where requests are given with
inputs and results of responses are checked and compared with the expected values. Dynamic testing
is the kind of testing that exercises the program under test with some data (Hambling, et al., 2007). It
is performed on software that is compiled and executed with parameters such as memory usage. The
overall device undergoes dynamic testing to assess if the given logical statements on the program
work accordingly. The result was successful as the device sends daily basis data on the server.

Figure 4

Actual Greenhouse (Front View)

As shown in figure 4, the actual greenhouse is located beside the engineering building which
is suitable for the cultivation of mushrooms.

Figure 5

Actual View of Greenhouse Inside

Figure 5 presents the inside view of the greenhouse where mushroom is located and placed in
the two-layer racks. The water tank is placed above the ground so that there is a good water flow to
the sprinkler.

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International Journal of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Volume 1 Issue 2

Figure 6

Main Controller of Greenhouse

Figure 6 shows the actual design of the device controller. It displays the connection of the
component between the main controllers and switches.

4. Results and Discussion

Static and dynamic testing results were conducted to gather data and examine the device.
These two testing methods examined the functionality, accuracy, and capability of the device to work
correctly as white oyster mushrooms are sensitive to humidity, temperature, and luminosity.
Static Testing. Data were gathered in monitoring the parameters of the greenhouse through
the IoT application (Blynk Application).
Table 1
First trial of static testing
Extent of Capability Extent of Capability
Sensor Functionality Accuracy
(Device) (Blynk App)
First Trial of the Static Testing
Temperature ✓ ✓ 100°C 60°C
Humidity ✓ ✓ 100% 100%
Light ✓ ✓ 100 lumens 100 lumens
Second Trial of the Static Testing
Temperature ✓ ✓ 100°C 60°C
Humidity ✓ ✓ 100% 100%
Light ✓ ✓ 100 lumens 100 lumens
Third Trial of the Static Testing
Temperature ✓ ✓ 100°C 60°C
Humidity ✓ ✓ 100% 100%
Light ✓ ✓ 100 lumens 100 lumens
Legend: ✓ - working; and X – not working

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As presented in Table 1, the summary of results of each trial denotes that the static test was
successful because all the sensors were working perfectly. The device has 100% functionality and
100% accuracy in terms of temperature, humidity, and light sensors. Functionality testing was
performed if the device’s sensors were working, responding, and giving information to both the
microcontroller and the Blynk Application. Accuracy testing was performed if the sensors gave the
same values to both microcontrollers and the Blynk Application. Capability testing was performed by
simply checking the maximum values that the sensors will give to the microcontroller and the Blynk
Dynamic Testing. The data gathered from the Blynk Application include the test results of the
humidity, temperature, and luminosity measured in the greenhouse. For 9 days, the sample data were
collected every hour with a minute interval.
Oyster mushrooms can grow at moderate temperatures ranging from 18 to 30 °C (Mejía &
Albertó, 2013). According to Hoa and Wang (2015), the optimal temperature for both P. ostreatus
and P. cystidiosus is 28 °C. For most fungi, the wide humidity range is 20–70% (Pandey et al., 2001).
According to Chang and Miles (2004) and Li et al. (2015) and Li et al. (2015), the appropriate
humidity during the darkened spawn-running and mycelia stimulation should encompass a range
between 60–75% and 85–97%, respectively, in the environment enabling a satisfactory growth of
Pleurotus spp. Consequently, some mushrooms such as Pleurotus spp. or L. edodes require light for
primordia formation (Nakano et al., 2010). A publication by Kaufert (1936) seems to be the first
indication that Pleurotus species required light. In general, the photoperiod of mycelia stimulation to
promote mushroom fruit bodies formation should be sufficient to read a sheet of paper 200–640 lux or
57-170 lumen 8–12 h a day at a temperature compatible with the mushroom (Ahmed et al., 2013;
Mejía & Albertó, 2013). These serve as a standard parameter for temperature, humidity, and
luminosity for the optimal growth of the mushrooms inside the greenhouse. These were used
throughout the data gathering to prove that the device meets the standard parameters.

Table 4
Dynamic testing results on day 1-4
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4
Humidity Temperature Luminosity Humidity Temperature Luminosity Humidity Temperature Luminosity Humidity Temperature Luminosity
0:00 99 27 4.29 99 27 4.29 99 27 4.29 99 27 4.29
1:00 99 28 4.00 99 28 4.00 99 28 4.00 99 28 4.00
2:00 99 28 4.15 99 28 4.15 99 28 4.15 99 28 4.15
3:00 99 28 15.53 99 27 15.53 99 28 15.53 99 28 15.53
4:00 99 28 15.40 99 27 15.40 99 28 15.40 99 28 15.40
5:00 99 31 44.15 99 27 44.15 99 31 44.15 99 31 44.15
6:00 99 31 42.35 99 27.13 42.35 99 31 42.35 99 31 42.35
7:00 99 31 43.10 99 27.22 43.10 99 31 43.10 99 31 43.10
8:00 99 31 92.61 99 27.67 92.61 99 31 92.61 99 31 92.61
9:00 99 31 98.10 99 27.65 93.10 99 31 98.10 99 31 98.10
10:00 99 31 94.00 99 27.12 94.00 99 31 94.00 99 31 94.00
11:00 99 30 92.61 99 36.93 92.61 99 30 92.61 99 30.29 92.61
12:00 99 30 98.10 72.9 31 98.10 75.24 30 98.10 99 30.08 98.10
13:00 99 38.86 94.00 75.7 29 94.00 73.03 38.86 94.00 99 38.93 94.00
14:00 99 31 45.06 99 28.17 45.06 73.27 31.24 45.06 99 31 45.06
15:00 99 31 44.62 99 30 44.62 99 31.07 44.62 99 31 44.62
16:00 99 31 44.15 99 31 44.15 99 31.18 44.15 99 31 44.15
17:00 99 31 42.35 99 30 42.35 99 30 42.35 99 31.5 42.35
18:00 99 31 43.10 99 29 43.10 99 30 43.10 99 31 39.14
19:00 99 31 15.53 99 28.5 15.53 99 30 15.53 99 31 15.53
20:00 99 31 15.40 99 31 15.40 99 31 15.40 99 31 15.40
21:00 99 28 4.29 99 28 4.29 99 28 4.29 99 28 4.29
22:00 99 28 4.00 99 28 4.00 99 28 4.00 99 28 4.00
23:00 99 27 4.15 99 27 4.15 99 27 4.15 99 27 4.15
Note: Standard Parameters: Temperature = 18 to 30 °C, Humidity = 20-97%, Luminosity = 57-170 lumens

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International Journal of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Volume 1 Issue 2

Table 4 shows the values produced by each sensor every hour in a day from day 1 to 4. The
data gathered during day 1 have a constant relative humidity of 99% throughout the day while the
temperature reached its peak value around 1:00 pm with a temperature of 38.86 degrees Celsius
because the sun was directly above the greenhouse. The value of luminosity ranged from 4.15 – 98.10
lumens. Similarly, day 2 has relative humidity ranging from 75.7-99% throughout the day, the
temperature reaches its peak value around 11:00 with a temperature of 36.93 degrees Celsius and
luminosity ranged from 4.15 – 98.10 lumens. In day 3, relative humidity ranging from 73.03- 99%,
the temperature peak at 13:00 with 38.86 degrees Celsius and luminosity ranged from 4.15 – 98.10
lumens. The day 4 showed a constant relative humidity of 99% throughout the day. The temperature
peaked around 13:00 with the temp of 38.93 degrees Celsius while luminosity ranged from 4.15 –
98.10 lumens.

Table 5
Dynamic testing results on day 5- 9
Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9
Humidity Temperature Luminosity Humidity Temperature Luminosity Humidity Temperature Luminosity Humidity Temperature Luminosity Humidity Temperature Luminosity
0:00 99 27 4.29 99 27 4.29 99 27 4.00 99 27 4.29 99 26 4.00
1:00 99 28 4.00 99 28 4.00 99 27 4.44 99 28 4.00 99 25.5 4.00
2:00 99 28 4.15 99 28 4.15 99 27 4.33 99 28 4.15 99 31 91.00
3:00 99 28 15.53 99 28 15.53 99 27 5.00 99 28 15.53 99 31 91.00
4:00 99 28 15.40 99 28 15.40 99 27 4.08 99 28 15.40 99 35 91.45
5:00 99 31 44.15 99 31 44.15 99 27.13 4.75 99 31 44.15 99 36 92.36
6:00 99 31 42.35 99 31 42.35 99 27.22 4.00 99 31 42.35 99 36 92.78
7:00 99 31 43.10 99 31 43.10 99 27.67 4.00 99 31 43.10 99 36 93.51
8:00 99 31 92.61 99 31 92.61 99 27.65 4.10 99 31 92.61 92.08 36 93.16
9:00 99 31 98.10 99 31 98.10 99 27.12 4.35 99 31 98.10 91.56 35.89 93.08
10:00 99 31 95.00 99 31 94.00 99 36.93 98.52 99 33 94.00 92.33 34.08 94.00
11:00 99 30 94.61 99 30 92.61 99 31 72.45 99 33 93.00 93.54 35 97.60
12:00 99 30.24 94.10 72.9 30 98.10 99 29 83.86 99 35.79 94.93 92.72 35 89.15
13:00 99 38.73 94.00 75.7 31 94.00 99 28.17 82.67 95.59 35.04 94.31 90.71 30 87.66
14:00 99 31.5 45.06 99 35.37 45.06 99 30 86.02 99 35.37 92.89 90.44 28 85.08
15:00 99 31 44.62 99 32 44.62 99 31 86.02 99 31 60.44 91.46 27.65 84.11
16:00 99 31 44.15 99 31 44.15 99 30 61.17 99 26 54.50 99 29 83.79
17:00 99 31 42.35 99 30 43.45 99 29 6.33 99 26 52.08 99 28 48.22
18:00 99 31 43.10 99 30 43.31 99 28.5 4.04 99 26.89 39.14 99 27.17 5.43
19:00 99 31 15.53 72.9 30 23.65 99 28 4.15 99 30 15.53 99 27.27 4.58
20:00 99 31 15.40 75.7 30 15.40 99 27.85 4.33 99 30 15.40 99 27 4.23
21:00 99 28 4.29 99 30 4.29 99 27.56 4.08 99 30 4.29 99 27.02 4.00
22:00 99 28 4.00 99 28 4.00 99 27.04 4.22 99 28 4.00 99 27 4.30
23:00 99 27 4.15 99 27 4.15 99 27 4.26 99 27 4.15 99 27 4.42
Note: Standard Parameters: Temperature = 18 to 30 °C, Humidity = 20-97%, Luminosity = 57-170 lumens

Table 5 shows the values produced by each sensor for day 5 to day 9. Day 5 shows constant
relative humidity of 99% throughout the day. Similar to the previous days, the temperature peaked at
around 13:00 with 38.73 degrees Celsius while the value of luminosity ranged from 4.15 – 98.10
lumens. On the following days, the relative humidity ranged from 72.9-99% (Day 6), 75-99% (Day
7), 94-99% (Day 8) and 90.44-99% (Day 9). The temperature still peaked at around 13:00 at varying
degree Celsius of 35.37 (Day 6), 36.93 (Day 7), 35.79 (Day 8) and 35 (Day 9). The luminosity ranged
from 4.15 – 98.10 (Day 6), 4 – 98.52 (Day 7), 4.15 – 98.10 (Day 8) and 4 – 97.60 (Day 9) lumens.

Table 6 shows the data gathered on July 11, 2020 that reflect the changes in the values of the
parameters per minute within an hour period. The data were recorded on the Blynk Application in an
hourly manner. It encodes its readings of all the parameters on the device which translate to a data
report. The result was successful as the device sends daily basis data on the server.

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Table 6
Data sample with a minute interval
Time Humidity Temperature Luminosity Time Humidity Temperature Luminosity
14:00 95.59 35.37 98.89 14:31 99 31 92.50
14:01 85.72 35 98.86 14:31 99 31 89.33
14:02 87.44 35 98.82 14:32 99 31 86.51
14:03 84.56 34.58 98.92 14:33 99 31 84.13
14:04 88.56 34.04 98.67 14:34 99 31 82.35
14:05 86.35 34 98.75 14:35 99 31 81.23
14:06 88.19 34 98.43 14:36 99 31 79.22
14:07 81.78 34 98.33 14:37 99 31 77.24
14:08 88.26 34 98.17 14:38 99 31 76.06
14:09 89.88 34 98.09 14:39 99 31 75.96
14:10 87.67 34 98.00 14:40 99 30.47 75.51
14:11 86.51 34 98.04 14:41 99 30.15 75.08
14:12 94.33 34 98.00 14:42 99 30 74.76
14:13 96.9 34 97.96 14:43 99 30 73.73
14:14 93.75 34 97.96 14:44 99 30 72.57
14:15 96.67 34 97.60 14:45 99 30.09 71.18
14:16 98.96 34 95.04 14:46 99 32.84 70.59
14:17 97.1 34 90.73 14:47 99 35.91 70.09
14:18 98.58 33.84 94.00 14:48 99 35.57 70.00
14:19 92.61 33 93.84 14:49 99 31 60.44
14:20 93.38 33 93.53 14:50 99 31 58.79
14:21 97.31 32.97 93.17 14:51 99 30 58.42
14:22 99 32 94.00 14:52 99 30.02 56.79
14:23 99 32 94.58 14:53 99 30 54.19
14:24 99 32 97.16 14:54 99 30 51.95
14:25 99 31.76 96.08 14:55 99 30 34.39
14:26 99 31.46 97.56 14:56 99 28.04 35.43
14:27 99 31.54 95.06 14:57 99 28 37.06
14:28 99 31.77 93.69 14:58 99 28 40.20
14:29 99 31.7 93.80 14:59 99 27.98 44.36
14:30 99 31 93.21 15:00 99 28 48.22
Note: Standard Parameters: Temperature = 18 to 30 °C, Humidity = 20-97%, Luminosity = 57-170 lumens.

Based from the data gathered, the features in the Blynk Application were functional as it
gives the data and reports consistently on the whole process of testing. The data consist of hourly
reports of the current values in terms of humidity, temperature, and luminosity inside the greenhouse
and was transferred to the mobile phone through the use of a WIFI connection. Based on each
parameter gathered from day 1 to day 9, the result in terms of temperature and humidity was within
the range of the standard values for optimal growth of the mushrooms inside the greenhouse. In terms
of luminosity, although the luminosity of the LED strip was not enough, the natural sunlight gives
enough light for the mushroom to grow. Although lacking an exact data on how many mushrooms

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International Journal of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Volume 1 Issue 2

were produced in each fruit bag, the white oyster mushrooms grew on almost all of the 100 pieces of
fruit bags in the greenhouse.

5. Conclusion and Recommendation

Through hard work and dedication and assistance of the experts, the development of an
automated solar-powered multi-network greenhouse in mushroom cultivation monitoring and
management system on using microcontrollers with IoT-based applications was made possible. This
study therefore conclude that the Solar Powered Multi-Network Monitoring and Management System
on Greenhouse Cultivation could lessen the risk of greenhouses not being maintained or monitored at
specific environmental conditions through an IoT-based monitoring system called Blynk Application.
It helps manage and keep track of the environment inside the greenhouse remotely as long as there is
a WiFi connection.
The static testing after three trials proved that the device was fully functional in terms of the
temperature, humidity, and light sensors as it gives information thru the microcontroller and the
Blynk Application. The device was also accurate as it gives same value in both the microcontroller
and the Blynk application. The sensors were also capable to give values needed in terms of
temperature, humidity, and luminosity enough for the range of the standard parameters for growing
and cultivating a mushroom. Meanwhile, the dynamic testing also proved that the three parameters
(temperature, humidity, and luminosity) measured for nine (9) consecutive days were in the range of
the standards for growing a mushroom. Therefore, the micro-environment created from the
greenhouse was suitable for the cultivation of white oyster mushrooms. Even though some hours of
the day did not have enough luminosity for the mushrooms, the fruits bags in the greenhouse still
produce the white oyster mushroom. This concludes that a few hours of exposure to light was enough
to cultivate a white oyster mushroom. The moisture sensor, however, was not met due to its being an
insignificant factor in cultivating mushrooms. As a final result, the device was 100% functional,
accurate, and capable of monitoring the temperature, humidity, and luminosity inside the greenhouse
for the production of white oyster mushrooms.
Based on the summary of findings and conclusions, the following recommendations were
drawn for further research: improvement in the security of the device like installing a CCTV for
constant monitoring of the interior and exterior of the greenhouse and additional sensors; better
location of the greenhouse by placing the device in a more secure and private place and not publicly
exposed to lessen the threat of damaging the device; utilize the greenhouse to cultivate other plants by
using the specific parameters for varieties of plants; gather information on the increase or decrease in
percentage yield on the production of the mushrooms, and conduct additional testing if constantly
exposing the mushroom to 57-170 lumens for 24 hours could affect the production rate of the

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Pertanika J. Sci. & Technol. 29 (4): 2863 - 2885 (2021)


Journal homepage: http://www.pertanika.upm.edu.my/

Enhanced IoT-Based Climate Control for Oyster Mushroom

Cultivation Using Fuzzy Logic Approach and NodeMCU
Muhammad Azizi Mohd Ariffin1*, Muhammad Izzad Ramli1, Zarina Zainol1,
Mohd Nazrul Mohd Amin1, Marina Ismail1, Rosanita Adnan1, Nor Diana Ahmad1,
Norhasiah Husain2 and Nursuriati Jamil1
National Autism Resource Centre, Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, UiTM,
Shah Alam, 40450, Malaysia
The National Autism Society of Malaysia, Pacific Place Commercial Centre, Unit B-2-3, B-3-3, Jalan PJU
1A/4, Ara Damansara, 47301, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

Urban farming has the potential to utilise unused space in the community to alleviate
food shortages and increase the community’s income through local food production.
When Internet of Things (IoT) technology is integrated with urban farming, it can further
improve its efficiencies and yield. The work in this paper improved our previous work
of using an IoT-based climate control system to regulate the cultivation environment of
oyster mushrooms automatically. Even though the climate control system could produce
two batches of mushroom yields, there were several limitations, such as less efficient
climate control due to threshold-based corrective action, water wastage, and system
instability. This paper aims to address these stated limitations by implementing a fuzzy logic
algorithm and redesigned the climate control
system. Two crisp input variables from
ARTICLE INFO DHT22 sensors representing temperature
Article history:
Received: 16 April 2021 and humidity were fed into the Node MCU
Accepted: 13 August 2021
Published: 22 October 2021
microcontroller’s fuzzy logic coded in C
language. The temperature and humidity
DOI: https://doi.org/10.47836/pjst.29.4.34
E-mail addresses:
conditions were divided into five fuzzy
[email protected] (Muhammad Azizi Mohd Ariffin) trapezoidal membership functions resulting
[email protected] (Muhammad Izzad Ramli)
[email protected] (Zarina Zainol) in 25 fuzzy rules to control the duration of
[email protected] (Mohd Nazrul Mohd Amin)
[email protected] (Marina Ismail) running the water pump and ventilation
[email protected] (Rosanita Adnan)
[email protected] (Nor Diana Ahmad)
fan. An internal, lightweight web server
[email protected] (Norhasiah Husain) were managed all HTTP client requests.
[email protected] (Nursuriati Jamil)
* Corresponding author The enhanced system also included a safety

ISSN: 0128-7680
e-ISSN: 2231-8526 © Universiti Putra Malaysia Press
Muhammad Azizi Mohd Ariffin, Muhammad Izzad Ramli, Zarina Zainol, Mohd Nazrul Mohd Amin,
Marina Ismail, Rosanita Adnan, Nor Diana Ahmad, Norhasiah Husain and Nursuriati Jamil

measurement to avoid overheating the microcontroller and causing water wastage. Upon
analysis of the data captured in two months, the result showed a decrease of 40% in water
utilisation and an increase of mushrooms yield up to 226%. The enhanced climate control
system also facilitated maintaining and controlling the temperature and humidity conducive
for optimal mushroom cultivation.
Keyword: Fuzzy logic, Internet of Things (IoT), node MCU microcontroller, oyster mushroom cultivation,
urban farming

Research of IoT utilisation in smart farming has increased tremendously, and this fact
is reflected in the number of publications which has increased by 278% in 2017/2018
compared to 2016 (Navarro et al., 2020). In crop monitoring, big data analytics and machine
learning techniques were largely used to predict environmental conditions (Adenugba et al.,
2019), identify growth stages (Xia et al., 2018), and the health of plantations (Li et al., 2018).
However, these technologies require massive resources and are more cost-benefitting for
large plantations. In small-scale farming, particularly urban farming, IoTs are used mainly
for crop monitoring and environment control. Urban farming can utilise unused space in
the community to alleviate food shortages and increase the community’s income through
local food production (Poulsen et al., 2017). Oyster mushroom cultivation is among the
top choice of crops for urban farming as it requires small space, has high nutritional and
medicinal values and takes a shorter time to harvest (Nongthombam et al., 2021).
This paper presented an enhanced IoT-based climate control system for oyster
mushroom cultivation, initially presented in the 10th Conference on System Engineering
and Technology (ICSET) (Ariffin et al., 2020). In the previous IoT-based climate control
system, fixed thresholds were used to automatically regulate the cultivation environment of
oyster mushrooms in a mushroom house. Even though the IoT system alleviated the manual
cultivation of oyster mushrooms at NASOM’s (National Autism Society of Malaysia)
Autism Care Centre in Bandar Puteri Klang, there were two limitations. The first limitation
was the inability to regulate the mushroom house’s environment to adapt to the weather
changes during the wet and dry seasons. Malaysia experiences an equatorial climate with
hot and humid weather for the whole year and two monsoon seasons from late May to
September and October to March, respectively (Tang, 2019). The average temperature is
25.8°C, with the highest at 30.3°C and the lowest at 21.9°C (Climate-Data.org., 2021).
Malaysia also has a relatively high humidity with an average of 250cm yearly rainfall
(Saw, 2007). The rainy season occurs from November to January, while the drier season
occurs from May to July (Wong et al., 2016). Ideally, the IoT system should perform a
corrective action by turning on/off the ventilation fan and water pump on/off depending
on the humidity and temperature changes due to the weather. Thus, the IoT system should

2864 Pertanika J. Sci. & Technol. 29 (4): 2863 - 2885 (2021)

Enhanced IoT-Based Climate Control for Oyster Mushroom Cultivation

automatically water the mushroom house during the dry season more frequently than the
rainy season. However, since the control of the water pump and ventilation fan depended
on pre-determined fixed thresholds, the same threshold values were used to control the
climate of the mushroom house throughout the year. As a result, it has led to a less conducive
environment for the cultivation of oyster mushrooms.
The second limitation is the wastage of water resources, again due to fixed thresholds
and time intervals in controlling the water pump. For example, even though the relative
humidity was high during the rainy season, the misting sprinkler was turned on according
to the fixed intervals causing wastage of precious water resources. Therefore, it will
contribute to the unsustainable use of
water resources for agriculture (Al-Saidi &
Elagib, 2017). Moreover, the previous IoT
system also frequently experienced system
instability due to an unstable power source.
The microcontroller and all the electronic
components were placed together on a single
breadboard (Figure 1). Figure 1. Blank LCD due to system error

Therefore, this paper proposed to overcome the limitation of using fixed thresholds to
automatically control the climate of a mushroom house using a fuzzy logic approach and
revised the system hardware specification to improve the system stability due to the power
supply issues. The contribution of this paper is twofold: 1) This paper demonstrates the
execution of an IoT climate control system in a mushroom house located in Bandar Puteri,
Klang, Malaysia; and 2) This paper proved that the implementation of the fuzzy logic for IoT
controller was able to provide better environmental management as required for mushroom
cultivation and reduced the water usage resulted in a higher yield of harvested mushroom.

Machine learning and big data analytics were, and machine learning techniques were
mainly used in large plantations for crop monitoring and by predicting the environmental
conditions. Fuzzy logic is another option of crop monitoring and is commonly used to
monitor multiple variables such as temperature and humidity in greenhouses and urban
farming. Therefore, it is suitable for implementing a complex IoT system with multiple
inputs and granular and dynamic action as an output (Krishnan et al., 2020). In Algarín
et al. (2017) and Revathi and Sivakumaran (2016), a greenhouse’s cooling and irrigation
system was controlled using fuzzy logic. A heat loss gain method was used to compare
the proposed system with the conventional manual method of controlling the light,
temperature, humidity, and water supplied to the greenhouse. The results showed that the
fuzzy logic control system needed approximately 25% less energy to heat the greenhouse.

Pertanika J. Sci. & Technol. 29 (4): 2863 - 2885 (2021) 2865

Muhammad Azizi Mohd Ariffin, Muhammad Izzad Ramli, Zarina Zainol, Mohd Nazrul Mohd Amin,
Marina Ismail, Rosanita Adnan, Nor Diana Ahmad, Norhasiah Husain and Nursuriati Jamil

The authors further claimed that their proposed system contained more new technologies
than previous similar work and allowed the crop to grow at the optimum level. However,
the crop yields were not made available in the paper. Similarly, Alpay and Erdem (2018)
used fuzzy logic to optimise the sensors’ operations to monitor soil moisture, temperature,
lighting, and relative humidity in a greenhouse. A greenhouse prototype using acrylic and
aluminium was built for the sensors and fuzzy logic control system. When tested in real-
time, the proposed fuzzy logic control system showed good stabilisation times (i.e., 4-10
mins) and average tolerances of 5% for relative humidity, 2% for temperature, and 6% for
soil moisture under different environmental conditions. However, the control system was
tested in a controlled greenhouse prototype.
Implementation of IoT technology in mushroom cultivation was also commonly done,
especially in Southeast ASEAN countries. Kassim et al. (2019) and Mat et al. (2019)
developed a wireless sensor network system with a real-time embedded system to control
temperature, humidity, and CO2 parameters to grow shiitake mushrooms in a controlled
room of a building. Based on these parameters, the system provided feedback based on
pre-defined thresholds to control the actuators attached to the exhaust fan, humidifier,
circulation fan, and mist sprinkler. Even though the results showed 192.9% of mushroom
yields, the system was not implemented in a real environment. Ibrahim et al. (2018)
monitored temperature, humidity, and CO2 in a smart mushroom house for three days and
captured the sensor data in 3 minutes intervals. When the humidity in the mushroom house
dropped below 75%, a humidifier was activated until the humidity reached 85%.
Meanwhile, the CO2 values were kept under 500ppm by turning on an exhaust fan
whenever CO2 readings went over 600ppm. The authors also showed that the average
thickness per mushroom increased from 2.3cm to 2.6cm, and its average weight attained
40gm compared to 35gm when using the conventional method. Najmurrokhman et al.
(2020) implemented a similar IoT-based system using a closed box made of plastic to
grow oyster mushrooms by monitoring the level of humidity and temperature. When
the temperature and humidity reached above or under a set threshold, the lamp, fan, and
mist sprinkler were turned on to reset the temperature and humidity to their respective
fixed values. A further related literature search was done, and the summary is presented
in Table 1. Based on Table 1, temperature and humidity are the two important parameters
in mushroom cultivation. At the same time, CO2 is recommended for shitake mushrooms
identified by Mat et al. (2019) and Ibrahim et al. (2018), especially in an enclosed room in
a building where air circulation is stagnant (Mat et al., 2019; Shakir et al., 2019). In their
control setup, Shakir et al. (2019) also added a light intensity parameter to light up the
enclosed room after 6.00 pm. They observed the increase of CO2 level in the presence of
artificial light, indicating the mushrooms produced more CO2 when the light was turned
on. Therefore, our study omitted CO2 as the observed parameter as the focus is oyster
mushroom cultivation, and the mushroom house has good air circulation.

2866 Pertanika J. Sci. & Technol. 29 (4): 2863 - 2885 (2021)

Enhanced IoT-Based Climate Control for Oyster Mushroom Cultivation

Table 1 also showed that while the use of fuzzy logic control systems was beginning
to be implemented in recent years, most mushroom cultivations still relied on utilising
fixed thresholds to monitor temperature and humidity. Even though Chieochan et al. (2017)
and Boonchieng et al. (2018) reported a ten times reduction in labour costs of mushroom
cultivation when they implemented an IoT-based monitoring system using fixed thresholds
in a mushroom hut, they did not report on the mushroom yields. Cruz-Del Amen and
Villaverde (2019) and Hendrawan et al. (2019) used fuzzy logic to control temperature
and humidity in their oyster mushroom cultivations. While Cruz-Del Amen and Villaverde
(2019) conducted their experiments in a controlled enclosed space, the latter implemented
the testing using a plastic container box.

Table 1
Summary of selected IoT-based mushroom cultivations work

Controlled parameters Monitoring

Authors Cultivation setup
Temperature Humidity CO2 technique
Ibrahim et al. (2018) √ √ √ Mushroom house Fixed threshold
Kassim et al. (2019) Building room Fixed threshold
√ √ √
Mat et al. (2019)
Najmurrokhman et al. (2020) √ √ Mocked prototype Fixed threshold
Chieochan et al. (2017) Mushroom hut Fixed threshold
√ √
Boonchieng et al. (2018)
Shakir et al. (2019) √ √ √ Building room Fixed threshold
Cruz-Del Amen and Controlled enclosed Fuzzy logic
√ √
Villaverde (2019) space
Hendrawan et al. (2019) Plastic container Fuzzy logic
√ √

This paper differs from work in the literature where the mushroom cultivation was
done in a real mushroom house exposed to pest threats, unpredictable weather, and
noisy environments from car traffic. This paper reports on the experiences, challenges,
and limitations of implementing a fuzzy control climate system for cultivating oyster
mushrooms within two months.

The IoT-Based climate control system was implemented in a mushroom house at NASOM’s
Autism Care Centre in Bandar Puteri Klang, Malaysia. First, the primary data from the
sensors were captured. The captured data were average temperature, humidity, mushroom
yield, and water usage. The data analysis was then conducted and compared with our first
IoT-based system that used fixed thresholds.

Pertanika J. Sci. & Technol. 29 (4): 2863 - 2885 (2021) 2867

Muhammad Azizi Mohd Ariffin, Muhammad Izzad Ramli, Zarina Zainol, Mohd Nazrul Mohd Amin,
Marina Ismail, Rosanita Adnan, Nor Diana Ahmad, Norhasiah Husain and Nursuriati Jamil

System Design
The improved IoT-based climate control design was divided into three sections: Oyster
Mushroom Cultivation Environment, IoT-Based Climate Control System, Fuzzy Logic
Algorithm, and Web Interface.

Oyster Mushroom Cultivation Environment

Oyster mushroom has a specific growing environment to ensure healthy and productive
yield. It needs to grow in a temperature range of 22-28°C and humidity range of 60-80%
(Adhitya et al., 2017). Thus, a farmer would manually spray water to the floor to control
the temperature and humidity level in the conventional cultivation method. However, the
mushrooms cannot contact directly with the water as a wet growing medium will damage
the mushroom with bacterial or fungal infection (Hamidizade et al., 2020). Moreover, the
mushroom also needs to be protected from insects, pests, or bad odour to ensure quality
yield. Therefore, to grow and cultivate oyster mushrooms in a controlled environment,
farmers grow oyster mushrooms inside a mushroom house. However, maintaining a
conventional mushroom house is tedious as a farmer needs to control the climate inside
the mushroom house manually. Thus, this paper proposed a smart mushroom powered by
an enhanced IoT-based climate control using the fuzzy logic system. Figure 2 shows the
physical arrangement of the smart mushroom house.
The size of the smart mushroom house is 547 × 347 cm, and it consists of several
components such as the IoT Control Box, Access Point, Water Pump, Exhaust Fan, Sensors,
and Rack. The mushroom house can fit ten racks for holding up to 2,000 blocks of oyster

Figure 2. Mushroom house with IoT-based climate control physical arrangement

2868 Pertanika J. Sci. & Technol. 29 (4): 2863 - 2885 (2021)

Enhanced IoT-Based Climate Control for Oyster Mushroom Cultivation

mushroom growing medium. The racks holding the growing medium were rearranged to
improve the air circulation. Based on our earlier experiences, the vertical arrangement of
the racks did not allow optimal airflow, and the mushroom blocks got easily wet during
heavy rains. Therefore, the racks were subsequently horizontally rearranged, as shown in
Figure 2, to ensure optimal air circulation and easy access to the growing medium. The
IoT control box hosted the Node MCU Microcontroller, which contained the fuzzy logic to
control the ventilation fan and water pump automatically. Two DHT22 sensors were placed
at the ceiling and connected to the Node MCU for capturing temperature and humidity
inside the mushroom house. The connection between the microcontroller and the sensor
was via three single-core wires of size 0.5 × 0.25 mm. The length of the connection wire
to the first sensor was 60 cm, while the second sensor was located 180 cm from the IoT
box, and the wire was placed along the roof beam. The power for the IoT control box was
supplied by a power outlet equipped with a voltage regulator to ensure a stable supply of
5V 2A DC electricity. The mushroom house was also equipped with an access point with
a built-in 4G LTE Modem to connect the IoT control box. Internet connectivity was used
to display the climate data to the end-user via a web interface and enabled the end-user to
control the IoT system remotely.
The purpose of the ventilation fan was to pump out hot air from inside the mushroom
house and ensure optimal air circulation, which was vital for oyster mushroom cultivation
(Wahab et al., 2019). On the other hand, the water pump was connected to the PVC pipes to
supply water to the misting head to spray the floor and the roof to regulate the temperature
inside the mushroom house. Unfortunately, the climate control system was not equipped
with a nozzle head to spray the roof in our initial work. Thus, the enhanced climate control
system added water nozzles on top of the roof to further improve temperature regulation
in the mushroom house. Furthermore, since the mushroom house is located on a busy road
in an urban area, the heat from the traffic contributed to the high-temperature occurrence.
Lastly, the bottom half of the mushroom house wall was built using bricks. At the same
time, the upper part was installed with steel netting and agriculture grade black netting to
protect the mushroom house from pest invasions and ensure proper air circulation.

IoT-Based Climate Control System

The system’s intelligence to control climate and regulate the environment was in the fuzzy
logic algorithm running in the Node MCU microcontroller. Figure 3 shows the logical
diagram of the IoT-based climate control system. First, the temperature and humidity
crisps value inputs to the system. The crisps values were converted to a fuzzy value using
a trapezoidal fuzzifier function. At the same time, the crisps values were also sent to a light
web server so that they can be displayed to LCD via GPIO and web interface via network
communication. After the crisp values were converted, they were fed to the fuzzy logic
function for further processing.

Pertanika J. Sci. & Technol. 29 (4): 2863 - 2885 (2021) 2869

Muhammad Azizi Mohd Ariffin, Muhammad Izzad Ramli, Zarina Zainol, Mohd Nazrul Mohd Amin,
Marina Ismail, Rosanita Adnan, Nor Diana Ahmad, Norhasiah Husain and Nursuriati Jamil

Figure 3. System logical diagram

Figure 4. IoT based climate control hardware schematic.

The fuzzy logic algorithm checked the fuzzy rules and depending on the fuzzy input.
Then, the algorithm inferred a suitable value range for the fuzzy output. After that, the fuzzy
output was sent to the defuzzifier function to be converted back to the crisp value. The
crisp value determined the action taken by the system to regulate the mushroom house. An
example of such action was turning on the water pump for 30 seconds and the ventilation
fan for 40 seconds due to Hot Temperature. The hardware schematic for implementing the
enhanced IoT system is shown in Figure 4.

2870 Pertanika J. Sci. & Technol. 29 (4): 2863 - 2885 (2021)

Enhanced IoT-Based Climate Control for Oyster Mushroom Cultivation

The system used Node MCU Microcontroller equipped with an ESP8266 chip Base
Board to run the fuzzy logic and connect with the sensors and relays. Node MCU was
used extensively by various IoT and Wireless sensor network projects due to its capability
to connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi using very low power and miniature configuration
(Kashyap et al., 2018). The width of the Node MCU board is only 30 mm and equipped
with integrated GPIO, PWM, IIC, 1-Wire, and ADC all in one board. The Node MCU
board provided an easy connection with the sensors, relay, and I2C LCD. Furthermore,
it also ensured stable power input with an onboard 5V voltage regulator capable of the
maximum voltage output of 1A. In our initial climate control system, the microcontroller
was only connected to the breadboard without any baseboard. It has caused instability
to the system due to a lack of voltage regulators and proper pin connection. The DHT22
sensor module measured temperature in -40°C to 80°C and humidity range of 0 to 100%.
It has +-2% RH accuracy, +-0.5 degrees °C accuracy, and the ability to read data every 2
seconds (CircuitSchools Staff, 2020). The ventilation fan and the 240V AC water pump
were controlled by the control climate system using 5V 2 Channel relay. Meanwhile, the
I2C LCD displayed current sensor reading, action, and any error logs. A stable power
supply was ensured by a power outlet equipped with a voltage regulator to ensure a stable
supply of 5V 2A DC electricity.

Fuzzy Logic Algorithm

The first stage in constructing the fuzzy logic algorithm involved defining the linguistic
variables and terms for the input and output; constructing the fuzzy logic membership
functions and the rule base. The input variables were temperature and humidity; the
linguistic terms for temperature were {Too cold, Cold, Normal, Hot, Too hot} and the
trapezoidal membership function simulated in MATLAB was constructed as shown in
Figure 5. The ‘Normal’ temperature ranges from 22 to 29oC, which is the desirable state
of temperature for the best yield of the mushrooms.

Figure 5. Trapezoidal membership function with fuzzy sets for temperature

Pertanika J. Sci. & Technol. 29 (4): 2863 - 2885 (2021) 2871

Muhammad Azizi Mohd Ariffin, Muhammad Izzad Ramli, Zarina Zainol, Mohd Nazrul Mohd Amin,
Marina Ismail, Rosanita Adnan, Nor Diana Ahmad, Norhasiah Husain and Nursuriati Jamil

Humidity was defined as {Too humid, Humid, Normal, Dry, Too Dry}, and its
trapezoidal membership function can be seen in Figure 6. The fuzzy set for ideal humidity
of the mushrooms ranges from 71 to 84%, and the climate control system commanded the
ventilation fan and water pump accordingly to maintain the humidity.
Duration of the ventilation fan and
water pump were the output variables, and Table 2
Membership functions with fuzzy sets for the duration
the linguistic terms for the duration were of ventilation fan and water pump
{Slow, Medium, Long}. The trapezoidal
Ventilation fan Water pump
membership functions for the ventilation Output (sec) (sec)
fan and water pump duration are shown in Short 0 – 93 0 – 93
Figures 7 and 8, respectively. The fuzzy data Medium 80 – 173 66 – 173
sets for the ventilation fan and water pump Long 165 – 250 146 – 250
are shown in Table 2.
The knowledge base rules are shown as a matrix in Table 3 containing 25 rules
according to the Mamdani fuzzy inference system. The rules were used to decide the
duration of the ventilation fan and water pump in 3 membership degrees of Short, Medium,
and Long. Three examples of the rules in the knowledge base were:
Rule 1: IF Temperature is (Too Cold OR Cold) AND Humidity is Too Humid THEN
Action is Long Duration (Fan)

Figure 6. Trapezoidal membership function with fuzzy sets for humidity

Figure 7. Trapezoidal membership function with fuzzy sets of the duration for ventilation fan

2872 Pertanika J. Sci. & Technol. 29 (4): 2863 - 2885 (2021)

Enhanced IoT-Based Climate Control for Oyster Mushroom Cultivation

Figure 8. Trapezoidal membership function with fuzzy sets of the duration for water pump

Table 3
Fuzzy rules and action taken using rules based on Mamdani fuzzy inference system

Temperature /
Too Humid Humid Normal Dry Too Dry
Too Cold Long duration Long duration Medium Short duration Short duration
(fan) (fan) duration (fan) (fan) and (fan) and long
and short medium duration (water
duration (water duration (water pump)
pump) pump)
Cold Long duration Medium Short duration Short duration Short duration
(fan) duration (fan) (fan) and (water (fan) and (fan) and long
pump) medium duration (water
duration (water pump)
Normal Short duration Short duration Short duration Short duration Short duration
(fan) (fan) (fan) and (water (fan) and (fan) and long
pump) medium duration (water
duration (water pump)
Hot Medium duration Medium Long duration Long duration Long duration
(fan) and (water duration (fan) (fan) and (water (fan) and (water (fan) and (water
pump) and (water pump) pump) pump)
Too Hot Long duration Long duration Long duration Long duration Long duration
(fan) and (water (fan) and (fan) and (water (fan) and (water (fan) and (water
pump) (water pump) pump) pump) pump)

Rule 2: IF Temperature is (Hot OR Too Hot) AND Humidity is Too Dry THEN (Action
is Long Duration (Fan) AND Long Duration (Water Pump))
Rule 3: IF Temperature is Too Cold AND Humidity is Normal THEN (Action is
Medium Duration (Fan) AND Short Duration (Water Pump))
In the fuzzification stage, the crisp input values of humidity and temperature were
converted to fuzzy values using the constructed trapezoidal membership functions.

Pertanika J. Sci. & Technol. 29 (4): 2863 - 2885 (2021) 2873

Muhammad Azizi Mohd Ariffin, Muhammad Izzad Ramli, Zarina Zainol, Mohd Nazrul Mohd Amin,
Marina Ismail, Rosanita Adnan, Nor Diana Ahmad, Norhasiah Husain and Nursuriati Jamil

The graphical user interface to design the fuzzy logic is shown in Figure 9, while the
defuzzification is described in Figures 10 and 11, respectively. The fuzzification used Max
and Min for Boolean operations OR and AND, respectively. The results were fuzzy values
for the duration of the ventilation fan and water pump. The defuzzification stage was then
performed according to the respective membership functions using the centre of gravity
(‘centroid’) algorithm to obtain the crisp output value for durations.

Figure 9. The graphical user interface of the enhanced fuzzy logic-based system by using the Mamdani
fuzzy inference system

Figure 10. Simulation result for input variables with the temperature value equals to 34°C and the humidity
value is equal to 80.4 %

2874 Pertanika J. Sci. & Technol. 29 (4): 2863 - 2885 (2021)

Enhanced IoT-Based Climate Control for Oyster Mushroom Cultivation

In Figure 10, the crisp input values for temperature and humidity were 34°C and 80.4
%, respectively. The fuzzy logic then executed the rule “IF Temperature is (Hot OR Too
Hot) AND Humidity is Normal THEN (Action is Long Duration (Fan) AND Long Duration
(Water Pump)” and resulted in turning on the ventilation fan for 204 seconds and the water
pump running for 198 seconds.
Figure 11 demonstrates another example of the fuzzy logic system with an input
temperature of 16.4°C and a humidity value of 38.9 %. The fuzzy rule “IF Temperature is
(Too Cold OR Cold) AND Humidity is Too Dry THEN (Action is Short Duration (Fan)
AND Long Duration (Water Pump) was initiated, and the output resulted in turning on
the ventilation fan for 42 seconds and the duration of the water pump for 180 seconds.
The simulated fuzzy logic algorithm was tested based on actual data collected from
the sensors, and the actions taken were validated based on the input variables. Finally,
the fuzzy logic algorithm was coded in C language and implemented in the NodeMCU
controller for the proposed enhanced IoT-based climate control system.

Figure 11. Simulation result for input variables with the temperature value equals 16.4oC and the humidity
value is equal to 38.9 %

Web Interface
The IoT system has a web interface that displays the end-users sensor reading, action is
taken, and system uptime. It was connected to the Internet, which enabled the end-users
to access the web interface remotely via a web browser with Internet access availability.
The NodeMCU microcontroller has adequate processing power to run a lightweight web
server inside its system. The web server was implemented using built-in Arduino’s ESP8266

Pertanika J. Sci. & Technol. 29 (4): 2863 - 2885 (2021) 2875

Muhammad Azizi Mohd Ariffin, Muhammad Izzad Ramli, Zarina Zainol, Mohd Nazrul Mohd Amin,
Marina Ismail, Rosanita Adnan, Nor Diana Ahmad, Norhasiah Husain and Nursuriati Jamil

Web server function to listen to HTTP client requests. Simple

HTML code was written to display the sensor reading.
This project retained the same web interface layout as our
previous work, as illustrated in Figure 12.

Summary of System Design

As this paper improves the IoT-based climate control system
proposed in Ariffin et al. (2020), comparisons of features and
specifications are presented in Table 4. Figure 12. System web interface

Table 4
Summary of improved features and specifications compared to Ariffin et al. (2020)

No Features / Specification Ariffin et al. (2020) Enhanced System Design

1. Microcontroller Logic Threshold-based Logic Fuzzy Logic
2. Power & Connection Two 5V External power Single External power source powering
sources and connection was the NodeMCU Baseboard with 5V voltage
via Breadboard regulator
3. Rack Arrangement Vertical arrangement Horizontal arrangement to allow optimal
airflow and to avoid wetting the mushroom
block during rainfall
4. Water Nozzle Nozzle was not installed to Installed nozzle to spray water on the roof
Placement spray the roof

System Implementation
This section discusses how the enhanced IOT-based climate control system was
implemented in the real-world setup as a proof of concept.

The Mushroom House Setup

The IoT-based climate control system was implemented in a real-world mushroom house
located at NASOM Centre in Bandar Puteri, Klang, Malaysia. Thus, the result collected
in this paper is based on real-world results. The mushroom house utilised the unused
community space at the NASOM Centre to generate income for the autism centre. The
mushroom house was built on a brick structure at the bottom and wired fencing reaching
the roof to ensure better air circulation. These wired fences were covered with black netting
to prevent direct sunlight that is not conducive for oyster mushroom growth. In addition,
the water mist spraying system surrounded the floor and roof of the mushroom house to
reduce the house’s temperature. Figure 13 shows the implementation of the mushroom
house with black netting and water mist spraying surrounding the structure. Figure 14
depicts the racks inside the mushroom house that are partially stocked with 500 growing
mediums. In Figure 15, the IoT control box that automatically controls the climate inside

2876 Pertanika J. Sci. & Technol. 29 (4): 2863 - 2885 (2021)

Enhanced IoT-Based Climate Control for Oyster Mushroom Cultivation

Figure 13. Smart Mushroom house situated on the Figure 14. Setup of the racks inside the mushroom
unused community space house

Figure 15. IoT control box for the system Figure 16. Ventilation fan to cool down the
temperature and for air circulation

the mushroom house is displayed. Finally, Figure 16 shows the ventilation fan mounted
on the wall to cool down the internal temperature and ensure good air circulation.

Deployment of IoT-Based Climate Control System

The IoT control box was deployed in the house and connected to a relay. Figure 17 shows
the flow chart of the system. Upon booting up, the system waited for 5s to ensure the
DHT22 sensor could provide a reading for temperature and humidity. If the reading was
not NULL, the system calculated the average value for temperature and humidity from the
two sensors and displayed it on the LCD and the web interface. Next, the system converted
the average temperature and crisp humidity values into fuzzy values and processed them
into crisp output based on the fuzzy logic algorithm. The inference made by the fuzzy rules
determined whether to turn the water pump and ventilation fan on or off. The result of the
inference was displayed on the LCD and the web interface. The system also implemented
a safety measure by using an increment to a program counter. If the counter reached above
the value of 3, the system paused for an hour to ensure that it did not repeat too many

Pertanika J. Sci. & Technol. 29 (4): 2863 - 2885 (2021) 2877

Muhammad Azizi Mohd Ariffin, Muhammad Izzad Ramli, Zarina Zainol, Mohd Nazrul Mohd Amin,
Marina Ismail, Rosanita Adnan, Nor Diana Ahmad, Norhasiah Husain and Nursuriati Jamil


Wait Converting
No Converting Fuzzy Logic Fuzzy Logic
If 5s Crisp Input Algorithm to Crisp
Pass (Temperature Output
& Humadity to
Turn on Water
Read Temperature & Humadity Pump (Interval/
from Sensor 1 & 2 Period based on
Fuzzy Output

Yes Turn on
If Temp &
Display Action and Ventilation Fan
running Time at LCD (Interval/Period
Display & Web based on Fuzzy


Avg Temp = Sensor 1 Temp Yes

Sensor 2 Temp Increment If ProgCount
Avg Humadity = Sensor 1 ProgCount++ >3
Humadity + Sensor 2 Humadity

Display Avg Temp & No

Avg Humadity at LCD
Display & Web

Wait 1 hour and reset ProgCount

ProgCount = 0

Figure 17. Flowchart of the climate control system

actions. Too many repeated actions may overheat the controller, and continuous running
of the water pump will cause water wastage.
The fuzzy logic algorithm implemented 25 fuzzy rules derived from the simulation
conducted in MATLAB to determine the duration of operating the water pump and
ventilation fan. All the rules were coded using C language using Arduino IDE into the
Arduino compatible microcontroller, NodeMCU. The snippet of the code is shown as
Algorithm 1. The fuzzy logic was encapsulated in a function that can be invoked every
time the microcontroller obtained the crisp temperature and humidity readings.

2878 Pertanika J. Sci. & Technol. 29 (4): 2863 - 2885 (2021)

Enhanced IoT-Based Climate Control for Oyster Mushroom Cultivation

Algorithm 1: Fuzzy Logic Algorithm Implementation

Input: avgt, avgh average temperature and humidity reading from two sensor
void fuzzyCalculator(float avgt, float avgh){
if(avgt >= 0 && avgt <=20.0{
// Long Duration (fan) Rules
if (avgh >= 90.0 && avgh <= 100.0 ) {
FanDuration = 250 //seconds
else if (avgh >= 82.0 && avgh <= 92.0 ) {
FanDuration = 230 //seconds
else if (avgh >= 70.0 && avgh <= 85.0 ) {
FanDuration = 200 //seconds
else if (avgh >= 38.0 && avgh <= 78.0 ) {
FanDuration = 180 //seconds
else if (avgh >= 30.0 && avgh <= 44.0 ) {
FanDuration = 170 //seconds
WaterDuration = 0
indicator = 1;
//.....omitting some codes.........

else if(avgt >= 17.0 && avgt <= 24.50){

// Short Duration (fan) and (Water Pump) Rules
if (avgh >= 90.0 && avgh <= 100.0) {
FanDuration = 90 //seconds
WaterDuration = 90 //seconds
else if (avgh >= 82.0 && avgh <= 92.0 ) {
FanDuration = 70 //seconds
WaterDuration = 70 //seconds
else if (avgh >= 70.0 && avgh <= 85.0 ) {
FanDuration = 50 //seconds
WaterDuration = 50 //seconds
else if (avgh >= 38.0 && avgh <= 78.0 ) {
FanDuration = 30 //seconds
WaterDuration = 30 //seconds
else if (avgh >= 30.0 && avgh <= 44.0 ) {
FanDuration = 10 //seconds
WaterDuration = 10 //seconds
indicator = 8;
//.....Only showing 2 rules out of 25 rules......
Output: FanDuration and WaterDuration value (sec) updated a global variable

Pertanika J. Sci. & Technol. 29 (4): 2863 - 2885 (2021) 2879

Muhammad Azizi Mohd Ariffin, Muhammad Izzad Ramli, Zarina Zainol, Mohd Nazrul Mohd Amin,
Marina Ismail, Rosanita Adnan, Nor Diana Ahmad, Norhasiah Husain and Nursuriati Jamil


The previous IoT-based climate control system using a fixed threshold started in late
November 2020, and the enhanced climate control system using fuzzy logic began in
January 2021 (Ariffin et al., 2020). This section presents the data captured before and
after implementing the enhanced IoT-based climate control system using fuzzy logic. The
findings are discussed according to the following criteria:
i. Water utilisation.
ii. Temperature.
iii. Humidity.
iv. Mushroom harvest per month.

Water Utilisation
The water utilisation for December 2020 and January 2021 were recorded based on the
utility bill generated from the Air Selangor customer portal. The bill reflected the total water
usage for both the mushroom house and the daycare centre. Since there was no student’s
activity since November 2020 due to the movement control order as stipulated by the
government and the number of households remained the same in the daycare centre, it can
be concluded that the decrease in water utilisation
was due to the implementation of the enhanced
climate control system in the mushroom house.
From November 2020 until December 2020,
the system is still running the current IoT system
with threshold-based logic. In January 2021, the
system has replaced with the newly enhanced
system with fuzzy logic. Figure 18 shows a
significant decrease in water consumption from
20.0m3 in December 2020 to 12.0m3 in January
2021, indicating that the enhanced climate control
system can reduce water consumption. In Table 5,
a substantial 40% saving of both water utilisation Figure 18. Water usage and bill amount
and total bills in January 2021 can be seen. for December 2020 and January 2021

Table 5
Percentage of savings after the implementation of the Fuzzy Logic approach

Differences Savings (%)
December 2020 January 2021
Water Usage (m3) 20.0 12.0 8.0 40
Bill Amount (RM) 11.4 6.84 4.56 40

2880 Pertanika J. Sci. & Technol. 29 (4): 2863 - 2885 (2021)

Enhanced IoT-Based Climate Control for Oyster Mushroom Cultivation

Temperature and Humidity Control

In addition to water utilisation, temperature and humidity were also recorded. Thus, we
performed a comparative analysis before and after the fuzzy logic algorithm was embedded
in the enhanced climate control system. The ‘before’ readings were extracted from (Ariffin
et al., 2020). Figures 19 and 20 show the results of average temperature and humidity
monitored for six days, respectively. The temperature and humidity readings were taken
three times a day, specifically at 10.00 am, 12.00 noon, and 2.00 pm. Then the average
was calculated.
The graph in Figure 19 shows that the average temperature was lower most of the days
after implementing the fuzzy logic algorithm in the enhanced system. It indicated that the
ideal temperature for mushroom cultivation was achieved with the enhanced climate control
system. The temperature on day 2 was slightly higher than the day before. However, the
average reading for all six days proved that the fuzzy logic embedded in the enhanced

Comparison Between the Average Temperature Before and After

Implementing Fuzzy Logic
Temperature (◦C)

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6

Avr Temp - Before Avr Temp - After

Figure 19. Average temperature before and after implementing Fuzzy Logic

Comparison Between the Average Humidity Before and After

Implementing Fuzzy Logic

Humidity %

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6
Avr Humidity - Before Avr Humidity - After

Figure 20. Average humidity before and after implementing Fuzzy Logic

Pertanika J. Sci. & Technol. 29 (4): 2863 - 2885 (2021) 2881

Muhammad Azizi Mohd Ariffin, Muhammad Izzad Ramli, Zarina Zainol, Mohd Nazrul Mohd Amin,
Marina Ismail, Rosanita Adnan, Nor Diana Ahmad, Norhasiah Husain and Nursuriati Jamil

climate control system assisted the temperature management in the mushroom house. The
same result appeared in the average humidity graph in Figure 20. Except for day 2, the
average humidity was equal to or higher after implementing the fuzzy logic algorithm.
These results proved that embedding fuzzy logic in the enhanced climate control system
facilitated maintaining and controlling the ideal humidity for mushroom cultivation.

Mushroom Harvest or Yield

A full month mushroom yield was recorded for December 2020 and February 2021.
However, due to replacing the previous climate control system with the enhanced system,
we omitted the yield for January 2021. As a result, the production of mushrooms increased
dramatically from 4.260 kg in December to 10.470 kg in February 2021, as shown in
Table 6. The 226% increase of mushroom yield proved that the success of environmental
management after implementing the fuzzy logic algorithm had promoted mushroom growth
to the optimum.

Table 6
Total mushroom harvested before and after the implementation of the Fuzzy Logic approach

Differences Increase of harvest (%)
December 2020 February 2021
Total Harvest (kg) 4.620 10.470 6.210 226

The cultivation of oyster mushrooms was successfully implemented at NASOM’s Autism
Care Centre in Bandar Puteri Klang, Malaysia. It has helped the centre generate sustainable
income via urban farming. Using a fuzzy logic algorithm and improving both the climate
control system and physical internal design of the mushroom house has shown promising
results based on the mushroom yield and water saving. The enhanced IoT-based climate
control system has been running successfully for more than six months and has produced
cumulatively 43.460 kg. On the other hand, there is still room for improvement. Since the
IoT-based climate control system was deployed in the real environment, many unexpected,
unforeseen circumstances have occured. For example, the mushroom house is located near
a busy road, emissions from vehicles may cause an increase in air pollutants. Our next step
is to investigate further the level of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide or other chemical
matters and recommend different technologies to be implemented.

The authors would like to extend appreciation to National Autism Resource Center (NARC)
and the Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, UiTM Shah Alam, for supporting
this project by providing a research grant (600-TNCPI/PBT 5/3 (017/2020)).

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Enhanced IoT-Based Climate Control for Oyster Mushroom Cultivation

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