Faculty of Computers and Infromation, Cairo University: CS213: Programming II Year 2022-2023 First Semester

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CS213: Object Oriented Programming

Problem Sheet 2 – OOP Modeling and C++ OOP Features

Cairo University, Faculty of Artificial
Intelligence and Information



CS213: Programming II
Year 2022-2023
First Semester

Problem Sheet 2 – Version 1.0

Course Instructors:
Dr. Mohammad El-Ramly

Revision History
Version 1.0 By Dr Mohammed El-Ramly 20 Oct. 2022 Main Doc
CS213: Object Oriented Programming
Problem Sheet 2 – OOP Modeling and C++ OOP Features
Cairo University, Faculty of Artificial
Intelligence and Information

This sheet includes programming problems for training on C++ Revision.
0. Minimax. Given the X-O game we did in the lecture, add to this game:
 An inherited ComputerPlayer class that inherits from Player class.
 The constructor of this player takes an instance of Board and decides the best possible move that
the computer player should play on this board to maximize the possibility of winning.
 The computer player implements the minimax algorithm where each move that can lead to winning
is rewarded and each move that can lead to losing the game is penalized. Read about it.
1. Function Solver. Build a set of classes that allow you to build and modify functions at runtime using
tools similar to those in the STL <functional> library. We have the following abstract class:
class Function
virtual double evaluateAt(double value) = 0;
This class exports a single function, evaluateAt, that accepts a double as a parameter and returns the
value of some function evaluated at that point. Write these derived classes of Function and test them:
 SimpleFunction, whose constructor accepts a regular C++ function or a lambda function that
accepts and returns a double and whose evaluateAt function returns the value of the stored
function evaluated at the parameter.
 The composition of two functions F and G is defined as F(G(x)), i.e. function F is applied to the
value of G applied to x. Write a class CompositionFunction whose constructor accepts two
functions and whose evaluateAt returns the composition of the two functions evaluated at x.
 The derivative of a function is the slope of the tangent line to that function at a point. The derivative
of a function F can be approximated as F'(x) ≈ (F(x + Δx) – F(x - Δx)) / 2Δx for small values of Δx.
Write a class DerivativeFunction whose constructor accepts a function and a double
representing Δx and whose evaluateAt approximates the derivative of the stored function using
the initial value of Δx.
With these functions, it will be possible to write code like this:
double cube (double n) { int main()
return n * n * n; {
} SimpleFunction f1
([](double n) ->
double second (double d) {
double {return n * n;});
return d * d - 5 * d - 4;
cout << f1.evaluateAt(5) << endl;
DerivativeFunction f2 (second, 5);
cout << f2.evaluateAt(5) << endl;
double fun (double d) {
return d * d - 3 * d - 4; CompositeFunction f3 (fun, cube);
} cout << f3.evaluateAt(5) << endl;
return 0;
CS213: Object Oriented Programming
Problem Sheet 2 – OOP Modeling and C++ OOP Features
Cairo University, Faculty of Artificial
Intelligence and Information
2. Label Generator. For certain applications, it is useful to be able to generate a series of names that form
a sequential pattern, e.g., you may want to number the figures in a report as "Figure 1", "Figure
2", "Figure 3", and so on. You might also need to label points in a geometric diagram, in which case
you would want a similar but independent set of labels for points such as "P0", "P1", "P2", and so forth.
Thinking generally, we need a tool or label generator that allows the client to define arbitrary sequences
of labels, each of which consists of a prefix string ("Figure " or "P" for the examples in the preceding
paragraph) coupled with an integer used as a sequence number. Because the client may want different
sequences to be active simultaneously, it makes sense to define the label generator as an abstract type
called LabelGenerator. To initialize a new generator, the client provides the prefix string and the
initial index as arguments to the LabelGenerator constructor. Once the generator has been created,
the client can return new labels in the sequence by calling nextLabel on the LabelGenerator. As
an illustration of how the interface works, the main program shown here followed by the output:
int main() {
LabelGenerator figureNumbers("Figure ", 1);
LabelGenerator pointNumbers("P", 0);
cout << "Figure numbers: ";
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
cout << figureNumbers.nextLabel() << ", ";
cout << endl << "Point numbers: ";
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
cout << pointNumbers.nextLabel() << ", ";
cout << endl << "More figures: ";
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
cout << figureNumbers.nextLabel() << ", ";
cout << endl;

Separate specifications from

Now inherit from this class a new class called FileLabelGenerator which has an extra attribute
that is a file name with lines of captions of labels to use in generation. This will override method
nextLabel to take the next label from` the file and added it to the generated label that you by calling
the parent's nextLabel. So, the following code run and produce the following output:
FileLabelGenerator figureLabels ("Figure ", 1, "labels.txt");
cout << "Figure labels: \n";
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
cout << figureLabels.nextLabel() << endl;
Figure 1 Sign vs Cosine Functions.
Figure 2 Sigmoid Function.
Figure 3 ………………….
CS213: Object Oriented Programming
Problem Sheet 2 – OOP Modeling and C++ OOP Features
Cairo University, Faculty of Artificial
Intelligence and Information
3. Document Similarity. Document similarity measures are very important in the field of information
retrieval and search engines. They are measures that tell us how similar to documents are in terms of
their word content. They can be used to find similar documents or to find how close a document is to a
query on a search engine. There are many of such measures. In this problem, you will develop:
 Define a class called StringSet that will store a set of C++ strings. Use an array or a vector to
store the strings. Create a constructor that takes a file name and loads the words in it (ignoring
punctuation and turning text to lower case). Write another constructor that takes a string and loads it
and breaks it to tokens. Write member functions to add a string to the set, remove a string from the
set, clear the entire set, return the number of strings in the set, and output all strings in the set.
Overload the + operator to return the union of two StringSet objects. Overload the * operator
so that it returns the intersection of two StringSet objects. Write a program to test all functions.
 Add a member function that computes the similarity between the current StringSet and an input
parameter of type StringSet. Similarity is measured by binary cosine coefficient. The
coefficient is a value between 0 and 1, where 1 indicates that the query (or document) is very
similar to the document and 0 indicates that the query has no keywords in common with the
document. This approach treats each document as a set of words. For example, given the following
sample document:
“Chocolate ice cream, chocolate milk, and chocolate bars are delicious.”
This document would be parsed into keywords where case is ignored and punctuation discarded and
turned into the set containing the words {chocolate, ice, cream, milk, and, bars, are, delicious}. An
identical process is performed on the query to turn it into a set of strings. Once we have a query Q
represented as a set of words and a document D represented as a set of words (each word counts
once even if repeated in document multiple times), the similarity between Q and D is computed by:
Sim = |Q ∩ D| The size of set of common words / (sqrt size of D * sqrt size of Q)
√ |Q| √|D|
Write a program to test the classes and run sample queries on sample documents.
4. Task Manager. Write your task manager to see running processes on operating system (OS). A program
is an executable file stored on hard disk. A process is a program running in the memory by OS. A process
has a name, Process ID (PID) and memory usage and other info depending on the OS as shown for Linux
and Windows. On windows, get the running processes in the command line with tasklist command.
Create a class to represent process, create a class that represents list of running processes. Add functions
to fill it with processes information and to allow displaying the processes as in the picture below (1)
sorted by name, (2) sorted by PID and sorted by memory use. Add a function that gets the list of
processes from OS and loads the process list. Write a program to test your classes.
CS213: Object Oriented Programming
Problem Sheet 2 – OOP Modeling and C++ OOP Features
Cairo University, Faculty of Artificial
Intelligence and Information
5. Game of Life. (See https://playgameoflife.com/) Write a program that implements the Game of Life
cellular automaton proposed by John Horton Conway. The universe of this game is a grid of square
cells that could have one of two states: dead or alive. Every cell interacts with its adjacent neighbors,
with the following transactions occurring on every step:
 Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbors dies, as if caused by underpopulation
 Any live cell with two or three live neighbors lives on to the next generation
 Any live cell with more than three live neighbors dies, as if by overpopulation
 Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbors becomes a live cell, as if by reproduction
The status of the game on each iteration should be displayed on the console, and for convenience, you
should pick a reasonable size, such as 20 rows x 50 columns or 30 x 30 columns or 20 x 20.
Implement a class called Universe with these functions (add more if needed):
 initialize(…) generates a starting layout
 reset(…) sets all the cells as dead.
 count_neighbors(…) returns the number of alive neighbors.
 next_generation(…) produces a new state of the game based on the transition rules.
 display(…) shows the game status on the console (It is better to erase screen and rewrite, and
NO it is console, no graphics is needed)
 run(…) to start the game for a certain number of runs.

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