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13,5 Building technology trust in ICT
application at a university
Joanna Ejdys
Faculty of Engineering Management, Politechnika Bialostocka, Bialystok, Poland
Received 11 July 2017 Abstract
Revised 13 November 2017 Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to point out the importance of technology trust and relationships
18 January 2018 between technology trust and trust antecedents. The paper aims to seek answers to the following questions:
14 February 2018
Accepted 15 February 2018
what determines technology trust (technology trust antecedents) and how to measure it in the case of the
University Student Service System (USSS) technology?
Design/methodology/approach – In this study, the survey method was used to collect data. The online
survey engaged 413 students representing one Polish technical university. The USSS was the technology of
interest. The USSS web is an IT system for managing the course of higher education. The USSS web evolved
into a multipurpose platform, which is used by university students for many different purposes.
Findings – Positive verification of three accepted hypotheses H1, H3 and H5 shows that the ease of use,
general trust level of respondents and institutional trust have a statistically significant influence on USSS
technology trust. The diversification of regression coefficients indicates that the ease of use determines USSS
technology trust more than general trust and institutional trust.
Research limitations/implications – An important limitation of the conducted study was the reduction of
the sample group of students representing one university – the Bialystok University of Technology.
The relationships between variables, however, have made it possible to explain the reasons for the existing
dependencies from the perspective of a single university, which constitutes an important cognitive value in
the context of motivating and disseminating information and communication technology solutions. A good
adjustment of the developed theoretical model indicates that it can be used to a wider degree.
Practical implications – From the practical point of view, achieved results showed that there are many
factors that can be influenced by managers within an organisation to build up technology trust relations.
Institutional trust is one example of such factors. Also, considering that building trust is a process, managers
should take into account that different factors can affect technology trust in different stages of this process.
At the beginning phase, the ease of use of a particular technology seems to be most important for its users, and
then the usefulness of the technology becomes the factor which determines the technology trust. Despite the fact
that the conducted research did not show statistically significant relations between technology trust and the
intention of future system use, results explained main factors affecting such situations. Also, the frequency of
system use seemed to be the most important variable that determines the intention of future system use.
Originality/value – The scientific value of the study is an attempt to build a measurement scales relating to
trust in technology and constructs determining that trust. According to a very popular technology acceptance
model, which explains the behaviour of technology users, the author expanded the acceptance model and
finally proposed the model consisting of five input variables (the ease of use, usefulness, institutional trust,
general trust, trust in technology and science) and one output variable – the intention to use the system in the
future. The novelty of the research results from the fact that it was the first research conducted in Poland on
the topic of technology trust topic.
Keywords Perceived usefulness, Institutional trust, Ease of use, General trust, Technology trust
Paper type Research paper

The issue of trust is increasingly becoming a subject of interest of the sub-discipline of
production and technology management, where a person is a part of a socio-technical
system, and trust refers to a relationship between humans and technology or a product that
reflects the application of a particular technology. The emergence of a new type of trust, i.e.
technology trust/technological trust, requires both refinement and conceptualisation.
International Journal of Emerging
Markets The dynamic development of technology and the growing human dependence on technology
Vol. 13 No. 5, 2018
pp. 980-997
raise the interest of researchers in technology trust (Krot and Lewicka, 2016). Future
© Emerald Publishing Limited
technologies such as autonomous cars, robots used in the care of the elderly or the use of the
DOI 10.1108/IJoEM-07-2017-0234 Internet of Things in everyday life will cause a change in the human–technology relationship.
It is expected that the role of technology trust will gain significant relevance both in terms of Building
social relationships and research issues. technology
The trust underlying social relations (Luhmann, 1979), an element of building social trust
relationships (Larzelere and Huston, 1980), and the formation of social capital (Mayer et al.,
1995) are increasingly becoming the focus of most scientific disciplines such as philosophy,
sociology, economics, management sciences, psychology, policy science and engineering
sciences (technology trust). According to Rotter (1967), the efficiency, adjustment and even 981
survival of any social group depend upon the presence or absence of trust. The lack of an
unambiguous definition of trust (Rousseau et al., 1998) results primarily from the
multidimensional, complex and multifaceted nature of the concept. Trust is the assured
reliance on the character, ability, strength or truthfulness of someone or something. We are
speaking of trust when there is uncertainty with regard to the future states of reality
(Nazarko and Kononiuk, 2013), and the subjects affected by that relation remain dependent
on each another (Ryciuk, 2016; Sheppard and Sherman, 1998).
The growing importance of technologies in everyday life, the increasing dependence of people
on technologies and the replacement of human–human relationships with human–technology
relationships are the focus of researchers searching for answers to such questions as: can
technology be trusted? Can technology trust be measured and if yes – how? This issue seems to
be particularly relevant in the age of increasing complexity and uncertainty of the surrounding
environment associated with the development of technology (Magruk, 2017).
However, in Rousseau et al.’s (1998) opinion, assigning consumer technologies with
increasingly more characteristics that are particular to human–human relationships, such
as ensuring a sense of security, credibility, reliability, loyalty and accuracy, allows using the
term “trust” while referring to inanimate objects. Two factors that determine the existence of
trust-based relationships are risk and dependency. They point to the growing importance of
trust in technology. The use of technologies, especially in the period of their dynamic
development and limited access to information (resulting from the lack of knowledge)
regarding the technologies (e.g. the effects of their use), is related to the risk taken by
technology users (Halicka, 2016; Radziszewski et al., 2016). On the other hand, people are
increasingly more dependent on technologies. As McKnight points out, trust in IT
technologies is particularly important because people have an unprecedented reliance on
them (McKnight, 2005). Muir (1987, 1994) who concentrated on the trust between human
users and their machines stated that two situations would need a trust-based relation
between a human and a machine, automated control systems and decision-support systems,
which are usually designed for complex tasks involving some element of risk.
The risk associated with the introduction and use of new technologies entails a certain
level of trust in technology that determines a person’s interaction with the technology.
The total lack of human confidence in technology would make it impossible to use it in
everyday life, and thus would hinder the development of humans and entire civilisations.
The remainder of the article consists of the following sections: Part 2 reviews the
literature on the issues relating to technology trust. It also identifies the antecedents of
technology trust and the classification of trust antecedents. The conducted literature review
served as the basis for the formulation of research hypotheses and research the theoretical
model included in Part 3. Part 4 describes the methodology used in this paper. Results are
described in Part 5. Final part of the paper summarises the findings and briefly explains
limitations of the research and implications for the future research.

Trust, its varieties and antecedents

The multifaceted and complex nature of the concept of trust means that there are many different
definitions in the literature that reflect the context of trust adopted by the author. According to
Sztompka (2007), “Trust is the expectation of honest conduct of others towards us”.
IJOEM Fukuyama (1995), in turn, defines trust as a mechanism based on the assumption that other
13,5 members of a given community are characterised by fair and cooperative behaviour based on
shared standards. In turn, the definition formulated by Young-Ybarra and Wiersema (1999)
covers three components of trust: reliability (expecting one partner to act in the best interests of
another partner), predictability and belief (non-opportunistic partner). Trust is most often
viewed as belief, faith, expectation and willingness to surrender or be influenced by others or
982 something. According to Paliszkiewicz (2013), despite such different understanding of the term,
trust possess following features: is voluntary, concerns someone or something, has a specific
area and level, is dynamic and temporary, develops over time, is related to action and based on
experience, is related to expectations for the future, exists in an environment of uncertainty and
risk, is the cornerstone of social interaction and generally is a positive concept.
Sztompka (2007) assigned trust an additional feature. In his view, trust is “more than just
passive consideration of future possibilities”. According to the author, trust is a conviction-based
approach, which means that only the actions taken when faced with uncertainty by the trusting
party are the evidence of trust in the other party of the relationship. According to the author, the
growing interest in the notion of trust is primarily due to the growing uncertainty surrounding
the phenomenon and the need for risk taking, the growing interdependence and the need for
cooperation, the growing number of new threats and dangers, and the unrestricted ability to
make choices that increase the level of uncertainty. Research on technology trust allowed
building up several trust typologies. Considering the type of a trust-based relationship, the
object most often stands out as:
• interpersonal trust between at least two people;
• institutional/organisational trust; and
• technology trust (Giffin, 1967; Xu et al., 2014).
Initially, relationships were based on trust and had interpersonal nature, i.e. occurred
between two or more people (interpersonal trust). Over time, the concept of trust was applied
to institutions/organisations (institutional trust and organisational trust), things, devices
and technologies (technology trust). Lippert and Swiercz (2005) claimed that trusting a
technology is different from trusting a human being. One of the first definitions of
technology trust was developed by Lippert, who pointed out that technology trust expresses
the willingness of an individual to be susceptible/influenced by technology, resulting from
the expected predictability, credibility and usefulness of technology, and the individual
preference for technology (Lippert, 2001). According to Muir and Moray (1996), three
attributes of the trust between a human and a machine are important: predictability,
dependability and faith.
Sztompka (2007) distinguishes trust in technical systems and introduces the concept of
technological trust. However, the trust is not directly placed in the system but in the people
who design, operate or supervise its operation. According to the author, technological trust is
the expectation of efficiency, reliability and effectiveness of equipment and technical systems
from the perspective of persons or creators of a given technology/material objects. According
to Lippert and Forman (2006), Giffin (1967) and Xu et al. (2014) technology trust is a particular
type of trust, where the technology user (a human) lays trusts in “inanimate” technology.
Technology trust as a circle of research interests was analysed mainly in the context of
information and communication technologies (ICT). Examples of research include the issue
of trust in an electronic tax return system (Chen et al., 2015); trust in government websites
(Teo et al., 2008; Belanger and Carter, 2008); trust in cloud computing (Manuel, 2015); trust in
software (Lankton et al., 2014); mobile banking applications (Luarn and Juo, 2010); trust in
Facebook (Lankton and McKnight, 2011); e-government services (Mpinganjira, 2015); or
trust in online communication (Benlian and Hess, 2011).
As a research subject, trust is of interest from two perspectives: the analysis of trust Building
antecedents and the analysis of the impact of trust on other constructs. technology
Lippert and Swiercz (2005) developed a theoretical model of factors determining trust in IT trust
systems that support human resource management in an organisation (human resource
information systems). In the model, the output variable was the successful implementation of the
IT solution. The factors determining the trust in technology included in the model
were organisational trust, interdependence between employees, organisational community, 983
organisational culture, technology adaptation, technology usefulness, socialisation/socialisation
processes, privacy policy and general propensity to trust (Lippert and Swiercz, 2005).
Kim et al. (2008) with regard to the technology of online shopping (e-commerce) proposed
a theoretical model, in which they specified the determinants of trust by distinguishing
factors such as quality of information, perceived privacy protection, perceived security
system, third-party authentication system, organisation reputation, overall trustworthiness
and user experience. The second element of the model involved two factors influenced by
trust: risk and buying intentions (Kim et al., 2008).
Meng et al. (2008) investigated the determinants of technology trust in m-commerce.
The theoretical model proposed by the authors included four categories of variables that
determine trust in m-commerce: general trustworthiness, trust in mobile technology in
general, trust in the seller measured by his ability (competence), credibility and kindness
and institutional trust. In the developed model, the output variable was the future intentions
in the use of m-commerce (Meng et al., 2008).
Xu et al. (2014), in the study of educational software for students, focused on identifying
the trust determining factors for two user groups: active (able to control and influence
technology) and passive (using technology through active users without the control of
technology). The conducted qualitative research has identified the following groups of
factors determining trust: technological factors (the ease of use, visibility, control, feedback,
errors, the ease of learning, automation, system flexibility, reliability, regularity,
effectiveness and appearance), factors reflecting the characteristics of users (confidence in
own capabilities, general confidence) and job-oriented factors (clearly defined tasks,
performance error) (Xu et al., 2014).
The research conducted by Lee and Wan (2010) dealt with the purchase of electronic
airline tickets. The results of the study confirmed the important role of the construct of
perceived utility as a moderator of the variable referring to the future intentions of
technology use. At the same time, the authors examined the extent to which confidence in
electronic tickets depended on the knowledge of a given technology and the ease of its use
(Lee and Wan, 2010).
The scientific interests of Chen et al. (2015) concerned technological e-government
solutions, and, in particular, the electronic filing of tax returns. The authors pointed to and
investigated the following factors as determinants of technology trust: general trust in
technology, trust in government, trust in government websites and past user experience in
using e-government solutions. The output variables of the model, which are influenced by
the trust in e-government, were quality of information, quality of the system and quality of
services offered by e-government. These three variables were also examined in the context
of their continued impact on the perceived usability and user satisfaction, which ultimately
should lead to benefits from e-government perceived by the e-government customers
(Chen et al., 2015).
The research conducted by Alzahrani et al. (2017) focused on the solutions in the field of
e-government. The authors developed a theoretical model by defining the following
determinants of trust in e-government: technical factors (quality system, quality of service
and quality of the information), institutional factors (reputation of the institution and
previous experience of users), the factors characterising characteristics particular to users
IJOEM (general propensity to trust, internet experience and education) and risk factors (risk of
13,5 expected effects, time risk, and safety and privacy). In the model, the authors have also
considered the impact of trust on the intentions regarding the future use of e-government
services, which influence the adaptation of solutions and the level of user satisfaction.
A valuable component of the proposed model was the inclusion of other factors than just the
technological ones determining confidence in e-government. The authors themselves have
984 indicated that the proposed theoretical model requires the operationalisation and definition
of measurement metrics of the individual variables in the model (Alzahrani et al., 2017).
On the one hand, Rempel et al. (1985) stated that human trust in a machine changes as a
result of experience with a system and, on the other hand, Muir and Moray (1996) stated that
the competence of the automation is an important aspect of the human–machine trust.
The literature review allowed the author to identify the four main groups of determinants
of technology trust: institutional–organisational factors, technological factors, factors
representing user characteristics and environmental factors (Table I).
Research concerning the area related to the influence of trust on other constructs has
indicated that trust was most often analysed in the context of influencing behaviour
intentions (buying intentions and intentions to use the systems in the future), scale and
scope of the future use of technology, satisfaction levels, quality of service delivered using
the technology, and the perceived usability and expected benefits from users and
organisations. For example, trust in technology was the research subject of the team led by

Group name Description Trust antecedents

Institutional and Applicable to organisations that use Institutional trust

organisational technology (bank and hospital) or Privacy policy
manage technology (Facebook) Mutual interdependence between employees
Organisational community
Organisational culture
Technological Relating to the technical and Ease of use
technological parameters of the Technology functionality
analysed technologies Security level
Privacy guarantee
System quality
Service quality
Information quality
User characteristics Relevant to the characteristics of Interpersonal trust
users: knowledge, skills, experience General propensity to trust
and demographic characteristics Trust in similar technologies
Level of satisfaction
Previous experience with technology
Knowledge of technology
Technological proficiency
Organisational Relating to the environment of the Reputation of the institution/organisation in
environment organisation using the technology or the community
the environment ensuring the Trust the institution/organisation
functioning of technology Privacy protection perceived by the
Table I. Security perceived by the environment
Groups of factors Social acceptance of technology
that determine trust Legal requirements for security and privacy
in technology Source: Created by the author based on the literature review
Mariani et al., who analysed the relationship between trust in online recruitment websites Building
and the attractiveness of companies searching for employees. The results have confirmed technology
the positive link between trust in websites and the attractiveness of businesses according to trust
job seekers (Mariani et al., 2016). Li et al. (2008) investigated the formation of the initial trust
in the IT technology used in the national identification system. Lippert and Forman (2006),
in their trust studies, pointed out that trust in technology could be a source of risk to their
users in situations, where the technology fails to meet expectations. 985
The multidimensional and contextual nature of trust and the specifics of the technologies
studied, reflecting the features and functionality of technology, lead to the lack of a general model
of trust in technology. In the process approach, such a model should consider the determinants of
trust as input and the factors that are affected by the trust in technology as output.
The specificity of individual technologies and their users, as well as the variety of factors
that determine technology trust, indicate the need to develop an individual approach to
measuring trust in technology that is of interest to researchers.

Research model and hypotheses

The conducted review of literature pointed to a multitude of factors that determine trust in
technology. To develop a theoretical model of trust in technology, the author attempted to
locate the term of trust within technology acceptance models (TAMs) that explain the
behaviour of individuals in the context of their acceptance of the technology. In the world of
limited information availability and the uncertainty of future events, trust in technology
plays a key role in the acceptance process.
Assuming that the original model used by the researchers was the TAM developed by
Davis (1989) and the subsequent models – the unified theory of acceptance and the use of
technology and Model D&M IT Success – constituted its modification, in the constructed
model of trust, the author took into account two basic variables from the TAM output
model: the perceived ease of use and the perceived usefulness. The perceived usefulness is
defined according to Lu et al. as a factor that refers to job-related productivity, performance
and effectiveness. The perceived ease of use is defined as the degree to which a potential
adopter views the use of the target technology to be relatively free of effort (Davis, 1989). The
TAM model was designed to evaluate the acceptance of technology from the perspective of
prospective/potential users as well as their attitudes and behaviours. Nevertheless, it seems
important to use the model to evaluate technology trust in the context of its use and to indicate
to what extent the ease of use and usefulness determine this confidence.
The connection between the perceived ease of use and trust has been discussed in the
extended TAMs, demonstrating that the ease of use perceived during user interactions with a
technology improves their trust level (Hernàndez-Ortega, 2011). The research conducted by
Pavlou and Gefen (2004) analysed the impact of the variable of the ease of use on technology
trust and demonstrated that the ease of use of a newly implemented technology has a positive
effect on the level of trust in the technology during its use. Similar results were obtained by
Klein (2007) dealing with the online system of communication between doctors and patients,
showing a positive relationship between the technology, the ease of use and the confidence in
the technology. Considering the above, the author formulated the following hypothesis:
H1. The ease of use of technology has a strong and positive influence on USSS
technology trust.
In the light of the review of literature conducted by the author, the usefulness of technology,
on the one hand, is regarded as a determinant of trust in technology, and on the other hand,
as a variable dependent on trust. Belanche et al. (2012) indicated that in terms of an
e-government technology, it is the trust in technology that determines its usability, while the
team of Mou et al. (2017) pointed to the positive impact of technology on the trust in this
IJOEM technology. Because trust in a particular technology is based on previous experience with its
13,5 use and thus the experienced functionality of a given technology, the author undertook the
task to verify the hypothesis:
H2. Technology usefulness has a strong and positive influence on USSS technology trust.
The general (social) trust is defined as one’s general propensity to trust others. Sztompka
(2005) defines the general trust as a willingness to take action, based on an a priori
986 expectation that most people and institutions work in a way that is beneficial to us. Belanger
and Carter (2008) proved that general trust positively influences trust of the technology such
as the internet. In her research, Lippert (2001) also demonstrated that one of the
determinants of technology trust is the overall individual’s propensity to trust. Thus, this
study proposes the following hypothesis:
H3. The general trust has a strong and positive influence on USSS technology trust.
They relate general trust in technology and science in general, allowing the discussion about
trust in science and technology. It is not always the case that the fact of a person believing in
the development of science and technology (having a general trust in technology) has a
direct impact on the trust in a particular technology that is already used or will be used in
the future. This was confirmed by the studies conducted by Montague et al. (2009) which
proved that trust in medical technology is empirically different from trust in technology.
Based on the evidence, this study proposes the following hypothesis:
H4. The trust in technology and science has a strong and positive influence on USSS
technology trust.
Institutional trust is an important factor determining the trust in an e-government
technology. Confidence in public institutions refers to the perception of integrity and the
ability of an institution to ensure the proper functioning of a given technology (McKnight
and Chervany, 2002). The research conducted by Belanger and Carter (2008) confirmed the
existing relationship between the trust in an institution and the trust in the technology
offered by this institution. Thus, this study suggests the following research hypothesis:
H5. The institutional trust has a strong and positive influence on USSS technology trust.
In TAMs, based on the theory of reasoned action and the diffusion in innovation theory, the
output variable influenced by trust in technology is the intentions of the future use of
technology. Many research results confirm the statistically significant relationship between
the trust in technology and user intentions in the field of the future use of technology
(Vatanasombut et al., 2008; Hsu et al., 2014). Lean et al. (2009) proved that higher levels of
trust are positively related to higher levels of intention to use e-government services. As a
consequence of the above, author test the following hypothesis:
H6. USSS technology trust has a strong and positive influence on the intention of future
system use.
The conducted literature review allowed for the construction of a measurement model (Figure 1).
The constructs of trust in technology included in the model cover the organisational–institutional
factors (institutional trust), technological factors (usefulness, the ease of use), and reflect the
individual traits of the users (general trust, trust in technology and science).

Research methodology
The author has attempted to measure trust in the technology of the University Student
Service System (USSS). The conducted surveys of confidence measurement are a pioneering
Ease of Use
H1 technology
Usefulness H2

H3 USSS H6 Intention 987

General Trust Technology Trust of Future Use

Trust in Technology
and Science H5
Figure 1.
Research model
Institutional Trust and hypotheses

research in Poland and hence should be considered a contribution to further scientific

discussion. The technology being the focus of trust issues was the USSS system, meaning an
IT system for managing the course of higher education. This system is used by more than
60 universities in Poland. The system includes, among others, the following applications:
• USSS web – allows a remote management of the issues related to the course of study.
• Umail – enables communication between university staff and students.
• University Lectures – an online service allowing to register for subjects available to
• Graduate Diploma Archives – a website serving as a repository of diploma theses.
• ECTS Guide – an internet site containing information about the credit transfer and
accumulation system.
• Interviewer — an internet service used to carry out all kinds of electronic surveys.
• Classroom Reservation System – an online service for staff to reserve rooms across
the whole university.
• Planner – a desktop application for creating lesson plans.
• Online Recruitment of Candidates – service for candidates to studies.
The conducted research focused on the USSS web applications.
The electronic questionnaire survey was addressed to all students of the Bialystok
University of Technology, both full time and part time. In total, the survey was sent to over
8.4 thousand students. A fully completed questionnaire was obtained from 413 students,
which provided the total return rate of 5.1 per cent.
This result should be considered satisfactory, corresponding to the return rate of surveys
in social research, which oscillates between 3 and 5 per cent. Of the 413 respondents, 202
(48.9 per cent) were women, and 211 (51.9 per cent) were men. The respondents represented
seven faculties of the Bialystok University of Technology: Architecture, Building and
Environmental Engineering, Electrical, Computer Science, Mechanical, Faculty of Forestry
and Faculty of Management.
The proportion of respondents aged 18–24 was 85.5 per cent (353 persons), followed by
11.1 per cent (46 persons) aged 25–34 and 3.4 per cent (14 persons) of persons over 35.
IJOEM Measures
13,5 In this study, a survey method was used to collect data. Since constructs of technology trust,
the ease of use and usefulness institutional trust cannot be directly observed, a series of
measures were used for each. Based on the literature study, six items have been identified to
measure usefulness, three – the ease of use, six – technology trust, five – trust in technology
and science and seven – institutional trust. General trust and intention of future use were
988 measured using one direct question (Table II).
The questionnaire conducted based on confidentiality was distributed in March 2017. All
constructs were measured using a seven-point Likert scale to assess the degree to which the
respondent agreed or disagreed with each of the items (1 ¼ totally disagree to 7 ¼ totally
agree). Cronbach’s α coefficients of the constructs were employed (ranging from 0.697 to
0.903). The author used the average score of measures of each construct for further analysis.

Findings and hypothesis verification

Table III shows the descriptive statistics and correlation matrix for variables. Significant
correlations are found between all constructs, but the strength of dependence is poor
or moderate.
Table IV displays the list of items, their sources and their respective standardised factor
loadings. The positive and significant loadings confirm the convergent validity of the
measures. When analysing the suitability of the system for respondents, the key features
are the ones indicating that the USSS improves comfort and quality of studying, facilitates
studying and saves time for its users. Considering the hidden ease of use as a variable, it
should be noted that respondents found the easy and intuitive use of the system to be the
most important thing. Respondents believed that confidence in the researched technology
meant guaranteed security and anonymity. The construct of trust in technology (USSS
technology trust) is reflected by ensuring the security of our students’ personal data (the
USSS web system ensures the security of my personal data). Trust in technology and
science is dependent to the highest degree on the fact that science and technology are
making respondents’ lives better, easier and more comfortable. Confidence in the institution,
which is the university, is reflected in the fact that the university takes care of its students,
applies the principles of ethics and social responsibility in its activities and provides
opportunities for student personal development. The fact that the university is recognised
internationally has the least significance for the trust in the university.
Having satisfied the requirement arising from measurement issues, the structural model
in Figure 1 was subsequently tested. The generalised least squares (GLS) model with AMOS
was set to test the hypothesised relationships shown in Figure 2. GLS is a technique for
estimating unknown parameters in a linear regression model. In the structural equation
modelling, a measurement model allows setting the relationships between observed
variables (i.e. indicators) and their respective unobserved (latent) variables by defining a
particular structural model (Ejdys, 2016).
The appropriateness of the measurement model was evaluated by using the χ2 statistics.
As Table V shows, the χ2 value was statistically significant ( χ2 ¼ 701.86, p o0.005)
indicating good model fit to the data. As this measure is excessively conservative and is
biased against large samples (Bollen, 1989), several disparate indices must be taken into
consideration jointly to evaluate an accurate reflection of the overall model fit. The indices
included the root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA), the goodness-of-fit index,
the adjusted goodness-of-fit index and comparative fit index. The results of the SEM
test are provided in Table V. The approximate fits are also good, specifically, the normed
χ2 (i.e. χ2/df ) value ¼ 1.9444, which is well within the acceptable range for this
heuristic (Bentler and Chou, 1987; Bollen, 1989), RMSEA ¼ 0.048, which is a good value
Constructs Items Mean α technology
Usefulness (Davis et al., U1 The USSS web system makes it easy for me to study 4.81 0.903
U2 The USSS web system provides me with access to 4.19
current information related to studies
U3 Most of the system functionality is useful to me 3.92 989
U4 The USSS web system improves the comfort and quality 4.48
of studying
U5 The USSS web system saves my time 5.04
U6 The USSS web provides an efficient system of 3.85
communication with employees of the university
Ease of use (Davis et al., EU1 Getting started with the USSS web was easy 5.15 0.679
1989; Hernàndez-
Ortega, 2011)
EU2 Using the USSS web system is easy and intuitive 4.96
EU3 I need additional training to master the ability 2.17
to use all the modules of the USSS web system
(reversed question)
The USSS technology TT1 The USSS web system guarantees the anonymity of 4.10 0.786
trust users
TT2 In the Survey Module, I can express my opinion about 4.35
studies, subjects and teachers without any fear
TT3 The USSS web system ensures the security of my 4.27
personal data
TT4 The USSS web system is efficient and always works 2.93
TT5 The USSS web system is predictable and unchanging 4.81
TT6 I can rely on the USSS web System 4.11
General trust GT Most people can be trusted 3.82 –
Trust in technology and T1 Due to the ICT technology, our lives are easier and more 5.85 0.830
science comfortable
T2 Due to the ICT technology, our lives are safer 4.17
T3 Science and technology are making our lives better 5.03
T4 Science and technology are making our lives easier 5.66
T5 I believe that new technologies are created for the good 4.89
of a human being
Institutional trust IT1 My university takes care of its students 4.59 0.890
IT2 Graduates of my university have no problem finding a 4.12
job in their profession
IT3 My university is well recognised by employers in the 4.75
labour market
IT4 My university applies the principles of ethics and social 4.84
responsibility in its activities
IT5 My university provides opportunities for student 4.94
personal development
IT6 My university is recognised internationally 4.48
IT7 My university uses new technology to improve my 4.63
studies and gain knowledge and skills
Intention of future use IFU I intend to use the USSS web system to a greater extent 3.16 – Table II.
Source: Author’s own elaboration Constructs and items

(Konarski, 2010; Bollen, 1989, Ejdys, 2016). This means that the model is likely to be
interpreted as a real model of the relationship between the variables.
Figure 2 presents the individual structural path estimates. Table V reports the results for
the structural model depicted in Figure 2.
Trust in
13,5 Ease of General technology and Institutional Technology Intention of
Usefulness use trust science trust trust future use

Usefulness 1 0.347** 0.317** 0.276** 0.470** 0.619** 0.447**

Ease of use 0.347** 1 0.163** 0.218** 0.276** 0.420** 0.052
General trust 0.317** 0.163** 1 0.390** 0.389** 0.388** 0.262**
990 Trust in technology
and science 0.276** 0.218** 0.390** 1 0.478** 0.336* 0.141**
Institutional trust 0.470** 0.276** 0.389** 0.478** 1 0.548** 0.276**
Technology trust 0.619** 0.420** 0.388** 0.336* 0.548** 1 0.389**
Intention of future
Table III.
Descriptive statistics use 0.447** 0.052 0.262** 0.141** 0.276** 0.389** 1
and correlation matrix Note: **Significant at the 0.01 level (two-tailed)
(Spearman’s coefficient) Source: Author’s own elaboration

The hypotheses can be confirmed through the interpretation of the structural path
coefficients. Moreover, the factor loadings for path usefulness, i.e. technology trust and the
ease of use, as well as technology trust measurement items are significant.
The path coefficient from the ease of use to technology trust is 0.617 ( p o0.001). Thus,
this positive relationship confirmed that H1 was supported. Also, in case of general trust
and institutional trust and relations with USSS technology trust, H3 and H5 were
supported. The path coefficient from usefulness and trust in technology and science to USSS
technology trust is very low, and H2 and H4 were rejected. The path coefficient from USSS
technology trust to intention of future use is 0.151 ( p ¼ 0.276), which rejects H6 (Table V ).

Discussion and conclusions

Positive verification of three accepted hypotheses (H1, H3 and H5) shows that the ease of
use, general trust level of respondents and institutional trust have a statistically significant
influence on USSS technology trust. The diversification of regression coefficients indicates
that the ease of use determines USSS technology trust more than general trust and
institutional trust. In a case of rejected hypotheses (H2, H4 and H6) positive statistically
significant relationships between tested variables were not proved.
The obtained results showed neither significant statistical relationship between the
construct of usefulness and USSS technology trust nor have they confirmed the significance
of the construct of usefulness compared to the ease of use construct in building trust in the
analysed technology. In the light of the results obtained for the students being studied, it is
the ease of use of a given software and its intuitiveness that shape the trust in the
technology, and not the usefulness of technology as shown by the results of other studies.
Keil et al. (1995), analysing the effects of two variables, namely usefulness and the ease of
use, have also proven that usefulness is a more important factor than the ease of use in
determining the use of a system. Also, Davis (1993) proved that in determining the use, the
perceived usefulness was 50 per cent more influential than the ease of use. Subramanian
(1994) noticed that perceived usefulness rather than the ease of use is a determinant of the
predicted future use. As the obtained results differed from those observed by other
researchers, it was also examined to what degree the frequency (which reflects experiences
of users) of use by the respondents of the USSS system affects the other variables in the
model. The frequency of the USSS system use was examined using a scale where 0 meant I
do not use the system at all, 1 – I use it only occasionally during Winter and Summer
examination periods, 2 – I use it sporadically during the semester, and many times during
Abbreviation Items descriptions Loadings
Usefulness trust
U1 The USSS web system makes it easy for me to study 0.778
U2 The USSS web system provides me with access to current information related to 0.466
U3 Most of the system functionality is useful to me 0.338
U4 The USSS web system improves the comfort and quality of studying 0.845 991
U5 The USSS web system saves my time 0.648
U6 The USSS web provides an efficient system of communication with employees of 0.061
the university
Ease of use
EU1 Getting started with the USSS web was easy 0.783
EU2 Using the USSS web system is easy and intuitive 0.855
EU3 I need additional training to master the ability to use all the modules of the USSS 0.310
web system (reversed question)
USSS technology trust
TT1 The USSS web system guarantees the anonymity of users 0.467
TT2 In the Survey Module, I can express my opinion about studies, subjects and 0.260
teachers without any fear
TT3 The USSS web system ensures the security of my personal data 0.748
TT4 The USSS web system is efficient and always works reliably 0.559
TT5 The USSS web system is predictable and unchanging 0.274
TT6 I can rely on the USSS web System 0.476
General trust
GT Most people can be trusted 0.196
Trust in technology and science
T1 Due to the ICT technology, our lives are easier and more comfortable 0.670
T2 Due to the ICT technology, our lives are safer 0.535
T3 Science and technology are making our lives better 0.734
T4 Science and technology are making our lives easier 0.672
T5 I believe that new technologies are created for the good of human being 0.619
Institutional trust
IT1 My university takes care of its students 0.760
IT2 Graduates of my university have no problem finding a job in their profession 0.466
IT3 My university is well recognised by employers in the labour market 0.453
IT4 My university applies the principles of ethics and social responsibility in its 0.781
IT5 My university provides opportunities for student personal development 0.611
IT6 My university is recognised internationally 0.281
IT7 My university uses new technology to improve my studies and gain knowledge and 0.405
skills Table IV.
Intention of future use measurement items and
IFU I intend to use the USSS web system to a greater extent 0.082 validity (standardised
Source: Author’s own elaboration regression weights)

Winter and Summer examination periods, 3 – I use it many times but only during the Winter
examination period and Summer examination period to check results of examinations and
4 – I use it many times throughout the academic year.
The analysis of correlation coefficients indicated that at the significance level of
p o0.001, there was a statistically significant correlation between the frequency of the USSS
system use and the two variables: usefulness (Spearman’s correlation: 0.273) and USSS
Ease of Use

Usefulness 0.29

992 0.11 USSS 0.15 Intention

General Trust
Technology Trust of Future Use

Trust in Technology –0.01

and Science
Figure 2.
Path coefficients 0.29
regression weights) Institutional Trust

Relation between constructs Estimate SE CR p Hypothesis testing

H1: Ease of use vs USSS technology trust 0.617 0.183 3.380 *** Support
H2: Usefulness vs USSS technology trust 0.290 0.163 1.779 0.075 Reject
H3: General trust vs USSS technology trust 0.106 0.038 2.813 *** Support
H4: Trust in technology and science vs USSS Reject
technology trust −0.006 0.050 −0.121 0.903
H5: Institutional trust vs USSS technology trust 0.285 0.072 3.942 *** Support
Table V. H6: USSS technology trust vs Intention of future use 0.151 0.138 1.090 0.276 Reject
Results of the Notes: χ2 ¼ 701.86; df ¼ 361; χ2/df ¼ 1.944; p o 0.005; RMSEA ¼ 0.048; GFI ¼ 0.893. Adopted level of the
test hypotheses statistical significance was 0.05. ***p o0.001

technology trust (Spearman’s correlation: 0.156). Considering the fact that the average value
for the variable of frequency amounted to 0.45 in the study, which indicates that
respondents rarely use the software, has little experience with it and do not appreciate its
usefulness. In the first period of implementation of technological innovation, users always
focus more on the ease of use and intuition rather than realise the real benefits and the
usefulness of the system.
An important result of the study is the observed relationship between the institutional
trust and USSS technology trust. Respondents, by building trust in the technology used at
the university, focus on the factors shaping trust to the university. In practical terms,
motivating students to make more use of the USSS can be achieved by building trust in the
university itself and building its international image, image as an entity recognisable in the
local job market and a university guaranteeing good work for its graduates. The obtained
results coincide with the results of other authors dealing with e-government technology
trust, where one of the antecedents of ICT technology trust was institutional trust
(Weerakkody et al., 2013; Reddick and Roy, 2013).
Previous studies (Lippert and Swiercz, 2005), as well as author’s results, confirm that
general trust (social trust) indicates trust to particular technology. According to
relationships between trust in technology and science and USSS technology trust,
previous studies also confirm that trust to particular technology (e.g. medical technology)
can be perceived differently than general trust to technology (Montague et al., 2009).
The author’s findings suggest that there is no significant statistical relationship Building
between USSS technology trust and intention of future use. At the same time, other technology
studies confirm that trust affects continuance intentions of technology using by its users trust
(Hernàndez-Ortega, 2011; Lee et al., 2007). The explanation of the reasons for the lack of a
statistically significant relationship between USSS technology trust and the intention of
future use of the USSS application can also be found in the frequency of use of the USSS
system. The results also confirmed a statistically significant relationship between the 993
frequency of system use and the intention of future use of the system ( p o 0.001,
Spearman Coefficient: 0.285).
From the practical point of view, achieved results showed that there are many factors
that can be influenced by managers within an organisation to build up technology trust
relations. Institutional trust is one example of such factors. Also, considering that building
trust is a process, managers should take into account that different factors can affect
technology trust in different stages of this process. At the beginning phase, the ease of use
of a particular technology seems to be most important for its users, and then the usefulness
of the technology becomes the factor which determines the technology trust. Despite the fact
that the conducted research did not show statistically significant relations between
technology trust and the intention of future system use, results explained main factors
affecting such situations. Also, the frequency of system use seemed to be the most important
variable that determines the intention of future system use.
The conducted literature studies confirmed the significant interest among researchers in
technology trust. In this study, a framework was made for measuring technology trust and
technology trust antecedents. The main goal of the research was to find the answer to the
question what determines technology trust (technology trust antecedents) and how to
measure it in case of the USSS technology. Examination of the relationship between
constructs may be particularly important in the process of improvement and development
of the USSS web application.
Taking into account the fact that the use of the technology under the research takes place
within a public institution, the conducted research confirmed that institutional trust itself
plays an important role in the process of implementation, adaptation and using new
technologies. This issue seems to be particularly important in relation to the public sector. In
the context of the future dynamic development of e-government services, the issue of
technology as well as institutional trust becomes particularly important.
An important limitation of the conducted study was the reduction of the sample group of
students representing one university – the Białystok University of Technology. The
relationships between variables, however, have made it possible to explain the reasons for the
existing dependencies from the perspective of a single university, which constitutes an
important cognitive value in the context of motivating and disseminating ICT solutions. A good
adjustment of the developed theoretical model indicates that it can be used to a wider degree.

Directions for future research

The literature review confirmed that researchers use different observable variables to build
their own measurement scales, which is justified by the specificity of the analysed
technology. Future research should focus on the analysis whether the type of technology, its
characteristics, the level of risk, the dependence of users on the technology determine the
characteristics that allow the measurement of technology trust. However, it should be
assumed that the individual characteristics of technology and their nature may require the
development of different constructs and scales for measurement of technology trust.
It would be useful to research comparing the measurement scales used by the authors for
the purpose of testing technology trust that are differentiated due to technology specificity
and usability.
IJOEM Also, research which allowed comparing level of trust and its antecedents in reference to
13,5 different ICT technology having the same functionality would be desirable.
Technology trust can be particularly important with respect to new emerging
technologies in the context of research concentrated on the acceptance of these technologies
by society (e.g. android, gynoid and flying cars).

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Further reading 997

Lankton, N.K., McKnight, D.H. and Tripp, J. (2015), “Technology, humanness, and trust: rethinking trust
in technology”, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Vol. 16 No. 10, pp. 880-918.

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Joanna Ejdys can be contacted at: [email protected]

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