100 Edible & Healing Flowers - Cultivating - Cooking - Restoring Health (PDFDrive)
100 Edible & Healing Flowers - Cultivating - Cooking - Restoring Health (PDFDrive)
100 Edible & Healing Flowers - Cultivating - Cooking - Restoring Health (PDFDrive)
Reproduction by Hirt & Carter Cape (Pty) Ltd Printing and binding: Times
Offset (M) Sdn Bhd, Malaysia All rights reserved. No part of this publication
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ISBN 978 1 77584 037 4 (Print)
ISBN 978 1 77584 152 4 (ePub)
ISBN 978 1 77584 153 1 (ePDF)
The featured flowers
Propagating plants
Sowing seeds in containers
Sowing seeds directly in the garden
Root cuttings
Root division
A–Z of flowers
Therapeutic quick reference
Flower index
Recipe index
Flowers are surely the most beautiful of all God's creations. They say, 'I love
you', 'I'm sorry', 'Please forgive me' and 'Thank you'. Flowers send blessings
and good wishes. They are present in bouquets and posies at the beginning
of our lives, throughout all the celebrations and great days, and also on the
not-so-great days. And at the end of our lives, flowers speak of grief and
mourning, of sympathy and compassion, of loss and the great change and
challenge that death brings.
All the more precious is the role that flowers play in our day-to-day lives,
where they can be incorporated into food, and used in bathing, washing, and
healing of big and little wounds. Flowers are well loved, respected and
appreciated. They thread their beauty into every aspect of our time here on
Is it any wonder, then, that they become our companions when all else
becomes too much, too exhausting and too worrying? Just a breath of their
fragrance, just a pause to look deep into the heart of a flower and experience
that moment of upliftment, changes us for the better.
So here is a salute to flowers, a feeling of gratitude and wonder that nature
gives us so much that betters, inspires and uplifts us. And here is to flower
gardens everywhere!
In 2000 I wrote Edible & Medicinal Flowers, never dreaming that my gardens of
flowers would reach into so many places, and so I was spurred on to rewrite it
incorporating new recipes and the new flowers I have grown in the interim years.
Health, wellness and organic gardening go hand in hand, and with these
easy-to-grow flowers and their vast edible and medicinal properties, I foresee an
enjoyment of wellbeing, as people benefit from planting gardens of healing
And so I put into your hands my new recipes, thoughts, plantings – a garden
of health and wealth – and I urge you to replan, rethink and replant your present
of health and wealth – and I urge you to replan, rethink and replant your present
garden into the paradise of food and natural medicine it was intended to be.
I dedicate this book to gardeners everywhere! May every page inspire you to
grow your own edible and healing flowers close at hand for everyday use to
build wellness and great positivity!
Margaret Roberts
The Herbal Centre, De Wildt
North West Province, South Africa
The featured flowers
Food plants combine well wtih edible flowers, making for a beautiful and
valuable garden. Here, in the nursery, food plants are ready for sale.
Make sure your garden has easy-to-sweep paths to make it easier to manoeuvre
wheelbarrows full of compost.
When planning a new flower garden, select the location very carefully. The best
spot is usually one that gets full sun, as a minimum of six hours of sun daily will
ensure a good harvest of flowers, fruit and vegetables throughout the year.
Once you have selected a spot, look out for invading trees, as well as old
creepers that become woody and occupy too much light, and cut these back.
Also, when planting new trees and shrubs, be mindful of how you plant them,
considering the space they will require to grow into as the years pass. Before you
know it, a once attractive garden can outgrow itself and need quite ruthless
cutting back and chopping out.
The soil
The soil
Tired, depleted, really ‘outgrown’ soil needs to be replenished. This requires a
lot of work and attention if you want your new garden to thrive. I have learned
the hard way that new compost is essential – often several loads of it. Removing
a 30–40-cm layer of old depleted soil is ideal, by the barrow load, especially
when it’s an old lawn. The old soil should be replaced by several loads of
compost mixed with new top soil – this is the most vital part of the new garden
and a budget for extra compost will be necessary. Just remember: the more
compost you put in, the better. Soak each layer well and dig and dig again,
turning it in well.
Mulching is very important – without it, weeds grow abundantly and the soil
dries out rapidly. It is vital to prevent surface evaporation by covering beds with
a 5-cm layer of mulch. Particularly in the summer heat, I have found mulching
with dried leaves, straw, roughly chopped sprigs, prunings and twigs quite
effective. These can all be mixed and sprinkled over the soil between plants.
Water is able to run through the layer, but weeds are deterred, and the soil does
not dry out so rapidly. Do not use green grass mowings as a mulch – it packs
down, making a perfect nesting place for ants and crickets!
Plant options
Ground covers
Ajuga perennial
Calamint perennial
Cape sorrel perennial
Catmint perennial
Strawberry perennial
Violet perennial
Low growing
Anise annual
Calendula annual
Caraway annual
Carpet geranium perennial
Chamomile annual
Chives perennial
Clover (Red) short-lived
Daisy annual
Dandelion perennial
Hyssop perennial
Mint perennial
Nasturtium annual
Pansy and viola annual
Sage perennial
Wild garlic perennial
Wild garlic perennial
Medium height
Bergamot perennial
Broccoli annual
Bulrush perennial
Californian poppy annual
Carnation perennial
Cauliflower annual
Coriander annual
Cornflower annual
Dahlia perennial
Day lily perennial
Echinacea perennial
Evening primrose perennial
Fuchsia perennial
Gladiolus bulb perennial
Korean mint perennial
Linseed annual
Lucern perennial
Marigold annual
Mustard annual
Pineapple sage perennial
Poppy annual
Pumpkin and squash annual
Rocket annual
Safflower annual
Snapdragon annual
Stevia perennial
Tuberose bulb perennial
Tulip bulb perennial
Turmeric bulb perennial
Yarrow perennial
Tall growing
Angelica biennial
Artichoke biennial
Borage annual
Buckwheat annual
Chicory biennial
Fennel perennial
Fruit sage perennial
Garland chrysanthemum winter annual
Golden rod perennial
Golden rod perennial
Hollyhock biennial
Lavender perennial
Milk thistle annual
Mullein biennial
Rose-scented pelargonium perennial
Roselle annual
Rosemary perennial
Sacred basil perennial
Sunflower annual
Judas tree
Prickly pear
Crab apple
Delicious monster perennial
Granadilla short-lived
Honeysuckle perennial
Jasmine perennial
Pea annual
Wisteria perennial
Propagating plants
Creeping plants such as catmint, elder, honeysuckle, the mints, the thymes and
winter savory will take root while still attached to the parent plant if they are
brought into contact with soil. Many flowers, in fact, send down roots naturally
from little tufts or branches that touch the ground, so this is a quick and easy
from little tufts or branches that touch the ground, so this is a quick and easy
way to make new plants.
Choose a strong, healthy tuft, twig or branch growing close to the ground.
Prepare a shallow hole below it, and fill it with sand, soil and a little compost.
First scratch a small raw place on the underside of the branch, then apply a little
hormone powder and bend the branch down into the hole. Use a heavy wire arch
to anchor it in place. Firm down with soil and give it a good watering. Place a
stone over the area to keep the soil above the branch undisturbed.
After six weeks, check on the progress, gently scraping away a little of the
soil. Once good roots are established, sever the stem from the parent plant and
leave it undisturbed for three weeks. The new plant is now ready for
transplanting to a different position. Prepare a hole with well-mixed soil and
compost and fill it with water. Carefully dig out the plant, with a lot of soil
around it, and place it in the hole, covering the roots with soil and pressing down
firmly. Make a small dam around it and water well. Check twice a week to
ensure it does not dry out completely.
Root cuttings
It is easy to propagate any plant that sends up suckers, for example bergamot,
catmint, elder, goldenrod, the mints and yarrow. Choose strong suckers and chop
them off with a spade, taking as much root as possible. Prepare a deep seed box,
filling it with light garden soil with a little compost worked into it (four
spadefuls of soil to one spadeful of compost).
The root cuttings must be placed horizontally in the box and covered with
soil. Firm them down and water well. Put the box in the shade, making sure that
it is not in a draught. It is important to keep the cuttings moist. When new
growth and leaf buds appear, transplant into individual pots, where the cuttings
can develop into strong plants. Keep them partially shaded, then place them in
the sun for lengthening periods each day to harden off. Once they are
established, plant out in the garden in well-prepared beds.
Root division
It is best to divide plants in autumn or early spring, when they are not forming
new growth. Bergamot, chives, goldenrod, strawberries, violet and yarrow are
among the plants that divide well.
Dig out a clump and place it on a firm surface. Then, using two forks back to
Dig out a clump and place it on a firm surface. Then, using two forks back to
back with their prongs firmly in the clump, pull them apart and split the clump
open. Repeat this process if necessary, or simply pull apart the clumps until the
sections are suitably small, and replant in newly prepared soil. Fairly rich soil is
needed for these perennials, so dig in three spadefuls of compost and two
spadefuls of old manure per square metre of garden soil. Make sure the soil
remains moist until the newly planted pieces have adjusted.
The central portion or original mother plant often becomes woody and
stunted and needs to be discarded. If you replant in the original position, where
the soil will have become depleted, first dig in some compost and old manure.
Separate perennials every 2–3 years and give a yearly feed of compost and
old manure. Perennials form the backbone of the flower garden so they deserve
the best care in order to continue their good work.
The Herbal Centre’s kitchen garden is filled with a constant supply of edible
flowers. The cage in the background protects tender radishes, cauliflowers,
flowers. The cage in the background protects tender radishes, cauliflowers,
broccoli and newly sown spinach. Meyer lemons thrive in pots and make an
attractive feature.
Ajuga reptans • Carpet bugle
Ajuga requires deeply dug, richly composted soil that is kept moist. It thrives in
light shade in the midsummer heat and needs a light frost cover during the
midwinter months. The flowering tips are edible and can be picked at any time
of the year except during the coldest months, when it does not flower
prolifically. Propagation is by division of the clump, with rooted tufts replanted
in rich moist soil. Occasionally you will find ajuga seed.
Ajuga has been used as a home remedy through the centuries. Rubs, lotions and
ointments made for rheumatic and arthritic pains became a valuable trade around
the 1660s. The leaves and flowering heads were gathered in the summer, dried,
and made into lotions to wash wounds, grazes and minor burns.
By the mid-17th century, monks in Britain and Europe had created a
soothing oil as a panacea for many ailments, and old herbals had explicit and
complicated methods of making the comforting and popular medication. Often
combined with other herbs to give it scent, these ointments, oils or lards were
sold as cure-alls.
When dried, the entire herb is a bitter astringent and was made into a tea for
coughs, stomach ulcers, bronchitis and flu with a high temperature. In some
herbals it was even used to treat heart ailments, all with excellent results.
To make ajuga tea, pour a cup of boiling water over ¼ cup fresh flowering
tops, six crushed cloves and a thin sliver of lemon rind, the length of your little
finger. Allow the tea to stand for five minutes, strain, sweeten with a touch of
finger. Allow the tea to stand for five minutes, strain, sweeten with a touch of
honey and sip slowly as a gentle laxative, or for tired, aching legs. The tea was
also taken to lower high blood pressure, for excessive menstruation, to clear
mouth ulcers and a sore throat, and for laryngitis and loss of voice. Monks in
medieval England used the tea to wash wounds and for coughs, colds and
varicose ulcers, with the honey included.
In the Mediterranean area, the flowers and flowering tips were warmed in
olive oil on a slow fire and applied to bruises and sprains using a soft cloth, as
hot as could be tolerated.
I began making ajuga oil and lotion early on in my herbal work when
experimenting with herbs that could ease pain. What finally made me aware of
its valuable pain-reducing effects was that I found the farm dogs constantly lying
on my ajuga plantings. So I stuffed ajuga pillows for the dogs’ baskets and made
ajuga tea to add to their drinking water, and ajuga lotion for everyone’s bath –
dogs, children and the whole family!
Simmer the ajuga, cloves and water in a heavy-bottomed stainless steel pot, with
the lid on, for 30 minutes. Stir often. Set the lotion aside to cool, then strain. Add
a cupful to the bathwater. In the case of a bad sprain or bruise, soak a facecloth
in the warm brew and wrap it around the area, cover it with a warm towel, and
relax for 10 minutes.
Simmer the ingredients together for 20 minutes and stir well, then strain. Cool
the syrup and keep in a glass bottle in the fridge. Warm half a cup at a time and
sip slowly for great fatigue, aches and pains all over, and a feeling of not coping.
Ajuga orange and ginger syrup for pain relief
This Mediterranean recipe from near Sicily ideally needs an organically grown orange and organically
grown ginger.
1 cup fresh ajuga flowering sprigs ¼ cup finely grated orange rind ½ cup finely
grated ginger
¾ cup honey
¼ cup fresh flowering thyme sprigs 10 crushed cloves
1 litre water
Simmer all the ingredients together in the water for 20 minutes, with the lid on.
Allow the syrup to cool, keeping it covered. Strain and pour into a glass bottle
and take one tablespoonful in a little hot water for aches and pains, bruises,
tumours, circulatory ailments, internal bleeding and excessive menstruation.
Ajuga and butter bean stir-fry
This is a much-loved vegetarian dish served in many cultures.
The pretty mauve-blue flowers can be pulled from their calyxes and
added to salads and stir-fries, or sprinkled over cakes, desserts and
Almond blossom
Prunus dulcis • P. amygdalus
The delicate blossoms contain small amounts of B vitamins, particularly biotin
and niacin, as well as vitamin E and traces of several amino acids. The petals
and nuts contain calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and
zinc. Because the blossoms and nuts are so rich in these vitamins and minerals,
they are a superb energy food. The ancient Phoenicians used the petals in honey
as a tonic and sprinkled them into gruels and stews to boost muscular strength in
soldiers. They used crushed petals as a poultice over skin spots, and mixed the
crushed petals with oil in cases of dry skin and sunburn. Crushed petals are also
soothing when applied to insect bites.
A tea made from the whole flower makes a refreshing mouthwash and gargle
that clears up mouth ulcers and sore inflamed gums, and as a bonus, sweetens
the breath. To make almond blossom tea, add ¼ cup almond blossoms and one
sprig of peppermint or spearmint to a cup of boiling water. Allow the tea to stand
for five minutes, then strain and drink.
Almonds have been cultivated for over 3 000 years and through the centuries
‘almond milk’ has been a much cherished and enjoyed energy drink.
Almond milk
This is excellent for recovery after an illness, during exam times or to help the elderly regain energy and
vitality. Stir in a few almond petals for extra vitamins and minerals. Almond petals can be dried for use in
winter-time drinks.
1 cup almonds
1 cup almonds
2 cups boiled water
Soak the almonds in the boiled water overnight. Next morning, blend in a
liquidiser or food processor, adding a little more boiled water if needed to make
the paste a little softer. Add 1–2 tablespoons of paste per glass and top up with
milk, apple juice or grape juice.
Almond blossom milk energiser
This drink is a quick pick-me-up at the end of a busy day, or a lunchtime energiser much loved by children.
Use blossoms and seeds (nuts) from your own trees when cooking or
making teas so that you know they are organically grown and not
irradiated or sprayed.
Almond blossom and strawberry ice-cream
The first strawberries appear in spring just as the almond trees come into bloom. I make this special ice-
cream at that time as a much-appreciated treat after the winter. It is one of the prettiest desserts, perfect for
a spring birthday party or a wedding.
Angelica is tricky to propagate only if the seed is not fresh – and by fresh I mean
literally just matured, ripe and starting to fall off the umbels. So sure am I of my
fresh organically grown seeds that I sow only two seeds per four-litre planting
bag and both come up in the rich moist compost. Keep the seedlings moist,
shaded and protected until they are 5 cm high, then gradually move them out
into the sun for short periods each day, extending the time little by little until
they are strong. Their final position in the garden should be in light shade or
partial shade. They grow beautifully under 40% shade cloth for commercial
Angelica is a robust biennial and takes cold winters if protected. A light-as-
a-feather covering of plant fleece bought at your nursery or hardware shop,
draped over sturdy wire hoops and tucked down at root level with a stone or two,
makes a protective tent. Lift up the northern side on a sunny winter day, and
cover again at night. In a frost-free area there is no need to cover, and as
angelica’s homeland has bitter winters, the plants adjust easily.
Water once-weekly in winter and two or three times a week in summer;
angelicas prefer a long slow stream to their roots rather than an overhead spray.
Deeply dug soil with a lot of compost is essential. Plant angelicas 1–1.5 m
apart as the leaves are around 60 cm in length and often in width. Great umbels
of beautiful ‘lace flowers’ appear in its second year. These have a branched habit
so that a row of angelica looks spectacular in the garden. The flowers attract
many beneficial insects that control and prey on aphids, whitefly, red spider and
I partner angelica with Salvia leucantha ‘Midnight’ (the showy bright purple
variety) and they thrive together in light shade but with late afternoon sun. Seed
sown in autumn will ensure a mass of seedlings in spring and early summer.
Angelica is cut once the flowers turn to seed.
Traditionally, angelica was regarded as a gift from the Archangel Michael and
was used as a protection against evil and a cure for all ills. In the 15th century it
was rated one of the most important medicinal plants by John Parkinson, an
esteemed herbalist, in northern Europe and Asia, where it is found naturally.
Angelica has remained a valuable and versatile herb that today still holds its
place as a medicinal tea.
Angelica flower tea is still one of the favourite medicinal teas, and is
available in specialist shops from China to Greenland to Central Asia. It has a
bittersweet aromatic taste and remains a popular tea as an anti-inflammatory, for
indigestion and digestive upsets, to relax muscle spasms, for bronchial coughs
and tight chests and for the female reproductive system after giving birth.
Angelica tea was often served in hospitals overseas.
To make angelica tea, fill half a cup with dried angelica flowers, or use fresh
flowers with a piece of finely chopped stem and a piece of leaf. Top up and fill
the cup with boiling water, and allow the tea to stand for five minutes, stirring
continuously. The tea is a respected treatment for anorexia, menstrual and
obstetric problems, poor circulation, chronic fatigue, flu, catarrh, urinary
problems including cystitis, pleurisy, to increase perspiration and thus lower
fevers, and as a strong expectorant.
Angelica is also used for migraines, taken in tablet or capsule form.
Alternatively, take angelica tea at the first sign of a migraine, and sip frequently
and consistently a little at a time.
WARNING: Do not take angelica in any form if you are pregnant or diabetic,
even mildly diabetic.
Angelica poultice
Use this poultice for menstrual cramps, cystitis pains and colic.
4–6 angelica leaves and stems (pick the whole compound leaf)
Boiling water
Pure cotton
Warm the leaves and stems in a large pot of boiling water. Lay them on a towel
and cover with a piece of cotton. Place over the area of pain, cotton side against
the body. Cover with another towel and a hot-water bottle. Rest for 15–20
minutes, keeping everything as hot as possible. Once the pain eases, rest for a
further 10 minutes. Interestingly, angelica poultices were listed in ancient
medical texts for treating aching feet and rheumatic joints – done exactly this
Sweet angelica spice for stir-fries and noodles
This sugary spice is still popular in the market places of Asia.
Cut the umbels with stalks attached, and set aside. Select a heavy-bottomed pot
and simmer the water with the treacle sugar, chopped fresh chilli (if the chillies
are not ripe use dried chilli a little at a time and taste for heat), coriander seeds
and cardamom pods. Simmer for 20 minutes, stirring frequently.
Now dip each fresh flower head into the sugary mixture, gently submerging
and turning it so that every part is covered. Shake off the excess syrup and tie a
string to the stalk so that it can be suspended. Hang in an airy place to dry.
Once dry and brittle, discard the stalks, and crumble the flowers over fried
fish, fried mushrooms, stir-fries, soups, noodles and rice. This flavoursome spice
can also be served as a condiment in small bowls.
4 sweet oranges
2 rough-skinned lemons
1 cup finely chopped angelica leaves and stems
4 cups treacle sugar
4 cups treacle sugar
4 cups water
Squeeze the juice from the oranges and lemons and mince the skins. Put the
juice and minced skins into a bowl. Tie up the chopped angelica in a muslin
square, push it into the fruit and leave it covered overnight. Next morning, boil
the juice, skin and angelica for two hours. Remove the angelica bag and discard.
Add the sugar and simmer, stirring constantly. Test for setting (a little will set on
a cold saucer), then switch off the stove. Leave the jam to cool, stirring often to
disperse the peel evenly. While still warm, pour the jam into sterilised jars, seal
and label.
Pimpinella anisum
Anise is an attractive, shortlived annual growing up to 50 cm in height with
pretty, feathery flowers typical of the Umbelliferae, often mistakenly called lace
flowers. It is a rewarding plant to grow as it demands nothing more than good,
well-composted soil, full sun and a twice-weekly watering. It thrives on neglect,
gives a swift return on its easily and quickly raised seeds, and is a delight to the
eye and palate with its fragile beauty, tender buds and leaves, and pungent seeds.
When growing anise in the garden I have found that the more one picks, the
more flowers are produced.
Aniseed (and to some extent the leaves and flowers) helps with all digestive
ailments, from colic and bloating to nausea, flatulence, heartburn and tummy
rumblings, in all age groups, from infants through to the very elderly. Both the
seeds and flowers are antispasmodic. Simply chewing a few seeds or flowers
will ease period pain, asthma, bronchitis and coughing (it helps to dry up phlegm
and is a known expectorant), and for whooping cough there is nothing better.
Doctors are now looking at anise flowers and seeds to help with irregular
heartbeat and to ease anxiety. Stress is ever-increasing in our frenetic fast-paced
lives, and anise’s extraordinary antispasmodic effect can be relied on to ease
tight chest pains and distressed breathing. Sit quietly, take several deep breaths,
and slowly sip a cup of anise health tea. It is also excellent for children writing
exams, especially with a sprig of peppermint in the tea to boost concentration
and promote clear thinking. When there is a tension headache this tea often gives
immediate results, and in the case of a chill, shock or severe agitation this
remarkably soothing tea is definitely worth trying. Anise flowers in the diet and
a tea made from the seeds helps breast-milk production in nursing mothers, and
reduces acidity. All in all, anise really should be used more than it is!
2 teaspoons aniseed
1 tablespoon fresh flowers and leaves Honey
Pour a cup of boiling water over the seeds, flowers and leaves and allow the tea
to stand for five minutes. Stir well, strain, sweeten with a touch of honey, and sip
1 large bottle apple cider vinegar Anise sprigs, flowers and leaves 1 tablespoon
Press aniseeds, and as many sprigs, flowers and leaves as possible, into the
vinegar. Keep in a warm place out of direct sunlight and shake up daily. After 10
days, strain out the flowers, leaves and seeds and replace with fresh ones. Keep
it in a warm place for a further 10 days, shaking daily. Repeat the process if
needed. Finally, strain, pour into a clean bottle and label. For easy identification,
push in one fresh flowering sprig or a tablespoon of seeds.
To take orally, mix two teaspoons of vinegar in a glass of chilled water and
sip slowly, especially on a hot afternoon. For a soothing bath, add a dash to the
water and relax.
Anise apple dessert
This dessert is quick, easy and delicious served either hot with cream and custard, or cold with ice-cream.
6 Golden Delicious apples
A few thin strips of fresh ginger Sultanas
½ cup honey
1 cup sunflower seeds
1 cup anise flowers, stripped off their stems ½ cup soft butter
Core the unpeeled apples and place them in a steamer. Press some ginger and a
few sultanas into the cores, and steam for 15 minutes. Mix the honey with the
sunflower seeds, anise flowers and the butter, and spoon over the apples. Cover
and steam for a further 15 minutes. Serve either hot or cold, with the fragrant
sauce poured over the fruit.
300 g pasta shells or any small pasta 2 carrots, peeled and finely grated 1 red
pepper, finely chopped 2 sticks celery and their leaves, finely chopped 2
tablespoons parsley, finely chopped 6 radishes, finely chopped
½ cup grape vinegar
½ cup grape vinegar
¾ cup anise flowers, stripped off their stems ½ cup water
½ cup honey
2 teaspoons mustard powder
3 tablespoons olive oil
Cook the pasta in rapidly boiling water until al dente. Drain, rinse in cold water
and leave to cool. Mix with the carrots, red pepper, celery, parsley and radishes,
and refrigerate.
Place the dressing ingredients in a screw-top bottle and shake well. Leave to
stand and infuse. Just before serving, shake the dressing, pour over the pasta
salad and mix well.
Anise leaves give a refreshing taste when chopped into salads, soups
and stews, and sprinkled on fritters, the freshly chopped leaves and
flowers will aid digestion.
Cynara scolymus • Globe artichoke
Greatly esteemed by the ancient Greeks and Romans, the artichoke was used
as both a food and a medicine, and finds its place in the pharmacopoeias of
the world from the earliest times. In the first century AD, Dioscorides
recommended using mashed artichoke root as a deodorant, applying it as a
scrub to the armpits and feet to fend off offensive odours!
The Italians are considered the best artichoke growers in the world and
The Italians are considered the best artichoke growers in the world and
fields of the beautiful silvery-grey leaves, fat juicy buds and thistle-like
purple flowers grace the Italian landscape. As a garden plant it is eye-
catching, and a row in the vegetable garden will give three or four years of
spring-flowering heads.
Native to the Mediterranean region, this much-loved plant thrives in warmth and
sun, and needs richly composted, deeply dug, moist, loamy soil – the richer the
soil the better. Artichokes are propagated by seed, with the seeds sown 1.5 m
apart in rows. They grow over 1 m in height and produce beautiful flowers
during spring and early summer. After flowering, new shoots will appear at the
base, which in turn will mature the following season into new flower-bearing
plants. Although the artichoke is considered to be a perennial, it is often planted
as an annual or a biennial, or renewed every three or four years. Cut the
flowering heads back after reaping the unopened flower buds, and mulch well.
Leave some buds to mature and dry on the stems before cutting, and reap your
own organic seed.
Although all parts of the globe artichoke are medicinal, the young flower buds
and leaves have the highest levels of beneficial constituents for high cholesterol,
gall bladder ailments, nausea, indigestion and abdominal bloating, distension and
flatulence. All parts of the plant are bitter and stimulate digestive secretions,
which in turn help to cleanse the liver and move toxins out of the system,
protecting against infection. Current medical research is indicating that artichoke
can boost the immune system, and simply adding globe artichokes to the diet
will help to promote the flow of bile to the gall bladder, ensuring a healthy liver.
The globe artichoke is rich in vitamins A, C and all the B-vitamins,
especially folic acid, biotin and niacin. The whole plant contains insulin, a
polysaccharide that helps to control blood sugar, hence it is especially valuable
for diabetics. It also contains cynarin, predominantly in the flower scales and
leaves, which tones and improves the functioning of the arterial lining. In
addition, artichokes are rich in natural and easily utilised iron, magnesium,
phosphorus, potassium and manganese, and have been found to help with
anaemia, glandular disorders, obesity, kidney ailments, diarrhoea and even
chronic halitosis. They are also a good diuretic.
chronic halitosis. They are also a good diuretic.
The seeds from the mature flowering head make an excellent tea. To make
the tea, pour a cup of boiling water over 1–2 teaspoons of crushed seeds from
your own organically grown plants. Allow the tea to stand for five minutes,
stirring every now and then. Strain and sip slowly. Add a squeeze or two of fresh
lemon juice for more flavour, if desired.
You can dry the flower heads after the flowers have matured by cutting them
in half and drying them in a warm dry place. Turn them frequently. Once they
are bone dry, store in airtight glass jars. In this way you will have this precious
natural medicine year-round and not only in spring when artichokes begin their
flowering cycle.
CAUTION: Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should avoid the globe
artichoke as it contains a substance that curdles milk.
To make the artichoke juice, liquefy the chopped artichoke leaves and flower
buds with the hot water, and strain. Add the wine or hot water to the juice, and
take one cupful daily as a liver cleanser and high cholesterol treatment.
Pickled artichokes
Serve these delicious pickled artichokes with cheese and salads or finely chopped over mushroom dishes.
Select young tender buds, cut off the tough outer leaves and pare away the tops
of the leaves, leaving the base. Scoop out any of the fluffy flower parts, the
thistle’s ‘choke’, and cut the heart into quarters. Pack into a glass jar, and add the
origanum, bay leaves and parsley. Boil up the vinegar with brown sugar and
mustard seeds for 10 minutes. Pour the hot mixture over the artichoke hearts,
seal and label. Leave them to mature for at least a month before eating.
1 cup plain yoghurt
2 tablespoons finely chopped mint 4 spring onions, finely chopped Juice of 1
2 tablespoons olive oil
Sea salt and black pepper to taste Boil the artichokes in water with a sprig of
mint and salt for about 45 minutes until they are tender. Drain. Remove the
tough outer leaves and open out the centres. Pull away the tight tiny pale
leaves, and using a teaspoon, scrape out the thistle-like fluff, the choke. Leave
to cool. Mix the dressing ingredients together and pour into the centre of each
artichoke. Dip each scale into the dressing and enjoy!
Artichoke dip
This is the most delicious and nourishing dip I know. Serve it with savoury biscuits, chips, celery and
carrot-sticks, or use it as a filling for baked potatoes. Use tinned artichoke hearts if it is not artichoke
250 g artichoke hearts, freshly cooked and finely chopped 2 tablespoons finely
chopped parsley 1 medium onion, finely chopped 2 tablespoons parmesan
½–¾ cup good mayonnaise
Juice of 1 lemon
Sea salt and black pepper to taste Mix the ingredients together well. For a
smoother dip, whirl everything together in a blender. I often ring the changes
with one of the following: ½ cup chopped green pepper, ¾ cup chopped fresh
brown mushrooms, or ¾ cup mashed avocado. Try spreading a little as a pizza
Try sprouting your own organic artichoke seeds and see how delicious
they are – the slight bitterness improves with a little lemon juice. Soak
the seeds overnight, then spread on wet cotton wool in a shallow glass
dish. Cover with another layer of cotton wool and keep moist. Check
daily. Once they have sprouted, remove the top layer of cotton wool
and keep the little sprouts moist with a frequent spritz spray of water.
Eat with salads when 2–3 cm high.
Banana flower
Musa species
The banana tree or palm is a huge-leafed, exotic tropical plant that can grow
up to 3–4 m in height, with a magnificent sheath of leaves at its crown. Each
mature shoot produces an exquisite flowering stalk, which hangs under the
protective canopy of giant leaves. Ideally it needs hot, moist, tropical air, but
it will survive and even produce fruit against a sunny wall where it is
protected against cold winds.
The banana is thought to have originated in Indo-Malaysia and eastern
Asia. The ancient Egyptians are known to have eaten the Abyssinian banana,
Musa ensete, and many varieties have been recorded in the tropical and
subtropical regions of the world over the centuries.
Growing bananas is a fascinating hobby. Viable shoots can be cut away from the
parent plant and propagated in full sun in moist, richly composted soil, and a
stem will flower and fruit in about 15 months. Once the main shoot has fruited, it
can be cut out to allow space for the next shoot to emerge. The clump or ‘stool’,
as it is known botanically, can live for 60–70 years, sending up new fruit shoots
continuously, but commercial growers keep the clump going for usually no more
than 8–10 years, before replacing it with new stock.
Apply a fresh load of compost annually and dig it in carefully around the
plant so as not to damage the emerging shoots. In January I dump a barrow load
on top of the clump as well and give it a deep twice-weekly watering. The leaves
really need moisture, so spray them with a hose often during hot dry periods.
The best varieties to grow in South Africa, all of which have edible flowers, are
Musa ‘Cavendish’, Musa ‘Williams’, Musa ‘Grand Nain’ selec American, and
selec Israeli.
The ancient Egyptians used banana leaves, fruit and flowering sheaths as a
wound dressing, often mashing the fruit and applying it as a poultice over rashes,
infected scratches, grazes and burns, covered either with a banana skin or with a
leaf warmed in hot water. Today many surfers worldwide use mashed banana
pulp on sunburnt shoulders and noses. Hikers rub aching heels, corns and blisters
with the inside of a banana skin and use the flowering bract, magenta in colour
and spongy and crisp when young, as a heel guard, pressed into shoes to ease
cracks in the heel.
In Hawaii, flowering bracts are boiled in twice the volume of water, together
with a few ripe banana skins, as a hair rinse for scalp problems, oily hair and hair
that falls out. Boil for 20 minutes, cool, strain and use as a scalp massage and
hair rinse. Sceptics wonder how this can possibly help, but just look at the
Hawaiians’ beautiful thick glossy hair!
Hawaiians’ beautiful thick glossy hair!
Banana blossom paella
This is an easy-to-prepare Mauritian recipe that varies from village to village as the ingredients become
available through the season.
Brown the onions and seafood in the oil in a large wok. Add the banana flowers
and stir-fry for about 10 minutes. Then add the green or red peppers and stir-fry,
turning frequently. Add all the other ingredients except the mint and keep stir-
frying. Finally, add the mint, and serve immediately on a bed of rice. Add a little
water to the juices in the pan and pour over the paella.
In Sri Lanka, banana buds are a well-loved vegetable boiled and
served with lemon juice, salt and fish, and in China they are pickled.
Always prepare the flowers with salt and lemon juice before cooking
with them, as described in the recipe above.
2 cups thinly shredded banana flowers, turned in salt and lemon juice 4 cups
slivered topside beef Sunflower oil
3 garlic cloves, thinly slivered 2 medium onions, thinly sliced 2 cups chopped
green spring onions 1–2 tablespoons grated ginger root 2 tablespoons soy
1 cup water
Sea salt and black pepper to taste Prepare the banana flowers with salt and lemon
juice as described in the cook’s note. Meanwhile, gently sauté the beef in the
oil until brown, then add the garlic and onions. When soft, add the banana
flowers that have been drenched in fresh lemon juice. Add the spring onions
and grated ginger root, soy sauce and water, and salt and pepper to taste.
Simmer gently for about 10 minutes, adding more water if necessary. Serve
with rice or pasta.
To prepare banana flowers for cooking, remove the tough, sheath-like
covering from the flowers. Slice the flowers thinly crosswise, sprinkle
with salt, and let them stand for an hour. Squeeze them with the salt,
add lemon juice and squeeze again, then rinse. This removes any milky
sap and astringency and makes the flowers more tender.
To ring the changes, add bacon, chopped green pepper or celery,
peeled tomatoes, or thinly sliced aubergines to the banana flower kari-
kari, or experiment with your own combinations.
Brown the onions in the olive oil. Add the remaining ingredients and stir-fry
until tender. Serve hot with rice.
Monarda didyma • Bee balm • Oswego tea
Bergamot is easy and rewarding to grow and is so loved by bees and butterflies
that no garden should be without it. It needs full sun and well-composted soil,
and in midsummer it is spectacular with its bright flowering spikes ranging from
80 cm to 1 m in height. Once spent, these need to be cut off and the plant tends
to look a bit lost, so it is best planted in a mixed border. It forms a cushion-like
perennial clump that needs to be divided every three or four years. Do this in
winter by thrusting two forks back to back into the centre and splitting it in that
way. Plant out into well-composted soil and by midsummer you will have tall
spikes of bright, fragrant flowers again. There are many bergamot varieties, with
flowers ranging in colour from mauve to deep magenta, and from bright pink to
purple. All have the same uses.
Bergamot is a most comforting tea for the elderly, taken last thing at night.
Bergamot health tea helps settle the digestion, eases muscular aches and joint
pains, and acts as a sedative that disperses fears and helps to regulate the sleep
pattern. Taken with chamomile tea (add one flowering head or one leaf to
chamomile tea), bergamot also helps to calm and unwind, digest rich food and
ease the day’s tensions. For digestive problems, colic, nausea, bloated distended
stomach, vomiting, flatulence and belching, make the standard brew tea (¼ cup
bergamot flowers and leaves steeped in a cup of boiling water), and add four
cloves per cup. Sip slowly and chew one of the cloves gently every now and
then. A teaspoonful of this brew can be given to a fretting baby and to children
who have eaten too many sweet things.
1 cup good aqueous cream 1 cup fresh bergamot flowers and leaves 10 cloves,
lightly crushed 6 drops clove oil
2 teaspoons vitamin E oil Simmer the aqueous cream, bergamot and cloves,
stirring frequently for 20 minutes. Cool for 10 minutes and strain. Discard the
leaves, flowers and cloves. Add the clove oil and vitamin E oil, stir well, and
spoon into a screw-top glass jar. Warm the cream before applying by standing
the jar in a bowl of hot water. Apply the cream frequently, and in the case of
sprains and sore muscles, keep the area warm with a hot-water bottle wrapped
in a soft towel.
Bergamot skin tonic
Use this tonic for itchy, dry skin and sunburn.
Boil the bergamot in the water for 10 minutes. Cool and strain. Use as a splash
or spritz, or add to the bath.
Bergamot and peach jelly
This was one of my children’s favourite puddings, which I made often during summer using a basket of
ripening peaches that needed to be eaten, and a whole row of bright bergamot in flower.
10 peaches
3 tablespoons gelatine
1 cup warm water
1 litre unsweetened peach and orange juice or peach and mango juice Honey if
1 cup bergamot flowers, stripped off their calyxes Peel and slice the peaches.
Mix the gelatine with warm water until dissolved. Stir the gelatine into the
fruit juice, adding a little honey if it is not sweet enough. Add the peaches, and
finally toss the bergamot flowers stripped off their calyxes into the mixture.
Pour into a glass bowl and set in the fridge. Once set, serve with whipped
bergamot cream or custard decorated with bergamot flowers.
Trim the stalks off the okra pods. Dip pods individually into olive oil and lay
them on a baking sheet. Sprinkle with salt, black pepper, chopped bergamot
petals and lemon juice. Roast for 20 minutes or until they start to crisp. Sprinkle
with parmesan cheese and a few drops of Tabasco sauce. Serve hot.
Bergamot cream
250 ml thick cream
1–2 tablespoons icing sugar ½ cup bergamot petals
1–2 tablespoons icing sugar ½ cup bergamot petals
Whip the cream with the icing sugar. Fold the bergamot petals in lightly. Spoon
into a pretty glass bowl and decorate with bergamot flowers.
Borago officinalis
A tea made from borage leaves and flowers will reduce high temperatures by
inducing sweating and will act on flu and colds quickly and reliably. Rich in
potassium and calcium, the tea is both a tonic and a blood purifier. To make
borage tea add ¼ cup fresh flowering tops and leaves to a cup of boiling water.
Allow the tea to stand for five minutes, then strain and sip slowly. With its high
mucilage content it soothes respiratory ailments, chronic coughs, bronchitis,
pleurisy, tight chests and whooping cough, easing and breaking down mucous.
Make no more than one cup of borage tea a day; divide it up and take a little
throughout the day.
Borage also has a comforting emollient action due to its soothing saponins
and tannins, which is helpful for sore, inflamed skin.
Borage lotion
Use this lotion for eczema, psoriasis, sunburn, rashes and itches.
Boil the borage leaves and flowers in the water for 10 minutes. Leave the lotion
Boil the borage leaves and flowers in the water for 10 minutes. Leave the lotion
to cool, then strain and pour into a spritz bottle and spray frequently over the
area or dab on often. It will soothe a wide range of skin conditions.
Borage sangria
I was once lucky enough to find an ancient recipe made by monks in England, who called borage ‘the Good
Herb’. My modern version of this ancient drink has drawn many a favourable comment, especially when
served warm on a cold winter’s night.
3 thumb-length sprigs fresh rosemary 2 cups borage leaves, stems and flowers,
roughly chopped 4 tablespoons honey
4 cups good red wine
2 cups pure apple juice
2 lemons, thinly sliced
1 naartjie, thinly sliced Borage flowers
Crush the rosemary and borage leaves, stems and flowers and pour the honey
and wine over them. Stir well and leave to stand for about an hour. Add the
apple juice and the fruit and stir well. Cover and refrigerate for a day and a night.
Strain the following day. Keep chilled. Serve either hot or cold before dinner and
float several borage flowers on it before serving.
1 cup butter beans, soaked overnight 1 cup pearl barley, soaked overnight 1 cup
lentils, soaked overnight 1 cup split peas, soaked overnight 3 large onions,
finely chopped Sunflower oil
2 sweet potatoes, grated
6 celery stalks and leaves 6 carrots, finely grated
2 cups borage leaves, finely chopped 4 tomatoes, skinned and chopped Sea salt
and cayenne pepper to taste 2 tablespoons soy sauce
and cayenne pepper to taste 2 tablespoons soy sauce
2 teaspoons Marmite
Juice of 1 lemon
2 litres water or stock
Drain and rinse the soaked beans, barley, lentils and peas. Brown the onions in
the oil. Add the sweet potato and celery and stir-fry. Once they start to brown,
add all the other ingredients. Mix well and simmer gently, adding more water if
necessary. Keep covered and on low heat, and adjust the flavouring as preferred.
Cook for about one hour or until the beans are tender. Serve with fresh brown
bread and butter.
This soup is rich in vitamins and is filling and satisfying. Ring the
changes by using green peppers, mushrooms, finely shredded cabbage
or kale, spring onions, grated pumpkin or butternut, or squash.
Borage fritters
These fritters make a delicious snack served as an appetiser or as a side dish to stews or roasts.
12 borage leaves
Sunflower oil
1 cup flour
1 cup milk
1 egg, beaten
½ cup water
1 teaspoon grated nutmeg
1 teaspoon crushed coriander Sea salt and black pepper to taste Mix all the batter
ingredients together until a runny consistency is achieved. Heat the oil in a
frying pan. Dip each leaf into the batter and lay it carefully in the hot oil,
turning when necessary. When they are golden brown, remove the leaves from
the oil with tongs and drain on crumpled paper towel. Serve hot.
Set borage flowers in an ice tray, one flower per ice cube. In a
cooldrink the ice will melt, leaving the flower to be enjoyed, as it tastes
fresh and delicious when chilled.
Brassica oleracea
Best grown as a winter annual, broccoli thrives in a deeply dug richly composted
bed in full sun. Start the seeds off in seed trays (they germinate easily) and when
big enough to handle, about 10 cm in height, prick the tiny plants out and plant
into moist rows, spaced 50 cm apart. Do not let them dry out. Keep them shaded
with dry leaves for the first few days.
The florets form quickly and can be reaped at a fairly young stage. Water the
plants well twice-weekly. Allow some to set seed as in the heat of the summer
aphids and black fly are a problem, and in order to save the crop broccoli needs
to be heavily sprayed with chemicals. This is why winter-grown broccoli is so
important. Chemically sprayed broccoli will not build up health, it will break it
down, and heavy spraying is the only way that commercial farmers can produce
crops. So rather grow broccoli sprouts in the summer months and grow your own
broccoli through the cooler months. Sow the first seeds in March and continue
through to early August. After that grow your own organic seed sprouts
throughout the summer. Broccoli seed, especially organically grown seed, has
become worth its weight in gold! Save all you can from your own plantings.
become worth its weight in gold! Save all you can from your own plantings.
Broccoli is an excellent source of vitamins C, A, K, B6 and E, as well as folic
acid, magnesium, calcium, potassium and phosphorus. With this amazing array
of health boosters, broccoli has been considered a superfood for centuries.
Make ‘monks’ broccoli broth’ as a winter health builder and have it daily. I
make this soup every week and keep any excess in the fridge. Warm up a cupful
when on the run and squeeze in extra lemon juice if feeling tired or if a cold is
threatening. In cases of breast cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer, cancer of the
throat, oesophagus, pharynx, larynx, stomach and prostate, this soup should be
part of the daily diet.
Broccoli is essential for smokers. It is low in calories, high in lutein, and is
essential for obesity, toxaemia, high blood pressure, kidney ailments and
constipation. And given our exposure to cell phone, computer and chemical
radiation, broccoli is a lifesaver. Start growing it today!
Pour the olive oil into a large heavy stainless steel pot. Brown the onions and
leeks. Add the remaining ingredients, stirring all the time. Simmer until
everything is tender. Add more lemon juice and salt, if needed. Remember that
this is a health soup for coughs, colds, flu, bronchitis, cancer protection and for
age-related ailments such as macular degeneration of the eyes, digestive
problems and circulatory ailments. So do not add other flavourings or sauces.
Steamed broccoli florets and leaves
This is a real comfort food and one that is good for the entire family. Use a bamboo steamer if possible as it
gives the broccoli a fresh taste.
1 head broccoli
Cheese sauce
3 cups milk (full-cream or low-fat) 2 tablespoons cornflour
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon paprika
1 egg, beaten
1½ cups grated cheddar cheese Steam a whole head of broccoli, broken into
1½ cups grated cheddar cheese Steam a whole head of broccoli, broken into
florets, as well as the lightly chopped surrounding leaves. It steams in about
15 minutes to tender perfection.
While the broccoli is steaming, make a rich white sauce. Simmer 2½ cups of
the milk in a heavy-bottomed pot. As it begins to boil, stir in the cornflour that
has been dissolved in the remaining half cup of milk. Add the salt, paprika and
beaten egg. Stir in, whisking all the time, on very low heat (do not stop or take
your eyes off it for a minute). As it thickens, stir in one cup of the cheddar
cheese, mixing it in quickly. Spoon the hot broccoli into an ovenproof glass dish.
Pour the cheese sauce over it, sprinkle with the remaining half cup of grated
cheese and a grinding of black pepper and keep it warm in a low oven until
ready to serve. This will melt the cheese and keep it piping hot. Serve with
Sunday roast chicken, roast potatoes and garden-picked winter peas.
Fresh broccoli florets in a winter salad of butter lettuce, celery stalks
and leaves, rocket, mustard greens and baby spinach, with a good
squeeze of lemon juice, will keep winter colds and flu away. For
variety, add sprinklings of sprouts and lots of chopped parsley. It will
give you energy you didn’t know you had!
Fagopyrum esculentum
Buckwheat is exceptionally rich in bioflavonoids, which is why it is essential in
treating circulatory problems, cold hands and feet, chilblains and haemorrhoids.
It also strengthens the inner wall of the tiniest capillaries and disperses small
bruises that appear for no apparent reason. Buckwheat contains all eight essential
amino acids, which helps to tone the whole body. It is rich in vitamin C,
calcium, magnesium, beta-carotene, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, folic acid and
potassium, making it an excellent all-round tonic for the whole body, and for
circulation and the heart in particular.
Buckwheat restores health and vitality to those in deep depression due to its
remarkably high vitamin and mineral content. Post-flu depression and postnatal
depression respond immediately to buckwheat tea. Arthritis and gout in the
crippling inflammatory stages respond equally well to buckwheat tea and
buckwheat flour and groats in the diet. To make buckwheat tea, pour a cup of
boiling water over ¼ cup fresh flowers, leaves and stems. Allow the tea to stand
for five minutes before straining. Take one cup daily for two weeks, then take a
break for four or five days before starting again.
CAUTION: Medical science suggests that people with allergies or those who
have cancer should not eat buckwheat as it is high in vegetable protein and can
cause a reaction.
Prepare hulled buckwheat the same way you would cook rice, but without salt.
Cook all the ingredients in a heavy-bottomed pot, simmering until tender. Drain,
add fresh lemon juice and enjoy it as a salad, either hot or cold.
Buckwheat cake
This cake keeps well and is the ideal lunchbox treat.
Peel and slice the aubergine finely and soak in cold, salted water while you
prepare the rest of the ingredients. Fry the onion in the olive oil until it starts to
brown. Add the buckwheat flowers and stir-fry, then add the potato. Add a little
more oil if necessary and once the potato starts to brown, add the aubergine
slices (pat the aubergines dry before adding). Stir-fry well. Add all the other
ingredients, shaking the pan and stirring continuously. Serve hot on rice with a
green salad and squeeze more lemon juice over the stir-fry.
Typha latifolia • Cattail
The bulrush is a cosmopolitan aquatic genus that has become a loved and
valued plant in all its varieties worldwide. It is different from the bulrush
mentioned in the story of Moses in the Bible, Cyperus papyrus, which is a
member of the sedge family.
Several kinds of bulrush have been used through the centuries in many
countries as both food and medicine, and in China a much-respected
medicine is made, known as pu huang, from the long brown flowering spikes
of the following: Typha angustifolia, T. davidiana, T. orientalis and T.
bungeana. All are used interchangeably with T. latifolia as hormonal
compounds known as phytoecdysteriods.
Around the world bulrushes have been used in folk medicine since the
earliest centuries and almost every river has its succulent edging of this
valuable plant. Each year I am amazed that in a deep furrow along the sandy
road to my small farm, a stand of bulrushes blooms in abundance through
the scorching hot months, before fading into virtual obscurity through the
dry winters. Just a trickle of runoff rainwater starts the first new blades
again, and before long in even the driest summer, there are sufficient
flowering stems for the medicine-seeking sangomas.
The young flowering spikes are gathered for flower arrangements before
they mature, but the majority are left so that pollen can be gathered. Many
tribes harvest the unripe flowering spikes while still tender and cook them as
a vegetable, especially during times of scarcity in North Africa, North
America, parts of Europe and Asia (native lands of the bulrush). Traditional
recipes utilise the inner stems, roots, rhizomes and young shoots in often
strange but fascinating ways.
The garden staff at the Herbal Centre sometimes grow bulrush rhizomes in a big
pot filled with compost, and lower it into a pond. Eventually the pot is turned
out, washed well, and the base of the stalks and the thick rhizomes are peeled,
washed and simmered in boiling salted water. Pieces of rhizome and tufts of new
growth are replanted into fresh compost in the large pots and again sunk into the
In rivers, new plants can be dug out of the muddy submerged clumps, and
scattered seed will take hold in every moist and hospitable place. Many farmers
destroy bulrush beds as the water courses, dams and streams can become
strangled by this tenacious plant.
In South Africa, T. capensis is the name given to the common bulrush, or T.
latifolia capensis, or T. capensis syn T. latifolia subsp. capensis. Today around
15 species are found worldwide; all retain the name Typha and are basically
similar and used for the same things.
All parts of the bulrush are used, the pollen being the most valuable medicinally.
However, the young shoots, boiled or eaten fresh, are an excellent diuretic and
also control excessive menstrual bleeding, improve circulation and promote
healing of bruises, wounds, scrapes and cuts.
Dried pollen on the flowering spike is used as a treatment over wounds and
bleeding cuts, and can be used on cattle too, which I learned from the staff on
my husband’s cattle farm! Dried flowering spikes can be packed over wounds to
assist quick healing, and replaced daily.
In Europe, the bulrush is a valuable medication, listed in the pharmacopoeias
of many countries, and made into medicines for tapeworms, diarrhoea, angina
pains, postpartum pains, cancer of the lymphatic system, painful or copious
menstruation, abnormal uterine bleeding, and for haemorrhaging wounds.
Bulrush tea is taken internally and used externally in a poultice or dressing. To
make bulrush tea, pour a cup of boiling water over ¼ cup chopped and well-
washed leafy stem bases. Stir frequently, pressing down the pieces of succulent
leaf base, for five minutes, then let the tea stand and cool for a minute or two,
strain, and sip slowly. Take the tea two or three times a day. However, always
ask your doctor before starting a home treatment, especially where there is
angina and internal bleeding.
I learned from women on the farm how they used bulrush flowers in various
ways. During their monthly menstrual cycle the women packed handfuls of
stored, dried bulrush ‘pollen’ into small cotton or calico pouches they had sewn,
making soft ‘sanitary towels’. In the case of abscesses, boils and sprains, a
poultice of warm honey mixed with the bulrush ‘fluff’ made a valuable dressing
bound in place with bulrush leaves. This is still used today by farm workers in
some rural areas, and the rhizomes are still used for reproductive problems in
men and women, taken as a tea and eaten as a vegetable.
Today a registered medication for hormonal treatment is made by
metabolising the flavonoids, volatile oils and hormonal compounds in the ripe
‘flowers’ of the bulrush into either oestrogenic or androgenic substances that are
medically registered.
A bulrush decoction can be taken to ease menopausal symptoms. To make
the decoction, cut young flowering stems into thumb-length pieces, place the
pieces in a saucepan with enough water to cover, and simmer for one hour.
Strain the liquid and refrigerate it. One cup is taken per day.
Bulrush cream
Use this cream to treat dry skin and lips, and brittle nails during menopause.
Place the aqueous cream, flowering tips and leaf bases in a double boiler and
simmer for 40 minutes. Remove from the heat, allow to cool and then strain.
(The discarded shoots and flowers can be tied in cloth and used for washing.)
Add the vitamin E oil to the cream and mix thoroughly. Spoon into a sterilised
glass jar and massage frequently into the skin and nails. The rural farm workers
used sunflower oil simmered with the bulrush flowering tips a decade ago. Now
aqueous cream is more readily available and is far more easily applied and
WARNING: Bulrush stimulates the uterus and should therefore not be used in
any form during pregnancy.
Bulrush stew
I recall sitting by the fire as a young woman, tentatively tasting this unusual stew, and being so surprised by
the rich flavour and succulent wholesomeness of it all that I make it to this day.
Brown the onions in a little sunflower oil. Add the chopped bulrush shoots and
stems and stir-fry for a minute. Add the cooked beans and the spinach leaves or
pumpkin vine tips. Add enough water to cover, then simmer until everything is
tender. Add salt and a dash of vinegar just as you serve it.
Arctium lappa
This rather unusual herb originated in Europe and parts of Asia, where it is
much respected as both a food and a medicine. It grows in temperate regions
throughout the world and is being commercially propagated in China for its
medicinal seeds. Both Western and Chinese medicine have researched and
documented the medicinal uses of burdock, and its ancient uses are being
scientifically proven. It is a superb skin treatment for recurring ailments such
scientifically proven. It is a superb skin treatment for recurring ailments such
as weeping eczema, psoriasis and allergic rashes. It has a cleansing effect on
the whole body, from the liver to blood circulation, the kidneys and
respiratory organs, and it has antibiotic, antiseptic and diuretic properties.
I have established burdock as an easy-to-grow biennial, and it flourishes,
surprisingly, in the heat of the African sun just the way it does in the bitter
winter winds and frost of Europe. It needs a deeply dug, rich, well-composted
loamy soil in full sun, and I find that it takes afternoon shade quite happily. It
needs a deep watering twice or even three times a week and thrives if the leaves
are sprayed. In its second year it will send up a flowering head of many small,
rounded capsules with a small crown of purple stamens and masses of burs,
hence its name. These hook into everything and so get transported easily for
Once widely used in cleansing, detoxifying remedies, burdock has been used
through the centuries to lower blood sugar levels, break up kidney stones and as
a treatment for acne, boils and abscesses. Crushed flowers and buds pounded to
a pulp and warmed were applied to the area, even over the kidneys, and held in
place with a large, warmed burdock leaf, bound with bandages. Burdock tea is
excellent for easing the itch and heat in measles and for soothing and relaxing
muscle spasms. It also appears to have antitumour action and will reduce the
swelling and discomfort in mumps. To make a standard brew, pour a cup of
boiling water over ¼ cup fresh buds and flowers and a small piece of leaf and
stem. Allow the tea to stand for five minutes, then strain and sip slowly.
Burdock contains a rare and precious ingredient, arctiin, which is a smooth-
muscle relaxant, and it makes a wonderful healing cream.
Pour the boiling water over the flower and piece of leaf. Stir with a cinnamon
stick and let the tea draw for five minutes. Strain, sweeten with a touch of honey
and a pinch of powdered ginger, and sip slowly. Add one dandelion flower if
you are taking the tea for acne or boils. They combine exceptionally well.
1 cup burdock (flowers, buds, pieces of leaf and stem) 1 cup good aqueous
1 teaspoon vitamin E oil
Mix the chopped herbs well with the aqueous cream. Simmer for 15 minutes in a
double boiler with the lid on. Cool and strain. Discard the burdock and mix in
the vitamin E oil. Pour into a sterilised screw-top glass jar and store in a cool
place. Apply frequently to stiff muscles, strains and rashes.
Burdock bud syrup
This makes a most refreshing drink, served hot or cold.
In ancient cultures, young tender burdock flower buds were combined
with dandelion or chamomile flowers to make a warming and cheering
wine, which can also be made from burdock flowers alone. The root
can be cooked as a vegetable, and the peeled and fried stems make a
tasty snack.
This is a most unusual soup, very fresh and very green. It is so rich in vitamins and minerals that I try to
make it every few weeks, especially if I have been eating out a lot. It is a superb detoxifier, of particular
importance after an anaesthetic or after a lot of X-rays, or if you have been plagued by boils or bad skin
conditions and feel overloaded nd burnt out. It will get rid of all sorts of toxins and acidity.
1 butter lettuce, roughly chopped 3 cups chopped celery stems and leaves 1 cup
chopped fresh parsley
1 cup torn-up burdock leaves and stems 1 cup trimmed young burdock buds 2
thinly sliced onions, green tops included 2 cups fresh lucerne leaves, stripped
off their stems 1 cup pearl barley, soaked overnight 3 grated carrots
2 litres water
Juice of 1 lemon
Sea salt to taste
Sea salt to taste
Bring all the ingredients to the boil in a heavy-bottomed pot. Turn down the heat
and simmer gently with the lid on until the barley is soft, usually about 40
minutes. Top up with water if necessary. Liquidise to make a smooth soup, and
serve piping hot.
Calamint & emperor’s mint
Calamintha ascendens • C. officinalis • Micromeria
Calamint originated in Europe and Asia, extending from the British Isles
eastwards towards Iran. It flourishes in poor soil and is a familiar sight along
roadsides. It was greatly esteemed in ancient times for its medicinal
properties and the Greeks used it to clear coughs and ease digestive
disorders, while leaf poultices were used to treat bruises and sprains.
disorders, while leaf poultices were used to treat bruises and sprains.
Calamint tea induces sweating and in medieval times it was revered as a
detoxifier and cleanser, and was used as a treatment against the plague.
Modern scientific research has verified the presence of a powerful oil rich in
pulegone in the plant, and research is still being conducted into its use as an
expectorant in respiratory ailments. Simply taking a deep breath and inhaling
the pungent peppermint-like aroma is enough to open sinuses and clear a
blocked nose. In days gone by calamint was believed to have magical
protective properties and bunches of fresh calamint were hung in the
doorways of homes to protect the occupants, giving rise to the name
‘protection plant’.
Calamint and emperor’s mint are confusingly similar in appearance and
fragrance, and are used medicinally to treat the same ailments, yet they are not
related at all. Both are delightfully fragrant and pretty creeping perennials, with
slightly hairy, oval, thumbnail-sized leaves and tiny white or mauve flowers. The
difference lies in the propagation – calamint has a creeping rootstock that can be
divided at any time of the year once the soft flowering spikes have been cut
back, while emperor’s mint sows itself freely all around the mother plant. Both
take sun and light shade. Calamint has only been cultivated since the 17th
century and once you have it in your garden it will always reseed itself.
The sprays of tiny white flowers last well in water and if crushed and tucked
under the pillow they will ensure a good night’s sleep as the strong peppermint
aroma opens the nose and clears the sinuses.
A tea made from calamint is still favoured in Europe today to help relieve
colic, wind and indigestion. To make the tea, pour a cup of boiling water over ¼
cup fresh flowering sprigs. Allow the tea to stand for five minutes, then strain,
and sip it slowly. This tea is particularly soothing when you have overeaten, or
when you feel nauseous or chilled. Use the same tea for a fretting child or a
colicky baby, giving a teaspoonful of the warm tea at a time. For a cough, tight
chest, flu or a bad cold, use the same brew but add the juice of one lemon and
three teaspoons of honey. It will encourage sweating and in this way bring down
a fever; it will also act as an expectorant and clear the nose and lungs.
CAUTION: Avoid both calamint and emperor’s mint if you are pregnant, as
they are very strong herbs.
Peel and cut the fruit into pieces. Liquidise fruit, flowers, sprigs and ice in a
blender. Pour into a glass and sip slowly. Do not eat anything within 30 minutes
of drinking the smoothie.
Calamint after-dinner tea, and refreshing iced tea
Serve this tea in place of after-dinner coffee, in small cups, or add fresh sprigs to filter coffee. The same tea
cooled and mixed with equal quantities of fresh unsweetened fruit juice, particularly litchi juice, served with
crushed ice and a sprinkling of calamint flowers, will refresh and revive you after a long day. With a little
dash of white wine it makes a party-time treat and a tonic as well!
Pick the flowering sprigs and crush them lightly with a rolling pin. Sprinkle
layers of dark brown caramel sugar under and over the sprigs and seal in a wide-
mouthed jar. After a week remove the sprigs and seal the jar again. Use this
sugar to flavour puddings, herb teas and after-dinner coffee. Alternatively, place
10 flowering sprigs in one bottle of runny honey, such as orange blossom honey.
Leave it for one week, standing in the sun. Strain and taste. If it is not strong
enough, repeat. Serve with calamint tea.
12 large yellow peaches, peeled and sliced 2 apples, peeled and roughly chopped
2 tablespoons thinly sliced fresh ginger root 1 cup sultanas
Sugar to taste
½–¾ cup tiny calamint flowers, pulled out of their calyxes 2 cups apple juice
A little water
2 sprigs fresh calamint leaves Simmer all the ingredients together until the
peaches and apples are tender. Discard the calamint sprigs. Serve hot or cold
with whipped cream sprinkled with more of the tiny mauve or white calamint
Emperor’s mint
Calendula officinalis
Growing calendulas is remarkably easy. Sow the seeds in late summer and plant
out the little seedlings in well-dug, richly composted soil in full sun about 25–30
cm apart. Keep them moist until they have settled, after which they will need to
be watered two or three times a week. You will be rewarded with masses of
flowers all through the winter and well into spring and early summer. Calendula
is a winter annual, so grow a row to save for the summer ahead. Dry the petals
on brown paper in the shade. Turn daily, and when fully dry store in a glass jar
with a tight lid. You’ll find many uses for the petals.
Calendula has anti-inflammatory properties, relieves muscle spasm, prevents
haemorrhages, is astringent and antiseptic, helps to heal wounds, regulates
menstruation, helps to relieve gastric disturbances, colitis, fevers and infections,
and is detoxifying and mildly oestrogenic. Quick relief from the above ailments
can be obtained by drinking a cup of calendula tea. To make the tea, pour a cup
of boiling water over ¼ cup fresh calendula petals and leave to stand for five
minutes before straining. When cooled, the tea can be used as a lotion for skin
problems such as acne, eczema, oily skin, psoriasis, rashes, grazes, stings, bites
and even sunburn. Calendula petals can be used to make an exceptional healing
massage oil, and calendula cream is a classic remedy for cuts, grazes, wounds
and skin irritations.
Calendula petals
Almond oil
Warm equal quantities of calendula petals and almond oil for 15 minutes,
stirring continuously. Strain and bottle in a sterilised glass jar. Massage into the
stirring continuously. Strain and bottle in a sterilised glass jar. Massage into the
affected area frequently during the day. A teaspoonful or two added to the bath
will also soften and moisturise dry skin, and it is soothing and calming for
nervous tension and menstrual pain.
1 cup calendula petals 1 cup good aqueous cream 2 teaspoons vitamin E oil Heat
the petals and aqueous cream in a double boiler for 20 minutes, stirring
frequently. Strain and discard the petals, and mix in the vitamin E oil. Pour the
cream into a sterilised glass jar, seal and keep in a cool place.
Calendula omelette
This is a quick and easy supper dish and full of goodness. Make individual omelettes and serve immediately.
Mix the grated cheese, parsley and calendula petals and set aside. Whisk the
eggs well with the water and seasoning. Heat a little olive oil in a frying pan and
pour in the egg mixture. Allow to set for about three minutes, tipping the pan to
ensure that the omelette cooks evenly. Spread the cheese mixture over one half
of the omelette and allow it to settle for a minute or two. As soon as the omelette
is cooked, flip one side over to cover the cheese mixture, and slide it onto a hot
plate. Decorate with triangles of buttered toast and sprinkle with more calendula
petals. Serve immediately.
Calendula is used as a natural yellow food colouring in the food
industry. The bright orange petals can be added to many foods, from
drinks and jams to curries, desserts, rice dishes and pancakes. I
sprinkle the fresh petals on dishes all through the winter (never use the
green parts – it is only the petals that have medicinal properties).
Calendula curry
This nourishing, hearty standby dish freezes successfully and keeps well in the fridge. If you are vegetarian,
substitute mushrooms for the meat.
Calendula custard
This was my children’s favourite dessert served either hot or cold, on its own or with apple tart, stewed
rhubarb or peaches.
Bruise the petals well to release the bright yellow colouring. Heat the milk in a
double boiler and add the petals, keeping the mixture just under boiling point.
Add the vanilla. Beat the eggs with the sugar, cornflour, cinnamon and allspice,
and whisking carefully and continuously, add this mixture to the simmering
milk. Remove the vanilla pod. Whisk gently until the custard thickens. Serve
with whipped cream and sprinkle with calendula petals.
Californian poppy
Eschscholzia californica
The fact that this glorious orange flower is edible comes as a great surprise
to many people. I learned about its remarkable healing properties from an
American Indian visitor to my herb gardens, who inspired me to know and
grow more of this old-fashioned plant that has been so taken for granted.
Centuries ago, American Indians used the flowers, and to some extent the
leaves, as a painkiller, particularly for toothache. A leaf and a couple of
petals would be well chewed and the tooth packed with the softened leaf. It
has tremendous analgesic, antispasmodic, calming and sedative properties,
and is valuable in treating both physical and psychological problems in
children as it is gentle and safe.
Usually treated as an annual, the Californian poppy is a gorgeous sight in spring
with its brilliantly coloured flowers and finely cut grey-green leaves. It thrives in
any soil as long as it is well-drained, and has adapted to withstand all sorts of
climates around the world, far from its native habitat in western North America.
It needs full sun and thrives on a twice-weekly watering (slightly more in hot
weather), and thereafter can literally be forgotten about! It benefits from picking
as the more you pick the more flowers it produces. Sow seed in boxes in autumn
and keep them warm, protected and moist throughout winter. Transplant
seedlings in late winter to a well-dug, well-composted bed in full sun, spaced 40
cm apart. The mature height of the plant is about 30 cm.
Although similar in effect to the opium poppy (Papaver somniferum), the
Californian poppy has a very different effect in that it is not narcotic and it does
not disorientate like the opium poppy.
Researchers are looking at the promising effect it has on bedwetting in
highly strung children, as well as in cases where there is difficulty establishing a
good sleep pattern, and in those with anxiety, nightmares, sleepwalking and
panic attacks.
The easiest way to take Californian poppy as a medicine (other than in food)
is as a comforting tea. Combined with chamomile to enhance relaxation and
encourage sleep, it is an easily assimilated and very gentle medicinal nightcap
that is completely safe for children. To make Californian poppy tea, pour a cup
of boiling water over three petals and a small leaf of the Californian poppy, and
add a tablespoon of fresh chamomile flowers. Allow the tea to stand for five
minutes, then strain and sweeten with a touch of honey. For a child aged under
three years, give half a cup; for children aged over three years and for adults, sip
a full cup slowly just before going to bed.
NOTE: Chamomile and the Californian poppy flower at the same time of the
Fresh Californian poppy flowering sprays, stems and leaves Hot water
½–¾ cup Californian poppy muscle relaxing cream (see above) Pure cotton cloth
and towel Soften and warm the flowering sprays, stems and leaves in hot
water. Then mix in the Californian poppy muscle relaxing cream. Apply this
mixture to the affected area, as warm as is comfortable. Cover with a cotton
cloth, then a towel and place a hot-water bottle over the area (or use a heat
lamp). Keep the area warm while relaxing for 15–20 minutes. Remove the
poultice and massage in the soothing cream. The resultant relaxation and pain
release can be enhanced by drinking a cup of Californian poppy tea. To make
this tea, pour a cup of boiling water over ¼ cup of fresh petals and one leaf,
leave it to stand for five minutes, strain, sweeten if desired with a touch of
honey and sip slowly.
Californian poppy spring fruit salad
This fruit salad is a delight as the warmer days tumble together! It is wonderful made with early peaches,
but can be made with any fruit in season.
1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar 2 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons good mayonnaise 2 tablespoons plain Bulgarian or Greek yoghurt
Sea salt and black pepper to taste 1 cup lightly packed Californian poppy
petals Boil the unpeeled new potatoes in salted water until tender. Leave them
to cool with their skins on. Meanwhile mix the dressing ingredients together,
keeping a few petals aside for garnishing. Toss the potatoes in the dressing in
a glass bowl and sprinkle a little chopped parsley over the salad. Keep in the
fridge until ready to serve and decorate with the Californian poppy petals.
3 medium-sized aubergines
Olive oil
½ cup chopped pecan nuts
½ cup sesame seeds
½ cup Californian poppy petals Sea salt and black pepper to taste Juice of 1
¾ cup parmesan cheese
Peel and slice the aubergines and soak in salted water for 10 minutes before
draining. Sauté them in a little olive oil until tender. Add all the other ingredients
except the parmesan cheese. Mash and mix well, stir-frying continuously. Spoon
the stir-fry into a serving dish and sprinkle with the cheese. Decorate with
chopped parsley and a few of the Californian poppy petals.
Cape sorrel
Oxalis pes-caprae • Suring
Cape sorrel grows prolifically on waste ground, tolerating icy winds and salt
spray as readily as it tolerates desolate, hot sandy areas. It requires no care or
attention at all, except perhaps a weekly watering during its winter flowering
period. It thrives on the Cape’s winter rainfall and stoically withstands the cold,
wet conditions, offering a blaze of uplifting colour before the other spring
flowers appear. However, its flowering period is often brief as by late spring the
heat shrivels the flowers and eventually it all but disappears underground,
leaving only a few dried leaves to mark the spot where it grew. With regular
watering in the garden it can go on well into summer, but its dormant period is
late summer to midwinter. With well-dug, well-composted soil in full sun it will
flourish in the garden, but always be sure to mark the spot where it grows or in
its dormant period you may be apt to forget that it is there and plant something
else on top of it. Cape sorrel is a herb well worth growing.
Sailors in the 16th and 17th centuries calling at the Cape collected the tender,
juicy, swollen roots of the Cape sorrel as a treatment for scurvy, and ate the
leaves and flowers as well. The swollen root was dried and taken on long
voyages as it could be rehydrated in water, and used medicinally.
The leaves can be crushed and applied to burns, scratches and grazes, and
they are still used as a first-aid treatment in rural areas of the Cape today.
Warm the leaves in hot water, and bind over a boil or suppurating sore to bring it
to a head, using a crêpe bandage to keep the poultice in place. Replace the
poultice frequently with fresh warmed leaves.
poultice frequently with fresh warmed leaves.
Sorrel flowers pounded with water and made into a paste can be spread on acne
spots and pimples; this will quickly clear spots of redness and help them to dry
up. Teenagers should eat a few flowers every day during the plant’s spring
flowering to clear their skins of oiliness and pimples, and the juice of the
flowering stems can be dabbed onto spots to hasten healing.
Fresh Cape sorrel flowers and a few leaves 1 bottle apple cider vinegar Steep the
flowers and leaves in the bottle of vinegar. Place in the sun for four days and
shake it daily. Repeat this for four more days, then strain. Apply frequently to
the problem area. Wet a pad of cotton wool with warm water and wring out.
Then dip the pad into the vinegar solution and apply to skin three times a day
after washing the face.
Yellow sorrel salad
This is the first salad I make every spring, using fresh springtime ingredients; its piquant taste makes it a
favourite with everyone. Serve with sorrel mayonnaise.
1 butter lettuce
2 papinos or 1 medium pawpaw, peeled and diced 2 oranges, peeled and sliced 2
cups sliced celery
2 cups watercress
2 cups finely grated carrots 2 avocados, peeled and diced 1 cup peeled grated
butternut 4 hard-boiled eggs, shelled and sliced Black pepper
1 cup Cape sorrel flowers Line a dish with butter lettuce leaves. Lightly mix all
the ingredients (except the eggs, black pepper and sorrel flowers) and spoon
the ingredients (except the eggs, black pepper and sorrel flowers) and spoon
onto the bed of lettuce leaves. Arrange the sliced eggs on top. Grind some
black pepper over the salad and sprinkle with sorrel flowers.
2.5 kg firm white fish – Cape salmon, kingklip or kabeljou are best 4 onions,
neatly sliced
4 teaspoons salt
2 teaspoons cayenne pepper ¾ cup sugar – brown treacle sugar is best 1
tablespoon turmeric
750 ml brown grape vinegar 125 ml water
½ cup thinly sliced fresh ginger 20 coriander seeds
¾ cup sultanas
4 fresh lemon leaves
1 cup fresh sorrel flowers Cut the fish into small neat portions and set aside. Mix
all the ingredients, except the sorrel flowers, and simmer in a heavy-bottomed
pot for 15–20 minutes. Stir well, then add the fish pieces carefully so as not to
pot for 15–20 minutes. Stir well, then add the fish pieces carefully so as not to
break them. Simmer for another 20 minutes with the lid on. Carefully lift the
fish out of the sauce and place in a glass or stainless steel dish. Pour the sauce
over the fish, remove the lemon leaves, and let the dish cool. Just before
serving, sprinkle with the fresh sorrel flowers. This dish keeps well in the
Carum carvi
The word ‘caraway’ has its origins in the ancient Arabic word for seed,
karawya. The ancient Egyptians used it in medicine and as a flavouring, and
Isaiah speaks of the cultivation of caraway in the Bible. Archaeologists have
found seed in small clay containers in diggings on Mesolithic sites, dating
from thousands of years BC. The herb originated in Central Europe, Asia
and North Africa, where it is found on waste ground and grasslands. Its
tendency to self-seed prolifically meant that it became widespread and
naturalised further afield. Caraway is one of the most ancient herbs and is
still cultivated extensively as a food and medicine. It is now cultivated
worldwide on a large scale.
Cultivated primarily for its seeds, but also for its flavour-filled leaves, roots and
flowers, caraway makes a charming garden plant, and has the lace flowers
typical of its Umbelliferae family origins. The flowers have the same effects as
the seeds, although they are not as potent, and they can be used in fruit salads,
salads and stir-fries with delicious results. Caraway needs a sunny position and
loose, light soil and grows as a quick annual two or three times a season during
the warm months, scattering seed everywhere. I sow the seed straight into the
ground three times during spring and summer and give it a good dressing of
compost three times a year.
Caraway is a much-respected antispasmodic; the seeds soothe and work directly
on the digestive tract, easing spasms, colic, bloating, flatulence and heartburn.
Some Middle East eating-houses serve a tiny bowl of caraway seeds on each
table to chew on between courses or between mouthfuls. Interestingly, caraway’s
antispasmodic, diuretic and expectorant qualities have been confirmed by
medical research, and to add to its benefits, the seeds and leaves sweeten the
breath, improve appetite, counter heart irregularity and ease menstrual cramps.
The standard brew for all these ailments is ¼ cup caraway flowers and two
teaspoons of seeds in a cup of boiling water. Allow the tea to stand for five
minutes, then strain and sip slowly. If used as a mouthwash and gargle, it will
clear bad breath, gum ailments and even tighten the teeth, it is believed! A
teaspoonful or two of this tea will calm and quieten a restless baby, ease
indigestion and restore a feeling of wellbeing in the elderly.
Caraway is a remarkable herb; it can even be added to your dog’s food and
will help to counter wind and bad breath. Caraway is now being medically tested
as a heart and pulse regulator and as a treatment for severe menstrual pain. The
flowers and seeds are an expectorant and tonic, and are added to some patent
medicines, particularly for the treatment of chronic coughs.
1 cup fresh caraway flowers with a few leaves and stems 1 tablespoon crushed
1 cup fresh caraway flowers with a few leaves and stems 1 tablespoon crushed
caraway seeds ½ cup fresh mint
1½ cups good aqueous cream
3 teaspoons vitamin E oil
In a double boiler, simmer the flowers, leaves, stems, seeds, mint and aqueous
cream together for 30 minutes. Cool it, strain, and add the vitamin E oil. Mix
well and spoon into sterilised glass jars.
A soothing tip is to stuff fresh flowering caraway sprigs into the cover of a
hot-water bottle, between the bottle and the cover. The heat of the boiling water
will release the fragrance and the gentle oils and help to relax painful spasms.
Make several pots of caraway flower cream in the summer. It will become a
valuable pain reliever throughout the year. Keep it refrigerated in hot weather.
Caraway egg and potato salad
This popular salad can be served with cold meats or cheese, or simply with crusty bread.
8 medium-sized potatoes
1 butter lettuce
A few fresh spinach leaves
6 hard-boiled eggs
1 thinly sliced green pepper 1 cup caraway flowers, broken up and stalks
removed Juice of 1 lemon
Sea salt and black pepper to taste Dressing
2 teaspoons crushed caraway seeds 4 tablespoons olive oil
2 teaspoons dry mustard powder 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar Boil the
potatoes, peel off the skins and dice. Tear up the lettuce and spinach leaves,
and quarter the eggs. Mix everything together carefully. Place the dressing
ingredients in a screw-top jar, seal and shake well. Pour the dressing over the
salad and serve immediately.
2 tablespoons clear thin honey 1 cup plain Bulgarian yoghurt 250 g smooth
cottage cheese 4 cups mashed fruit, such as strawberries and peaches 2 cups
caraway flowers, stripped off their stems Stir the honey into the yoghurt, then
mix in the cottage cheese. Add the mashed fruit and the caraway flowers.
Spoon the mixture into a cheesecloth-lined clean, wet flower pot. Chill, and
leave it to drain over a bowl. Take the pashka out of the mould after two hours
and serve it on a glass plate decorated with fruit slices and umbels of pretty
caraway flowers. Serve with caraway tea or after-dinner coffee.
Gently fry the fish in a little sunflower oil with the lemon juice, sea salt, cayenne
pepper, ginger and caraway seeds. Meanwhile soak the tomatoes in boiling water
to facilitate peeling, then peel and chop. Add to the fish and simmer gently. In
another pan, fry the chopped onion in a little oil until it browns. Add the curry
leaves (if you have them), honey, spices and caraway flowers and cook for a few
minutes, then mix into the fish and tomato mixture. Add a little water if
necessary and simmer for four minutes. Serve with rice and decorate with
caraway flowers.
Dianthus caryophyllus • Clove pink
The carnation is an ancient herb, revered through the centuries for its
beautiful clove-like scent and remarkable medicinal value. Native to
southern Europe and India, it was a common feature in European monastery
and cottage gardens, and in Elizabethan texts it was referred to as the
The original species, Dianthus caryophyllus, has sadly become almost
extinct through the centuries, giving way to the hybridised forms of
carnation with little scent and even less medicinal value. Today carnations
are available in a vast array of colours, from red, pink, salmon and magenta
through to white and yellow, and even striped and flecked, but it is the old-
fashioned clove-scented variety, usually pink, that is used herbally. The
species D. carthusianorum, D. plumarius ‘Doris’, D. deltoides (Maiden
pink) and the D. × allwoodii pinks, which are a cross between D.
caryophyllus and D. plumarius, can also be used herbally.
Carnation is a short-lived perennial that needs well-drained soil. Propagation is
easy, either by sowing seed or taking stem cuttings in spring. Merely strip off the
little leafy tufts that form along the flowering stem, and leaving the small ‘heel’
still attached, strip off the lower leaves and press the cutting into wet sand. Keep
it shaded and moist and it will quickly send out tiny roots.
For about 2 000 years the bright petals of Dianthus have been used medicinally
to soothe and calm nervousness and anxiety, and to treat kidney and bladder
ailments, skin ailments such as eczema, and constipation.
Our grandmothers made a beautifully scented simple carnation cleansing
cream, which they used daily to cleanse off grime and oiliness and to moisturise
dry skin areas and cracks around the lips. Carnation lotion, in turn, is a great
favourite to refresh and soothe on a hot day.
Carnation cleansing cream
1 cup good aqueous cream
1 cup of fresh carnation petals, stripped off their calyxes 2 tablespoons glycerine
1 tablespoon almond oil
2 teaspoons vitamin E oil Place the aqueous cream and carnation petals in a
double boiler and mix in the glycerine and almond oil. Simmer for 15 minutes
with the lid on, stirring every now and then. Pour through a sieve and quickly
stir in the vitamin E oil. Pour into a sterilised jar with a screw-top lid.
Carnation lotion
1 cup carnation petals, stripped off their calyxes 10 cloves
1 stick cinnamon
1 litre boiling water
Add the carnation petals, cloves and cinnamon stick to the boiling water.
Simmer for 10 minutes with the lid on. Cool, strain and pour into a spritz bottle.
Add a few drops of carnation essential oil if desired. Shake well and spray
frequently over the face, neck and arms.
When cooking with carnations, remove the bitter white heel at the base
of the petal (heels tend to be more bitter in some varieties than others).
Use the petals lavishly in salads, cakes, desserts and drinks.
Mango nectar with carnation petals
This drink is a magical midsummer experience. I serve it every year as a party drink and no one can get
1 mango, peeled and sliced 1 cup unsweetened mango juice 3 mint leaves
Carnation petals, heels removed Blend the mango flesh, juice and mint together
in a liquidiser, adding a little water if it is too thick. Serve chilled in a tall
glass, with carnation petals and mint leaves sprinkled on top.
Carnation pickle
This enchanting recipe dates back to 1629, from a book titled The Garden of Pleasant Flowers. It ends with
the charming line: ‘This pickle now draws the highest esteem with Gentlemen and Ladies of the greatest
note.’ I make it as a sweet-and-sour pickle to serve with cheese.
Strip the flowers out of their calyxes and remove the bitter white heels from the
petals with a sharp knife. Lay a thin layer of petals in a wide-mouthed jar and
sprinkle with brown sugar. Add another layer and sprinkle with sugar and a few
cloves and the coriander seeds. Add more layers and more sugar. Warm the
vinegar with the bay leaves and cinnamon for 10 minutes. Pour the hot vinegar
over the carnation petals. Seal and allow the pickles to stand for two weeks
before eating. A peeled, sliced cucumber, pickling onions, or green peppers and
even sweet corn cut off the cob, can be added to the recipe, in alternating layers
with the carnation petals.
Carpet geranium
Geranium incanum • Wild geranium • Bergtee •
Vrouetee • Creeping geranium
While all the plants previously known as geraniums are now correctly
known as pelargoniums, only one small, rather unobtrusive plant is still
called geranium, and that is South Africa’s pretty, feathery-leafed
groundcover, the carpet geranium. Used for centuries by most South
Africans, this much-loved indigenous plant is now sold in nurseries around
Africans, this much-loved indigenous plant is now sold in nurseries around
the world as far afield as Australia. In Europe and Britain it is known as
creeping geranium and it is grown in hanging baskets and window boxes,
with its feathery silvery leaves and small bright magenta flowers cascading
I look on the carpet geranium as a childhood friend. My grandmother
grew great swathes of it in her terraced seaside garden in Gordon’s Bay in
the Cape when I was a child, and we used it in many ways: we drank a
pleasant-tasting tea made from it on most mornings, and dipped the flowers,
wet with rain or dew, into icing sugar and served them as sweets to our
The carpet geranium is not fussy as to soil type and requires little more than a
place in the sun, the odd spade or two of compost every now and then, and never
much more than a weekly watering. Pull off rooted tufts to propagate, and keep
them shaded and moist until they are established. This pretty groundcover is
undemanding and deserves far more space in our gardens.
Traditionally, a tea made from the leaves and flowers was taken to ease bloating,
diarrhoea, excessive and irregular menstruation, colic, indigestion and flatulence.
It is called vrouetee because this is the best tea for expelling the afterbirth,
starting milk flow for the newborn, and easing cystitis and other bladder
infections in women. To make the tea, steep ¼ cup flowers in a cup boiling
water for four or five minutes. Strain and sip slowly.
We underestimate the value of carpet geranium, and as it forms part of our
history, it should be planted more widely. In my hot mountainside gardens I
have struggled to keep it going, particularly on the very dry, baking days when
everything wilts. Some gardeners may need to consider partial or light shade.
In the early days of the Cape, plant sellers traded vrouetee for other plants
and seeds. Over a cup of vrouetee women shared stories and supported one
another. Sitting on a couple of bricks around a fire and sipping this pleasant
brew brought great comfort in many ways.
As a young mother, I sat with a group of women in the Cape and shared in
their cups of comfort on the busy Grand Parade. From them I learned to treat
cystitis with several cups of vrouetee and how the flowers of the carpet geranium
could be melted into oil or aqueous cream and used to soothe rash or itchiness
under the breasts or around the panty line. The flowers need to be finely chopped
and pressed down well in either almond oil or olive oil (more recently I mixed
grape seed oil with aqueous cream, ½ cup of each). Simmer for 30 minutes, then
strain. Bottle in a glass jar with a well-fitting lid. I was also told by those
amazing women never to wear synthetic underclothes and only to wear cotton
close to the skin, and I have done so ever since.
Carpet geranium can be used to make an age-old lotion for itchy skin and oily
hair, and when mixed with oats, it makes a superb scalp treatment for dandruff,
flaky scalp and psoriasis of the scalp, soothing and softening the irritated area.
Boil the carpet geranium with the other ingredients in the water for 10–15
minutes. Strain, and use as a lotion on dry itchy skin, as a rinse on hair that
becomes oily very quickly and as a spritzer spray on sunburnt skin and heat
Dip each flower into the egg white and paint inside and out with a paint brush,
holding it by its little stalk ‘handle’. Have a baking tray ready, lined with
greaseproof paper and sprinkled with a little castor sugar. Dip each flower into
the castor sugar and sprinkle some sugar over it, so that all surfaces are coated.
Arrange the flowers on the baking tray, place in a preheated warming drawer,
and turn off the heat. Leave the flowers there until they are dry. During winter or
damp weather, switch the warming drawer on for about 10 minutes every now
and then, and then switch off again. Store the flowers in a sealed container and
use to decorate cakes and desserts.
Pour the boiling water over all the ingredients. Allow the tea to stand for five
minutes, then strain and sip slowly. Alternatively, allow the tea to cool and make
into iced tea as described.
6 large ripe pears, peeled, cored and cut into pieces 2–3 tablespoons butter
3 tablespoons brown sugar
½–¾ cup chopped pecan nuts
½ cup carpet geranium flowers
In a wok or frying pan, stir-fry the pears in the butter and add the sugar and
pecan nuts, stirring for about five minutes. Just before serving, add the carpet
geranium flowers. Spoon the dessert into individual glass bowls. Serve warm
with whipped cream, decorated with more fresh carpet geranium flowers.
Nepeta mussinii • N. cataria • Catnip
Nepeta cataria
A pretty perennial border plant dating back to antiquity, catmint has been
around for centuries as an insect repellent, a medicine, a charm, and a salad
for cats! It is native to Europe and Asia and has subsequently been
naturalised all over the world. The tiny mauve flowers and the flowering
spikes are recorded in ancient pharmacopoeias as a gentle yet profound
medication, especially for children but also for adults as a calming,
medication, especially for children but also for adults as a calming,
quietening drink at the end of a hectic day. In the Middle Ages, catmint
syrup or catmint honey was sold in the market places as a medication for
coughs, colds, sore throats, intestinal cramps and sleeplessness.
Interestingly, while catmint is a calming herb for humans, it sends cats into a
frenzy of delight, acrobatics and joy!
Catmint requires full sun and deeply dug well-composted soil for its flowering
spikes to create a show. It reaches 15 cm in height, and from its basic clump-
forming habit it can spread 50 cm in width, forming a neat attractive cushion. It
thrives with a deep twice-weekly watering and needs to be cut back twice-yearly
right down to the base of the stems and given a good dressing of compost lightly
dug in around it.
Catnip helps to keep aphids, whitefly, red spider and even fungal attacks
away from special plants, and it remains a favourite old-fashioned flower in the
most modern of gardens. It makes a pretty companion plant to roses, fruit trees,
beans, broccoli and cauliflowers and can be planted between spinach and lettuce
Catmint tea is a respected drink for stress, anxiety, coughs, colds, flu and
indigestion. It is also a calming and safe medication for children who sleep
fitfully and bed-wet. To make the standard brew tea, pour a cup of boiling water
over ¼ cup fresh flowering sprigs. Let the tea stand for five minutes, stir
frequently, strain, sweeten with a touch of honey, and sip slowly. The tea has
been found to ease insomnia and ensure sleep without nightmares. It also
reduces anxiety, tension and heart palpitations, eases indigestion, flatulence,
colic and diarrhoea, relieves headaches, and releases muscular cramps and pains.
It has been unquestionably found to have a sedative effect in all age groups.
Because of its pleasantly calming effects, catmint tea is listed today in medical
texts and modern pharmacopoeias as a relaxant herb, equally safe for toddlers
and the aged.
Through the years I have created what I call ‘peace pillows’ or ‘sleep
pillows’, which are small pillows filled with the relevant dried herbs and soft
foam, with a washable pillowslip. The pillow is small enough to tuck into the
foam, with a washable pillowslip. The pillow is small enough to tuck into the
neck or the small of the back while sitting or it can be placed under a bigger soft
pillow to give support where it is needed.
1 cup dried lavender sprigs (Margaret Roberts lavender retains its scent well) 1
cup dried catmint flowering sprigs
1 cup dried rose-scented pelargonium leaves ½ cup cloves
½ cup chopped dried lemon peel
½ cup dried lemon zest
1–2 teaspoons lavender oil
Mix the lavender sprigs, catmint and pelargonium together. Then make the
scented fixative mixture with the cloves, dried lemon peel and zest, and spoon it
into a big glass jar. (To make the zest, peel the lemon with a potato peeler and
dry it in the sun.) Add the lavender oil to the clove and lemon peel mixture,
shake well and leave overnight.
The next morning add more lavender oil if needed and let it blend well
overnight. Mix the now headily fragrant fixative into the lavender, rose-scented
pelargonium leaves and catmint. Keep in a sealed container overnight, then mix
it with foam chips to make a soft and comfortable filling. Stuff the pillow and
sew up the side. Keep it in a large plastic bag to keep in the fragrance.
To refresh the pillow, make a small cotton bag filled with the fixative, sew it
up securely, open the end of the inner pillow slip and push the new fragrant
fixative into the centre of the pillow.
Nepeta mussinii
Catmint honey
6 catmint flowering sprigs
6 crushed cardamom pods, husks removed
1 jar runny honey
Push the catmint and cardamom into the jar of honey – wild flower or orange
blossom honey is perfect for this recipe. It is a slow process, but you need to
push the sprigs to the bottom. They will slowly rise in the honey, so open the jar
every now and then and press the catmint down again. The catmint imparts a
delicious flavour with the cardamom seeds. This delicious honey can be used as
a sweetener for hot teas. The soothing and calming qualities of the catmint will
be released into the tea.
¼–½ cup dried catmint flowers, stripped off their stems ½ cup crushed coriander
¼ cup caraway seeds, crushed
1 teaspoon chopped chilli (mild or hot, depending on how you like it) ¼ cup
dried thyme leaves and flowers
1–2 teaspoons crushed Himalayan salt or crushed coarse sea salt 2 teaspoons
Mix the ingredients together thoroughly and store in a screw-top jar. Rub about
one tablespoon of the mixture onto chicken or vegetables before grilling or
roasting. You will find many uses for this exceptional flavouring – try adding
about two teaspoons to a savoury pancake batter for a different taste!
Tiny catmint flowers pulled out of their calyxes were an ancient and
edible decoration used on desserts, cakes, fruit salads, soups and stews,
while catmint tea was a favourite drink in Europe long before coffee
and Ceylon tea were introduced.
Brassica oleracea var. botrytis
The cauliflower has to be among the most spectacular and delicious of all
the flowers to find a place in this book! Originating in the Mediterranean
area and Asia Minor, records show that it has been a valuable food and
surprisingly an equally valuable medicine since the sixth century BC. It was
grown as a food crop in Turkey and Egypt in about 400 BC and from there it
spread to Greece, Italy and France as a favoured delicacy, cooked in milk.
As the spice trade progressed, finely grated nutmeg was considered to be the
perfect match with cauliflower, and is still popular with it today!
The medieval monks grew cauliflower in their cloister gardens to make a
delicious soup with onions, leeks and celery to treat coughs, colds and
pneumonia, and by the 14th century it was listed in the first medical texts
and pharmacopoeias as a medicinal plant. During the winter months the
monks pickled cauliflowers in vinegar flavoured with strong-tasting seeds
like dill, fennel, fenugreek and mustard seeds, for use during the winter
months. Cauliflower was introduced to England around 1586 as ‘colewort’
months. Cauliflower was introduced to England around 1586 as ‘colewort’
and was made into a gruel to treat lung infections and severe coughs.
I was entranced by beautiful botanical drawings displayed in the ancient
monastery collections at some of the abbeys in Britain and Europe.
Cauliflower stood out in its pale magnificence, painted as a winter medicine
with mustard seeds alongside it!
I plant cauliflower as a winter annual as the summers are generally too hot in
South Africa and aphids love all the brassicas in the summer months! (I am a
dedicated organic gardener and do not spray any kind of poisonous insect
repellent, so I grow the brassicas only in the cold months.) At the end of summer
sow seed in seed trays and keep them moist. Transplant into compost-filled bags
once they are big enough to handle. Keep moist and protected, and move the
bags of young cauliflowers out into the sun for increasing periods each day until
they are about 12 cm in height. Plant out in full sun, spaced 50 cm apart, in rows
that have been deeply dug and richly composted. Flood with water two or even
three times a week if the winter days are warm.
Cauliflowers look spectacular in the flower garden too. Last winter, Flanders
poppies and chamomile (self-seeded) came up in my cauliflower rows, which
looked breathtaking. I left them growing happily together, and interestingly, had
masses of butterflies in the early, still cold, spring days!
Cauliflower is rich in vitamins B3, B5 and C, as well as folic acid, potassium,
iron and fibre. The entire cabbage family is rich in immune-boosting and cancer-
fighting components and is vital in the diet, especially in soups and broths for
treating coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia. A potent and remarkable juice can
be made from cauliflower together with other important immune-boosting
plants. It is of particular value during winter to ward off flu and bronchitis. I was
given the recipe or ‘formula’ below by a homeopathic doctor:
1 organic chicken
2 large onions, finely chopped
Olive oil for browning the chicken 4 carrots, sliced
1 medium-sized cauliflower and leaves 3 cups chopped celery
3 cups shredded green cabbage leaves 1 cup chopped parsley
2 tablespoons fresh thyme
Water (enough to cover chicken)
Sea salt and red pepper to taste Juice of 2 lemons
Brown the chicken and onions in the oil, turning. Add all the other ingredients
and simmer until the chicken is soft and tender, usually 1–1½ hours. Add more
water as needed. Finely shredded cabbage and cauliflower leaves, midribs
discarded, make a very tasty, tender and delicious base to the hot pot. Keep the
hot pot well chilled, take out what is needed and heat well. Serve with fresh
chopped parsley and another squeeze of lemon juice.
Cauliflower pickle
When there are too many cauliflowers maturing at once, they can be pickled, the way the monks did. This is
a tasty way of preserving them. Serve with salads, cold meats and cheese through the summer.
Cut the cauliflower into neat florets and pack them into a wide-mouthed jar. Boil
the vinegar with the honey, mustard seeds and coriander seeds (dill seeds,
caraway seeds, cumin seeds and aniseed are also delicious, so vary them).
Simmer the vinegar for 10 minutes and pour over the cauliflower until fully
covered. Seal well and store for at least one month before eating.
Eat raw cauliflower, straight from the garden, washed, then dipped in
homemade mayonnaise with paprika. It makes a feast to remember,
and it is so good for you! Raw cauliflower florets can also be dipped in
batter and fried lightly in olive oil as a gourmet treat and snack food
served with pre-dinner drinks.
Matricaria recutita • Chamaemelum nobile
Two species of chamomile are used medicinally and they have identical
properties. German chamomile, Matricaria recutita is a spring annual with
small, daisy-like white flowers and fine feathery leaves, while
Chamaemelum nobile, often called lawn chamomile, is a perennial that is
lower-growing (about 10 cm in height) and spreading, with similar flowers
and leaves. Both are indigenous to Europe and both are superb medicinal
plants; their flowers, fresh or dried, have been valued for centuries for their
amazing healing properties.
Growing annual chamomile is easy. Sow seed in mid-autumn where it is to grow
in full sun in well-dug, well-composted soil. Keep it moist (I sprinkle a light
cover of leaves over the area) and water lightly twice a day until the tiny,
feathery seedlings push through. Transplant them in the very early stages when
they are big enough to handle, but after that they do not like to be moved.
Chamomile is essentially a cool-weather plant and will flower prolifically in
spring, reaching a height of 25–30 cm. If left to go to seed it will come up year
after year.
Chamomile is cultivated in Europe for homeopathic medicines and current
research confirms its ancient uses: it is excellent for digestive problems such as
acidity, gastritis, bloating, colic, hiatus hernia, peptic ulcer, Crohn’s disease and
irritable bowel syndrome. It helps with morning sickness in pregnant women and
eases sore nipples in lactating mothers (drunk as a tea or applied as a lotion).
Tense, aching muscles and menstrual cramps are quickly soothed with a cup of
hot chamomile tea. It also soothes away stress, anxiety and panic attacks, and it
is anti-allergenic, effective against hay fever, catarrh, asthma, eczema and skin
Chamomile flowers contain an aromatic oil that gives them their typical
scent, and they have powerful antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. A
superb gargle, douche and eyewash can be made using fresh or dried flowers. In
the case of tired, red, irritated eyes, soak a clean facecloth in the warm brew,
cover the eyes with it and lie down for a few minutes. Use the same brew as a
gargle for a dry, strained throat, especially if you are a public speaker or a singer.
Simmer the flowers in the water for 10 minutes. Strain, add a cup of cold water,
and mix well. Use as a douche or wash to clear any infections, irritations and
and mix well. Use as a douche or wash to clear any infections, irritations and
itchiness. Store excess in the fridge and warm it a little each time you use it, but
never warm it in a microwave.
Place dried chamomile flowers in a little sieve and pour the water through them
until almost level with the edge of the cup. (Fresh flowers can be added straight
to the water.) Add a clove to the water and allow the tea to stand for five
minutes. Remove the flowers and the clove, sweeten with a touch of honey and
sip slowly.
4 cups fresh chamomile flowers or 2 cups dried flowers ½–2 cups honey
1 stick cinnamon
10 cloves
Juice of 3 lemons
A few thin slivers of lemon rind 1 large sprig lemon balm mint (Melissa
officinalis) Simmer all the ingredients together for 20 minutes in a covered
pot. Remove from the heat and allow the syrup to cool. Strain and pour into
clean bottles, cork well and label. To help relieve a cough, dilute two
teaspoons of the syrup in a little hot water and take frequently. As a drink,
dilute ¼ cup syrup in one cup of warm or ice-cold water and sip slowly.
Chamomile fruit jelly
This superb summertime dessert for the whole family is especially good at the end of a hectic day when the
children are stressed. Grape, apple, mango or litchi juice may be used instead of orange juice, and pieces
of fruit may be set into the jelly too.
Make the chamomile tea by pouring a litre of boiling water over three
tablespoons of fresh chamomile flowers or 1½ tablespoons dried flowers; leave
to draw for 10 minutes, then strain. Mix the honey into the warm chamomile tea
and taste, adding a little more if necessary. Dissolve the gelatine in one cup of
and taste, adding a little more if necessary. Dissolve the gelatine in one cup of
hot water and add to the tea, then add the orange juice. Stir well, pour into a
pretty glass bowl and leave to set in the fridge. Serve with custard or cream.
The chicory root stump or crown may be dug up and trimmed before flower
production, then stored in a warm, dark place to develop young buds called
chicons. These are eaten in salads, or as a vegetable. Witloof is traditionally the
favourite variety to plant, but seedlings of other varieties are now also on sale at
nurseries. These should be planted in rows spaced 30 cm apart. If planting from
seed, sow them in rich, well-composted soil, in full sun in rows spaced 30 cm
apart. Alternatively, sow them initially in seed trays until they are big enough to
handle, then plant out in rows.
Chicory has a mildly bitter taste and the root is similar medicinally to the root of
the dandelion, Taraxacum officinale, exerting a cleansing action on the liver,
stomach, kidneys and urinary tract. As a treatment for gout, rheumatic conditions
and general aches and pains of the joints, chicory was once considered to be
particularly appropriate for the elderly, and was also used as a gentle laxative for
children. Today doctors find that chicory tea aids digestion, clears toxins,
reduces inflammation, has a tonic effect on the liver and gall bladder, and
flushes the kidneys. If the same tea is used as a wash or added to the bath during
an attack of cystitis, it gently soothes any external discomfort and itch. To make
the tea, pour a cup of boiling water over ¼ cup mixed leaves and flowers and
leave to stand for five minutes; it can be sweetened with a touch of honey if
desired. Usually one cup a day will do the trick. The tea is slightly laxative and
safe for children made as a standard brew; give children under 10 years of age
half a cup at a time.
Mothers in medieval France and England grew chicory in their cottage
gardens and used the herb for purging and for flushing out the bladder. Today’s
research verifies these uses: chicory cleanses the bladder and colon, clears
infections, acts as a strong tonic and increases the flow of bile.
CAUTION: Excessive and continued use of chicory may impair the function
of the retina in the eyes due to its exceptionally powerful action.
Simmer the flowers, stems and leaves in water for 20 minutes. Strain and add to
the bath. Alternatively, soak small towels in the warm brew and apply to the
area, carefully wrapping it in place, to bring comfort and relief. Soak the towels
in the hot liquid now and then and reapply.
This marvellous brew has also been used for gout pains and rheumatic, hot
and swollen joints. It can be cooled and reheated as needed. Cooled chicory
flower water has astringent properties and has been applied to thread veins on
the face with cotton wool.
Chicory and tuna salad
Use mustard greens, spinach, rocket, butter lettuce or any other green leaves of your choice in this salad.
Break up the tuna. Steam the beans lightly and refresh in cold water, then cut
them up. Shred the green leaves into small pieces. Mix all the ingredients
together and decorate with blue chicory flowers. Serve with crusty bread as a
lunch dish.
Chicory stir-fry
Apple is an excellent complement to chicory in this thoroughly tasty and nutritious stir-fry. It must be
served immediately.
Remember that chicory is a bitter herb and that the apple takes away
some of the bitterness. However, like dandelion, chicory is so good for
you that it is worth using often.
6–8 pears
1½ cups water
¾ cup soft brown sugar
3 crushed cardamom pods
1 cup chicory flowers
Peel and core the pears and cut into small pieces. Bring the water to a brisk boil,
add the pears, sugar, cardamom pods and chicory flowers and simmer gently for
five minutes. Remove from the stove and cool. Serve in individual glass bowls
with whipped cream and decorate with fresh blue chicory flowers.
Allium schoenoprasum
Chives, garlic chives and wild garlic all need well-dug, richly composted soil in
full sun and a deep twice-weekly watering. Chives die down in winter, at which
time they can be divided into small clumps and replanted. Wild garlic and garlic
chives can be divided at any time of the year. Plant chives 20 cm apart as a path
edging as they only grow to about 20 cm in height. Wild garlic and garlic chives
need 40–50 cm between them, and their pretty flowering heads will reach about
50 cm in height.
Chives have marvellous medicinal properties and from the earliest times were
used in the treatment of chest ailments, bladder and kidney infections and to
cleanse the blood. Modern research verifies their age-old uses: chives lower
blood pressure and cholesterol, build up resistance to infection, treat respiratory
disorders and assist the digestive tract and urinary system. All Allium species
contain mild natural antibiotics, and although chives are not as potent in this
regard as garlic, for example, their benefits are still quite astonishing.
Fresh chives also ease and promote digestion, and chopped and sprinkled
onto food they stimulate the appetite. Chopped chive flowers with grated carrots,
celery and parsley make a health-booster salad, and together with dandelion
flowers and leaves, they fight flu and colds exceptionally well. A large daily
helping of all these superb health-boosting, immune-building herbs will go a
long way towards helping us cope with the pressures of modern living.
One of Europe’s favourite cough remedies remains a mixture of fresh grated
ginger root with equal quantities of chopped chive flowers and a little bit of
honey. This remedy goes back to the time when ginger was traded as a magical
Old chive remedy for colds
Our great-grandmothers used this pungent remedy to boost resistance and fight coughs, colds and flu.
1 onion
A few chive leaves and flowers Brown sugar
Slice the onion and chive leaves and flowers, cover them with brown sugar, and
leave them to stand for 4–6 hours, well covered. Strain off the juice and take a
teaspoonful at a time. To soothe a sore throat, add a little lemon juice to the
mixture. Chives can also be chopped with onions and mixed with a little grated
fresh ginger root, lemon juice and chopped parsley; in the old days this mixture
was spread onto fingers of bread and given to children suffering from a cough or
Chive blossom vinegar
This pretty pink vinegar is delicious as a salad dressing, and a dash added to stir-fries, grills, braais or
stews enhances all the flavours. Make it in spring when the blossoms are abundant. You can also add
peeled garlic cloves, chopped onions, coriander seeds and a bay leaf, or even a fresh cayenne pepper.
1 bottle white grape vinegar Chive flowers, including garlic chive flowers Fill
the bottle of vinegar with chive flowers and place it in the sun for five days,
shaking it daily. Strain the vinegar and discard the flowers. Pour into an
attractive bottle and add fresh chive flowers for identification. (The pungent
taste of the chives means that you only need to keep the vinegar in the sun for
one five-day period, whereas with other herb vinegars the process is repeated
for optimum flavour.)
Chive, garlic chive or wild garlic flowers can be used interchangeably in the
recipe above. Chives have a tonic effect and improve the appetite, so use
Large bunch chopped spinach (to make 4 cups when cooked) 2 cups chopped
1 cup chive flowers
2 tablespoons butter
3–4 tablespoons cornflour
500 ml milk
1 cup plain Bulgarian yoghurt Sea salt and black pepper to taste 2 teaspoons
mustard powder
1 cup grated cheddar cheese Cook the spinach, onion and chive flowers in a little
salted water for about six minutes. Strain well. In another pan, melt the butter,
mix in the cornflour and add the milk and yoghurt slowly, whisking
continuously. As it thickens, add the seasoning, mustard powder and cheese.
Mix the white sauce into the spinach and onions, spoon into a baking dish, top
with more grated cheese and brown under the grill for a few minutes. Serve
hot, decorated with chive flowers, together with crusty brown bread.
3 cups thinly sliced English cucumber 1 whole head celery, thinly chopped 2
ripe avocados, cut into squares ½ cup chopped parsley
½ cup stoned olives
2 cups watercress or land cress, lightly chopped 2 cups finely grated carrots 1
cup chive flowers
1½ cups chopped onion mixed with chopped garlic chives 1 cup mozzarella
cheese, cut into small squares or coarsely grated Dressing
½ cup lemon juice
½ cup olive oil
2 teaspoons mustard powder
½ cup honey
Cayenne pepper
Small pinch sea salt
Mix the salad ingredients together lightly in a bowl. Place all the dressing
ingredients in a screw-top jar and shake well. Pour the dressing over the salad
and decorate with garlic chive flowers.
Chive leaves can be chopped and scattered over a variety of dishes
ranging from salads to soups, and the flowers can be used in salads,
pasta dishes and stir-fries, adding immune-boosting benefits.
Trifolium pratense
It may come as a surprise that both red and white and clover (Trifolium
pratense and T. repens) are herbs with astonishing medicinal value that have
been esteemed for centuries. Medieval Christians associated clover’s three-
lobed leaves with the Holy Trinity, and monks in Europe grew it in their
physic gardens to cure all manner of ailments, from kidney stones to
conjunctivitis, arthritic pains and dry coughs.
Clover is native to Europe and Asia and is used all over the world in
animal fodder. It is an excellent companion plant for pasturing crops as it
replenishes the soil with both nitrogen and boron (a mineral often lacking in
over-cultivated soil), as well as other trace elements.
Clover is a short-lived perennial and is very easy to grow. Little tufts can be
pulled off the mother plant and planted out in moist soil. All it requires is richly
composted soil in full sun and a deep twice-weekly watering, and it offers an
abundance of honey-scented flowers in return.
Around 1930, red clover flowers were used as an anticancer treatment, and some
doctors are still prescribing it today for breast, ovarian and lymphatic cancers. It
was once widely used in the treatment of bronchitis, whooping cough, arthritis
and gout, and to soothe psoriasis and eczema, taken both internally and applied
externally as a healing cream. Country children have rubbed crushed clover
flowers onto bee stings and insect bites to soothe the affected area. Crushed red
clover flowers and leaves can be used as a compress over inflamed joints, and
together with a cup of clover tea, even severe aches will be soothed. To make the
tea, pour a cup of boiling water over ¼ cup red clover flowers and leaves. Allow
the tea to stand for five minutes, then strain and sip slowly. The cooled tea also
makes a superb eyewash for conjunctivitis and irritated red eyes. In the case of a
cough, bronchitis and whooping cough, mix a good squeeze of lemon juice, two
teaspoons of honey and a pinch of ginger powder into the tea.
Clover cream
Use this cream for bites, itches, rashes, eczema and psoriasis.
Crush the clover flowers and soak them in hot water. Drain them and bind in
place over the affected joint with a crêpe bandage. Leave the compress on
Red clover stir-fry
Olive oil
2 medium-sized onions, chopped 1 cup green pepper, chopped 2 cups sweet
potato, coarsely grated 1 cup celery stems and leaves, chopped 1 cup red
clover flowers
Salt and black pepper
Soy sauce
Juice of 1 lemon
Heat the oil in a large pan and fry the onions until golden. Add the green pepper
and stir-fry, then the sweet potato and fry some more. Add the celery stems and
leaves and the red clover flowers. Season to taste with a touch of salt, black
pepper, soy sauce and lemon juice. Serve piping hot with roasted chicken and
Coriander has been used as a medicinal and culinary herb for over 2 000
years. Native to Europe and the Middle East, it is mentioned in the Ebers
papyrus dating back to about 1500 BC, in Sanskrit texts, and in the Bible,
where it is one of the bitter Passover herbs. The Chinese recorded its use
during the Han Dynasty, between 202 BC and AD 9.
All parts of the plant have a pungent aroma and may be used in cooking.
The broader lower young leaves, called dhania, are much loved in Indian
cuisine. In parts of Europe the root is eaten as a tasty vegetable, and the seed
can be used in curries, chutneys, soups, sauces, vinegars and vegetable
dishes. The pretty lacy mauvish-white flowers, typical of the Umbelliferae
family, can be added to salads, stir-fries, fruit salads and stewed fruit. The
Romans combined coriander seeds with cumin and vinegar and used it as a
preservative for meat, very similar to the blend of spices we use for making
Growing coriander is simple and rewarding, since three or four crops can be
achieved before the first frosts of winter. It needs full sun and a light, well-
drained soil with a good dressing of compost. It requires a good twice-weekly
watering and thrives in heat and dryness. Sow the seed directly into the ground
where it is to grow, about 20 cm apart, keeping the soil moist and protected with
a thin layer of dry leaves until the seedlings are strong enough to withstand the
full sun. They grow up to 60 cm in height.
This strongly aromatic annual is an exceptional remedy for colic, flatulence,
digestive upsets, gripes and bloating. Apart from being a superb antispasmodic,
it is a wonderful remedy for anxiety attacks and tension when taken as a tea. It
also cleanses the breath after eating garlic (merely chew a flower or two or a few
seeds) and helps rheumatic aches and pains, both as a tea and as a lotion. To
make coriander tea, pour a cup of boiling water over either ¼ cup fresh leaves
and flowers or one teaspoon of dried seeds. Leave the tea to stand for five
minutes before straining, and sip slowly for all the above ailments.
Boil the fresh coriander leaves, flowers and twigs in the water for 10 minutes; if
there is no fresh green plant available, use three tablespoons of seeds boiled in a
litre of water for 15 minutes. Strain and pour into a sterilised bottle. Soak a cloth
in the lotion and bind over inflamed areas and painful, aching joints, or use as a
spritz to cool the inflamed area and to remove the itch from insect bites and
Aubergine and coriander flower lunch dish
I learned this superb way of serving aubergine from an Indian chef.
4 medium-sized aubergines
2 large onions, thinly sliced 2 tablespoons olive oil
3 large tomatoes, skinned and chopped Juice of 1 lemon
2 tablespoons freshly grated ginger root 1 tablespoon coriander flowers, without
stems 1 teaspoon crushed coriander seed 1 large green pepper, thinly sliced
Sea salt and pepper to taste 2 tablespoons honey
Peel and slice the aubergines, sprinkle well with salt, and cover with a heavy
weight to allow them to release their bitter juices for about 20 minutes. Sauté the
onions in the oil until lightly brown. Rinse the aubergines and add to the onion
along with the tomatoes, stir-frying them together. Add the remaining
ingredients and stir well, then cover with a well-fitting lid and turn down the
heat. Simmer gently for about seven minutes. Serve with brown rice and
decorate with coriander flowers.
Lightly brown the onions in the olive oil. Add the leeks and stir-fry until they
become soft and lightly browned too. Then add the kale, particularly the green
outer leaves, and the potatoes. Stir-fry briefly. Add all the other ingredients and
stir well. Cover and simmer for 15 minutes, stirring every now and then. Serve
piping hot with a sprinkling of parsley and more coriander flowers.
piping hot with a sprinkling of parsley and more coriander flowers.
Wash the coriander plants well and chop into pieces. Place them in a large pot
and cover with water. Simmer for 15 minutes with the lid on. Then cool and
strain. Pour the potent brew into a spray bottle and add the tea tree oil. Shake
well and spray to repel mosquitoes and flies, especially around the braai area.
Centaurea cyanus
The cornflower is indigenous to Europe and now grows wild in all temperate
regions, often in cornfields, which is how it got its name. The beautiful blue
flowers and the leaves are both used medicinally, while use of the flowers in
cooking is an ancient practice that ought to be revived. The brilliant blue
petals can be added to cakes, fritters, biscuits, tarts, custards, and cheese and
pasta dishes.
pasta dishes.
Monks in 12th century England, Ireland and later Wales and France
made cornflower wine, which was used to treat a wide variety of ailments
ranging from stomach problems, kidney and bladder ailments, tremors,
vertigo and liverishness, to flu, chest ailments, coughs and excessive
mucous. A cornflower infusion was used as a tonic after a severe illness, and
even given to children. Modern research verifies these ancient uses as the
petals and leaves have been found to contain small amounts of natural
I have found that cornflowers grow best as a winter annual. I sow the seed in late
summer and plant the seedlings out in full sun, 50 cm apart, before winter. They
grow quickly and establish themselves well in lightly composted, well-drained
soil, with a good twice-weekly watering. The plants grow to about 50 cm in
height. The more flowers you pick, the more are produced, right through winter
and spring, until they succumb to the hot weather in midsummer.
In France, cornflowers are still called casselunette, which means ‘break the
spectacles’, as a cornflower lotion or poultice is believed to strengthen the eyes
and ease eye strain.
The flowers can also be made into a bitter tonic tea to improve resistance to
infection and to ease rheumatic conditions such as aching joints and stiffness. To
make the tea, pour a cup of boiling water over ¼ cup leaves and flowers; allow
the tea to stand for five minutes before straining. Drink one cup a day.
Cornflowers also make an excellent poultice for inflamed rheumatic joints and
stiff swollen ankles.
The flowers retain their exquisite royal blue colour and are beautiful in bath
preparations as they soothe and soften the skin.
Steep the cornflowers in hot water for five minutes, then spread them on a cloth
and apply as hot as can be tolerated to the affected area. Repeat at least three
and apply as hot as can be tolerated to the affected area. Repeat at least three
Cornflower eye lotion
1 cup boiling water
1 tablespoon fresh blue petals Pour the boiling water over the petals. Allow the
lotion to stand for eight minutes before straining, and use as an eyebath to
revive tired eyes.
Cornflower pasta salad
Delicious hot or cold, this is an easy and popular lunch dish, and it brightens up any meal.
2 cups farfalle (pasta bows) 4 medium-sized ripe tomatoes, thinly sliced 2 ripe
avocados, sliced
8–10 slices mozzarella cheese ½ cup cornflower petals, pulled out of their
calyxes ½ cup chopped parsley
¾ cup chopped basil
3 tablespoons olive oil
3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar 2 teaspoons wholegrain mustard 2 tablespoons
½ cup sunflower seeds
½ cup sesame seeds
Cook the pasta in salted water until al dente, then drain, rinse and cool. Place the
pasta in the centre of a flat dish and arrange the tomato, avocado and mozzarella
slices all around it. Keep the cornflower petals, parsley and basil aside for the
To make the dressing, blend the olive oil, vinegar, mustard and honey in a
blender. Add the sunflower and sesame seeds and whirl for another two minutes.
Pour the dressing over the pasta, and sprinkle the dish with the cornflowers,
Pour the dressing over the pasta, and sprinkle the dish with the cornflowers,
parsley and basil. To serve the dish hot, add a little grated mozzarella cheese and
pop it under the grill until it sizzles before sprinkling with the cornflowers, basil
and parsley.
250 ml cream
½ cup honey
250 ml golden syrup
4 tablespoons butter
One stick cinnamon
½ cup cornflower petals
Pour the cream into the top of a double boiler and warm. Add the honey and
syrup, then the butter, cinnamon and cornflower petals pulled out of their
calyxes. Simmer gently on low heat, stirring every now and then, for 45 minutes.
Once the sauce starts to thicken, stir well and serve hot over any dessert.
Sprinkle the strawberries with sugar, and place layers of bananas and
strawberries in individual glass dishes, ending with strawberries on the top. Pour
the orange juice and honey over them. Top with a dollop of whipped cream and
sprinkle with coconut. If you are lucky enough to find a fresh coconut, drain off
the milk by piercing the three soft holes, saw it in half, and then grate the
precious flesh and use it instead of desiccated coconut. It is superb! Finally,
precious flesh and use it instead of desiccated coconut. It is superb! Finally,
decorate with the beautiful blue cornflowers.
Crab apple blossom
Malus floribunda M. pumila
Crab apples grow wild in the hedgerows of Britain and Europe and have
been used in both medicine and cooking since ancient times. Cider recipes
using crab apples date back many hundreds of years, and although the sour
fruit are pretty inedible, they make delicious jellies.
Some crab apple species are grown as garden ornamentals, their lovely
white, pink and cerise flowers heralding spring and drawing bees and
white, pink and cerise flowers heralding spring and drawing bees and
butterflies. The fruit of these ornamentals vary in colour from dark russet to
crimson, orange and golden yellow. I have seen a row of large urns planted
with crab apples pruned into lollipops down a suburban driveway, and
marvel at their attractiveness in every season: their show of blossoms in
spring, their neat greenness in summer, their flush of bright fruit and
glorious coloured leaves in autumn, and their bare sculptured shapes
underplanted with a blaze of violas in winter.
Planted as a hedge or as a specimen shrub or small tree, crab apples do well in
richly composted soil in full sun, and can be espaliered against a wall or clipped
into a charming topiary. They do exceptionally well in colder areas, but also
adapt to seaside gardens and even gardens that are more tropical. Because they
are so slow growing, they make perfect container subjects and it seems a pity
that they are not used more in landscaping as they need so little attention. Prune
in late winter.
In ancient herbals the crab apple was revered as a medicine for boils, abscesses,
splinters and wounds, and for coughs and colds and a host of other conditions
ranging from acne to kidney ailments. Many dishes made with apples and apple
blossom are of medieval origin, and crab apples, roasted, drenched in honey and
dried, were used by monks and physicians as a treatment for diarrhoea,
dysentery and gallstones. In the spring they gathered the blossoms and preserved
them in vinegar for drawing poultices and for bee stings and other insect bites.
Crab apple blossom vinegar for bee stings and mosquito
Crab apple blossoms
1 bottle white grape vinegar Press as many blossoms as possible into the bottle
of white grape vinegar. Keep in a dark place for seven days. Strain and repeat
with more fresh blossoms and buds. Strain after another seven days and keep
near at hand for summer insect bites. In the case of a wasp, hornet or bee
sting, soak a pad of cotton wool immediately in crab apple vinegar and hold it
over the sting for 10 minutes. Keep dabbing with vinegar for another 30
minutes and you will find that it hardly swells at all. Use the same vinegar to
relieve mosquito bite itches.
Crab apple verjuice
Make this in autumn and store it sealed, until spring, when crab apple blossoms are at their most glorious.
That is the secret ingredient!
2 cups ripe crab apples 1 cup apple cider vinegar 1 cup soft brown sugar ½ cup
grated ginger root 2 cinnamon sticks
10 cloves
1 bottle good brandy
1 cup runny honey
Clean and slice the crab apples, cover well and soak overnight in the apple cider
vinegar, with a weight on top. The next morning sprinkle the sugar over them
and leave to stand for two hours. Meanwhile add the ginger root, cinnamon and
cloves to the brandy and leave to stand.
After the sugar has dissolved and mingled well with the crab apples, add the
honey and stir in well. Now add the brandy and spices and pour into a wide-
mouthed jar with a tight-fitting lid. Shake it up well and store in a dark cupboard
all winter, giving it a daily shake and inspection. In spring, add one cup of crab
apple blossoms and seal again, giving it a gentle daily shake for 14 days. Finally,
strain and bottle the verjuice in a good decanter.
Serve well diluted with chilled apple juice as it is potent! Put five raisins
soaked overnight in brandy into each glass. Taken as a liqueur at the end of a
meal, this is a remarkable digestive, and a very little goes a long way!
50 g castor sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla essence 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind ½ cup crab apple petals,
stripped off their calyxes 50 g cake flour
Preheat the oven to 180°C. Whisk the sugar, eggs and vanilla essence until light
and creamy. Mix the lemon rind and petals into the flour, then gently fold into
and creamy. Mix the lemon rind and petals into the flour, then gently fold into
the egg and sugar mixture with a metal spoon. Place elongated finger shapes
onto a well-greased and floured baking tray, one tablespoonful at a time and
spaced 3–4 cm apart. Sprinkle with a little castor sugar and bake for about seven
minutes or until just browning at the edges. Remove the biscuits carefully with a
spatula while still hot, and allow them to cool and firm on a wire rack. Store
them in an airtight tin.
1 kg fresh lemons
3 litres water
1 kg white sugar
3–4 cups loosely packed crab apple blossoms Scrub the lemons and peel them.
Shred the peel finely and simmer with half the water for 1½–2 hours. Keep the
mixture covered and simmer gently. Roughly chop the lemon pulp and
simmer it in another pan with the rest of the water for 1½ hours. Strain this
pulp through a fine sieve and add the juice to the lemon peel mixture. Boil
briskly for 10 minutes, then lower the heat and add the sugar. Stir well and
simmer gently until it sets (usually about an hour). Pour a little into a saucer
and let it stand. If it sets it is ready. Finally, add the crab apple blossoms and
mix well. Pour into hot sterilised jars, seal while hot, and label.
Dahlia juarezii • D. rosea
With its glorious range of colours the dahlia is spectacular in the summer
border, but it is only relatively recently that it has become a garden
ornamental rather than a food crop. The Mexicans used the dahlia as a food
and medicine for several centuries before it was introduced to Europe in
1789 by the superintendent of the Mexico City Botanic Gardens, who sent
the first seeds to botanist Cavanilles of Madrid. He named the plant Dahlia
pinnata, in honour of botanist Dr Andreas Dahl, a pupil of the famous
pinnata, in honour of botanist Dr Andreas Dahl, a pupil of the famous
Swedish botanist Carolus Linnaeus.
The tubers, rather than the flowers, were eaten and are still eaten today
by the Tunebo Indians in British Columbia. However, the rather pungent
taste of the dahlia was not popular with the Europeans and dahlias all but
disappeared there until Napoleon’s wife, the Empress Josephine, became the
first person in France to grow them in her world-famous gardens at
Dahlias come in a dazzling array of colours and make for a spectacular display
in summer. Most of the single and pompon dahlias originate from D. rosea,
while the cactus varieties originate from D. juarezii. They can be planted from
August to November. Tubers set into richly composted soil in full sun give a
display that lasts all summer long. They need little attention, other than to be cut
back once they dry off in autumn, dug up and the tubers stored in early winter.
They thrive with a long, slow watering twice weekly during summer.
Dahlia petals and the thinly sliced tubers were used by the Aztecs and later the
Mexicans as an excellent skin treatment. Crushed, warmed and placed over
rashes, grazes and infected scratches, the petals formed a soothing poultice that
was also used over insect stings and inflamed rough areas of skin. The petals
were used to make an excellent foot soak to soothe tired feet, and the same
remedy was used to wash sunburned skin and rashes.
The exquisite and spectacular tree dahlia, D. imperialis, has 3-m-high
cascades of lilac-coloured single flowers that never fail to draw the eye in their
autumn glory; these flowers have been used through the centuries as a poultice.
Crushed petals placed over an itchy sore spot on the skin give quick relief, and to
help clear a pimple place a piece of crushed moistened petal over the spot. It will
soothe and quickly bring it to a head.
Dahlia petals
Dahlia petals
Coarse sea salt
Gently mix the petals into the sea salt, then store the mixture in a well-sealed jar
or crock. To soothe aching feet or a sore back, take the salt and petal mixture,
roll it into a towel that has been wrung out in hot water – about two cups – and
place the poultice over the affected area. Cover and keep it warm.
Boil the petals and tubers in the water for 10 minutes. Leave the mixture to stand
for 10 minutes, then strain and use as a wash, soaking the feet in it for a few
minutes, or use the water to wash sunburned skin and rashes.
Cream cheese and dahlia dip
This Mexican spread is delicious on toast and also makes a party dip served with crudités, Melba toast or
French fries. The Mexicans use chilli salsa instead of Worcestershire sauce.
250 g carton smooth cream cheese 1 cup finely grated mozzarella cheese 1
teaspoon mustard powder
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce or chilli salsa 2 tablespoons honey
1 teaspoon finely ground coriander seed A little milk
½–¾ cup dahlia petals
Mix the ingredients together, adding a little milk if it is too stiff. Spoon the dip
into a bowl and top with dahlia petals.
Boil the mealies until tender, then cool them slightly and cut the kernels off the
cobs. Brown the onion in the olive oil, add the chilli and green pepper, then stir
in the mealie kernels and spring onions. Add the sea salt, black pepper and
lemon juice. Lastly, add the dahlia petals. Serve hot in a wooden bowl and
decorate with dahlia petals.
All the dahlia varieties are edible, although the tubers are not very
palatable. While the petals are not very tasty either, they can be used
as an attractive decoration, for example on rice and mealie dishes in
the Mexican style.
Heat the oven to 220°C. Sift the flour and salt into a large bowl. Stir in the dried
yeast, sundried tomatoes and dahlia petals. Warm the olive oil in a double boiler.
Make a well in the centre of the flour and pour in the warm water and oil, mixing
them together well to form a soft dough. Turn the dough out onto a floured board
and knead it gently for about seven minutes, turning it over and over. Grease a
baking sheet and press the dough fairly flat in an oval loaf shape. Brush with
olive oil and bake for about 30 minutes. It should sound hollow when you tap it
and be light golden brown on top. Serve hot with butter.
Bellis perennis • Lawn daisy
The common daisy is found in lawns and meadows all over Britain, Europe
and the Mediterranean area, and has a long and colourful history as a folk
remedy and medicine. Its Latin name Bellis comes from bellus meaning
‘pretty’, while perennis means ‘perennial’.
Easily grown in temperate and subtropical parts of the world, it is
considered one of the worst ‘lawn weeds’ in England. However it has long
been used to treat all sorts of ailments, and it is listed in herbal writings,
pharmacopoeias and ancient medicinal texts. I once read a charming
description of the ‘daisie’ in a London museum: ‘Great virtues for Daisies,
which do mitigate all kinds of pains, but especially the paines of the joints,
and gout, if they be stamped with new butter unsalted, and spread upon the
pained place.’
I have a fond memory of learning to make a daisy chain on my first visit
to England. Two elderly ladies in Sandringham’s beautiful gardens in
Norfolk showed me how to prick a small hole under the base of the calyx of
one daisy, and push through the stem of another daisy, linking it to the next
and the next, making a chain. One of the women removed the hat pin from
her wide-brimmed hat to make the holes, and I completed the chain under
their watchful eyes. I pressed that sweet daisy chain and have it to this day!
Daisy chains originally marked the winner of a race or an event, or the doer
Daisy chains originally marked the winner of a race or an event, or the doer
of a good deed, and were placed upon the person’s head ‘in recognition of
The common daisy is one of the easiest plants to grow. This pretty little low-
growing perennial needs full sun and a well-dug bed with lots of compost to
ensure a long flowering period. Under the heat of the African sun it is best
treated as a winter annual. The hybrid daisy is readily available in nurseries
during winter and spring and has the same uses as its dainty white cousin.
Plant it as a path edging or as a border plant to enjoy the thumbnail-sized
daisies, as it only reaches 10–12 cm in height. Water two or three times weekly
in the winter months and it will go on well into spring. Pick and dry the flowers
often as the more you pick the more they produce! Plant 20 cm apart.
Today the daisy is thought to be a troublesome invader in some areas, but its
ability to survive indicates its valuable medicinal constituents. Save the seed
yearly and re-sow in autumn for cool-weather flowering.
Grow the daisy in-between vegetable rows such as between peas and
cabbage, between lettuce and spinach, and between radishes and kohlrabi. It
invigorates its companions, keeps them producing succulent leaves, and keeps
slugs, snails and caterpillars away. Planted a bit closer than usual, 12–15 cm
apart, they form a perfect thick barrier to deter snails.
Crushed daisy flowers were once used on the battlefields where they grew to
staunch bleeding wounds, and as the daisy has antiseptic properties, fresh
crushed flowers were associated with warfare. Salves and ointments were made
by heating the fresh flowers and buds in hot lard and oil; the salve was set in
small containers, making it easy to carry.
Saponins, essential oil, flavones, tannins and mucilage are present in varying
quantities, mostly in the flowers, although the leaves contain smaller amounts.
The more ornamental varieties of Bellis perennis daisies still contain those
Daisy tea can be taken to help relieve gastritis, diarrhoea, enteritis, sore
throats, coughs, colds, sneezing and mucous production. Astringent and
expectorant, this tea is safe for children and the elderly. To make B. perennis tea,
pour a cup of boiling water over ¼ cup fresh flowers and one leaf. Leave the tea
to stand for five minutes, stir frequently, sweeten with a touch of honey, and sip
slowly for all the above ailments. A strong brew of the flowers was used in the
bath to treat skin disorders, bruises, wounds and grazes.
Daisy ointment was loved by country folk and used to treat varicose veins,
haemorrhoids, minor wounds, gouty joints and sore red watery eyes (rub the
salve gently on the eyelids, not anywhere near the inside of the eye). Today B.
perennis is a valued homeopathic remedy for deep internal bruising.
Daisy wash
Use this wash for wounds, grazes, acne and rashes.
Simmer the leaves and flowers in the water for 20 minutes, with the lid on.
Allow the liquid to cool, then strain. Use as a wash or a spritz spray over the
area, or as a poultice for sprained muscles, with a cloth wrung out in the warm
Daisy ointment
This ointment is good for varicose veins, haemorrhoids and gouty joints. Pick the leaves and flowers in late
winter and spring, when they are most prolific.
2 cups fresh daisy flowers, buds and leaves 1 cup good aqueous cream
½ cup almond oil
10 cloves
½ cup comfrey leaves, chopped Simmer the ingredients together in a double
boiler, stirring and pressing continuously for 30 minutes. Press the comfrey
particularly well. Cool the mixture for 10 minutes, strain. Spoon it into
sterilised glass jars, label, and store in the fridge in summer.
Daisy honey
30 daisy flowers
30 daisy flowers
1 jar runny honey
Submerge the flowers in the bottle of honey to infuse their delicious flavour of
newly mown hay. Leave the flowers in the honey until it is finished, when you
can eat the daisies. Stir a spoonful of the honey into a cup of herb tea to ease
aches and pains. For a snack with the tea, put a daisy or two on a cheese
sandwich – this was considered to be a good treatment for backache!
Daisy vinegar
Daisy vinegar was once also called daegus eage, an Anglo-Saxon word meaning the ‘day’s eye’ (a
reference to the daisy’s centre with white petal ‘rays’ around it). The vinegar was used to flavour salads,
and as a bath tonic.
This common weed with its astonishing array of health benefits is proof
indeed that a weed is a plant out of place! It originated in Europe but is now
widespread all over the world, its name deriving from the French dents de
lion, meaning ‘teeth of the lion’, a reference to its jagged leaves. It is
astonishing to think that a plant with such remarkable medicinal properties,
and that was actually an official medicine in the 16th century, could have
become largely forgotten, but happily it is once again the subject of a
resurgence of interest and research.
Dandelion is primarily a detoxifier and a diuretic, and Arab physicians
back in the 11th century recommended it as a treatment for liver and kidney
ailments. In the 13th century, physicians from Myddfai in Wales named
dandelion a cure-all cleanser. Those ancient physicians were amazingly
accurate, as modern research has shown dandelion to be one of the most
important and effective of all herbs for detoxifying the body.
I brought dandelion seeds from England 30 years ago and as it is such an
undemanding and robust perennial and self-seeds, I am never without it. It is
unfussy as to soil type, thrives in any sunny position, transplants easily and the
rewards from the bright yellow flowers and jagged-toothed leaves are enormous.
Dandelion is one of the best bile stimulants known; it helps to break down
gallstones, soothes chronic rheumatism, clears gout, eases painful and stiff
joints, and also aids fever, constipation, insomnia, and surprisingly,
hypochondria. It helps to detoxify the body after a hangover, after over-
indulging or eating junk foods, and helps clear up acne and boils.
To take dandelion medicinally, eat three fresh leaves daily in a salad. The
younger the leaf, the less bitter it is. Add a sprinkling of flower petals from two
flowers for the beta-carotene content as well as the vitamins, minerals and amino
acids the petals contain.
Dandelion flowers and young leaves in spring are considered to be a tonic,
flushing toxins from the body. Spring tonic wines were made across Europe and
can still be found in rural areas today.
The milky latex in the stems and at the flower base is an excellent treatment
for removing warts, corns and verrucas. Apply the juice frequently, at least twice
a day. Repeat every day until the wart, corn or verruca subsides.
Dandelion and bacon salad
This is the best known of all dandelion dishes.
4 cups fresh young dandelion leaves 2 cups dandelion flowers, calyxes removed
250 g streaky bacon
4 tablespoons olive oil 5 slices bread, cubed
Sea salt and black pepper 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar Tear up the dandelion
leaves and mix with the flowers. Chop up the bacon and fry until crisp. Drain
the bacon, and add the olive oil to the bacon fat in the pan. Fry the bread
cubes in the fat and oil until golden, then remove them from the pan and drain.
Mix the croutons and bacon with the dandelion leaves and flowers in a glass
bowl. Sprinkle the balsamic vinegar over the salad just before serving and
decorate with dandelion flowers.
The dandelion’s long tap root can be dried, roasted and ground to
make a pleasant, healthy version of coffee, while young dandelion
leaves and flowers are superb in salads and can be added to soups,
stews and sauces.
Pick flowers that are just about to open. Sauté them quickly in a little butter and
set aside. Whisk the eggs with the water. Heat a little sunflower oil in a pan and
pour in the egg and water mixture. Mix the sautéed dandelion flower buds with
the parsley and cheese, and as the omelette sets, sprinkle this on one half of it.
Add sea salt and pepper, flip the other side over to cover the cheese and flowers,
and let the omelette settle for one minute. Slide it onto a hot plate and serve
immediately with hot buttered toast.
immediately with hot buttered toast.
2 cups dandelion leaves, roughly torn 2 cups dandelion flowers 1 cup chopped
6 cooked beetroots, peeled and thinly sliced Dressing
1 cup brown grape vinegar 1 cup brown sugar
2 teaspoons mustard powder 1 teaspoon powdered coriander ½ teaspoon
powdered cloves Dandelion flowers
Chopped parsley
Mix the dandelion leaves and flowers with the celery and beetroot slices. Heat
the vinegar, sugar and mustard and stir until the sugar dissolves. Add the
coriander and cloves. Pour the hot dressing over the salad and serve hot
sprinkled with dandelion flowers and parsley, or let it cool and serve it cold.
Day lily
Hemerocallis species
The Chinese first cultivated the day lily as a food and medicine thousands of
years ago. By the 12th century it had been introduced to the New World,
where it became established in the gardens of the rich. Much reverence and
mystery were associated with the flower owing to its short lifespan – each
exquisite flower blooms for only a day. The three petals were thought to
symbolise the Trinity, and the three sepals were thought to represent
yesterday, today and tomorrow, symbolising the transience and brevity of
life. The flowers will last without water for a day and have been used over
the centuries in religious ceremonies and to decorate shrines, fonts and
the centuries in religious ceremonies and to decorate shrines, fonts and
places of worship in many cultures worldwide.
Pliny the Elder recommended a tea made from the dried flowers to ease
the pain of childbirth. In the late 19th century, day lilies were thought to
have painkilling properties and were taken in the form of a tea to relieve
rheumatism, aching joints, toothache and cramps.
Perennial, undemanding and easy, these lilies can be the backbone of a garden,
or even a vegetable garden. What makes them so appealing is that they need no
attention other than a deep twice-weekly watering, a few barrow-loads of
compost twice a year, and occasional division. Plant them about 75 cm apart in
well-dug, richly composted soil, and apart from the odd tidying up of dry leaves
and stems, they can largely be left to themselves. They flower prolifically and I
have counted nine or 10 blooms on a stem, opening one day after the other. You
will be rewarded with a splendid display all summer long.
Day lilies take full sun and light shade equally well and adapt to all types of
soil. Divide the clump every three or four years in winter by pushing two forks
into it back to back and forcing them apart. Cut off the long leaves, leaving only
about 10 cm, and replant in newly composted soil, watering it well. These lilies
cross-pollinate easily, so within a few seasons you may find you have a new
The earliest medicinal use of the day lily was as a tea. To make the tea, add one
fresh flower to a cup of boiling water; leave it to stand for five minutes, then
strain, add a touch of honey and sip slowly. The tea is a great comfort for aching
muscles, strains and sprains and was often used as a lotion, with bandages
soaked in the tea and bound over sprains and bruises. The brew can also be made
into a mouthwash to ease toothache and mouth infections. In the past, crushed
day lily petals were warmed and simply bound in place over bruises.
Pour the boiling water over the day lily flower and cloves. Swill the brew around
the mouth several times during the day. Cloves are excellent as a disinfectant
and as a painkiller for toothache.
Day lily stir-fry
This is a tasty, quick-and-easy supper dish that can be served in minutes and can be varied according to the
ingredients you have at the time.
Heat the olive oil in a large wok or pan and add the onions. Let them brown
lightly and then add the mushrooms, green peppers and baby marrows and stir-
fry, turning constantly. Add the day lilies, lemon juice, sea salt and black pepper
and stir well. Finally, add the parsley and serve piping hot with brown rice.
Cooking with day lilies is a pleasure, and their crisp, green bean-like
taste enhances salads and stir-fries. The buds and flowers can be
steamed or fried and complement just about any dish.
6 large, firm yellow peaches, coarsely grated or thinly chopped 2 cups celery,
thinly chopped 2–3 yellow sweet peppers, thinly sliced 12 yellow and orange
day lilies and buds 6 raw baby marrows, thinly sliced or ½ a peeled raw
butternut squash, grated 4 hard-boiled eggs, chopped 1 cup grated cheddar
cheese 1 cup good mayonnaise
Black pepper and sea salt to taste Mix the ingredients together gently and spoon
into a pretty glass salad bowl. Sprinkle with a little freshly grated ginger and
decorate with yellow day lilies all around the bowl.
2 eggs, beaten
2 cups full-cream milk
2 teaspoons mustard powder 1 tablespoon butter
2 tablespoons cornflour
1 teaspoon salt
Black pepper to taste
1 cup grated cheddar cheese Place the flower buds and asparagus in a steamer
and cook until they are tender. To make the sauce, whisk the eggs into the
milk and mustard powder. Heat the butter and the cornflour, stirring well. Add
the egg and milk mixture and stir well until it thickens. Add the salt, pepper
and cheese, stirring all the time until the sauce reaches the correct consistency.
Remove from the heat. Place the asparagus spears neatly on individual plates,
surrounded by the day lily buds. Pour the sauce over them and decorate with
day lily petals. Serve hot as a nourishing lunch dish.
Delicious monster
Monstera deliciosa • Ceriman • Swiss cheese plant
Rather surprisingly, this familiar house plant belongs to the Arum family. It
originated in the jungles of Mexico and Guatemala, and is one of about 30
species of tropical climber belonging to the genus Monstera.
The delicious monster produces incredibly tough, woody, multi-jointed
stout stems that bear huge, perforated leaves up to a metre long at intervals
along the nodes. In its third year the flowering spike will appear if conditions
along the nodes. In its third year the flowering spike will appear if conditions
are suitably moist. The inflorescence is a tough, creamy, arum-like flower
with a bisexual spadix enclosed in a creamy white spathe. The rind that
covers the spadix is covered in pale green hexagonal scales or plates, and the
flower takes a year to ripen. As this happens, so the rind disintegrates and
small pieces fall away, each with a succulent, exotic-tasting tip. Finally the
scented, edible white pulp, which is the centre of the flower, is exposed, and
it is this flower heart with its flavour of guavas, pineapple, granadilla and
banana that is simply food for the gods.
The delicious monster has an extraordinary growth habit, climbing by means of
masses of aerial roots. In the case of an indoor plant restricted to a pot, these
roots can dangle rather untidily, but do not cut them away as the plant draws
moisture from the air by means of them and they help it to survive. It continues
to fruit at erratic intervals during the warm months and I have found that it does
so readily if sprayed with water every week and if its aerial roots are led down
into a bed of rich, moist compost that I replenish twice a year. It needs shade and
protection and if it is in a greenhouse or on a verandah, it will benefit from a
partner. As my grandmother used to say, they need to chat to one another so far
from their jungles!
The spadix is the rigid core of the flower, which develops little scales. Discard
the little top of each scale as there are tiny hairs of calcium oxalate on each
section that can cause a burning irritation on the skin and tongue. Cut away the
top and use only the ripened tips at the centre of the flower. The inner pulp and
very ripe bits of the flowers are used as a treatment for skin spots, pimples, dry
flaky skin on the heels and elbows and rough spots on the toes. Sticky and
soothing, leave it on for as long as possible, then wash it away with tepid water
to which a dash of apple cider vinegar has been added.
The soft young outer covering of the flower, the spathe, is still used in
Mexico today as a comforting poultice over a sprain or bruise. Pressed open and
softened in water, it makes a soothing dressing that is often used to hold other
herbs in place over a wound or contusion.
The leathery little plates can be loosened off the ripe fruit and the creamy
inner core rubbed onto sunburned skin.
inner core rubbed onto sunburned skin.
Mexican ceriman (delicious monster) drink
Ripe pulp from 1 delicious monster flower, scales removed (about ¾ cup
mashed) 2 cups hot water (not boiling) 1 litre iced water
½ cup honey
1 litre granadilla or mango juice Mint sprigs
Mash the pulp and cover with the hot water. Leave it to stand and cool, then put
it through a liquidiser with a little of the iced water. Strain if preferred. Add the
honey, fruit juice and mint, and chill. Serve in tall glasses with a sprig of mint.
Sip slowly and relish every magical mouthful.
2 tablespoons gelatine
1 cup warm water
1 litre litchi juice
A little sugar (optional)
4 cups litchis, peeled, stoned and sliced 1 ripe flowering delicious monster
spadix, scales carefully removed and finely mashed Dissolve the gelatine in
the warm water and stir into the litchi juice. Taste for sweetness, adding a
little sugar if necessary, and stir well. Add the litchis and finally the mashed
spadix. Pour into a glass bowl and set in the fridge. Serve with whipped
Paradise ice-cream
This unforgettable dessert is one of the quickest summer treats I know. Use either home-made or bought
vanilla ice-cream.
Vanilla ice-cream
Pulp from 4 granadillas
1 cup finely crushed pineapple 1 ripe delicious monster spadix, scales removed
and finely mashed Whipped cream
Spoon three or four balls of ice-cream into individual glass bowls. Pour a little
granadilla pulp over them, and on top of that a spoonful or two of pineapple pulp
mixed with the mashed delicious monster spadix. Top with a little whipped
cream. This is what eating in paradise must be like!
Echinacea purpurea • Purple cone flower
Echinacea is an easy-to-grow perennial. It thrives in well-dug, well-composted
soil, and being a prairie plant, it can do with very little water and needs little care
or attention. The cushion of tough, coarse leaves gives rise to tall flowering
spikes in midsummer, with bright pink, daisy-like flowers. The plant grows up to
60 cm in height, and the clumps need to be spaced 50 cm apart as they spread
rapidly. The plant dies down in winter, almost disappearing from sight, and the
spent flowers need to be cut. Cover with compost in spring and soak it well.
Echinacea is an exceptional anti-allergenic plant, and this is one of its key
actions. In the case of allergic rhinitis, echinacea tea taken with three or four
tablets of the biochemic tissue salt Natrium muricatum (available from your
local pharmacy), will immediately soothe, open the nose and stop the streaming.
To make echinacea tea, pour a cup of boiling water over ¼ cup petals, leaves
and root. Allow the tea to stand for five minutes, then strain and sip slowly.
During an acute infection take two cups of the tea daily, and for chronic
infection take one cup on alternate days. To relieve chilblains, make a cup of the
tea to drink, and cool a second cup as a lotion to apply externally to sore fingers
and toes. Dip pads of cotton wool into the lukewarm tea and apply to the area.
For post-viral fatigue syndrome, commonly known as ME, take a cup of
echinacea tea daily and include the flower petals in the diet. Echinacea tea is
being researched with favourable results as a treatment for asthma, particularly
allergic asthma, and hay fever, cold sores or fever blisters caused by the Herpes
simplex virus (see also elder flowers).
Echinacea healing cream
It is worth making your own healing creams and this easy-to-make cream has many applications.
1 cup echinacea petals and buds 1 cup comfrey flowers and buds 1 cup calendula
2 cups good aqueous cream 3 teaspoons vitamin E oil 10 drops tea tree oil
Simmer the petals, flowers, buds and aqueous cream in a double boiler for 30
minutes. Strain. Add the vitamin E and tea tree oils. Mix well and pour into a
sterilised jar.
Echinacea and melon fruit salad
This pretty and healthy dessert is cool and green on a hot summer’s day.
Remove the seeds from the melon and cut the flesh into squares. Mix all the fruit
and the echinacea petals together in a glass bowl. Stir the honey into the warm
water and pour over the salad. Allow the dessert to chill in the fridge. Decorate
with fresh echinacea petals and serve with whipped cream.
Boil the sweet potatoes in their skins in salted water with the cinnamon stick
until cooked. Meanwhile fry the onion in the oil until it starts to brown, then add
the celery stalks and leaves. Stir well. Add the mustard greens, then the
watercress and echinacea petals. Stir well for about one minute and add the sea
salt, black pepper and finally the honey. Split open the hot sweet potatoes and
pile the echinacea spread on top. Decorate with fresh echinacea petals and a
wedge of lemon.
Echinacea petals are fresh-tasting and tender. I only started using
them in cooking a few years ago after an American Indian visitor to
the Herbal Gardens described how they fry the petals with watercress,
onion and mustard leaves and spread it over sweet potatoes (see
recipe). I found this so interesting and delicious that it spurred me on
to start experimenting.
4–6 large freshly baked rolls, or 1 French loaf 1 can tuna in brine
Sea salt and black pepper Fresh lemon juice
4 ripe tomatoes, thinly sliced 2 onions, thinly sliced
2 green peppers, thinly sliced 1 cup echinacea petals
1 cup stoned olives, chopped Dressing
½ cup olive oil
½ cup white grape vinegar 2 teaspoons mustard powder ½ cup runny honey
Pinch sea salt and black pepper Split the rolls or French loaf horizontally along
one side, without cutting all the way through the crust. Butter both sides
lightly. Mix all the dressing ingredients together in a screw-top jar and shake
well. Open the bread so that it lies flat and gently dribble a little dressing
along both sides. Drain the can of tuna fish and mash with a little sea salt,
along both sides. Drain the can of tuna fish and mash with a little sea salt,
pepper and a squeeze of fresh lemon juice. Arrange the sliced tomatoes,
onions and green peppers on the rolls, and top with the mashed tuna. Finally,
sprinkle with the echinacea petals and olives. Close up the rolls or French loaf
and wrap in cling wrap. Put a weight on them and leave for an hour to allow
the dressing to soak in well. Just before serving, slice the rolls or loaf into
manageable portions.
Elder flowers
Sambucus nigra
The elder is an undemanding shrub that requires little more than a sunny
position. It will tolerate most soils but thrives in well-composted ground.
Propagation is by means of cuttings in the spring, and it can be clipped back in
winter to prevent it from becoming too sprawling and untidy. The elder can
reach a height of about 4 m but is easily trimmed to form a hedge and can even
be confined to a large tub providing that it has full sun and well-composted soil.
Elder is a renowned antiviral herb that helps to reduce fevers, fight flu and colds
and boost the immune system. The flowers are used to tone the mucous linings
of the nose and throat, helping to reduce catarrh and alleviating sinus problems,
allergic rhinitis, hay fever, coughs, sore throat, postnasal drip and chronic
earache. The flowers also stimulate the circulation and help to ease arthritis by
encouraging sweating and urine production, which in turn remove acidity and
toxic waste products from the body.
Research has found that the flowers help to break down the Herpes simplex
virus, which is marvellous news for sufferers of fever blisters or cold sores. To
rid the body of the Herpes simplex virus try a tea made with equal quantities of
elder flowers, echinacea petals and black peppermint (Mentha piperita nigra).
Pour a cup of boiling water over ¼ cup herbs. Allow the tea to stand for five
minutes, then strain and sip. Take one cup every alternate day for two months
and then thereafter once or twice a week for 4–6 months. In persistent cases,
continue taking the tea twice a week for a further three or four months.
Elder flower skin cream
Elder flowers make a wonderful healing skin cream that can be used to treat dry skin, cracked heels, and
skin blemishes such as dark spots and freckles.
4 cups fresh elder flowers 3 strips lemon rind, thinly peeled with no pith 1 cup
yarrow flowers
10 cloves, crushed
2 litres water
2 tablespoons witch hazel 10–15 drops lavender essential oil Simmer the elder
flowers, lemon rind, yarrow flowers and crushed cloves in the water for 20
minutes. Let it cool down, keeping it covered, then strain when cold. Add the
witch hazel and lavender essential oil and mix briskly. Pour into sterilised
spritz spray bottles and label. Use as an astringent lotion after washing the
face, either spraying it on the skin or dabbing it onto the skin with a cotton
wool pad. Elder flower lotion has a pore refining action and has become a
traditional skin treatment for problem skin as well as for ageing skin.
Elder flower lemonade
This is an exquisite summer cordial and keeps well in the fridge.
Simmer the ingredients together for 10 minutes. Add a little extra water if
Simmer the ingredients together for 10 minutes. Add a little extra water if
necessary. Cool, then strain. Pour the lemony syrup into a decanter and keep in
the fridge. To serve, pour ¼ glass syrup and top up with iced water and crushed
ice, or ice-cold soda water with a sprinkling of elder flowers floating on top.
3 eggs
3 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 cup cake flour
1 cup milk
½ cup water
To make the batter, beat the eggs well with the sugar and cinnamon and then
whisk together with the flour, milk and water to a runny consistency. Heat a little
sunflower oil in a large pan. Holding each elder flower by its stalk, dip the whole
flower into the batter and then immediately transfer it to the pan of hot oil. Let it
flower into the batter and then immediately transfer it to the pan of hot oil. Let it
cook for about two minutes or until golden brown. Transfer it to a pile of
crumpled paper towel and let it drain. Place the flowers on a plate, snip off the
stems, and dredge the fritters with icing sugar. Serve warm with whipped cream
and sprinkle with more tiny elder flowers, stripped off their stems.
Strip the leaves off the rhubarb and cut the stems into 4 cm lengths. Place in a
deep pot with the sugar, elder flowers and water and simmer gently, stirring
every now and then until the rhubarb is tender and breaks up. Do not let the
mixture burn. Set it aside and allow it to cool. Serve on pancakes with whipped
cream or ice-cream, and decorate with more elder flowers sprinkled over the top.
Evening primrose
Oenothera biennis
The evening primrose will tolerate any sort of soil and is as undemanding as any
weed, merely requiring a sunny position. The leaves are arranged in rosettes in
the first year and can be eaten like spinach; in the second year the leaves are
arranged along the stem, and fluorescent yellow flowers that scent the night air
are also produced. New flowers open every evening, only to fade and shrivel in
the hot sun the following day during summer. Masses of seeds form in the
capsules of the spent flowers, and it is these seeds that contain the remarkable
evening primrose oil that is used for such a wide variety of ailments. The plant
seeds itself prolifically all over the garden – once you have it you will find
seedlings popping up everywhere. Root it out after the seed spire turns brown
and scatter the seeds. The plant grows to about 1 m in height.
Evening primrose oil is used extensively for premenstrual tension, multiple
sclerosis, as an anticoagulant and antispasmodic, and in the treatment of wounds,
skin eruptions, gastric irritation such as irritable bowel syndrome, coughs, colds
and menopausal hormone correction. It contains the important gamma-linolenic
acid (GLA), which has been proven to lower blood pressure by preventing the
clumping of platelets; it has also been shown to lower cholesterol levels and to
aid weight loss. Evening primrose has also been found to be effective in the
treatment of hyperactive children. To make a tea for all the above conditions,
pour a cup of boiling water over ¼ cup fresh flowers and leaves. Allow the tea to
stand for five minutes, then strain and sip slowly.
Simmer the evening primrose leaves and flowers in the water for 15 minutes.
Cool, strain and apply the lotion externally, either using a spritz spray bottle or
dabbing onto the skin using a cotton wool pad. Take the tea as an additional
Evening primrose oil
For very dry skin, cracked lips and dry, flaking nails, this oil will become a standby for many skin ailments.
Pack the bottle with as many flowers and buds as it can hold. Fill the bottle with
grape seed or almond oil and seal well. Keep it in a warm place, out of the sun,
giving it a daily shake. After three days, pour everything into a double boiler and
simmer it gently for 30 minutes, stirring often. Cool for 20 minutes, then strain.
Add the lavender and vitamin E oils and mix well. Return the oil to the bottle or
pour into smaller bottles and label. Do not expose to light; this oil must be stored
in a cupboard.
Evening primrose stuffed eggs
Collect the evening primrose flowers in the early morning before they fade, and refrigerate them. This
recipe is a favourite for summer picnics, and I make it often as a lunchtime snack.
1 dozen eggs
1–2 teaspoons horseradish sauce ½ cup good mayonnaise
½ cup chopped parsley
½ cup finely chopped celery 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce ½ cup finely
grated strong cheddar cheese Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper 1 cup
roughly chopped evening primrose flowers Boil the eggs until hard – around
roughly chopped evening primrose flowers Boil the eggs until hard – around
ten minutes – and when they are cooked, submerge them immediately in cold
water. Shell the eggs, cut them in half and remove the yolks. Mash the yolks
with the rest of the ingredients. Fill the hollows in the egg whites with the
mixture and arrange the stuffed eggs in a flat dish on a bed of lettuce and
watercress. Decorate each egg with an evening primrose petal, and serve
Rub the butter into the flour. Add the baking powder, salt, and pepper to taste,
then the spring onions and chopped evening primrose flowers. Slowly add the
buttermilk and mix into a dough, adding more if it is too stiff. Turn out onto a
floured board and knead briefly into a ball. Pat into an oblong about 2 cm thick
and cut into neat squares about 5 cm in size. Lay these on a floured baking sheet.
Brush the tops with buttermilk and bake at 180°C for about 10 minutes or until
the scones start to turn golden brown on top. Serve hot with butter.
12 pears
1 litre water
1 cup sugar
1 cup lightly chopped evening primrose petals ½ cup evening primrose buds
(optional) Core and quarter the pears and poach them lightly in the water and
sugar until tender, usually about 10 minutes. Remove from the stove and
sugar until tender, usually about 10 minutes. Remove from the stove and
allow to cool. Just before the pears are completely cool, stir in the lightly
chopped evening primrose petals. Serve with whipped cream or custard,
decorated with more evening primrose petals. For a slightly stronger flavour
cook the pears with half a cup of evening primrose buds. Add the flowers
before serving.
Feijoa sellowiana • Pineapple guava • Brazilian guava
The feijoa adapts remarkably well to any soil type and temperature and can be
found growing in the most unlikely spots, but it flourishes best in warm,
protected, richly composted sites. It needs full sun and a deep weekly watering.
When it is clipped, trained and controlled it makes a most charming topiary, a
luscious espalier against strong wires on a sunny wall, a neat hedge or an
attractive container plant, and can be trained over arches. Left alone, it can reach
6 m in height and spread, but pruned and controlled it is a perfect shrub for a
small garden and is beautiful in all seasons. Underplant it with tansy to prevent
the fruit from being stung, and hang a tin with molasses, water and fruit peels in
the tree as fruit fly bait.
In its native Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay and Argentina, the feijoa is used to treat
certain thyroid conditions as it is rich in iodine. A tea can be made from the plant
by adding a cup of boiling water to ¼ cup mixed flowers and fruit. Leave the tea
to stand for five minutes, then strain and sip slowly. This same brew is used to
treat dysentery and diarrhoea, but with the addition of extra flowers – two
tablespoons of flowers or one tablespoon of flowers and half a tablespoon of
fruit. Steep for five minutes only in boiling water, then strain and sip a little at a
time. Repeat until the condition subsides.
In Paraguay, fresh crushed flowers and the ripe fruit are applied to rashes,
mild burns, insect bites and stings, and itchy inflamed areas. A lotion made from
the flowers can be used to soothe sunburned skin, and slices of the fruit can be
used as a poultice.
used as a poultice.
Warm the flowers, crushed cloves and nutmeg in the water and milk for 20
minutes, stirring constantly. Let the lotion cool, then strain and pour into a spritz
spray bottle. Spray over the sunburned area or dab on with cotton wool.
Brazilian feijoa conserve
For centuries Brazilians have used the succulent pink, curiously folded petals and red stamens of the feijoa
flower to make a conserve.
Simmer the ingredients on low heat, stirring occasionally, until the fruit is
tender, about 20 minutes. Spoon into a sterilised jar and leave to cool. Serve over
ice-cream, with custard and cream, or over baked custard and rice pudding. It
keeps well in the fridge.
3 cups strawberries, hulled and sliced 2 cups mulberries, stalks removed Sugar
1 cup feijoa flowers
3 cups early peaches, peeled and sliced 1 cup granadilla juice
3 bananas, thinly sliced 1 small pineapple, peeled and coarsely grated Sprinkle
the strawberries and mulberries with sugar and leave them to stand in a warm
spot to absorb the sugar for about an hour. Add the remaining ingredients, mix
together, and let the fruit salad stand covered for an hour before serving to
enable the juices to mingle. Dribble with a little honey and serve with
whipped cream, decorated with feijoa flowers.
The ancient Greeks and Romans considered fennel to be a sacred herb and
used it for slimming, much as we do today. In Anglo-Saxon times the seeds
and flowers were eaten on fasting days to still hunger pangs; fennel was also
used as a tonic herb, and Roman warriors took it to keep in good health
when they went off to battle. Fennel was once a favourite strewing herb,
especially during the Middle Ages, as its pleasant aniseed-type fragrance
especially during the Middle Ages, as its pleasant aniseed-type fragrance
helped to clear the air of bad smells.
Fennel is a hardy, easy-to-grow perennial. It needs richly composted soil in full
sun and a deep twice-weekly watering, and produces pretty yellow umbels of
flowers that are much loved by bees and butterflies. The mature flowering stems
scatter a mass of seed. Seedlings can be transplanted when they are 6 cm tall into
well-dug, well-composted soil about 80 cm apart, in full sun.
Fennel seeds and flowers are a palatable and useful digestive remedy. Taken as a
tea or chewed after a heavy meal they will alleviate flatulence, heartburn and
colic, aiding the whole digestive process and easing the feeling of fullness. To
make the tea, pour a cup of boiling water over ¼ cup fresh fennel leaves and
flowers. Let the tea stand for five minutes, then strain. Take two cups a day
during infection, followed by one cup a day thereafter for about 10 days. This tea
is the world’s favourite slimming drink and it is also a superb detoxifier.
Fennel is also a circulatory stimulant and anti-inflammatory, it promotes
milk flow in nursing mothers, and it is a mild expectorant, and a superb diuretic.
1 tablespoon fennel flowers (pulled off their stems) 1 tablespoon fennel seeds
1 tablespoon caraway flowers (pulled off their stems) 1 tablespoon caraway
1 tablespoon anise flowers (pulled off their stems) 1 tablespoon aniseed
Mix the flowers and seeds together, place them in a screw-top jar and shake
well. The flowers will dry naturally in the mixture if the lid is kept off. To make
up the remedy, pour a cup of boiling water over one dessertspoonful of the
mixture and stir well. Let it draw for five minutes, strain and sip slowly. It is
mixture and stir well. Let it draw for five minutes, strain and sip slowly. It is
quick-acting and immediately effective.
Pour the boiling water over the fennel, cloves and cinnamon. Let the mixture
stand for five minutes, keeping it covered to retain its warmth, or place it in a pot
on the stove on low heat for five minutes. Strain, and add the lemon juice, honey
and brandy. Sip slowly – and watch your mood change radically!
Fennel has been used since ancient times to make a facial steam for cleansing
oily skin and clearing spots, blackheads and acne.
Fennel flower slimmer’s salad
Fennel flower slimmer’s salad
This is one of my favourite salads and all of us, even those not anxious to slim, should eat it once a week or
fortnight to keep the body clear of toxins. Should you be coming down with flu or a cold, add extra lemon
juice and sprinkle a little cayenne pepper over the salad. This often stops the infection in its tracks.
1 butter lettuce, roughly torn 1½ cups chopped celery, leaves included 1½ cups
alfalfa sprouts or fresh young lucerne leaves 1½ cups fennel leaves and flowers,
roughly chopped 1½ cups peeled chopped cucumber 1½ cups finely grated
½ cup chopped parsley
Juice of 1 lemon
Mix the ingredients together in a large bowl, and pour the lemon juice over the
salad. Decorate with fennel flowers. Do not add salt or pepper.
Fennel flowers, nipped off their stems and fried, make a delicious
addition to the salad or sprinkled over a soup. Fry the flowers quickly
in a hot pan with a touch of olive oil and sprinkle with salt and
The leeks browned in the oil give a good flavour to the fennel flower
soup. For those on a fat-free diet, omit the oil. Finely chopped fennel
leaves are delicious in fish dishes and on green beans.
Ficus carica
The fig really is a flower with a swollen calyx, with the stamens and petals
all inside! Small wasps act as pollinators, entering the ‘flower’ through the
hole at the base, known as the ostiole. This structure is unique to the Ficus
From its early Mediterranean beginnings, this much-loved fruit has
spread throughout the world as one of the oldest food crops, a medicinal
remedy, and a prized garden feature.
remedy, and a prized garden feature.
Figs probably originated in Syria, and have been cultivated across
Mesopotamia and Egypt since 4000 BC. The Phoenicians took the fig into
China and India. It was one of the plants grown in the Hanging Gardens of
Babylon, and the dried fruits were traded on the great trade routes. Figs were
a major crop in ancient Greece and Pliny the Elder (AD 23–79) described 29
cultivars thriving at that time.
Drawings of the fig were found in the Gizeh pyramid and in the archives
of great antiquity. Many of the ancient varieties still exist today, and the
Kadota fig remains a favourite. We grow several varieties at the Herbal
Centre gardens and make jams, preserved whole figs, jellies and dried figs
the way the ancient growers did.
Dig a wide deep hole in full sun, and fill it with a really huge amount of rich
compost. Set a wide pipe at an angle into the hole so that a hosepipe can be
inserted to get water down to the roots in a long, slow, deep watering, twice-
Propagation is from cuttings taken in the dead of winter, at the first stirrings
of spring. I have learned that twigs with four nodes on them are best so that two
nodes can go underground for good rooting to occur. Keep the deep pot or bag
constantly moist and shaded until the first buds appear.
Lavender and rosemary are great companions, and with elderberries and
lemon verbena nearby, no unwanted insects come near the figs. Remove
overripe figs as fruit flies and fruit beetles will descend upon them. Give each fig
tree a barrow of compost two or three times yearly, and make a huge sturdy dam
around each tree so that you can flood it with water twice-weekly.
Ancient medical texts referred to the fig fruit as ‘fig flowers’ or ‘flowers of fig’.
The fruit was used as a constipation remedy, and a valuable alcoholic drink for
toning the digestive system was made from thinly sliced figs and honey, left to
ferment. This potent brew was prized in Turkey, Spain and Italy.
‘Syrup of figs’ is an ancient gentle laxative. Most chemists stocked it during
my childhood and my grandmother made her own. No-one suffered from
constipation, flatulence, colic or indigestion with a dose of this marvellous
Fresh figs are excellent as a natural laxative. Four fresh or dried figs eaten
daily first thing in the morning will move sluggish bowels. Soak dried figs in
warm water overnight and enjoy them with a cup of herb tea – mint tea is a
favourite! In many countries, two dried figs softened in water overnight have
formed part of the diet for centuries – bladder, bowel, kidney, stomach and even
weight problems are eased and corrected by this.
Figs build bones, so for osteoporosis be sure to grow a fig tree in your garden
as the fruit are abundant in vitamins A, C and E, as well as many minerals like
calcium, potassium and phosphorus, and to a lesser extent iron, copper and
Fig twigs stripped of their leaves and pressed into flour bins will keep
weevils away, and the milky sap dries up warts (the sap is released when a leaf is
picked). Drip the sap onto the wart at least three times a day.
Simmer the figs and honey in a double boiler. Stir frequently for 30 minutes,
warming the syrup thoroughly. Strain, pour into a sterilised bottle and label.
Take one dessertspoonful daily for digestive upsets and constipation. The syrup
is safe for children – two teaspoons is usually the right dosage.
Fig ice-cream
Peel the figs and chop roughly. Stir in the yogurt and cream. Add the nutmeg
and cinnamon and mix well. Taste, and if it is not sweet enough add a little
and cinnamon and mix well. Taste, and if it is not sweet enough add a little
runny honey, tasting as you go. Pour into freezing trays and place in the freezer.
Check every 15 minutes and stir gently. Freeze solid. Serve with a sprinkling of
chopped almonds or pecan nuts in individual glass bowls.
Lay the butter lettuce leaves out like little boats on a large platter. Place a slice of
mozzarella cheese in each one, topped with half a fig, cut side up. Place a
pickled chilli or pickled cucumber on top of the fig, and tuck a slice of rolled-up
cold beef or sliced chicken breast around it. Add a squeeze of lemon juice. Grind
black pepper over the salad and serve as a first course or as a snack with drinks
on a summer evening. Simple and simply delicious!
For breakfast try fresh or honey-baked figs with homemade Bulgarian
yoghurt or fresh cream, sprinkled with pecan nuts or macadamias. It
is absolutely irresistible! Figs are even used to flavour coffee, and
fiquette, a type of liqueur made with ripe figs and juniper berries,
remains a popular choice overseas.
Fruit sage
Salvia dorisiana • Giant woolly sage
There are hundreds of species belonging to the genus Salvia, but very little
has been written about this spectacular variety with its huge, shocking pink
flowers, large leaves and unmistakable fruity scent and flavour. A cousin to
S. elegans and S. officinalis, it endeared itself to gardeners in centuries past,
but as more and more hybrids have become available it has sadly been all
but forgotten. There is little evidence of its uses in ancient herbals other than
as a strewing herb, and because of its fruity fragrance it is sometimes
confused with pineapple sage, with its masses of tiny red flowers. If it were
not for one little cutting brought into South Africa with a few other botanical
specimens for research, fruit sage would not be available here today, and I
hasten to resurrect it, as from the tiny cutting in the Herbal Centre trial
gardens it has become queen of the winter garden and a favourite in the
nursery. It grows 1½–2 m in height and width, with great sprays of fragrant,
thumb-length, brilliant pink flowers. Sunbirds adore the flowers for their
fruity nectar.
Grow fruit sage in full sun in a large, compost-filled hole. It needs protection
during very cold winters and should be pruned back neatly after the early spring
flowering period is over. It needs space but can also be potted into large tubs and
clipped and trained. On a hot patio the huge velvety leaves are a wonderfully
handy insect repellent. Rub the leaves onto chair legs, table tops and benches to
keep flies and mosquitoes away. Your guests will be intrigued by the fruity
The genus name Salvia derives from the Latin salvere, meaning ‘to save’, and
the name is apt as all species have amazing medicinal properties. Among other
things, sage is a valuable digestive aid, a herbal remedy for both animals and
humans, and burning sage will clear toxins, bad air and odours.
A tea made from the flowers is an excellent digestive that eases a feeling of
fullness, slight nausea, colic and flatulence, and helps you relax. To make fruit
sage tea, pour a cup of boiling water over ¼ cup flowers. Leave the tea to stand
for five minutes, then strain and sip slowly. It is a most useful relaxing herb and
a bunch of leaves and flowers tied up and tossed into the bath will do more to
help you unwind than anything else I know. The soothing oils seem to ease
aching muscles and rashes and dry, itchy skin. A leaf placed in one’s shoe on a
long walk will ease tiredness and soothe blisters, and crushed flowers placed
over an insect bite and bound in place will take away the redness and itch.
Place the fruit sage leaves in hot water for a few seconds, then pat them dry and
place them immediately over a bruise, a pulled muscle or a strain, or a tired,
aching joint. The poultice will soothe and relax the area.
Simmer the flowers and leaves in almond oil for 30 minutes, stirring frequently.
Cool and strain. Pour the oil into a dark bottle and label. Warm the oil before use
by standing the bottle in a bowl of hot water. Massage oil gently into the bruised
Fruit sage dessert whip
The fuchsia is native to central and southern America and parts of New
Zealand. In 1690 a French missionary priest, Charles Plumice, discovered a
fuchsia in Mexico and sent it back to France, naming it after the celebrated
Bavarian botanist Leonard Fuchs (1501–1566). Nearly all traces of the plant
were lost for the next century, but a few specimens were taken to Kew by a
were lost for the next century, but a few specimens were taken to Kew by a
Captain Firth. Years later, in 1793, an avid gardener, James Lee, spotted a
flowering fuchsia on a windowsill in London and begged a cutting from the
woman who lived there, who had received it from her sailor son. Lee raised
the first plant from that cutting, took more cuttings, and established a small
nursery that marked not only the beginnings of his fortune, but a new fashion
in potted plants.
Cuttings can be taken easily and need little attention, simply keep them moist
and shaded in boxes filled with sand. Once planted out in semi-shade or full
shade, they will give years of pleasure and ask little in return other than a deep
watering twice-weekly, or daily if they are in tubs or hanging baskets, and a
dressing of peat and wood ash (not coal ash) over their roots in winter. Plants
should be pruned back in spring, and can take quite vigorous pruning if they are
well established, but they do need winter protection.
No proper research has been done on the fuchsia’s medicinal and culinary
values, but in South America the crushed petals and juice from the berries have
long been used to treat skin ailments, freckles, small blisters and rashes. The
flowers of the New Zealand tree fuchsia (Fuchsia arborescens) are eaten and
used crushed on bites, scratches and grazes, the pinky juice relieving itching and
redness. They are also used in bathing water to soothe inflamed blisters and
In rural parts of Scotland, F. magellanica flowers are crushed and wrapped
around corns or callouses on the feet and kept inside the shoe all day. Fresh
flowers can be reapplied at night, held in place with a bandage, and by the next
morning the painful corn is something of the past.
A superb fuchsia jelly can be made to relieve sore throats and tonsillitis, to
soothe the early stages of a cold, and to strengthen the voice.
Simmer the flowers and berries with the honey, cinnamon stick, lemon juice,
water and apple for 10 minutes. Cool and strain, then add the gelatine dissolved
in a little hot water. Allow to set in the fridge. Take a tablespoonful at a time and
hold it in the mouth for as long as possible to derive maximum benefit.
Cold chicken and fuchsia salad
This is a superb lunch or picnic dish, and it can be varied with salads in season such as avocados and
winter lettuces.
3 cups fresh fruit, peeled and cut up Sugar to taste (about 1 cup) ½ cup water
½ cup desiccated coconut
1 cup small fuchsia flowers Simmer the fruit, sugar, water and coconut gently in
a double boiler, stirring often, until tender and syrupy. Cool. Add the fuchsia
flowers and pour the topping over the ice-cream or pudding. Decorate with
more fresh fuchsia flowers. For a beautiful summertime party dish, layer ice-
cream and the topping and fresh fuchsia flowers in individual tall glasses.
Serve decorated with a mint leaf or two and a fresh fuchsia flower, and eat
with long spoons.
I tasted fuchsia petals in a beautiful red pomegranate drink in a
London restaurant many years ago – long before pomegranate became
the important health food we know today. The whole flower was cut in
half, covered with castor sugar and brushed with a pinch of nutmeg.
This exquisite flower, decorated in this manner and propped on the
edge of the glass completely won me over. It was a delectable
6 large or 8 medium potatoes 1 tablespoon butter, cut into small pieces ¾ cup
hot milk
Sea salt and black pepper
2 teaspoons crushed coriander 1 teaspoon powdered nutmeg 1 teaspoon
powdered allspice (pimento berries) ¾ cup fuchsia petals
Parmesan cheese
Chopped parsley
Fuchsia flowers
Fuchsia flowers
Peel the potatoes and boil until soft. Drain off the water and mash immediately.
Add the butter, hot milk, sea salt and black pepper to taste. Mash until light and
fluffy, adding more hot milk if necessary. Fork in the coriander, nutmeg and
allspice, and finally, add the fuchsia petals. Pile into a glass serving dish. Keep
hot, and just before serving top with a light sprinkling of parmesan cheese and
decorate with chopped parsley and fuchsia flowers.
Gardenia jasminoides
The exquisite gardenia, with its waxy white, heavily fragrant flowers and
glossy green leaves is native to China, where it has been revered for its
medicinal, cosmetic and fragrant properties for over 2 000 years. The
Chinese add fresh flowers to the bath, and tie them in muslin with a handful
or two of salt to use as a scrub to soften and cleanse the skin. In past
centuries, gardenias were cultivated for the empresses of Japan to wear in
centuries, gardenias were cultivated for the empresses of Japan to wear in
their hair, for corsages, and for use in the bath. In the cooler months they
were cultivated in tubs in greenhouses to ensure their bounty of flowers.
Gardenia flowers are still used in cooking in many rural areas today, and
can be added to sugar, drinks, fruit salads, desserts and syrups. To scent tea
in the ancient Chinese way, tuck a fresh gardenia flower into a tin of loose
tea leaves, close the tin securely and leave it for four or five days, or until the
flower dries, while it imparts its heavy, beautiful fragrance to the tea leaves.
Flowers tucked into raw rice, oats or sago will impart the same sweet, heady
The gardenia is beautiful enough to be a focal point in a frost-free garden,
demanding little more than a large hole filled with good alkaline leaf mould or
lime-free compost well mixed with peat. It prefers a partially shady spot but will
also thrive in full sun, providing it has a bit of afternoon shade. A deep weekly
watering is all that is required, and dead-heading of its spring to late autumn
flowers. It will do well in a large tub, where it can be kept trimmed into a ball
shape. In open ground gardenias will reach a height of up to 2 m and about 1–1.5
m in width, and they benefit from an occasional dressing of peat to keep the
leaves from turning yellow.
Propagation is by soft-wood cuttings in spring and hard-wood cuttings in late
summer. They provide a mass of blooms, and cut flowers floating in a shallow
glass bowl will scent a room for days.
In traditional Chinese medicine a soothing lotion was made to wash sores, grazes
and insect bites. Drink a little of this infusion to relieve flu, to lower a
temperature, and to cleanse the liver. Interestingly, ancient Chinese drawings
depict the gardenia root, fruit and flowers being used to treat snakebite.
In Indonesia, where the gardenia is grown extensively, the leaves and
flowers are made into a tea. To make the tea, add ¼ cup chopped leaves and
flowers to a cup of boiling water, leave to stand for five minutes, then strain.
This can be taken to ease tight, asthmatic breathing, lower a fever, calm heart
palpitations, lower high blood pressure and to ease stress, fear and anxiety. Take
half a cup in the morning and half a cup in the evening. Sipped slowly, the warm
tea sweetened with a little honey is comforting and relaxing.
tea sweetened with a little honey is comforting and relaxing.
Gardenia lotion
This lotion is soothing on grazes, sores and insect bites.
Boil the ingredients together for 15 minutes, with the lid on. Cool the mixture a
little, strain, and use as a wash on the skin conditions described.
In a double boiler, simmer the petals in aqueous cream and rosewater for 20
minutes. Cool, strain and spoon into a jar. Use a scoopful to wash the affected
area. It is immediately soothing. It can also be used on blisters on the feet, over
chafed areas and for facial skin problems. Keep the wash on the side of the bath
and use for all sore, red spots.
Gardenia chocolate mousse
This decadent mousse is food for the gods, and so easy to make.
Gardenia milkshake
Energising and nourishing, this exotic milkshake is a meal in a glass and very refreshing on a hot day.
Children love to drink it with a straw.
1 glass milk
1 ripe banana
1 egg, well beaten
1 tablespoon honey
6 gardenia petals
1 teaspoon cinnamon
Blend all the ingredients (except for the cinnamon) in a liquidiser. Pour into a
glass and sprinkle cinnamon over the frothy top. Drink immediately and feel
your energy levels rise!
4 cups peeled, stoned litchis 3 cups mango or peach slices, or other fruit 5–6
tablespoons grape juice
1 tablespoon grated ginger
2 tablespoons castor sugar (or 1 tablespoon honey) 3 gardenia flowers, petals
separated and calyxes discarded 1 cup whipped cream
Arrange the fruit in individual glass dishes with a dash of grape juice. Mix the
ginger and castor sugar (or honey) together and sprinkle a little over the fruit.
Keep chilled. Just before serving, chop the gardenia petals, sprinkle over the
Keep chilled. Just before serving, chop the gardenia petals, sprinkle over the
fruit, and top with the whipped cream.
It is essential to handle gardenia petals with the greatest of care as they
turn brown very easily; it is important to prepare and add them just
before serving. Sprinkle the petals with lemon juice to prevent them
from discolouring.
Garland chrysanthemum
Chrysanthemum coronarium • Chop suey greens •
Edible chrysanthemum
This attractive, bright and easily grown annual is popular in oriental cuisine,
and has only recently been introduced to the rest of the world. It has been
grown for centuries in gardens all over the East, and in China particularly,
for use in stir-fries and teas and for its marvellous medicinal properties. The
ancient Chinese used this chrysanthemum as a blood tonic, to help clear
toxins from the body and to assist the functioning of the kidneys and
bladder. It is a gentle diuretic and also a deodoriser.
The leaves are used extensively in cooking as a chop suey green and big
bunches of the pungent, crisp feathery leaves are now sold in markets all
over the world. The bright yellow petals are crushed into butter, fat, batters
over the world. The bright yellow petals are crushed into butter, fat, batters
and sauces to lend colour and flavour. Finely chopped raw leaves and
flowers sprinkled over stir-fries and rice dishes add a rich, full taste and help
to clear the body of toxins, an important benefit if one has eaten food that is
too rich or spicy.
The garland chrysanthemum likes well-dug, richly composted soil in full sun and
a lot of water – a deep soaking at least twice-weekly. It does not do well in the
heat of midsummer and is best grown as a winter or cool-weather crop. It will
survive frost and cold winds, but does best in a protected area, where it will
reach 1 m in height and even in width, with a glorious show of bright yellow
daisy-like flowers that go on and on until the heat makes them bolt. Picking of
leaves and flowers benefits the plant. Sow fresh seed in trays every February for
winter planting and transplant the seedlings once they are big enough to handle.
Shade and protect the small plants in the beginning and do not let them dry out.
A tea made from the leaves and flowers is a gentle diuretic that helps with
cystitis and water retention. To make the tea, pour a cup of boiling water over ¼
cup flowers and leaves. Leave the tea to stand for five minutes, strain and drink.
One cup a day is sufficient, but in the case of swollen feet, add fennel flowers
and leaves and celery leaves, and drink two or three cups through the day.
As a tonic herb the garland chrysanthemum is much loved in China as it is
rich in minerals, amino acids and vitamins A, D and E. A thin soup can be made
as a spring tonic and blood and kidney purifier, and to clear up a lingering cold
and clear the chest of mucous.
Simmer the ingredients together for 30 minutes to make a thin tonic soup. Take
one cup of broth, warmed, two or three times a day. It is quite pleasant.
one cup of broth, warmed, two or three times a day. It is quite pleasant.
Flavoured with a dash of lemon juice, sea salt and cayenne pepper, this soup will
also clear up a lingering cold and clear the chest of mucous.
Garland chrysanthemum lotion is excellent for oily, spotty skin, and fresh
crushed flower petals, moistened in hot water, can be applied to spots and
Boil the flowers, leaves and bran in the water for 20 minutes. Allow the lotion to
cool, strain, and use it as a rinse after washing the face. Alternatively, use the
lotion unstrained as a massage mask over the face to clear oiliness. It leaves the
skin feeling soft, refreshed and refined.
Garland chrysanthemum croutons
Serve sprinkled over a light vegetable soup or as a snack with drinks, or mix into rice and serve with soy
Fry the onions in oil until they start to brown. Add the carrots and cabbage and
Fry the onions in oil until they start to brown. Add the carrots and cabbage and
stir-fry briskly. Add the other ingredients and keep stirring until the vegetables
are tender but still crisp. Do not overcook. Serve piping hot with rice.
1 cup garland chrysanthemum flowers, quartered ½ cup butter
1 teaspoon cinnamon powder
1 teaspoon allspice powder
½ cup soft brown sugar
¾ cup pecan nuts, finely chopped 1 cup sunflower seeds
Cook the apples and honey in the water for 15 minutes. To make the topping,
gently fry the garland chrysanthemums in the butter, add the spices and stir-fry
well. Add the sugar, pecan nuts and sunflower seeds and cook for two minutes.
Spoon the cooked apples into a glass dish, sprinkle with the spicy topping and
keep hot in the oven. Serve hot with whipped cream or custard, decorated with a
sprinkling of garland chrysanthemum petals.
Gladiolus hybrids
The huge variety of gladioli cultivated today are believed to have descended
from the bright orange parrot flower, Gladiolus dalenii (formerly G.
natalensis), which is indigenous to South Africa and was taken to England in
the early 1700s. In 1904 one of the engineers responsible for building the
bridge that spans the Zambezi River at the Victoria Falls, Sir Frederic Fox,
found the pretty G. primulinus growing wild in the perpetual spray of the
falls and took it to the Royal Horticultural Society in England. From there,
Unwins of Cambridge, a long-established seed firm, developed new hybrids
using those original corms.
I became intrigued by this easy-to-grow plant in the early 1960s, when my
mother-in-law grew an acre or two of breathtaking hybrids for the local florists
in Rustenburg. I learned how they were packed for transporting – tied onto river
reeds in fan shapes so as not to bruise the exquisite opening blooms – and I also
learned that one needs to spray for thrips in order to protect the buds. In my
world that was not acceptable, so, with the help of a patient farmhand, I began
cultivating organically grown gladioli far from her area.
Gladiolus corms need to be planted in spring in deep, richly composted
furrows in full sun. The corms must be spaced 30 cm apart, and water needs to
flood over them. A long, slow, twice-weekly watering – not just a trickle from a
hosepipe – will increase stem length and number of florets. Gladioli need
sunlight to form buds. They are not frost-resistant: in cold areas the corms must
be lifted in late autumn, stored in straw during winter in a closed shed – no wind
or draught on the corms – and then replanted in spring. Large corms should be
planted 10–13 cm deep, and smaller ones 7 cm deep, exactly.
In the 1960s gladioli were the favoured cut flower, but today they are seldom
seen. In my herb garden I grow the wild orange gladiolus for medicinal purposes
and find that it multiplies quickly and easily. Space them 25 cm apart and stake
if the flowering spike becomes too heavy.
Both the corms and flowers of Gladiolus dalenii have been used as food and
medicine by several African tribes, and several smaller varieties of corms have
been roasted in coals and used as a poultice for drawing out boils and abscesses.
Throughout the centuries, a drink made by boiling the corms of some gladiolus
varieties has been taken by those who overindulged in alcohol. As gladiolus
corms can be easily confused with other plants, care must be taken in selecting
the right corm. Traditionally, the Zulu and Sotho people have used the corms of
wild gladioli, ground down to a fine meal, to treat dysentery, diarrhoea and
stomach upsets, and farmers in KwaZulu-Natal make an infusion of the corms
and lower portion of the leaves for coughs and colds. Use one dessertspoonful of
corms (peeled and finely chopped) and leaves to a cup of boiling water, leave to
stand 5–6 minutes, strain and drink.
Gardening in the summer heat, we soon learned that a crushed gladiolus
flower would soothe a blister or heal a scratch from the secateurs. Zulu flower-
pickers showed us how to crush and squeeze the petals into a tight ball, which
they rubbed over their fingernails to strengthen them and prevent them from
breaking (the dark red flowers give the nails a beguiling pink tinge!). Gladiolus
petals placed in a jar of water and left in the sun for a few hours make a soothing
wash for hot, tired feet.
Stuffed gladiolus flowers
This summer starter is real party fare. Choose fully open flowers and remove the sheath of calyx.
Mix the tuna, mayonnaise and the rest of the ingredients well. Spoon
teaspoonfuls into each open flower and pat into shape. Arrange the flowers in a
circle on a bed of lettuce on a serving platter. Serve chilled with wedges of
Soak the haricot beans and butter beans in a generous amount of water
overnight. The next morning sauté the onions in the oil, then add the tomatoes,
chilli, coriander seeds, sugar, vinegar and water. Rinse and drain the beans, and
add them. Simmer gently with the lid on, adding more water from time to time
and stirring well frequently. When the beans are tender, add the gladiolus
flowers, celery leaves and parsley. Simmer for five more minutes. Serve the
bean stew piping hot with stywe pap, polenta or brown rice.
Spread the bread with butter, followed by a thin layer of horseradish sauce. Lay
the ham on the bread. Place the cucumber slices on top of the ham; then lay the
gladiolus petals on top of the cucumber so that the petals form a frill around the
edge of the bread. Pile on the mashed avocado, and top with the mozzarella
cheese. Arrange the sandwiches on top of lettuce leaves on individual plates with
cherry tomatoes. Sprinkle with parsley.
Solidago virgaurea • S. canadensis
Most species of goldenrod are native to North America and were reputedly
spread around the world by soldiers and gypsies. The plant has been used
medicinally since ancient times and is cultivated today for herbal and
homeopathic remedies. The North American species, Solidago canadensis,
was brought over to Britain in 1648 by John Tradescant. The European and
Asian species, S. virgaurea, also known as Aaron’s rod, was once called
‘wound weed’ because it reputedly had wonderful healing properties.
Goldenrod’s generic name, Solidago, comes from the Latin solido, meaning
‘to join or make whole’. Today many cultivars have been hybridised from
those original species. Both these species are the best for medicinal
S. virgaurea, the European variety, is a clump-forming perennial with long,
slender-toothed leaves and multi-branched stems about 75 cm long, with tiny
yellow flowers that brighten the autumn border. A waste-ground weed, it will
grow in any soil as long as it is in full sun. All it needs is a barrow of compost
every spring, a deep weekly watering, and literally no other attention; however,
cut back the spent flowering spires in winter and divide the clump occasionally.
S. canadensis is the tall flowering variety and forms a spectacular clump. Its
flowering spires reach over 1.5 m in height; like S. virgaurea, it requires a deep
weekly watering, full sun and a good amount of compost each spring.
It is the flowers of the goldenrod plant that have medicinal value; the flowers can
be dried on brown paper in the shade and stored in airtight jars for winter use.
They have diuretic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, and are an
important anti-oxidant. They are effective in relieving urinary tract ailments,
from cystitis to more serious conditions such as kidney stones and nephritis.
They also help to relieve backache caused by kidney conditions, and they ease
arthritis. Goldenrod’s saponins act specifically against the Candida fungus,
which causes oral and vaginal thrush, and it is a valuable herb for chronic
sinusitis and nasal catarrh. It has a mild yet thorough action and is helpful in
treating gastroenteritis and diarrhoea in both adults and children. Recent research
has found that goldenrod reduces hot flushes significantly during menopause.
With this amazing array of healing properties we should all be growing
As a general tonic and as a treatment for any of the above ailments,
goldenrod health tea is wonderfully soothing. For acute conditions, take up to
three cups through the day, while for chronic conditions take no more than one
cup daily. Make the tea fresh every time. The honey and cayenne pepper can be
cup daily. Make the tea fresh every time. The honey and cayenne pepper can be
left out if preferred.
Goldenrod douche
2 cups goldenrod flowering heads, or 1½ cups dried flowers 2 litres water
½ cup apple cider vinegar Simmer the goldenrod in the water for 15 minutes.
Allow the mixture to cool for 10 minutes, strain out the flowers, and add the
apple cider vinegar. Use the full quantity as a douche, and repeat the process
on the next two nights to clear the infection. This brew can also be used
frequently as a wash or lotion.
Goldenrod and celery health drink
This is a superb drink for any bladder or kidney ailment, and for cystitis I know no better drink. It is also
excellent as a general health builder and detoxifier. It can also be served chilled with freshly squeezed
orange juice. As with any herbal remedy, remember to discuss it with your doctor first.
Make the barley water by boiling a cup of pearl barley in two litres of water for
40 minutes. Keep topping up and simmer gently with the lid on, then strain.
Pour the boiling water over the goldenrod flowers, parsley and celery. Leave
the mixture to stand for five minutes, then put through a liquidiser. Strain, and
add the barley water and lemon juice. Drink slowly, either warm or cold. During
acute infections, such as an acute cystitis attack, drink three times a day and add
extra water.
Goldenrod soup
This old American Indian recipe is not only delicious, but health-building too. I make it every autumn when
the goldenrod is in flower.
Lightly brown the onion in a little olive oil, then add the celery and stir-fry
briefly. Add all the other ingredients, and stir well. Cover and simmer until
tender. For a change you can add two cups of mushrooms or two cups of leeks,
or replace the water with chicken stock. Serve the soup hot with crusty brown
bread. It keeps well in the fridge.
1 kg cooking apples
1 cup unsweetened apple juice 1 teaspoon powdered cinnamon ¾ cup chopped
stoned dates ½ cup chopped goldenrod flowers and buds ¾ cup chopped
pecan nuts Peel and slice the apples and place them in a heavy-bottomed pot.
Add all the remaining ingredients, except for the pecan nuts, and simmer
gently over a low heat for three or four hours. Stir frequently and let it melt
together to form a thick dough. Scrape the dough into a shallow bowl and
leave it to cool, then roll the dough into balls and coat them with the chopped
pecan nuts so that they do not stick together. Twist each ball into a small piece
of greaseproof paper, ready for the lunchboxes.
Granadilla flower
Passiflora edulis • Passiflora species • Passion flower
The vine needs full sun, a deep, richly composted hole, and a fence or support to
grow up. It needs to be protected from winter frost and I usually replace my
vines every four or five years. Keep vines lightly tied up and trimmed, apply a
seaweed foliar feed every six months, and water deeply twice a week, and you
will be rewarded with an abundance of flowers and fruit.
It is fascinating to know that the fruit, leaves and flowers of the granadilla have
been used through the centuries to calm nervousness, to soothe, tranquillise and
quieten, and to allay fears and anxiety. For those suffering from insomnia and
panic attacks, this plant may prove to be particularly useful. There are about 400
different granadilla species and a number of them have a similar sedative action.
Passiflora incarnata and P. quadrangularis have been found to contain
serotonin, one of the main chemical messengers within the brain. To make a
calming tea, pour a cup of boiling water over one granadilla flower (calyx and
stem removed). Leave the tea to stand for five minutes, then strain and sweeten
with a touch of honey. The delicious fruit is also a digestive aid.
Native to America and first recorded in Europe around 1699, the granadilla
flower is also known as the passion flower, and is traditionally associated
with Christ’s Passion. Spanish monks first noted its symbolism, but it was a
botanist and physician in the 16th century, Monardes (after whom bergamot,
Monarda didyma, is named), who first recorded in writing the symbolic
interpretation of the flower.
The pillar or column at the centre of the flower was said to represent the
cross, with the three stamens inside the column suggesting the Holy Trinity.
The five anthers under the stamens were thought to indicate Christ’s five
wounds when nailed to the cross. Beneath the three stigmas is a small,
swollen seed vessel, said to denote the sponge soaked in vinegar that was
held up to Christ’s mouth. The three stigmas were thought to represent the
three nails that pierced his hands and feet, and the calyx was said to
represent the halo. The corona of fine tendrils is usually purple; this was
believed to depict the crown of thorns stained with Christ’s blood, and the 10
petals surrounding the flower were said to indicate 10 of the 12 disciples
(excluding Peter who denied him and Judas who betrayed him). The digitate
leaves were thought to suggest the hands of the persecutors, and the long
green tendrils along the stem the whips that lashed him. The colour purple
was thought to symbolise the robe thrown over Christ in mockery, and white
the purity of Christ’s love.
Pour the boiling water over the granadilla flowers. Add the fruit pulp, stir well
and steep for five minutes. Strain and add the honey. Pour half a cup of the brew
at a time and sip slowly. Children enjoy this warm tea, and it settles, calms and
unwinds them after a rushed and busy day. Keep excess in the fridge – it will last
a day or two – and warm half a cup when needed. I use a small stainless steel
double boiler pot to warm special drinks like this.
Simmer all the ingredients in a double boiler for 15 minutes, stirring frequently.
Let it stand for five minutes to cool, then strain it and sip it slowly just before
going to bed.
Passion flower nectar
At the end of a hot day there is nothing nicer than this relaxing, exotic fruit drink.
The most delicious way of serving granadilla is to use the fruit and flowers
together. The monks warmed the flowers in honey and served them with
goat’s milk yoghurt, with the pulp of the fruit poured over the top.
Crataegus oxyacantha • C. monogyna
Hawthorn is slow-growing; it will reach about 8 m in height if left unchecked, or
it can be pruned and trained to form a superb hedge or boundary, or trimmed as a
specimen tree. All hawthorns do best in cold areas, withstanding icy winters,
frost and even snow, but they are also able to adapt to hot areas. In Europe a new
hawthorn called C. azarolus, or ‘azarole’, has been hybridised, the fruit of which
is more appetising and makes a good jam.
Hawthorn is used principally for circulatory and heart ailments such as angina,
heart strain and coronary disease as it has antispasmodic and sedative properties
and it is an effective vasodilator. It normalises both high and low blood pressure
by regulating the action of the heart. Excellent for stress and heart tension, it
helps hearts weakened by age, and is also helpful for nervous heart problems,
irregular heartbeat and arteriosclerosis. Historically it has also been used to help
remove kidney and bladder stones, for treating diarrhoea, and as a diuretic. The
bark has been used to treat malaria and other fevers, and although the tiny red
berries are not very appetising, they are perfectly palatable, and like the flowers,
they are important for heart ailments and circulation.
Crushed hawthorn flowers and buds or crushed hawthorn berries are
excellent in a cream for poor circulation and chilblains. Hawthorn flower tea is
marvellous to help you unwind, to ease tension and anxiety, and to help lower
high blood pressure. To make the tea, pour a cup of boiling water over one
tablespoon of fresh hawthorn flowers plus one or two hawthorn leaves. Allow
the tea to stand for five minutes and strain. Sweeten with honey if desired, and
sip slowly.
Press the flowers into the honey jar using a long spoon. It will keep for many
months, so make several jars. In late summer and autumn, fill a quarter of a cup
with the crushed berries. Fill the cup with boiling water and sweeten with the
hawthorn flower honey. Stir well and sip slowly. Preserve the hawthorn berries
in the same way as the flowers.
Hawthorn cream
Use this cream for chilblains and poor circulation.
Sunflower oil
1 egg
1 cup milk
2 cups cake flour
A little water
½ teaspoon sea salt
1 cup hawthorn buds and flowers, pinched off their stems Lemon curd
1 cup hawthorn buds and flowers, pinched off their stems Lemon curd
Heat a little oil in a large flat pan. Whisk the egg into the milk. Whisk the flour
into the egg and milk mixture with a little water to make a runny consistency.
Add the sea salt and the hawthorn buds and flowers. Drop a spoonful or two of
the batter at a time into the pan and tilt it so that the batter is thinly spread. As
soon as the pancake bubbles, flip it over. When it is done, slide it onto a plate.
Spread with lemon curd, roll it up and keep it hot. Add a little cream when
serving and decorate with fresh hawthorn flowers.
The common hollyhock is native to China and was taken to Europe in the
16th century, where it became a much-loved cottage garden plant. Known as
‘holyoke’ or ‘beyond-sea rose’, it was grown far and wide for its medicinal
properties, as a dye, as well as for its edible flowers. Monks in Europe used
the darker red petals of the spectacular flowers to colour wine and
medicines, and the flowers were added to batters, soups and stews as a
medicines, and the flowers were added to batters, soups and stews as a
health-giving, soothing tonic.
The hollyhock is easy to grow, and seeds are available in nurseries and in seed
catalogues worldwide. All that is required for a spire of breathtaking flowers is a
well-dug, richly composted spot in full sun. Sow the seeds directly into the
ground where they are to grow, 75 cm apart, and keep them moist and shaded.
Hollyhock has a long tap root and does not like to be transplanted, but very small
plants can be relocated quickly, provided that they are immediately submerged
in water once they are removed and then kept moist and shaded in their new
positions for a week or two. The hollyhock is supposedly a biennial, but I find
that it mostly does better as an annual. In warm areas the tall flowering spire is
quick to mature, and during midsummer it makes an eye-catching display in the
The hollyhock has a soothing effect on the mucous membranes and is useful for
treating coughs, colds and bronchitis. Hollyhock species have been used since
300 BC to treat earache due to chronic catarrh, and hay fever with catarrh and
allergic rhinitis. Hollyhock counters excess stomach acid, peptic ulcer pain and
soothes and eases gastritis, irritable bowel syndrome, diverticulitis, colic and
even diarrhoea.
A warm, comforting tea made from hollyhock flowers will ease cystitis and
frequent urination. The leaves and root are also used, and its close cousins, the
marshmallow, Althaea officinalis, and the common Malva sylvestris, are used in
the same way. To make hollyhock tea, pour a cup of boiling water over one
hollyhock flower. Leave the tea to stand for five minutes, strain, sweeten with
honey and add a squeeze of lemon juice. Sip one cup daily as a treatment for all
the above conditions. In the 16th and 17th centuries hollyhock tea was popular
for easing irregular menstruation, for spongy gums (used as a gargle and as a
tea), and to dissolve ‘coagulated blood from falls, blows and knocks’.
As a lotion used for washing and as a douche, hollyhock has a soothing
effect on tender, inflamed skin, and it will soothe rashes, boils and even
Hollyhock summer fruit salad pancake
Mix all the fruit together and set aside. Whisk the pancake ingredients together
well. Heat a little oil in a large pan, pour in about half a cup of batter and tilt the
pan to spread it thinly. Flip each pancake over to cook the other side. Place the
pancakes on individual plates, top with spoonfuls of the fruit salad, decorate with
whole hollyhock flowers and serve dusted with icing sugar and whipped cream.
Hollyhock scones
This is a quick recipe and a favourite Sunday afternoon treat.
Sift the flour, salt and baking powder into a large bowl. Rub in the butter until
the mixture resembles fine bread crumbs. Dissolve the sugar in the milk. Whisk
the eggs into the milk and sugar until creamy, add the granadilla pulp and whisk
well. Add to the flour mixture and mix lightly to form a ball. Turn onto a floured
board and pat out to 2 cm height. Cut round shapes with a pastry cutter. Place on
a floured baking sheet and bake at 180°C for about 10 minutes or until the
scones begin to turn golden. Cool slightly. Split the scones, spread with butter
and a hollyhock flower (remove the calyx) or a few petals. Dust with icing sugar
and decorate the plate with hollyhock flowers. You can spread the scones with
strawberry jam or honey before topping with the hollyhock petals.
Hollyhock flowers are delicious added to green salads and fruit salads,
whisked into drinks and used to decorate puddings. Cooked in syrup,
they make a delicious sauce over rice and sago pudding.
1 cup plain Bulgarian yoghurt ½ cup fresh lemon juice ½ cup honey
½ cup chopped spring onions 2 teaspoons mustard
Hollyhock flowers
Chopped parsley
Top and tail the beans and simmer in salted water until tender. Strain and cool.
Slice an extra-large onion into fairly thick rings. Place a handful of beans
through each onion ring and place on individual plates – the bean bundles should
look as though they are neatly tied by the onion. Liquidise the dressing
ingredients and pour over the beans. Place two hollyhock flowers over each end
of the beans. Sprinkle with parsley and serve chilled with cold chicken or cold
Lonicera species • Woodbine
I grow honeysuckle over fences and arches and place shaded benches nearby,
where one can sit and enjoy the glorious scent. It goes on undemandingly year
after year, scenting the hot summer days and nights with its heady fragrance. An
arch of honeysuckle over a gate was an old tradition in rural gardens as a
blessing for all who entered. Easy to grow, all it needs is a deep, well-composted
hole, a good strong support and a deep weekly watering. I tie and wind in the
tendrils continuously and every winter tidy up the thick growth. New plants can
be propagated by merely pulling up rooted runners and replanting them, keeping
them moist until they root well. Honeysuckle is tolerant of adverse conditions,
and will thrive in spite of heat, drought, bitter winter winds and even neglect.
Honeysuckle flowers have emollient, expectorant and antispasmodic properties,
and crushed and pounded in a gentle cream, they make a soothing, pain-relieving
treatment for swollen, aching haemorrhoids. Made into a lotion, honeysuckle
quickly soothes skin inflammations, aches and dry rashes.
For a heart tonic, and to help relieve asthma, hay fever and rheumatism, an
ancient remedy was to take a cup of honeysuckle tea and eat honeysuckle
flowers once a day for a period of 10 days. To make the tea, pour a cup of
boiling water over ¼ cup fresh flowers. Allow the tea to stand for five minutes,
then strain, sweeten with honey and sip slowly.
Recent research has found honeysuckle flowers, and to an extent the leaves,
to be outstanding in the treatment of colitis. I have made honeysuckle syrup for
many years and keep it as a standby for coughs, chills, sore throats, runny noses,
tight chests and exhaustion. It is an old-fashioned remedy but works as well
today as it did in our grandmothers’ day.
Boil the flowering sprigs in the water for 20 minutes. Cool and strain. Use as a
splash, lotion or as a spray in a spritz bottle for skin inflammations, sunburn,
rashes and eczema.
Simmer the ingredients gently for 15 minutes with the lid on. Remove from the
heat and allow the mixture to cool. Strain, and discard the herbs. Pour into a
bottle with a tight-fitting lid and keep in the fridge. Take one tablespoon of the
syrup in about ¾ cup hot water twice a day, the second dose preferably just
before going to bed.
Honeysuckle energy drink
This is an excellent exam-time drink that will give energy and a sense of wellbeing. It is also nourishing for
invalids and for those who are overworked and overtired. Make it fresh every time and do not let it stand.
1 egg
1 tablespoon honey
1 tablespoon sunflower seeds 1 banana
1 cup milk
1 tablespoon chopped almonds ½ cup honeysuckle flowers Whisk all the
ingredients together in a blender for three minutes. Pour into a glass and drink
immediately, sipping slowly.
Honeysuckle fruit salad
Grow honeysuckle near the kitchen and pick the flowers for salads,
fruit salads and stir-fries. The buds can be used in pickles with onions
and cucumbers. Honeysuckle can even be used in milky desserts.
Honeysuckle is a versatile plant.
Hyssopus officinalis
I do not find hyssop particularly easy to grow, as my hot mountainside garden is
too taxing for it, but it does do well if it likes the spot. It is a short-lived
perennial, and full sun, lightly dug soil and not too much attention or water seem
to be all that it requires. You will be rewarded with 30-cm-high flowering spikes
and an equal spread. Cut off the spent flowers from time to time. New cultivars
in Britain range from white through to pale blue and pink flowering spikes, and
all seem to have similar properties. Propagation is by seed and by means of
small cuttings taken from around the base of the plant. In the hot area where I
live, I find that it does best with afternoon shade. Hyssop will thrive in the cooler
areas of the country with a yearly dressing of compost as it takes light frost and
cold winds well.
The diverse uses of hyssop have earned it a rightful place in folk medicine
through the ages; these uses have been verified by modern research. It was
prescribed in ancient times for asthma, stomachache, nasal catarrh and pleurisy.
Today it has been found to relax peripheral blood vessels and to have significant
antiviral properties, particularly with the Herpes simplex virus. It is expectorant,
anticatarrhal, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic. It eases chest colds and
asthma, clears bronchitis and urinary tract inflammation and is used with figs for
constipation. To make hyssop tea, pour a cup of boiling water over ¼ cup
flowering sprigs. Let the tea stand for five minutes, then strain. Sweeten with a
little honey if desired, and sip slowly.
Simmer the hyssop sprigs, cloves, lemon juice and lemon rind in the water for 15
minutes, stirring frequently. Cool for 10 minutes. Strain. Add the honey and mix
well. Children love this cough mixture. Give two teaspoons at least eight times
during the course of the day.
Simmer the fig slices and hyssop flowering sprigs in water in a double boiler for
20 minutes. Cool. Strain it through a coarse sieve or remove the flowers and
mash finely. Take two teaspoons with hyssop tea first thing in the morning, and
again late morning if necessary.
To make an excellent lotion for cuts, scrapes, grazes and bruises, boil
up a handful or two of hyssop flowers and flowering sprigs with an
equal quantity of water for 20 minutes. Allow it to cool and then
strain it.
Hyssop meal-in-one chicken dish
This is a popular, easy-to-make chicken dish that I make on top of the stove in a large cast iron pot. It keeps
well and reheats well. The hyssop imparts a delicious, fresh flavour that combines nicely with all the
vegetables. To ring the changes, add sliced mushrooms, sliced aubergine and sliced tomatoes.
1 large chicken, cut into pieces or 1 pack chicken pieces 2 large onions, peeled
and sliced Olive oil
2 green peppers, sliced
3 green mealies, cut off the cob 4 large potatoes, peeled and cubed 2 cups
peeled, diced carrots ½ cup hyssop flowers
Salt and pepper to taste
Juice of 1 lemon
1 litre chicken stock
Brown the chicken pieces and onion in the oil. Add all the other ingredients and
stir, adding the chicken stock last. Simmer with the lid on for about 30–40
minutes, stirring every now and then, or until the chicken is tender. Just before
serving, thicken the sauce with a little cornflour mixed with water if desired.
Serve with brown rice or crusty bread.
Green hyssop salad
This salad cleans the palate and is so refreshing that I serve it with any rich meat dish.
Toss the lettuce, watercress, celery, cucumber and hyssop flowers together
lightly. Sprinkle the lemon juice over the salad and add a little chopped parsley.
This exquisite plant, with its sweetly scented, star-shaped flowers, was first
introduced to Britain and then Europe via the ancient trade routes from the
East in about 1548. The Chinese first used the flowers as a flavouring in tea
centuries ago, and later in perfumery.
There are about 300 Jasminum species throughout the tropical and
subtropical regions of the world. The beautiful Arabian jasmine, J. sambac,
native to southeast Asia, is also added to ordinary tea and used in Buddhist
ceremonies. It flowers all year round and remains a valuable food flavourant.
J. multipartitum is indigenous to South Africa and its flowers are used in
traditional medicine.
All the jasmines grown today have some medicinal, fragrant or culinary
use. J. officinale is the best species for the perfume industry and for
medicinal use.
It is only recently that the summer-flowering medicinal jasmine, J. officinale,
has become available to gardeners in the southern hemisphere, and its more
fragile, trainable growth makes it a popular plant for fences and columns, and for
pruning and clipping into bushes. It has the additional advantage of flowering all
through the summer. Just three flowers in a room will impart a marvellous scent
that is soothing, calming and uplifting.
Growing your own jasmine is so easy that no garden should be without it.
All the jasmines take full sun to partial shade and require no more than a good
twice-weekly watering and a dressing of compost twice a year. Tidying and
pruning off the spent flowers is essential to prevent new growth from climbing
over the old wood, forming untidy nests.
Jasmine oil is used to lift depression and ease stress, and has a calming and
soothing effect. Ancient Indian and Chinese doctors, herbalists and religious
sects used jasmine as a sedative to treat a number of ailments and as a muscle
relaxant, usually in the form of a tea or added to oil as a massage for stiffness
and soreness. Later, jasmine infusions were added to the bath to release tension
and to oils and creams to soothe dry and sensitive skins.
Because jasmine oil is so remarkable as an antidepressant and for anxiety-
related sexual problems in both men and women, it is superb as an aromatherapy
massage oil. A few crushed jasmine flowers rubbed on the temples will ease a
tight throbbing headache.
Put the almond oil and jasmine flowers in a double boiler with the lid on.
Simmer gently for an hour, stirring frequently. The oil needs to penetrate the soft
waxiness of the flowers, so stirring the flowers together with the oil is vitally
important. After an hour, strain using a new sieve. Set the flowers aside and
bottle the fragrant oil in a sterilised, dark glass bottle with a well-fitting screw-
top lid. To test the strength of the oil, spread a drop or two onto the skin on the
inside of the wrist and gently rub it in. If it becomes uncomfortable, itchy or
raises a red spot, wash it off immediately with warm water and milk. If the oil is
too strong, dilute it with more almond oil or add a tablespoon of the jasmine-
infused oil to half a cup of good aqueous cream. Test again until it is
Store the jasmine flowers in a screw-top glass jar to use in the bath, just a
few at a time. They will be fragrant and rich in oil and will make for a relaxing
bath experience. True jasmine essential oil is considered the most precious oil in
the world and it is the most expensive of the essential oils!
Jasmine cordial
Jasmine flowers have been used in cooking for centuries. I was intrigued to find recipes in ancient herbals
using the flowers in delicious cordials and syrups. These are refreshing and fragrant, and as a bonus they
soothe anxiety and calm restless children. Use only J. officinale for this.
1 cup honey
2 cups jasmine flowers, pulled from their calyxes Juice of 1 lemon
1 teaspoon lemon zest, finely grated
1 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg
1 litre water
Simmer all the ingredients together for 15 minutes in a double boiler. Remove
Simmer all the ingredients together for 15 minutes in a double boiler. Remove
from heat and allow the mixture to cool. Strain, discard the flowers and bottle
the syrup. Take one tablespoon of syrup in a glass of chilled water with crushed
ice and sip slowly. As a nightcap, take one tablespoon of syrup in a cup of hot
water, stir well and sip slowly.
Jasmine tea
Use J. officinale, J. sambac (Arabian jasmine) or our own indigenous jasmine, J. multipartitum. Use a tin
or glass container rather than plastic.
Mix the flowers into the tea leaves in the tin or glass jar, covering the flowers
completely with the tea leaves. Seal and leave undisturbed for five days. Open
and check that the fragrance is as strong as you would like it, adding more fresh
jasmine flowers if necessary. By now the flowers should be almost dry. Spoon
the tea and the jasmine flowers into smaller tins or bottles with lids that seal
well, to lock in the fragrance. To make the tea, place 1–3 teaspoons of the
mixture in a tea pot, cover with about two cups of boiling water and let it draw.
Use a tea strainer and serve either black with lemon or add a little milk.
Hull the strawberries and cut them into thin slices. Sprinkle them with castor
sugar and leave to stand at room temperature for at least an hour before serving.
Meanwhile, marinade the jasmine flowers in the liqueur. When ready to serve,
spoon a layer of strawberries into individual glass bowls, followed by a layer of
ice-cream and a layer of marinated jasmine flowers, then repeat the layers,
ice-cream and a layer of marinated jasmine flowers, then repeat the layers,
finishing with a layer of flowers. Top with whipped cream and decorate with
whole strawberries and fresh jasmine flowers.
Judas tree
Cercis siliquastrum • C. canadensis • Red bud tree
The Judas tree is a small, attractive tree that originates in Asia and the
Mediterranean regions, so named because legend has it that Judas hanged
himself from a tree of this species.
Tough, resilient, drought-resistant and even to a large extent frost-
resistant, it used to be a garden favourite and was commonly available in
nurseries, but sadly it seems to have gone out of fashion. Its pinky-mauve,
nurseries, but sadly it seems to have gone out of fashion. Its pinky-mauve,
almost magenta-coloured pea-shaped flowers are strikingly beautiful in
spring, when the bare branches are covered in masses of brilliant blossoms,
which withstand the early spring winds. The tough camel’s foot-type leaves
give dense shade in summer.
Cercis canadensis or red bud tree, a North American native, is its close
relative. Both grow to about 5–8 m in height and form attractive, wide,
shrubby trees that make superb focal points in a small garden as their growth
habits are gently twisted and contorted to form a mass of fascinating
To plant a Judas tree, all that is required is a deep, well-watered hole filled with
compost, in a sunny position. Sink the plant into the hole without disturbing the
roots. Water the sapling well once a week, making sure that it has a big ‘dam’
around it to hold both compost and water. Do not plant anything close to its
trunk. It needs no pruning.
Once used to treat anaemia and lack of energy, the Judas tree was an important
ingredient in the convalescent’s diet, as well as during periods of overwork and
stress, or for students writing exams. It has been used through the centuries to
treat kidney stones, respiratory ailments and swollen feet during pregnancy. It is
a gentle diuretic and will clear a runny nose and ease a tight chest and laboured
breathing. The flowers are rich in carotene, high in vitamins and minerals and
have been found to help dissolve fatty deposits in the blood and liver when
combined with parsley.
To make Judas flower health tea for all the above conditions, pour a cup of
boiling water over ¼ cup fresh flowers. Allow the tea to stand for five minutes,
and strain. Sweeten with a little honey and add a squeeze of lemon juice. The
flowers can also be used to make a soothing cream to help heal skin rashes,
infected sores and fungal conditions.
The American Indians used the red bud to treat ailments ranging from
toothache and bladder infections, to spotty skin and split toe nails, using crushed
flowers as a poultice or lotion and adding them to teas.
During my years of lecturing beauty school students, this oil became a favourite
because of its exceptional skin softening properties. A mere ½–1 teaspoon is all
that is needed in the bath.
2 cups water
3 cups brown grape vinegar 2 cups brown sugar
½ cup mixed coriander seeds, peppercorns and caraway seed 2 cups small young
cucumbers, thinly sliced 4 cups pickling onions, peeled and sliced in half 2
cups sliced green pepper
2 cups Judas tree flowers
Boil the water, vinegar and sugar together with the spices for 10 minutes.
Meanwhile, pack bottles with the vegetables and flowers. Ensure that the bottles
have well-fitting lids. Pour the vinegar and sugar mixture over the vegetables
and flowers until each bottle is full. Seal immediately while hot. Wipe down the
bottles and label. Leave to mature for at least two weeks.
Heat the oil in a frying pan or wok and brown the onions lightly. Add all the
other ingredients except the parsley. Stir-fry quickly. Serve piping hot sprinkled
with parsley and decorated with Judas tree flowers.
Put the sugar, mulberries and water together in a pot and bring to the boil.
Simmer for 10 minutes. Allow to cool, then blend in a liquidiser. Add the
dissolved gelatine. Pour into a bowl, add the Judas tree flowers and stir well.
Refrigerate to set. Meanwhile, whisk the cream until it stands in peaks, and
refrigerate. Before serving, spread the cream over the surface of the jelly and
decorate with a sprinkling of Judas tree flowers.
Korean mint
Agastache rugosa
Growing Korean mint is easy as all it needs is full sun, well-dug, well-
composted soil and a deep twice-weekly watering. It is tall and hardy, growing
to about 50 cm in height, with a mass of fragrant mauve plumes about 2–4 cm
long, much loved by bees and butterflies. Cut back the tall flowering stems when
they start to look untidy at the end of summer but remember that the more you
pick the more they grow; I find that I can pick the long sprays three or four times
during the summer and new fresh stems quickly appear. Propagation is from
rooted cuttings taken from the base of the perennial clump during autumn. If
these are kept warm and protected throughout the winter, by late spring you will
be able to plant out quite a show.
A lotion made from the leaves and flowers is used in Chinese medicine to treat
ringworm and fungal infections. The Chinese also made a paste of boiled Korean
mint leaves and flowers, mashed with a neutral cream, such as aqueous cream or
petroleum jelly. This was spread on a cloth, placed over the fungal infection, and
held in position with a bandage. Today Korean mint cream remedies are made
for athlete’s foot or any fungal attack.
A tea made of Korean mint flowers and a leaf or two, is warming and
relaxing and aids the circulation. It has been found to help with digestive
tension, nervousness, anorexia and fear. The tea is particularly helpful for
extreme shock where the person is literally shaking from head to toe. A few sips
of the tea sweetened with honey, will quickly restore calm and speed up the
circulation to remove toxins from the body. In the case of flu and other viral
infections, take Korean mint tea with 2000 mg of vitamin C at the first sign of
aching muscles, sore throat and fever; this is often so effective that the infection
dwindles to nothing.
Boil the fresh leaves and flowers with the cloves for 10 minutes. Leave the
lotion to cool, then strain and dab frequently over the infected area or use as a
wash for athlete’s foot.
Korean mint party punch
I make a delicious party punch with Korean mint over the Christmas season when it grows so prolifically.
Juice of 4 lemons
1 cup honey
2 litres boiling water
2 cups Korean mint leaves and flowers 2 litres mango juice or mango and orange
juice mixed Mix the lemon juice with the honey and set it aside for an hour or
two. Pour the boiling water over the Korean mint leaves and flowers and
allow the mixture to cool, then strain and add the lemon and honey mixture
and the fruit juice. Mix well and chill. Immediately before serving, add
crushed ice and sprinkle with a few Korean mint flowers and tiny leaves.
I use Korean mint flowers to decorate many drinks and dishes, from
pasta and desserts, to cakes and even roasts, as it cleanses the palate so
6–10 mutton chops, as lean as possible Olive oil 4 large onions, thinly sliced 3
large red or green sweet peppers, thinly sliced Sea salt and black pepper to taste
Juice of 2 lemons
6 large potatoes, peeled and cut into quarters 6 large carrots, peeled and cut into
strips 1 cup Korean mint flowers, stripped off their stalks A few Korean mint
¾ cup sultanas
2 cups chopped celery
1 litre water
½ cup chopped parsley
4 cups fresh garden peas
Brown the meat on both sides in a little olive oil. Add the onions and brown.
Gradually add all the other ingredients except the parsley and peas. Adjust the
seasoning, cover, and turn down the heat to simmer. Add water as needed, and
taste every now and then. I often add another dash of lemon juice or more salt
and pepper. Simmer gently, stirring occasionally until the meat is tender and the
vegetables cooked. Boil the peas separately with a sprig of mint. Serve the meat
in its big cast iron pot with the peas and parsley sprinkled over it, together with
brown rice.
Lavandula × intermedia ‘Margaret Roberts’
All lavenders require full sun and deeply dug, well-composted soil in which to
thrive. The Margaret Roberts lavender grows large and needs about a metre
between each row and plant in order for it to produce a continuous mass of
flowers – and the more you pick, the more it flowers. This variety needs to be
watered twice weekly, three times a week in summer. I replace the bushes every
three or four years and am eternally grateful for this exceptional plant and its
continuous flowering.
Lavender stalks can be burned in the fireplace to disinfect, deodorise and
perfume the room (include a few flowers too), and sprigs of lavender rubbed
onto kitchen counters will discourage flies. Skin ailments respond beautifully to
lavender’s antibacterial properties and throughout history lavender has been used
for its calming and soothing effect. Lavender helps to ease sore throats,
rheumatic aches and pains, depression, headaches and sleeplessness.
To make lavender tea, pour a cup of boiling water over ¼ cup fresh flowers.
Allow the tea to stand for five minutes, then strain and sip slowly. It is excellent
for nervous anxiety as well as a wonderful deodoriser and underarm wash – all
that was needed to keep fresh in medieval times!
Crush fresh lavender flowers, inhale the rich scent, and rub crushed leaves
and flowers on the temples; this will immediately soothe a pounding headache
and relieve dizziness and fainting. Rub fresh lavender sprigs on children’s
pillows to ease restlessness and add a small bunch of fresh flowers tied in muslin
to the bath to help unwind after a hectic day.
Lavender massage cream is ideal for dry skin, cracked heels, rheumatic
aches and pains, sore tired feet and to calm irritable children.
Cajun potatoes with lavender
This potato dish makes a delicious accompaniment to fish and chicken dishes. I also serve it with crusty
brown bread and feta cheese. It is satisfying, filling and healthy.
Heat the olive oil in a large pan and fry the onion until lightly golden. Add the
potatoes and stir-fry. Add the water and all the other ingredients except the
potatoes and stir-fry. Add the water and all the other ingredients except the
parsley. Cover and simmer for a few minutes, checking every now and then to
see if the potatoes are tender. Stir gently. Serve piping hot with chicken or fish,
sprinkled liberally with parsley.
Lavender biscuits
These biscuits make an excellent tuckbox filler and keep well in a sealed tin.
Toast the bread, and butter the slices while still hot. Mix the lavender flowers
into the mayonnaise or chutney and spread onto the toast. Sprinkle the
mozzarella cheese liberally over the slices, sprinkle with parsley and dust with
cayenne pepper. Place under the grill for about four minutes, or until the cheese
starts to bubble. Cut into squares and serve hot.
Few people think of cooking with lavender, but just a little gives a
wonderfully fresh taste and enhances flavours so remarkably that inventing
dishes with lavender can become an engrossing hobby! The flowers can be
sprinkled over a fruit salad, and the leaves can be added to stews and
braised meat dishes. Lavender is also an excellent addition to marinades for
game. For best flavour, use Lavandula × intermedia ‘Margaret Roberts’.
Linum usitatissimum • Flax
Linseed is an ancient plant that has been cultivated since at least 5000 BC as
a source of flax or linen fibre. At that time flowers and seeds took second
place to the fibre content of the stems, but the Greeks were well aware of the
extraordinary medicinal content of the plant. Pliny the Elder (AD 23–97)
wrote about linseed’s virtues: ‘What department is there to be found of
active life where linseed is not employed? And, in what production of the
active life where linseed is not employed? And, in what production of the
Earth are there greater marvels to us than this plant?’
Linseed is an easy and fast-growing annual that enjoys full sun and deeply dug,
well-composted soil. Sow the seeds by scattering them over an area, then rake
them in and soak the ground with a gentle spray. Mulch the ground with a light
layer of leaves to help keep it moist until the seedlings are sturdy, and water
twice-weekly. In no time you will be able to pick the small, heavenly blue
flowers. You can plant linseed all year, except in the coldest months.
Flax is becoming one of the wonder plants of the new century and medical
research is concentrating on this easy-to-grow plant. New evidence proves that
the seeds and flowers contain enzymes that hugely benefit the whole urinary
system, including the kidneys. The seeds are rich in mucilage and unsaturated
fats, and are a world-renowned remedy for constipation, digestive irritation and
digestive sluggishness.
A poultice of crushed flowers and warmed seeds relieves painful boils, and
crushed flowers moistened with milk have been used as a soothing poultice for
rashes, grazes and sunburn since the Middle Ages. Flax flower lotion is still used
in country districts in Europe today as a soak for tired aching feet. Gypsies found
that placing crushed flax petals on a spot or pimple helped to soothe
inflammation. They dried the blue flowers for winter use and used them in a tea
for chilblains, chills, circulatory problems, cold feet and for treating coughs,
chest ailments, sinusitis and the aches and pains of rheumatism. To make the tea,
pour a cup of boiling water over ¼ cup flowers and let it stand for five minutes.
Strain, sweeten with honey if liked, then sip slowly.
2 tablespoons linseed
2 tablespoons fresh flax flowers (or 1 tablespoon dried flowers) 6 cloves
Rind of half a lemon
1 litre cold water
Juice of 2 lemons
3 tablespoons honey
Pinch or two of cayenne pepper Place the linseed, flax flowers, cloves and lemon
rind in the cold water, and simmer covered for 15–20 minutes. Strain and add
the lemon juice, honey and cayenne pepper. Take half a cup three or four
times during the day. Warm the tea up each time – but not in a microwave!
Gently simmer the flowering tops in the water for 10 minutes with the lid on. Set
the lotion aside and cool until pleasantly warm before using as a soak for tired
feet, or as a wash over itchy areas. Use also as a spritz spray for sunburned skin.
Flax flower chocolate sauce
This sauce is spectacular over ice-cream, rice pudding or over a plain cake, and is probably my most
talked-about dessert!
1 large onion, peeled and chopped 1 clove garlic, finely chopped (optional) A
little olive oil
little olive oil
4 large tomatoes, skinned and chopped 2 tablespoons brown sugar Sea salt and
freshly ground black pepper ½ cup linseed
6 finely chopped sweet basil leaves Freshly grated parmesan cheese ½ cup flax
Bring four litres of salted water to the boil, add the spaghetti and boil rapidly
until al dente or just tender. Meanwhile fry the onion and garlic in a little olive
oil, add the tomatoes and stir-fry. Add the sugar, sea salt and pepper and the
linseed, and stir well until the tomatoes have softened. Remove from the stove
and keep hot. Strain the pasta and return it to the pan with one tablespoon of
olive oil mixed in. Add a little sea salt and black pepper and stir until the pasta is
well coated. Add the tomato sauce, mix in the chopped basil leaves and pour into
a deep bowl. Sprinkle with the parmesan cheese and dot with the flax flowers.
Serve immediately.
Medicago sativa • Alfalfa
Lucerne is one of the oldest of all cultivated plants. The ancient Arabs called
it the ‘father of all foods’, and used it as a feed for their magnificent horses
which were fleet-footed, brave and supple. Today this long-lived perennial is
grown all over the world as fodder for horses and cattle. It makes a pretty
garden subject, too, as its mass of mauve-blue flowers attract a host of
butterflies in early summer.
butterflies in early summer.
Lucerne is very easy to grow and requires little attention. Cut back the long
flower-bearing stems 3–4 times a season to encourage tender new shoots.
Lucerne needs full sun and compost-enriched soil. Because it is cut so often for
baling as cattle food, it needs constant feeding, so a good dressing of compost
two or three times a year is important. Water twice-weekly in summer and every
10 days in winter.
Nutritional experts rate lucerne as one of the most important food supplements
known to humankind. It is rich in silica, manganese, calcium, iron, potassium,
magnesium, sodium and vitamins A, B, C, E, K and the rare vitamin U, as well
as being the only plant in the world other than comfrey that contains vitamin
To make lucerne tea, pour a cup of boiling water over ¼ cup fresh leaves and
flowers and steep for five minutes. Strain and sip slowly. Sweeten with a touch
of honey if desired. The tea is of tremendous benefit to those under extreme
stress or suffering from a loss of energy, over-exhaustion, anxiety and panic
attacks. A cup taken daily for a week and then on alternate days will do much to
relieve modern-day tensions and ease desperation.
Fresh lucerne leaves, flowers and the tiny, threadlike alfalfa sprouts in the
diet give an immediate energy boost, flushing toxins from the body and helping
to absorb vitamins and minerals. One winter the Herbal Centre garden staff put
this to the test. Half the staff ate a large daily salad of lucerne sprigs and flowers,
dandelion leaves and flowers, buckwheat leaves and flowers, celery and parsley
leaves, land cress, and a squeeze of lemon juice. They sometimes added
nasturtium leaves and flowers, chopped chives, clover leaves and flowers, and
pansies and borage flowers for variation. Needless to say, not one of the ‘salad
eaters’ got a cold or flu that winter and every one of the ‘non-salad eaters’ did!
Lucerne is vitally important for convalescents who need easily assimilated
nutrients and it should be added to their daily diet in the form of teas and soups,
with the fresh leaves and flowers added to salads. Lucerne also has substantial
oestrogenic activity, which is good news for treating menopause symptoms and
irregular menstrual cycles.
Lucerne wash for insect bites, stings and inflammation
This soothing wash is vital for people working in gardens, where a bite or sting is an everyday occurrence.
Boil a large pot of lucerne and soapwort flowering sprigs in enough water to
cover, for 30 minutes. Cool for 20 minutes, then strain. Fill spritz spray bottles
with this soothing brew, or soak cloths in it, for binding over the inflamed areas,
and also use it to wash with.
1 banana, peeled
½ cup lucerne leaves and flowers 1 apple, peeled and cored
1 tablespoon sunflower seeds
½ cup stoned dates, cut into pieces ½ cup sultanas, soaked
1 cup fresh fruit juice, e.g. mango, orange or litchi Whirl all the ingredients in a
liquidiser, then sip slowly straight away, adding a little water if it is too thick.
Iced avocado and lucerne soup
A delicious lunchtime dish, this soup is a quick energiser and easy to make. Prepare it no more than an
hour before serving as the avocados discolour quickly.
2 ripe avocados
Sea salt and black pepper to taste 2 sticks celery, finely chopped, leaves included
Juice of 1 lemon
2 cups plain Bulgarian yoghurt ½ cup lucerne flowers and a few leaves, finely
chopped 1½ cups good chicken stock
chopped 1½ cups good chicken stock
½ teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 tablespoon parsley, finely chopped Peel and cut up the avocados, add the
lemon juice, sea salt and pepper, and mash finely. Add the rest of the
ingredients except the parsley, whipping smoothly until they are well blended.
Chill in the refrigerator, resting the bowl on a bed of ice. Serve the soup
chilled in individual bowls, sprinkled with parsley and decorated with lucerne
flowers. This soup is particularly good served with salty biscuits.
1 teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 cup flour
1 extra-large egg
½–⅓ cup warm water
To make the batter, mix the salt and cayenne pepper into the flour, break the egg
into it and mix again. Add the warm water and mix to a light batter, adding a
little extra water if necessary. Have a large flat pan ready with hot sunflower oil.
Dip each vegetable and flower individually into the batter and then place in
the pan. Do four or five pieces at a time. Fry until crisp and golden, remove with
a slotted spoon, and drain on kitchen towel.
To make the hot ginger sauce, dissolve the honey in the hot water. Place all
the ingredients in a screw-top jar and shake well. Pour the sauce into a bowl and
serve as a dip with the hot tempura.
serve as a dip with the hot tempura.
Pick lucerne leaves and add to salads just before serving so that they
do not wilt (wilting will build up flatulence!). Grow alfalfa sprouts too,
as lucerne seed is one of the quickest and most delicious of the
sprouting seeds to cultivate.
Tagetes patula • T. erecta
Propagate from seed, as marigold is a summer annual. Sow in spring where it is
to grow, in deeply dug well-composted beds in full sun. Also sow seeds in trays
for pricking out and planting, spaced 30–50 cm apart depending on size. Water
three times per week. Harvest flowers continuously as the more you pick the
more they produce. Marigolds are an asset next to anything – they literally fight
off insect attack, offer shade and often support. Even delicate plants thrive near
off insect attack, offer shade and often support. Even delicate plants thrive near
them. They are exceptionally useful in treating nematodes, white fly, red spider,
mildew and even the resistant mealie bugs.
I have grown my best tomatoes with tall marigolds, and spread the seed
thickly between rows of raspberries and fruit trees, keeping the soil moist and
well composted for weeks on end. Cut marigold plants make a superb ‘straw’ for
strawberries and no crickets, slugs, snails or beetles will venture near them, and
by growing small marigold plants between strawberries you will have a bumper
crop of perfect fruit. Try plantings between rows of beetroot, green peppers,
bush beans and cherry tomatoes.
Used for centuries as a safe medicine, the brilliant petals of the marigold make
an excellent tea that is a safe diuretic, flushing toxins from the kidneys and
bladder and easing water retention and swollen feet. To make the tea, pour a cup
of boiling water over ¼ cup fresh petals and a piece of leaf. Let the tea stand for
five minutes, stir once or twice, and strain. Add a squeeze of lemon juice and a
touch of honey if desired. The Mexicans and Spaniards add half a teaspoon of
aniseed and two cloves, lightly crushed, as a daily tea for indigestion, colic,
aniseed and two cloves, lightly crushed, as a daily tea for indigestion, colic,
flatulence and heartburn.
In the 17th and 18th centuries, hot marigold tea with aniseed was served as
an after-dinner drink at inns, and dried marigold petals were sprinkled over rich
indigestible dishes. Later the Spaniards served hot marigold teas made with a
dash of brandy or whisky as a nightcap to aid sleep.
Marigold baths were used to relieve rheumatism and the aches of old age,
and compresses of warmed petals wrung out in hot cloths were used over
arthritic and rheumatic joints. Whole plants were laid on mattresses covered with
a blanket to relieve aching backs.
The Mexicans still use hot compresses of marigold petals on horses with sore
legs or backs, and drenches were once made to rid livestock of ticks, fleas and
Boil the marigold in the water for 20 minutes. Add the brew to a bath of warm
water to ease rheumatism and the aches and stiffness of old age.
Marigold mixed spice
¾ cup dried marigold petals ½ cup crushed coriander seed ½ cup fennel seed
½ cup dried oreganum
¾ cup dried thyme
½ cup celery seed
1 cup coarse sea salt
½ cup black peppercorns
Mix the ingredients together thoroughly and spoon into a pepper grinder. Grind
slowly and taste as you go. This spice is a taste sensation, delicious on fish with
a squeeze of lemon juice and some grated lemon zest. It is also perfect with
chicken, hardboiled eggs and mayonnaise, and with cheese and newly baked
brown bread it becomes the Mexicans’ favourite lunch!
Dried marigold petals can be used in soups, stews, sauces and with
mixed spices. To dry them, spread the petals, split from their calyxes,
on sheets of brown paper in the shade. Turn them daily. Once dry,
store them in glass jars with well-fitting lids.
Heat the olive oil in a heavy-bottomed pot and fry the onions until golden
brown. Add the marigold petals and stir-fry quickly. Now add all the other
ingredients, one at a time. Stir-fry gently as each ingredient goes in. Check that
the mixture is not too dry and have a small jug of water nearby. Turn the heat
down, cover the pot, check there is enough water and cook until everything is
soft and tender. The mango cooks down to a sauce and the secret is to never let it
dry out. Serve hot and fragrant with rice or millet.
Marigold flea-repelling lotion for dogs
Boiling water
1 large bucketful roughly chopped marigold flowers with stems and leaves
Chopped khakibos leaves, stems and flowers (if available) Pour enough
boiling water over the marigolds and khakibos to completely submerge the
boiling water over the marigolds and khakibos to completely submerge the
plants, and leave covered to draw overnight. The next morning strain, wring a
cloth out in this strong brew and wipe over the dogs to get rid of fleas. Place
marigold sprigs in the dogs’ beds, with khakibos under the pillow – the fleas
will flee and the itching and scratching should come to an end!
Milk thistle
Silybum marianum
Remove the seeds carefully from the dry ripe seed heads, and sow in individual
seed trays filled with fine compost. Germination is quick and reliable and the
tiny seedlings can be pricked out and transplanted gently into individual bags
filled with rich moist compost as soon as they are big enough to handle. Keep
the bags in light shade and check daily to keep them moist.
the bags in light shade and check daily to keep them moist.
Prepare beds in full sun using deeply dug richly composted soil. Plant the
seedlings 1 m apart as the flowering heads will reach 1.5 m in height and the
plants need space. Run a hose into the bed in a gentle trickle so that the water
reaches the roots. Twice-weekly is often enough, but check in hot weather.
Milk thistle is a robust annual, sometimes a biennial. Seedlings appear in
spring, so be on the lookout for them as they can be transplanted only when they
are very small and young. Once you have grown milk thistle you will always
have it!
Milk thistle has been used for literally thousands of years. Although its
ancient uses were recorded in the early herbals and pharmacopoeias, it was
only in the 1970s that German researchers discovered the exceptional
flavolignans, collectively known as silymarin, that protect the liver so
effectively by rejecting toxins and blocking their entry through cell
membranes. When the liver is under stress, be it through excessive intake of
alcohol, coal-tar drugs such as painkillers (codein, aspirin), chemotherapy,
or antibiotics, milk thistle comes to the rescue.
Milk thistle was recorded as a vegetable in its native Europe and Asia,
and was cultivated in fields around the Mediterranean. The flowers were
picked young and de-thorned, and became a valuable addition to soups and
stews. Monks used the pink thistle tufts on the tops of the flowers to make a
medicinal tea taken to restore internal health, to ease nausea and biliousness
and to lift depression associated with liver damage. In 1597 The Herball of
General Historic of Plants recorded milk thistle as the treatment for
‘melancholy diseases’.
Today hepatitis is a common ailment and milk thistle has become a
valuable treatment under medical supervision. Cirrhosis of the liver is also
common now, often due to alcohol and drug abuse, and the fields of milk
thistle grown in many countries are gaining in size as the pharmaceutical
industry expands. Over-the-counter milk thistle formulations in capsule and
tablet form are readily available in pharmacies today.
Milk thistle scavenges free radicals and boosts protein synthesis in the liver to
repair damaged cells, especially after drinking. It is literally the best cure for a
hangover and a 500 mg capsule bought from the chemist taken three times
hangover and a 500 mg capsule bought from the chemist taken three times
during the day after over-indulgence will help to repair and detoxify the
overloaded liver. However, excessive drinking is dangerous and the liver can
become so damaged that nothing can save it.
Milk thistle counters the absorption of toxic substances such as paraffin, and
even inhaled poisons like insect sprays; however the correct dose must be
administered immediately by a doctor. It will speed up recovery following
chemotherapy and help to limit the liver damage and side-effects of
chemotherapy once the cycle is complete and the patient is undergoing rest and
A cup of milk thistle tea once or twice daily will help to restore the liver to
health. To make the tea, pour a cup of boiling water over ¼ cup fresh sliced
flowers, with the spines removed. Allow the tea to stand for five minutes, stir
well, strain, and sip slowly. Milk thistle seeds can be removed from the dried
flower heads and stored in sealed glass jars. A teaspoonful or two of the seeds
added to cleansing teas with fennel flowers, aniseed and coriander seed, or even
simply with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice and a little honey will help to keep
the arteries clear of cholesterol and the liver free of fatty build up from rich food.
Milk thistle is used in homeopathic medications to treat the liver, gall
bladder, gall stones and depression, and is considered one of the most important
remedies of the 21st century!
Simmer milk thistle flowers and fruit juice with the lid on for 20 minutes. Add
the aniseeds, linseeds, and lucerne flowers and buds. Leave it covered and allow
it to cool. Strain, discard the flowers and seeds, add a little iced water and serve
with crushed ice. Sip slowly. Make it fresh daily; it is literally an investment in
health. Add carrot juice with pineapple for a change.
Milk thistle vegetable soup
I found this age-old recipe in an old herbal and often make it in winter when the new milk thistle plants
appear. It is delicious and a tonic for the liver.
Heat the olive oil in a heavy-bottomed pot. Brown the onions; add the chopped
celery and stir-fry. Next add the shredded cabbage and stir-fry, followed by all
the remaining ingredients except the salt, red pepper and lemon juice. Simmer
the soup for 40 minutes or until the barley is tender. Add a little water if it is too
thick and finally add the lemon juice, salt and red pepper to taste. Serve it in big
bowls with freshly baked brown bread. I try to make this soup often as it is so
important to keep the liver clear of toxins; on the days that I make it I also drink
milk thistle tea with slices of lemon (see medicinal section).
When the flower heads are young and tender, snip off the thorns and
boil the flowers as you would globe artichokes. Serve them with butter,
salt and black pepper and lemon juice.
Add fresh chopped milk thistle leaves to tomato sauces, tomato
bredies and mutton stews that include carrots, tomatoes and sweet
potatoes. Thinly sliced leaves, with their spiny edges cut away, can be
steamed into a delicious ‘spinach’ served with a rich cheesy white
sauce as a popular ‘peasant food’. Be creative as the leaves and flowers
are rich in vitamins and minerals the body needs.
Mentha species
Garden mint
All mints need moist, rich soil and do best in partial shade in damp areas, but
will also flourish in full sun as long as their roots are in water or very moist soil.
Propagation is by means of roots pulled off the mother plant and planted
immediately into wet soil. The mints constantly seek new ground, so it is a good
idea to edge the bed with plastic or plant the mint in tubs to prevent them from
spreading uncontrollably. Provide a rich dressing of compost twice a year to
prevent the mint bed from becoming depleted.
All the edible mints are anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antibacterial,
antispasmodic, antiflatulent and effective stimulants. A mint tea, made by
standing a thumb-length sprig in a cup of boiling water for five minutes, eases
digestion and provides relief from abdominal discomfort and stomach upsets.
During exam time a cup of peppermint tea works wonders to help concentration
and ease nervous energy. During menopause, peppermint flower tea will relieve
hot flushes and help ease digestive problems, take away a bloated feeling and
help heartburn and a rapidly beating heart. Peppermint tea will also relieve cold
and flu symptoms. Chew a sprig of any mint and the flower to sweeten the
breath, and use the mint tea as a gargle and mouthwash to clear mouth and gum
Mint lotion will soothe itchy, inflamed areas, mosquito bites and rashes, and
if added to the bath it will soothe sunburn, windburn and chapped winter skin.
Mint lotion
Use this lotion for itchy, sunburned and chapped skin.
3 cups mint flowers and leaves (especially peppermint and spearmint) 3 litres
Boil the mint flowers and leaves in the water for 10 minutes. Allow the lotion to
cool, then strain and pour into a spritz bottle and spray the area or dab on with
cotton wool pads soaked in the brew. Alternatively, add to the bath for a relaxing
Mint footbath
3 litres mint lotion
3–4 drops peppermint essential oil Make the mint lotion as per the recipe above.
Add the peppermint essential oil and soak the feet for 10 minutes. This will
soothe tired feet beautifully. It can also be used as a spritz spray to repel
Mint digestive tea
This tea is great for colic, flatulence and bloating.
1 cup mint flowers and sprigs ½ tablespoon aniseed flowers and seeds ½
tablespoon caraway flowers and seeds ½ tablespoon fennel flowers and seeds
1 litre water
Simmer the ingredients together for 20 minutes. Cool for 10 minutes, then strain.
Sweeten with a touch of honey and sip slowly. Keep excess in the fridge and
warm a cup as and when needed.
Chocolate mint mousse
Use the leaves and flowers of chocolate mint (M. spicata var. piperita) in this recipe.
250 g plain dark chocolate, broken into little pieces 1 tablespoon finely chopped
chocolate mint leaves and flowers 4 eggs, separated
1 cup cream, lightly beaten
1 tablespoon good filter coffee ½ cup thick cream, whipped for decoration
Chocolate mint flowers for decoration Break up the chocolate and melt it with
the mint leaves and flowers in a double boiler. Beat the egg whites into soft
peaks. Beat the egg yolks and stir carefully into the melted chocolate. Add the
cream and stir well. Add the dissolved coffee. Finally, fold in the egg whites.
Spoon into pretty dishes, decorate with the whipped cream and sprinkle with
chocolate mint flowers. Serve chilled.
1 medium-sized watermelon
½ –1 cup white or castor sugar ¾ cup chopped spearmint leaves and flowers Cut
the watermelon in half, with a zigzag edge. Scoop out the flesh in neat balls
using a melon baller and remove the pips where possible. Keep chilled until
ready to serve.
Meanwhile mix the sugar with the chopped spearmint leaves and flowers
(pull the flowers off their stems and break them into tiny pieces). When you are
ready to serve, layer the watermelon balls with the mint and sugar mixture in one
half of the watermelon shell. Pile the watermelon balls high and end with a layer
of sugar and mint. Decorate with sprays of mint leaves and flowers.
Arrange the mushrooms in an ovenproof baking dish, cutting the larger ones in
half if they are too big. Top with onion rings and tomatoes, sprinkle with salt and
pepper and the mint flowers and leaves. Add the stock. Mix the breadcrumbs and
mozzarella cheese together and sprinkle over the dish. Bake at 180°C for about
20 minutes or until the onions and mushrooms are tender and the topping lightly
browned. Decorate with mint flowers and serve piping hot with brown rice.
Moringa oleifera • Drumstick tree
This small, dainty, shrub-like tree with its creamy white, sweetly scented
flowers and light green, fern-like foliage is attractive enough to be a focal
point in a tropical or subtropical garden. It is native to India, where it has
long been cherished and respected not only for its dainty appearance, but
also for its importance as a nourishing staple food. In many Indian
households moringa is on the daily menu in one form or another: the leaves
are cooked with tomato and onions as spinach; the pods are used in
traditional sauces and chutneys, soups and stews; and the flowers are used in
stir-fries and puddings. All parts of the tree are rich in protein, vitamins and
stir-fries and puddings. All parts of the tree are rich in protein, vitamins and
minerals, including calcium, phosphorus, vitamin C, iron and folic acid, as
well as beta-carotene, which is essential for healthy vision.
The moringa needs full sun and does well even in a neglected corner, pushing up
its pretty fragile branches against all odds. I planted a specimen in a deep, well-
composted hole and it grew 4 m in height in one year!
Propagation of the moringa is by seed. Once the pod ripens, it splits to reveal
about 10 winged seeds. Rub the seeds on a stone to weaken the casings and plant
the seeds in individual bags in moist sand. Germination takes about two months.
The moringa has a long tap root and the seedlings do not like to be disturbed
once established, so when planting them out into their final positions in full sun,
be very careful how you slit the bag and lower the plants into the hole. Make a
big ‘dam’ around the sapling and flood it with water once or twice a week until it
is well established. Thereafter a weekly watering will ensure an abundant crop of
leaves and flowers. The moringa can grow 3 m in a year.
Medicinal uses of the leaves and flowers have been well recorded in India’s
pharmacopoeias. They stabilise blood pressure, purify the blood, and build
strong bones and teeth due to their high calcium content. The juice of the leaves
followed by coconut water is an acknowledged remedy for dysentery and
diarrhoea, and the leaves added to carrot juice makes an effective diuretic.
The roots are used as a heart medicine and to bring down fever; oil from the
seeds is used for gout and rheumatism; the gum from the trunk helps with dental
caries and gum ailments; a poultice of leaves soothes glandular swellings and
headaches; leaves and flowers help prevent infections of all kinds, especially
throat, chest and skin infections; and the juice of the leaves will clear blackheads
and pimples. What a plant!
To clear river water of organic pollution, add 1 cup dried powdered moringa
seeds to one bucket of river water.
1 cup moringa flowers and buds 1 moringa leaf, well pressed down 4½ cups
Simmer all the ingredients for 20 minutes with the lid on, stirring frequently,
crushing the flowers. Strain. Drink a cup with a little honey and a good squeeze
of lemon juice for a sore throat, gum infection, mouth ulcer, bleeding gums, a
cough and phlegm on the chest. Warm up a cup of this excellent brew at a time
and drink the litre during the day. For rashes, itchy inflamed insect bites,
infected scratches, grazes and cuts, use the tea as a wash, lotion or spritz spray.
The tea can also be used in a poultice. Soak a pad of cotton wool in the brew and
bind it in place with a crêpe bandage. Refresh the poultice three times a day,
using a freshly soaked pad.
Moringa health salad
This basic salad can be varied with vegetables in season. The mung beans and alfalfa sprouts are an
excellent addition.
2 cups moringa leaves and flowers, stripped off their stems 1 cup chopped celery
1 cup chopped green pepper 1 cup chopped peeled cucumber 2 cups watercress
1 cup cooked fresh asparagus spears 2 cups diced pineapple
1 cup diced mangetout or sugar snap peas 2 cups butter lettuce or kale leaves
Mung beans (optional)
Alfalfa sprouts (optional) Mix all the ingredients together lightly. Serve with
lemon juice and sprinkle with finely chopped parsley. Decorate with moringa
2 cups chickpeas
2 bay leaves
2 bay leaves
1 large onion, finely chopped Olive oil
2 tomatoes, skinned and chopped 2 cups moringa flowers and leaves 2 teaspoons
fresh origanum 1–2 tablespoons freshly grated ginger 2 tablespoons soy sauce
2 tablespoons runny honey
2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 tablespoons good fruit chutney Soak the chickpeas overnight. In the morning
place them in fresh water with the bay leaves and boil until tender. Discard the
bay leaves and drain. Meanwhile, fry the onion in a little olive oil. Add the
tomatoes and stir-fry quickly. Add the moringa flowers and leaves, origanum
and freshly grated ginger. Mix the soy sauce, runny honey, lemon juice and
chutney together, and stir this into the simmering tomato mixture. Finally, add
the chickpeas and stir well so that they are coated with the fragrant mixture.
Serve hot with crusty brown bread and decorate with fresh moringa flowers.
1½ cups sago
2 cups milk
¾ cup honey
1 stick cinnamon
2 apples, peeled and grated 2 pears, peeled and grated 2 bananas, thinly sliced
1 cup moringa flowers, removed from their stalks Simmer the sago in a double
boiler with the milk, honey and cinnamon for about an hour, or until tender.
Add more milk if necessary. Meanwhile, prepare the fruit and keep it covered
so that it does not discolour. As soon as the sago is tender and transparent,
remove the cinnamon stick and fold in the fruit and moringa flowers. Serve
hot with plain yoghurt or a little cream, decorated with moringa flowers.
Verbascum thapsus • Verbascum • Aaron’s rod • Our
Lady’s taper
Native to Europe, this beautiful tall biennial once enjoyed pride of place in
many gardens but in modern times it has sadly been all but forgotten. In its
first year it forms a large rosette of huge, soft, downy, grey-green leaves; in
medieval times people suffering from cold feet were advised to line their
slippers with these furry leaves on winter nights! In the second year a tall
slippers with these furry leaves on winter nights! In the second year a tall
spire of brilliant yellow flowers is produced, and a mass of tight buds. The
spire can reach well over 1 m in height and makes mullein an eye-catching
border plant. The flowers appear all summer long until finally the spike dries
off, scattering a multitude of seeds. In days gone by the tall flowering spike
was dried, dipped in tallow and burned as a taper, usually in funeral
processions, but also on feast days and in religious ceremonies.
Mullein requires full sun and is unfussy as to soil type. Although it prefers well-
drained, compost-rich soil, it will grow easily in the most inhospitable places and
needs no attention whatsoever other than a good weekly watering. Transplant the
seedlings when they are still small but just big enough to handle as they have a
long tap root that does not like to be disturbed. Both flowers and leaves can be
dried for winter use, although I find that the plant survives the frost and strong
cold winds well.
Since the first century AD, mullein has been used as an expectorant to treat
coughs and pleurisy. A syrup made from honey and mullein was used to treat
chest conditions, coughs, bronchitis, pneumonia and chronic catarrh, and it was
added to fruit dishes for children suffering from colds. A poultice of warmed
leaves was used to ease muscular aches and rheumatic pains, and an ointment
made with leaves and lard was found to be excellent for haemorrhoids and
varicose veins.
Modern science has proved that this easy-to- grow plant is indeed amazingly
beneficial for a wide variety of illnesses, including respiratory ailments, hay
fever, sinusitis, feverish chills (it promotes sweating), eczema and earache.
Mullein can be taken as a tea for all these ailments, once or twice a day. To
make the tea, pour a cup of boiling water over ¼ cup fresh leaves and a couple
of flowers. Allow the tea to infuse for five minutes, and then strain. It is also
useful as an antiseptic wash for wounds and infected grazes and scratches.
Simmer the flowers and leaves in the water with the lemon rind for 15 minutes
with the lid on. Strain, and discard the leaves, rind and flowers. Add the lemon
juice and honey. Mix well. Drink ½–¾ cup at intervals through the day (about
five times a day), and make fresh batches of the syrup frequently.
Strawberry and mullein mousse
This delectable dessert is perfect for a summer lunch.
8–10 carrots, peeled and thinly sliced lengthways 1 large onion, finely chopped
A little olive oil
2 cups thinly sliced mushrooms 1 cup milk
2 cups cooked butter beans ½ cup brown sugar
½ cup honey
Sea salt and black pepper to taste 1 cup mullein flowers ½ cup parsley
4 slices wholewheat bread ½ cup butter or sunflower oil Cook the carrots in
salted water until tender, then drain. Meanwhile, fry the onion in a little olive
oil, add the mushrooms and milk, and simmer gently. Add the butter beans,
sugar and honey and stir in the drained carrots. Add the salt and pepper and
stir gently so as not to break up the carrots. Finally, add the mullein flowers
and spoon into a serving dish.
To make the croutons, cut the wholewheat bread into small squares and fry
them in a little butter or sunflower oil in a flat pan, turning them frequently.
Drain them on absorbent paper. Add the hot croutons to the carrot dish and
sprinkle with parsley. Serve with a green salad.
Brassica alba • B. nigra
Black and white mustard crops have been grown since medieval times and
mustard is still cultivated around the world for use medicinally and as a
condiment. From its native Middle East and Mediterranean areas, its
popularity spread through India, China and Burma across to America.
Mustard is rich in minerals, including high levels of phosphorus as well as
calcium, iron, potassium, and vitamins A, B and C. Today mustard is being
calcium, iron, potassium, and vitamins A, B and C. Today mustard is being
researched for its ability to boost the immune system.
Mustard is such an easy crop to grow that it seems a pity so few gardeners
consider it. A fast-growing annual, it needs full sun and fertile soil, rich in
humus. As a child I grew mustard and cress on wet cotton wool and it was a
wonderfully rewarding experience, one that modern children seem to hardly
know. Keep sowing new rows of mustard so that you can reap the seeds and use
the new flowers and leaves at the same time. The plant can literally be eaten
when only 1 cm high, and as a garden subject its bright yellow flowers will bring
you pleasure and good health, and butterflies too!
Mustard seeds, leaves and flowers are a marvellous circulatory stimulant and a
noteworthy alkaline food. Mustard greens (the flowers and young tender seeds
included) compare very favourably with other leafy green vegetables, with the
added advantage that they do not have a high oxalic acid content, which robs the
body of nutrients. Mustard’s alkaline nature aids digestion, and it is both a good
antispasmodic herb and a diuretic. It has been used for centuries to treat
bronchitis and pleurisy; it is believed to have antiseptic properties; and it helps to
relieve arthritis, rheumatism and urinary tract ailments. The old-fashioned
mustard foot bath recommended in our grandmothers’ day at the first sign of a
feverish cold or flu is really effective.
Fresh mustard leaves and flowers in a daily salad make an excellent tonic,
but for treating constipation, bronchitis and pneumonia there is no better
medicine than a mustard soup. The flowers and leaves can also be used to make
a superb immune-building drink.
Crush the seeds and flowers and mix into the hot water. Soak the feet for 10
minutes. In addition to aching feet, this bath helps with fatigue, coughs and
Mustard tonic soup
Take this soup when suffering from urinary tract infections, bronchitis or pneumonia.
Simmer the mustard, celery, parsley and beetroot leaves in the water for 10
minutes. Liquidise and season with lemon juice only. Take about a cupful, hot,
twice a day. It is a comforting tonic and helps to get rid of phlegm.
Blend the ingredients together in a liquidiser until smooth, and drink twice a day.
Homemade mustard
Use this mustard as a spread on sandwiches, or serve it as a delicious condiment with cold meat or warm
chicken, fish and meat. It makes a superb gift too.
4 cups cucumber, peeled and thickly sliced 2 cups cauliflower florets 4 cups
small pickling onions 4 cups green peppers, cut into strips 1 cup red peppers,
cut into strips 2 cups mustard flowers
2 tablespoons mustard seeds 2 cups brown sugar
4 cups brown grape vinegar 1 tablespoon sea salt
Wash the vegetables thoroughly in salted water and pack them attractively into
glass jars with the mustard flowers. Boil the mustard seed with the sugar,
vinegar and salt for 15 minutes with the lid on. Pour the hot mixture over the
vegetables until the bottle is full. Seal immediately and store in a dark cupboard.
Brown the onions in the oil in a large pot. Add all the vegetables and stir-fry
briefly. Add the stock and simmer. Mix the spices with a little water. Add the
spice mixture, nuts, raisins, mustard flowers, coconut, honey and salt. Simmer
with the lid on until the vegetables are tender. Serve decorated with fresh
mustard flowers and brown rice.
mustard flowers and brown rice.
Myrtus communis
In ancient times myrtle was dedicated to Venus, the Roman goddess of love,
and it was carried in bridal bouquets to symbolise love and constancy.
Myrtle is native to the warmer, temperate climates of southern Europe, and
has been used for over 2 000 years as a flavouring, a perfume, a cosmetic
and a medicine. The more one grows myrtle the more impressed one
becomes, as the entire plant is usable. In Chile, myrtle seeds and dried
becomes, as the entire plant is usable. In Chile, myrtle seeds and dried
flower buds are used to make a type of coffee, and the flowers are used in
pickles. The aromatic leaves and stems are important ingredients in
potpourris, as well as being a good insecticide.
Myrtle is easily cultivated, but slow-growing. It grows 1–3 m in height, and with
its evergreen, glossy leaves, it can be placed in an eye-catching position in the
garden as it never has an off period. It makes a superb, tough hedge and takes
clipping and pruning beautifully. It needs full sun, well-composted soil and a
deep weekly watering to do really well. Propagation is by means of cuttings,
which root easily.
Myrtle buds and flowers have been found to contain quite high quantities of
vitamin C, malic and citric acid and an array of minerals. Both leaves and
flowers are astringent and antiseptic. The leaves have a marvellous skin-
cleansing action and can be made into a lotion that soothes skin rashes, oiliness
and problem skins. The same lotion makes an excellent wash for infected bites
as it is both antiseptic and astringent. Recent research has revealed that myrtle
contains a substance that has a substantial antibiotic action, which explains why
it is so quick to clear up infection and why it is effective in treating acne. Taken
as a tea, it helps to relieve urinary tract disorders. To make the tea, pour a cup of
boiling water over ¼ cup of flowers. Let it stand for five minutes, then strain and
sip slowly, with a touch of honey if desired.
A poultice of flowering sprigs soaked in hot water and bound over a sprain
or bruise as hot as is comfortable, will immediately disperse the haematoma and
lessen the tension and swelling over the sprain. For many years I made a
beautiful myrtle vinegar that I found to be helpful for sprains and bruises in my
physiotherapy practice.
Boil the flowering sprigs in the water for 10 minutes. Cool and strain. Use on
Boil the flowering sprigs in the water for 10 minutes. Cool and strain. Use on
cotton wool pads as a toner for oily spotty skin, as a spray to keep the skin moist,
or as a wash on infected bites.
Fill a bottle with myrtle flowering sprigs and top it up with white grape vinegar.
Stand the bottle in the sun for 10 days. During that time strain out the old sprigs
and replace with new ones twice so that the minerals and vitamins in the myrtle
leach into the vinegar. Finally, rebottle and press one myrtle sprig into the bottle
for identification. Add the vinegar to the bath or use on a warmed cloth over
bruises and sprains to ease the pain.
Myrtle pepper
This deliciously spicy pepper is very easy to prepare and makes a super gift for the keen cook.
1 cup dried myrtle flowers 1 cup dried myrtle flower buds ½ cup coriander seeds
½ cup peppercorns
½ cup dried paprika pieces or ¼ cup powdered paprika ½ cup powdered nutmeg
½ cup dried thyme
Mix the ingredients together and store in a screw-top jar. Shake the pepper
thoroughly, and spoon small quantities into a grinder. Leave a little space at the
top of the grinder so that the mixture can be shaken every now and then. Grind
onto savoury dishes such as pasta, egg, cheese and potato dishes.
2 cups finely grated cheddar cheese 1 cup smooth cottage cheese 2 teaspoons
mustard powder 1 cup mayonnaise
½ cup myrtle flowers, calyxes removed 1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1 tablespoon finely chopped capers or nasturtium seeds 1 teaspoon celery seed
1 tablespoon finely chopped tarragon Juice of 1 lemon
Mix the ingredients together well, making sure that everything is blended
thoroughly. Spread on toast, top with tomato slices and place under the grill until
it bubbles.
1 tablespoon butter
5 apples, peeled and coarsely grated ½–¾ cup sugar
Juice of 1 lemon
½ cup sunflower seeds
½ cup crystallised ginger, cut into small, thin pieces ½ cup chopped pecan nuts
½ cup myrtle flowers, calyxes removed ½ cup apple juice
Heat the butter in a pan or wok, and add the apple. Stir-fry quickly, then add the
sugar and mix well. Next add the lemon juice and all the other ingredients and
sugar and mix well. Next add the lemon juice and all the other ingredients and
stir well. Should it become too dry, add a dash more apple juice. Serve piping
hot with whipped cream.
Tropaeolum majus
Growing nasturtiums is child’s play – indeed they are a rewarding crop for
children to grow! Merely loosen a bit of soil in full sun and press the big seeds
into it, keep the soil moist, and within a few days the succulent little seedlings
will appear. They thrive in literally any soil, although if the soil is too rich you
will have masses of leaves at the expense of flowers. In a protected area
nasturtiums are biennial, but as they seed themselves with such ease, I pull out
the old plants and let the new young ones take over.
All parts of the nasturtium plant may be used. As a child I was taught to eat a
nasturtium leaf at the first sign of a sore throat, another leaf an hour later, and a
third leaf an hour after that. Only years later did I learn that nasturtiums are high
in vitamin C and that they contain a natural antibiotic. They are still used today
in South America as a treatment for bladder and kidney ailments, for coughs,
colds and flu, and for sore throats and bronchitis. These flowers contain a variety
of vitamins and minerals and have been used through the centuries to treat
scurvy and blood disorders.
In ancient South America, the nasturtium was used as a hair-growth stimulant.
Medical science has now proved that the juice from the flowers and buds
stimulates the tiny capillaries of the scalp!
Boil the herbs in the water for 20 minutes. Cool and strain. Massage the brew
into just-shampooed hair, working it well into the scalp. Rinse off with water
mixed with a dash of apple cider vinegar. Make it fresh each time. The hair tonic
can also be combed into the hair.
Nasturtium salad vinegar
This is a delicious, easily made salad dressing with an almost addictive bite. It can also be used in stir-fries,
and the pickled flowers are delicious too. Some cooks make the vinegar in a wide-mouthed jar packed with
nasturtium flowers so that the flowers can be fished out easily to flavour soups, sauces, stews and gravies.
Nasturtium vinegar in a decorative bottle with a personalised label makes a wonderful gift.
Pack the nasturtium flowers and buds and a leaf or two into an attractive 750 ml
bottle. Add the nasturtium seeds, sesame seeds and mustard seeds. Dribble in the
honey and finally top with good-quality brown grape vinegar. Shake gently,
store out of the sun, and leave to mature for about one month before using. Give
store out of the sun, and leave to mature for about one month before using. Give
the bottle a gentle shake daily in order to disperse the ingredients. It will keep for
several years in a cool place.
Mix all the ingredients together and pile into a bowl. Stand the bowl on a large
glass plate and surround with the toast, crisps or crackers and decorate with
nasturtium flowers.
Ripe nasturtium seeds packed into small bottles of vinegar make a
superb substitute for capers, and they give a delicious bite when sliced
finely into stir-fries. Note that capers are not nasturtium seeds but are
the flower buds of an unrelated shrub, Capparis spinosa, which grows
in the Mediterranean region.
Citrus trees have been in cultivation since the first centuries of civilisation.
Originally from China and southeast Asia, the earliest species moved
westwards via the trade routes to India, then Arabia and finally to the
Mediterranean. Roman records from Palestine in the first century mention
citrus, and from then on citrus trees were cultivated in Italy and the rest of
the Roman world. In 1002, citrus trees were established in Seville in Spain,
and the famous Seville orange, valued for its bitter taste in marmalade, is
still cultivated today. Lemons were cultivated in Egypt by the 10th century
and from then on citrus trees were established in warmer regions around the
Any number of cultivated varieties of citrus are now available to gardeners
worldwide, from tiny kumquats, calamondins and chinottos, which do
exceptionally well in tubs and make enchanting patio plants, to tangerines, limes,
rough-skinned lemons, ruby grapefruit and blood oranges. They are evergreen,
easy to care for and incredibly rewarding to grow. A deep watering twice-
weekly is imperative, and it is important to apply a good dressing of compost
every four months and to check for pests and leaf curl.
All citrus fruits are high in vitamin C, and particularly lemons are excellent for
treating excess acidity in the body. Citrus fruit ease constipation, clear catarrh
and blocked noses, and their high vitamin C and beta-carotene content makes
them vitally important for our daily health. Calcium, phosphorus and magnesium
are present in the fruit, and to some extent in the flowers.
Orange blossom has been found to be sedative, antispasmodic, and an
excellent remedy for depression, anxiety, nervous debility, grief, fear and
insomnia. A tea made from fresh orange blossom will aid sleep and act as a
natural tranquilliser. To make orange blossom tea, pour a cup of boiling water
over one tablespoon of fresh flowers, or half a tablespoon of dried flowers. Let
the tea stand for 3–5 minutes, then strain, sweeten with a touch of honey if
desired, and sip it slowly for any of the above ailments and for poor circulation,
as a natural blood cleanser, for premenstrual tension, fatigue, palpitations and
Orange blossom is astringent and contains a skin-softening oil that is effective in
refining coarse, oily skin. It can be made into a tonic lotion to clear oily skin and
to brighten tired skin, and it can be dabbed onto spots, rough areas and open
Iced tea with orange blossom sugar
Served in tall frosted glasses on a summer afternoon.
1 kg white sugar
1 cup orange or lemon blossom 1 whole nutmeg, cracked with a mallet or using
a pestle and mortar 1 stick cinnamon
1 tablespoon roughly crushed allspice berries (pimento) Mix all the ingredients
together and store in a large, sealed screw-top glass jar. Shake daily.
2 eggs
2 cups icing sugar
Juice of 1 lemon
1 teaspoon vanilla essence Dash of brandy or your favourite liqueur ½–¾ cup
orange blossom, calyxes removed, petals finely chopped Fresh orange
blossom, for decoration Whisk the eggs well with the icing sugar until
creamy. Add the lemon juice. Beat well. Add the vanilla essence, and a dash
of brandy or liqueur, and beat thoroughly. Lastly, fold the orange blossoms in
lightly. Spread the icing onto the cake and decorate with fresh orange
1 cup sago
2 cups hot water
3½ cups milk
¾ cup sugar
1 cinnamon stick
½ cup orange blossom, removed from their calyxes 250 ml cream, whipped
Ground cinnamon
Soak the sago in the hot water for an hour, then strain. In a double boiler, heat
the milk, sago, sugar and cinnamon stick, and simmer on a low heat for about
2½ hours, or until the sago is swollen, transparent and tender. When you are
ready to serve, remove the cinnamon stick and stir the orange blossoms in
lightly. Spoon into individual dishes, smother with whipped cream and dust with
ground cinnamon. Decorate with orange blossoms.
Pansy & viola
Viola lutea • V. tricolor
‘Pansies with their happy faces, grow with joy in sunny places.’ No garden
is complete without an edging or planting of pansies and violas. The
exquisite garden pansy (Viola × wittrockiana) hybrids available today
probably derived from Viola tricolor, V. lutea and possibly V. altaica. The
beautiful markings of these three original pansies were so admired by
gardeners and botanists during the 19th century that pansy societies were
founded to hybridise and improve the species. The array of species available
today is breathtaking in its variety of colours and markings, and there is a
huge selection of seed available. The tiny heartsease, V. tricolor, the
forerunner to the viola and pansy hybrids we know today, originated in
Europe and Asia, but has now spread all over the world. Violas, or ‘little
pansies’, as they are often known, are an enchanting small-flowering variety
and were originally hybridised by James Grive in 1863 from show pansies
crossed with V. cornuta, which come from the Pyrenees, and V. lutea.
Pansies require little attention other than well-dug, compost-rich soil, a twice-
weekly watering and frequent dead-heading to ensure a longer flowering period.
Plant in early winter as the pansy is a cold-weather annual.
The tiny heartsease has been used in herbalism for matters of the heart, hence its
name; it is also used to treat high blood pressure, indigestion, and skin ailments
such as eczema, rashes and inflammation. It can also be used to treat coughs and
colds, stiff, sore joints, gout and rheumatoid arthritis. To ease rheumatism and
aches and pains, add a strong infusion to the bath.
A tea made from flowering V. tricolor sprigs and one or two garden pansies
can be used as a treatment for high blood pressure. Add ¼ cup flowers to a cup
of boiling water; leave the tea to stand for five minutes, then strain. Take one or
two cups daily until the blood pressure normalises, thereafter have one cup on
alternate days or twice-weekly.
CAUTION: Do not take pansies and violas medicinally for prolonged periods,
as this can cause nausea and vomiting. Always allow an 8–10-day break after
using these flowers for two weeks.
Strawberry and pansy granita
This dessert must be made the day before so that it can freeze well.
Liquidise the strawberries with the sugar and lemon juice. Place in a measuring
jug and top up with water to 1.5 litres. Taste and add more sugar if necessary.
Pour into a shallow tray and freeze. Take the tray out every 30–40 minutes and
break up the ice crystals with a fork. Do this four or five times or until you have
a tray of strawberry ice crystals.
The following day, whisk the cream before serving the dessert. Pile the
strawberry crystals into individual bowls, push a pansy or two down the side,
dribble with sherry, top with whipped cream and decorate with pansies. Serve
Line a baking sheet with greaseproof paper and paint it with a little sunflower
oil. Mix the sugar and almonds together and fold into the egg whites with the
vanilla essence. Drop small spoonfuls onto the greased paper, well apart. Bake
for 10–12 minutes at 180°C until faintly golden brown. Cool for a few minutes,
then lift off with a spatula and cool on a wire rack. Store in an airtight tin.
When you are ready to serve the macaroons, mix a little icing sugar
with water, and paint the mixture on the backs of fresh pansy flowers.
Press the pansies onto each macaroon and arrange the macaroons
attractively on a glass plate, decorated with more pansy flowers.
Sow the seeds 30–50 cm apart in deeply dug richly composted soil in full sun
and in a wide furrow so that a hosepipe can be inserted at one end. Sow in March
or early April and set a trellis, fence or lattice for them to climb onto as they are
essentially climbers. Watch over the young pea shoots as birds, cutworms,
essentially climbers. Watch over the young pea shoots as birds, cutworms,
monkeys and squirrels love them! I cover them with leaves to camouflage them
and crisscross sticks over the area. Give them a long slow twice-weekly
watering; as the days shorten, once-weekly is usually sufficient. For the winter
plantings I have successfully grown peas next to carrots, turnips, radishes and
To sprout peas, soak a cupful in a bowl of warm water and leave overnight.
The next morning spread the peas in a shallow dish lined with wet cotton wool.
Keep the peas moist by spritz-spraying them frequently, and allow them to grow
in good light. I place the tray in sunlight for a short while every now and then to
keep them mildew free. When the sprouts are 3–4 cm high pull them up and eat
them fresh and succulent with salads and stir-fries.
The pea is a robust and rewarding crop, perhaps as old as wheat and barley,
and has been eaten as a green vegetable for over 7000 years! It originated in
the Mediterranean basin as both a food and a medicine.
Ancient pharmacopoeias show that peas were recorded in Swiss Bronze
Age burial sites around 5000 BC, and the ancient Greeks and Romans used
peas in great quantities in soups and gruels and as trade. Herbal records
indicate that peas were used as a winter medicine for respiratory ailments,
and that trade in pea greens for medicinal purposes surpassed trade in pea
greens as a food!
In the Middle Ages monks grew peas in their cloister gardens and made
hot pea soups for coughs and colds and to treat the many ailments that
benefitted from them. In 1602 dried peas were taken to America on the
Mayflower and soon became a lucrative trade. A little later, a French
gardener developed the first tender-podded climbing pea, and this became a
favourite gourmet food in the court of Louis XIV. Today peas are grown
commercially in the cool temperate regions of the world, not as greens or
edible flowers, but as ripe pods, and about 20 million tons are grown and
distributed per annum.
Personally I have focused on growing the old antique or heritage
varieties of pea. I use the whole plant, including the succulent flowers,
which are mostly white but also palest pink. These old-fashioned garden
peas are, I believe, the healthiest peas of all! However get to know all
cultivated varieties – sugar snaps, petit pois and mangetout included – as
peas are a health food everyone can relish!
Green peas and their flowers are rich in protein, phosphorus, zinc, manganese,
potassium, magnesium, vitamins B, C and K, folic acid and amino acids. The
whole pea plant should be eaten at least three times a week during the winter
months to act as an invigorating tonic, to fight infections and boost the immune
Peas, flowers and leafy sprigs have long been a respected folk remedy for
detoxifying the liver, and clearing digestive ailments, bloating and cramps. To
make a soothing hot tea, pour a cup of boiling water over half a cup of pea
flowers and one teaspoon of caraway seeds. Leave the tea to stand for five
minutes. Stir it well and sip slowly, chewing the seeds and eating the flowers for
full benefit. This acts as a tonic for the whole system, and taken after a heavy
rich meal, it will quickly relieve indigestion. Pea flowers and mint also make an
excellent digestive tea – pour a cup of boiling water over half a cup of mint
sprigs mixed with pea flowers. Let the tea stand for five minutes, strain and sip
In Asia young tender pea shoots, known as tou mio, are stir-fried with other
vegetables, adding an enormous number of vitamins, minerals and amino acids
to the diet.
4 cups flowering tips of the pea vine, flowers, leaves, tendrils 2 cups chopped
fennel leaves, stems, flowers 2 cups chopped celery
2 teaspoons aniseeds
2 teaspoons caraway seeds 2 litres chicken stock
Juice of 1 lemon
½ cup chopped parsley
Sea salt to taste
Heat the oil in a heavy-bottomed pot. Fry the leeks with the grated potatoes for a
few minutes, stirring frequently. Add the pea shoots and flowers and the cumin
seed, sea salt and pepper, and lastly the chicken stock. Simmer the soup until
tender. Add the lemon juice and taste; a little more salt or lemon juice may be
needed. For a smooth soup, use a stick blender and whirl to a smooth
consistency. Serve piping hot decorated with fresh pea flowers, a grinding of
black pepper and homemade brown bread.
4 cups pea flowers and a few tendrils 2 onions, sliced into rings 12 radishes,
topped and tailed and quartered (add more if there is space) Sauce
1 cup dark grape vinegar
¾ cup honey
¼ cup hot water
2 teaspoons mustard powder 2 teaspoons coriander seeds, lightly crushed Pack
the jars with layers of pea flowers, onion rings and radishes. Simmer the sauce
ingredients together for 10 minutes, and pour the hot sauce over the bottled
ingredients. Seal and label the jars – do not open them before the relish has
matured for two weeks!
The more you pick pea flowers the more they grow, plus they are one
of the best winter salad ingredients. I find that butter lettuce, pea
flowers and tendrils, thinly sliced radishes, and a big squeeze of fresh
lemon juice makes a most satisfying winter salad. Served with
hardboiled eggs, homemade mayonnaise, and homemade brown bread,
this is a meal fit for a king!
Peach blossom
Prunus persica
It is important to choose a variety of peach that will do well in your area as there
are a vast number of cultivated varieties available today. I tend to choose the
earliest of fruiting peaches as this eliminates the need to spray. Tansy planted
under the trees will help to prevent insect attack. Peach trees need rich, well-
composted soil in full sun and can be pruned into attractive small trees that are
perfect even in a small garden. Peaches fruit on young shoots, so pruning is not
difficult. Merely shaping the tree in its first few years will ensure a practical,
attractive shape in years to come.
I am saddened by the decline in popularity of peach, plum, fig and apricot
trees compared with a mere 50 years ago, when every garden had at least one or
two kinds of fruit tree. Their brief early spring flowering is a delight to the eye,
and the first sign that spring is on the way.
Organically grown peaches are a superb health food. Rich in vitamins A and C
and beta-carotene, the fruit (and to a lesser extent the blossom) is alkaline in the
body and helps to eliminate toxins. It is important that peaches are eaten fresh, as
the sugar and sulphur content in tinned and dried fruit are best avoided, and they
should be unsprayed and organically grown. Easily digestible, they are
particularly important for the elderly and they combine beautifully with other
fruits. In 17th century Italy peach blossom was made into a poultice for bruises,
rashes, eczema, grazes and stings.
Tea made from the leaves or blossoms is a marvellous detoxifier for the
kidneys, and the significant calcium, phosphorus and iron content has a tonic
action on the blood. Even today in rural areas around the world peach blossom
tea (and peach leaf tea when the leaves appear in early summer), is made to ease
kidney ailments and urinary tract infections and to clear the body of toxins,
especially after a debilitating illness. To make the tea, pour a cup of boiling
water over ¼ cup fresh or dried blossom. Allow the tea to stand for five minutes,
then strain. Sweeten with honey if liked or add a slice of lemon, and in the case
of an aching kidney area, add a few thin slices of fresh ginger.
CAUTION: Do not use the ornamental flowering peach – only the blossom of
the fruit-bearing peach is used medicinally.
1 bottle clear grape vinegar 1 cup peach blossoms, calyx and petals Press the
peach blossoms, calyx and petals into the vinegar. Cork it securely and give it
a daily shake. After two weeks it will be potent. I leave the blossoms in the
vinegar and with time they become almost translucent. When stung by a wasp,
quickly soak a paper towel or a wad of cotton wool in the vinegar and apply it
to the area. Frequently resoak the poultice in the peach blossom vinegar. Also
suck two Nat Mur tissue salt tablets every 10 minutes for an hour.
Springtime peach blossom sundae
Treat yourself to this exquisite dessert as soon as the blossoms appear, as they are present so briefly. This
springtime sundae is so visually lovely that it is almost a shame to eat it!
4 pears, peeled and diced 2 cups strawberries, hulled and sliced and sprinkled
4 pears, peeled and diced 2 cups strawberries, hulled and sliced and sprinkled
with honey 2 cups mulberries, stalks removed and sprinkled with honey 2
apples, peeled and finely grated 2 bananas, peeled and thinly sliced 1 small
pineapple, finely grated ½ cup pear juice
1 cup cream
¾ cup peach blossom petals Mix the fruits and juice together. Whip the cream,
place the fruit salad in individual glass dishes, add a good dollop of cream,
and sprinkle lavishly with peach blossom petals.
Place the mushrooms stalk side up on a flat baking dish and dot with butter.
Squeeze the lemon juice over them. Place under the grill for about 10 minutes.
Meanwhile, make the sauce. Brown the onion in a little olive oil, add the
tomatoes and simmer until tender. Stir in the honey. Add the oreganum, celery
and seasoning and stir for a minute or two. Pour the sauce over the mushrooms,
and sprinkle with the peach blossom petals and a little chopped parsley. Serve
with brown rice.
Pineapple sage
Salvia elegans • S. rutilans
The sages are a huge family comprising hundreds of species, some of which
are annual, some biennial and some perennial (pineapple sage is perennial).
It is a deliciously scented and flavoured sub-shrub, originating in Mexico
and other parts of South America. In ancient times pineapple sage was used
in sacrificial ceremonies as a gift to the gods. The stems were rubbed onto
floors and pillars to impart their exotic fragrance, and bunches of pineapple
floors and pillars to impart their exotic fragrance, and bunches of pineapple
sage were burned on ceremonial fires to ward off evil spirits. Water
flavoured with pineapple sage flowers was drunk at ceremonies to cleanse
the body before imbibing potent drinks made from prickly pears and other
fermented fruits, and it was also taken afterwards to help relieve hangovers.
Pineapple sage can reach 1 m in height in favourable conditions. It is frost-tender
and sun-loving, and forms a striking feature in the garden with its abundant
multi-stemmed growth. A twice-yearly dressing of compost and a deep weekly
watering is all it requires. In late winter cut back all the flowering stems to
ground level to encourage tender new shoots. The strong, unmistakable
pineapple scent is attractive to butterflies, and just one blazing bush will draw a
host of multi-coloured butterflies to the garden. To propagate pineapple sage, dig
out small tufts of rooted new shoots with a sharp spade and transplant
immediately into well-dug, well-composted soil 1 m apart in full sun. Do not let
the new little clumps dry out, and mulch the ground around them with dry leaves
to protect them against changes of temperature.
Pineapple sage is a member of the great Laminaceae family; like Salvia
officinalis, it has antibiotic properties, and a tea made from the flowers and a few
leaves is an effective treatment for chesty coughs, colds and blocked noses.
Infuse ¼ cup of fresh flowers and leaves in a cup of boiling water and allow the
tea to stand for five minutes, then strain and sweeten with honey. When lemon
juice is added to the tea it makes an effective gargle; this was once popular with
chanters and singers in religious ceremonies, who believed that it strengthened
the voice.
A poultice of crushed flowers will quickly soothe bee stings and mosquito
Simmer the aqueous cream, pineapple sage sprigs, thyme sprigs and comfrey in
a double boiler for 20 minutes. Take it off the heat and allow to stand for 10
minutes. Strain and then add the three oils. Spoon into a sterilised jar. Apply
frequently to the nose and also a little around each nostril. This cream is
antiseptic, antiviral and antibacterial. Treasure it!
A bundle of flowering sprigs tied in a piece of muslin and tossed under the hot
water tap in the bath will soften and soothe sunburned and wind-chapped skin.
The crushed flowers were once used as a cosmetic by country girls who rubbed
them on their cheeks to create a blush. Mashed into a little boiling water and left
to stand until pleasantly warm, the flowers were also rubbed into the nails to
strengthen them and colour them lightly.
Pineapple sage and grapefruit health breakfast
Because of their distinctive pineapple taste, pineapple sage flowers can
be added to drinks, fruit salads and desserts, and their bright red
colour lends an exotic look to any dish. To make an easy dessert for a
hot summer Sunday lunch, scoop balls of vanilla ice cream into a dish
and cover with finely chopped fresh pineapple, sprinkled with lots of
pineapple sage flowers.
2 cups couscous, the instant, commercial kind ½ cup pineapple sage flowers
1 cup finely chopped or grated fresh pineapple ½ cup finely chopped parsley
Juice of 1 lemon
½ tablespoon finely crushed coriander seeds Cook the couscous according to the
directions on the box. I usually soak the grains for five minutes in warm water
and then steam them in a steamer, separating the grains with a fork. When
fluffy and tender, serve on a flat warm dish, and at the last minute sprinkle
with the flowers, pineapple, parsley, lemon juice and coriander seeds. Serve
hot with a rich meat or chicken stew.
1 large, very sweet pineapple or 2 small ones ½ cup fresh mint leaves
3 cups plain white grape juice
Honey to sweeten
Pineapple sage flowers for decoration Peel, chop and liquidise the pineapple.
Add the mint leaves and grape juice and whirl until smooth. Chill until ready
to serve. Just before serving, taste for sweetness. If necessary, add a little
honey and whirl again. Pour into tall glasses and sprinkle with pineapple sage
Plum blossom
Prunus domestica
The plum originated in western Asia and the Caucasus and can be dated
back about 2 000 years. It was first naturalised in Greece and subsequently
throughout the temperate regions of the world, and by the 15th century
plums were grown widely in France and Italy. They were a staple fruit crop
in Britain up until the Second World War, when their popularity waned
unaccountably and plum orchards gave way to other more important food
crops. From then on plums were found mostly in cottage gardens and old
farmyards, and sadly many of the early cultivated varieties were lost for all
Plums favour a heavier, moister soil than most fruit trees, but bear well in most
positions, requiring little attention other than good, rich soil in full sun, a
dressing of compost twice a year, a deep weekly watering, and a winter pruning
that shapes the tree. In colder areas plums do well trained or espaliered in a fan
shape against a wall, and can be pruned vigorously early on, as the branches
often sag under the weight of the fruit. Plant tansy underneath plum trees to keep
fruit flies at bay.
Plant a plum tree near the house to enjoy its fragrance and beauty all year.
Plant a plum tree near the house to enjoy its fragrance and beauty all year.
Today nurseries offer self-pollinating varieties and all plums make a charming
tree, with exquisite white blossoms in spring, and fruit and shade in summer.
Judicious propagation has resulted in about 1 500 varieties, including prunes,
and commercial plum orchards are in vogue once again.
All varieties of plum are rich in minerals and vitamins, but need to have ripened
fully before eating to prevent acidity. They are high in phosphorus, calcium and
vitamins A and C. Fresh plums have a laxative effect, and dried prunes are an
even more potent natural laxative. In ancient Greek medicine, plum blossoms
were used to treat bleeding gums and mouth ulcers, and to tighten loose teeth.
Mixed together with sage leaves and flowers, plum blossoms were used in
plum wine or plum brandy as a mouthwash to soothe a sore throat and mouth
ailments and to sweeten bad breath. As plums and sage both flower in spring, it
is easy to see why they were combined in this way. Plum trees flower
prolifically in spring for a brief period; during this time every year I make plum
blossom vinegar, which has similar benefits in the mouth and throat.
1 cup plum blossoms, fully opened, calyxes included 3 cups apple cider vinegar
Pick the blossoms when they are fully open and push them into a bottle
containing the apple cider vinegar. Give the mixture a daily shake. Do this for
about 10 days, then strain. Discard the old blossoms and replace with a cup of
fresh flowers. Leave them in the bottle for 10 days and then strain. Use one
tablespoon of the vinegar in a glass of water as a rinse, or gargle to clear mouth
infections and sore throats.
Warm two cups of the brandy with the plum blossoms, sage flowers and leaves
and the honey in a double boiler for 20 minutes, stirring gently now and then.
Allow it to cool for 10 minutes, then strain and add to the bottle of brandy, first
pouring out some of the remaining brandy. Carefully insert the blossoms and
sage, top up the bottle with brandy and cork. To use the mouthwash, dilute one
tablespoon of the mixture with half a cup of hot water and swish around the
mouth, a few sips at a time. Keep it in the mouth as long as possible, then
swallow or spit it out.
Plum blossom and pumpkin supper dish
This delicious and comforting supper was made in the old days on the farm in the early spring, when the
nights were still chilly. The last of the winter-stored pumpkins would have been used to make this
deliciously sustaining dish with the first spring plum blossom.
Mix the cheeses together in a food processor to form a smooth paste. Mound the
cheese neatly in the hollow of each celery stick, and sprinkle with sea salt,
paprika and plum blossoms. Serve on a bed of lettuce together with savoury
Plumbago auriculata • Cape leadwort • Cape forget-
Propagation is by means of rooted pieces dug off from the mother plant. New
plants should be planted in a sunny position and will tolerate even poor, dry soil,
making plumbago a valuable garden plant for dry regions where water is in
scarce supply. A newer cultivated variety of plumbago called ‘Royal Cape’ is
available at many nurseries, and is being marketed as far afield as England,
America and Australia. This variety is particularly suitable for large tubs and can
be trained into a small topiary ball; it is especially attractive on account of its
astonishingly brilliant blue flowers.
Plumbago flowers can be used to make a wonderfully soothing cream for
sunburn, burns, spots and rashes. To heal a bruise, place fresh crushed flowers
over the affected area, cover the flowers with the soothing cream and bind in
place with a cloth. Relax for 10 minutes. You will be amazed at the efficacy of
this old-fashioned folk treatment! A crushed flower or two placed over a slow-
to-heal scratch will quickly soothe and heal it. Hold in place with a small plaster.
Mix the crushed flowers in the aqueous cream, then simmer in a double boiler
with the lid on for 25 minutes, stirring well. Strain the cream through a fine sieve
while it is still hot. As it cools, mix in the vitamin E oil. Pour into sterilised jars
and keep in the fridge.
Plumbago flowers make a soothing lotion that beats the heat, refreshes and
revitalises hot greasy skin, refines large pores, and cleanses away perspiration
and grime, and soothes rashes and pimples, clearing away the infection and
Plumbago lotion
For sunburn, blemishes, rashes, pimples and red spots, plumbago lotion is quickly soothing and healing.
Use the flowers with oats and warm water to wash greasy problem skin.
Boil the flowering heads in the water for 10 minutes. Cool, then strain and add
the rosewater. Moisten pads of cotton wool with the fragrant lotion and wipe the
face, or pour into a spritz bottle and spray the face, neck and arms to clear away
grime and perspiration and to cool down. The lotion can also be applied to
scratches, rashes and greasy skin, after the face has been washed well. It also
acts as a refreshing ‘air conditioner’, especially if used on a long summer
Crush half a cupful of plumbago flowers and use the pulp on acne
spots and rashes as a gentle cleanser and scrub. Crush a further
handful of flowers and continue to cleanse the face gently. The pulped
flowers will help heal a rash as well. Apply two or three times a day.
Plumbago fruit jelly
This lovely recipe comes from a farm in the hot, mountainous region of the Eastern Cape. It is a real winner
on a summer’s day.
2 tablespoons sugar
4 cups peeled, sliced peaches or nectarines 4 cups peeled, sliced prickly pears 2
tablespoons gelatine, dissolved in 1 cup warm water 2 cups peach or orange
juice or water 1 cup plumbago flowers, pulled out of their sticky calyxes
Sprinkle the sugar over the peaches and arrange all the fruit in a glass bowl.
Mix the dissolved gelatine and the fruit juice together. Tuck the plumbago
flowers in between the fruit and gently pour the gelatine and juice mixture
over the fruit. Chill. When set, serve with thick farm cream and decorate with
plumbago flowers.
Heat the oil in a heavy cast iron pot, and brown the chops. Add the onions and
potatoes and stir-fry. When they are browned, add the plumbago flowers and just
enough water to make a gravy. Season with salt and pepper and add the lemon
juice. Stir frequently to prevent sticking and add a little more water when
necessary. Turn down the heat, cover and simmer until the potatoes are tender.
Serve piping hot with brown rice and vegetables, decorated with plumbago
Papaver rhoeas • Field poppy • Flanders poppy
The bright red field poppy, Papaver rhoeas, has grown prolifically across
Europe, Asia and the Mediterranean region for thousands of years, where it
has been used as both food and medicine, and as a symbol. In the Victorian
language of flowers the poppy signifies consolation. In Britain at the end of
the First World War the field or Flanders poppy became the flower of
remembrance for those killed at Flanders, the red petals symbolising the red
of their blood. The Shirley poppy (P. rhoeas ‘Shirley’) is descended from
the field poppy and is available in a wide range of colours that are
breathtaking in spring. The opium poppy is quite different from the field
poppy and comes in many forms, from plants with fringed petals to double-
and single-flowered ones with a startling array of petal shapes and colours.
Growth of the opium poppy is strictly controlled due to its potent narcotic
effects. It is the source of the powerful painkillers codeine and morphine,
and morphine’s derivative, heroin.
Collect field poppy seed heads for dried flower arrangements and use the
petals lavishly to decorate salads and fruit salads.
Sprinkle the tiny poppy seeds over moist, well-dug, well-composted soil in full
sun in early autumn. Cover lightly with a scattering of small leaves to retain the
moisture and keep lightly watered daily until they establish and become robust.
Thereafter water twice-weekly.
Field poppy seeds sprinkled out of their ripe capsules were once believed to give
energy and foresight and were treasured and stored for use throughout the year.
Wet petals placed over a pimple or insect bite and left there to dry will soothe
and take away the hot inflammation, and poppy petals steeped in vinegar make a
soothing addition to the bath and will ease itches and rashes.
Poppy petal tea loosens excess mucous during coughs and colds and has
remained a loved country recipe for centuries. To make the tea, steep petals from
three poppies in a cup of boiling water for five minutes. Strain, and add a touch
of honey or a squeeze of lemon juice.
‘Syrup of poppies’ is an ancient remedy for irritable, paroxysmal and
persistent coughs, as well as for insomnia and anxiety. I make it with
elderflowers and chamomile for extra benefit.
CAUTION: The red field poppy is safe, but do not eat or use the opium poppy
medicinally. All parts of it are dangerous except for the fully ripe seeds.
Simmer the ingredients in a double boiler on low heat for 20 minutes, stirring
frequently to keep the flowers submerged. Let the syrup stand for 10 minutes
(keep it covered). Strain the syrup through a fine strainer, pour into well-corked
bottles and store in the fridge. Take a dessertspoonful in a little hot water and sip
slowly – children love it! It is safe, soothing and wonderfully effective.
Poppy petals
1 bottle white grape vinegar Push as many poppy petals as possible into the
bottle of vinegar. The petals will colour the vinegar pink and then deep red as
the vinegar blanches them. Keep the bottle in a warm place out of direct
sunlight for 10 days. Give the vinegar a daily shake, then strain, discard the
old petals, rebottle, add 4 or 5 fresh petals for identification, and cork well.
Use half a cup in the bath, or soak a pad of cotton wool in the vinegar and dab
over itchy areas.
Poppy petal muffins
Quick and simply delicious, these muffins are a treat for Sunday breakfast or a teatime snack.
½ cup sugar
5 tablespoons butter
Zest of 1 lemon
2 tablespoons water
2 cups cake flour
3 teaspoons baking powder 2 eggs
3 teaspoons baking powder 2 eggs
¾ cup milk
¾ cup plain yoghurt
2 tablespoons poppy seeds ½ cup chopped fresh poppy petals Pre-heat the oven
to 180°C. Simmer the sugar, butter, lemon zest and water in a small saucepan
for two minutes, stirring until the sugar dissolves. Mix the flour and baking
powder together. In a separate bowl, whisk the eggs, milk and yoghurt until
creamy. Add the lemon zest and sugar mixture and whisk thoroughly. Add the
flour mixture, poppy seeds and poppy petals. Stir well. Spoon into well-
greased muffin pans, but do not fill them quite to the top as the muffins will
rise. Bake for 15 minutes or until a skewer inserted into the middle of a muffin
comes out clean. Remove from the pan and split the muffins open while still
slightly warm, spread with butter and strawberry jam and top with a little
whipped cream and a poppy petal. Serve immediately.
Poppy brandy
This potent brandy is based on a medieval recipe and can be served as a liqueur, on ice-cream, or on a
sponge cake with cream. It makes a special gift. It is also delicious made with rum instead of brandy.
4 large tomatoes, sliced 2 sweet red peppers, diced 2 cups sliced strawberries 2
cups thinly sliced radishes 1 cup poppy petals
cups thinly sliced radishes 1 cup poppy petals
Poppy seed vinaigrette 3 tablespoons chopped fresh chives ¾ cup olive oil
½ cup brown grape vinegar 2 teaspoons mustard powder ½ cup brown sugar
2 tablespoons poppy seeds Sea salt and black pepper to taste 2 tablespoons
orange juice Arrange the salad ingredients in a flat glass dish. To make the
vinaigrette, place all the dressing ingredients in a screw-top bottle, seal well
and shake. Pour the vinaigrette over the salad just before serving.
Prickly pear
Opuntia ficus-indica • Cactus pear
The prickly pear is easily propagated: merely chop off a leaf and push the stem
end into loose, moist soil. If it is kept watered, it will sprout strong roots and
continue to multiply by bearing more and more thick fleshy leaves. It thrives in
heat and drought and withstands extreme conditions, seemingly unaffected by
wind, hail and storms. Watch out for the brilliant red cochineal bug that was
introduced to control the spread of the cactus. Brush the tiny white flecks off
with a coarse-bristled brush at the first sign. Other than this pest, nothing will
cause this remarkable plant to falter in its steady growth.
Crushed prickly pear petals can be used on insect bites to reduce the swelling
and itch. Medical tests have found the petals and calyx to be rich in flavonoids,
mucilage, fruit acids and sugars, as well as high quantities of vitamin C. The
whole flower is astringent, and in Mexico the peeled, sliced fruit is used to
reduce the pain and redness of scratches, grazes and infected wounds. The
astringency stops the bleeding and tightens the surrounding tissue. The inner
skin peeled from the ripening fruit (thorns removed carefully), makes a
comforting dressing for wounds, burns, rashes and bites.
Because the whole flower has this remarkable astringent action, it is used in
several countries to soothe and heal the gastrointestinal tract, and in cases of
diarrhoea, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, gastric ulcers, colic, heartburn and
flatulence. In many rural areas the whole ripe fruit, which is the entire flower, is
preserved in a syrup of honey and vinegar for the winter months (remove the
thorns beforehand). In America the fruit is eaten fresh throughout the season
(usually four months long) to treat an enlarged prostate gland, an effective folk
remedy that has often astonished doctors. The elongated ‘stem leaves’ from
which the other leaves grow can be used to make a splint for broken bones.
Scrape off the thorns and split the stem leaf in half. Nestle the limb in it and bind
in place.
A couple of leaves that have been gashed or scraped to release their oily
juices can be tossed into a stagnant pool to get rid of mosquito larvae.
The flower petals soon drop off, leaving the swollen calyx or ‘fruit’. This is
The flower petals soon drop off, leaving the swollen calyx or ‘fruit’. This is
the medicinal part, and I learned from the neighbouring farmers to make
poultices using the ripe warmed fruit for bleeding or suppurating wounds.
Prickly pears
Prickly pear flower petals
Boiling water
Peel the prickly pears carefully and mash the ripe pulp with a few flower petals
in a flat dish.
Pour over enough boiling water to cover it and mash again. Take a spoonful
or two of the pulp and gently massage it onto the graze, wearing latex gloves. Do
this until all the warmed pulp is used up and is packed up over the wound. Cover
with a warm wet cloth and bind in place. Leave it on for as long as it is
comfortable and repeat for another day or two. The astringent properties of the
swollen calyx of this thorny flower are amazing, and I have used this easy
poultice to treat many injured farm animals.
Carefully peel the prickly pears, discarding the thorny skin. Slice them and pack
into sterilised glass jars. Warm the honey and vinegar briefly, until the honey
melts into the vinegar. Immediately pour this potent mixture over the sliced fruit,
covering it completely. Seal immediately, label and store in a cool dark place.
When needed, remove some of the fruit and leave it to drain. Eat one tablespoon
daily to treat the prostate and gastric ulcers.
In some areas, the whole fruit (without the thorns) is bottled with the vinegar
and honey. When needed, the thick outer skin is discarded and the fruit rinsed
off before being eaten. This is done so that the sensitive digestive system can
process the peeled fruit without the effects of the vinegar and honey.
process the peeled fruit without the effects of the vinegar and honey.
Prickly pear summer dessert
This deliciously succulent fruit makes a party dessert that gets everyone talking!
20 multi-coloured prickly pears (golden yellow, light green and ruby red)
Whipped cream
Icing sugar
Peel the prickly pears and chill them for at least an hour. Slice them into 1-cm-
thick rounds and arrange the slices on a glass dish. Dot with little blobs of
whipped cream and dust with icing sugar. Serve chilled, and listen to the
1 butter lettuce
1 cup good mayonnaise
8 prickly pears, peeled and sliced into 1-cm-thick rounds 1 small pineapple,
peeled and thinly sliced 2 cups green melon, scooped into balls 1 cup chopped
½ cup chopped basil
½ cup chopped parsley
Sea salt, paprika and black pepper to taste Place the butter lettuce leaves neatly
in a flat glass dish, starting at the edge. Spread a little mayonnaise on each leaf
with a spoon. Arrange the prickly pear and pineapple slices over the lettuce.
Add the melon balls and the celery pieces and spread evenly. Finally, sprinkle
the chopped basil, parsley, sea salt, paprika and black pepper over the salad.
Serve chilled.
Place the prickly pear slices in a porridge bowl. Add the yoghurt and sprinkle
with the sultanas, pecan nuts and cornflakes to add crunch. Dribble with honey
and stir carefully. Enjoy this breakfast outside in the garden!
Pumpkin, squash & marrow flowers
Cucurbita species
All species of Cucurbita are annual. Seed should be sown after the last frosts
have passed, and all need full sun and well-composted soil. Space them 50 cm
apart and water often until the plants are well established. Thereafter they need
very little attention apart from a twice-weekly watering. They can be left to trail,
or they can be trained over fences and arches. For me no summer is complete
without a few vines somewhere in the vegetable garden or even in the back
Hulled pumpkin seeds liquefied with a little milk were traditionally used to treat
worm infestations in both humans and animals and this remedy is still used
today by rural communities around the world.
The pumpkin, and to a large extent the flowers, are rich in vitamins A, B and
C, phosphorus and calcium, and also contain carbohydrate and protein. Pumpkin
is an alkaline food rich in beta-carotene, and the highly nutritious inner kernels
of the pips are good for the bladder and kidneys and for prostate problems.
External application of hot pumpkin over a boil or abscess was an ancient
method of bringing a boil to a head, although one should take care that it is not
too hot. I have used pumpkin many times on the farm over suppurating wounds,
for animals as well, and I am always amazed at its healing qualities. Rural
people spread mashed pumpkin over grazes and scrapes, held in place with a
pumpkin flower that has been split open, and bind this in place with a crêpe
bandage. The leaves are not used as they irritate the skin with their prickly
Pumpkin flower soup
This treasured standby provides a boost of energy and ensures a storehouse of health.
Place a little oil in a large, heavy-bottomed pot and sauté the onions until
transparent. Add the celery and stir-fry for a minute or two. Add the pumpkin,
stir-fry for two minutes and then add all the remaining ingredients except for the
parsley. (If you are living on a farm, lucerne leaves and flowers may be added
for extra energy if you have them available.) Add the chicken or vegetable stock
or water. Stir well. Cover and simmer for about 20 minutes or until the pumpkin
and celery are tender. Blend in a liquidiser if you prefer, or serve the soup as it is
with a sprinkling of parsley and hot crusty bread.
12 pumpkin flowers
1 cup finely mashed feta cheese 1 cup finely grated cheddar cheese Sea salt and
black pepper
1 tablespoon fresh thyme
1 tablespoon fresh tarragon A little yoghurt
A little olive oil
2 large onions, thinly sliced into rings 2 cups sliced mushrooms
6–8 thin, peeled pumpkin slices A little brown sugar
2 cups chicken stock
Stuff the pumpkin flowers with the feta cheese, cheddar cheese, sea salt, black
pepper, thyme and tarragon, moistened with a little yoghurt. Pour the olive oil
into a large baking pan. Place the stuffed pumpkin flowers in the pan. Lay the
onion rings, mushrooms and pumpkin pieces on top of the pumpkin flowers.
Sprinkle with a little brown sugar and dot with butter. Carefully pour the chicken
stock into the pan (pour it down the side of the pan) and roast gently for about 30
minutes at 180°C until the pumpkin is tender and starting to brown. Check that it
does not dry out, and add more water if necessary. Serve at the table directly
from the pan. The juices will have mingled deliciously with the pumpkin flowers
under all the vegetables. Serve with brown rice.
Red hibiscus
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Red hibiscus is one of the most loved flowers from the world’s tropical and
subtropical regions, and it is the most widely cultivated of the species. It has
become virtually a symbol of exotic places like Malaysia, Jamaica and
This striking flower plays a role in many ceremonies and rituals. In
Hindu ceremonies it is sacred to Ganesh, the elephant-headed deity, and
Hindu ceremonies it is sacred to Ganesh, the elephant-headed deity, and
even in the smallest shrines, a bright red hibiscus flower can usually be
found tucked in next to the statue.
There are around 220 species of hibiscus, but only H. rosa-sinensis is
used medicinally, in ceremonies and in rites. Also known as ‘The Rose of
China’ and as japakusuma in Sanskrit, it has ancient beginnings in
Ayurvedic medicine. Today it is grown commercially in India and it is being
researched in that country as an emmenagogue (a herb that stimulates the
menstrual flow).
Hawaiians use the flowers to make ‘leis’ or garlands for ceremonies,
banquets and religious parades. Visitors love being decorated in this way and
often take the dried flowers home as a memento.
Easy and uncomplicated to grow, red hibiscus is a favourite old-fashioned plant.
It has been used as a shrub, clipped and trained as a hedging plant, or left
unrestrained for its constant flowers. It is also grown commercially in rows for
its tough fibre-rich stems, its fresh green leaves and its startling red flowers.
Red hibiscus needs a deeply dug hole filled with compost, in full sun, and
thrives with a long slow twice-weekly watering (once a week in winter). Soil
must be well drained and the shrubs planted 2–3 m apart. The Hawaiians plait
the branches together to make a boundary fence as the shrubs grow – they can
reach 4–5 m in height if left unchecked! The plants are evergreen and demand
little attention, but long branches can be pruned and they can be cut back to give
shape. Use the long supple branches as support canes for other plants – they last
well, stripped of their leaves. Flowers can be picked daily and used fresh.
One thing to watch out for is insect invasion. CMR beetles, scarab beetles
and rose beetles all love the vibrant red of the petals. Drop the beetles into a
bright yellow bucket (the beetles are attracted by the colour) half filled with
water to which a tablespoon of liquid paraffin has been added. This will quickly
and painlessly close the insects’ breathing holes.
Today hibiscus hybrids are available in exquisite colours worldwide and
nurserymen are constantly looking for new beauties, but it is only the old-
fashioned red hibiscus that can be used in food and medicinally.
In tropical countries use of the red hibiscus stretches back to ancient times and it
In tropical countries use of the red hibiscus stretches back to ancient times and it
features in their pharmacopoeias in many well-known and loved salves, lotions
and ointments. It is a valuable astringent cooling herb that soothes irritated
tissues and eases minor burns, sunburn and rough red areas on the skin.
In Ayurvedic medicine the red hibiscus remains important in the treatment of
menstruation and in bringing on temporary sterilisation in women, and
Ayurvedic physicians use it in contraception, which is proving important,
particularly in India today. Red hibiscus root is showing promising results in the
treatment of venereal diseases, and further research is being done into its role in
birth control, as a safe diuretic and to lower fevers.
A tea made from red hibiscus flowers has long been popular in treating
cystitis, and it also acts as a digestive and stimulates kidney function to flush out
toxins. To make a tonic tea for all the above ailments, pour a cup of boiling
water over ¼ cup fresh hibiscus petals with two leaves and a calyx. Let the tea
stand for five minutes, stirring frequently. Strain it and sip slowly. The tea can
be taken cold throughout the day for cystitis. It also supplies additional vitamins.
The fresh juice rubbed into the nails acts as a tonic and heals rough cuticles, and
crushed flowers and leaves are used in lotions, creams and shampoos. Through
the centuries, both the Chinese and Indians have used the fresh flowers, calyxes
and stamens of the red hibiscus boiled with oil as a treatment for their beautiful
shiny black hair. This famous herbal oil and hair conditioner is still sold in India
under the brand name Jabakusum. It is particularly effective against dandruff,
which could be the reason for its perennial popularity.
Not only is the red hibiscus flower used for hair growth but also for
treating cystitis, cramps, fevers, coughs and herpes. In China, the
juice is a valuable ingredient in mascara and shoe-blacking mixtures.
The flowers are rolled up, steamed and used in the cooking of exotic
dishes and for colouring foods naturally. It is no wonder there are
forests of hibiscus in tropical Asia.
Red hibiscus cool drink
Simmer the hibiscus flowers and leaves in the water with the cinnamon stick for
20 minutes. Keep the lid on. Allow the brew to cool, then strain and chill. Add
the apple juice and crushed ice, and serve. This is an excellent mild diuretic and
keeps the kidneys and bladder toned.
Boil the hibiscus flowers in the water for 10 minutes. Strain and add the gelatine
mixed in a little water, plus the grape juice. Arrange any fruit of your choice –
mixed in a little water, plus the grape juice. Arrange any fruit of your choice –
sliced peaches, de-seeded grapes, strawberries, litchis, mango squares or mixed
fruit – in a glass bowl and sprinkle with a little sugar, if desired. Pour the
hibiscus tea and gelatine mixture gently over the fruit, tuck in fresh hibiscus
petals, and chill. Serve with whipped cream or plain yoghurt.
Fresh red hibiscus flowers can be cooked or steamed to colour foods a
beautiful rich red, and they are a favourite in jellies, jams and syrups.
Cook them with pears, apples or peaches – they will colour the fruit
Eruca vesicaria subsp. sativa • Rock salad • Roquette
Cultivated since the Middle Ages, rocket has recently undergone a huge
revival in popularity. It is native to the Mediterranean area and was first
prized by the Romans, who chewed the seeds and used the pungent-tasting
leaves lavishly in their banquets, believing that the hot, biting taste would
give them vigour and energy. Fascinatingly, rocket seeds excavated from
Roman courtyard gardens have germinated after centuries of lying dormant.
Roman courtyard gardens have germinated after centuries of lying dormant.
Rocket is still a tremendously popular herb in Italy, and it is perhaps the
Italians with their culinary flair who in recent times have reintroduced it to
the rest of the world.
Rocket is a fast-growing annual; once you have it in the garden it will reseed
itself vigorously, often two or three times during the summer. It demands little
attention, growing quickly and easily and thriving in well-composted soil in full
sun, but it also does well in rocky places with poor soil and scant moisture.
Rocket seeds have been used through the centuries to treat bruises and sprains. A
bandage was warmed (dipped in hot water and wrung out) and folded, and
crushed seeds were spread inside it and held against the skin, without the seeds
contacting the skin. Crushed petals were used to treat skin blemishes. The petals
were pounded into a soft pulp and spread over the affected area, with the
squeezed juice covering the blemish completely.
Some ancient herbals record that rocket was eaten in Elizabethan times prior
to a whipping, to alleviate the pain. Given rocket’s very high vitamin and
mineral content, including potassium and silica, it is possible that there are some
painkilling components in the leaves, although scientific research has yet to
verify this.
In medieval times rocket flowers and green seeds were crushed with honey
and taken a little at a time as a cough syrup. In some ancient herbal recipes, sage
and parsley were included in the pungent remedy.
Medieval monks were not allowed to grow rocket in the cloister gardens as
the herb was considered to be a dangerous aphrodisiac! Today it is no longer
regarded as a sexual stimulant, but rocket is nevertheless considered to be an
invigorating tonic herb in Europe and doctors still prescribe it for those who are
overtired and anxious. To make rocket tea, pour a cup of boiling water over ¼
cup rocket flowers and ¼ cup fresh parsley. Allow the tea to stand for five
minutes, then strain and sprinkle with ¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper and sip
Rocket and chicken liver pâté
Served on buttered toast, this delicious Mediterranean dish is one of the best pâtés I know and it is easy to
2 tablespoons butter
1 cup finely chopped onion 350 g chicken livers
Sea salt and black pepper to taste Juice of 1 lemon
2 teaspoons fresh thyme
½–¾ cup thinly sliced, stoned olives 2 tablespoons medium-dry sherry ½ cup
rocket flowers
Place the butter in a large pan and fry the onions until they just start to brown.
Trim the chicken livers and chop them up. Add to the onion and butter and fry
gently. Add the sea salt, black pepper and lemon juice and stir well. Finally, add
the thyme, olives and sherry and stir until everything is thoroughly mixed. Spoon
into a glass dish and sprinkle the rocket flowers over the top. Chill and serve
with toast or savoury biscuits.
1 medium onion, finely chopped 2 tablespoons sunflower oil 250 g large brown
mushrooms, chopped 2 teaspoons fresh thyme
1 cup finely chopped fresh celery 1½ litres good beef or chicken stock Sea salt
1 cup finely chopped fresh celery 1½ litres good beef or chicken stock Sea salt
and black pepper to taste 1 litre milk
½ cup finely chopped fresh parsley 1 cup rocket flowers
Sauté the onion in the oil until it starts to brown. Add the mushrooms, thyme and
celery and stir-fry for a few minutes. Add the stock and seasoning. Simmer for
about six minutes. Add the milk and simmer gently for another six minutes.
Serve in big bowls with croutons, and sprinkle with parsley and rocket flowers.
Add a squeeze of fresh lemon juice if desired, and place a lemon wedge on the
edge of each soup bowl.
Boil the potatoes in salted water until tender. Heat the oil in a frying pan and
sauté the onions until lightly browned. Add the ham and stir-fry briefly. Set
aside. Mash the potatoes with the milk, a little salt and pepper and a small knob
of butter. Lay the onions and ham in a baking dish. Spread the potatoes on top of
them and pour the egg and parsley mixture over the top, making holes in the
potato layer so that the sauce can penetrate. Sprinkle with cheese and bake at
180°C for about 10 minutes or until the eggs are set. Sprinkle the rocket flowers
over the frittata just before serving. Serve with a green salad.
Rocket leaves are picked before the flowering head appears. The
flowers are considered a gourmet treat, as they are so rich in flavour,
as are the green seeds. Ripe rocket seeds are pressed for oil and sold
in the most selective delicatessens as a sublimely flavourful oil, which
in the most selective delicatessens as a sublimely flavourful oil, which
is so concentrated that a mere touch is required to turn an entire dish
into something exquisite.
Rose-scented pelargonium
Pelargonium graveolens
The great Pelargonium genus originated in South Africa, and all species are
wonderfully fragrant. They were introduced to England in the mid-17th
century and from there spread throughout Europe. The scent of the leaves
ranges from rose, peppermint, pine and spice, to nutmeg, citrus, chocolate
and apple; lightly crushing a leaf will release the glorious fragrance. Today
pelargoniums are widespread throughout the world and are valued as both
pot and bedding plants.
Growing scented geraniums is easy. Cuttings broken off and rooted in wet sand
strike remarkably easily and this can be done at any time of the year, except
during the coldest months. Plant them in a sunny position with a little compost in
the early stages and keep them protected until they are sturdy. They require no
more than a weekly watering once established. Cut the plants back at the end of
the growing season to prevent them from becoming straggly and untidy, and
make a mass of cuttings for new plants with the clippings.
Rose-scented pelargonium is primarily a relaxant. Both the leaves and flowers
retain a beautiful, calming fragrance that helps relax muscles and nerves, reduces
tension and restores circulation. It is used to break down intense areas of spasm
where knotty tight muscles cause pain, cramps and spasms.
The leaves and flowers are antidepressant, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory,
diuretic, fungicidal and deodorising. As an antidepressant and a mild and safe
diuretic, the rose-scented pelargonium has been listed in pharmacopoeias
through the centuries as a valuable treatment for haemorrhoids, for excessive
blood loss during menstruation and as a stimulant to the adrenal cortex.
In my earlier work as a physiotherapist, I made a wonderful massage cream
for aching muscles, stiff necks and arthritic aches and pains using rose-scented
pelargonium, and to this day I make sure I am never without a jar or two.
Its precious oils are used for premenstrual tension, neuralgia, acne, bruises,
broken veins and oedema, poor circulation, especially to the legs, and to restore
elasticity to mature skin.
The tiny, exquisitely marked flowers have the same taste and fragrance as
the leaves and can be made into soothing, calming teas and drinks that help to
lessen the onslaught of face-paced modern life. Rose-scented pelargonium tea
can be made by pouring a cup of boiling water over ¼ cup fresh leaves and
flowers. Allow the tea to steep for five minutes, then strain and sip it slowly; it
will calm and relax you. This tea will soothe and ease a sore throat during a bout
of tonsillitis. The tea is much loved by children!
Rose-scented pelargonium massage cream
This cream for sore muscles and arthritic aches is the one I used when I worked for many years as a
physiotherapist. I usually make it in spring and early summer, when the flowers are abundant.
Simmer the flowers, leaves and oil in a double boiler for 30 minutes, constantly
pressing and stirring. Strain, discarding the flowers and leaves. Pour the oil into
a dark glass bottle with a good screw-top lid. Use the oil warmed up to massage
over aching muscles.
To make a rose-scented pelargonium wash for oily and problem skins, tie a big
handful of rose-scented pelargonium leaves and flowers in a bunch using an
elastic band. Pour two litres of boiling water over it, and holding the bunch by its
stems, swish it around in the water for a few minutes. Leave the bunch in the
water until the water has cooled to a pleasantly warm temperature. After
cleaning the face with a good cold cream, wash the face with this scented lotion
as a final rinse.
as a final rinse.
Rose-scented pelargonium mousse
This luxurious dessert is unforgettable – I make it for Christmas lunch as it goes beautifully with Christmas
2 tablespoons gelatine
6 tablespoons hot water
8 rose-scented pelargonium leaves 2 large eggs, separated
4 tablespoons castor sugar 200 ml cream cheese
200 ml plain Greek yoghurt ½ cup rose-scented pelargonium flowers 200 ml
cream, whipped
Dissolve the gelatine in a little of the hot water and pour the rest of the water
over the scented pelargonium leaves, and leave to cool. Whisk the egg whites
until they are stiff. Whip the egg yolks with the castor sugar until light and
creamy; add the gelatine and then the cream cheese. Whisk well, then add the
yoghurt and the water from the soaked leaves. Fold in the scented pelargonium
flowers, whipped cream and the egg whites. Pour into a glass bowl and
refrigerate until set. Decorate with scented pelargonium leaves and flowers.
Preheat the oven to 200°C. Cut the sheets of pastry into squares measuring about
10 cm (one sheet divides into six). Brush each square with a pastry brush dipped
in melted butter. Arrange a single square at a time in a patty pan, layering them
in threes to form a little basket. Bake for six minutes or until they turn golden
brown, then turn them out and cool very carefully as they are fragile. Once cool,
brown, then turn them out and cool very carefully as they are fragile. Once cool,
mix the fruit mixture into the yoghurt and spoon into the basket. Top with
whipped cream, sprinkle with scented pelargonium flowers and dust with icing
sugar. Serve on glass plates.
Rosa species
Roses date back thousands of years and are without doubt the most loved of
all flowers worldwide. Through the centuries they have been revered for
both their fragrance and their medicinal and cosmetic properties.
The ancient Greeks and Romans used rose petals and hips in cooking,
and preserved the petals in vinegar. The Romans used roses for ceremonial
purposes and built the first hot houses to ensure blooms all year round,
controlling the temperature with pipes of hot water.
There is a rose for every type of garden and for every gardener’s taste. However,
my favourites are the old-fashioned roses, such as the exquisite, fragrant, shell-
pink ‘Margaret Roberts’ rose (see photograph). Roses require very little; all they
need is a large, deep hole in full sun, filled with compost and a sprinkling of
moisture-absorbent crystals to keep the plant from drying out. They require a
deep, twice-weekly watering, and must be fed with an organic fertiliser two or
three times a year, and a good mulch of compost during the winter. Pruning is
essential in midwinter, and deadheading will ensure masses of blooms.
Rose petal tea has a calming, tranquillising effect. To make the tea, pour a cup of
boiling water over ¼ cup fresh, unsprayed rose petals. Leave the tea to stand for
five minutes, then strain and sweeten with a touch of honey if desired.
Rosewater dates back to AD 980–1037, when the Arab physician Avicenna
used it to treat skin ailments and mixed it with honey for use as a cough syrup.
Rosewater may be splashed on the outside of the eyes in cases of conjunctivitis.
It has an antiseptic and soothing quality and can be used even on sensitive skins.
Rosa gallica, which is native to the Middle East, was used in the Middle
Ages as a treatment for depression and anxiety and to aid circulation. Modern
medical research has proven these properties and nowadays the precious rose oil,
known as attar of roses, is used in aromatherapy to treat these same ailments.
Rose hips form once the petals have fallen and the swollen calyxes ripen;
they can be used in cough mixtures, syrups, jellies and jams. Their high vitamin
C content and fruit acids, as well as beta-carotene, pectin and tannin content
boost the body’s immune system and make an excellent tonic that will give
energy and vitality and strengthen artery walls, thus aiding circulation.
Pour water over the rose petals. Allow to stand for five minutes. Strain it, add a
Pour water over the rose petals. Allow to stand for five minutes. Strain it, add a
little honey and the sweet sherry.
Boil the rose petals, lemon rind and cloves gently in the water for 15 minutes,
with the lid on. Remove from the heat, strain and pour into glass bottles with
screw tops. Use either sprayed onto the area with a spritz spray bottle, or apply it
with a pad of cotton wool, wiping it onto the face after washing. It is especially
effective for oily acne and spotty teenage skin. Use this rosewater twice daily,
morning and evening, for quick results.
2 cups ripe rosehips, trimmed of stamens and stalks and finely chopped 2 cups
brown treacle sugar 1½ cups water
1 cinnamon stick
Simmer the ingredients together in a covered pot for about 20 minutes. Pour into
hot sterilised jars and seal well. Take two teaspoons at a time, chew well, and
follow up with a little hot rose petal tea.
Rose petal syrup
Serve on ice-cream, rice or sago puddings. It can also be added to drinks or served with chilled water and
ice, in a 1:3 ratio.
Simmer the petals in the water and honey with the cinnamon stick for 15
minutes. Allow the syrup to cool, then strain. To give extra sweetness, simmer
with half a cup of stevia flowers.
3 tablespoons gelatine
1 litre red grape juice
½ cup white sugar
1 cup red wine
2 cups fruit, e.g. strawberries, sliced peaches, youngberries or mixed fruit 1 cup
mixed rose petals
1 cup cream, beaten
1 cup cream, beaten
Icing sugar
Dissolve the gelatine in a little warm water. Add it to the grape juice, sugar and
red wine. Pour into a pretty glass bowl or tall individual glasses and gently lower
in the fruit and rose petals. Place in the fridge until set. Just before serving,
spoon the cream on top, and make a delicate pattern with more fresh rose petals.
Dust liberally with icing sugar.
Rose punch
This light and refreshing punch looks magnificent served in a glass punch bowl with whole roses set into a
big block of ice or rosebuds set in individual ice cubes to keep it beautifully chilled.
Mix the ingredients together gently and serve in a glass punch bowl with frozen
roses (see below).
Roselle is a quick, prolific annual that will do well in just about any soil as long
as it is well dug and richly composted; it also needs full sun and twice-weekly
watering. I sow seeds in autumn and keep them protected for planting out in
spring (roselle is very frost-tender), and then sow again in October for a late
summer crop. Roselle is a rewarding plant to grow as all parts are edible.
Roselle has a high vitamin C, iron and potassium content, and contains
numerous amino acids. It is good for coughs, colds and sore throats, and the
seeds can be roasted to make a coffee. It is a good diuretic, it stimulates the
digestive processes and is antispasmodic and antibacterial. Roselle is a good
tonic, building blood and boosting the immune system. It can also be made into a
gargle for sore and strained throats.
One of my favourite teas is the sour-tasting astringent, energising bright red
health tea made from the brilliant calyxes of the roselle (fresh or dried calyxes
can be used). The tea helps to soothe colds, clear sore throats and coughs, open
the nose, and clear up mucous. It is astringent and so full of vitamin C that it
helps to clear skin conditions like acne. The tea is particularly refreshing and can
be used as a base for healthy cool drinks.
Boil the roselle flowers and calyxes in the water with the sage leaves and the
lemon juice and rind. Simmer gently for 10 minutes, with the lid on. Cool and
strain. Use as a gargle and also sip and swallow a little frequently. Sweeten the
gargle with honey if desired.
Hibiscus sabdariffa is the species used in commercial hibiscus tea, not the bright-flowered species
commonly grown in the garden. Hot roselle tea taken with honey is also an excellent remedy for a
Break away the five-pointed calyxes from their marble-sized seed capsules, and
use only those bright red pieces in the tea. Boil the calyxes in the water for 20
minutes, then set the tea aside and let it steep. When pleasantly hot, discard the
calyxes, sweeten with honey and stir with a cinnamon stick. Sip a cupful slowly.
Cool the rest of the tea and let it chill. Mix in equal quantities of grape or litchi
juice to make an energising cold drink. Add sliced strawberries and mint leaves
and a dash of good red wine for a party punch, and as a bonus you will feel no
alcohol build up!
A strong lotion of roselle flowers and calyxes is wonderfully astringent. The
lotion is excellent for cleansing oily problem skin and can be dabbed onto
blemishes and inflamed spots.
Roselle scrub
½ cup roselle lotion (see below) ½ cup hot water
½ cup large flake oats
Pour the lotion and water over the oats. Allow to swell and soften for a few
minutes. Use as a scrub for problem skin.
Roselle lotion
Use this lotion for problem skin, blemishes and inflamed spots. The witch hazel can be purchased at your
local pharmacy.
Simmer the roselle flowers and calyxes in the water with the cloves and
cinnamon for 20 minutes, with the lid on. Leave to cool. Strain, and add the
witch hazel. Pour into a sterilised screw-top bottle and shake well. Use on a pad
of cotton wool as a cleansing lotion after washing the face, morning and
evening, for oily problem skin, acne and pimples. Also drink a cup of roselle tea
to keep the skin unblemished. It is an excellent cleanser.
Roselle jelly
This jelly is delicious with ice-cream, pancakes, waffles and rice puddings, or with cold meat and chicken.
1 kg fresh calyxes and flower petals broken off their seed capsules 1 litre water
2 cups honey
1 cup stevia flowers
4 tablespoons gelatine
Boil the ingredients together briskly for about 40 minutes, stirring well. Strain.
Add the gelatine mixed into a little warm water and stir well. Pour into shallow
bowls and allow to set in the fridge.
Roselle salad
Roselle’s high vitamin C, iron, calcium and potassium content makes this salad a superb health builder. It
may be served as an accompaniment to a meal or as a substantial meal in itself, with brown bread.
4 cups watercress
1 cup roselle leaves, torn up 2 cups roselle flowers and calyxes broken off their
seed capsules 2 cups finely chopped sweet peppers 2 cups chopped celery
leaves and stalks 1 cup chopped button mushrooms 2 cups cooked chickpeas
½ cup finely chopped parsley 1 cup chopped onions (optional) ½ cup olive oil
Juice of 1 lemon
Mix the salad ingredients together and dress with the olive oil and lemon juice.
Rosmarinus officinalis
One of the world’s best-loved herbs, rosemary gets its name from the Latin
rosmaris, meaning ‘dew of the sea’. It is native to southern Europe,
particularly the Mediterranean area, and has been used by cooks and
apothecaries for centuries. Rosemary is traditionally a symbol of fidelity
between lovers, as well a symbol of remembrance. It is carried in bridal
bouquets and used in wedding arrangements and wreaths, and given to
friends to strengthen friendship and commitment.
Rosemary is a dense, woody prolific shrub that reaches about 1 m in height and
spread. All it requires is a well-dug, richly composted hole in full sun and a deep
weekly watering. Propagation is by means of cuttings at any time of the year.
Take slips about 7 cm long, strip off the lower leaves, and root the sprigs in wet
sand. Once they have rooted, plant the new plants 1 m apart. Other than
occasional clipping into shape, rosemary needs no attention.
Rosemary stimulates the circulation and eases aching rheumatic joints and stiff
muscles. It is antiseptic, antispasmodic, antibacterial and a remarkable
restorative herb, aiding recovery from long-term stress and chronic illness. It is
also energising and uplifting, and is associated with raising low blood pressure
and lowering and levelling high blood pressure. It is helpful for depression,
headaches and premenstrual tension, and is also an excellent anti-inflammatory.
Rosemary tea is excellent as an antiseptic gargle and a mouthwash. It
tightens the gums and clears halitosis and any mouth infections. Sipped in small
amounts, rosemary tea eases flatulence, and stimulates the smooth muscles of
the digestive tract and gall bladder, thus increasing the flow of bile. To make
rosemary tea, steep one thumb-length sprig of fresh rosemary flowers and leaves
in a cup of boiling water. Let the tea stand for five minutes, then strain and sip
Rosemary is useful as an astringent, tonic herb and scalp treatment – one of its
astonishing benefits is that it stimulates hair growth, even after chemotherapy. It
can also be made into an effective lotion for acne and problem skin.
Boil the flowering rosemary sprigs in the water for 15 minutes, with the lid on.
Cool, strain and apply on soaked cotton wool pads after washing the face.
Boil the rosemary leaves and flowers in the water for 15–20 minutes with the lid
on, giving the brew an occasional stir. Cool, strain and store in the fridge. Use as
a rinse after shampooing, and massage into the scalp daily with pads of cotton
wool soaked in the lotion.
Lamb chops with rosemary
This is my favourite meat dish! The chops must be well browned and slightly crisp.
Sunflower oil
8 lamb loin chops
2 large onions, sliced into rings 6 large potatoes, peeled and sliced Sea salt and
black pepper to taste Juice of 1 lemon
2 thumb-length sprigs fresh rosemary A little water
1 tablespoon rosemary flowers Put a little sunflower oil into a cast iron pot and
brown the chops until they are almost cooked through, moving them
frequently. Add the onions and potatoes, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and
stir-fry until the vegetables start to brown. Add the lemon juice, rosemary
sprigs and a little water to make a rich gravy. Simmer with the lid on for about
25 minutes, until the potatoes are cooked. Taste and adjust the seasoning if
necessary and sprinkle with rosemary flowers. Serve in the pot, with brown
rice and vegetables.
Rosemary is a superb herb in cooking, particularly in lamb and pork
dishes as it helps to break down fats, and the flowers add a subtle taste
to sweet or savoury dishes. However, rosemary has a strong flavour,
and should be used sparingly.
2 cups good tomato sauce
½ cup vinegar
½ cup rosemary flowers
½ cup honey
1 tablespoon wholegrain mustard 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce Sea salt
and black pepper to taste Thread each rosemary skewer with alternating
chunks of vegetable, fruit and cheese. For example, start off with an onion,
follow by aubergine, green pepper, peach, cheese, tomato and mushroom, then
repeat until the skewer is full. Whisk the marinade ingredients well and lay the
sosaties in the marinade, turning them to coat them evenly. Place the sosaties
under a hot grill; turn them so that they cook evenly. Sprinkle with rosemary
flowers and serve with baked potatoes.
Sow the seed in trays in a mixture of sand and light compost, using just enough
soil to cover the seed. Place the tray in a larger tray so that the seed tray can
stand in water; the seed is very fine and easily disturbed so it is better not to
water from above. The seed must never dry out. When the little seedlings have
reached the four-leaf stage they are usually big enough to handle. Prick them out
for planting into large compost-filled bags. Keep them shaded and protected, and
move them into the sun for longer periods each day.
Plant out in full sun in richly composted soil about 1 m apart as sacred basil
easily grows up to 1 m in height and width. Water plants 2–3 times a week
depending on the weather. Sacred basil is frost-tender, so cover it with a frost-
depending on the weather. Sacred basil is frost-tender, so cover it with a frost-
protective covering as soon as the weather gets cold, opening it up to the
sunshine during the day and covering it at night.
The tender young flowering heads are prolific and are used in medications
and foods, but always see to it that there are enough of the drying brown
flowering spikes for seeds, and look out for tiny new sacred basil plants in
spring.They transplant easily when they are about 6 cm high and have a long tap
root so be careful to dig deep and replant immediately into big compost-filled
bags or into a deep moist compost-filled hole in full sun. Keep the transplanted
sacred basil well watered until it establishes.
Sacred basil is a sanctified herb in India and one of the world’s precious
herbs. It is native to India and parts of Asia, where it is planted around
shrines, holy places, places of celebration and religious festivals, in front of
homes and in courtyards. Its fragrant presence deters flies and mosquitoes, it
keeps the atmosphere pure, supplies oxygen, and is said to bring peace,
prosperity and health to the household.
Known as ‘tulsi’ in Sanskrit, the herb is listed in the ancient medical
texts and pharmacopoeias as a medicine to treat coughs, colds and flu. It is
an excellent expectorant and was also used as a poultice to draw infection
from wounds, and as an antiseptic wash. Brazil’s records dating back 5 000
years show that a lotion or tea made from sacred basil was used to treat
internal organs and was also applied externally, for example on
Dried tulsi leaves, kept in oils and vinegars, found their place in many
cultures for the snowbound winter months, and the apothecaries maintained
a constant supply of the oils and vinegars, often prepared by medicine men
in distant villages. Sacred basil seeds were sold for a good price on the
marketplace, still in their papery flower husks, and were a valued item for
travellers as the seeds could be shaken out of the husks and kept for planting,
and a tea could be made from the dry flowers for what was then known as
‘consumption’ (tuberculosis). Trade in fresh flowering spikes was equally
important for those going on sea voyages as it was used to treat illness on the
Tulsi is a perennial plant, and is very different in growth, appearance and
taste to sweet basil. It has a rich clove-like taste, makes an exceptional tea,
and is very valuable medicinally.
Sacred basil tea is wonderfully soothing for coughs, colds, flu, bronchitis, thick
nasal discharge, a blocked nose and sore blocked ears. It also eases disorders of
the urinary system and rectum, repairs and strengthens the liver, and relieves
congestion around the heart, restoring good, vibrant circulation to the body. It
flushes out toxins, revitalising the skin and giving it a glow.
A cup of tulsi tea will ease anxiety, release tension, reduce a fever, treat
colic, ease a headache, expel parasites, act as a diuretic, ease postpartum distress
and encourage milk production in nursing mothers. I encourage its use as a
gentle, easy-to-take tea for all who feel life is too stressful, with too much to
cope with.To make the tea, pour a cup of boiling water over ¼ cup fresh tulsi
flowering sprigs; let the tea stand for five minutes, strain and sip slowly.
Sweeten with a touch of honey if desired.
A lotion of the cooled tea can be used for washing, dabbing or spritz-
spraying onto oily problem skin as it is an excellent detoxifier and cleanser.
Sacred basil is used in India both as a tea and as a wash to treat and prevent
malaria, and chewing the fresh leaves is also a part of the treatment.Three cups
of tulsi tea are taken daily to treat malaria.Try poultices of warmed leafy
flowering sprigs over inflamed aching joints, and make sacred basil cream as a
soothing massage application for stiff sore muscles, aching legs and feet.
Simmer the aqueous cream and sacred basil together in a double boiler for 30
minutes, stirring frequently, mashing and pressing the plant into the oil. Cool
and strain the mixture. Add the oils, whisk them in thoroughly, and store the
cream in a screw-top glass jar. Use it warmed (stand the jar in hot water) as a
gentle soothing massage cream on everyone in the family, including
Sacred basil oil
In a double boiler, warm the flowering heads and leaves in the almond oil for 30
minutes, crushing and pressing the flowering sprays and leaves all the time. It is
traditional to say prayers into the mixture as you work. Leave it to cool for 15
minutes, strain through fine cheesecloth or muslin and pour into a dark glass
bottle. Apply warm to the feet – spread a towel and ensure the ‘patient’ is sitting
comfortably. Massage gently for 15–20 minutes.
Sacred basil rub
This rub adds a fascinating bouquet of flavours to fish or chicken breasts and is easy to make.
½ cup young sacred basil flowering heads, dried and crumbled ½ cup cumin
seeds, lightly crushed ½ cup crushed coriander seeds
½ cup finely grated fresh ginger ¼ cup finely grated lemon rind
1 teaspoon salt
½–1 teaspoon red pepper
Mix the sacred basil, cumin, coriander, ginger and lemon rind together well. Add
the salt and red pepper (adjust the red pepper depending on how hot you like it).
Mix the ingredients fresh every time, and rub into chicken or fish that has been
rubbed with fresh lemon juice. Leave covered to marinade for at least three
hours in the fridge. Place under the grill and turn frequently until tender and well
hours in the fridge. Place under the grill and turn frequently until tender and well
cooked, or fry in a pan with a little olive oil, turning until it is cooked.
Crush dried sacred basil flowers, cumin seeds and coriander seeds
together and store in a screw-top jar near the stove for quick
Safflower is an ancient crop plant that, curiously, cannot be fully traced back
in nature. It is thought to have been one of the first crops grown in ancient
Syria, Turkey, Israel, Jordan and Persia, and seeds were found in Egyptian
tombs from 3500 BC.
The plant was grown for its bright orange, yellow and red thistle-like
flowers, rich in the pigment carthamin, and was made into the first dyes used
to colour flax cloth and later cotton. A lucrative trade developed in the
flowers as the colours were highly prized, and safflowers were used to dye
the saffron-yellow robes of eastern monks. The bright petals of the flowers
replaced the very expensive saffron styles previously used in dyeing, and to
an extent, they replaced saffron in the flavouring of food and drinks too.
Safflower seed oil was cold pressed, and as it became known further
afield, trade in the seed spread to India, and from there to China where it
became known as fan hong hua, to Germany where it became known as
Fäbersaflor, and to Spain where it became known as cártamo. Its valuable
attributes were listed in the pharmacopoeias of different countries. Each
nation developed its own treasured recipes, used in religious ceremonies and
celebrations and handed down from generation to generation.
The safflower is very easy to grow. Originally I imported seed from Israel and
began by sprouting it; then I planted out a few tentative rows. Virtually every
seed germinated and a waist-high crop of bright flowers developed! Full sun and
deeply dug, richly composted soil are required, and a slow gentle watering 2–3
times a week. Protect the furrow with a layer of dried leaves to keep seedlings
cool and shaded. Safflower is a quick and easy annual and can be grown two or
even three times during our long summers.
Reap the flowers when fully opened and dry on sheets of brown paper in the
shade for three days (the ink print on newspaper could contaminate the soft
petals). Wear good gloves as the bracts and calyxes are prickly, and pull out the
tuft of flower petals and store them in a wide-mouth glass jar with a screw-top
lid. To collect the seeds, allow a row or two of safflowers to mature and when
the plants start to dry, cut off the flowering heads. Spread them on a clean
wooden table and crush gently with a wooden mallet to release the seeds. I use a
spatula to separate the seeds from the prickly bracts, and seal the collected seeds
in a glass jar with a screw-top lid for re-sowing and sprouting.
Safflowers are a good companion to mealies and beans on trellises, and
under-planting with celery and coriander ensures a good crop all round.
Safflower has become a valuable medication: as a sprouted seed, as tender
micro-seedlings, and as a tea made from the flowers. It is used for treating
coronary artery disease, as a circulatory stimulant, for reducing fevers, lowering
cholesterol levels, relieving pain, and for repairing and stimulating the uterus.
Safflower tea is also helpful in cases of jaundice, measles, menopause and
menstrual problems. To make the tea, pour a cup of boiling water over one
tablespoon of fresh flowers or dried petals. Let the tea draw for 5–7 minutes, stir
frequently, then strain and sip slowly. The tea can be taken twice a day.
Cold-pressed safflower oil is used in salads and cooking; it is valuable in
cases of high cholesterol, and supports the heart and circulation.
Safflower is also used to colour oils and massage creams as it has pain-
Safflower is also used to colour oils and massage creams as it has pain-
relieving properties. It reduces swelling and inflammation, eases and dissolves
bruises, sprains and strains, and as a pain-relieving massage cream it is superb
for sports injuries.
Soak the seeds in the boiling water for 15 minutes. Drain and turn out onto a
towel. Fold the edges in to keep the seeds together and apply to the affected area.
Bind it in place and cover with a hot-water bottle and a blanket. Relax for 15
WARNING: Do not use safflower in any form (not even the oil or sprouts)
during pregnancy as it is a strong uterine stimulant.
Simmer the aqueous cream, safflower seeds and petals and the almond oil
together in a double boiler. Keep stirring and pressing the seeds and petals and
simmer for 30 minutes. Let the mixture stand, covered, to cool for 30 minutes.
Strain and add the vitamin E oil. Spoon the cream into sterilised glass jars with
well-fitting lids. Warm the jar in a basin of hot water for 15 minutes before using
the cream to massage painful areas. The cream can also be massaged gently over
scar tissue and slow-healing wounds, grazes or scratches.
Dried safflower spicy mix
This mix makes a lovely gift for a cook. The safflower petals give a rich colour and enhance the tastes of all
the other ingredients.
Shake the ingredients together vigorously in a big screw-top glass jar. Use 1–2
teaspoons of the mix in soups, stews, curries, stir-fries or as a rub over meat,
chicken and fish before grilling. Use it as a delicious marinade (1 or 2
tablespoons of the spicy mix in half a cup of olive oil) before grilling thin slices
of beef or chicken – it gives a gourmet taste!
NOTE: I do not add salt to the mixture, but for a marinade add 1–2 teaspoons
should you like the seasoning all in one.
Safflower oil 1
This oil (and the one below) is ideal for salads and as a basting sauce over brown mushrooms, garlic,
sausages, potatoes and leeks cut lengthways and roasted.
Add the safflower seeds and petals to the bottle of olive oil. Stand the bottle in a
large jug of hot water to warm the oil, and give it a frequent shake.
Safflower oil 2
2 cups good sunflower oil
2 tablespoons lightly crushed safflower seeds 1 tablespoon safflower petals
Pour the sunflower oil and safflower seeds and petals into a double boiler.
Pour the sunflower oil and safflower seeds and petals into a double boiler.
Simmer for 30–40 minutes, stirring frequently with a stainless steel spoon.
Strain, bottle and label the oil.
Try using safflower petals to colour cheese sauces, white sauces and
liqueurs. Sprinkle in about two teaspoons of fresh and dried petals.
Add more for a brighter colour.
Salvia officinalis
The genus name Salvia derives from the Latin salvare, meaning ‘to cure’.
The herb is native to the Mediterranean region and its medicinal and culinary
properties have been respected for many centuries. The Romans considered
sage to be a sacred herb, and gathered it with reverence and ceremony. The
Chinese also valued sage highly, and Dutch merchants in the 17th century
recorded that the Chinese would trade three chests of China tea for one chest
of sage leaves!
Sage takes fairly easily from mature cuttings but does not like wet feet, so once
your cuttings have rooted in moist sand, plant them out in individual pots in a
well-drained mixture of compost and sand to strengthen. Plant them out 50 cm
apart in the garden in a well-drained position in full sun. Water only once-
weekly as sage will not thrive during long periods of rain or under a watering
system. It needs no attention except for the odd trim of spent flowers or untidy
growth. Replace the plants every three or four years. Sage does well in large
pots, but make sure that these are well drained.
An ancient remedy for a sore throat was a gargle made from sage leaves and
flowers, and sage was mixed with honey and lemon juice as a remedy for coughs
and chest ailments.
Sage has been found to contain oestrogen, and as such it is used to treat
irregular menstruation and the symptoms of menopause, including hot flushes
and lowered oestrogen levels.
Sage also has some antibiotic properties, which is probably why it is so
effective in clearing a sore throat and excess mucous from the nose, throat and
chest. It was traditionally used as an asthma remedy, and with its excellent
digestive and calming action, it immediately soothes spasm and anxiety. It is a
nerve tonic, and its natural astringency helps to relieve diarrhoea, abdominal
cramps and colic. Sage should be taken as a tea for all these ailments. To make a
standard brew, pour a cup of boiling water over ¼ cup fresh flowers and leaves.
Allow the tea to stand for five minutes, then strain and add a touch of honey to
sweeten and a squeeze of fresh lemon juice. The usual dose during infections is
one cup three times a day. As a general tonic take one cup daily, but take a break
of 4–5 days every 10 days.
CAUTION: Sage is best avoided during pregnancy and should not be taken by
Simmer the flowers, leaves, lemon rind and water for 10 minutes. Leave it to
stand and cool for 10 minutes. Strain. Take a mouthful, swill it in the mouth as
long as possible, then spit out. Repeat at least four times daily.
Sage flowers and bacon crisp
This easy topping gives a gourmet flavour to scrambled or poached eggs. It can also be eaten on toast and
in cheese sandwiches.
Chop the bacon roughly into 2-cm pieces. In a large frying pan, fry the bacon in
its own fat, turning frequently. Add the whole sage leaves and flowers. Stir-fry
briskly until the bacon browns. Season with pepper, then lift the crisply fried
leaves and flowers and the bacon and drain on crumpled paper towel for a few
seconds. Place in a bowl. Mix with the parsley and sprinkle over scrambled or
poached eggs. Decorate with fresh sage flowers.
Sage flower eggnog
This refreshing ‘quick fix’ is excellent for all age groups, particularly students during exam time, as it
energises and revitalises.
1 egg
1 glass milk
1 tablespoon honey
1 teaspoon finely grated nutmeg 1 banana
2 teaspoons sage leaves and flowers Blend the ingredients together in a liquidiser
until frothy. Pour immediately into a glass and sip slowly.
Sauté the onions in the oil until they start to brown, then add all the other
ingredients except for the parsley. Simmer gently and add more water if
necessary. Test if the pumpkin is tender after 20 minutes. Whirl the soup in a
liquidiser until smooth. Reheat if necessary. Serve in hot bowls with crusty
brown bread and sprinkle the parsley over the top. Decorate with a few sage
Pour the boiling water over the flowers, leaves and seeds and stir for five
minutes. Strain and allow to cool. Add the lemon juice, honey and an ice cube or
two. Mix well and sip while chewing eight almonds.
Cooking with sage is a real art. As it is so pungent, it is best to use the
leaves together with the flowers (which are less pungent), but
remember that a little goes a long way. Sage is the herb traditionally
added to poultry stuffing as it helps to break down fat and gives a
fresh taste to the dish. It is excellent with eggs, cheese and vegetables.
When cooking with the flowers, strip them from their calyxes and eat
only the tender petals.
Antirrhinum majus
It is best to sow the seed in autumn for a spring and early summer show. Treat
the snapdragon as an annual, and sow the seed in a different area each year.
Plant out the thumb-length seedlings in well-composted soil in full sun 20 cm
Plant out the thumb-length seedlings in well-composted soil in full sun 20 cm
apart and keep them moist until well established. Each flowering spike reaches
50 cm in height and mass plantings give a magnificent show. Snapdragons do
not like hot weather and flower briefly in spring. However, they dry well and can
be stored in a screw-top jar.
A cream made from snapdragon leaves and flowers will soothe hot, irritated
rashes and sunburn, while snapdragon lotion is excellent at the end of a day
outdoors when sunburn and windburn have taken their toll.
Snapdragon is remarkably effective for all types of inflammation, and
crushed warmed snapdragon flowers mixed in a little almond oil will soothe
aching sprains, strains, throbbing haemorrhoids, skin rashes and redness. Warm
cotton cloths by wrapping them around a hot-water bottle, then spread the
mixture on the cloths and place over an aching back or stiff shoulder or neck.
Place the hot-water bottle against the area and relax for 15 minutes. This will
bring quick relief and soothe away anxiety and discomfort.
In past years a gargle for mouth ulcers was made from the flowers and a few
leaves, and concert and opera singers once considered snapdragon tea to be the
most effective remedy for an aching, tired, strained throat. Perhaps snapdragon’s
mucilage, pectin, gallic acid and resin content accounts for its soothing
antiinflammatory action. To make the tea, pour one cup of boiling water over ¼
cup fresh flowers and a few leaves, and leave to stand for 5–6 minutes. Strain,
sweeten with a touch of honey, sip slowly, gargle a little, and swallow.
Snapdragon cream
Use this cream for rashes and sunburn, to soothe itching, redness and dry skin, and for cracked heels, nails
and fingers.
1 cup chopped snapdragon leaves and flowers 1 cup good aqueous cream
2 teaspoons vitamin E oil
Simmer the snapdragon leaves and flowers in the aqueous cream in a double
boiler for 20 minutes. Strain the mixture, stir in the vitamin E and almond oils
and store in a sterilised jar. The cream will soothe hot, irritated areas and cracked
heels, but it must be rubbed in well twice daily. At one time snapdragon cream
was sold as a gardener’s hand cream, depicting the flower on the lid. It was
probably one of the first commercial hand creams.
probably one of the first commercial hand creams.
Snapdragon lotion
This lotion is soothing for sun-and windburned skin, and dry, flaking skin on the nose and lips. Use it
liberally. The lotion can be made using dried flowers. Dry some flowers for summer use, as it is a winter
Boil the snapdragon flowers and leaves in the water for 15 minutes. Strain and
add the lotion to a warm bath or dab onto the area to calm the skin.
Spring pasta with snapdragons
Snapdragons have a bland taste, which makes them perfect for both sweet and savoury dishes. Here they
are combined with spring and early summer ingredients to make an unforgettable dish.
Cook the pasta in boiling salted water until tender. Drop in the peas and cook for
one minute. Drain. Fry the onions in the olive oil until they are transparent. Add
the mushrooms, celery, snapdragon flowers and the seasoning. Stir-fry briefly
until just tender. Add the stir-fry and vinegar to the drained pasta and peas.
Spoon into a serving dish, sprinkle with the finely grated parmesan cheese and
the chopped parsley. Decorate with a few fresh snapdragon flowers and serve
4 lean mutton loin chops, about 200 g each 3 tablespoons sunflower oil 2 onions
4 lean mutton loin chops, about 200 g each 3 tablespoons sunflower oil 2 onions
cut into thin rings 1 tablespoon green peppercorns, soaked for about 1 hour in
1 tablespoon white grape vinegar Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
Juice of 1 lemon and a little grated lemon zest 6–8 early peaches, peeled and
stoned 1 litre strong chicken stock 1 cup snapdragon flowers, calyxes removed
Fry the chops in the oil until brown. Add the onions and fry until they start to
brown. Add the peppercorns and vinegar, sea salt, pepper, the lemon juice and
zest, peaches and the stock. Gently simmer with the lid on for 10 minutes or
until the meat is tender. Finally, add the snapdragon flowers and mix in well.
Serve with brown rice and salad, decorated with snapdragon flowers.
Simmer the mulberries in the water with the sugar and cinnamon stick for
exactly four minutes, no longer. Stir gently. Cool. Remove the cinnamon stick
and spoon the mulberries into a glass bowl. Tuck the snapdragon flowers deeply
into the syrup so that they soak it up, and dot with small spoonfuls of the
whipped cream. Sprinkle the pecan nuts and coconut over the dessert and
decorate with a few fresh snapdragon flowers and mint leaves. Serve chilled.
St John’s wort
Hypericum perforatum
Much has been written about this ancient and revered plant, and research is
still being conducted into its remarkable medicinal properties. In ancient
times it was believed to have magical properties, and it was universally
known as ‘the Grace of God’. The crusaders took it on their journeys, along
with yarrow and borage, as a pain reliever and styptic (substance that stops
bleeding), and modern research has found these ancient uses to be medically
bleeding), and modern research has found these ancient uses to be medically
Growing this unobtrusive, tiny-leafed perennial groundcover is not easy. It
prefers the cool, damp meadows of its native Europe and Britain but will do
fairly well even in poor sandy soil to which a little compost has been added, and
with afternoon shade. Once it is established and with a twice-weekly watering, it
will send up 45-cm tall heads of tiny, yellow flowers. It is these bright flowering
heads that are used medicinally. Propagate St John’s wort by digging off a small
piece with a sharp spade and replant it immediately in a well-dug and lightly
composted spot in full sun. Keep it moist for a week or two until it is well
established and then water twice-weekly.
Hypericum perforatum is not to be confused with the other hypericums,
including our own indigenous H. revolutum, which are unsafe to use
medicinally. Dubbed ‘Nature’s Prozac’, owing to its antidepressant properties,
H. perforatum has also been found to be beneficial for menopause symptoms,
liver and gall bladder ailments, anxiety, back pain, cold sores, chickenpox,
shingles, neuralgia, stiff aching joints and muscles, lack of vitality, stress and
insomnia. Its antiviral properties have been found to be so remarkable that it is
being researched as a possible treatment for AIDS.
Both external and internal application of St John’s wort is effective. A tea
made from the flowering tops is the easiest way to take it. Pour one cup of
boiling water over ¼ cup fresh flowers and buds. Leave the tea to stand for five
minutes, then strain, sweeten with honey if desired, and add a squeeze of lemon
juice. Use this tea for any of the ailments listed above and add one tablespoon of
sage leaves and flowers for coughs, colds and menopausal symptoms.
An effective massage cream can be made to treat rashes, grazes, insect bites,
cold sores, minor burns, cramp, neuralgia, aching muscles, sciatica and
CAUTION: Taking St John’s wort for some time may cause dermatitis in
people with sensitive skin once the skin is exposed to the sun.
Simmer the flowering tops and aqueous cream in a double boiler for 20 minutes,
then strain. Add the vitamin E oil, mix well, and pour into sterilised jars with
well-fitting lids. Store any excess cream in the fridge and rub frequently onto the
affected area.
In a double boiler gently simmer the flowering tops and oils. Stir frequently.
Allow to cool completely. Strain through muslin. Bottle in a dark glass bottle
with a screw-top lid. In Europe, St John’s wort oil is made on the midsummer
solstice, 21 June. Bottles of olive oil, sunflower oil, almond oil, grapeseed oil, in
which fresh St John’s wort flowers are steeped, are left in the sun for four days.
The oil turns ruby-red and is known as ‘Turkey red oil’. Once strained, it is kept
well sealed and used lavishly until the following summer solstice.
Beetroot and St John’s wort health salad
This is a real health-booster salad. The yellow petals brighten up the dish – and one’s mood as well!
Grate the beetroots and apples. Mix well and spoon into a bowl. Pour the lemon
juice over the mixture. Grind the pepper and coriander seeds over the salad and
sprinkle with parsley and the St John’s wort flowers.
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped (optional) 8 medium potatoes, peeled and sliced
very thinly Sea salt and black pepper to taste
2–4 teaspoons freshly grated nutmeg 1 cup St John’s wort flowers, petals pulled
out of their calyxes 4 tablespoons butter, softened to room temperature 1 cup
1 cup cream
Grease a baking dish well and scatter the garlic over the base of the dish. Lay the
potatoes in overlapping layers, and season with the sea salt, black pepper,
nutmeg and a light sprinkling of the St John’s wort petals. Dot with the soft
butter. Whisk the milk and cream together and pour over the potato mixture.
Bake uncovered at 180°C until the potatoes are tender and the top layer is golden
and crisp, about 1½ hours.
2 large avocadoes, cut in half and the stone removed Lemon juice 1 tin sardines,
drained and mashed
1 small onion, finely chopped
1 cup St John’s wort flowers, calyxes removed Sea salt and black pepper
Scoop the avocado flesh out carefully so as not to damage the skins. Mash the
pulp and sprinkle with lemon juice so that it does not turn brown. Mix in the
sardines, onion, St John’s wort flowers and the salt and pepper. Spoon into the
empty skins, sprinkle with more lemon juice and serve on a bed of lettuce.
Sprinkle with St John’s wort flowers.
Sprinkle with St John’s wort flowers.
Stevia rebaudiana
Stevia needs full sun and is a clump-forming perennial that becomes dormant in
winter, sometimes dying down to almost nothing. Do not disturb it but cover it in
the winter months with a protective cushion of dried leaves and prunings and
some rough compost. Give it a slow once-weekly watering in winter and a good
slow soak three times a week in summer.
Plant stevia in a deeply dug richly composted hole and flood with water.
Space holes 1 m apart. To propagate in spring and early summer, gently dig out
rooted tufts from the outside edges of the clump and immediately replant into
richly composted holes. Keep it moist until it re-roots.
Sow seeds in seed trays covered lightly in moist soil (I use a sieve and
sprinkle just enough soil to cover the seeds). Stand the seed tray in a big tray of
water so that it is kept damp from below; in that way the fragile seed is not
disturbed. It must not dry out, even for a short while.
Prick out the seedlings when they are big enough to handle and plant into
composted and soil-filled bags. Keep them moist and shaded, gradually moving
them out into the sun. Select their final place in the garden carefully as stevia can
be quite spindly. I interplant it with other annuals in the kitchen garden and am
often surprised by its self-sown seedlings, which I leave to grow wherever they
Stevia has been listed as a treatment for high blood pressure, high sugar levels
and high blood cholesterol. However, discuss this with your doctor and do not
exchange your present medications for stevia as it is still being fully researched.
What is known clearly is that stevia is an effective treatment for the gums
and for tooth decay and plaque, and it is used in commercial toothpastes and
A tea of stevia flowers and buds will soothe sore throats, bleeding gums and
mouth ulcers, tighten the gums and clear fever blisters. To make the tea, pour
one cup of boiling water over ¼ cup of flowers, let it stand for five minutes and
then strain and sip slowly. Stevia cream soothes cracked sore lips and dry skin
around the lips and nose. It also helps to heal fever blisters, and it will stop any
cracking and bleeding while the blisters heal.
Pour the boiling water over the flowers, buds and leaves. Leave to cool for 10
minutes. Press the leaves and flowers well into the water. Strain. Add the
powdered clove and stir in well. Swirl the liquid in the mouth.
Simmer the aqueous cream and stevia in a double boiler for 30 minutes, stirring
frequently. Cool, strain through a fine sieve, and stir in the vitamin E oil and
grapeseed oil. Spoon into a sterilised jar with a well-fitting lid and use liberally
and frequently on the area. I tried this cream on a blister on my foot and found it
excellent too.
excellent too.
Stevia flower lemonade
This is a perfect sugar-free summer drink!
Juice of 10 lemons
2 cups stevia flowering sprigs
1 litre water
Pour the lemon juice into a large jug, and set aside. Boil the stevia in the water
for 20 minutes. Let it cool (covered). Add two cups of the strained stevia tea to
the lemon juice. If more sweetness is needed, add a cupful at a time. When the
syrup is pleasantly sweet, pour it into a glass bottle and store it in the fridge. To
serve, pour ¼ glass of the lemon syrup, top up with crushed ice and water, and
taste. Add more syrup if needed until you get it perfect!
Fresh stevia leaves and flowers are delicious in drinks, desserts, cheese
cakes and syrups, either finely chopped fresh, or dried, or made into a
syrup by simmering one cup of fresh flowers and buds in half a litre of
cold water for 20 minutes. Let the syrup stand and cool, keeping it
covered. Store it in a well-corked glass bottle in the fridge. Use as a
sweetener in drinks and desserts – taste as you go, a little goes a long
4 cups milk
2 cups Basmati rice
½ cup finely chopped stevia flowers and buds
¾ cup sultanas, soaked in hot water for 20 minutes 1 cup thin cream
Gently simmer the milk, rice and stevia on low heat in a heavy-bottomed pot,
stirring frequently with a wooden spoon. Once it starts to thicken, add the
sultanas and stir thoroughly. Now add the cream a little at a time, or serve the
cream at the table, poured over the pudding. Serve with strawberries, raspberries
or sliced peaches for a celebration lunch or dinner. The secret lies in the long
slow cooking that thickens the milk and softens the rice.
In order to replace sugar in your favourite recipes, start by halving the
sugar and replacing it with finely chopped stevia flowers, buds and
some leaves. For example, when cooking apricots, replace one cup of
sugar with half a cup of stevia, simmer together and taste. Keep notes,
and adjust!
Strawberry flowers
Fragaria vesca • Fragaria species
The strawberry is unlike any other fruit in that the seeds are on the outside,
and the fleshy fruit is actually the receptacle or pod. It is indigenous to
Europe and America, and cultivation began in the early 14th century, using
fraises du bois, literally ‘strawberries of the forest’, as the mother stock. The
largest fruiting plants were kept from these original crops, selected on the
basis of flavour and sweetness. There are now literally hundreds of
cultivated varieties of strawberry, particular to each country and therefore
suitable for all climates. Many modern strawberries are based on Fragaria
chiloensis and F. virginiana, which are indigenous to America. The
exquisite ‘Pink Panda’ is a hybrid with bright pink flowers.
Growing strawberries is easy. All varieties require rich, well-composted soil, full
sun, a deep twice-weekly watering, and a straw mulch once the fruits start to
form. Pine needles and pine bark make a superb mulch, and the strong scent of
the pine needles is a natural insect repellent. Set plants 40 cm apart and replace
the mother plant every alternate year with new young runners.
A tea made from strawberry leaves and flowers is considered to be beneficial to
the liver, kidneys and bladder, and in America it is often prescribed for cystitis,
and for mouth ulcers and gingivitis. In the past, strawberry tea was used to treat
typhoid, and today this same standard brew is used in the treatment of diarrhoea,
gastric ailments and jaundice. To make the standard brew, boil one cup of
boiling water over ¼ cup fresh strawberry leaves and a few flowers. Leave the
tea to stand for five minutes, then strain and sip slowly.
The fruit of the strawberry is exceptionally rich in vitamins A, C and K, as
well as folic acid, beta-carotene and potassium, and to a certain extent so are the
leaves, flowers and root. The strawberry has been used medicinally since ancient
times, particularly for treating diabetes, cancer and uricaemia, and modern
science has found that all parts of the strawberry plant have antiviral and
antibacterial properties. Fresh fruits rubbed on the teeth are said to whiten them
and clear any gum infections.
Choose small strawberries or, if using larger fruits, cut them in quarters. Remove
some of the wine and press all the additional ingredients into the bottle. Cork
well and shake. Leave the mixture to stand for at least one week before opening.
Strain out half a small glass of wine and sip slowly.
Strawberry flower and fruit extracts are used in oils and creams in the cosmetic
industry, and a beautiful astringent face mask can be made inexpensively at
home. Strawberry tea will help to clear the skin. Use the tea as a lotion and
splash onto the face after the strawberry face mask has been rinsed off in tepid
water, and make an extra cup of tea to drink – it is pleasant and easily digested.
The roots, buds, flowers and leaves all contain tannins (which act as toners) and,
if heated with creams or oils, are exceptional for wrinkles and dry, ageing skin.
1 cup strawberry fruit and flowers Crush the fruit and flowers together and apply
them directly to the face (wash the fruit and flowers beforehand). Lie still for
15 minutes and let the fragrant pulp do its work, clearing oiliness and
blackheads, healing pimples, closing and refining the pores, and soothing
rashes. Wash off the mask with mild soap and rinse with water. For best
results, finish by rubbing calendula cream into the skin.
In a double boiler, simmer the roots, buds and leaves in the olive oil for 30
minutes, stirring and pressing frequently. Cool the mixture, then strain it through
muslin and add the vitamin E oil. Store it in a dark glass bottle with a good
muslin and add the vitamin E oil. Store it in a dark glass bottle with a good
screw top. Use nightly by massaging the fragrant oil deeply into the skin.
Strawberry punch
Try this recipe for a party drink that is delicious and healthy.
Mash the strawberries with half the sugar and leave the mixture to stand for
about two hours. Squeeze the lemons, dissolve the rest of the sugar in the juice,
add the lemon zest and ginger, and set aside for about two hours. Mix everything
together, pour into a jug, and float the flowers on top. As an optional extra, add
one litre of rosé wine. Serve chilled.
The stately sunflower has been a valuable crop since ancient times, and was
first cultivated in South America, particularly Peru, some 3 000 years ago. It
is native to South and North America and possibly Mexico, and in ancient
Peru it was an emblem of the Inca sun god. In the 16th century, explorers
introduced the sunflower to Spain, having brought it over from North
Sunflowers are a fast-maturing crop and fields of sunflowers are a
breathtaking sight in summer, turning their glorious heads to face the sun as
it moves from east to west. Bees love sunflowers because of their nectar and
pollen and the seeds are favoured by many seed-eating birds.
Sunflowers are an easy-to-grow annual and growing them is very rewarding. In
spring, dig over a patch of soil in full sun, add plenty of compost, and water it
well. Press the large seeds singly into the moist soil, 20–30 cm apart and about 3
cm deep. Keep the soil moist with a light mulch of dry leaves, and do not allow
it to dry out.
Sunflower oil is one of the most versatile of all cooking oils, and is mild, bland,
and rich in linoleic, oleic and palmitic acids; it is also high in vitamins A, D and
E. Like all oils rich in linoleic acid, particularly borage and evening primrose oil,
it inhibits the dangerous build-up of cholesterol deposits.
The young flowering buds are highly nutritious and were a favourite food of
the Incas. The buds, as well as the maturing flower petals, contain traces of zinc,
beta-carotene, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6 and E, magnesium, manganese and
chromium. The seeds are a superb health food, containing the same vitamins as
the buds and petals, as well as calcium, potassium, phosphorus and iron in
abundance. Hulled sunflower seeds are said to be diuretic and expectorant. A
handful can be eaten once or twice a day and they are delicious raw or roasted in
home-made muesli.
The unhulled seeds can also be boiled and taken as a tea: Add two
tablespoons of unhulled seeds to two cups of water and simmer for 20 minutes,
then cool the tea and strain.Take half a cup twice a day.
Sunflower oil, seeds and young flowers are believed to help in the formation
of healthy tissue, and to boost the immune system and keep the joints supple.
Interestingly, all parts of the sunflower are being tested for the ability to
regenerate tissue in the kidneys after infectious kidney diseases and kidney
stones. The leaves are being tested in the treatment of malaria, and can be used
to make a tea. Pour two cups of boiling water over half a cup of chopped fresh
leaves. Leave the tea to draw for five minutes, then strain and sip it warm or cold
throughout the day.
throughout the day.
½ cup fresh sunflower petals ½ cup dehusked sunflower seeds Juice of ½ lemon
2 teaspoons honey
½ cup hot water
Liquidise everything for two minutes. Spoon out into a glass jar with a well-
fitting lid. Take one teaspoon at a time with a little sunflower tea. This is an
excellent treatment for clearing mucous.
Sunflower buds with mustard sauce
Served with a salad and cold meats, this is an unusual and delicious dish.
Mustard sauce
1 tablespoon cornflour
1 teaspoon sea salt
2 teaspoons mustard powder ½ cup brown sugar
3 eggs, well beaten
½ cup brown grape vinegar 1 cup milk
Place the flower buds in a pot, cover with water, add the salt and bring to the
boil. Simmer for about six minutes. Strain through a colander and repeat the
process with fresh water. Boil for a further six or seven minutes or until tender.
Strain, arrange in a glass dish and keep them warm while you prepare the
mustard sauce.
Mix the cornflour, salt, mustard powder and sugar, and add to the beaten
eggs. Whisk the mixture until creamy. Add the vinegar gradually. Warm the
sauce gently on the stove on a low heat. Gradually add the milk, beating
constantly, whisking while it thickens. Remove the sauce from the stove as soon
as it bubbles and pour it over the cooked sunflower buds. Serve piping hot with
Parboil the buds for about 10 minutes in salted water. Remove from the water
and rinse under a cold tap. Lay them face down in a dish and spoon the chutney
over them. Leave them to marinate for about two hours, turning them over from
time to time. Place each sunflower bud separately on a square of aluminium foil,
squeeze some lemon juice over it, place three or four thin onion slices around it,
sprinkle with salt and pepper, add a dash of olive oil and a few cubes of feta
cheese, and carefully dot with the chutney marinade. Wrap the parcels neatly and
place on the coals of the fire or under the oven grill for 20 minutes. Serve in the
foil parcel.
Beetroot and sunflower petal salad
The striking, contrasting colours in this salad give new life to an old favourite. I grow white sunflower
seeds for this salad, as young, soft seeds make a delicious addition sautéed with the onions.
Sauté the onion rings in the oil, then add the beetroot. Stir-fry briefly and add
half a cup of water. Mix the flour with the honey, lemon juice, salt and pepper,
and stir into the onions and beetroot. Add another half cup of water and the
and stir into the onions and beetroot. Add another half cup of water and the
sunflower petals. Turn down the heat and cover the pot. Simmer gently for about
15 minutes, then remove from the heat and allow the mixture to cool. Sprinkle
with a little chopped parsley. Serve as a salad with cold chicken.
Thymus vulgaris • T. × citriodorus
Creeping thyme
Thyme is one of the world’s favourite culinary herbs and is so common that
one hardly stops to think of its amazing medicinal properties. Thymus
vulgaris is known as common thyme. The cultivated variety T. × citriodorus
is called lemon thyme, and T. serpyllum, which is native to southern Europe,
is known as mother-of-thyme. Thyme is a member of the Laminaceae
family, which cross-pollinates easily, so there are literally hundreds of
varieties of thyme. All seem to have similar properties and have been used
medicinally by many cultures through the centuries. The Egyptians used
thyme oil for embalming, and the ancient Greeks and Romans used it in their
baths and as incense in their churches.
Generally, all thymes are easy to grow.They all need full sun and are not fussy
about soil type, but they flourish in well-drained, sandy soil with a good bit of
compost dug in.They love hot, dry conditions and demand little except a good
weekly watering and occasional cutting back.
Propagation is by means of small, rooted sprigs taken from the mother plant
every two or three years.These should be kept protected in moist, shaded, well-
composted bags until they are strong enough to take full sun, and subsequently
planted out in the garden.
Thyme is a superb antiseptic and tonic herb, and a pleasant-tasting infusion of
lemon thyme with a slice of lemon and a teaspoon of honey is a comforting
treatment for a sore throat, cough and chest cold. Added to your daily food,
thyme acts as a good digestive, boosts the immune system to fight colds and flu,
and helps build up energy and vitality. In days gone by, savoury teas of thyme,
red pepper and lemon juice were drunk to ward off colds and to keep warm and
fit during the long cold winters. A few carrots, a stick of celery and chopped
onions were added to make a nourishing soup to clear chest infections, backache,
coughs and bronchitis, and thyme is still used in this way today.
All the thymes are superb for treating fungal infections, whooping cough,
pneumonia, asthma and hay fever (especially in children), and worms in children
and animals. They can be used as an expectorant to clear mucous from the body,
and for soothing muscular aches and pains. A lotion of the cooled standard tea
will soothe insect bites and stings, hot sore eczema areas, and will help with
ringworm, athlete’s foot, thrush, scabies and lice infestation. It is rich in thymol,
which is a most effective antifungal, and this together with several flavonoids
will relieve rheumatism and muscle spasms such as stiff neck and cramps. All
will relieve rheumatism and muscle spasms such as stiff neck and cramps. All
the thymes taken as a tea will impart a feeling of vitality and relieve muscular
and mental tiredness.The standard brew is a cup of boiling water poured over ¼
cup fresh thyme sprigs (flowering sprigs included). Allow the tea to infuse for
five minutes, then strain and sip slowly.
Thyme immune-boosting soup
This is a recipe from my grandmother’s day – a true comfort soup that no one ever tires of.
Fry the onions in the oil until they start to brown, add the grated potatoes and
stir-fry until they start to turn golden. Add all the other ingredients and simmer
with the lid on until everything is tender and the soup is tasty. Serve steaming
with the lid on until everything is tender and the soup is tasty. Serve steaming
hot with crusty brown bread.
2 beaten eggs
2 teaspoons paprika
4–6 deboned skinned fish fillets 1 cup flour seasoned with salt and black pepper
Olive oil and butter, 3 tablespoons of each Juice of 1 lemon
2 tablespoons fresh thyme flowers and leaves, stripped off their stalks Lemon
wedges for serving
Whisk the eggs with the paprika until frothy. Pour into a flat dish, lay the fish in
it, and spoon the remaining egg mixture over the fillets. Spread the seasoned
flour in a flat dish and roll the egg-basted fish in the flour, coating the fish
evenly. Meanwhile, heat the oil and butter in a large frying pan and place the
fish gently in the pan. Fry until golden, using a spatula to turn the fish over
carefully and fry on the other side. Drain on crumpled kitchen paper towel and
place on a serving dish. Keep warm until ready to serve. Sprinkle with lemon
juice and thyme flowers. Serve with mashed potato or baked potato and extra
lemon wedges.
Thyme salt
A cannister of thyme salt is so useful to have at hand while cooking – it gives added zest and flavour and
takes some beating!
Mix the ingredients together well, and store in an airtight screw-top jar. Have a
mortar and pestle next to the stove, or keep a large pepper grinder nearby. Grind
the mixture before adding to food while cooking, or have it in a small grinder at
the table.
Thyme salt is perfect for all savoury dishes: meat, eggs, pastas,
casseroles, soups, sauces, etc. In the case of fish and cheese dishes,
replace the fresh garden thyme with lemon thyme leaves and flowers
and include one tablespoon of sesame seeds and two teaspoons of
lemon zest. All the other ingredients remain the same.
Greek thyme
Polianthes tuberosa
Growing tuberose is easy, as the bulb is perennial. It needs well-dug, well-
composted soil in full sun and the bulbs should be spaced 20 cm apart. A single
stem, 40–50 cm tall, rises through the slender tuft of pale green leaves, topped
with a mass of buds and flowers. The buds are the palest shade of pink, and the
flowers creamy white. Divide the clump every two years once it has flowered
and replant the little corms or bulbs in new ground. The cycle usually takes two
years and the bulbs can be planted in succession.
Centuries ago the tuberose was used in China to calm stomach disorders caused
by anxiety. Around the 12th century, flower teas were introduced to soothe
overexcited children, and to help relieve nausea, vomiting and fevers. A single
flower added to a cup of green tea immediately imparts its rich oils and
fragrance, calming and settling a wildly beating, anxious heart. Taken as an
after-dinner tea, it will ease digestion and make even the most stressful day
dissolve into restful calm – an ancient Chinese secret!
Recently, tuberose oil has been used with astonishing results as a treatment
for stress, hypersensitivity, anger, hostility, resentment, disorientation, emotional
conflict and confusion. It is becoming an important healing oil, promoting
emotional stability and counteracting drug and alcohol addiction, burnout and
anxiety. Research is being done into the benefits of tuberose in harmonising the
emotions in terminally ill people, particularly those with AIDS and cancer.
In Egypt, a lotion was made from the beautiful flowers to treat acne, oily skin
and enlarged pores.The lotion can be made at home, as well as an easy-to-make
tuberose cream for dry, brittle nails. Massage the cream into the nails and
tuberose cream for dry, brittle nails. Massage the cream into the nails and
cuticles frequently – it will do wonders.
Tuberose lotion
Use this lotion for acne and problem skin, torn cuticles, split and dry, brittle nails.
Pour the boiling water over the flowers and buds, and leave the mixture to stand
until cool. Strain, add the oil and mix well. Apply the lotion with cotton wool
discs, or spray it as a mist using a bottle with a spray mechanism. Alternatively,
pour a little into a small bowl, dip the fingertips into it, massaging it well into the
nails and torn cuticles. Do this for at least five minutes to get the benefit of the
Simmer the chopped flowers in the aqueous cream for 20 minutes, then strain
and add the vitamin E oil. Mix well, store in a sterilised jar, and apply
frequently, working the cream into the nails and cuticles.
Tuberose vegetable soup
This soup is adapted from an old Chinese recipe. It is light and refreshing, perfect as a starter to be
followed by a rich meal.
Fry the onions in the olive oil, add the mushrooms and brown lightly. Add the
green peppers and celery and stir-fry for three minutes. Add all the other
ingredients and simmer gently for about 15 minutes. Serve hot in bowls with a
fresh tuberose flower floating on top. Dust with nutmeg.
Whirl the pineapples, a little of the grape juice, the ground ginger and the honey
in a liquidiser until smooth. Mix in the rest of the grape juice. Toss in the flowers
(the Chinese chop them up, I like them kept whole in all their beauty), and
refrigerate for at least two hours before serving. Taste for sweetness, and add
more honey if needed. Serve in wine glasses and tuck a tuberose flower into
each glass.
4 tablespoons butter
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon ground pimento (allspice) 1 teaspoon ground nutmeg
3 tablespoons treacle or honey 3 tablespoons sherry
5 tablespoons sultanas, soaked for an hour in hot water 225 g digestive biscuits,
coarsely crushed 4 tablespoons chopped glacé cherries 4 tablespoons candied
coarsely crushed 4 tablespoons chopped glacé cherries 4 tablespoons candied
4 tablespoons chopped pecan nuts 3 tablespoons chopped tuberose flowers Melt
the butter with the spices in a double boiler. Add the treacle or honey and the
sherry and mix well. Drain the sultanas and mix with the remaining
ingredients. Combine with the butter, honey and sherry mixture. Stir
thoroughly. Line a loaf tin with greaseproof paper. Press the mixture down
firmly into the tin, cover with more greaseproof paper, and weight it down.
Chill for at least two hours. Turn the fridge cake out onto a flat plate, slice
thinly, and decorate with tuberose flowers.
Tulipa species
Tulips can be used to great effect in the spring garden, particularly when massed
in areas of a single colour. The bulbs should be planted in late autumn when the
soil has cooled down, spaced 15 cm apart in full sun, in well-dug, richly
composted soil with a cooling mulch of rotted leaves. Give them a deep twice-
weekly watering to ensure uniform growth. The bulbs will take about 9–10
weeks to flower. Modern bulbs are cold-treated and seldom excel after their first
year of blooming, which means that new bulbs should be planted every year.
Some tulip experts shade their bulbs in autumn between 11h00 and 15h00 to
keep them cool. Tulips need cold to flower, so only plant them in cold areas
where it freezes most nights.
There are only a few references to tulip poultices in the ancient herbals – perhaps
the flowers were so expensive even then that they were not often crushed for
medicinal purposes! However, in the case of burns, skin rashes, insect bites and
bee stings, a soothing poultice of the petals was often used.
In the 17th century young girls crushed red tulip petals and rubbed them into
their cheeks so that the petals would impart their colour, and the juice would
help to clear up any spots. Tulip petals greatly soothe cuts, grazes, corns,
callouses, scratches and infected insect bites.
Given that tulip growers in Holland still use crushed petals and the juice
from the base of the flower to soothe scratches and rough skin on work-worn
hands, it seems surprising that a hand and nail cream containing tulip extract has
not yet been formulated by an enterprising grower.
Warm the flowers in hot water and break off the petals. While still hot, roll the
petals in a warm, wet towel to soften them, then unroll and place the crushed
petals over the affected area. Hold the petals in place with the hot towel for 10
minutes. Some recipes suggest smoothing a little castor oil onto the burn or
insect bite before placing the petals over the area.
Three bean salad with tulips
Perfect for a vegetarian meal, this salad keeps well in the fridge.
½ cup runny honey
½ cup good olive oil
½ cup fresh lemon juice
2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar 3 teaspoons mustard powder ½ cup finely
chopped onions A little garlic (optional) 2 teaspoons sea salt
1 tablespoon crushed coriander seed 1 tablespoon crushed sesame seed Soak the
butter beans and haricot beans overnight. The next day, boil them until they
butter beans and haricot beans overnight. The next day, boil them until they
are tender. Boil the green beans until tender but still fairly crisp. Allow all the
beans to cool.
Shake the dressing ingredients together vigorously in a jar with a tight-fitting
lid. Pour the dressing over the salad and fold in well. Place the petals of three or
four tulips around the dish, filling them with a little of the bean salad, and grind
black pepper over everything. Serve with crusty bread.
Tulip syrup
This unusual recipe dates from the 17th century and is delicious spooned over rice or sago pudding, and
custard or cream desserts. It keeps well in the fridge.
Slice the chicken from the bone and chop finely. Mix all the ingredients
together, except for the tulips. Remove the stamens and pistils from the tulips,
leaving a little bit of stalk attached. Stuff the flowers with the chicken
mayonnaise mixture. Arrange the flowers neatly in a circle on a bed of butter
mayonnaise mixture. Arrange the flowers neatly in a circle on a bed of butter
lettuce and pile any leftover chicken mayonnaise in the centre. Dust with black
pepper and serve chilled.
Curcuma domestica
Turmeric grows in seclusion in light shade under the protection of its large
smooth leaves where no one ever looks. It is a unique plant with a brilliant
yellow root and exquisite flower of pale bracts that opens at ground level
where you least expect it.
Over the years I have been so intrigued by this secretive plant that I set
out to grow, draw and photograph it, and to share its beauty. I have also
researched old herbals to ascertain its uses and found it to be one of the rare
botanical treasures dating back to ancient times.
Turmeric belongs to the ginger family, Zingiberaceae, and is native to
Asia. Due to its beginnings along the trade routes, it is often commonly
Asia. Due to its beginnings along the trade routes, it is often commonly
known as ‘Indian saffron’. In ancient Chinese pharmacopoeias, turmeric is
listed as being a treatment for sores, bruises, ringworm, chest pains, colic,
indigestion, menstrual problems and toothache. In those days the root, leaves
and flowers were all included in remedies.
Today we know turmeric only as a bright yellow root, conveniently
powdered for use in stews, curries and as a popular spice mixture. India,
Jamaica, Haiti and Indonesia are the main producers of turmeric. Turmeric
oil is still distilled in Europe and the USA, while the flower oils are made in
Malaysia and Indonesia in small amounts and can very rarely be found in the
market places.
Turmeric is a true exotic from the tropical parts of the world. It needs light shade
or partial shade and deeply dug richly composted moist soil to flourish. Water it
three times a week, but only every 10 days in winter when it becomes dormant.
Cover the area with raked leaves once the long leaves of the plant have died
down. Do not cut the dried leaves away; leave them to disintegrate of their own
Keep the area well mulched and water with a gentle soaking spray once
spring arrives. Also add a layer of good moist compost over the area. Do not dig
it in or you will destroy the tender rhizomes just below the surface; set a gentle
soft spray over the area for about an hour or so. By mid-to late spring tightly
curled leaf tips will appear like little spears through the soft soil and will quickly
Look out for ‘turmeric tubers’ or rhizomes at Asian stores and plant these in
moist compost-filled bags until they sprout. Do not let them dry out but also do
not overwater or the tubers will rot.
In ancient herbal texts and pharmacopoeias, turmeric flower oil has been
recorded as a massage treatment for anorexia (or emaciation as it was then
recorded), for liver congestion, arthritis and sore stiff swollen joints, for poor
circulation, rheumatism and muscular aches and pains and to restore a feeling of
Interestingly, the distilled oil from the boiled, cleaned and sundried rhizome
Interestingly, the distilled oil from the boiled, cleaned and sundried rhizome
was used as an insect repellent, as an analgesic oil for arthritic joints, as a
laxative massaged over the abdomen, as an antibacterial agent over infected
wounds, and as a liver stimulant over a sluggish liver.
Today the precious distilled essential oil of both the flower and the root is
only sold to qualified aromatherapists or masseuses. Its actions are analgesic,
diuretic, laxative, anti-arthritic, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal and it is a
rubefacient and stimulant.
In Ayurvedic medicine, turmeric roots and flowers were made into a liqueur
with honey and alcohol as a treatment for respiratory infections and gastric
ailments. Today tender leaves and crushed flowers are still used as a warm
poultice over aching joints. In India, turmeric oil is used to treat several skin
ailments, and it is an ingredient in Indian cosmetics and skin cleansers.
The Sri Lankans have made turmeric into a valuable crop that is processed
into medications for indigestion and for liver and stomach complaints. They also
boil a little piece of flower or root in milk with honey as a tea for colds and flu.
Turmeric flower massage oil for dry skin
1 turmeric flower and its stem, finely sliced 1 cup almond oil
20 drops vitamin E oil
10 drops rose essential oil Watch for a flower to appear at the base of the plant.
When the flower is mature and fully open, cut it off with sharp secateurs and
wash it carefully. Place it on a sterilised chopping board (sterilise the board
with boiling water) and slice the flower and stem finely. Place the slices in a
double boiler with the almond oil. Stir gently and continuously with a
stainless steel spoon (a silver spoon was used in old recipes!) for 15 minutes,
submerging the bracts under the oil. Remove from the heat and let the oil
stand to cool (keep it covered). When it is lukewarm pour through a strainer,
discard the bracts and pour the oil into a sterilised jar with a good screw top.
Add the vitamin E oil and rose essential oil. Tighten the lid, shake well, and
label the jar. Use as a massage oil over dry skin areas, especially on the neck
and chest and over the cheekbones, avoiding the eye area.
NOTE: Always test a little of any massage oil on the inside of the wrist before
using it. Allow it to saturate the area for at least 5–10 minutes. If there is any
redness, wash off immediately with warm soapy water and avoid use.
Turmeric flower stir-fry
Heat the oil in a pan and stir-fry the onion, turmeric flowers and root. Cook the
lentils and rice in separate pots, then drain and mix. Mix the stir-fry mixture into
the lentils and rice. Serve with cold meats and salads or as an accompaniment to
chicken stew.
1 butter lettuce
4 cups cubes of bread
Olive oil
Sea salt and pepper
2 cups chopped onions
2 cups pineapple pieces, cut into cubes 2 cups chopped green peppers 4 cups
cubed, cooked chicken breasts, cooled 2 cups green rocket leaves, chopped 1
turmeric flower, chopped into bracts 1 cup fresh parsley, chopped Place the
lettuce leaves on a large platter. Sprinkle salt and pepper on the bread cubes
and fry lightly in olive oil. Fry the chopped onions and mix with the bread
Mix the onions, bread, pineapple pieces, green pepper, chicken and rocket
together and spoon into the lettuce leaves. Lightly fry the chopped turmeric
flower in olive oil. Sprinkle the fried flowers and chopped parsley over the filled
lettuce leaves. Pour the salad dressing over it and serve at once, decorated with
other flowers, such as day lilies, gardenias and borage. Serve with naan bread.
other flowers, such as day lilies, gardenias and borage. Serve with naan bread.
½ cup lemon juice
½ cup honey
1 teaspoon turmeric powder ½ cup olive oil
2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
Peel turmeric root the way you would peel ginger, with a sharp knife
on a chopping board, and remember that it will stain everything –
including your hands! Once peeled, you can grate, chop, slice or grind
it to a paste with other spices as an appetising addition to stews, lentil
dishes, bean dishes and curries, the way you would use fresh ginger. It
will add colour and flavour to the dish, and increase your gastric
juices, thus making it an excellent therapeutic treatment for gastric
Viola odorata
The sweet violet is an ancient plant that has been grown and loved all over
the world. It is native to Britain and widespread throughout Europe and Asia,
and records of sweet violet from the first century AD in Turkey, Syria and
Persia suggest that it is native to these areas as well. The violet was a
favourite flower in ancient Greece and became the symbol of Athens. It was
also the flower of Aphrodite, goddess of love, and the flower of her son
also the flower of Aphrodite, goddess of love, and the flower of her son
Priapus, the god of gardens and male procreative power. Homer relates how
the Greeks drank violet tea to ‘temper their anger’, and how they made
crowns and garlands of violets to save them from drunkenness, and added
the flowers to wine to give an extra bouquet.
Growing violets is rewarding, as they demand little and give so much in return.
They thrive in cool, partially shady positions in rich, well-composted, moist soil.
The clump spreads by runners, which can be separated from the mother plant
and planted elsewhere, 30 cm apart. Keep them moist and shaded until they
establish. They reach a height of no more than 10 cm and so make a lovely
border or groundcover. The flowers are at their best at the end of winter and
early spring, and the more you pick the more they bloom. Water them deeply
twice a week and give them an occasional spade of compost.
Violets were used medicinally by the ancient Greeks and Romans, and later in
the 15th and 16th centuries violet syrup was prescribed for coughs, colds,
pneumonia and bronchitis. A tea of violet flowers and leaves will soothe a
headache and help one unwind after a demanding day, and it was popular as an
after-dinner tea in the 18th and 19th centuries. Violets have a relaxing and
calming effect on the nervous system and violet tea helps to expel mucous from
the nose, chest and lungs, clear mouth and throat infections, open blocked
sinuses and alleviate whooping cough and postnasal drip. To make violet tea,
pour a cup of boiling water over ¼ cup flowers and leaves. Allow the tea to
stand for five minutes, then strain and sweeten with honey if desired. A strong
tea can also be used as a wash for eczema and rashes.
Violet flowers and leaves can be chewed to relieve a headache – chew five
flowers or leaves initially and another three an hour later. Violets also have a
gentle laxative effect, and bruised violet leaves make a soothing poultice for skin
infections and inflammation. In Africa, violets are used as a cancer remedy, and
crushed leaves are used as a poultice for skin cancer and growths. This remedy
has also been used in Europe since the 12th century!
CAUTION: Do not confuse this violet with the African violet pot plant, which
is poisonous.
Submerge the violet flowers in the brandy in a double boiler. Add the honey and
simmer for 20 minutes, covered with a lid. Pour the liquid into a sterilised bottle
with a well-fitting lid. Take one or two teaspoons with a cup of violet tea at least
twice a day to ease coughs and clear a postnasal drip.
Violet syrup
This delightfully calming and soothing syrup is an old-fashioned remedy for winter coughs and colds. It is
delicious in hot water to soothe a chill, and equally delicious in iced water to cool you down on a hot
afternoon. It is also good over ice-cream and oat porridge.
4 cups violet flowers, cut off their stems 4 cups white sugar
1 cup runny honey
Juice of 4 lemons
1 tablespoon thin ginger slices 2 star anise
2 teaspoons finely grated lemon zest Simmer the ingredients together gently in a
saucepan with a tight-fitting lid for 15 minutes. Allow the mixture to cool,
then strain and pour the syrup carefully into a sterilised glass bottle. Cork well
and allow the syrup to stand for three or four days before using. Pour about
two tablespoons into a glass of water, stir well, float a violet flower or two on
top, and sip slowly. Feel the tension drain away!
Chocolate and violet cheese cake
Unforgettable and unusual, this dessert or tea-time treat is a no-fail favourite.
Violet liqueur
As a young mother I had a thriving little business making this delicious and unusual liqueur from rows of
violets I grew in our farm garden. People came from far and wide to buy it and violet jam each spring. It is
delicious served over ice-cream or cream cakes and it makes a wonderful gift for a special person.
Sugared violets
This much-loved old-fashioned recipe is enjoying a resurgence of popularity. Enjoy them on their own as a
delicacy or use to garnish cakes and desserts.
50–60 violets
2 egg whites
Castor sugar
Lightly whisk the egg whites. Holding each violet by its stalk, dip it into the egg
whites and then into a small bowl of castor sugar, lightly sprinkling the violet
whites and then into a small bowl of castor sugar, lightly sprinkling the violet
with the sugar (use a small tea strainer) on every side. Lay each flower on a
sheet of greaseproof paper in a warm room. Turn daily. When thoroughly dry,
snip off the stem and pack the fragile sugared violets into a tin with layers of
greaseproof paper.
Aponogeton distachyos • Cape pond weed
The tuberous rootstock settles easily into mud or a large compost-filled tub. The
slender, oval leaves are about 2 cm long and often mottled with dark speckles,
and the long flowering stalk with its forked cluster of succulent scales and white
petals emerges from between the leaves.
Propagation is by division of the rootstock, as well as self-seeding seeds.
Slice off a piece that has an eye on it and press it firmly into rich compost mixed
with a little sand in a large plastic tub about 40 cm deep. Soak it well and when
it has stood for an hour or two to settle, lower it slowly and gently into the pond,
deep enough to cover it with about 30 cm of water. It is surprisingly tolerant, but
it does need full sun and still water. It can remain there for 2–3 years, after
which it needs to be lifted, the old soil and compost replaced and the
waterblommetjie plants divided again. The plant easily seeds itself, and
threadlike, baby seedlings can be found in the ponds, drifting, awaiting a suitable
soft spot.
The KhoiKhoi used the high juice content of the stems to treat burns, sunburn
and rashes. Children growing up in the Cape near dams filled with
waterblommetjies used crushed stems and flowers and squeezed the juice onto
minor cuts, grazes, insect stings, mosquito bites and itchy areas. Leaves and
flowers were used as a poultice, first warmed and washed in hot water and then
held in place with a crêpe bandage on sprains or strains, bruised or inflamed
areas and rheumatic joints.
In cases of pimples and acne, crush the flower petals, apply to the area with a
little stem juice, and leave to dry on the skin. Repeat whenever necessary.
Traditional Cape waterblommetjie bredie
A Cape farmer’s wife taught me this recipe when I was 22 years old, and I have loved it ever since!
1 kg waterblommetjies
1–2 kg lamb loin chops, rib or leg trimmed of fat ¾ cup runny honey
3 large onions, chopped 2–4 tablespoons fat or cooking oil 2–3 cups water
1–2 cups fresh sorrel leaves or Cape sorrel (Oxalis pes-caprae) Sea salt and
black pepper to taste 4 large potatoes, peeled and diced 4 carrots, peeled and
diced (optional) 1 cup chopped celery stalks (optional) 1 cup white wine
Soak the waterblommetjies in water to release any grit that may have lodged
between the petals and scales of the flower. Brush the lamb with honey. Place
the oil or fat in a heavy-based saucepan and brown the onions and then the lamb,
turning them often. Add all the other ingredients except the wine, lower the heat,
cover and simmer gently until the meat is tender. Stir every now and then, taking
care not to break up the potatoes. Add more water if necessary, and add the wine
last. Serve piping hot on a bed of rice.
Waterblommetjie stir-fry
Quick and easy, this is an ideal supper dish.
Waterblommetjie soup
This soup varies from area to area in the Cape and all sorts of vegetables can be added.
2 large onions, finely chopped 3 tablespoons olive oil 2 cups finely chopped
celery 2 cups finely grated carrots 6 cups waterblommetjies, well washed 3
cups peeled and diced tomatoes 4 potatoes, peeled and finely grated ½ cup
1 litre chicken stock
Juice of 1 lemon
Sea salt and black pepper to taste 1 litre milk
Sauté the onion in the oil. Add the celery and carrots and stir-fry until the onions
are golden and the carrots and celery start to turn light brown. Add all the
ingredients except for the milk. Simmer until tender, adding a little extra chicken
stock if necessary. Stir every now and then. Add the milk just before serving and
serve piping hot with crusty brown bread.
The exquisite water lily is an ancient healing plant and has often been woven
into legend and fairy tales. Although most herbals describe the white water
lily, Nymphaea alba, the other colours (red, pink, yellow and the exquisite
blue Nymphaea caerulea from Africa) are to a large extent also used
medicinally and in cooking. The scientific name Nymphaea is believed to
have derived from the virgins in Greek mythology, with whom the water lily
was associated. The plant was a symbol of purity, chastity and coldness, and
in ancient Greece it was believed to have anti-aphrodisiac qualities. Modern
research has actually proved the opposite to be true!
In the Middle Ages the water lily symbolised the priesthood, and young
virgins had a water lily painted on their doors. The lily’s manner of rising
unblemished, pristine and beautiful from the mud and slime of lakes, still
mountain pools and dry water courses after the first rains has symbolised
regeneration since the earliest times, as well as immortality, resurrection and
life after death.
Growing water lilies is very rewarding and can become an engrossing hobby.
The rhizome should be planted firmly in a 30–40-cm plastic pot with a good
mixture of compost and sand, covered with pebbles. Once the rhizome has been
watered and soaked well, the pot can be lowered into a still-water pond in full
sun. Divide the clump every three years by cutting off the new little rhizomes
neatly, and replanting them in fresh soil and compost.
The white water lily was used medicinally by monks in Britain from the 12th
century, and in the 17th century the herbalist Culpeper described it as being
‘good for agues’, and recorded that a ‘syrup of flowers produces rest and settles
the brain of frantic persons, the juice from the crushed petals and leaves takes
away sunburn and freckles, from the face’. He also noted that the ‘oil from the
flowers cools hot tumours, eases pains and helps sores’. Interestingly, the leaves
and petals have been proved to do just that!
Chemical compounds in the flower and rhizome have been found to have
tranquillising properties, and the stem, juice and leaves are excellent for treating
burns, sunburn, eczema and rashes and even freckles, as noted by Culpeper.
In a double boiler, simmer all the ingredients, except the vitamin E oil, together
for 30 minutes, stirring and pressing the water lily parts to extract all the juices.
Strain using a fine strainer. Add the vitamin E oil and whisk in well. Pour into a
sterilised jar with a well-fitting lid and label clearly. Apply lightly and gently to
sunburned areas and to freckles and spots.
For freckles: Include Tissue Salt No. 5 Kali Sulph – 10 tablets dissolved in a
tablespoon of water and added to the cream – and also suck two tablets three
times a day to lighten freckles.
4 water lilies
4 water lily leaves, finely chopped 1½ cups olive oil
½ teaspoon rose essential oil 2 teaspoons vitamin E oil
10 drops neroli essential oil In a double boiler simmer the water lilies and leaves
with the olive oil for 30 minutes. Stir frequently, pressing the petals and
leaves well to release their moisture. Strain through a muslin cloth. Add the
rose, vitamin E and neroli oils. Mix well and pour into a dark bottle with a
screw-top lid and store in a dark cupboard. Before using the oil, warm it by
standing the bottle in hot water.
Water lily salad
Multi-coloured water lily petals look festive in a salad and have a pleasant, crisp texture.
1 pineapple, thinly sliced 1 small cucumber, thinly sliced 1 apple, peeled and
finely grated 1 medium-sized raw beetroot, finely grated 1 green pepper, diced
Petals from 2 or 3 water lilies, pulled from their calyxes Juice of 2 oranges
Petals from 2 or 3 water lilies, pulled from their calyxes Juice of 2 oranges
2 tablespoons honey
2 tablespoons chopped pecan nuts 2 teaspoons crushed coriander seed Sea salt
and paprika to taste Arrange the sliced pineapple and cucumber in a flat glass
dish. Mix the grated apple and beetroot together and pile in the centre.
Sprinkle with the diced green pepper. Arrange the water lily petals around the
beetroot and apple to create a flower-like circle. Mix the orange juice with the
honey and pour over the salad. Sprinkle with the pecan nuts, coriander, salt
and paprika. Serve chilled.
In the 16th and 17th centuries the French used the rootstock of both
the white and yellow water lily for beer-making. Today the rhizomes
are still eaten for their starch content in many parts of the world, and
the flowers grace many a salad in gourmet cuisine the world over.
6 apples peeled, cored and diced 1 cup water lily petals, pulled off their calyxes
¾ cup sugar
1½–2 cups water
½ cup sultanas
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon ½ teaspoon crushed cardamom seeds, removed
from their pods 1 cup whipped cream
½ cup chopped pecan nuts
Quickly cook the apples and water lily petals with the sugar and water, sultanas,
cinnamon and crushed cardamom. Mash well or put through a blender. Spoon
into individual bowls, pile a mound of cream on top and sprinkle with the
chopped pecan nuts. Spike with five or six fresh-water lily petals and dust with
more cinnamon. Serve either warm or chilled.
Half a watermelon
250 g ricotta cheese
4 tablespoons finely chopped fresh mint 1½ cups fresh multi-coloured water lily
petals 1½ cups litchi juice
2 teaspoons ground ginger or 2 tablespoons grated fresh ginger Scoop out neat
balls from the watermelon half and arrange them in individual glass dishes.
Using a teaspoon, scoop out small amounts of ricotta cheese and drop them
over the watermelon balls. Sprinkle with chopped mint. Tuck the water lily
petals all around the edges, drizzle with a little litchi juice and finally sprinkle
with ginger. Serve chilled.
Wild garlic
Tulbaghia violacea
Who would have thought that South Africa’s wild garlic, a member of the
Tulbaghia genus, would become so popular overseas? Today it is planted out
in some of the most fascinating gardens in the world. It is known there as
‘society garlic’ and the leaves, stems and flowers are used to flavour and
decorate dishes in expensive restaurants and hotels. It fetches high prices as
a culinary herb in market places and as a plant in garden centres in the USA,
Britain and Australia.
Wild garlic has been around forever in South African gardens, with the
plants arranged close together in banks and borders to discourage snakes, as
plants arranged close together in banks and borders to discourage snakes, as
they dislike the smell of it. In South Africa it has been used for centuries as a
food flavouring, and as a medication that lowers fevers and has antiseptic
and expectorant properties. The leaves have also been used for centuries in
the treatment of throat cancer.
A larger species, known as T. simmleri, has a larger, taller flowering
head and is loved by landscapers. It is planted as a road island feature and
along embankments where it flowers continuously, needing little attention.
Another rare favourite is the browny orange-flowered T. alliacea, which
was a respected fever herb in the Cape and a long-recorded medication for
fits, paralysis and joint aches. It was also used as a purgative. Decades ago a
Zulu farmworker showed me how to make a delicious and traditional Zulu
relish to keep all sorts of health problems at bay (see recipe on facing page).
In 2009, quite by chance, I came across a new cultivated variety, T.
simmleri ‘Alba’. It has pure white flowers, and its upright compact
appearance lends itself to path borders, parterre plantings, and mandala
designs with white stones.
The genus Tulbaghia is named after Ryk Tulbagh (1699–1771), who was
Governor of the Cape of Good Hope. In his home town, Tulbagh, the
plantings of tulbaghia were breathtaking when I was a child, lining streets,
walkways and garden paths.
Few plants are as undemanding and rewarding to grow as wild garlic! Small
clumps of juicy stems can be levered off the side of the main clump, and should
be planted in wellcomposted soil, 30 cm apart in full sun.This species will
survive in heat, drought and bitter cold.
Wild garlic leaves, flowers and bulblets are all used fresh, either raw in salads or
made into a tea with lemon juice. Known as isihaqa in Zulu, wild garlic is taken
traditionally as a crushed pulp, or boiled in water with salt and taken as a gruel
or thin soup three times a day for fever, colds, coughs, sore throats, asthma and
tuberculosis. In cases of asthma and tuberculosis, chopped leaves and bulblets
can also be eaten with every meal, and wild garlic tea can be taken between
meals to ease chest tightness and coughing.To make the tea, pour a cup of
boiling water over ¼ cup fresh chopped leaves, stems and flowers. Let the tea
stand for five minutes, strain, add a squeeze of lemon juice and sip slowly. This
tea is also given for fits, with a little sipped every hour.
Poultices of crushed wild garlic leaves and flowering stems are still used in
country districts to treat rheumatism, paralysis and joint aches, and some tribes
use the fresh bulblets boiled in water as an enema. Wild garlic is rich in
antiseptic properties and it is thought to have antifungal and antibacterial
properties like real garlic.
Bathing with wild garlic extract is an age-old treatment for aching
rheumatism – simply soaking in a bath of wild garlic extract is said to be good
for all the above ailments! The garlic smell is not as pungent as real garlic, I am
told, and it quickly disappears.
Wild garlic leaves have long been used to treat cancer of the oesophagus,
which makes me wonder whether its sulphur-containing substance, alliin, could
be even more valuable than we know.
NOTE: Another non-edible wild garlic is available in mauve and rare white,
known as ‘Winter Bride’. It is lily-scented, not garlic-scented, and flowers in
winter. These flowers are not edible!
Fill a big pot with wild garlic, cover with water, and simmer for 20 minutes.
Allow the mixture to cool, strain and add to the bathwater.
Zulu wild garlic relish
Heat the oil in a heavy-bottomed pot and fry the onions, then gradually add the
chopped wild garlic bulblets. Stir-fry until lightly browned, adding a little more
oil if needed, and a light sprinkling of crushed coarse sea salt. Add the garlic
leaves and flowers (and finely chopped stems of the flowers too if desired), and
stir-fry. Once the mixture starts to brown, add about ¾ cup mild chopped chillies
(for those who like it hot, a few finely chopped hot chillies can also go in). Add
the lemon juice or vinegar, stir-frying all the time. This was how the Zulu recipe
Add the soaked sultanas and stir-fry. Check for taste, add a little water if
needed, and add the coriander, cardamom, ginger and honey. Mix everything
together and serve with fish or sausages or spread on croissants with cheese.
‘Zulu relish’ has become so popular over the years that visiting chefs
and hotel schools have started to grow rows of wild garlic for its taste
and rarity.
1 butter lettuce, broken up into separate leaves 1½ cups chopped celery stalks
and leaves 1 cup chopped green pepper
1 cup chopped wild garlic bulblets and leaves 1–2 cups cubed peeled cucumber
pieces 2 cups cubed avocado, with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice over it 2
cups cubed pineapple pieces
½ cup chopped parsley
2 cups fresh rocket leaves
2 cups fresh rocket leaves
½ cup wild garlic flowers
½ cup olive oil
½ cup honey
½ cup lemon juice
1 teaspoon mustard powder
Build up the salad layer by layer so as not to crush anything. Mix the dressing
ingredients in a glass jar. As you go, add a squeeze of fresh lemon juice and a
drizzle of the dressing between each layer. Decorate with wild garlic flowers.
Serve with cold chicken and crusty home-baked bread.
Winter savory
Satureja montana
Plant rooted cuttings 50 cm apart in full sun in wellcomposted, well-dug soil.
Winter savory is a most successful companion plant to tomatoes and keeps
aphids and whitefly at bay.
Native to southern Europe and North Africa, winter savory has been used since
ancient times to aid and stimulate digestion and to ease colic, flatulence and a
feeling of fullness. Herbals from the Middle Ages through to the 18th century
show that the monks used it with honey to make a strong syrup for digestive
problems as well as for coughs, colds and chest ailments, and kept it at hand as a
powerful remedy for these ailments. Modern science has proved those medieval
herbalists to be correct and in recent years doctors at Montpellier Hospital in
France ran a series of tests using winter savory and lucerne (alfalfa) as a
treatment for coughs, bronchitis, pneumonia, chest infections, asthmatic
wheezing and persistent sore throats, and found winter savory to be a superb
antiseptic for clearing infection, as well as a powerful antibacterial agent.
Modern research has also found that the essential oil extracted from winter
savory is beneficial in treating Candida overgrowth, the fungus that causes
thrush, as well as other fungal infections. A standard tea of winter savory drunk
twice daily (not during pregnancy) also greatly relieves the condition. To make
the tea, pour a cup of boiling water over half a cup of fresh flowering tops.
Leave the tea to stand for five minutes, then strain, sweeten with honey, and sip
Interestingly, the classical Greek physicians Galen and Dioscorides used
winter savory with thyme and classified them as heating and drying medicines,
prescribing them for clearing mucous from the chest and sinuses. They also
considered winter savory to have aphrodisiac qualities, following on from the
ancient Egyptians who used winter savory in love potions.
½ cup winter savory fresh flowering tops ¼ cup fresh lucerne leaves and flowers
Lemon juice
Pour a cup of boiling water over the winter savory and lucerne. Allow the tea to
infuse for five minutes, then sweeten with honey to taste, and add a squeeze of
lemon juice. Take a cup three times a day during a cold or bronchitis.
Butter beans and winter savory
This is the best bean dish I make – it is tasty, rich in protein and fibre, and keeps well in the fridge. The
winter savoury greatly reduces indigestion and flatulence from the beans.
Soak the beans and winter savory in warm water overnight. The next morning
discard the water and rinse the beans. Bring to the boil (use enough cold water to
cover them) and tuck in two or three winter savory sprigs. When the beans are
tender, drain, discard the sprigs and return the beans to the pot to keep warm. In
a large pan, fry the onions in the olive oil until golden brown, add the celery and
then stir-fry all the remaining ingredients, including the beans. Add a little water
to prevent burning, stir frequently, and simmer for 10 minutes. Serve piping hot
sprinkled with parsley and a few winter savory flowers pulled from their
calyxes. This is a sustaining meal when served with brown bread and a green
Winter savory and cabbage mealie soup
Use fresh mealies in season and ‘samp’ in winter to make this hearty, warming and delicious soup.
1 litre milk
3 tablespoons flour, whisked into 2 eggs Sea salt, black pepper and paprika to
taste 3 teaspoons mustard powder
1 tablespoon winter savory flowers and a few tiny leaves 2 cups finely grated
cheddar cheese 1 cup ricotta or smooth cream cheese Simmer the milk in a
heavy saucepan, then add the flour and egg mixture, whisking all the time.
Add the sea salt, black pepper, paprika and mustard powder and the winter
savory. As the sauce starts to thicken, turn down the heat and briskly stir in
the cheddar cheese and the ricotta or cream cheese. If it gets too thick, add a
little milk and stir to a smooth paste-like consistency. Pour immediately over
the hot pasta and dust with more paprika or serve over hot buttered toast.
Wisteria sinensis
Wisteria is a vigorous deciduous climber, and the sprawling, twisting vine may
be trained into a standard, espaliered across a wall, or allowed to sprawl with
glorious abandon over trellises, pergolas and down banks. It does need some
restraining, however, as it becomes large and powerful as it ages, but its ability
to adapt to temperature extremes and its vigorous speed of growth has made it a
to adapt to temperature extremes and its vigorous speed of growth has made it a
favourite the world over.
To grow wisteria it is important to obtain a grafted specimen from a nursery,
as roots and cuttings could result in pale or small flowers. The plant requires a
large, deep, richly composted hole and a position in full sun. Train the tendrils
onto supports or twist them around sticks that can be removed once the stems are
thick and mature. The buds form in midwinter on the attractive bare, grey
branches. Give the vine a good bucket or two of rich compost and a deep weekly
watering, which will ensure a mass of blooms. The flowers are followed by
compound leaves, which provide deep, dense shade all through the summer.
This elegant vine with its beautiful pendulous, fragrant flowers in spring has
been a popular garden subject in western countries for a few hundred years.
It originated in China, but in 1818 it was named after an American physician
and philosopher, Casper Wistar, professor of anatomy at the University of
Pennsylvania. It had been cultivated in Britain and then in Switzerland for
about 100 years before that. In America it was commonly known as the
‘Carolina kidney bean’. Wisteria floribunda is a smaller, less showy wisteria
from Japan, which is also edible, but it is W. sinensis that is commonly
found in gardens today.
To the Japanese and Chinese, wisteria is a symbol of friendship and
unity within the family, and most Japanese homes have at least one plant in
the garden, even in tiny gardens. In the past, Japanese emperors and their
retinues took flowering wisteria bonsais on their travels to give to their hosts
as a sign of goodwill and friendship.
Wisteria flowers contain a sweet, heady nectar, and bees make an extraordinary
honey from wisteria that was used in Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries to
alleviate coughs and dry, sore throats. The honey mixed with crushed wisteria
blossoms in spring was considered to be an energising, resistance-building tonic.
The spring flowers were also used medicinally in a poultice to relieve bruises
and throbbing varicose veins, and bottles of fresh flowers and buds were topped
up with wine vinegar, corked and stored in a dark place for use when fresh
flowers were not available. Cloths soaked in this mixture were applied to ease
several conditions, including pimples and infected spots.
Wisteria and apple cider vinegar for acne, pimples and
infected skin spots
1 bottle apple cider vinegar 12 wisteria flowering sprays Almost fill a glass
bottle with apple cider vinegar. Push six flowering sprays into the bottle and
top up with vinegar until the bottle is full. Cork the bottle firmly and place in
the sun, turning and shaking it daily. After 10 days, strain, discarding the
flowers. Return the vinegar to the bottle and press in the remaining flowers.
Leave it in the sun for 10 days, turning and shaking it daily. Finally, strain and
return the vinegar to the bottle, and label. Use the vinegar as a rinse after
washing the face – simply add a dash to the rinsing water. It can also be
dabbed directly onto spots using a cotton wool pad.
Wisteria fritters
These fritters have an oriental touch and are particularly beautiful served under a bower of wisteria for a
spring luncheon.
Whisk the eggs and sugar together. Add the flour and water alternately, and the
vanilla essence. Beat to a thin batter, adding more water if necessary. Heat the
oil in a large pan. Hold the flowering sprays by their stalks and dip them one by
one gently into the batter. Lower them into the hot oil, being careful not to
splash, and fry for about two minutes or until golden. Drain on crumpled kitchen
paper towel, snip off the stems and serve warm with whipped cream and a
dusting of icing sugar.
4 cups watercress sprigs 2 cups thinly sliced cucumber 2 large, sweet oranges 2
cups nasturtium flowers and a few leaves 1 cup diced feta cheese ½ cup
chopped parsley
½ cup chopped celery leaves 1 cup wisteria flowers, pulled off their stems
½ cup balsamic vinegar 2 teaspoons ground coriander 2 tablespoons honey
1 teaspoon mustard powder Arrange the watercress and cucumber in a salad
bowl. Peel each orange segment and place on top of the watercress and
cucumber, along with the nasturtiums, feta, parsley and celery. Sprinkle with
wisteria flowers. Put the dressing ingredients into a jar, seal and shake. Pour
the dressing over the salad just before serving.
1 large onion, finely chopped 1 large leek, thinly sliced A little olive oil
1 large carrot, finely grated 2 sticks celery, finely chopped 6 medium-sized raw
beetroot, peeled and grated 2 litres good stock
Sea salt and coarsely ground black pepper Juice of 2 lemons
½ cup good red wine
1 tablespoon honey
1 cup wisteria flowers, stems removed 250 ml plain Bulgarian yoghurt ½ cup
finely chopped parsley Sauté the onion and leek in the oil. Add the carrot and
celery and stir-fry until they start to brown lightly. Add all the other
ingredients except the wisteria flowers, yoghurt and parsley. Simmer for about
40 minutes with the lid on until all the vegetables are tender. At this point you
can strain and discard the vegetables and serve a clear soup, or put it through a
liquidiser. Chill the soup if desired and serve with a spoonful or two of
yoghurt in each bowl, a grinding of black pepper and a sprinkling of parsley
and wisteria flowers.
Achillea millefolium
Growing yarrow is easy and it is often grown in the garden for its showy sprays
of tiny pink and white flowers, which are long-lasting in the vase. Clumps
should be planted 50 cm apart in a sunny spot and will thrive in any type of soil.
With compost and a twice-weekly watering, the flowering heads will reach 50
cm in height from the perennial clump of fine feathery leaves. Yarrow is an
excellent plant doctor, and planted next to rare or ailing plants, it will give them
a health boost and keep aphids away. Just a handful of leaves will speed the
decomposition of a barrow-load of undecayed compost.
Many hybrids of yarrow are grown for their showiness in the garden, but these
are neither edible nor do they have medicinal properties. Only Achillea
millefolium is edible, but it should not be taken for long periods as the build-up
can cause skin irritation and headaches. It should not be taken by pregnant
Through the centuries yarrow has been used in cosmetics as it is an
exceptional astringent. Yarrow and chamomile are the only two herbs that
contain the rare and exquisite azulene, an organic compound that is used for its
blue colour and healing properties. Yarrow has a tonic action; it brings down
fever, promotes sweating, relaxes the peripheral blood vessels, and eases
premenstrual tension and bloated painful menstruation, restoring it to normal. It
is a good antiinflammatory, antispasmodic and anti-allergenic.
In 1597 the herbalist John Gerard noted that chewing the fresh green leaves
was a good remedy for toothache, and modern medical science continues to
prove these ancient remedies substantially correct and effective. A crushed leaf
will stop a nose bleed (place the leaf in the affected nostril), and a poultice of
leaves will stop a cut or wound from bleeding.
leaves will stop a cut or wound from bleeding.
1 cup yarrow flowers and buds 1 cup borage flowers and buds ½ cup calendula
2 cups aqueous cream
1 tablespoon of almond oil
2 teaspoons vitamin E oil
In a double boiler, simmer the flower parts, aqueous cream and almond oil for 30
minutes, pressing and mixing everything thoroughly. Strain, add the vitamin E
oil and mix well. Spoon into sterilised glass jars with well-fitting lids and label.
Use lavishly.
Yarrow kedgeree
Tasty and unusual, this dish will become a family favourite.
Boil the brown rice for about 40 minutes until cooked. Poach the fish in water
Boil the brown rice for about 40 minutes until cooked. Poach the fish in water
with salt and pepper, the lemon slices and bay leaf for about 10–15 minutes or
until cooked. Drain well and flake the fish. Fry the onions in the butter until they
start to brown, add the yarrow flowers, and stir-fry. Add the curry powder, then
the turmeric, cooked rice, stock, sultanas and lemon juice. Add the flaked fish
and fork lightly until it is well mixed. Taste for seasoning. Turn into a serving
dish and sprinkle with the chopped almonds and finely chopped parsley. Serve
Yarrow has long been used by the Chinese and Europeans for culinary
purposes. Very young yarrow flowers, buds and leaves have a pungent
taste that is particularly good with curries and stir-fries.
Yarrow stir-fry
This is a quick-and-easy supper dish.
Olive oil
2½ cups very thinly sliced lean beef 2 onions, peeled and chopped 2 potatoes,
peeled and coarsely grated ½ cup young yarrow flowers and buds, stripped off
their stems 1 green pepper, chopped
2 large tomatoes, peeled and sliced 2 tablespoons honey
Sea salt and coarsely ground black pepper Juice of 1 lemon
1 teaspoon good curry powder Heat the olive oil in a large wok or pan and
lightly brown the thin strips of meat. Add the onions and stir-fry until golden.
Add the potatoes and stir-fry until cooked and browned. Toss in the flowers
and stir-fry for a few seconds before adding the remaining ingredients. Serve
piping hot with a salad.
Brown the lamb in a little oil in a heavy-based cast iron pot. Add the onions and
sauté until golden. Add the curry, ginger and yarrow flowers and stir-fry until
golden. Add all the remaining ingredients and cover the pot. Simmer gently for
about 1½ hours or until very tender and full of flavour. Add more stock or water
if necessary during the cooking time, and give the bredie a good stir every now
and then to prevent sticking and burning. Serve with rice or couscous.
Yucca gloriosa
The strange yet appealing yucca is native to the USA, Mexico and the West
Indies and is part of the Agavaceae family, many species of which have
tough, sword-like leaves. The leaves of the yucca are spiky, stiff and often
razor-sharp, rising from the ground or from short woody trunks. In
midsummer, huge panicles of exquisite lily-like, white flowers appear, in
complete contrast to the leaves, often up to a metre long. These are so long-
complete contrast to the leaves, often up to a metre long. These are so long-
lasting and spectacular in appearance, rich and creamy in texture, and heady
in fragrance, that yuccas have long been cultivated in gardens and parks
around the world as a feature plant.
The yuccas have a remarkable method of pollination. About an hour after
dark on a summer evening, they emit a beautiful fragrance that attracts the
yucca moth. As the moth darts from flower to flower seeking the fragrance,
it burrows against the crown of elongated stamens in the heart of the flower
and so pollinates the flowers, which then produce juicy round seeds.
Yuccas make bold garden sculptures and are perfect for landscaping, not only
because of their unusual appearance, but because they are so resilient to
extremes of weather, including long periods of drought. Several yucca species
are used in landscaping. Some are smaller in size, but all are edible. Yucca
filamentosa, or Adam’s needle, is virtually stemless, with long, curly threads
along the edges of the spiky leaves.The species most often planted is Y. gloriosa,
or Spanish dagger.
Plant yuccas in full sun, with two or three bucketfuls of compost.They adapt
quickly to any conditions and withstand even poor soil, but with compost and a
deep weekly watering they will produce several towering flowering heads during
The seeds, trunk and roots of the yucca contain saponins, and have been used by
American Indians for centuries to make a wound wash and lotion for rashes,
scrapes and burns.The roots and fruits were also used for washing hair, treating
scalp problems such as hair loss, and soothing insect bites and itchy, raw, sore
skin. Crushed and pounded flower petals have been used to heal sore fingers and
cracked skin in harsh, dry climates, and the petals provide relief when packed
around cracked heels and over grazes and bruises. Stems and roots boiled in
water make a good soapy brew, which was used to wash clothes.
Gently boil the flowers or seeds in the water for 20 minutes, with the lid on.
Allow the mixture to cool. Strain out the flowers or seeds and wash or dab the
lotion over affected areas. The liquid can also be poured into a spritz spray bottle
and sprayed frequently on the affected area.
Yucca flower soup
Serve as a soup dusted with paprika, or pour over a bowl of rice and eat as a main course like the Mexicans
do, with garlic and chillies added.
Soak the split peas in boiling water for an hour. Pour the olive oil into a heavy-
bottomed pot and fry the onions until golden. Add the yucca petals and green
pepper and stir-fry until they start to brown. Add all the remaining ingredients,
including the split peas, and simmer gently for about five minutes.
The yucca is extremely easy to grow and offers such beauty and
abundance in its flowering spike that we should learn from the West
Indians and cook it as they do. It is superb chopped into stir-fries,
casseroles, soups and pickles.
Boil the apple slices, sultanas and yucca petals with the sugar and water for
about 10 minutes or until tender. In a pan, melt the butter and stir-fry the oats
and sesame seeds with the cinnamon and honey, turning constantly until they
start to turn golden. Spoon the apples and yucca petals into an ovenproof glass
dish and spread the crumbly oat mixture over the top. Sprinkle with a little
cinnamon and keep the dish hot until you are ready to serve. Serve with a
generous helping of whipped cream, and top with a fresh yucca flower.
Steep dried yucca flowers in sunflower oil, enough to cover the flowers,
in a glass jar. Use it as an ingredient in stir-fries or served on home-
baked bread the way the Mexicans did centuries ago – they claimed it
gave strength and fleetness of foot!
Therapeutic quick reference
The following is a list of ailments and the most effective healing flowers for each
condition. Refer to the individual flower entry for information on the method of
application and possible side-effects.
Always consult your medical practitioner before treating yourself or your
family with home remedies.
abscess burdock, crab apple blossom, echinacea, hollyhock, pumpkin flowers
aching joints ajuga, anise, bergamot, chicory, coriander, cornflower, dandelion,
day lily, fruit sage, sacred basil, St John’s wort, turmeric, wild garlic
acidity anise, caraway, chamomile, fennel, hollyhock, mint, orange blossom
acne burdock, calendula, Cape sorrel, coriander, crab apple blossom, daisy,
dandelion, echinacea, fennel, myrtle, roselle, rosemary, tuberose,
aids echinacea, St John’s wort
allergic rhinitis echinacea, elder flowers, hollyhock, mullein, sage
anaemia dandelion, Judas tree, lucerne
analgesic anise, Californian poppy, day lily, rosemary, St John’s wort, turmeric,
water lily
angina bulrush, chamomile, hawthorn
anorexia angelica, Korean mint, lucerne, turmeric
anti-allergenic chamomile, echinacea, yarrow
antibacterial calendula, lavender, mint, roselle, rosemary, sage, strawberry,
thyme, turmeric, wild garlic, winter savory
antibiotic burdock, chives, echinacea, myrtle, nasturtium, sage, St John’s wort
anti-cancer burdock, clover, lucerne, strawberry, violet, water lily
anticoagulant evening primrose, mullein
antifungal burdock, calendula, echinacea, Judas tree, sage, thyme, winter savory
anti-inflammatory calendula, chamomile, echinacea, fennel, goldenrod, hyssop,
mint, rosemary, rose-scented pelargonium, turmeric, yarrow
anti-oxidant burdock, calendula, chamomile, goldenrod, hawthorn, mint,
mullein, mustard, myrtle, nasturtium, rosemary, rose-scented pelargonium,
thyme, winter savory
antispasmodic anise, Californian poppy, caraway, chamomile, coriander,
evening primrose, fennel, hawthorn, honeysuckle, hyssop, mint, mustard,
orange blossom, roselle, rosemary, St John’s wort, yarrow
antiviral calendula, echinacea, hyssop, Korean mint, sage, St John’s wort,
anxiety anise, borage, calendula, Californian poppy, carnation, catmint,
chamomile, coriander, evening primrose, gardenia, granadilla, jasmine,
lucerne, orange blossom, rose, sage, snapdragon, St John’s wort, tuberose
aphrodisiac water lily, winter savory
appetite stimulant caraway, chives
arteriosclerosis buckwheat, hawthorn
arthritis ajuga, buckwheat, burdock, clover, elder flowers, goldenrod, mustard,
rose-scented pelargonium, turmeric
asthma anise, chamomile, echinacea, evening primrose, gardenia, honeysuckle,
hyssop, sage, wild garlic, winter savory
astringent calendula, myrtle, orange blossom, prickly pear, red hibiscus, roselle,
rosemary, sage, St John’s wort, strawberry, yarrow
athlete’s foot sage, thyme
backache lucerne, St John’s wort, thyme, wild garlic
bad breath almond blossom, anise, caraway, coriander, fennel, mint, plum
blossom, rosemary
bedwetting Californian poppy, catmint, rose-scented pelargonium
bladder ailments carnation, carpet geranium, chives, cornflower, echinacea, fig,
Judas tree, nasturtium
bladder tonic dandelion, garland chrysanthemum, pumpkin flowers, strawberry
bleeding calendula, daisy, gardenia, yarrow
blisters banana flower, fruit sage, fuchsia, gladiolus
bloating anise, artichoke, bergamot, caraway, carpet geranium, chamomile,
coriander, fennel, garland chrysanthemum, hawthorn, Korean mint, mint, pea,
blocked nose calamint, mint, orange blossom, pineapple sage, roselle, sacred
basil, sage, winter savory
blood pressure evening primrose, hawthorn, moringa
blood pressure, high ajuga, broccoli, chives, gardenia, hawthorn, pansy and
viola, rosemary, stevia
blood pressure, low rosemary
blood sugar levels, regulate artichoke, burdock, rosemary
blood tonic borage, chives, dandelion, evening primrose, garland
chrysanthemum, Judas tree, moringa, nasturtium, orange blossom, peach
blossom, roselle
boils burdock, Cape sorrel, coriander, crab apple blossom, dandelion, echinacea,
hollyhock, linseed, pumpkin flowers
bronchitis ajuga, angelica, anise, bergamot, borage, cauliflower, clover,
echinacea, elder flowers, mullein, mustard, nasturtium, sacred basil, sage,
thyme, violet, winter savory
bruises ajuga, buckwheat, calamint, daisy, day lily, delicious monster, evening
primrose, fruit sage, gardenia, hollyhock, myrtle, peach blossom, rocket,
safflower, waterblommetjie, wisteria
bunions dahlia
burns banana flower, Cape sorrel, feijoa, plumbago, prickly pear, St John’s
wort, tulip, water lily, waterblommetjie, yucca
callouses banana flower, fuchsia
calming borage, Californian poppy, chamomile, coriander, fruit sage, jasmine,
Korean mint, lavender, rose-scented pelargonium, sage, tuberose, violet
catarrh angelica, chamomile, elder flowers, goldenrod, hollyhock, hyssop,
mullein, orange blossom
chest pains anise, chamomile
chicken pox St John’s wort, chamomile
chilblains buckwheat, calendula, echinacea, hawthorn, linseed
chills anise, Korean mint, linseed
cholesterol artichoke, buckwheat, chives, evening primrose, linseed, milk
thistle, safflower, stevia, sunflower
chronic fatigue angelica, buckwheat, mint, rosemary
circulation, aid to burdock, elder flowers, hawthorn, hyssop, Korean mint,
lucerne, rose, rosemary, sacred basil, safflower
circulatory ailments ajuga, angelica, buckwheat, bulrush, calendula, hawthorn,
linseed, fennel, mustard, orange blossom, rose, turmeric
cold sores echinacea, elder flowers, St John’s wort
colds ajuga, anise, bergamot, borage, broccoli, calamint, catmint, cauliflower,
chives, crab apple blossom, daisy, echinacea, elder flowers, evening primrose,
gladiolus, hollyhock, hyssop, lucerne, mullein, mustard, nasturtium, pansy and
viola, pineapple sage, roselle, sacred basil, sage, St John’s wort, thyme,
turmeric, violet, wild garlic, winter savory
colic angelica, anise, bergamot, calamint, caraway, carpet geranium, catmint,
chamomile, coriander, fennel, fruit sage, hollyhock, marigold, mint, prickly
pear, sacred basil, sage, winter savory
colitis calendula, honeysuckle, prickly pear
conjunctivitis clover, linseed, rose
constipation broccoli, carnation, chicory, dandelion, fig, hyssop, linseed,
mustard, orange blossom, plum blossom, turmeric, violet
corns banana flower, dahlia, dandelion, fuchsia
coughs ajuga, angelica, anise, bergamot, borage, calamint, caraway, catmint,
cauliflower, chives, clover, cornflower, crab apple blossom, daisy, echinacea,
elder flowers, evening primrose, gladiolus, hollyhock, honeysuckle, linseed,
mullein, nasturtium, pansy and viola, pineapple sage, rose, roselle, sacred
basil, sage, St John’s wort, thyme, violet, wild garlic, winter savory, wisteria
cracked heels elder flowers, lavender, rose-scented pelargonium, yucca
Crohn’s disease chamomile, mint
cuts and grazes banana flower, bulrush, calendula, Cape sorrel, dahlia, daisy,
fuchsia, gardenia, gladiolus, linseed, peach blossom, prickly pear, pumpkin
flowers, safflower, St John’s wort, tulip, waterblommetjie, yucca
cystitis angelica, carpet geranium, chicory, gardenia, garland chrysanthemum,
goldenrod, hollyhock, red hibiscus, strawberry
dandruff carpet geranium, sage
deodorant artichoke, fruit sage, garland chrysanthemum, lavender, rosemary,
rose-scented pelargonium
depression buckwheat, jasmine, lavender, milk thistle, orange blossom, rose,
rosemary, rose-scented pelargonium, St John’s wort
detoxifying artichoke, burdock, calamint, calendula, chicory, dandelion,
echinacea, fennel, fruit sage, garland chrysanthemum, Korean mint, lucerne,
peach blossom, thyme
diabetes artichoke, strawberry
diarrhoea bulrush, carpet geranium, catmint, crab apple blossom, daisy, feijoa,
gladiolus, goldenrod, hawthorn, hollyhock, moringa, prickly pear, sage,
digestive aid angelica, anise, artichoke, bergamot, caraway, chives, fennel, fruit
sage, marigold, mint, mustard, pea, red hibiscus, roselle, rosemary, sage,
thyme, tuberose, winter savory
digestive ailments anise, bergamot, calamint, chamomile, calendula, coriander,
cornflower, evening primrose, fennel, fig, gladiolus, goldenrod, hollyhock,
hyssop, Korean mint, linseed, mint, pea, prickly pear, sage, strawberry,
tuberose, winter savory
disinfectant day lily, sage, thyme
diuretic anise, burdock, caraway, dandelion, fennel, garland chrysanthemum,
goldenrod, hawthorn, Judas tree, marigold, moringa, mustard, roselle, rose-
scented pelargonium, sacred basil, sunflower, turmeric
diverticulitis hollyhock, mint
dizziness lavender, mint, rosemary
dry skin almond blossom, bergamot, bulrush, calendula, carnation, carpet
geranium, dahlia, delicious monster, elder flowers, fruit sage, honeysuckle,
lavender, mint, sage, tulip, yucca
dysentery crab apple blossom, feijoa, gladiolus, mint, moringa
earache echinacea, elder flowers, mullein
eczema borage, burdock, calendula, carnation, chamomile, clover, elder flowers,
evening primrose, honeysuckle, mullein, pansy and viola, peach blossom,
thyme, violet, water lily
energising almond blossom, lucerne, rosemary, St John’s wort, thyme
expectorant angelica, anise, calamint, caraway, fennel, honeysuckle, hyssop,
mullein, sunflower, thyme
eye ailments calendula, chamomile, clover, cornflower, daisy
fainting lavender, rosemary, yarrow
fear borage, evening primrose, gardenia, granadilla, Korean mint, lavender,
orange blossom, tuberose
fever angelica, bergamot, borage, calendula, dandelion, elder flowers, gardenia,
hawthorn, Korean mint, moringa, mullein, red hibiscus, sacred basil,
safflower, wild garlic, yarrow
fever blisters echinacea, elder flowers, stevia
flatulence anise, artichoke, bergamot, caraway, carpet geranium, catmint,
coriander, fennel, fruit sage, marigold, mint, prickly pear, rosemary, winter
flu ajuga, angelica, borage, broccoli, calamint, catmint, chives, cornflower,
echinacea, elder flowers, gardenia, Korean mint, lucerne, mustard, nasturtium,
sacred basil, thyme, turmeric, winter savory
freckles elder flowers, fuchsia, water lily
fungicidal echinacea, rosemary, rose-scented pelargonium, Korean mint, sage,
gall bladder ailments artichoke, calendula, chicory, crab apple blossom,
dandelion, milk thistle, mint, rosemary, St John’s wort
gout buckwheat, chicory, clover, daisy, dandelion, moringa, pansy and viola
gripes anise, caraway, coriander, fennel
gum disease almond blossom, caraway, hollyhock, mint, moringa, plum
blossom, rosemary, sage, stevia, strawberry
haemorrhoids buckwheat, calendula, daisy, linseed, mullein, snapdragon
hair loss banana flower, nasturtium, rosemary, sage, yucca
hayfever chamomile, echinacea, elder flowers, hollyhock, honeysuckle, mullein,
headache anise, catmint, chicory, gardenia, jasmine, lavender, moringa,
rosemary, sacred basil, violet
heart palpitations anise, catmint, gardenia, hawthorn, mint, orange blossom,
heart problems hawthorn, pansy and viola
heart tonic buckwheat, hawthorn, honeysuckle, lucerne, safflower
heartburn anise, caraway, coriander, fennel, marigold, mint, prickly pear
hiatus hernia chamomile, mint
hives borage, evening primrose
homesickness honeysuckle
hot flushes goldenrod, mint, sage
hyperactivity chamomile, evening primrose, lavender, mint, rose-scented
pelargonium, tuberose
hypochondria dandelion, lucerne
immune system booster borage, cauliflower, chives, echinacea, elder flowers,
mustard, pea, rose, roselle, sage, sunflower, thyme
indigestion angelica, anise, artichoke, calamint, caraway, carpet geranium,
catmint, coriander, fennel, marigold, pansy and viola, pea
inflammation angelica, pansy and viola, safflower, sage, snapdragon, thyme
insect bites almond blossom, borage, calendula, clover, coriander, crab apple
blossom, dahlia, echinacea, feijoa, fruit sage, fuchsia, gardenia, hollyhock,
mint, peach blossom, pineapple sage, poppy, prickly pear, St John’s wort,
thyme, tulip, waterblommetjie, yucca
insomnia Californian poppy, catmint, chamomile, dandelion, granadilla,
lavender, orange blossom, St John’s wort
irregular heartbeat anise, caraway, hawthorn
irritable bowel syndrome chamomile, evening primrose, hollyhock, prickly
kidney ailments broccoli, carnation, chives, cornflower, crab apple blossom,
dandelion, echinacea, fennel, goldenrod, nasturtium, peach blossom,
kidney stones burdock, clover, fennel, goldenrod, hawthorn, Judas tree,
kidney tonic burdock, chicory, fennel, garland chrysanthemum, linseed, peach
blossom, pumpkin flowers, red hibiscus, strawberry
lice sage, thyme
liver ailments calendula, caraway, cornflower, dandelion, fennel, pea, St John’s
wort, strawberry, turmeric
liver tonic artichoke, burdock, chicory, gardenia, Judas tree, milk thistle, sacred
basil, strawberry, turmeric
malaria hawthorn, sacred basil, sunflower
menopause bulrush, evening primrose, goldenrod, hawthorn, lucerne, mint,
safflower, sage, St John’s wort
menstruation, irregular, bulrush, calendula, carpet geranium, hawthorn,
hollyhock, lucerne, sage
menstruation, painful angelica, anise, bulrush, calendula, caraway, chamomile,
mint, safflower, yarrow
milk production, stimulates anise, carpet geranium, fennel
morning sickness chamomile, Korean mint, mint
mouth infections day lily, mint, plum blossom, rosemary, sage
mouth ulcers almond blossom, elder flowers, plum blossom, sage, snapdragon,
stevia, strawberry
mucous, excessive borage, cornflower, daisy, mullein, sage
multiple sclerosis evening primrose
muscle spasms angelica, burdock, calendula, caraway, jasmine, St John’s wort,
thyme, wild garlic
muscular aches anise, bergamot, catmint, chamomile, day lily, fruit sage,
jasmine, Korean mint, mullein, rose-scented pelargonium, sacred basil, St
John’s wort, thyme
nausea anise, artichoke, bergamot, coriander, fruit sage, Korean mint, mint,
nervousness calendula, carnation, coriander, evening primrose, granadilla,
Korean mint, mint, rose-scented pelargonium
neuralgia rose-scented pelargonium, St John’s wort
nightmares Californian poppy, mint, rose-scented pelargonium
nose bleed yarrow
oestrogenic calendula, hawthorn, lucerne, sage
oily hair banana flower, carpet geranium, rosemary, sage
oily skin bergamot, calendula, Cape sorrel, coriander, fennel, garland
crysanthemum, myrtle, orange blossom, plumbago, roselle, rose-scented
pelargonium, strawberry, tuberose
over-exhaustion chamomile, lavender, lucerne, rose-scented pelargonium
panic attacks Californian poppy, chamomile, evening primrose, granadilla,
lavender, lucerne, mint
peptic ulcer calendula, chamomile, hollyhock, mint, rose-scented pelargonium
pimples Cape sorrel, dahlia, delicious monster, elder flowers, garland
crysanthemum, linseed, moringa, poppy, strawberry, waterblommetjie,
pleurisy angelica, borage, hollyhock, hyssop, mullein, mustard, sage
pneumonia cauliflower, echinacea, mullein, mustard, thyme, violet, winter
postnasal drip chamomile, elder flowers, violet
postnatal depression buckwheat, lucerne, mint
post-viral fatigue syndrome (ME) Californian poppy, echinacea, St John’s
premenstrual tension borage, evening primrose, hawthorn, orange blossom,
rosemary, yarrow
prostate problems dandelion, pumpkin flowers, prickly pear
psoriasis borage, burdock, calendula, carpet geranium, clover, elder flowers
rashes banana flower, borage, burdock, calendula, chamomile, clover, coriander,
dahlia, daisy, feijoa, fruit sage, fuchsia, hollyhock, honeysuckle, Judas tree,
linseed, mint, myrtle, pansy and viola, peach blossom, plumbago, poppy,
prickly pear, snapdragon, St John’s wort, strawberry, tulip, violet, water lily,
waterblommetjie, yucca
respiratory ailments bergamot, borage, burdock, calamint, chives, cornflower,
evening primrose, honeysuckle, Judas tree, moringa, mullein, sage, thyme,
turmeric, winter savory
restlessness anise, chamomile, lavender
rheumatism ajuga, angelica, chicory, coriander, cornflower, dandelion, day lily,
honeysuckle, lavender, linseed, marigold, moringa, mullein, mustard, pansy
and viola, rosemary, thyme, turmeric, waterblommetjie, wild garlic
ringworm Korean mint, thyme
scabies elder flowers, thyme
scalp problems banana flower, carpet geranium, rosemary, yucca
sciatica St John’s wort
scurvy Cape sorrel, nasturtium
sedative bergamot, Californian poppy, catmint, chamomile, hawthorn, jasmine,
orange blossom, rose, St John’s wort
shingles chamomile, St John’s wort
shock anise, Korean mint, mint
sinus problems bergamot, calamint, elder flowers, goldenrod, linseed, mullein,
violet, winter savory
skin ailments almond blossom, banana flower, borage, burdock, calendula,
carnation, chicory, dahlia, daisy, delicious monster, echinacea, elder flowers,
evening primrose, feijoa, fennel, fuchsia, hollyhock, honeysuckle, Judas tree,
Korean mint, lavender, mint, moringa, mullein, myrtle, pansy and viola,
plumbago, poppy, prickly pear, snapdragon, rocket, rose, roselle, rosemary,
violet, wisteria, yucca
sore nipples calendula, chamomile
sore throat ajuga, bergamot, calamint, daisy, echinacea, elder flowers, fuchsia,
Korean mint, lavender, moringa, nasturtium, plum blossom, roselle, sage,
stevia, thyme, wild garlic, winter savory, wisteria
sprains and strains ajuga, burdock, calamint, day lily, delicious monster, fruit
sage, myrtle, rocket, safflower, snapdragon, St John’s wort, waterblommetjie
stiffness burdock, cornflower, jasmine, pansy and viola, rosemary, rose-scented
stimulating Korean mint, lucerne, mint, rosemary
strained throat anise, chamomile, sage, snapdragon
stress anise, borage, catmint, chamomile, gardenia, hawthorn, jasmine, Judas
tree, lucerne, orange blossom, sacred basil, St John’s wort, tuberose
sunburn almond blossom, banana flower, bergamot, borage, calendula,
delicious monster, feijoa, fuchsia, honeysuckle, linseed, mint, pineapple sage,
plumbago, red hibiscus, snapdragon, water lily, waterblommetjie
tension anise, catmint, hawthorn, jasmine, Korean mint, lavender, lucerne,
sacred basil
thrush calendula, goldenrod, sage, thyme, winter savory
tight chest angelica, anise, bergamot, borage, calamint, honeysuckle, Judas tree
tired feet banana flower, dahlia, fruit sage, gladiolus, lavender, linseed, mint
tonic almond blossom, borage, buckwheat, cornflower, mustard, pea, sage, St
John’s wort, thyme, wisteria, yarrow
tonsillitis echinacea, fuchsia, sage
tooth decay anise, moringa, sage, stevia
toothache anise, Californian poppy, day lily, echinacea, Judas tree, yarrow
tranquillising lavender, rose-scented pelargonium, water lily
tremors cornflower
urinary tract ailments angelica, chicory, chives, fennel, goldenrod, hyssop,
linseed, mustard, myrtle, peach blossom, sacred basil, strawberry
vaginal itching buckwheat, clover, elder flowers
varicose veins buckwheat, daisy, mullein, wisteria
verrucas dandelion
vertigo cornflower, lavender, mint, rosemary
vomiting bergamot, caraway, fennel, Korean mint, tuberose
warts dandelion, fig, poppy
weak nails Judas tree, pineapple sage, tuberose
weight loss evening primrose, fennel
whooping cough anise, borage, caraway, clover, mint, thyme, violet
worms pumpkin seeds, thyme
wounds banana flower, bergamot, bulrush, calendula, crab apple blossom, daisy,
evening primrose, mullein, prickly pear, pumpkin flowers, safflower,
turmeric, yarrow, yucca
Flower index
The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally
removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading
device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in
the print index are listed below.
Aaron’s rod
Achillea millefolium
Agastache rugosa
Ajuga reptans
Allium schoenoprasum
Almond blossom
Alcea rosea
Angelica archangelica
Antirrhinum majus
Aponogeton distachyos
Arctium lappa
Banana flower
Bee balm
Bellis perennis
Borago officinalis
Brassica alba
Brassica nigra
Brassica oleracea
Brassica oleracea var. botrytis
Brazilian guava Broccoli
Cactus pear
Calamintha ascendens
Calamintha officinalis
Calendula officinalis
Californian poppy Cape forget-me-not Cape leadwort
Cape pond weed
Cape sorrel
Carpet bugle
Carpet geranium Catmint
Carthamus tinctorius
Carum carvi
Centaurea cyanus
Cercis canadensis
Cercis siliquastrum
Chamaemelum nobile
Chop suey greens Chrysanthemum coronarium
Cichorium intybus
Citrus species Clove pink
Coriandrum sativum
Crab apple blossom Crataegus monogyna
Crataegus oxyacantha
Creeping geranium Cucurbita species Curcuma domestica
Cynara scolymus
Dahlia juarezii
Dahlia rosea
Day lily
Delicious monster Dianthus caryophyllus
Drumstick tree
Echinacea purpurea
Edible chrysanthemum Elder flowers
Emperor’s mint
Eruca vesicaria subsp. sativa
Eschscholzia californica
Evening primrose F
Fagopyrum esculentum
Feijoa sellowiana
Ficus carica
Field poppy
Flanders poppy
Florida cranberry Foeniculum vulgare
Fragaria species Fragaria vesca
Fruit sage
Fuchsia arborescens
Fuchsia corymbiflora
Fuchsia denticulata
Fuchsia racemosa
Fuchsia species G
Garden angelica Garden pea
Gardenia jasminoides
Garland chrysanthemum Geranium incanum
Giant woolly sage Gladiolus
Gladiolus hybrids Globe artichoke Goldenrod
Granadilla flower H
Helianthus annuus
Hemerocallis species Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Hibiscus sabdariffa
Hypericum perforatum
Hyssopus officinalis
Indian sorrel
Jamaican sorrel Jasmine
Jasminum multipartitum
Jasminum officinale
Judas tree
Korean mint
Korean mint
Lavandula × intermedia ‘Margaret Roberts’
Lawn daisy
Linum usitatissimum
Lonicera species Lucerne
Malus floribunda
Malus pumila
Matricaria recutita
Medicago sativa
Mentha species Micromeria species Milk thistle
Monarda didyma
Monstera deliciosa
Moringa oleifera
Musa species Mustard
Myrtus communis
Nepeta cataria
Nepeta mussinii
Nymphaea alba
Ocimum sanctum
Ocimum tenuiflorum
Oenothera biennis
Opuntia ficus-indica
Orange blossom
Oseille rouge Oswego tea
Our Lady’s taper Oxalis pes-caprae
Papaver rhoeas
Passiflora edulis
Passiflora species Passion flower
Peach blossom
Pelargonium graveolens
Pimpinella anisum
Pineapple guava Pineapple sage
Pisum sativum
Plum blossom
Plumbago auriculata
Polianthes tuberosa
Prickly pear
Prunus amygdalus
Prunus domestica
Prunus dulcis
Prunus persica
Purple cone flower R
Red bud tree
Red hibiscus
Rock salad
Rosa species Rose
Rose-scented pelargonium Rosmarinus officinalis
Sacred basil
Salvia dorisiana
Salvia elegans
Salvia officinalis
Salvia rutilans
Sambucus nigra
Satureja montana
Silybum marianum
Solidago canadensis
Solidago virgaurea
St John’s wort
Stevia rebaudiana
Strawberry flowers Sunflower
Swiss cheese plant T
Tagetes erecta
Tagetes patula
Taraxacum officinale
Thymus × citriodorus
Thymus vulgaris
Trifolium pratense
Tropaeolum majus
Tulbaghia violacea
Tulipa species Tulsi
Typha latifolia
Verbascum thapsus
Viola lutea
Viola odorata
Viola tricolor
Water lily
Waterblommetjie Wild garlic
Wild geranium
Winter savory
Wisteria sinensis
Yucca gloriosa
Recipe index
Cheese dishes:
Cream cheese and dahlia dip Myrtle and cheese spread
Nasturtium cheese dip
Plum blossom and celery cheese platter Watermelon balls with ricotta and water
lily Condiments and preserves:
Angelica and orange marmalade Brazilian feijoa conserve
Calamint or emperor’s mint conserve Catmint honey
Catmint spicy rub
Chive blossom vinegar
Daisy honey
Daisy vinegar
Dried safflower spicy mix
Homemade mustard
Lemon and crab apple blossom jelly Marigold mixed spice
Myrtle pepper
Orange blossom sugar
Quick fig jam
Sacred basil rub
Safflower oil
Sweet angelica spice
Thyme salt
Almond blossom and strawberry ice-cream Anise apple dessert
Apple and myrtle stir-fry dessert Bergamot and peach jelly
Bergamot cream
Butterscotch and cornflower sauce Calendula custard
Californian poppy spring fruit salad Caraway flower and peach pashka
Chamomile fruit jelly
Chicory and pear dessert
Chocolate mint mousse
Crab apple blossom sponge fingers Delicious monster and litchi dessert
Echinacea and melon fruit salad Elder flower and rhubarb dessert Evening
primrose and pear dessert Feijoa fruit salad
Fig ice-cream
Flax flower chocolate sauce Fruit sage dessert whip
Fuchsia ice-cream topping
Gardenia and litchi fruit salad Gardenia chocolate mousse
Garland chrysanthemum and apple dessert Goldenrod and apple chews
Hawthorn pancakes with lemon curd Hollyhock summer fruit salad pancake
Hawthorn pancakes with lemon curd Hollyhock summer fruit salad pancake
Honeysuckle fruit salad
Jasmine and strawberry dessert Judas tree flower and mulberry jelly Moringa
flower fruit dessert Mulberry and snapdragon dessert Orange blossom sago
pudding Paradise ice-cream
Passion flower tropical fruit salad Peach and calamint dessert Peach blossom
spring fruit salad Plumbago fruit jelly
Poached nectarines and hyssop Prickly pear summer dessert Red hibiscus jelly
Rose petal cream jelly
Rose-scented pelargonium filo baskets Rose-scented pelargonium mousse
Roselle jelly
Springtime peach blossom sundae Stevia flower rice pudding Strawberry and
banana dessert with cornflowers Strawberry and mullein mousse Strawberry
and pansy granita Strawberry flower pashka
Tiramisu with rosemary
Water lily and apple dessert Watermelon and mint dessert Yucca crumble
See also Teas Almond blossom milk energiser Almond milk
Borage sangria
Burdock bud syrup
Crab apple verjuice
Elder flower lemonade
Fennel hot toddy
Gardenia milkshake
Goldenrod and celery health drink Hawthorn flower de-stressing drink
Honeysuckle energy drink
Immune booster juice
Immune-building mustard drink Jasmine cordial
Korean mint party punch
Lucerne energy drink
Mango and calamint smoothie Mango nectar with carnation petals Mexican
ceriman (delicious monster) drink Milk thistle flower drink
Passion flower nectar
Pineapple sage and fresh pineapple drink Poppy brandy
Red hibiscus cool drink
Rose petal syrup
Rose petal syrup
Rose punch
Sacred basil cool drink
Sage cool drink
Sage flower eggnog
Stevia flower lemonade
Strawberry punch
Strawberry tonic wine
Tuberose and pineapple cordial Tulip syrup
Violet liqueur
Egg dishes:
Calendula omelette
Dandelion flower omelette
Evening primrose stuffed eggs Potato and ham frittata with rocket Fish:
Banana blossom paella
Cape sorrel and pickled fish Caraway fish curry
Echinacea pane bagno
Stuffed gladiolus flowers
Thyme flower savoury fish
Yarrow kedgeree
Anise pasta confetti salad Beetroot and St John’s wort health salad Beetroot and
sunflower petal salad Buckwheat flower salad
Caraway egg and potato salad Chicory and tuna salad
Chive and garlic chive health salad Cold chicken and fuchsia salad Cornflower
pasta salad
Dandelion and bacon salad
Dandelion and beetroot salad Fennel flower slimmer’s salad Fig savoury salad
Golden day lily and yellow peach salad Green bean and potato salad with
coriander flowers Green hyssop salad
Grilled aubergine salad with eggs and nasturtium flowers Hollyhock and green
bean salad Hulled buckwheat salad
Moringa health salad
New potato salad with Californian poppies Plumbago and beetroot salad Prickly
pear salad
Red salad with poppy vinaigrette Roselle salad
Stuffed squash flower salad Three bean salad with tulips Turmeric flower
chicken salad Water lily salad
Wild garlic salad
Wisteria and watercress spring salad Yellow sorrel salad
Burdock flower cleansing soup Fennel flower soup
Flax flower and potato soup Garland chrysanthemum tonic broth Goldenrod
Hearty borage winter health soup Iced avocado and lucerne soup Leek, kale and
coriander flower soup Milk thistle vegetable soup Monks’ broccoli broth
Mushroom and rocket soup
Mustard tonic soup
Pea flower soup
Pea flower tonic soup
Pumpkin flower soup
Sage and pumpkin soup
Thyme immune-boosting soup Tuberose vegetable soup
Waterblommetjie soup
Winter savory and cabbage mealie soup Wisteria country borscht
Yucca flower soup
Ajuga and butter bean stir-fry Buckwheat flower stir-fry
Californian poppy and aubergine stir-fry Chicken and hawthorn flower stir-fry
Chicory stir-fry
Day lily stir-fry
Garland chrysanthemum stir-fry Judas tree stir-fry
Korean mint and mushroom stir-fry Marigold and mango stir-fry Pear and carpet
geranium stir-fry Red-clover stir-fry
Turmeric flower stir-fry
Waterblommetjie stir-fry
Waterblommetjie stir-fry
Yarrow stir-fry
Anise health tea
Bergamot health tea
Calamint after-dinner tea
Chamomile tea
Chinese plum blossom tea
Cleansing burdock tea
Fragrant carpet geranium tea Goldenrod health tea
Gypsy linseed tea
Iced tea with orange blossom sugar Jasmine tea
Mint digestive tea
Moringa flower tea
Roselle health tea
Sage and hawthorn flower tea Winter savory tea
See also Stir-fries American Indian savoury echinacea spread Artichoke dip
Artichokes with mint and yoghurt Aubergine and coriander flower lunch dish
Baby carrots with fruit sage and honey Baked pumpkin with stuffed pumpkin
flowers Bulrush stew
Cajun potatoes with lavender Cauliflower and clover cheese Creamed spinach
and chive flower supper dish Fuchsia and potato mash
Grilled mushrooms with peach blossom Grilled rosemary sosaties
Lucerne flower and vegetable tempura Marinated sunflower bud parcels
Mexican mealie and chilli dish with dahlia flowers Mint and mushroom
supper dish Mullein and carrot lunch dish Mustard flower vegetable curry
Pansy and asparagus cheese bake Pea flower relish
Plum blossom and pumpkin supper dish Potato and St John’s wort bake Roasted
okra with bergamot flowers Steamed broccoli florets and leaves Steamed day
lilies and asparagus Stuffed avocadoes with St John’s wort Stuffed marrow
with mullein flowers Sunflower buds with mustard sauce Zulu wild garlic