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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 08 Issue: 05 | May 2021 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Document Storage System using Blockchain Technology

Saish Karanjekar, Shraddha Satpute,Yogita Kshirsagar,Sakshi Gharat

Saish ,Mumbai,Maharashtra,India
Shraddha ,Mumbai,Maharashtra,India

Professor Pallavi Ahire, Dept. of Information Technology, Sinhgad Instititue Of Technology, Maharashtra, India

Abstract - central authority. It is a secured distributed database,
tamper evident, wherein the validity of a transaction can
Currently the document storage is following an traditional
way of storing the Documents by means of paper. be verified by parties in the transaction.
However ,large number of paper and labour work is
required. Blockchain is a public ledger that is distributed
and decentralized and it is used to carry out transactions Know Your Customer (KYC) processes performed
online across the entire network of computer systems. It is a by banks on their customers are unnecessary,
recent technology adopted for data security. Making of false unmanageable and costly. Therefore, a system is proposed
documents and certificates by forging it from the original
ones have become more nowadays. The non-modifiable will to automate unskilled tasks and allow sharing of data
help the document from being replaced by another related to KYC. Blockchain technology, with its concept of
document and also will result in permanent entry. Also the distributed database, time-stamped ledgers, can
blockchain property of distributed ledger system will help to
keep the documents unmodified and unaffected forever. effectively help banks improve their KYC process.
Blockchain serves as an infrastructure to secure, share, and
verify documents .So we proposed a model for Document One of the main tasks of the bank is to ensure information
Storage using Blockchain Technology.
security of data of the customers, confidentiality and the
KeyWords: Data security, Blockchain Technology , state of their account to guarantee their safety and
Distributed Leadure integrity, in the process of exchange and processing of
1.INTRODUCTION information. Thus, by using the capabilities of innovative
information technology i.e. the Blockchain technology
Block-chain is an emerging technology for distributed and information security can be achieved.
transactional data sharing across a large network of un-
trusted participants. In today's world banking is growing B. Motivation
fast also the confidential data need to transfer for financial KYC processes are generally repetitive,
purposes and store banking data securely.It allows new
incompatible, tedious and duplicated, leading to high
forms of distributed software architectures. Although the
technology was mainly accepted in digital currency in administrative overheads and costs. A blockchain-based
initial days, but it is a promising technology for other areas solution, with its immutable ledger, ease of integration,
too. and considerably lower operational and infrastructure
In this project we are going to use AES Encryption costs, is undeniably a better option as compared to
Algorithm to encrypt corresponding Documents which is existing KYC processes.
at least six time faster than triple DES.
Banking information has always raised the
A. Overview interest of intruders to it, so each bank needs to organize
A Blockchain-based E-Document storage system is
the security of the data it stores i.e. the state of their
for providing security to the bank transactions and to
accounts, their transaction history, etc. Blockchain is
implement the KYC process in a more simpler and secured
shared distributed ledger which stores transaction to a
way. Blockchain technology is a new technology which is
permanent chain which is unbreakable and can be viewed
based on mathematical, cryptographic and economic
by the parties in a transaction. The vulnerabilities in cyber-
principles for maintaining a database between various
attacks in transaction can be over-come by this technology.
participants without the necessity of any third party or

© 2021, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 08 Issue: 05 | May 2021 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

1.1 Scope

In future, the nodes can be made smart through NLP

and given the ability to understand right from wrong, thus
raising a security warning whenever it finds any fault in
the currently received document.

2. METHODOLOGY Fig . Data Flow Diagram

System design In this System customer can login to through respective

login Id’s before that they have to go through the process
of KYC
.After uploading the data its get encrypted using AES
Algorithm .Data will be stored on the database and the
verification will be done on the server end by admin i.e
organization side with the help proper corresponding
customer Id respective document get fetched and it will be
decrypted .Verify by the organization and again it is
encrypted and send over to database on the nodes.

2.1 AES Encryption Algorithm

In this system we have used AES(Advanced encryption

standard).It is symmetric algorithm. It used to convert
plain text into cipher text .The need for coming with this
algorithm is weakness in DES. The 56 bit key of DES is no
longer safe against attacks based on exhaustive key
searches and 64-bit block also consider as weak.
Interestingly, AES performs all its computations on bytes
Fig.System Architecture rather than bits. Hence, AES treats the 128 bits of a
plaintext block as 16 bytes. These 16 bytes are arranged
 In proposed system, we implement a block chain in four columns and four rows for processing as a matrix.
Based KYC system, in which each customer upload Unlike DES, the number of rounds in AES is variable and
a data files and encrypts these data with depends on the length of the key. AES uses 10 rounds for
corresponding key. 128-bit keys, 12 rounds for 192-bit keys and 14 rounds
for 256-bit keys. Each of these rounds uses a different
 To implement both security preservation and 128-bit round key, which is calculated from the original
relevant searches, we propose an effective search AES key.In this drop we are using it to encrypt the data
scheme. owner file.

 In this framework, the server is permitted to

viably combine various encrypted records, and 3. CONCLUSION
safely play out the pursuit without uncovering the In many ways, Blockchain today is comparable to
user sensitive data, neither information where the Internet was in early 20s. The development of
documents nor the questions. information technology and electronic business every day
has an increasingly significant impact on all spheres of the
modern life. Blockchain technology is designed to change
the traditional perception of how people interact through
a network. The main advantage of the Blockchain
technology is the complete synchronization of processes,
integrity and uniqueness of all processed information,

© 2021, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 08 Issue: 05 | May 2021 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

regardless of mining and tokens. Blockchain technology [4] InterPlanetary File System Enabled
helps to improve distributed databases in terms of Blockchain(IRJET),April 2020
storage, synchronization, loss and integrity of data.
Its early days, but industry leaders are sponsoring a wide [5] Securing Educational Documents Using Blockchain
range of blockchain use cases supported by industry
consortiums. Having seen the potential of this technology
and the challenges, we think the opportunity is clear but
the blue sky is too far off and companies need to validate
use cases and business/technical viability before
implementing blockchain.

This Design system will help to store Documents using

Block chain Technology.. The documents are stored in an
off-chain storage systems like the local machine or any
distributed file system, in this work a private IPFS
network is created for storing the documents.Blockchain
technology is used to reduce certificate forgeries. It
ensures security, validity, and confidentiality of
information.This system will help us to greatly reduce
frauds, bribes and theft of document and also will help to
preserve the ownership of a particular person over
his/her own document.


It gives me immense pleasure to express my sincere hearty

gratitude for the constant help, encouragement and
suggestion given to us for present our dissertation work
Entitled"Document Storage System using Blockchain
Technology " under the guidance of Prof. P. P. Ahire her
encouragement guidance enabled us to complete this
task.We are extremely grateful to Dr. M.S.
Gaikwad ,Principal, SIT, Lonavala and Dr.Rajendra Babar,
Head of Department, Department of Information Technology,
for providing all the required resources for the successful
completion of my project. We extend our thanks to the staff
member of Information Technology Department and all my
friends who have extended their co-operation for the
completion of this task. Finally, we express our gratitude to
Almighty GOD and our PARENTS who have inspired and
supported us to complete this work, without their support
we could not have completed this task..


[1] Ethereum [Online]. Available:

[2] Matt Ober. (2018,Nov). The decentralized power of

Ethereum and IPFS [Online]. Available:

[3] Digital Locker Technology Specification” (DLTS). Version

2.3, March 2015.

© 2021, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 3

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