Analytix-BI - Quick Start

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Quick Start
June 2017

Description: AnalytiX-BI gives you the ability to cohesively 8. Name this Data Flow “Factory1_Data “.
visualize your data. It allows you to merge data from multiple data 9. Click on Click here to add a new step and choose Historical
sources and then visualize these data sets as one. Data  Hyper Historian Raw Data.
General Requirement: Basic familiarity with GraphWorX64, 10. Add the same set of Various Signals tags as in step 6.
GridWorX and Hyper Historian. This example requires that there 11. Set the Start and End Time to be a period where you have
be some logged Hyper Historian data, preferably from the sample data, then click Apply.
Hyper Historian configuration.


AnalytiX-BI was created to offer these features:

Figure 1 – Time Settings

 Improved data accessibility

 Data processing 12. There are many possible ways to edit your data flow. You can
 Data modeling/context create new columns, delete existing ones, or filter your data
 Dramatically improved read performance via caching using the buttons at the bottom right of the Data Flow Editor.
 Addressing visualization fragmentation

With AnalytiX-BI, data is imported into tables and relationships

are established. The data can then be explored, sliced and rolled
up on the fly (for example, "Count all faults for the year 2016 and
group by building" or "Show the sum of energy consumption for
the years 2016 and 2015").
Figure 2 – Data Flow Editor (Add, Delete, Filter)

Setting up AnalytiX-BI Data Models

Data Flows Data Models define relationships between multiple Data Flow
Data Flows define the data you will want to analyze with AnalytiX-
BI and do some basic manipulations on it. 1. Right click on Data Models and click New Data Model.
2. Name your Data Model “Factory1”.
Before getting started, if you have not yet logged any Hyper 3. Check the Online box and hit Apply.
Historian data go to Hyper Historian in Workbench and start the 4. Right click on our new Factory1 model and click Add
service so you begin logging some data. Data Table.
5. In the Data Source we’re going to want to pick one of our
1. Open Workbench and expand AnalytiX to find BI Server. Data Flows from the previous section. Browse for My
Expand BI Server. Computer  AnalytiX  BI Server  Data Flows 
2. Right click on Data Flows and select Add Data Flow Folder. Factory1  Factory1_Source.
Name this folder “Factory1” and hit Apply. 6. After you select your data source the data should
3. Now right click on the newly made Factory1 folder and select populate in the Preview pane. If it does not immediately
Add Data Flow. Name this Data Flow “Factory1_Source”. populate, click away from the Data Source field.
4. Inside your Factory1_Source panel you should see a “Steps”
list. Click on Click here to add a new step and select
Dimensions  Historical Tags.
5. A Data Sources panel should appear. Click the Click to add
multiple tags link in its header.
6. Browse to My Computer  Historical Data  Hyper Historian
 Configuration  Various Signals. Select all tags in this
folder and click OK, then Apply.
7. Right click on Factory1, and select Add Data Flow again. Figure 3 - Preview of your Data Table
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Quick Start
June 2017

7. Name your Data Table “Source” and hit Apply.

8. Right-click on Factory1 and select Add Data Table again.
9. For this table’s data source, browse for My Computer 
AnalytiX  BI Server  Data Flows  Factory1 
10. Name this Data Table, ”Data” and click Apply.
11. Go back to the Factory1 data model by double-clicking
on it in the tree or selecting the Factory1 tab if it is still
12. You should see a set of tables similar to Figure 4. If not,
click Refresh.

Figure 6 – Configuring Relationship Editor

13. Click OK and Apply. The relationship between our tables has
been defined.

Data View
Data Views can be used to pre-create queries you expect to use
often in a GridWorX Viewer.

1. To create a new data view right click on the Factory1 data

model and choose Add Data View. Name it
2. Paste this query into the Data Source field:

SELECT Source.Name, Sum(Data.Value) FROM Source INNER

Figure 4 – Data Model Tables JOIN Data ON Source.PointName = Data.PointName

13. Drag the dot at the top of the Data box to the dot on the 3. Click away from the Data Source field to see a preview of your
top of the Source box. Make sure to drag from Data to view, then click Apply.
Source and not the other way around!
For more details on how to create your own views, see the “SQL
Grammar in AnalytiX-BI Server” page in the help files.

Viewing AnalytiX-BI Data in KPIWorX

1. Open GraphWorX64 and go to Runtime.

Figure 5 - Connecting Tables 2. Select KPIWorX in the Tools section of the Runtime ribbon.
3. On your right, you will see the Component Library. In the
14. The Relationship Editor should appear. Set the two Controls section, find the Filter control. Drag it onto your
empty fields under Primary Key Table and Foreign Key display.
Table to both be PointName, then click Add. 4. On the left side of your screen you’ll find the data browser,
Browse to My Computer  AnalytiX  BI Server  Models
 Factory1  Source and drag DisplayName onto the filter
5. Grab one of the arrows on the sides to customize the size of
your filter and make room for more charts.

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Quick Start
June 2017

6. Drag these charts on to your display, resizing each one to 14. Drag Value from the data browser into Value (Y-axis), then
make room for the next: click on it and choose Sum. This is another way to set an
 Data Diagram aggregate.
 Categorical Chart
 Treemap
 Donut.

Figure 7 – Adding Charts and Controls to a KPIWorX Display

7. Click on your Data Diagram and select the Settings panel.

Figure 9 – Setting Sum of Value on Data

15. We want to plot more than one series, so drag Timestamp

into the Value (Y-axis) as well, and choose Count as its

Figure 8 – Setting up Data Diagram in KPIWorX

8. From the data browser, drag the DisplayName tag into Figure 10 - Two Series in a Chart
9. Expand Data and drag Timestamp into Rows. 16. Set Sort to be by Timestamp.
10. Expand Value, and drag Sum into Value. This will calculate 17. Make other changes as desired. For instance, you can change
an aggregate for the Value column. the Palette color, or move the Legend position to the bottom.
11. You should see that as soon as you complete the data 18. Select the Treemap. As before, drag DisplayName to
mapping, the data diagram will begin to populate. Category and Sum of Value to Value. Under Appearance,
12. In the Settings panel under Horizontal Axis, set Angle to 65 turn on labels.
degrees. This will allow us to read all of our tag names. You 19. Lastly, select the Donut chart. Rather than dragging the tags
may make other settings changes, if desired. into the Settings panel, drag them directly onto the Donut
13. Select your Categorical Chart. Set its Category (X-axis) to chart. First drag DisplayName, then Sum of Value. They
Timestamp. should get mapped into Category and Value, respectively.
Under Appearance, turn on labels.

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Quick Start
June 2017

20. Go into Presentation mode by clicking the icon in the

top right.
21. Select some tags in the Display Name box. Note how the
other charts update to show only the values for those selected
22. Exit Presentation mode.
23. Click on one of your charts and drag one of the arrows to
make space for another control.
24. From the Component library, drag a Gauge control into the
empty space, or select the empty space and then select Gauge.
25. Map Sum of Value to the Gauge (either drag it onto the
Gauge itself, or into the Value field in Settings).
26. In the Gague settings, drag Sum of Value into Selected Value,
and set Maximum value to 3,000,000.

Our final display should look something like Figure 11.

Figure 12 – Map Control

Drill Down in KPIWorX Widgets

1. In our KPIWorX display, click the icon to go into

Presentation mode.

Figure 11 – KPIWorX Display

You can find other useful controls in KPIWorX, such as the Map

Figure 13 – Drill down year

2. Double click on a bar in your Categorical Chart. You should

be able to drill into your data, narrowing in on your time
frame. You’ll not that not only will the Categorical Chart drill
down, but the other charts will filter on that same time frame
as well!
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Quick Start
June 2017

cached, so it may take some time to load, depending on

how much data you have logged.
6. Go back into configure mode. Add another GridWorX
display under this one. Subscribe this one to a Data
Model: My Computer  AnalytiX  BI Server  Models
 Factory1  Data.
7. Go in Runtime again. You should notice that the
GridWorX Viewer looking at the Model loads faster than
the one looking at the Data Flow because the Model data
has been cached in the BI server.
8. Exit configure mode. Edit one of the preexisting
GridWorX Viewers and change the subscribed tag to My
Computer  AnalytiX  BI Server  Models  Factory1
 CustomDataView.
9. Go in Runtime, and you should now see the data as it was
defined in that view.

Data Diagram
1. Another control that we can use in GraphWorX64 is the
Data Diagram. Add a Data Diagram control to your
Figure 14 – Drilling down to hours
2. Double-click on the Data Diagram to configure it.
3. In the Data Source field browse for My Computer 
3. To go back up, click the menu icon in the top right corner or
AnalytiX  BI Server  Models  Factory1  Data.
right-click on the chart and choose Drillup.
4. For Horizontal Binding, pick Timestamp.
5. For Vertical Binding, pick PointName.
6. For Value Binding, pick Value.
7. Scroll down to Horizontal Axis and set the Labels Angle
to 65.
8. Go in Runtime. You should see a data diagram similar to
the figure below.

Figure 15 – Drill up option

Using AnalytiX-BI Data in GraphWorX64


GridWorX Viewer
1. Open GraphWorX64.
2. Add a GridWorX Viewer to your displays.
3. Double-click on the GridWorX Viewer and select the Grid
object in the tree.
4. In the source tab, click Add new Subscription (+), select
Data Set Tag Subscription and browse for My
Computer  AnalytiX  BI Server  Data Flows 
Factory1  Factory1_Data.
5. Click OK or Close to all dialogs and go into runtime. You
Figure 16 – Data Diagram control
should see logged data coming from Hyper Historian.
Because we are looking at a Data Flow the data is not
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