SeaGrid Crew Management Crewing Procedure

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Crewing Procedure OP-01

1. Purpose ................................................................................................................................... 3
2. Scope ...................................................................................................................................... 3
3. General .................................................................................................................................... 3
3.1. Agency agreements and Crew contracts........................................................................... 3
3.1.1. Agency agreements ................................................................................................... 3
3.1.2. Crew contracts ........................................................................................................... 3
3.1.3. Review of Agency Agreement and crew contracts ..................................................... 4
3.2. Crew planning and control ................................................................................................ 4
3.3. Candidates applications .................................................................................................... 4
3.4. Interview ........................................................................................................................... 5
3.5. The briefing of Employees ................................................................................................ 6
3.6. Seafarers approval ........................................................................................................... 6
3.7. Medical fitness .................................................................................................................. 7
3.8. Records ............................................................................................................................ 7
3.9. Travelling .......................................................................................................................... 7
3.10. Communication ............................................................................................................. 8
3.11. Emergency Response Plan ........................................................................................... 8
3.11.1. General .................................................................................................................. 8
3.11.2. Emergency Response Team (ERT) ........................................................................ 8
3.11.3. Emergency Response Team call out ...................................................................... 8
3.11.4. Responsibilities for ERT personnel......................................................................... 9
3.11.5. Briefing ................................................................................................................... 9
3.11.6. Formation of ERT ................................................................................................... 9
3.11.7. Incoming File .......................................................................................................... 9
3.11.8. Outgoing File .......................................................................................................... 9
3.11.9. Handling of Telephone Calls .................................................................................. 9
3.11.10. Direct Telephone Lines .......................................................................................... 9
3.11.11. Establishing contact between the Crewing Department and the parties involved .... 9
3.11.12. Obtaining the details of personnel on board the vessels as well as their families’
contact details ........................................................................................................................ 10
3.11.13. Notifying and liaison with the next of kin for seafarers on board the vessels ......... 10
3.12. Flag States Requirements ........................................................................................... 10
3.13. Control of nonconforming outputs ................................................................................ 10
3.14. Post-embarkation activity ............................................................................................ 11
4. Related Documents ............................................................................................................... 11
5. Change/Revision history ........................................................................................................ 11

Version 01. Original Date: 20 March 2017. Version date: N/A.

Approved by: Crewing Director. Validated by: Quality Manager.
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Crewing Procedure OP-01

1. Purpose
The main purpose of this Procedure is to describe working process of crewing activity, conducted by the
SeaGrid Crew Management (hereinafter Company).

A result of this process should be the assurance that employed seamen are physically capable, well-
qualified, well trained, duly certified, experienced and efficient seamen for all positions on board to ensure
the smoothest and the safest possible operation of vessel, the safest possible transportation of goods over
sea and the least possible probability of marine accidents, incidents and dangerous situations, have place.

2. Scope
The present procedure applies to Crewing department activity.

3. General
3.1. Agency agreements and Crew contracts
3.1.1. Agency agreements
Crew Director signs with the Client an agreement accepting the crew management of a vessel. The terms
and language of the agreement are to be clear and easily understood by contracting parties. All terms of a
Contract are agreed by both parties.

Agency Agreement shall clearly stipulate the obligations and full scope of services of the Company as the
recruitment agency and the obligations of the Client. The main terms and conditions shall be traced in such a
contract, with the necessary appendices attached to it.

The contents of each Agency Agreement, in the case of necessity, are negotiated between the Crew
Director and the Client to define terms and conditions suitable for both contracting parties.

The Company shall ensure that conditions of employment on board are in accordance with the MLC 2006
standards for all seafarers.

The Employee will not be burdened with any expense but shall be responsible for payment of taxes, securing
the necessary documents for employment, such as seaman’s book, professional licenses, necessary
certificates, medical exams and relevant vaccinations as required.

3.1.2. Crew contracts

Crew Contract (Seafarer Employment Agreement/SEA) could be provided by Client and can vary from case
to case depending on the provisions of Agency Agreement concluded.

Seafarers’ Employment Agreement shall be signed by both the seafarer and the Company or the
Recruitment and Placement Service Organization (Companies representative).

Seafarers’ Employment Agreements shall be agreed to by the seafarer under conditions which ensure that
the seafarer has an opportunity to review and seek advice on the terms and conditions in the agreement and
freely accepts them before signing.

Seafarers signing a Seafarers’ Employment Agreement shall be given an opportunity to examine and seek
advice on the agreement before signing, as well as such other facilities as are necessary to ensure that they
have freely entered into an agreement with a sufficient understanding of their rights and responsibilities.

Crew Contract can be signed by Seafarer either in the Company or onboard the Customers’ vessel
depending on provisions of Agency Agreement concluded.
Version 01. Original Date: 20 March 2017. Version date: N/A.
Approved by: Crewing Director. Validated by: Quality Manager.
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Crewing Procedure OP-01

A singed original of the Seafarers’ Employment Agreement will be kept by the seafarer concerned, one copy
will be forwarded to the ship (in order to be accessible for review by officers of a competent authority) and
one copy will be forwarded (in case of utilizing a Recruitment and Placement Service Agent) and kept by the

If the signing will take place onboard the Customers’ vessel no copies of Seafarers’ Employment Agreement
can be in the Company’s possession. In such cases a seafarer is informed by the personnel of Crewing
Department on conditions of employment prior to the recruitment.

In case of early termination of a Seafarers’ Employment Agreement, the minimum notice period to be given
by the seafarer shall be in accordance with the signed SEA following flag’s laws or regulations but shall not
be shorter than 1 week (MLC 2006 minimum). In this case an Application for early disembarkation is to be
submitted to the Organization. The Company will revert with instructions as to the availability of reliever and
port convenience.

3.1.3. Review of Agency Agreement and crew contracts

The Management of the Company has established and maintained the system for review of Agency
Agreements and Crew Contracts.

Before the acceptance of an agreement, the Agreement is reviewed by the Crew Director to ensure that:
 The requirements are adequately defined and documented.
 Any contract or accepted order requirements differing or deviating from those in the original tender
are resolved.
 The Company has the capability to meet the agreed requirements. Note: capability is assessed in
terms of available resources including personnel, materials, procedures, information, skills,
knowledge, equipment etc…
 All appropriate and applicable laws, rules and regulatory authority requirements of Ukraine are
 Any continuing relationship between the Ship Owner/Operator/Manager, the Company and the
Employee is clearly defined, especially in the case of temporary staff.

Only on completion of such a review an agreement can be signed by the Crew Director of the Company.

In case of possible dispute between the Company and the Client arises the disputed issue will be addressed
to the solution of the Crew Director for the purpose of evaluation necessity of Agreement Review.

3.2. Crew planning and control

Respective Crew Manager is responsible for preparation of Crew Planning and its control.

Crew Member is allowed to request extension or reduction of his contract according to Client’s procedure.

The decision of extension or reduction of contract should be taken individually according to operational
needs and opportunities.

3.3. Candidates applications

To maintain a good source of Employees, the Company must be in close association with training centers,
educational organizations as well as local employment offices and Seamen’s Unions or Organizations.

Once the first contact with the Employee is taken place, the Employee should be informed by the personnel
of Crewing Department about the Company service conditions as well as about the following:
 criteria for Employees' workmanship required;
 certificates, documents and information required;
 crew contract conditions.

Version 01. Original Date: 20 March 2017. Version date: N/A.

Approved by: Crewing Director. Validated by: Quality Manager.
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Crewing Procedure OP-01

As a first stage of recruitment the Crewing Department of the Company defines the fitness for duty of each
seafarer who comes to the Company by means of interview. The following criteria are established to define a
suitable candidate:
 availability of required experience;
 availability of all the certificates required by STCW 78/95 with regard to different types of ships and
the position applied for;
 availability of medical fitness certificate;
 availability of good understanding of English to a level defined by the Agency Agreement/Crew
Contract and/or Mandatory Rules and Regulations (STCW-78/95 Convention) and is also able to
communicate effectively in the defined working language (ISM Code).

All Employees, applying for a job, can be provided with the Company’s or Client’s Application Form,
depending on the Client’s requirements.

During receiving inspection, in the case of finding any nonconforming documents, which are invalid or close
to the date of expire (excluding medical fitness certificate, which date of validity is verified prior to joining the
vessel) their holders should be notified about any documents that should be renewed or additionally

Receiving inspection includes all documents legitimacy verification.

The Company accepts applications from suitable Employees of all ranks and enlists them as candidates.
Each prospective candidate submits to the Company a dully filled Application Form together with copies of
all relevant certificates for the position applied for. All sea documents of the prospective candidate are
scanned and stored in electronic database of the Company without access to extraneous persons. All data of
candidates are strictly confidential and are not subject to transfer to the third parties without the candidate

No fees or other charges for seafarer recruitment or placement or for providing employment to
seafarers are borne directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, by the seafarer, other than the cost of
the seafarer obtaining a national statutory medical certificate, the national seafarer’s book and a
passport or other similar personal travel documents, not including, however, the cost of visas, which
shall be borne by the shipowner.

3.4. Interview
According to the mutual agreement with the Client the specialist of Crewing Department or another
authorized specialist makes an interview.

The Company requests the following information from the Client for interviewing:
 The amount and ranks of required employees.
 The description of work.
 The information about vessel’s particulars.
 The expected duration of work.
 The location of the vessel (if available).
 The expected start of the work (if available).

The Client provides all required information by e-mail, telex, and fax or in urgent cases by phone.

The Company considers the applications of candidates who meets the requirements and invites suitable
candidates for the interview.

During the interview, the Crewing Department should establish if the Employee meets the following
 Certification.
 Qualifications.
 Proof of previous services.
 References from previous employers.
Version 01. Original Date: 20 March 2017. Version date: N/A.
Approved by: Crewing Director. Validated by: Quality Manager.
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Crewing Procedure OP-01

 Sobriety.
 Medical fitness.
 English knowledge level.
 Acceptance of terms and conditions of employment.

If it is required by the Client, the Company shall have the candidate available for an interview with one of the
Client’s representatives, either through the phone, skype or if feasible, in person.

The Crewing Department shall not promise employment to any interviewed candidate prior to the Customer’s

3.5. The briefing of Employees

The Company is required by the Client to brief every candidate prior sending his application form for Client’s

The briefing takes place at the Company’s premises and covers the following:
A. For candidates previously employed by the Client:
a. The vessel’s characteristics.
b. The vessel’s trade.
c. The crew composition, in terms of nationalities and ranks.
d. The employment terms and conditions as stipulated by their contracts.
e. The wages breakdown, emphasizing the clauses concerning overtime, leave pay and
f. Any additional Client’s requirements since last employment.
B. For newly recruited candidates all the above as stated in A, plus:
a. The Client’s Quality Assurance policies, if any.
b. The Client’s Safety, Environmental Protection and Drug & Alcohol Policy as well as consents
required by the Employee.
c. The Client’s P & I medical and disability insurance covers provided for Employees while
employed onboard the Client’s vessels.
d. The Client’s procedure for crew mail dispatch.
e. The Client’s performance appraisal systems and support for upgrading and career
f. The Client’s requirement for strict adherence to discipline and competence.
g. The Client’s system of wage computations, wage and allotment payment.
h. Any other requirements as instructed by the Client’s Crew Department.
i. After the completion of the above mentioned briefing but prior contract signing, the
Employee signs Declaration of Consent (see Annex 4)

The Company performs the following additional measures to meet the requirements of STCW 78/95
Convention and ISM Code with regard to the familiarization of Employees:
- request the Clients to be provided with their procedures in respect of Employees’ familiarization;
- request the Clients to be provided with more detailed information on their vessels (i.e. machinery,
equipment, cargo gear, lifesaving appliances used);
- keep Employees (especially officers) informed on the requirements of ISM Code.

3.6. Seafarers approval

The confirmation or rejection of a candidate for employment to be made according to the interview results by
Crewing Department specialist authorized by Crew Director.

After confirmation of the candidate for employment on the vessel/project the Crewing Department sends
electronic version of filled application form to the Client.

Upon receiving the Client’s written approval of the candidates the Crewing Department specialist informs the
confirmed candidate about date of departure and makes necessary arrangements for departure.

Version 01. Original Date: 20 March 2017. Version date: N/A.

Approved by: Crewing Director. Validated by: Quality Manager.
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Crewing Procedure OP-01

3.7. Medical fitness

No Employee is accepted for employment by the Company without the availability of a valid Medical
Certificate, including that the Employee is fit to perform the duties of the intended rank. The validity of such a
certificate shall be at least for the duration of the contract the Employee is about to be employed.

All employees selected for work on vessels/projects of the Client shall pass drug and alcohol test and prior
employment they shall sign letter-acknowledgement with Drug and Alcohol policy of the Client.

3.8. Records
Copy of Records of all Employees employed by the Clients and maintains records of their performance,
discipline, training, upgrading, familiarization etc. should keep in a proper order to avoid their lost, spoilage or
access to the casual person.

Prior the Employee’s departure to a vessel, the Company provides the Client with scanned version of signed
contract of each Employee.

When signing the contract the Employee should sign the documents which are required for performing of the
requirements of Ukrainian Licence conditions.

The records of Employees required to be kept by the Crewing Department includes:

 Personal details (Name, nationality, place and date of birth, passport number).
 Full address and region of domicile.
 Next of kin and address.
 Marital status and number of dependents.
 Medical examinations, vaccinations, blood group etc.
 Qualifications, professional certificates, numbers and dates of issue and issuing authority.
 Sea service, reference letters of previous employers.
 Performance appraisal reports and details of any disciplinary cases.
 Wage earnings from previous employment, if available.
 Up-grading courses attended.
 All other relevant information pertaining to the Employee’s competence, character and loyalty.
 Photos.
 Identification number.
 Psychology test results (is available).
 English test results (is available).
 List of Safety and Professional Interview of on-signing Crew (is available);
 Another records required by Client.

3.9. Travelling
All travel arrangements for signing on/repatriation are provided by the Client unless another stated by Agent

The Company provides the Client with the following information for travel arrangements:
 The full names and ranks of the Employees.
 Nationality, numbers and validity of passports and seaman’s books.
 Confirmation of readiness of the Employees with regard to all valid required certificates, visas,
medical certificates, vaccinations, etc.

In case of any problems occurred during Employee’s travelling to/from the vessel, the Employee shall notify
either the Company or the Client so the Company and the Client could assist the Employee to reach his final

The Client should instruct the agent in port of joining the vessel to deliver the Employees on board/project.

Version 01. Original Date: 20 March 2017. Version date: N/A.

Approved by: Crewing Director. Validated by: Quality Manager.
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Crewing Procedure OP-01

3.10. Communication
The Management of the Company has defined lines of communications and experience feedback between
the Crew Manager and the Client including, but not limited to, the following:
 Accidents and emergency situations.
 Personnel appraisal reports.
 Training and upgrading needs.

The Company should have the information about of the Client’s responsible personnel dealing with crewing
matters, including the Crew Accounts and Crew Insurance personnel.

The company should have some access to responsible personnel of the Client in non- business time (home
or mobile phones)

The Crewing Department communicates with the Client in all available means; however, important matters
are documented in writing.

When telephone communication is used, both the Crewing Department and the Client highlight the important
aspects of the communication in writing and keep records. When appropriate, verbal communications shall
be confirmed in writing.

3.11. Emergency Response Plan

3.11.1. General

Crewing Department Emergency Response Plan includes, but not limited to, the following:
 The composition and duties of the Emergency Response Team.
 Procedure for establishing contact between the vessel’s Manager/Owner and the Manager of
Crewing Department.
 Procedures to obtain details of personnel on board the vessel.
 List of names and telephone numbers, including afterhours telephone numbers, of persons and
organizations who must be notified.
 Procedure for notifying and liaison with the next of kin for crew on board the vessel.
 Up-dated list of personnel details of all seafarers employed Seafarers serving onboard each vessel.

3.11.2. Emergency Response Team (ERT)

The Client’s Company is established Emergency Response Team, which is assembled in the event that the
Company recruited Seafarers become involved in an accident.

The entire Client’s Management as well as the personnel of Crewing Department are expected to be familiar
with this plan in order to properly act in such a situation.

3.11.3. Emergency Response Team call out

The Emergency Response Team (ERT) member will initially be contacted by the ship Owner/Operator in the
event that Company recruited Seafarers became involved in an accident.

The person who receives the initial accident information shall initiate the Company’s Emergency Plan. He will
ensure that the following personnel are notified either through the telephone or by personal contact. These
personnel will form the Company’s Emergency Response Team:
 Director
 Crew Manager
 Crew Assistant or Office Assistant

Version 01. Original Date: 20 March 2017. Version date: N/A.

Approved by: Crewing Director. Validated by: Quality Manager.
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Crewing Procedure OP-01

3.11.4. Responsibilities for ERT personnel Director
Overall responsibility authorizes decisions, Company representative for interviews with the media, authorizes
press releases (if necessary). Crew Manager

Communicates with the Crew Managers of the ship Operators/Owners and families of Seafarers.
Coordinates information from all sources. Advises the Management of the Company on crewing matters.
Contacts P&I Club’s local Correspondents as well as with other parties involved if necessary.

3.11.5. Briefing

The person who receives the initial accident information from the vessel’s Operators/Owners will brief the
ERT on the situation.

3.11.6. Formation of ERT

The ERT shall be formed by the person who receives the initial accident information and dispatched at the
earliest possible opportunity. All Crew Department personnel are aware that they may be called upon and
are in possession of copy of this plan.

3.11.7. Incoming File

An incoming file is kept by the Crew Assistant in charge which will record the time of incoming messages,
medium used, from whom received and the recipient.

3.11.8. Outgoing File

An outgoing file is kept by the Crew Assistant in charge which will record the time of outgoing message,
medium used, to whom addressed and the addressee.

3.11.9. Handling of Telephone Calls

The person in charge (or the receptionist) will be informed as to which telephone extension and/or mobile
telephone number each member of the ERT is manning. Before putting calls through the person in charge
(or the receptionist) will first ascertain each caller’s identity and who he/she represents before contacting the
ERT member concerned to determine whether the call is to be connected, put on “hold” or the mobile
number released to the caller.

3.11.10. Direct Telephone Lines

All personnel in the ERT who have mobile telephones should bring these telephones to the ERT premises.
This will permit lines to be kept open to vital personnel and resources and permit private contact numbers to
be given to those sources that require them.

Owners of mobile telephones should ensure that charges/spare batteries are available at the office should
an emergency situation arise.

3.11.11. Establishing contact between the Crewing Department and the parties
The ERT shall initially be contacted by the Customer (ship Operators/Owners, etc.) in the event that the
Company recruited Seafarers became involved in an accident.

Version 01. Original Date: 20 March 2017. Version date: N/A.

Approved by: Crewing Director. Validated by: Quality Manager.
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Crewing Procedure OP-01

The person who receives the initial accident report shall call the ERT and then to contact the Customer in
order to obtain more detailed information on the subject matter.

The following further actions, but not limited to, shall be carried out:
 to establish the contact with the Customer’s person in charge to keep further developments under
 to agree with the Customer’s person in charge the schedule of further communications (daily,
weekly, etc.) in order to be regularly informed on further developments;
 to obtain all necessary details concerning the Seafarers in question as well as the contact details of
their families;
 to establish the initial contact with the Seafarers’ families either through the telephone or by personal
contact in order to inform them on the circumstances of the subject matter;
 to keep the Seafarers’ families informed on further developments on regular basis;
 to establish the contact with all the parties involved (i.e. local P&I Club’s Correspondents, the
vessel’s Agents, police, ambulance, hospital, etc. if it will be necessary with regard to prevailing
circumstances of the subject matter) in order to be provided with all possible information on the
subject matter;
 to agree the schedule of further communications with the responsible representatives of all the
parties involved in order to keep further developments under control;
 to verify with all the parties involved the time and the consequence of the Seafarers’ repatriation to
home (if any) in order to be ready to organize all possible assistance at the point of destination.

3.11.12. Obtaining the details of personnel on board the vessels as well as their
families’ contact details

All the details concerning each recruited Seaman and his family are located in seafarer’s personal file. So in
the case of the need the Office Assistant in charge can obtain necessary information with regard to the
Seafarer in question or his family from the above mentioned files for further use in respect of the subject

3.11.13. Notifying and liaison with the next of kin for seafarers on board the

In the event that a Company recruited Seafarers become involved in an accident the next of kin is notified by
Crewing Department through the telephone or by personal contact as soon as possible.

Moreover, the seafarers’ families shall be kept informed with regard to the circumstances surrounding the
matter as well as in respect of further developments on regular basis.

3.12. Flag States Requirements

The purpose of this part is to ensure that all requirements of Flag States regarding Employee Certificates
and Seamen Books are taken into consideration while crew changes are planned.

Company is checking if Employee has the necessary documents required by the Flag State of the vessel.

In case seaman has no relative document, application is completed and forwarded to Flag State.

The Company informs the Client about all applications completed.

All data are kept with Crew Department and filed as follows.

3.13. Control of nonconforming outputs

The nonconformity may arise because of not meeting Client’s requirements, regulatory or statutory
requirements break of Crew Contracts requirements or Company’s own requirements.

Version 01. Original Date: 20 March 2017. Version date: N/A.

Approved by: Crewing Director. Validated by: Quality Manager.
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Crewing Procedure OP-01

For prevention and early detection of nonconformities Company shall follow current procedure, requirements
of Agency Agreements and other Client’s requirements.

Nonconformities can occur:

 during the seafarer’s employment phase;
 in the seafarer’s health during his embarkation;
 the seafarer’s behavior during his embarkation or travelling;
 during seafarer’s travelling.

Company should take appropriate action based on the nature of nonconformity and its impact on conformity
of services. Appropriate personnel and customer where appropriate shall be notified of the nonconformity.
Then evaluation of options shall be done for disposition.

Company shall retain related documented information in the database.

3.14. Post-embarkation activity

Company shall ensure seafarer’s repatriation back to his/her Country.

Within one month from the date of repatriation Crew Manager or designated Crewing Specialist has to
contact seafarer and arrange a post-embarkation interview.

4. Related Documents
 ISO 9001:2015;
 MLC 2006;
 Agency Agreements (where applicable);
 Crew Contracts/Seafarer Employment Agreement/SEA (where applicable);
 Application Form

5. Change/Revision history
Version Revision Revision date Changes
№ conducted by

Version 01. Original Date: 20 March 2017. Version date: N/A.

Approved by: Crewing Director. Validated by: Quality Manager.
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