Barbieri, M. Et Al. Experiencing Visible and Invisible Metal Casting Techniques in The Bronze Age Italy
Barbieri, M. Et Al. Experiencing Visible and Invisible Metal Casting Techniques in The Bronze Age Italy
Barbieri, M. Et Al. Experiencing Visible and Invisible Metal Casting Techniques in The Bronze Age Italy
What we know about bronze age metalworking basically relies on finished artifacts and on stone,
clay or bronze implements involved in the process of manufacturing (tuyères, crucibles, moulds,
hammers, chisels, etc.; Bianchi, 2010; Bianchi, in press).
Moreover, evidences of structures for casting are extremely poor, at least in Italy, likely because of
a lack of extensive excavations and the difficulty to clearly distinguish them from other kinds of firing
structures, in absence of metalworking residuals (Cavazzuti et al. in press).
The reconstruction of the whole technology of production therefore requires a strong effort of
making and testing hypothesis, referring not only on autoptic observations on archaeological finds,
but also on archaeometrical analysis and study of landscape, in order to identify possible sources of
supply of raw materials.
In this work our aim is to deepen some aspects concerning archaeologically visible (stone mould
production and casting), and i isi le te hniques (sword production) of metalworking in bronze
age Italy, focussing on Terramare context.
* Università degli Studi di Padova; [email protected]
** Museo Nazionale Preistorico Etnografico L. Pigorini, Rome; [email protected]
*** Indipendent researcher [email protected]
**** Universtà degli Studi di Roma, La Sapienza; [email protected]
Undientified objects
Fig. 1. Frequency of objects in stone moulds (N=96; Modena and Reggio Emilia area).
In collaboration with the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, we studied 96 moulds, or
fragments of them, from ten terramare sites of two regional districts (Modena and Reggio Emilia)
in order to understand which types of stone were used by the ancient craftsmen and to find the
possible sources of raw material (Barbieri 2006; Barbieri and Lugli 2012).
The analysed moulds are made of fine-grained detrital sedimentary rocks1. For the identification of
the rock types we took small samples from the originals, in order to produce thin sections for
microscope analysis. We identified five different groups of lithotypes: the most represented are
calcarenite and biocalcarenite. Fine-grained carbonate rocks, the most abundant in the investigated
area, have the advantage of being easy to work with and resistant to thermal shock (Barbieri 2006;
Barbieri and Lugli 2012).
The main geological formations of origin of these lithotypes (Pantano Formation, Monte Cassio
Flysch) outcrop a few kilometres away from the nearest terramare. However, the origin of one type
of calcarenite, the most common stone used in Modena area, is still unknown. It is possible that this
type of stone comes from a small outcrop not detected in our surveys, either exhausted in the past,
or that it is not a strictly local stone.
As pointed out in the former works, a correlation between rock types and categories of objects
carved into moulds does exist. Calcarenite was mainly used to produce moulds for daggers, small
bars and ornaments (thin and small objects), while calcareous sandstone was used to produce
moulds for big and thick, but also simple, objects, like axes and large bars. The biocalcarenite is
instead used for a variety of objects. The selection of these stones could be justified by their
availability in nature, the properties of heat resistance and the workability characteristics.
Although not covered in this investigation, other kinds of stone are less frequently documented for the production of
casting moulds (metamorphic or magmatic rocks).
Experimental Reproduction
Starting from the archaeological record and the petrographic analysis, we decided to reproduce a
replica of a bronze age mould in order to provide informations about skills, knowledge and tools
that could be involved in this manufacturing process.
As a model, we chose a fragmentary mould for a simple axe from Montale Rangone, one of the best
investigated terramare. The stone mould was found in the oldest 19th century excavations, and can
be dated at the Middle or Recent Bronze Age (1650-1150 BC). The mould is fragmentary but the
missing part has been reconstructed on the basis of bronze axes and other axe moulds. Its
dimensions are: 11 cm height (the preserved portion), 9.8 cm width, 4.5 cm thickness, while the axe
measurements are 9.6 cm preserved height, 4.6 cm maximum width, 1.4 cm maximum depth (fig.
As the archaeological finds seem to suggest, moulds for simple axes were monovalve in this period;
we assume that the matrix was covered with a flat, dimensionally congruent, valve. The two valves
were then bound together and the pouring metal came from above (Carancini et al. 2001).
The stone used is a biocalcarenite of the so-called Pantano Formation. Taking into account the
edited geological maps, we traced out the most accessible source of biocalcarenite of Pantano
Formation on the hills, during an extensive survey campaign. It is located less than 10 km from
Although it seems to be obvious, it is nevertheless important to remark that a proper block of stone
should be chosen in terms of size, shape and texture, in order to reduce the amount of labour and
the time consumed. The biocalcarenite should be both massive and compact, free from chinks or
We started with an irregularly shaped block of biocalcarenite of about 16 kg, dimensions 35 × 31 ×
24 cm, naturally fallen from the outcrop.
The procedure to obtain the mould can be summarized in eight main steps (fig. 3):
1. Sketching out of the block and breaking it into two similar sized pieces.
2. Forming two regular parallelepipeds quite uniform in size with a stone hammer (a river
pebble) and a bronze chisel (12% tin). This work requires the greatest care because of the
risk of fractures. The majority of waste product was produced in this phase.
3. Working softly on the two surfaces of the valves, gradually decreasing the irregularity with
the stone hammer and bronze chisel. Instead of the chisel, a flanged axe was also tested.
Thanks to its wide edge, it worked faster and was less invasive on the stone.
4. Scrubbing the two valves one onto each other using coarse dry sand. After a first flattening
of the two corresponding surfaces, the chisel did not work so precisely as to make the
surfaces smooth enough. The friction of the sand completely erased the minute residual
imperfections. In the end we smoothed the two valves on each other without sand,
because the very fine grains produced by the friction were sufficient to refine the surface.
5. Drawing the axe shape onto a valve. A piece of charcoal proved quite useful.
6. Engraving the profile of the shape with a bronze awl. As it has to be submitted to strong
muscular pressure, it should be handled properly. Good results can also be obtained by
using flint points or flakes.
7. Carving the inside part of the mould with a bronze chisel and a hammer, preferably a
wood or antler hammer (stone can be too hard, while a softer material allows more
cautious strikes: effectively, the detachment of the splinters follows the profile of the axe
matrix (Step 5).
8. Refining the surface of the matrix with a fine handled bronze chisel.
Since this represents a first-experience, the entire process required about 20 hours. We can
estimate that a time reduction of 30% can be achieved starting from two small, homogeneous sized
blocks of stone and skipping the first two steps. Finally the valves weigh approximately 1,8 kg each.
Afterwards, the mould was used for some casting experiments. The first one failed: most of the
molten bronze flew out through a very small fissure, due to a faulty matching of the two valves. That
seemed the result of an unsuccessful step 4 and, for this reason, the operation was completed. The
second experiment gave a good result. The flat axe was then ready for the hammering and polishing
to fully replicate a typical Bronze Age flanged axe.
Carving the inside part of the stone hammer + fine
7 2 1 hours
matrix bronze chisel (12% tin)
fine handled bronze
Refining the surface of the matrix
8 chisel (4%), a piece of 2 4 hours
and of the whole mould
Tab. 1. The 8 steps of experiment.
2. Experimenting the possibility: sand casting of a bronze sword
Compared to the visible evidence of stone mould technology, the manufacture of some object still
remains quite unknow. In the Italian Peninsula, there are hundreds of swords and rapiers recovered
from settlements, ancient riverbeds or lakes, as well as from hills and mountaintops or burial-places
(Bianco Peroni 1970). At the same time, only four stone/clay mould have been found, but they have
to be referred to rapiers (less than 40 cm long) and short swords (less than 50 cm long). This might
suggest that longer swords were cast through alternative techniques, which have not left a visible
(or identified?) trace on metallurgical sites, as other Authors have already suggested (cfr. Ottaway
and Wang 2004).
As a first step of the experiment, we tested the
efficiency of a sandstone bivalve mould for a long
sword. It resulted that the negative of the object
carved in the stone tended to lose its details,
because of the fragility of the material. The
repeated castings of molten bronze in the mould,
with the metal temperature exceeding 1300°C,
damaged the edge of the blade. Another
remarkable aspect was the deformation
undergone by the stone, which occured in the
exact moment when it comes in contact with the
molten metal. The two half valves tended to sag
and consequently they did not fit together
anymore, so that a continuous maintenance was
Fig 4. Comparison between sand mould sword (left) As the second step, we have experimented the
and stone mould sword (right). possibility of sand casting.
Firstly, we produced two wooden clamps and collect a calcareous fine sand. The sand should be
mixed with some water, in order to make it more coherent. Then, the wet sand was pressed in the
base clamp with a wooden mallet. A thin layer of dry sand, covering the filling, allows a better re-
opening of the valves. After this preparation, a model of the sword was pressed in the sand of the
base clamp, and subsequently the upper clamp was put on the lower one and filled again with sand,
leaving a hole for casting channel. Finally, the model of the sword was removed, and the clamps
were closed again. After some practices, the casting gave very good results, with no burrs on the
edge of the blade (fig. 4).
The process of preparing the sand mould has to be repeated every time, and the operations need
about 15 minutes (fig. 5).
Concluding Remarks
This experience documents that, at least in terms of skills, the stone mould production can be
carried out by non-specialised artisans, as well. The entire process, in fact, includes a series of
relatively simple operations and muscular energy is not a discriminating factor. Biocalcarenite is very
easy to work, even without long apprenticeship or trai i g. Its soft ess allo s s all tolera le
errors during the forming of the valve. The shape of this type of axe is large and simple in design,
and can be obtained with a monovalve mould, which ignores problems of symmetry. The
implements involved in the whole process are few and common, and might be non-specific for this
kind of activity (see also Speciale and Zanini 2010, 59).
A recent experiment carried out in the Open Air Museum Terramara di Montale also showed that
non-expert, non-trained, non-archaeologist people can realize an efficient stone mould for simple
objects, once they are given essential technical advice about the process (fig. 6).
Fig 6. Workshop in ancient bronze metallurgy, and the first result of non-expert participants.
This research suggests that biocalcarenite is a very good material. It is easy to work and, at the same
time, resistant to high temperatures and to multiple re-use.
We also have to take account of the complexity of the object itself. The flanged axe, typical of
Terramare culture does not require big blocks of stone or specific tools to shape the mould, which
was mainly monovalve. The lack of minute and/or complicated details in the shape helps preserving
the mould from the effects of thermal shock. The same observation can be made about daggers or
sickles, as well. As we argued above, the large majority of axe and dagger moulds from Terramare
are made out of sedimentary rocks, which can facilitate a mass production, thanks to the endurance
of the valves.
The low skill-degree required for the production of biocalcarenite moulds for axes, however, is not
a sufficient proof that it commonly took place at a household level and/or led by non-specialised
artisans. We have to consider that our basic level technical experience in stone working is balanced
by a deeper scientific (and empiric) knowledge in lithology, petrography, material physics,
topography and geological resources.
Furthermore, we may suggest that there is a deliberate connection between the type of bronze
object and the nature of material used for its moulds, and may be related to technological choices.
It appears to be very likely that casting technologies varied depending on the physical properties of
the object (shape, size) and its use, as well. However, we cannot exclude that material technological
innovations might, for example, drive a typological (aesthetic or even functional) change in a
particular category of object.
Bronze Age swords or other big and/or detailed objects could be produced thorugh alternative
techniques, such as sand casting. Sand appears a viable alternative: firstly, it is an abundant resource
in the landscape of Po valley and a small amount of labour is needed to make the mould; moreover
more precise details can be obtained in the blade and, consequently, less work is required to reach
the final product.
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