MIRPM Prospectus & Syllabus Autonomous-1

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MIRPM Part-I from Academic Year- 2020-

21 MIRPM Part-II from Academic Year-


(I) Introduction: The name of the course shall be Master’s Degree Course in
Master of Industrial Relations and personnel Management. (MIRPM) has
proved to be a vitally competitive factor in the present scenario in an
organized sector. The functions of Human Resource Development and
Human Resource Management need high professional skill and
competence considering take off stage of globalization in India.

(II) The duration of the course shall be of Two years consisting of four
semesters with final examination at the end of each semester.

III)The main objectives of MIRPM. course are highlighted as under:

(a) To provide basic knowledge of theoretical concepts of personnel and HR functions

at all levels. b) To impart such training and education which will be applied further
in the field of HR by using skill and competence to conceptual, managerial and
operational functions in all the areas of personnel and HRD/HRM.

(b) Intake of Students for Admission is 60

IV)Eligibility for Admission to Semester I: Graduates of any faculty from any

statutory University
minimum 50% marks shall be eligible for admission to the MIRPM course.

(V) Fee Structure: First Year (Semester-I and II) Rs20000/-. Registration fee and
Prospectus Fee extra.

Second Year (Semester-III and Four) Rs20000/- Registration fee and Prospectus Fee

(VI) Examination: Examinations shall be conducted at the end of each semester

i.e. during November and in May. The Results will be declared within one month
from the close of examination.

(i) Examination Fee Rs 500/- per Paper. Total Rs 2000/- per semester

(VII) ATKT Rules for Admission for the MIRPM Course (Semester end examination
and internal assessment being separate passing head). An unsuccessful examinee at
the any semester examination shall be ALLOWED TO KEEP TERM in accordance to
the following method:
VIII) 1. Admission to Semester II
Candidate should have competed the term and filled examination form of Semester I.

2. Admission to Semester III

Candidate should have cleared all subjects of Semester I and should have
completed the Term and appeared for Semester II examination

3.Admission to Semester IV

Candidate should have passed Semester I and Semester II and completed the terms
and appeared for Semester III examination

(IX) Back log Paper Fee Rs 500/- per paper and Rs 100/- as Administrative and
service charge for one or more papers separately for each semester.

(X) Assessment: 1. The final total assessment of the candidate is made in terms of
an Internal assessment and an external assessment for each for each paper, 20%
marks will be based on internal assessment and 80% marks for semester end
examination (Theory Paper). The division of the 20% marks allotted to internal
assessment of theory papers is on the basis of class test 10 marks, seminars and
presentations 05 marks and attendance 5 marks. Marks obtained by the students
will be considered for the declaration of the results.

.(XI) Standard of Passing: Every candidate must secure 50% marks in each head of
passing separately. The passing marks for external examination will thus be 40 out of
80 and for internal examination 10 out of 20.

a) There shall be no classification of examinees successful at the MIRPM Semester

I, Semester II and Semester III Examination where as SGPA will be notified.

b) Division at the MIRPM (CBCS) Semester IV examination shall be declared on the

basis of the aggregate marks obtained in SEMESTER I, Semester II, Semester III, and
MIRPM Semester IV examination taken together and CGPA will be calculated and

(XII) Credit System of Evaluation:- The MIRPM programme shall consist of Sixteen
Papers (Subjects in old terminology) of area related to commerce stream as opted by
the student. The subjects are categorized as Core subjects & Elective subjects. The
Core subjects are compulsory whereas, student has a choice to select any one from
Elective & foundation subjects

The Division at the MIRPM (CBCS) Semester-IV Examination shall be declared on the
basis of the aggregate marks at the Semester-I, Semester-II Semester-III Semester-IV
Examination taken together and the CGPA will be calculated and notified.
Abbreviations and Formulae Used
G: Grade

GP: Grade

Points C:


CP: Credit Points

CG: Credits X Grades (Product of credits & Grades)

SGPA = ΣCG: Sum of Product of Credits & Grades points / ΣC: Sum of Credits
points SGPA: Semester Grade Point Average shall be calculated for individual
semesters. (It is also designated as GPA)

CGPA: Cumulative Grade Point Average shall be calculated for the entire
Programme by considering all the semesters taken together.

While calculating the CG the value of Grade Point 1 shall be consider

Zero (0) in case of students who failed in the concerned course/s i.e.
obtained the marks below 50.

After calculating the SGPA for an individual semester and the CGPA for entire
programme, the value can be matched with the grade in the Grade Point table as per
the TEN (10) Points Grading System and expressed as a single designated GRADE
such as O, A, B, etc….

Marks Grade Grade Points

85 and O 1
Above 0
84-75 A 9

74-65 B 8

64-60 C 7

59-55 D 6

54-50 E 5

49 and F 0
Below (Fail)

(c) Successful examinees at the MIRPM Semester-IV Examination shall be awarded

division based on CGPA as follows :
CGPA Grade Division

9.0-10 O Distinctio
8.5-8.9 A+ Distinctio
7.5-8.4 A Distinctio
6.5-7.4 B+ First

6.0-6.4 B First

5.5-5.9 C Second

5.0-5.4 D Second

00-4.9 F (Fail) Fail

(d)Successful examinees in the MIRPM Semester Examination shall be awarded

Distinction in each
subject in which examinees obtain 75% or more marks in that subject at the respective
Examination. (e)Unsuccessful examinees at the above examinations can be readmitted
to the same
examination on payment of a fresh fee and such other fees as may beprescribed.

(f) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Direction, no

person shall be admitted to an examination under this Ordinance, if
he/ she has already passed the
same examination or an equivalent examination of any other University.

(g) Examinees successful at MIRPM Semester-I, Semester-II , Semester-III

And MIRPM Semester-IV Examination shall on payment of the prescribed fees receive a
Degree in the prescribed form signed by the Vice-Chancellor RTMNU. Nagpur.

h) In order to calculate the equivalent aggregate percentage of marks, the Cumulative

Grade Point Average (CGPA) obtained by an examinee shall be used as the basis for
convertion of grades into marks.

Equivalent aggregate % Marks=(CGPA-75)X10

*This Direction shall come into force from the academic session 2020.

XIII) If an examinee failed to pass the MIRPM (CBCS) Degree within Five Successive
Years from the date of his/her First Admission to particular program he/she shall be
declared as “Not Fit for the Course” (NFC) and he/she will not be allowed to appear
further for any examination of the course.
(XIV) Medium of Instruction: The medium of Instruction shall be English.

(XV) Course Structure: (4 Semester, 16 Papers)

Each Paper consisting of Four Units. There will be Two questions from each unit either or
type. Student has to attempt any one of the two questions asked from each unit.

Semester I Semester II
Industrial Relation and Trade union
Principles of Management (101) Movement (201)
Industrial and Labour
Organisational Behaviour (202)
Labour Law I(103) Labour Law II (203)
Human Resource
Compensation Management(204)
Semester III Semester IV
Industrial Safety management
International HRM (401)
Industrial and Organizational Strategic Human Resource
psychology (302) management (402)

Labour Laws – III (303) Labour Laws – IV (403)

Research methodology (304) Dissertation

Third Semester Elective Paper III Business

Environment (303), Paper IV Cross cultural
management (304)

Fourth Semester Elective Paper- Paper III Organization Development.(403)

.(XVI) Question Paper Pattern: 1.There shall be two questions from each unit. Students
shall attempt one question, out of two questions asked from each unit. Thus out of eight
questions, students shall attempt four, ie one question from each unit. (A sample of question
Paper is enclosed for Reference).

(XVII) Job Opportunities:

Every industry, business and trade needs Human Resource Development Managers for
maintaining their work force. So job prospects for HRD specialists are bright. These mainly
include major business and corporate houses, multinational companies, airlines, factories,
industries, government departments.

Paper I


Unit 1. Introduction to Management, Definitions. Nature and Scope, Role,

Scope and importance of Management. Characteristics of Management. Types
of Managers. Functions of Management, Management Process, Managerial
Hierarchy and levels.

Unit 2. Contribution of management Thinkers: F.W.Taylor, Henry Fayol, Elton

Mayo, Peter F. Ducker, Charles Babbage, H.L.Gantt, Max Weber, M.P. Follett.

Unit 3. Functions of Management: Planning:- nature of Planning, Steps in

Planning, Types of Planning, planning Process, factors affecting planning,
Advantages of Planning, Limitations of Planning, Corporate Planning. MBO,

Unit 4. Decision making:- Meaning and Definition, Importance, Types of

Decisions, process. Risk and uncertainty, decision trees, Tools and Techniques
of Decision making.

Controlling and Coordinating- Elements of Managerial Control, Management

Control Techniques, Effective Control Systems. Coordination Concept,
Importance, Principles and Techniques of Coordination.

References: 1. L.M.Prasad, Principles and Practice of Management, S.Chand Publishers,

2. Weihrich&Koonty, Essentials of Management, 3. Robbins.P, Essential of
Organizational Behaviour, 4. Fred Luthans, Organizational Behaviour,. 5.
K.Aswathappa, Organizational Behaviour, Himalaya Publishers, 6. Sridharan Bhat
,Management and Behavioural Process, Text and Cases, Himalaya Publishers.
Semester I

Paper II


Unit 1. Labour Economics Introduction - Labour Economics – Concept and
definition – Nature, Scope and Importance – Labour as a unique factor of
production. Labour Market - Concept of labour Market and its features –
Determinants of the supply and the demand for labour – Organized and
unorganized labour.

Unit2 : Introduction – Indian Labour Market:- Characteristics of the Indian

Labour Market - Child Labour and Female Labour – Problems and Measures-
Globalisation and Indian Labour Market - Labour Market Reforms – Need for
Safety Nets -Gig Economy- Second National Commission on Labour.

Unit 3. Public, private joint and co-operative sectors - private corporate sector-
MNCs and their role. Industrial productivity - concept - measurement -
productivity in Indian industries - industrial sickness - Exit Policy-
underutilization of capacity - factors accounting for it and its consequences.

Unit 4. Globalization and Indian industry - privatization and issues relating

to disinvestment policy. Industrial development in India - industrial policy -
Role of the Central and State - Industrial policy and economic reforms ,
Industrial growth and pattern.

BOOKS FOR REFERENCE: - International Labour Organization and Its Impact

on Indian Labour Legislations. References: 1. Datt R. and Sundaram K.P.M,
Indian Economy, S.Chand & Co., New Delhi, Dynamics of Industrial Relations,
Mamoria C.B. and Mamoria S, Himalaya Publishing House,. Economics of
Labour and Industrial relations Bhagoliwal T.N. (2002), Contemporary Labour
Economics, McConnel C.R. and S.L. Brue McGraw Hill, NeYork. labour
Economics,Mittal and Sanjay Prakash Sharma RSBA Jaipur

I Paper


Labour Laws I (103)

Unit 1. Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 Definition of Industry, Workman and
Industrial Dispute. Machinery provided for the settlement of Industrial
Disputes. Authorities under the Act – Procedure, Powers and Duties of
Authorities – Strikes and Lock outs – Lay off and Retrenchment – Special
Provision relating to Layoff, Retrenchment and Closure.

Unit 2. The Trade Unions Act,1926.- Entire Act

Unit 3. The Contract Labour (Regulaton and Abolition) Act, 1070. Entire Act

Unit 4. The Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946 All provisions of
the Act (Entire Act). Principles of Natural Justice

Books Recommended 1. Industrial Law – P. L. Malik 2. Industrial Law – J.

K. Bareja 3. Labour laws for Managers – B.D. Singh 4. Industrial & Labour
Laws – S. P. Jain.
Semester I

Paper IV


Unit I- Human Resource Management- Concept, Scope and Importance;
Competencies of HR Manager: Employer branding and Competency mapping;
changing role of HRM- Workforce diversity, Technological change, Restructuring
and rightsizing, Empowerment; TQM, Managing ethical issues.

Unit II- Human Resource Planning, Job Analysis, and Job Design: Assessing
Human Resource requirements; Human resource forecasting; Work load
analysis ; Job analysis; Job description and specifications; Job design; Job
characteristic approach to job design.

Unit III- Definition of Recruitment, Selection, Factors affecting

recruitment; Sources of recruitment (internal and external); Methods of
Recruitment. Basic selection model; Psychological tests for selection;
Interviewing; Placement and Induction; Job Changes- Transfers,
Promotions, and Separations; Emerging trends in Recruitment, Selection,
and development.

Unit IV- International HRM and Emerging Horizons of HRM: Concept,

importance, and models of International HRM; Challenges of International HR

Reference Books- Saiyadain, Mirza S., Human Resource Management, Tata

McGraw-Hill Pub. Co. Ltd., New Delhi. Chhabra T. N., Human Resource
Management, DhanpatRai and Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi. 8. Aswathappa, K.,
Human Resource Management-Text and Cases. . Singh B. P. and
T. N. Chhabra, Personnel Management & Industrial Relations, DhanpatRai and
Co.Pvt. Delhi. 11. Flippo, Edwin B., Principles of Personnel Management,
McGraw Hill, New York.
Semester II

Paper I

Industrial Relation & Trade Union Movement

Unit 1. Industrial Relations –Meaning, Definition, Objective, Scope, Role and
Impact on Labour Laws legislation. Approaches to Industrial relations.

Trade Union and Judiciary trade Union – objectives, functions, New Role of
Trade Union in the Context of Globalization.

Unit 2. Industrial dispute – nature & causes of industrial disputes

Machinery for solving industrial disputes under Industrial Disputes Act,
1947 at national and state level Role of Judiciary & its impact on
industrial relations

Unit 3. Collective bargaining – meaning, characteristics, need, importance,

process, causes for failure of collective bargaining, Alternatives to collective
bargaining, Importance of employee stock option plans. Workers participation in
management – concept, pre-requisites, forms & levels of participation, benefit of
workers Participation in Management

Unit 4. Grievance handling procedure – labour management Co-

operation_role of functional manager including personnel & industrial
relations manager in promoting & establishing peaceful industrial relations

Books Recommended 1. Dynamic Personnel Administration – Prof. M. N.

Rudrabasavraj. 2. Personnel Management and Industrial relations – P. C.
Shejwalkar and S. B. Malegaonkar 3. Labour Management relations in India –
K.M. Subramanian 4. Dynamic Personnel Administration – Prof. M.N.
Rudrabasavraj. 6. Personnel Management and Industrial Relations –
C. B.mamoria. Collective Bargaining & Industrial – Kochan T. A. & Katz.
Industrial Relation- P.Subba Rao.
Semester II

Paper II


Unit 1. Introduction to Organizational Behaviour, Need and Importance of OB.
Manager’s functions, roles, and skills - Nature and Scope of OB – Disciplines
that contribute to the OB Field
- Challenges and Opportunities for OB Concept and understanding of OB.
Contributing disciplines, models of Organizational Behavior, OB Processes, OB
in the context of changing business scenario.

Unit 2. The Individual Attitudes – Emotions and Emotional intelligence –

Personality –– Personality types – Factors influencing personality . Perception-
Importance, Factors influrncing perception, inter personal perception.
Motivation: Understanding human needs, Need deprivation, McGregor, Maslow,
Herzberg, Alderfer, Vroom, McClelland‘s Theories.

Unit 3. The Group Foundations of group behaviour – Organizational

politics - Impression management and Defensive behaviour. – Conflict
management and Negotiation. Group dynamics – Emergence of informal
leaders and working norms – Group decision making techniques – Team
building - Interpersonal relations – Communication – Control.

Unit 4. Organizational change – Importance – Stability Vs Change – Proactive

Vs Reaction change – the change process – Resistance to change – Managing
change. Stress – Work Stressors – Prevention and Management of stress –
Balancing work and Life. Organizational development – Characteristics –
objectives –. Organizational effectiveness Developing Gender sensitive
workplace – Organisational Change – Organisational Development – Stress

Text Books Organization Behavior by P. Stephen, Robbins. and Neharika

Vohrrganization by P.Subbarao. Organizational Behavior: 1. Luthans, Fred
Organisational Behavior by Radha R. Sharma.

I Paper


Labour Laws I (103)

Unit 1. Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 Definition of Industry, Workman and
Industrial Dispute. Machinery provided for the settlement of Industrial
Disputes. Authorities under the Act – Procedure, Powers and Duties of
Authorities – Strikes and Lock outs – Lay off and Retrenchment – Special
Provision relating to Layoff, Retrenchment and Closure.

Unit 2. The Trade Unions Act,1926.- Entire Act

Unit 3. The Contract Labour (Regulaton and Abolition) Act, 1070. Entire Act

Unit 4. The Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946 All provisions of
the Act (Entire Act). Principles of Natural Justice

Books Recommended 1. Industrial Law – P. L. Malik 2. Industrial Law – J.

K. Bareja 3. Labour laws for Managers – B.D. Singh 4. Industrial & Labour
Laws – S. P. Jain.
Semester I

Paper IV


Unit I- Human Resource Management- Concept, Scope and Importance;
Competencies of HR Manager: Employer branding and Competency mapping;
changing role of HRM- Workforce diversity, Technological change, Restructuring
and rightsizing, Empowerment; TQM, Managing ethical issues.

Unit II- Human Resource Planning, Job Analysis, and Job Design: Assessing
Human Resource requirements; Human resource forecasting; Work load
analysis ; Job analysis; Job description and specifications; Job design; Job
characteristic approach to job design.

Unit III- Definition of Recruitment, Selection, Factors affecting

recruitment; Sources of recruitment (internal and external); Methods of
Recruitment. Basic selection model; Psychological tests for selection;
Interviewing; Placement and Induction; Job Changes- Transfers,
Promotions, and Separations; Emerging trends in Recruitment, Selection,
and development.

Unit IV- International HRM and Emerging Horizons of HRM: Concept,

importance, and models of International HRM; Challenges of International HR

Reference Books- Saiyadain, Mirza S., Human Resource Management, Tata

McGraw-Hill Pub. Co. Ltd., New Delhi. Chhabra T. N., Human Resource
Management, DhanpatRai and Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi. 8. Aswathappa, K.,
Human Resource Management-Text and Cases. . Singh B. P. and
T. N. Chhabra, Personnel Management & Industrial Relations, DhanpatRai and
Co.Pvt. Delhi. 11. Flippo, Edwin B., Principles of Personnel Management,
McGraw Hill, New York.
Semester II

Paper I

Industrial Relation & Trade Union Movement

Unit 1. Industrial Relations –Meaning, Definition, Objective, Scope, Role and
Impact on Labour Laws legislation. Approaches to Industrial relations.

Trade Union and Judiciary trade Union – objectives, functions, New Role of
Trade Union in the Context of Globalization.

Unit 2. Industrial dispute – nature & causes of industrial disputes

Machinery for solving industrial disputes under Industrial Disputes Act,
1947 at national and state level Role of Judiciary & its impact on
industrial relations

Unit 3. Collective bargaining – meaning, characteristics, need, importance,

process, causes for failure of collective bargaining, Alternatives to collective
bargaining, Importance of employee stock option plans. Workers participation in
management – concept, pre-requisites, forms & levels of participation, benefit of
workers Participation in Management

Unit 4. Grievance handling procedure – labour management Co-

operation_role of functional manager including personnel & industrial
relations manager in promoting & establishing peaceful industrial relations

Books Recommended 1. Dynamic Personnel Administration – Prof. M. N.

Rudrabasavraj. 2. Personnel Management and Industrial relations – P. C.
Shejwalkar and S. B. Malegaonkar 3. Labour Management relations in India –
K.M. Subramanian 4. Dynamic Personnel Administration – Prof. M.N.
Rudrabasavraj. 6. Personnel Management and Industrial Relations –
C. B.mamoria. Collective Bargaining & Industrial – Kochan T. A. & Katz.
Industrial Relation- P.Subba Rao.
Semester II

Paper II


Unit 1. Introduction to Organizational Behaviour, Need and Importance of OB.
Manager’s functions, roles, and skills - Nature and Scope of OB – Disciplines
that contribute to the OB Field
- Challenges and Opportunities for OB Concept and understanding of OB.
Contributing disciplines, models of Organizational Behavior, OB Processes, OB
in the context of changing business scenario.

Unit 2. The Individual Attitudes – Emotions and Emotional intelligence –

Personality –– Personality types – Factors influencing personality . Perception-
Importance, Factors influrncing perception, inter personal perception.
Motivation: Understanding human needs, Need deprivation, McGregor, Maslow,
Herzberg, Alderfer, Vroom, McClelland‘s Theories.

Unit 3. The Group Foundations of group behaviour – Organizational

politics - Impression management and Defensive behaviour. – Conflict
management and Negotiation. Group dynamics – Emergence of informal
leaders and working norms – Group decision making techniques – Team
building - Interpersonal relations – Communication – Control.

Unit 4. Organizational change – Importance – Stability Vs Change – Proactive

Vs Reaction change – the change process – Resistance to change – Managing
change. Stress – Work Stressors – Prevention and Management of stress –
Balancing work and Life. Organizational development – Characteristics –
objectives –. Organizational effectiveness Developing Gender sensitive
workplace – Organisational Change – Organisational Development – Stress

Text Books Organization Behavior by P. Stephen, Robbins. and Neharika

Vohrrganization by P.Subbarao. Organizational Behavior: 1. Luthans, Fred
Organisational Behavior by Radha R. Sharma.

r II

Paper IV

Compensation Management (204)

Unit I. Meaning of compensation, Concept of Compensation, Components of

compensation. Objective of Compensation System. Principles of Compensation
Management. Dimensions of Compensation., Dimensions of Non compensation.
Factors influencing compensation policies. Types of Compensation, Fringe
Benefits, Types, factors influencing Fringe Benefits, Theories of Wage

Unit II. Wages meaning, concept. Wage Board, types, Pay commissions.
Minimum wages, Fair wage, Living wage, money and Real wages, Wage Theories.
Wage differential types.

Unit III. Pay for performance, determinants of incentives, classification of

incentives, Incentive Plans. Wage incentive system. Wage policy need.
Recommendation of Wage Policy, national Policy.

Unit IV. Compensation and Reward System, compensation Trends, future

Trends, Use of information technology in compensation.

Books Recommended : 1.Compensation Management- A.M. Sharma.2.

Compensation Management- Dr Sakshi Vasudev. 3.Understanding wage and
compensation management- A.M. Sharma.

III Paper I

Industrial Safety Management (301)

Unit 1. Safety Management - Concept of Safety, Applicable areas, unsafe
actions & Conditions. Responsibility of Safety - Society, Govt., Management,
Union & employees. Safety Officer - Appointment, Qualification, Duties of
safety officer. Safety Committee - Membership, Functions & Scope of Safety
committee. Motivation & Training of employees for safety in Industrial

Unit 2. Disaster Management - Designing, Importance & implementation of

Disaster Control Action Plan. Industrial Accidents - Causes & effects of
Industrial accidents. Accident Radio Theory, Cost of Accidents, Impact of
Accidents on employees, Union, Management & Society & their role &
responsibility in the prevention of accidents.

Unit 3. Legal Provisions regarding safety, Accident prevention & Compensation

to affected employees as under Factories Act-1948,Factories Act
(Amendment)1987,Maharashtra Factories Rule-1963,The Mines
Act1952,Maharashtra Safety Officers Rule-1982. Functions of National Safety
Council. Accidents, recording, Investigation analysis & reporting.

4.Fire- basic Chemistry/ Mechanism, Reasons, prevention & types of fire,

extinction of fire, Loss prevention Association-Objective, formation, scope &




Unit 1. Conceptual Awareness of Industrial Organization Psychology:-
Introduction of the terms “Industry”, “Organization” and “Psychology”. Definition
and nature – Industrial organizational Psychology. Importance and Scope of its
application. Psychological factors responsible for behaviour of an individual at
work place. Industrial organization Psychology on the Job.

Unit 2. Monitoring Industrial Organizational Psychology. Different Tools for

testing psychology. Problems with using Psychological Tests. Measuring
effectiveness of these Tests. Usage of Tests for improving the employee’s
Psychology. Challenges for I-O Psychology. Psychology at present and in

Unit 3. Motivation at Work Place – Concept of work motivation. Motivational

Theories – Need theories, Cognitive theories. Job Satisfaction – Components
of job satisfaction : Satisfaction with work, with Pay and supervision.
Measuring Job Satisfaction: Job Descriptive Index, Minnesota satisfaction.

Unit 4. Stress in the work place: Understanding stress. Concept, nature of

stress. Sources of stress, Stress in occupation and at work place. Coping with
organizational stress. Techniques of stress reduction in Industries. Defence
mechanism in Psychology –Concept. Types of Defence mechanism: Regression,
Repression, Denial, Acting out, Dissociation, Compartmentalization, Projection,
Reaction Formation. How do the Defence mechanism help to cope.

Recommended Books: Fundamentals of Industrial sychology- S.P. Chaubey.

Industrial and Organizational Psychology- P.K. Ghosh and Ghorpade. Davis. K.
Human behaviour at Work Place. Ganguli H.C. The Industrial workers
psychological studies. A.Anastasi Psychological testing. Kusum Mathur.
Psychological testing. K.R. Morphy Psychological testing. Spector, Paul,
Organizational psychology. Stephen Robin – Organizational Behaviour. K.
Aswathapa- Organizational Behaviour. Harrel Thomas- Industrial Psychology.

Paper III

Labour Laws – III (303)

Unit 1. Employees’ Provident Fund and Misc Provisions, Act, 1952

- Entire Act Unit 2.Employees State Insurance Act, 1948 - Entire


Unit 3. Workman’s Compensation Act, 1923 -

Entire Act Unit 4. The Payment of Bonus

Act,1965- Entire Act

Books Recommended 1. Industrial Law – P. L. Malik 2. Industrial Law – J.

K. Bareja 3. Labour Laws for managers – B. D. Singh 4. Industrial &
Labour Laws – S. P. Jain

III Paper



Unit 1. Business Environment and Society and globalization Concept, Nature
and Significance of Business Environment, Social responsibility of Business,
Business Ethics, Business and Culture, Technological Development and
Social Changes.

Unit 2. Business and Economy: Economic System, Capitalism, Socialism,

Mixed Economy, Features of Indian Economy, Public Sector, Private Sector,
Small Scale industries: Concept, Significance, Issues and Priorities. Role of
Public Sector in Indian Economy and its Problems.

Unit 3. Business and Government: Role of Government in Economic Planning

in India, Introduction to Industrial Policy Resolution, 1948, Industrial Policy
Resolution, 1956, New Industrial Policy, New Economic Policy, Privatization,
Liberalization and Globalization and their Implications on Indian Economy.

Unit 4. International Business Environment- An overview. Current business

concerns: GATT, WTO, UNCTAD, IPR, SEZ, World Bank, IMF, European
Union. Business Model: traditional and contemporary

SUGGESTED READINGS (1) Cherunilam Francis - Business Environment

(2) Ghose A N - Indian Economy-Its Nature and Problems (3) Agarwal A N -
Emerging Dimensions of Indian Management (4) Datta R and Sundharan K
P M - Indian Economy (5) Adhikari M - Economic Environment of Business

Paper IV


Unit I : Definition, Importance, Scope and Limitations of Research,
Objectives, Types of Research, Planning and Designing Research.

Preparation of Data (Primary & Secondary) - Validation, Editing, Coding,

Tabulating and Cross Tabulation of Data, Data Analysis and Interpretation,
Hypothesis Testing, University and Bivariate Data Analysis, Multivariate Data

Unit III: Introduction to Sampling, Sampling Process, Sampling Designs,

Sample Size, Application of Sampling, Steps involved in Questionnaire
Construction, Questionnaire Designs, Attitude Measurement, Types of Scales
for Attitude Measurement.

Unit IV: An Over view of Market Research, Product Research, Advertising and
Sales Promotion Research, Sales Control Research, Research in Financial
Matters and Matters Related to Human Resource Management. Processing
Analysis of Data, Report writing, types of Report, style & format of Report.

III Paper



Unit I - International Cultural Environment: The Concept of Culture,
Comparison of Cross- cultural Behaviour, Self-reference Criterion and
Ethnocentrism: Major Obstacles in International Business Decisions, Cultural
Orientation in International Business, Emic vs. Etic Dilemma: Cultural
Uniqueness vs. Pluralism.

Unit II - Global Business, Growth and Evolution: Environmental Variables in

Global Business; Human and Cultural Variables in Global Organizations; Cross
Cultural Differences and
Managerial Implications; Cross Cultural Research Methodologies and Hofstede’s
Hermes Study; Structural Evolution of Global Organizations.

Unit III - Cross Cultural Leadership and Decision Making: Cross Cultural
Communication and Negotiation; Process and International Negotiation hurdles;
Human Resource Management in Global Organizations; Ethics in International
Business; Western and Eastern Management Thoughts in the Indian Context.

Unit IV - International Business Intelligence: Information Requirements,

Sources of Information, Types of Research, Phases of a Research Project,
Methods of Data Collection, Sampling, Research Agencies, Problems in
International Research.

Suggested Readings: 1. Barlett, Christopher and Sumantra Ghoshal, Managing

Across Borders: The Transnational Solution, Harvard Business School Press,
1998. 2. Leaptrott, Nan, Rules of the Games: Global Business Protocol,
Thomson Executive Press, 1996. 3. Mary O’Hara-Deveraux and Robert
Johnson, Global Work: Bridging Distance, Culture and Time, Jossey Bass
Publishers, San Francisco, USA, 1994. 4. Adler, N J. International Dimensions
of Organisational Behaviour. Boston, Kent, 1991.
Semester IV

Paper I


Unit 1. Introduction to IHRM Definition, The drivers of internationalization of

business. Difference between domestic and International HRM, Organizational
Structure in MNC . The different setting of International Human Resource
Management. Development of IHRM.

Unit 2. ISHRM: Evolution of MNE’s, Business strategies, IHRM Strategies,

SIHRM. Barriers in effective global HRM. Socio-cultural context,
Organizational dynamics and IHRM: Role of culture in International HRM,
Country and Regional Cultures, Country Culture versus MNE Culture. Culture
and employee management issues/ impact of Country culture on IHRM.
Managing alliances and joint ventures - IHRM and International Alliances,
IHRM and International Joint Ventures.

Unit 3. International Workforce planning and staffing: International labour

market International Recruitment function; head-hunters, cross-national
advertising, e-recruitment; International staffing choice, different approaches
to multinational staffing decisions, Types of international assignments,
Selection criteria and techniques, use of selection tests, interviews for
international selection, international staffing issues, Expatriation and
Repatriation Successful expatriation, role of an expatriate and non-
expatriates, female expatriation, repatriation, re-entry and career issues.

Unit 4. International Compensation: International compensation and

international assignees, Forms of compensation, key components of
international compensation, Approaches to international compensation,
compensation practices across the countries, emerging issues in compensation
management. Establishment of labour standards by International Institutions,
The global legal and regulatory context of MNE, The International framework of
Ethics and Labour standards.

Reference Books: 1. International Human Resource Management, Peter

Dowling and Denice Welch, Cengage Learning 2. International Human
Resource Management, Tony Edwards, Pearson Education 3. Global Human
Growth Model, M.N Rudrabasavaraj, Himalaya 4.
International Human Resource Management, Monir Tayeb.

SUGGESTED READINGS: Kothari C.R., Research Methodology, Methods and

Techniques ,Wiley Eastern, New Delhi. Wilkinson & Bhandarkar,
Methodology & Techniques of Social Research, Himalaya Publishing House,
New Delhi. Tripathi P.C., Research Methodology, Sultan Chand & Co, New

Paper II


Unit I-Introduction: Concept and context of strategic human resource
management (SHRM); Corporate strategy and SHRM; Evolution of SHRM; SHRM
& HR; Challenges in SHRM; Resource based view of a firm; Competencies of HR

Unit II-HR Strategies: Strategic HR planning and acquisition: Recruitment and

selection; Strategic training and development; Reward and compensation
strategy; Corporate strategy and career systems; Employee separation and
retention management, retrenchment;Strategic approach to industrial
relations; Managing workforce diversity.

Unit III-Linking SHRM to Competitive Success and Corporate Strategy: SHRM

for competitive advantage; HC Bridge Model and Decision science model; Tools
for work analysis and talent strategies; HR implications of mergers and
acquisitions; Outsourcing and its HR implications.

Unit IV- Trends and Issues in SHRM: Alignment of HR strategies and the
impact on business performance; HR metrics; Human resource strategy in
international context; Future of SHRM.

Suggested Readings: 1. Das P., Strategic human resource management: A

resource driven perspective, Cengage Learning India. 2. Greer, C.R., Strategic
human resource management: A general managerial approach, Pearson
Education. 3. Paul B., Strategic human resource management, McGrawHill
Education. 4. Armstrong, M., Armstrong's handbook of strategic human
resource management, Kogan Page. 5. Mello J. A., Strategic management of
human resources, South Western. 6. Schuler, R. S., and Jackson, S. E.,
Strategic human resource management,

Paper III

Labour Laws IV

Unit 1. The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 -

Entire Act Unit 2. The Payment - Entire Act

Unit 3. The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 -

Entire Act Unit 5. MRTU & PULP Act,

1971- Entire Act

Books Recommended 1. Industrial Law – P. L. Malik 2. Industrial Law – J.

K. Bareja 3. Labour laws for Managers – B.D. Singh 4. Industrial & Labour
Laws – S. P. Jain

Paper III


Unit 1-Introduction: Organisation development- Concept and process;
Assumptions and values underlying organisation development (OD);
Foundations of organisation development, Emergence of OD as an applied
behavioural science; Role of top management and organization development

Unit II-Organisational Diagnosis: Techniques of organisational diagnosis-

Questionnaires, interviews, workshops, task -forces and other methods;
Collecting and analysing diagnostic information; feeding back diagnostic

Unit III-OD Interventions: Change agents- Role, skills and styles of change
agents; Relation with the client system; Designing interventions; Evaluating
and institutionalizing interventions; Action research; Structural interventions-
Work redesign, work modules, Quality of work life (QWL), Quality circles(QC);
Behavioural interventions- Management by objectives (MBO), Sensitivity
training, Transactional analysis; Career planning; Inter-group interventions-
team building, survey feedback, Grid OD; Techno-structural interventions-
Restructuring organizations, Employee involvement.

Unit IV-Trends in Organization Development: OD-HRD interface; OD in

global settings; OD research and practice in perspective; Challenges and
future of OD.

Suggested Readings: 1. French, W.L. and Bell, C.H., Organisation

development, Prentice-Hall, New Delhi. 2. Hackman, J.R. and Senttle, J.L.,
Improving life at work: Behavioural science approach to organisational
change, Goodyear, California. 3. Harvey, D.F. and Brown, D.R., An
experimental approach to organization development, Prentice-Hall,
Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 4. Hersey P., and Blanchard, H.B., Management of
organisational behaviour: Utilising human resources, Prentice Hall, New
Delhi. 5. Pareek U., Rao, T.V. and Pestonjee, D.M., Behavioural processes in
organisations, Oxford and IBH., New Delhi. 6. Cummings, T. G., Theory of
organization development and change, South Western.

Paper IV shall be dissertation carrying 100 marks

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