Dcs302ca61 Central Controller

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Read these instructions carefully before installation.

Keep this manual in a handy place for future reference.
This manual should be left with the equipment owner.
This central remote controller can monitor and control up to 64 indoor unit groups.
Using two central remote controllers allows monitoring and controlling of up to 128 indoor unit groups.

Main Functions
1. Batch starting and stopping of indoor units connected to the central remote controller.
2. Handling of operation settings such as start/stop, timer operation, remote controller prohibition/permission, etc.,
and operation status settings such as temperature.
3. Operation status monitoring of operation mode, set temperature, etc.
4. Can be connected to an external central monitor panel and key system using the forced stop input
(non-voltage a connector).

• When using 1 central remote controller

• When using 2 central remote controllers

(The central remote controller and the separately sold remote control adapter circuit board or group remote con-
trol adapter cannot be used together.)

∗ GROUP OF INDOOR UNIT refers to the below.

1. A single indoor unit without remote controller
A single indoor unit without A single indoor unit controlled by
remote controller one or two remote controllers
Indoor unit Remote Two remote
controller controllers

Remote controller not used

Maximum of 16 indoor units, group-controlled by one or two remote controllers

A maximum of 16 units A maximum of 16 units

Remote Two remote
controller controllers

1 English
∗ Zone control from the central remote controller
Zone control is available from the central remote controller. With it, it is possible to make unified settings for mul-
tiple groups, so setting operations are greatly simplified.

• Any setting you make within a given zone will apply to all groups in the said zone.
• A maximum of 64 zones can be set from a single central remote controller.
(Each zone contains a maximum of 64 groups.)
• Zones can be set randomly from the central remote controller.

SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS Ask your dealer for improvement, repair, and maintenance.
Incomplete improvement, repair, and maintenance may
Please read these “SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS” result in a water leakage, electric shock, and fire.
carefully before installing air conditioning equipment
Improper installation or attachment of equipment or
and be sure to install it correctly.
accessories could result in electric shock, short-circuit,
After completing the installation, make sure that the
leaks, fire or other damage to the equipment. Be sure only
unit operates properly during the start-up operation.
to use accessories made by Daikin which are specifically
Please instruct the customer on how to operate the unit
designed for use with the equipment and have them
and keep it maintained.
installed by a professional.
Also, inform customers that they should store this installation
manual along with the operation manual for future reference. Ask your dealer to move and reinstall the air con-
This air conditioner comes under the term “appliances ditioner or the remote controller.
not accessible to the general public”. Incomplete installation may result in a water leakage,
electric shock, and fire.
Meaning of warning, caution and note symbols. Never let the indoor unit or the remote controller get wet.
It may cause an electric shock or a fire.
WARNING ....Indicates a potentially hazardous sit-
Never use flammable spray such as hair spray,
uation which, if not avoided, could
lacquer or paint near the unit.
result in death or serious injury.
It may cause a fire.
CAUTION .... Indicates a potentially hazardous Never replace a fuse with that of wrong ampere
situation which, if not avoided, may ratings or other wires when a fuse blows out.
result in minor or moderate injury. It Use of wire or copper wire may cause the unit to
may also be used to alert against break down or cause a fire.
unsafe practices. Never inspect or service the unit by yourself.
Ask a qualified service person to perform this work.
NOTE........... Indicates situation that may result
in equipment or property-damage- Cut off all electric waves before maintenance.
only accidents. Do not wash the air conditioner or the remote
controller with excessive water.
Keep these warning sheets handy so that you can Electric shock or fire may result.
refer to them if needed.
Also, if this equipment is transferred to a new user, make Do not install the air conditioner or the remote controller
sure to hand over this operation manual to the new user. at any place where flammable gas may leak out.
If the gas leaks out and stays around the air condi-
WARNING tioner, a fire may break out.
In order to avoid electric shock, fire or injury, or if Do not touch the switch with wet fingers.
Touching a switch with wet fingers can cause electric shock.
you detect any abnormality such as smell of fire, turn
off power and call your dealer for instructions. CISPR 22 Class A Warning:
This is a class A product. In a domestic environment this prod-
Ask your dealer for installation of the air conditioner. uct may cause radio interference in which case the user may
Incomplete installation performed by yourself may be required to take adequate measures.
result in a water leakage, electric shock, and fire.

English 2
Fig. 1

Fig. 2

Fig. 3 Fig. 4

3 English
Fig. 5

Fig. 6

Fig. 7

Fig. 8

4 English
Do not turn off the power immediately after stop-
CAUTION ping operation.
After a long use, check the unit stand and fitting Always wait at least five minutes before turning off the
for damage. power. Otherwise, water leakage and trouble may occur.
If they are left in a damaged condition, the unit may The appliance is not intended for use by young
fall and result in injury. children or infirm persons without supervision.
Do not allow a child to mount on the unit or avoid The remote controller should be installed in
placing any object on it. such a way that children cannot play with it.
Falling or tumbling may result in injury.
Do not let children play on and around the unit.
If they touch the unit carelessly, it may result in injury. NOTE
Do not place a flower vase and anything contain- Never press the button of the remote controller
ing water. with a hard, pointed object.
Water may enter the unit, causing an electric shock or fire. The remote controller may be damaged.
Never touch the internal parts of the controller. Never pull or twist the electric wire of the remote
Do not remove the front panel. Some parts inside are dan- controller.
gerous to touch, and a machine trouble may happen. It may cause the unit to malfunction.
For checking and adjusting the internal parts, contact
your dealer. Do not place the controller exposed to direct sunlight.
The LCD display may get discolored, failing to dis-
Avoid placing the controller in a spot splashed play the data.
with water.
Water coming inside the machine may cause an electric Do not wipe the controller operation panel with
leak or may damage the internal electronic parts. benzine, thinner, chemical dustcloth, etc.
The panel may get discolored or the coating peeled
Do not operate the air conditioner when using a off. If it is heavily dirty, soak a cloth in water-diluted
room fumigation - type insecticide. neutral detergent, squeeze it well and wipe the panel
Failure to observe could cause the chemicals to become clean. And wipe it with another dry cloth.
deposited in the unit, which could endanger the health of
those who are hypersensitive to chemicals. Dismantling of the unit, treatment of the refriger-
ant, oil and eventual other parts, should be done
Safely dispose of the packing materials.
in accordance with the relevant local and
Packing materials, such as nails and other metal or
national regulations.
wooden parts, may cause stabs or other injuries.
Tear apart and throw away plastic packaging bags so
that children will not play with them. If children play
with a plastic bag which was not torn apart, they face
the risk of suffocation.

BEFORE USE ..................................................... 1 OPERATION MODE ........................................ 13
GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM .............. 1 Setting operation mode .........................................16
SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS ....................... 2 Group monitoring ..................................................16
FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS .................... 6 Error diagnosing function .....................................17
Setting master remote controller ..........................20
Display of time to clean .........................................21
OPERATING SECTION .................................. 7 INSTALLATION TABLE ................................ 22
OPERATION........................................................ 8 OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES ......................... 23
Individual screen, all screen, zone screen ............. 8
Batch operation and stop method ......................... 9
Group operation and stop method.......................... 9 CONTROLLERS ............................................... 23
Registering zones................................................... 9 SPECIFICATIONS ............................................ 24
Zone operation and stop method ......................... 10 Specifications .......................................................24
Changing the fan direction and fan strength ........ 11 Outline drawings ..................................................24
Changing the ventilation mode and
ventilation strength .............................................. 11 Fig. 1, 2, 3, 4...............................................................3
Timer Number Setting ......................................... 11 Fig. 5, 6, 7, 8...............................................................4
Setting the Operation Code.................................. 12 Fig. 9, 10, 11, 12.......................................................25
Fig. 13, 14, 15, 16.....................................................26

5 English

Operation menu
This central remote controller can operate and stop machines by
either group or zone. See page
Batch operation and batch stop functions are also available. When 8—12.
used in combination with the schedule timer (optional accessory),
timer operation and stop functions are available.

Various operation modes.

You can operate the system from both this unit and the remote
controller, so to enable various operation control patterns. Twenty
different operation modes are available including five operation
1. Start/stop: remote controller prohibition, remote
controller stop-only permission, central See page
priority, after-press priority, remote controller 13—15.
permission timer
2. Operation modes: remote controller prohibition, remote
controller permission
3. Set temperature: remote controller prohibition, remote
controller permission

Zone control for simpler setting procedures

You can control a maximum of 64 groups of indoor units by using
this central remote controller. You don’t have to repeat the same
setting operations by group because you can make each of the
following settings by zone.
A functions is available for setting all groups in one batch.
See page
Operation mode 8—16.
Control mode
Setting temperature
Programming time No. (Used in conjunction with the
schedule timer)

Monitoring all indoor unit information

The following information can be displayed by group.
Operation information such as operation mode, set
temperature, etc., for indoor units See page
Maintenance information such as cleaning signs for filters 16—21.
or elements
Error codes and other malfunction diagnosis information

Function of refrigerant system display

This display helps you understand, at a glance, the indoor units
See page 20.
sharing the same outdoor unit and the particular indoor unit
among them that is set as the master remote controller.

• Room air conditioners and multi-purpose air conditioners may also be connected by using separately-sold
adapter boards.
This may limit functionality, so consult the manuals that come with each adapter board.

English 6
Press to operate all indoor units. SELECTION PRIVILEGE NOT SHOWN)
13 For zones or individual units (groups) for which
2 this is displayed, cooling and heating cannot be
Press to stop all indoor units.
3 Lit white any of the indoor units under control is “ ” DISPLAY (UNDER HOST
14 TROL)
“ ” DISPLAY (REFRIGERANT While this display is lit up, no settings can be
4 SYSTEM DISPLAY) made. It lights up when the upper central
machines are present on the same air
This indication in the square is lit while the conditioning network.
refrigerant system is being displayed.
The lamp is lit while setting zones. Displays the preset temperature.
The lamp is lit while operation is being monitored.
16 This displays (flashes) the content of errors
“ ”“ ” “ INDIVIDUALLY ” DISPLAY when an error failure has occurred.
In maintenance mode, it displays the latest error
7 The status displays indicates either batch content.
functions or which zone or individual unit
(or group) are being used. “NOT AVAILABLE” DISPLAY
17 If a function is not available in the indoor unit
8 Each square displays the state corresponding to
even if the button is pressed, “NOT AVAILABLE”
each group.
is may be displayed for a few seconds.
“ ”“ ”“ ”“ ”“ ”“ ”“ ”
Displays operating state. 18 (FAN DIRECTION SWING DISPLAY)
This displays whether the fan direction is fixed
“ ”“ ”“ ”“ ” DISPLAY or set to swing.
10 This is displayed when a Ventiair total enthalpy “ ”“ ”“ ”“ ”“ ”“ ”
heat exchanger unit or other such unit is DISPLAY (VENTILATION
This displays the set fan strength.
11 Pressing the maintenance/test run button
(for service) displays this. This button should not
normally be used. “ ” DISPLAY (TIME NO.)
Displays the operation timer No. when used in
“ ” DISPLAY (TIME TO CLEAN) conjunction with the schedule timer.
12 It lights up when any individual unit (group) has
reached the time for the filter or element to be

7 English
Sets control mode and time No.
21 The method of operation (remote controller 34
prohibited, central operation priority after-press Pressing this button scrolls through “weak”,
operation priority, etc.) is displayed by the “strong”, and “fast”.
corresponding code.
This displays the numbers of any indoor units ZONE SETTING BUTTON
which have stopped due to an error. 35 Zone registration mode can be turned on and off
by pressing the start and stop buttons simulta-
“ ”“ ” DISPLAY (TIME TO neously for at least four seconds.
Displayed to notify the user it is time to clean the 36 Pressing this button scrolls through “inspection”,
air filter or air cleaner element of the group “test run”, and “system display”.
displayed. This button is not normally used.
23 This is pressed to switch the ventilation mode of ADJUSTMENT BUTTON
the total enthalpy heat exchanger. 37 This button is pressed to switch the ventilation
ALL/INDIVIDUAL BUTTON strength (“fresh up”) of the total enthalpy heat
24 Pressing this button scrolls through the “all
screen”, “zone screen”, and “individual screen”. (Notes)
1. Please note that all the displays in the figure
appear for explanation purposes or when the
25 This button is pressed when calling an individual cover is open.
indoor unit or a zone. 2. If the unit is used in conjunction with other optional
ON/OFF BUTTON central controllers, the OPERATION LAMP of the
26 Starts and stops ALL, ZONE, and INDIVIDUAL unit that is not under operation control may light
up and go out a few minutes behind schedule.
This shows that the signal is being exchanged,
TEMPERATURE ADJUSTMENT and does not indicate any failure.
27 This button is pressed when setting the
temperature. Select the zone number if any
zones have been registered. 䡲 Individual screen, all screen,
BUTTON This controller can perform operations in the individual
This button is pressed when setting the fan screen, all screen, or zone screen.
direction to “fixed” or “swing”. • Individual screen The individual screen is used
when performing group opera-
BUTTON • All screen The all screen is used when per-
29 forming operations for all units at
This sets the operation mode. The dry setting once.
cannot be done. • Zone screen The zone screen is used when
TIME NO. BUTTON performing zone operations.
30 Selects time No. (Use in conjunction with the
1. Select the screen by pressing the
schedule timer only). “ALL/INDIVIDUAL” button.
Selects control mode. pressed, the selection scrolls through INDIVIDUAL
FILTER SIGN RESET BUTTON If nothing is done in the all or zone screens for one
32 This button is pressed to erase the “clean filter” minute, it automatically goes to the individual
display after cleaning or replacement. screen.

English 8
• If the zone number in the zone screen is dis- 䡲 Group operation and stop method
played as “---,” this indicates that no units are (Fig. 5)
registered in a zone.
This is for operating or stopping connected units in
Please perform zone registration before pro-
ceeding in the zone screen. (See page 9)
[Group operation]
䡲 Batch operation and stop method
(Fig. 4) 1. Press the “ALL/INDIVIDUAL button”
This is for operating or stopping all connected units at to enter the individual screen.
once. The unit will enter the individual screen automati-
cally if nothing is done for one minute.
A. What to do when operating or stopping all
connected units at once. 2. Using the arrow keys, move the
1. Press either “ ” or “ ” to select the units to operate or stop.
“ ”. Keeping the button pressed down will move it
• Operation can be performed from the indi- rapidly.
vidual screen, the all screen, or the zone The “ ” in this screen has selected unit 1-04.
• The “TEMPERATURE ADJUSTMENT” and 3. Press the “SELECT” button.
cannot be used. The “ ” display lights up in the group.
To set the temperature and operation mode, Press the “RESET” button.
use B. batch operation.
The “ ” display goes off in the group.
B. Batch Operation
1. Press the “ALL/INDIVIDUAL button” to 4. Press the “TEMPERATURE ADJUST-
enter the all screen. MENT” button.
The temperature rises 1° every time the
The “ ” display lights up on all registered units. ( ) button is pressed.
The temperature drops 1° every time the
2. Press the “SELECT” button.
( ) button is pressed.
The “ ” display lights up on all connected units. Temperature adjustment cannot be done if the
selected group’s air conditioners are in fan mode.
Press the “RESET” button.
5. Call up the desired mode by pressing
The “ ” display goes off on all connected units.
Operation and stop in the batch screen are done ton.
the same as with the batch operation and batch
stop buttons. 䡲 Registering zones (Fig. 6)
It is possible to set multiple groups as one zone and
control each zone separately.
MENT” button. No zones are registered when the unit is shipped from
The temperature rises 1° every time the factory.
the ( ) button is pressed. Zone registration can be done in the individual screen,
The temperature drops 1° every time all screen, or zone screen.
the ( ) button is pressed.
Set to “ ” when you do not wish to use batch [Registration]
setting for the temperature setting. 1. Pressing the “ALL/INDIVIDUAL”
Setting to 1° above or below the temperature
button for four seconds. Displays
setting range displays “ ”.
4. Call up the desired mode by pressing Zone Number 1 will be displayed, and if there are
any groups already registeredd displayed zone, a
ton. “ ” will light up on the operation monitor.
Set to “ ” when you do not wish to use batch set-
ting for the operation setting.

9 English
2. Select the Zone Number to be regis- [Batch deletion of zone registration]
tered using the “ZONE NUMBER” button. 1. Pressing the “ ” for at least
Keeping the button pressed down will move it four seconds while pressing the “FIL-
rapidly. TER SIGN RESET” button when
3. “ ” to the group you wish to reg- “ZONE SET” is displayed will delete all
ister using the arrow keys. zone registrations.
Keeping the button pressed down will move it The zone registrations for all units will be lost.
䡲 Zone operation and stop method
4. Press the “SELECT” button to register (Fig. 7)
that group to the zone. This is for operating or stopping connected units in
The “ ” display lights up on all the selected
[Zone operation]

Pressing the “RESET” button 1. Press the “ALL/INDIVIDUAL button” to

removes the group from that zone, and enter the zone screen.
“ ” goes off. 2. Using the arrow keys, select the zone
Repeat steps 3 and 4 until all the units you wish to number to operate or stop.
register to the zone have been added. Pressing and reduces the zone number
while and raise the number.
Keeping the button pressed down will move it
• If the zone number is displayed as “---,” this
indicates that no units are registered in a
zone. Please perform zone registration
before using a zone. (See page 9)

3. Press the “SELECT” button.

In this example, a screen is shown with
The “ ” display lights up in the group.
units 1-00, 1-02, 1-03, and 2-00 registered
to Zone Number 1. Press the “RESET” button.
5. Repeat steps 2 to 4 to register to the next The “ ” display goes off in the group.
6. Once zone registration is complete, MENT” button.
press the “ALL/INDIVIDUAL” button The temperature rises 1° every time the ( ) but-
to turn off “ZONE SET” display and return ton is pressed.
to the individual screen. The temperature drops 1° every time the ( ) but-
The display returns to the normal screen if nothing ton is pressed.
is done for one minute when in zone registration Set to “ ” when you do not wish to use zone
mode. setting for the temperature setting.
(NOTE) Setting to 1° above or below the temperature
• It is impossible to register one group to several setting range displays “ ”.
different zones.
If this is done, the last zone registered to will be 5. Call up the desired mode by pressing
Set to “ ” when you do not wish to use zone set-
ting for the operation mode.

English 10
䡲 Changing the fan direction and fan 3. Press the “VENTILATION MODE”
strength (Fig. 8) button.
This changes the fan direction and strength settings in It will scroll through “ ”→“ ”→“ ”
the air conditioner.
Changing the fan direction and strength is done in the →“ ”.
individual screen. Press the “VENTILATION STRENGTH
1. Press the “ALL/INDIVIDUAL button” It will scroll through “ ”→“ ”→“ ”→

to enter the individual screen.

The unit will enter the individual screen automati- “ ”→“ ”.
cally if nothing is done for one minute. The fresh up function may not be available
2. Using the arrow keys, move the depending on the connected unit model.
The functions included in the indoor units may vary.
“ ” to select the units to fan direction Pressing a button for a function which is not available
adjustment or fan strength adjustment. will cause “NOT AVAILABLE” to be displayed.
Keeping the button pressed down will move it
rapidly. • Ventilation Mode and Amount
If these are changed using the remote controller
3. Press the “FAN DIRECTION ADJUST- depending on the unit model, they cannot be dis-
MENT” button. played on the central remote controller.
This sets “fixed” or “swing” for the fan direction. To monitor the ventilation mode and amount, check
the values on the remote controller.
MENT” button. 䡲 Timer Number Setting (Fig. 10)
Pressing this button scrolls through “ ”, “ ”, (Only when used with the schedule timer)
and “ ”. Using this together with the schedule timer makes it
possible to set on and off times four times a day.
Depending on the indoor unit, only “ ” and “ ”
may be available. [Registration]
The functions included in the indoor units may vary. 1. Pressing the “TIMER NO.” button
Pressing a button for a function which is not available causes the number set for timer number 1
will cause “NOT AVAILABLE” to be displayed. to blink.
If no timer setting has been made
䡲 Changing the ventilation mode and
“ ” will be displayed.
ventilation strength (Fig. 9) Select the desired timer number
This changes the ventilation mode and strength set- by pressing the “TIMER
tings in the total enthalpy heat exchanger. NO.” button.
Changing the ventilation mode and strength is done in
the individual screen. 2. Once the desired timer number is
[Registration] displayed, press the “SET” button.
Press the “SET” button
1. Press the “ALL/INDIVIDUAL button” to
within 10 seconds after the timer
enter the individual screen. number is displayed.
The unit will enter the individual screen automati- The display will return to how it
cally if nothing is done for one minute. was after 10 seconds.
The display for timer number 1
2. Using the arrow keys, move the
will stop blinking and then timer number 2 will start
“ ” to select the units to ventilation blinking.
mode or ventilation strength adjustment.
Keeping the button pressed down will move it

11 English
3. Select the desired timer number by When using timer operation, make sure the
times do not overlap when setting the program of
pressing the “TIMER NO.” button.
the schedule timer.
Once the desired timer number is
displayed, press the “SET” 䡲 Setting the Operation Code (Fig. 11)
The display for timer number 2 [Registration]
will stop blinking.
1. Pressing the “CONTROL MODE”
The “ ” display will disappear button causes the currently set operation
after 3 seconds. code to blink.
Call up the desired code number by pressing the
Select “ ” in the timer number when you do not
wish to set a timer number. “CONTROL MODE” button.
It is possible to set only one timer number. Scroll through the code numbers.
(The times for turning the unit(s) on and off twice a
2. Once the code number is displayed,
day can be set with a single timer number.)
press the “SET” button.
• Timer Number Setting The display will stop blinking.
Group control: select the unit in the individual The operation code display will disappear after
screen and set the timer number. 3 seconds.
Batch control: set the timer numbers for all con-
nected units. [The Operation Code Setting]
Zone control: set the timer numbers for all Group control: select the unit in the individual screen
zone-registered units. and set the operation code.
Call up the zones which you wish Batch control: set the operation code for all con-
to set in the zone screen and set nected units.
the timer numbers. Zone control: set the operation code for all zone-reg-
istered units.
• Since the timer number will be set to after-
Call up the zones which you wish to set
press priority, the timer number in the last
in the zone screen and set the opera-
screen set will be valid for the connected
tion code.
Since the operation code will be set for after-press pri-
Example 1 ority, setting the operation code in the zone and individ-
Setting timer number 1 for unit 1-00 to “1” and ual screens after setting the operation code in the
timer number 2 to “2” in the individual screen and batch screen, will cause the operation codes set after-
then setting timer number 1 to “3” and timer wards to be valid.
number 2 to “4” in the batch screen causes the
timer numbers for all units to be set, so timer
number 1 for unit 1-00 will be “3” and timer num-
ber 2 will be “4”.
Example 2
To prevent leaving units on, timer number 1 is
set to “5” in the batch screen.
Setting timer number 1 in zone number 1 to “ ”
in the zone screen after that will change the
timer number for zone number 1, so the setting
to prevent leaving the units on will be lost for
zone number 1 only.
If a timer number is set incorrectly by accident,
redo the setting in the desired screen.
• What happens when the timer number on
time and off time are set to the same time
When the on time and off time are set to the
same time for the same timer number, operation
does not change.
When the on time and off time are set to the
same time for different timer numbers, the off
time is given priority.

English 12
The following five operation control modes can be selected along with the temperature setting and operation mode
by remote controller, for a total of twenty different modes. These twenty modes are set and displayed with control
modes of 0 to 19. (For further details, see EXAMPLE OF OPERATION SCHEDULE on the next page.)

• ON/OFF control impossible by remote controller..... Use this mode when operating and stopping from the
central remote controller only. (ON/OFF control by the
remote controller is disabled.)
• Only OFF control possible by remote controller ...... Use this mode when executing the operation only by the
central remote controller, and executing only the stop by
remote controller.
• Centralized .............................................................. Use this mode when executing the operation only by the
central remote controller, and executing start/stop freely
by remote controller during the preset hours.
• Individual ................................................................. Use this mode when executing start/stop both by central
remote controller and remote controller.
• Timer operation possible by remote controller......... Use this mode when executing start/stop by remote con-
troller during the preset hours, and not starting operation
by the central remote controller at the programmed time
of system start.


• Select whether to accept or to reject the operation from the remote controller regarding the operation, stop, tem-
perature setting and operation mode setting, respectively, and determine the particular control mode from the
rightmost column of the table below.

13 English
Control by remote controller
Operation Unified operation, individ- Unified stop, individual Control
mode Tempera- Operation mode
ual operation by central stop by central remote Stop
ture control mode setting
remote controller, or opera- controller, or timer
tion controlled by timer stop
Acceptance 0
ON/OFF control Rejection 10
impossible by Acceptance
remote controller (Example) Acceptance 1 (Example)
Rejection (Example)
Rejection 11
Acceptance 2
Rejection Rejection
Only OFF control Rejection 12
possible by (Example)
remote controller Acceptance 3
Rejection 13
Acceptance 4
Rejection 14
Acceptance 5
Rejection 15
Acceptance Acceptance
Acceptance 6
Rejection 16
Individual Acceptance
Acceptance 7
Rejection 17
Acceptance 8
Timer operation Acceptance Rejection Rejection 18
possible by (During timer at (During timer at OFF
remote controller ON position only) position) Acceptance 9
Rejection 19
Note) Do not select the timer operation possible without the remote controller. In this case, timer operation is disabled.


Operation schedule is possible only in conjunction with the schedule timer (optional accessory).
Liquid crystal display of schedule timer
ON/OFF control impossible by remote controller

Operation controlled Stop controlled Individual operation

Centralized by timer except to the preset
by timer

Programmed Programmed
to operate at to stop at ------ Operation
8:45 5:00

Remote Start/stop by remote

controller controller cannot be made.

Individual Forced and unified stop.

Centralized stop Power reminder stops.

Stop --------- Stop

English 14
Only OFF control possible by remote controller
Operation Timer stops even Operation
controlled if you forget to controlled by
by timer turn off the unit. timer

Programmed to Programmed to Programmed to

operate at 8:45
Stop --- stop at 5:00 --- operate at 5:20

controller Only stopping possible by
the remote controller.

Individual operation once

Centralized the unit is stopped. Timer stops. Power reminder stops.

Stop --- Operation Stop --- Programmed to

stop at 10:00

controller Only stopping possible by the remote controller.

Centralized controlled
by timer Timer stops.

Programmed to Stop Operation Stop Programmed to

operate at 8:45 --- --- stop at 7:00
controller Start/stop is possible by the remote controller
during the hours programmed for timer operation.

Individual Operation starts

Centralized without fail at the

Programmed to
operate at 9:00
Stop --- Operation

Remote Start/stop is possible by the remote controller at any time

regardless of the hours programmed by the timer.

Stops temporarily at the

Centralized timer-programmed stop time. Timer stops.

Programmed to Programmed to
Stop --- stop at 5:00
--- Operation Stop --- stop at 10:00

Remote Start/stop is possible by the remote controller at any time

controller regardless of the hours programmed by the timer.

Timer operation possible by remote controller

Timer operation possible
by remote controller at Stops for a time at
preset times. timer-programmed time.

--- Programmed to
8:30 --- Operation Stop ----

stop at 5:00

Remote Startn/stop is possible by the remote controller

during the hours programmed for timer operation.

Centralized Timer operation possi-

Timer stops. Power
ble by remote controller
reminder stops.
at preset times.

Programmed to Programmed to
------ --- Operation Stop --- stop at 10:00
operate at 5:20
controller Start/stop is possible by the remote controller
during the hours programmed for timer operation.
Air conditioner now operating.
- - - - - Air conditioner now stopping.
Command by central remote controller
Command by remote controller

15 English
䡲 Setting operation mode (Fig. 12) ∗1: Setting may not be acceptable depending on the
type of indoor unit with which this unit is connected.
[Registration] ∗2: In zone control, the units run in temperature adjust-
ment mode (heating or cooling) for the outdoor sys-
1. Press the OPERATION MODE SELEC- tem for the groups registered to those zones.
TOR BUTTON. Each time you press this Heating or cooling selection is not available.
button, the display rotates as shown on *3: or or
the below list. Changing the ventilation mode cannot be done in
the zone screen. Changing the ventilation mode
• List of operations which can be set
should be done in the individual screen.
In the below list, “ 䡬 ” refers to the acceptable set- ∗4: In group control, the units run in temperature adjust-
ting, while “ × ” refers to the not acceptable setting. ment mode (heating or cooling) for the group outdoor
system. Heating or cooling selection is not available.
• The Zone consists of the following two cases.

A. Zone without display“ ”

The group with master remote controller setting
exists in this zone.
Setting the master remote controller enables cool/
heat selection.
Operations other than cool/heat operations can also
∗ be set for some operations. For further details, see
the list on the left.

B. Zone with display“ ”

No group with master remote controller setting
exists in this zone.
The cool/heat selection is not available because the
∗ ∗ master remote controller has not been set.
Some operations other than cool/heat operations
can be set. For further details, see the list in the left.

See page 20 if the display“ ” is flashing.
• Fan operation can be performed for each zone using
the central remote controller even if there is no cool-
ing/heating selection right during cooling or heating.
Also, if a Ventiair is connected in the zone, ventilation
and ventilation cleaning operation is possible. See
the included operating manuals for details.
• When the indoor unit is in heat operation, change the set-
ting to FAN operation through the central remote control-
∗ ler; then, you can switch the fan speed to the extremely
low fan speed. Warm air may blow if any other indoor unit
belonging to the same system is in heat operation.
• The indoor fan stops during defrost/hot start.
• DRY cannot be set from the central remote controller.
䡲 Group monitoring (Fig. 13)

Utilize the group monitor function in each of the fol-
lowing cases:
∗ 1. Check the malfunction code.
(See the next page.)
2. Check the group that requires cleaning of the air
∗ ∗ filter and air cleaner element. (See page 21.)
3. Change the setting of the master remote control-
∗ ler. (See page 20.)
4. Check the group(s) sharing the same outdoor
unit. Or, check the particular group(s) with the
master remote controller setting. (See page 20.)
5. Check the conditions of other individual groups.

English 16
When in zone screen code is displayed. Check the contents of the display,
The zone screen will revert to the individual screen and contact your DAIKIN dealer because the above
automatically if nothing is done in it for one minute. signs can give you the idea on the trouble area.
The display “ ” flashes under
[Registration] the group No. where the indoor
1. Press the “ALL/INDIVIDUAL” button unit that has stopped due to mal-
to switch to the “INDIVIDUAL” screen.
2. Using the arrow key, move the
“ ” to select the unit to be monitored.
Keeping the button pressed down will move it
1. Press the ARROW KEY BUTTON to
rapidly. call up the group that has stopped due to
The “ ” lights up and the status of that unit
The unit No. the malfunction code is
is displayed in the LCD. The cursor in the screen
flashing because of an error failure.
Fig. 13 has selected unit 2-06.

䡲 Error diagnosing function

(Fig. 14)
This central remote controller is provided with a diag-
nosing function, for when an indoor unit stops due to
malfunction. In case of actuation of a safety device,
disconnection in transmission wiring for control or fail-
ure of some parts, the operation lamp, inspection dis-
play and unit No. start to flash; then, the malfunction

Operation Maintenance Malfunction

lamp display
Unit No.
Error content

64 Indoor air thermistor error

65 Outdoor air thermistor error

68 HVU error (Ventiair dust-collecting unit)

6A Dumper system error

6A Dumper system error + Thermistor error

6F Simple remote controller error

Door switch (Ventiair dust-collecting unit), relay harness fault
(Ventiair dust-collecting/humidifier unit)
Ventiair internal transmission error
(between total enthalpy – fan unit)
A0 Indoor unit · external safety device error
Indoor unit · BEV unit (Sky-Air connection unit) PC board
assembly fault
A1 Indoor unit · PC board assembly fault

A3 Indoor unit · Drain level error (33H)

A6 Indoor unit · Fan motor (51F) lock, overload

A7 Indoor unit · Fan direction adjustment motor (MA) error

A9 Indoor unit · BEV unit, electric expansion valve motor (20E) error

AF Indoor unit · Malfunctioning drain

AH Indoor unit · Dust-collector error

AJ Indoor unit · Insufficient capacity setting, address setting fault

17 English
Indoor unit · Liquid piping thermistor (Th2) Error (faulty connec-
tion, cut wire, short circuit, fault)
Indoor unit · BEV unit, gas piping thermistor (Th3) Error (faulty
connection, cut wire, short circuit, fault)
Indoor unit · Intake air thermistor (Th1) Error (faulty connection,
cut wire, short circuit, fault)
Indoor unit · Outlet air thermistor (Th4) Error (faulty connection,
cut wire, short circuit, fault)
CJ Indoor unit · remote controller sensor error

E0 Outdoor unit · Safety device operation

E1 Outdoor unit · PC board assembly fault

E1 Outdoor unit · PC board assembly fault

E3 Outdoor unit · High-pressure switch fault

E4 Outdoor unit · Low-pressure switch fault

E9 Outdoor unit · Electric expansion valve motor (20E) error

Heat source unit · Intake water temperature inter-lock operation
(fan operation)
EF Outdoor unit · Ice thermal storage unit error

F3 Outdoor unit · Discharge piping temperature error

H3 Outdoor unit · High-pressure switch operation

H4 Outdoor unit · Low-pressure switch operation

Outdoor unit · Outdoor air thermistor (Th1)
Error (faulty connection, cut wire, short circuit, fault)
Outdoor unit · Outdoor air thermistor (Th1)
Error (faulty connection, cut wire, short circuit, fault)
HC Outdoor unit · Water temperature sensor system error
Ice thermal storage unit error, ice thermal storage controller error,
error in outdoor unit during ice thermal storage operation
HJ Outdoor unit · water system fault

J1 Outdoor unit · pressure sensor error

Outdoor unit · Discharge piping thermistor (Th3)
Error (faulty connection, cut wire, short circuit, fault)
Outdoor unit · Discharge piping thermistor (Th3)
Error (faulty connection, cut wire, short circuit, fault)
Outdoor unit · Intake piping thermistor (Th4)
Error (faulty connection, cut wire, short circuit, fault)
J6 Outdoor unit · Heat exchange thermistor (Th2) error
Outdoor unit · Heat exchange thermistor (Th2) error
Error (faulty connection, cut wire, short circuit, fault)
J7 Outdoor unit · Header thermistor (Th6) error

JA Outdoor unit · Discharge piping pressure sensor error

JC Outdoor unit · Intake piping pressure sensor error

JF Outdoor unit · Oil temperature sensor (Th5) system error

JH Outdoor unit · Oil temperature sensor (Th5) system error

L0 Outdoor unit · Inverter system fault

L4 Outdoor unit · Inverter cooler fault

Outdoor unit · Ground circuit for compressor motor, short circuit,
or power unit short circuit

English 18
L6 Outdoor unit · Ground circuit for compressor motor, short circuit
Outdoor unit · Compressor overload, compressor motor wire
L9 Outdoor unit · Compressor lock

LA Outdoor unit · Power unit error

Outdoor unit · Transmission error between inverter and outdoor
control unit

or M1 Central controller: PC board fault

or M8 Transmission error between central controllers

or MA Central controller: Incorrect combination

or MC Central controller: Address setting fault

P0 Insufficient gas (thermal storage)

P1 Outdoor unit · Power voltage imbalance, phase loss

P4 Outdoor unit · Power unit temperature sensor error

Pressure drop due to insufficient refrigerant, electric expansion
valve fault, etc.
U1 Reversed or lost phase

U2 Power voltage error, momentary electrical stoppage

Transmission error between indoor unit/BEV unit and outdoor/BS
unit, Transmission error between outdoor unit and BS unit
Transmission error between remote controller and indoor
control unit
U5 Remote controller board fault or remote controller setting fault

U6 Transmission error between indoor units

Transmission error between outdoor units
U7 Transmission error between outdoor unit and ice thermal
storage unit
Transmission error between outdoor units
(cooling/heating batch, low-noise operation)
Transmission error between master remote controller and slave
remote controller (slave remote controller error)
Incorrect combination of indoor unit and remote controller within
a single system (model)
Transmission error between indoor unit/BEV unit and outdoor
unit within a single system
Transmission error between BS unit and indoor unit/BEV unit and
outdoor unit within a single system
Incorrect combination of indoor, BS, and outdoor units within a
single system (model, number of units, etc.)
Incorrect combination of indoor unit and remote controller
(remote controller in question) BS unit connection position fault
UC Central control group numbers overlap

UE Transmission error between indoor unit and central controller

Unset system, incorrect settings between BEV unit and
indoor unit
UH System fault

error codes (in outline font) do not display “maintenance” and the system will run, but please check the content
of the display and contact your dealer.

19 English
䡲 Setting master remote controller When switching operation
(Fig. 15) ● In case of operation switch
You must set the master remote controller of the oper- Call up the zone including the group with the
ation mode for one of the indoor units, if two or more setting of master remote controller.
such indoor units with the remote controller are con-
(Zone without the display “ ”)
nected with the outdoor unit where the operation
modes such as cool/heat operation and FAN operation Press the OPERATION MODE SELECTOR
can be set by remote controller and central remote con- BUTTON several times, and switch to the
troller. desired operation mode.
1. Preparations Each time you press it, the display is switched
When you want to fix settings to “ ”“ ”“ ” and “ ” in sequence.
• Check the particular group with the master
remote controller setting for the refrigerant NOTE
system you wish to reset. (See the below.) • However, the displays “ ”“ ” and “VENTI-
• Call up the group without the display LATION MODE” may appear in some zones,
depending on the type on indoor unit with which they
“ ” (See page 16.)
are connected.
BUTTON down for about four seconds while or or
the above group is being called up.
The display “ ” flashes on the liq- [System Display]
uid crystal display of the remote controller 1. Test run mode is necessary to display the system
for all the groups sharing the same outdoor display.
unit or BS unit. 2. In order to turn on test run mode, select the appro-
When you turn on the power switch for the first priate air conditioner on the individual screen with
time, the display“ ” flashes. the cursor and then set its operation mode to either
cooling or heating. (The air conditioner does not
need to be running. It doesn’t matter if it is, though.)
3. Press the “inspection/test run” button twice to put it
into test run mode.
4. Pressing the “inspection/test run” button for four or
more seconds in test run mode will display the

2. Setting selection right

Pall up the desired group to set the master
remote controller, and press the OPERA-
remote controller is set for this group, and the
display “ ” goes out. The display
“ ” appears for the other groups.
Setting is finished now.

English 20
Call the unit whose system you wish to look up using 2. Press the FILTER SIGN RESET BUT-
the arrow keys.
TON, and the display “ ” disap-
The “ ” on all groups in the same system as the
pears. (Including all the groups where the
displayed group will light up. air filter has been cleaned.)
Of those, the “ ” display in all groups which have NOTE
cooling/heating selection privilege will blink. Be sure to check the display “ ” has
disappeared at this point. The appearance of the
above display is a sign that the air filter or air cleaner
element of some group still needs cleaning.

In this example, individual units 1-00, 1-03, 1-05,

1-06, 1-07, 2-02, and 2-03 are in the same system,
and 1-05 has the cooling/heating selection privi-
To look up other systems, call up all the units you wish
to look up using the arrow keys.
Pressing the inspection/test run button one more time
gets rid of the system display and ends it.
The unit will enter the individual screen automatically if
nothing is done for one minute in the system display
This function may not be available for all connected
outdoor units, in which case “REF CIRCUIT” will blink.
It will also not be correctly displayed if DIII-NET exten-
sion ADP is used.

䡲 Display of time to clean (Fig. 16)

This central remote controller displays the time to clean
the air filter or air cleaner element for each group or any
given group by utilizing two types of signs. The display
“ ” tells the time to clean the air filter or the air
cleaner element of some group.

If a cleaning sign is displayed

A filter or element in some group is ready to be
1. Press the ARROW KEY BUTTON, and
search the groups displaying “ ” or
“ ” (The group may be plural.)

Clean or change the air filter or air cleaner

For further details, see the operation manual
attached to each indoor unit. (Clean or change the
air filter or air cleaner element of all the groups dis-
playing “ ” or “ ”.)

21 English
When installing the equipment, mark the zone No. of each group and installation location in the below table.

Setting group No. Operated by simplified remote controller

(Setting is not possible unless power is activated to 1. Activate power to both the central remote controller
both the central remote controller and indoor unit.) and indoor unit.
2. Remove the upper part of the remote controller.
Operated by remote controller
1. Activate power to both the central remote controller 3. Press the BUTTON (field set) on the PC
and indoor unit. board. The controller will enter the FIELD SET
2. While in the normal mode, hold down the “ ” but-
ton for a minimum of 4 seconds. The unified ON/ 4. Select the MODE No. “ ” with the BUT-
OFF controller will enter the FIELD SET MODE. TON and BUTTON (temperature setting).
3. Select the MODE No. “ ” with the “ ” button. 5. Use the BUTTON (set A) and
BUTTON (set B) to select the group No. for each
4. Use the “ ” button to select the group No. for group. (Group No. increases in the order of 1-00,
each group. (Group No. increases in the order of 1-01 ... 1-15, 2-00, ... 8-15.)
1-00, 1-01 ... 1-15, 2-00, ... 8-15.)
6. Press BUTTON (set/cancel) to set the
5. Press “ ” to set the selected group No. selected group No.
6. Press “ ” to return to the NORMAL MODE. 7. Press BUTTON (field set) to return to the

Zone No.
Group No. –00 –01 –02 –03 –04 –05 –06 –07 –08 –09 –10 –11 –12 –13 –14 –15
Indoor unit
Quantity of units
Controlled by


Zone No.
Group No. –00 –01 –02 –03 –04 –05 –06 –07 –08 –09 –10 –11 –12 –13 –14 –15
Indoor unit
Quantity of units
Controlled by


English 22
Zone No.
Group No. –00 –01 –02 –03 –04 –05 –06 –07 –08 –09 –10 –11 –12 –13 –14 –15
Indoor unit
Quantity of units
Controlled by


Zone No.
Group No. –00 –01 –02 –03 –04 –05 –06 –07 –08 –09 –10 –11 –12 –13 –14 –15
Indoor unit
Quantity of units
Controlled by



You can perform the normal operation, take off the malfunction contact point and unified start/stop by contact
point, all by connecting this unit with the unification adaptor for computerized control. For further details, ask
your DAIKIN dealer.

(a) Unification adaptor for computerized control (b) Central remote controller


With two central remote controllers, centralized control (indoor units) is possible from different locations.

(a) Central remote controller (b) Group No. 1 – 00 (c) Group No. 1 – 15 (d) Group No. 2 – 00
(e) Group No. 4 – 15 ( f ) A maximum of 64 groups

• For control alignment and settings for double central remote controllers, contact your dealer.

23 English
䡲 Specifications
Power supply 1 ~ 50/60Hz, 100V – 240V
Power consumption Max. 8W
Continuous “a” contact
Forced ON/OFF input
Contact current: approximately 10mA
Size 180 (W) × 120 (H) × 64.5 (D)
Weight 420g

䡲 Outline drawings

When using this unit an electric parts box of KJB311AA is required.

For installation, a steel electric parts box to be embedded is mandatory.

English 24

1 3

Fig. 9

Fig. 10

Fig. 11

Fig. 12

English 25
Fig. 13

Fig. 14

Fig. 15

Fig. 16

English 26
3P124623-8D EM05A046 (0510) HT

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