Forest Institute Univ Mou

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SLU | Sitges rte ‘Swedish Unveraty of Agrcitural Scianes Vice Chancellor Ofice Swe Siu BIS « B~1 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (MOU) BETWEEN Forest Research Institute (Deemed) University, Dehradun, India AND Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Uppsala, Sweden This MoU is made and entered into by and betweenFOREST RESEARCH INSTITUTE (DEEMED) UNIVERSITY (FRIU), Dehradun, India and SWEDISH UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES (SLU), Uppsala, Sweden. The disciplines concerned are forests and natural resources management. with related issues. This MoU is established with the purpose to provide the basis for development of cooperation between partners. . Partnership Coordinators Each of the parties will appoint a partnership coordinator to facilitate the communication between the Universities For Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU): Esbjém_Andersson, Faculty of Forest Sciences, For Forest Research Institute (Deemed) University: Dr. Ramesh K. Aima IFS, Dean When a new partnership coordinator is appointed, all involved personnel must be informed as soon as possible. The validity of the MoU is untouched by the change. Below 3 paragraphs (Faculty Exchange, Student Exchange and Research co-operation) outline the areas of co-operation. The paragraphs express basic expectations and separate agreements will be developed with details on content, coverage and commitments. . Faculty Exchange The partners will notify each other of the proposed faculty (lecturer and administrative staff) to be exchanged in a calendar year. The sending institution will arrange all matters for travel and accommodation cost for the faculty. The host university will initiate to fet funding for the exchange programme i.e. to bear the travel, accommodation and any incidental cost of the faculty. Such cost may also be met from any project supporting the academic programmes in either of the institutes. . Student Exchange The partners shall exchange students at all levels (BSc, MSc and PhD), with a minimum of two years of completed university studies. The number of students and the period of exchange are to be approved by both institutions, No tuition fees shall be charged by either partner to students admitted as exchange students. The obligation to pay other public dues or duties remains unaffected All travel and accommodation costs as well as any incidentals are to be financed by the students themselves. The host university will provide help in locating accommodation and will provide counsel on the subjects to be studied. (Basta. anf |. Research co-operation Partners will actively promote opportunities for research co-operation and specifically search for funding opportunities. Priority may be given to mutually identified strong reseerch creas. Bath pariners will assist in facilitating exchange at all levels ic. PhD- students, Post Docs, young restarchers as well as professors, Facilitation may include suggested ace-ommodation, invitation better for visa, office space, access to library, internet, and similar administrative support of relevance. Research development strategies may also include: Accelerated co-operation development: Identification af 5 application for PDC* planning finds and later POC facili Medium term approach for co-operation development through exchange of research fellows betwoon partners fer specific research work. Long term approach for cooperation through students’ thesis work exchange and supervisor co-operation for gradually building up research partnership.“Minor field studies” is an approach for Swedish students. 5. Fanding ‘There are no commitinents for allocation of funds in this MOU, 4, Effective Date and Duration The MoU shall become effective for five years starting from the date of the last signature. Either university may terminate this agreement as of the end of academic year by giving at least 3 months notice, The agreement may be extended by mutual agreement of both universities for further specified period. Ongoing projects and exchanges shall remain unaffected by this termination. 7. Amendment of MOU ‘No amendment to this MOU shall be valid unless the same is made in writing jointly by the Institutions of their authorized representatives and specifically stating the same to be an amendment to this MOU, In witness of the terms of this Agreement signatures af the following ee ‘representatives of the parties are affixed: *Pariner Drive Co-operation. A Sida/Swedish Embassy support for facilitation of initiating co-operation. Partners awn resources arc required, Forest Research Institute (Deemed) ‘Swedish University of Agricultural University, Dehradun, India Dr. PP. Bhojvald Wice Chancellor el fe Place and Date: MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (MOU) BETWEEN Forest Research Institute (Deemed) University, Dehradun, India AND Georg-August-Universitat Géttingen, Germany (GAUG) This agreement is made and entered into by and between Forest Research Institute (Deemed) University, Dehradun, india (FRI) and Georg-August-Universitat Géttingen, Germany, (GAUG) establishing the basis for thelr further cooperation in accordance with the following: 1 Partnership Coordinators Each of the parties will appoint a partnership coordinator to facilitate the communication between the respective Faculties. For Georg-August-Universitat Dr. Ramesh Ahuja For Forest Research Institute Or. A. K. Tripathi When a new partnership coordinator is appointed, all involved personnel must be informed a5 soon as possible. The validity of the contract is untouched by the change. Faculty Exchange The partners will notify each other of the proposed faculty to be exchanged in the calendar year. The sending institution will arrange all matters for travel and accommodation cost for their staff. The host university will assist in locating accommodation. Student Exchange The partners will exchangé up to five students per academic year. The aim is to have a balanced exchange over a period of three years. No tuition fees shail be charged by either partner to students admitted as ex change students. ‘The obligation to pay other public dues or duties remains unaffected. Students must complete one semester at their home university before becoming eligible for an exchange semester. The exchange of a student is limited to a period not exceeding two semesters; the period of exchange must be approved by both institutions. ‘The parties agree in principle to recognize credits earned at the host university as substitute for required credits at the home university; details shall be defined in a “learning agreement”. All travel and accommodation costs as well as any incidentals are to be financed by the students themselves, The host university will provide help in locating accommodation and will provide counsel on the subjects to be studied. 4, Projects: if the partners are involved in projects, details of ionetary and scientific involvement shall be defined in a written protocol and shall furrction san integral part of this Maul. Funding All activities are subject to the availability of adequate funding. Neither partner shall be held in breach of the agreement, if unforeseen circumstances prevent it from participating in any: activity previously agreed on, No tuition shall bo charged by elther partner at the Siurlent Exchange program. Compliance with laws foth parties will mutually assist and cooperate to ormure that the activithes to be carried out under this MOU comply with all applicable laws . Effective Date and Duration Thi- MoU will become effective for five years starting from the date of the last signature. It will be renewed automatically unless one party notifies the other in writing we months before the end of the contract's term that the covirect shall be severed, Ongoing projects and exchanges shall romain unaffected by this termination. Amendment of MOU No amendment te this MOU shall be valid uniess.the same Is made in writing jointly by the Institutions or their authorized representatives anc tuecifically stating the same to be an amendment to thes AOU, fn witness of the terms of this Agreoment, and intending ta be legally bound, signatures of the following authorized roprerentatives of the parties are affixed Forest Research Institute (Deemed) University Georg-Angust-Universitat Gottingen Dehrodun, india GBttingun, Germany Profs, S. Neg) Director re Memorandum of Understanding Forest Research Institute (Deemed) University (1° Party) P.O.:1.P.E., Kaulagarh Road Dehradun-248195 And Central Pulp & Paper Research Institute (2nd Party) Post Box No. 174, Paper Mill Road Himmat Nagar, Saharanpur — 247001(U.P) This agreement is entered into and executed on 10.07.2016 between the Forest Research Institute (Deemed) University under the Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education, an autonomous body under the Ministry of Environment & Forests, Govt of India having its Registered office at P.O New Forest, Dehradun (herein after called FRIDU) AND Central Pulp & Paper Research Institute (CPPRI) Saharanpur- 247001 (U.P), an autonomous body under the Ministry of Commerce & Industry (Dept. of Industrial Policy & Promotion) Govt. of India, having its Registered office at Paper Mill Road, Himmat Nagar, Saharanpur — 247001 (herein after called CPPRI) 1.0 PREAMBLE Lt 1.2 13 WHEREAS, FRIDU Dehradun as regards the provision of the university and UGC regarding introduction of applied course at M.Sc. level have freedom to introduce such applied course and through Central Pulp & Paper Research Institute has expertise in the field of Pulp & Paper Science & Technology. WHEREAS, CPPRI Saharanpur has expertise and facility for Research & Development in the field of Pulp & Paper Science & Technology at laboratory and pilot scale, and is desirous of collaborating with the FRIDU for introducing a M. Sc. Course in Cellulose & Paper Technology. Both the parties i.e. the FRIDU and the CPPRI therefore though it expedient to introduce a M.Sc. in Cellulose & Paper Technology and considered it appropriate to formalise the Modalities of such a relationship by way of a Memorandum of Understanding as per the objective and scope detail in clause 2.0 of the MOU Page 1 of 5 z wr A In witness whereof the parties here to have signed this agreement on the day, month and year mentioned herein before. Parties For and on behalf of FRIDU ee (Dr. Savita) Director,FRI/Vice Chancellor,FRIDU For and on behalf of CPPRI Kiawdee— (Ms. Rita Tandon) Director,CPPRI Witness dd. 1 fe 1 wt (Dr.H.S. Ginwal, ‘Academic),FRIDU (Dr. Suresh Panwar, Scientist-G,CPPRI) > 2 Helen ae : Dr.AK. TI i, Registrar,FRIDU Dr. Nitin Endlay, Scientist E-1,CPPRI NX Page 5 of 5 od Memorandum of Understanding In Between Forest Research Institute Dehradun, India & Institute of Forestry Pokhara, Nepal Background Forest Research Institute (FRI) under ICFRE in India is s leading national institution dealing with academic, research, consultancy and training activities in the Forestry and allied areas. The Institute of Forestry (IOF) is the only one academic institute in Nepal dealing with academic, research and training activities in the Forestry and allied areas. RECOGNISING the mutual interest in the fields of research, development, education, training, transfer of technology and dissemination of knowledge on Jong term Strategies and Acti ies: Both organizations agree to cooperate by: Vi. Exchanging faculty members as visi ng professors Two lastitutes may exchange their faculty members as Visiting Professor to deliver guest Host institute will bear the ¢ including travel costs both local and international. Such cost may also be met from any project supporting the academic programmes in either of the Institutes lectures on certain subject \/ 2. Exchanging research scientists and students: 2.1. Two institutes may exchange research scientists and students to conducing field research and laboratory works. Associated costs will be bore by the respective institutions sponsoring the students’rescarchers. 2.2. The exchange will be for a mutually approved duration of time. 6, Marketing and promotion of training courses: * Both institutes may jointly organize short- term professional training courses. While organizing such courses, both institutes will be responsible for marketing and promotion of the programs. 7. Publishing joint research reports: After the completion of collaborate research works, both Institutes will produce research Feports and outcomes of scientific innovations will be published in scientific journals \8. Ph. D support to IOF faculty: For the capacity building of [OF the PRI will support in admission to 1OF faculty: in PLD study at FRE The (OF faculty as Ph.D students included in the application for Community Based Forest and Natural Tree zement HT (ComForM HL) can be lat ERE according pertaining to Ph.D ent admission. The Supervisor for such: schol m FRI, Dehra Dun. 1 University, Nepal a enrol the prevailing cules and procedur will be ever Co-supersisor may be from IOF Tribhuy 9. Contacts/ 1 Each party shall designate a person or office to serve as liaison for implementing this agreement. The name of the person or office serving as liaison for both institutes shall he communicated at the earliest aison: 10. Date of Effect and Termination: Gi s MOU shall become effective as of the date of signatures of both parties. The agreement may be amended by the written vonsent of both the parties. Termination of this MOU! shall either be immediate upon a mutually written agreement by both institutes, or ninety days afier unilateral declaration of intention of termination of either institute is transmitted to the other) 11. Arbitration Claase Should there be a dispute relating to any aspect of academic cooperation, Director, FRI and Dean, JOF will jointly resolve the dispute in a spirit of independence, mutual respect, and shared responsibility. 7 fb—» --& Sarcle Cee a \ Dr. P.P. Bhojvaid-> +” Prof. C. P. Upadhyaya Director Dean Forest Research Institute Institute of Forestry Dehradun, India Pokhara, Nepal Date: Date: 7% pone, Q011-— Witness: Aantal ‘Mir 8. M. Shrestha Head, Silviculture Division Director General FRI, Dehradun, India DFRS, MOFSC, Nepal The Memorandum of Understanding made on 23" day ot August 2016 far academic collaboration between Indian Institute of Management Kashipur, a premier institute of national importance engaged in the pursuit of imparting quality management education and training, having its registered office at Kashipur, Uttarakhand represented by Director, which expression shall_unless repugnant to the context, means and includes its successors and assigns of the part {hereafter referred to as IIM and called First Party} AND Forest Research institute (Deemed) University. Dehradun, a premier forestry, technical and scientific research institute and Deemed University, under the Indian Council of Forestry Research ang Edycation, an autonomous council under Ministry of Environment, Forest & Chmate Change, Government of India, having ts campus at New Forest, Dehradun -248006, Uttarakhand, represented by Director and Vice Chancellor, which expression shall, ualess repugnant to the context, means and includes its successors and assigns of the other part alter interred to as FRI and called Second Party) t Broad Agreement and Objective of MOU IM and FR) ointly agree 86 provide support to each other for academic collaboration on mutually agreed terms anu conaitions 2 Activities of MOU Both the parties hereby agree to establish acadermuc collaboration and fulfill the above objective fof) mutually agreed Lerms and conditions to set out in the articles enumerated in the succeeding pavagraons 2 {85 proposed that FRI andi lIM shail work together i9 various fora, including joint seminars, taining programmes, conferences, faculty exchange programmes in the areas of sustamebie Gevelopment, torest Dased hvelingods, marketing of green products, etc b FRE and IM shall jorntly offer Short Term Certificate Programmes in various specialized areas such as 1) Eco-tourism Green marketing /Marketing of forest based produces/ products (ut Sustainable development (v) Forest based livelihood WV) Entrepreneursinp development © FRI shail host HIM students for short duration study tours/modules in order to familiarize ‘them with various activities and scientific innovations of the Institute pila bin the event of any disputes or difference between the parties hereto, such disputes or difference shall be revolved amicably by mutual consultation. In witness thereat, both the parties herein set their cignatures on this day of month, year mentioned #bove in the presence of witnesses, by ea! as =“ ‘(Director FRI Dehradun Director -orest Research Institute Witnesses, Dehra Oun 1, Dean, FRI ~~ 2 Asstt Dean, lit

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