Srinivasulu Journal
Srinivasulu Journal
Srinivasulu Journal
Abstract - The issue of transaction fraud could be a major source of concern. Because online transactions are
becoming more widespread, the prevalence of online transaction fraud is increasing, which has a detrimental
influence on the financial industry. Using a real user's MasterCard details, this fraud detection system can
restrict and hinder an attacker's transaction. This solution was intended to solve these problems by allowing
customers to make transactions that exceed their existing transaction limit. To detect fraudulent user behavior,
we collect the necessary information upon registration. Every fraud detection system (FDS) at a bank that issues
credit cards to cardholders is usually blind to the fine print of a transaction. BLA is being used to tackle this
issue (Behavior and site Analysis). Every pending transaction is sent to the FDS for approval. To determine
whether or whether the transaction is genuine, FDS receives the cardboard information as well as the
transaction value. The FDS has no knowledge of the technology purchased in that transaction. The bank will
refuse the transaction if FDS determines it is fraudulent. If an odd pattern is identified, the system must be re-
verified using the users' spending habits and geographic location.
The technology detects unusual patterns within the payment method based on the users previous
Information. After three failed attempts, the system will block the user. In the current electronic transaction
era, fraud detection in online transactions is critical. Improving the consistency and stability of the fraud
detection model is extremely difficult because customer transaction patterns and offenders' fraud conduct are
always changing.
Keywords - Fraud detection, fully connected neural networks, online transactions, long bidirectional gated
repeating unit and long bidirectional memory (Belts), KNN, NB, SVM, and so on.
E-R Diagram
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unlikely to control on the same scale as a skilled [7] D. Dighe, S. Patil, and S. Kokate, Detection of
fraudster, the bank's detection costs may be credit card fraud transactions using machine learning
prohibitive. The bank would then be forced to make algorithms and neural networks: A comparative
a moral decision. Should they try to catch such study, in 2018 Fourth International Conference on
fraudsters, or should they stick to the rules? To Computing Communication Control and Automation
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programmer will be the construction of a "suspect" Jong-Uk Choi, “Fuzzy Darwinian Detection of
scorecard on a real data set, as well as its evaluation. Credit Card Fraud,” In the 14th Annual Fall
The main objectives will be to create scoring models Symposium of the Korean Information.
to anticipate fraudulent behavior, taking into account
the numerous sectors of behavior associated with the
various types of credit card fraud discussed in this
study, as well as to examine the ethical implications.
For identifying online transaction fraud, a Deep
Representation of Learning Model is developed, with
the benefit of producing strong and stable results. On
the Fake Detection datasets, we used a computer
machine and deep learning function to determine
whether an online digital transaction is authentic or
fraudulent, and we created our own online
transaction. Model for detecting fraud. Researchers
looked explored under sampling, oversampling, and
SMOTE to work with very unbalanced datasets. The
model's efficiency is assessed using a set of
measuring criteria. The higher the area under the
curve was achieved by strong polling up sampling
and down sampling techniques, which were 80
percent and 81 percent respectively, according to the
results of machine learning classifiers. Machine
learning classification approaches, on the other hand,
performed poorly versus our model, with a success
rate of 91.37 percent.
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