Turner - Peer Observation

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Learning Objectives Instruction Assessment

What were the objectives being taught? Briefly describe the parts of the lesson you How were the students assessed based on the
observed (beginning, middle, and/or end): objectives? (What did mastery of the objective
Mr. Wray was teaching about angles in his look like?)
math class. The math class I observed was practicing some
angles and they had a mixture of personal work
time on some problems as well as some class Mastery was being able to get the right
discussion. What really stood out to me was how answer. I liked how he had several practice
Mr. Wray went out of his way to find some really problems first to help students learn and make
good examples of angles used in real life and mistakes before really testing their knowledge
Was the lesson aligned to the stated showing students how to apply the math in real on a final problem.
objectives throughout the class period? If life.
not, explain what changed.
Explain how feedback was used during the
period. (ex: formal vs. informal; written vs.
Yes, but it wasn’t up on the board. We came oral; time & frequency)
in a little late in the class so I think he might What types of strategies did the teacher use to keep
have showed them at the beginning in his students engaged? Most of the feedback I saw from that class was
slide. oral feedback. I didn’t see Wray grading work
Math class can be tough for that right? But Mr. or anything, but he was working with students
Wray knows his students, gives warnings on when and even showing them how to do it if they
he wants someone to share to let them prepare, and were really struggling.
What evidence shows the students overall gives students 1-1 time to help if they are
understood the objective? Did the students not getting a concept.
understand what they were supposed to
How did the teacher use data to adjust the
lesson? (ex: If some students struggled, how
Yes! Wray had lots of realistic pictures was the lesson changed to help them?) How is
showing angles in real life and he had some How was the information presented in a clear data from the lesson going to be used in future
good participation from students. Students accessible way? lessons?
were raising their hands to share their
answers and it wasn’t always the same kids Like I’ve stated above, Wray used some great I’m not sure if Wray is tracking data in this
either. pictures and examples to help his students follow class or for this specific lesson. I’ll have to talk
along and understand. to him, I’m sure he’s tracking via grades who
needs some extra help.

Questions you would like to ask this teacher:

With such a large class, how do you make sure everyone is keeping up with the pace that math classes put on students?

How do you personally maintain a no cell phone policy in your classroom and do you feel like you’re successful with this?

Ideas to implement in your own class:

More visuals! I have a few things in my photo class that I can definitely show more examples to help my kids build an understanding of it before
we go practice.
Support you would need to move forward:

None .

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