Implementation of Re-Used Shipping Containers For

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Implementation of Re-used Shipping Containers for Green Architecture (Case

Study: ITSB Creative Hub-Cikarang)

Article  in  KnE Social Sciences · August 2019

DOI: 10.18502/kss.v3i21.4959


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Anjar Primasetra
Institut Teknologi Sains Bandung


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ISTEcS 2019
Equity, Equality, And Justice In Urban Housing Development
Volume 2019

Conference Paper

Implementation of Re-used Shipping

Containers for Green Architecture (Case
Study: ITSB Creative Hub-Cikarang)
Anjar Primasetra
Design and Engineering Faculty, Architecture Department, Institut Teknologi dan Sains Bandung,
Cikarang, Bekasi West Java

The largest of CO2 emissions on earth derives from construction activities. It is
necessary to solve the problem to reduce the impact of CO2 emissions. One of the
solution to reduce the impact of CO2 emission because of construction activity is using
re-used material for building construction, such as re-used shipping container because
the re-used material has low embodied energy. This paper has three purposes, and
there are: explaining the application of re-used containers as building materials in
the context of green architecture, explaining the application of building design using
Corresponding Author: re-used containers as material, and explaining the advantages and disadvantages
Anjar Primasetra of used containers as building materials. Creative Hub ITSB as a case study owned
by the campus of ITSB. The building construction consists of 20 units of a re-used
Received: 24 May 2019
container (20 feet size). The prefabrication construction uses for each steel material.
Accepted: 25 July 2019
Each component of the building assembled in the workshop, then it delivered to site
Published: 4 August 2019
by truck. The main issues that need to be solved are a matter of the delivery system,
Publishing services provided by the structure, and joints, and the component assembly. Cross-ventilation system and
Knowledge E insulating material also crucial because it can reduce building temperature.
Anjar Primasetra. This article
Keywords: Green Architecture, Re-used material, Shipping Containers.
is distributed under the terms of
the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use and
redistribution provided that the
original author and source are
1. Introduction
Selection and Peer-review under
Global warming caused by CO2 emissions has created a fatal environmental damage
the responsibility of the ISTEcS
2019 Conference Committee. today. CO2 emissions caused by construction activities have high percentages (about
45% in the atmosphere) [1]. And, CO2 emissions contained in building materials (embod-
ied CO2) that are made and burned with fossil fuels which is the most significant cause of
greenhouse effect (about 50%) [1]. Therefore, we need to reduce impact CO2 emissions
in building construction; one of the ways is using re-used and environmentally friendly
material. It is because the re-used material has low embodied energy.
One example of the use of environmentally friendly materials is using re-used ship-
ping containers. Shipping containers, or more commonly known as re-used containers,

How to cite this article: Anjar Primasetra, (2019), “Implementation of Re-used Shipping Containers for Green Architecture (Case Study: ITSB Creative
Hub-Cikarang)” in Equity, Equality, And Justice In Urban Housing Development, KnE Social Sciences, pages 67–82. DOI 10.18502/kss.v3i21.4959
Page 67
ISTEcS 2019

can be an innovation [1], especially in the application of appropriate technology in archi-

tecture. Re-used containers are not a waste, but if they accumulate in the harbor, the
containers will become a burden for the harbor and will become unused waste. The use
of re-used containers as building materials or building component also helps harbors
reduce the load so that used containers can be re-used and not wasted. In addition
to assisting in reducing the amount of waste available, the use of used containers
as building materials has other advantages that are easy to transport, have modular
systems that fit the concept of green buildings, and have easy construction systems
that use steel construction or prefabricated construction. The material or component
processing can be done in the workshop and then can be transported to the site easily
by truck. The image of the container is described in the below figure:

Figure 1: containers in harbor (source[3]).

There are many examples of buildings using re-used containers for various functions:
residential functions, library, office, etc. In Indonesia, the use of re-used containers as
building materials requiring a treatment, especially in interior wall finishing. Interior
finishing on a need to be added insulation wall in able to absorb the solar heat so
that the interior space will remain comfortable. It must be done because Indonesia is a
tropical country, so solar heat is a problem to be solved. The frequently used insulation
walls are usually [4]:

1. Inorganic / Mineral: This product is made from silicon and calcium (glass and stone)
which is generally seen in fiberboard. The insulator fiber sheets are similar to glass-
wool, made from sedimentation rocks that are processed into fibers. The works of
this sheet are also identical to aluminum sheets.

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2. Synthetic Organics: Materials made from organic raw materials which are saturated
from polymers.

3. Organic nature: Material made from natural such as hemp or a kind of wool that
must be treated to avoid animal attacks and decay.

The application of re-used containers in many functions described in this below


Figure 2: The application of re-used containers in many function. Interior wall reinforces with insulation

ITSB Creative Hub Building is located in Cikarang, West Java. In the case of ITSB
Creative Hub building, re-used containers were chosen as a step forward of the campus
vision that the campus of ITSB is an eco-friendly industrial campus. The main building
of ITSB Campus has been certified Gold from Green Building Council Indonesia (GBCI).
Another reason to choose used containers as materials is to pursue the speed of
construction so that buildings can be used as soon as possible at the beginning of the
new semester. Besides, the use of re-used containers with rustic and industrial ambient
reinforces the ITSB image as a campus that focuses on eco-industry.

2. Purpose of the Paper

This paper explained the design process and construction of re-used container for
building that is being held. Purposes of this paper are:

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1. To illustrate the application of re-used containers as building materials in the

context of green architecture

2. To explain the application of building design using re-used containers as material

3. To describe the advantages and disadvantages of used containers as building


3. Methods

The method that used is observation and descriptive explanation about the design and
construction process that is being held. The observed results are described as follows:

1. Comparison of design results with green architecture principles

2. System construction and application of used materials

3. The advantages and disadvantages of using a used container as a material

4. Discussion
4.1. Re-used containers as part of the green architecture concept

Many experts have determined green building or green architecture criteria. In world-
wide, green building assessment criteria such as LEED in the United States, GREEN
STAR in Australia, GREEN MARK in Singapore, and so on. In Indonesia, known as GBCI
(Green Building Council Indonesia) which concerned in the criteria of green building
assessment or better known as GREENSHIP. There are five aspects of assessment that
are assessed in the GREENSHIP standard that implemented in the container building
of ITSB, namely [5]:

1. Source and material cycle

2. Land using

3. Energy efficiency and conservation

4. Water Conservation

5. Indoor health and comfort

In the term of describing the building of ITSB Creative HUB using re-used materials as
a green building, the author using the principle which has been stated in GREENSHIP

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by GBCI (Green Building Council Indonesia) which is a green building policy-making

institution in Indonesia which has been recognized nationally. The main ITSB campus
building has also received the Green Building certificate from GBCI.
The application of the principle of the use of containers is in line with the green
building criteria [6], especially on the source and material cycles aspects. Besides,
the design implementation of ITSB Creative HUB building also apply some aspects of
green building. The following table 1 describes the green building aspects and their
application in ITSB Creative HUB building design:

Table 1: Some aspects of green building implemented in container building of ITSB.

Aspects Sub aspects Implementation

Source and material cycle Use of buildings and used Use of re-used container material; use of
materials, environmentally steel material for main structure; use of
friendly materials, prefabricated concrete floor panel
prefabricated materials, material; use of gypsum panel wall, use of
and regional materials aluminum window and door
Land using Green-based area Minimum exploited and intervention the
green area; not cutting the existing tree
and using it to make shade surrounding
building environment
Energy efficiency and Natural lighting and cross Implementation of cross ventilation
conservation ventilation system in lobby area and amphitheater to
create cool air flow around the building;
make door and window in the wall of
containers so that natural light can come
to the building easily.
Water Conservation Rainwater catchment and The building is constructed with a stilts
landscape water efficiency building system, so rainwater can be
conserved and absorbed easily down into
the soil; the use of clean water in toilets
using a centralized system where water is
drawn from the center of the main
building of ITSB campus.
Indoor health and comfort Visual comfort, thermal Interior wall insulation materials using
comfort, outdoor viewing, glass wool and gypsum; environmentally
and noise levels. friendly and energy efficient of air
conditioner; the use of a wide window in
order to see the vast view out the
window; attractive and attractive exterior
paint finish.

The elaboration of aspects of green building and design and also the construction
process that has been executed is described in the table 2 below:

4.2. Implementation of re-used container for ITSB creative hub


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Table 2: The elaboration of implementation.

Implementation Design and photo in construction site

Use of re-used container material; use of steel

material for main structure; use of prefabricated
concrete floor panel material; use of gypsum panel
wall, use of aluminum window and door

Minimum exploited and intervention the green

area; not cutting the existing tree and using it to
make shade surrounding building environment

Implementation of cross ventilation system in lobby

area and amphitheater to create cool air flow
around the building; make door and window in the
wall of containers so that natural light can come to
the building easily.

The building is constructed with a stilts building

system, so rainwater can be conserved and
absorbed easily down into the soil; the use of clean
water in toilets using a centralized system where
water is drawn from the center of the main building
of ITSB campus.

Interior wall insulation materials using glass wool

and gypsum; environmentally friendly and energy
efficient of air conditioner; the use of a wide
window in order to see the vast view out the
window; attractive and attractive exterior paint

4.2.1. Structure and construction system application

Containers are usually used to transport goods or material from one area to another
through the ship by the sea. In addition to having the ability to store items to be
distributed, containers can now be used as a component to create space in architecture.
Re-used container for building construction usually has a length of 6-12 meters with a
width and height of 2.5 meters or better known as a container with a size of 20 feet. The
container box can be stacked up to 12 arrangements and has high strength (attached
to the image below):

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Figure 3: Container size (Source: [4]).

Re-used container construction as a material or space boundaries, usually is assem-

bled and installed in 2 ways:

1. Stacking containers can directly use the container structure itself.

Containers already have their structure system that is using steel structure. Each of
the structure components (column-beam-wall) bind and strengthen to another. Stacking
construction of containers is also very influential on the pedestals of the container
column grid. Images of re-used container components are as follows:

Figure 4: Container structural component (Source: [3]).

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The stacked container mass design can be done in various ways, can be stacked
parallel, perpendicular, or crossed. Containers should be supported each other at the
grid of the column and the beam so that the structural system can work properly.
Besides, the connection between the container components must be in good condition
(using a bolt or weld joint). Here is an example of a building created from a container
with a stacked system:

Figure 5: Implementation of stacked construction system (Source: left [2], right [3]).

2. Using columns and steel beams reinforcement for additional struc-


The second way in structural and construction container building is with the support of
IWF steel beam and column structure. The container component clamped and inserted
into the IWF steel portal structure. Building ITSB Creative Hub as cases in this paper
using this structure system. For the foundation system using footplate foundation with
a concrete sloof and continuous foundation as reinforcement. The application of this
concept of structure also anticipates if the physical condition of the container structure
is not correctly (deformed and corrosive) so it needs additional structural strengthening.
Mass composition of container buildings that have been reinforced with the IWF steel
portal structure and its foundation system are as follows images below:
At the site, construction of container structure and transport is done gradually. The
first step is to build the first-floor structure (up to the beam), then the container unloads
to the portal and connected by using the bolt and welding system. After the first step is
completed, then proceed to the second-floor construction and so on until the 3rd floor
and roof construction completed. Here is a picture of the construction work at site:
The exploded axonometric of components of the ITSB Creative HUB building struc-
ture are described in the Figure 8 below:

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Figure 6: structural system of IWF steel reinforcement.

Figure 7: implementation of structure system at construction site.

4.2.2. Container building architectural component

Re-used container already have some building components such as columns, beams,
walls, floors, and ceilings that can be used directly. However, the re-used container
material transported directly from the harbor is usually not entirely in good condition
there are some parts that have been damaged or corrosive so it required reinforcement
or replaced with other materials. The components of the container are described in the
Figure 9 below:

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Figure 8: Exploded axonometric of structural component of ITSB Creative Hub Building.

In this case of ITSB Creative Hub Building, most components of the container are
reused. Only part of the wall is cut and not used an example of the wall on one side
of the container. Besides, the door part of the container is used to create a balcony
wall. The door then is joined parallel to make 1 class unit or studio to make the room
more prominent so that the part of the coincide wall must be discarded to create a
bigger space (picture below). Other components such as interior walls, ceilings, floors,
and window/doors are added components. The existing floor of container which is
wooden floors have been replaced with concrete panel floors and finished with vinyl
flooring. Interior walls and ceiling using gypsum panel with previously coated glass-
wool insulation. Doors and windows are installed on the part of the container wall that
is removed or cut. Some of the building components are made in the workshop; some
are made at the construction site.
Components of buildings in detail are described in the table 3 below:

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Figure 9: Container’s component (Source: [3]).

4.2.3. Advantages and disadvantages in usage of used containers

There are several advantages of using re-used containers as building materials:

1. Participate in preserving the environment especially in the re-use of material.

As mentioned earlier, the use of containers can contribute to preserving the
environment and reducing container waste at harbor.

2. Use of re-used container material can reduce cost and construction time. The
comparison of construction cost of container building in the case of ITSB Creative
Hub building when compared with conventional construction cost is explained in
the following table 4:

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Figure 10: configuration of container unit.

Buildings with used container materials can reduce costs up to 50%. The construction
schedule is relatively fast (up to 6 months) because the construction system is mostly
with bolt and welding system.

3. The system construction is easy and does not require difficult technology. Con-
struction systems using re-used containers are not difficult to implement. Contain-
ers already have their own structural systems that can be directly used or can also
be reinforced with columns and steel beams. The container wall is easy to drill
with the machine. Cutting the container wall has a function to place the door and
window components. Doors and windows material are usually iron or aluminum
so it can be easily to connect to the main structure of the container.

In another hand, the used of re-used container for building material have some
drawbacks such as:

1. Requires a good infrastructure path to be crossed by container transport trucks.

Container transport trucks usually have large dimensions with a width of about
3-6 meters. So that container trucks cannot reach remote areas with a road width
of fewer than 6 meters. The following are container transport truck specifications:

2. It will cause the hot temperature in the interior space. Container components are
made of metal material. If the material is not reinforced with additional insulation
which is has a good design system, the interior space will become uncomfortable.
Therefore, a suitable design method is required in designing the building using

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Table 3: list of container building material.

Material Photograph

Container Existing wall

Exterior walls finished by exterior

Glass wool and gypsum

Interior walls

Concrete Panel and

finished by vinyl flooring

Ceilings Gypsum board

Table 4: The construction price comparison per m2 between container building and conventional

Area Containers Conventional

Corridor 443.44 443.44
Container floor area 576 576
Total 1019.44 1019.44
Cost estimated per m2 3,700,000 6,000,000
Cost Total 3,771,928,000 6,116,640,000

re-used container material. Some of the insulation material has a higher price if
compared with other material.

3. In several times, containers will be decayed quickly if it is not treated correctly.

Container materials such as steel and metal materials are generally corrosive.
Because of that, it must take periodic maintenance so that the container building

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Figure 11: unloading re-used containers (source: [7]).

Figure 12: Container truck specification (Source: [8]).

can have excellent durability. Besides, the steel joints are also susceptible con-
nections, as well as regular maintenance of the steel joints to keep the load well

(a) It will cause the hot temperature in the interior space. Container components
are made of metal material. If the material is not reinforced with additional
insulation which is has a good design system, the interior space will become
uncomfortable. Therefore, a suitable design method is required in designing
the building using re-used container material. Some of the insulation material
has a higher price if it compared with other material.

(b) In several times, containers will be decayed quickly if it is not treated correctly.
Container materials such as steel and metal materials are generally corrosive.
Because of that, it must take periodic maintenance so that the container build-
ing can have excellent durability. Besides, the steel joints are also susceptible
connections, as well as regular maintenance of the steel joints to keep the
load well tolerated.

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5. Conclusion

The use of re-used containers as building materials is one aspect in green building
criteria which is material source and recycling. It contributes to the reduction of harbor
waste amount. In addition, using re-used container material, indirectly other green
architectural principles are also applied to decrease air temperature in interior space. It
makes users can feel comfortable, for example, the application of cross ventilation and
natural lighting, the use of environmentally friendly insulation materials, the application
of stilts building to prevent moisture and heat, and also landscape conservation by not
cutting trees so that it becomes sun-shading for buildings.
Container structure and construction system in ITSB Creative Hub building using IWF
Steel portal structure as reinforcement structure. This method is to make the structure
becomes stronger because the container material is modified, the wall component
is drilled in some area to place the doors and windows so that it will impact the
structural weakness. Besides, the container material is also not in such good condition
because of corrosive and material deformation especially on the wall so that structural
reinforcement is required. In the architectural component, the part of the container that
can be used directly is the exterior wall. The part of the container door is removed
and partly used as a balcony wall area. Interior and ceiling walls added with glass wool
insulation and gypsum wall coverings to keep the indoor temperature comfortable.
Existing container floors reinforced by concrete floor panels with vinyl floor coverings
to make the floor more stable and convenient to use as studio space. Components
of doors and windows mounted on the side, front and rear by drilling the existing
container wall first. Doors and windows use aluminum materials that are processed in
the workshop.
It is concluded that the advantages of the use of containers as used materials can
contribute to environmental conservation, can reduce time and cost of construction,
and can be applied with accessible technology with the principle of structure and
steel construction. Meanwhile, the disadvantages in the use of re-used containers as
materials is a complicated delivery process because it requires a suitable infrastructure
path so that it cannot reach remote areas with a narrow access road. If not correctly
designed, the indoor temperature of the container will be hot and uncomfortable to use,
and the container has low durability, it can be easily corrosive so that it should often to
be maintained in some of the periods.

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