C1 Advanced 4, Test 2 Answer Key, Listening
C1 Advanced 4, Test 2 Answer Key, Listening
C1 Advanced 4, Test 2 Answer Key, Listening
Part 1
Questions 1–6
1 The correct answer is A: The man says ‘there was no doubting its status – as ever, at the
first hint of such an unusual visitor, a number of other committed bird-lovers … rushed there’.
B is incorrect because there is no sign of irritation – in fact he includes himself with the other
birdwatchers by saying ‘all of us’. C is incorrect because there is no suggestion of him being
2 The correct answer is B: The woman says she was ‘taken aback by the sheer scale and
variety of the area’s colonisation by all these birds’. A is incorrect because she is not impressed
by people’s response to established species which, she says, ‘barely merit a second glance
from even the most committed birdwatchers’. C is incorrect because she has been told the
land will be available and suitable for the birds in the future.
3 The correct answer is B: The woman says that ‘The thing that took [her] aback was that
[the staff] all took this completely in their stride, as if it happened fairly regularly’. A is incorrect
because she thought the agreed price was fair. C is incorrect because there is no mention of
how long it took to solve the problem.
4 The correct answer is C: The man says the garage ‘need to put all quotes in writing and
then everything’s clear from the start’. A is incorrect because he is not talking about internal
communications but the communications between garage and customer. B is incorrect
because he talks about potentially ‘dissatisfied customers’, rather than existing customers who
have complaints that need dealing with.
5 The correct answer is B: The woman says she’s ‘going to keep an eye open for other stuff
he’s done’. A is incorrect because she says the author actually avoided listing meaningless
facts. C is incorrect because the later section was ‘just as interesting’ as the former part.
6 The correct answer is A: The man says he ‘decided to try to make history relevant for [his
students] by doing projects based on one or two local historical characters’. B is incorrect
because he doesn’t mention why he became a teacher. C is incorrect because he wishes he’d
had modern resources, but doesn’t regret any missed opportunities.
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Part 2
Questions 7–14
7 The correct answer is ‘architect’: Pete says the ‘architect who was overseeing the build …
called us in’. ‘Land owner’ and ‘historian’ are incorrect because it wasn’t the land owner or a
local historian who notified the Archaeological Service.
8 The correct answer is ‘bath(-)house’: Pete says there was ‘something else’ as well as the
villa: ‘Just at the bottom of the garden, there’s a trench containing the remains of a bath house’.
9 The correct answer is ‘pottery’: Pete talks about an ‘affluent family’ who had ‘pottery
originating from Southern Europe and North Africa’.
10 The correct answer is ‘corridor’: Pete says he and his team are ‘speculating’ that the tiled
floor ‘might be a corridor’ or ‘part of a larger … feature’.
11 The correct answer is ‘coins’: Pete says the statue isn’t conclusive, and they haven’t found
any tablets, but the coins they have found allow them ‘to pinpoint the time of construction.’
12 The correct answer is ‘melted glass’: Pete says the presence of melted glass suggests that
the villa was deliberately dismantled (taken down). If it had been abandoned, the glass would
have been smashed when the villa eventually collapsed.
13 The correct answer is ‘cooking’ or ‘cookery’: Pete says they have found broken digging
implements and fragments (pieces) of tools, but ‘some remarkably intact cooking utensils.’
14 The correct answer is ‘agriculture’ or ‘farming’: Pete says that ‘What sets Rushford apart
is the fact that there’s been no agriculture to damage the villa’s remains’. ‘Sets apart’ means it is
different from others.
15 The correct answer is C: Mike says he has to ‘make sure … that each episode fits in with
episodes either side’. A is incorrect because he’s not required to tell the script writers exactly
what to write. B is incorrect because there is no suggestion of Mike inspiring the writers. D is
incorrect because producers are only mentioned briefly.
16 The correct answer is A: Mike says that when script writers have ideas for plots, he has to
‘sit down and tell them why their ideas wouldn’t work, or, if their ideas are any good … track
down the producers and talk them into accepting them’. This means a lot of work for him. None
of the other options is stated.
17 The correct answer is B: Mike says that when he was at university he realised (it dawned
on him) that ‘scripts were the thing, the starting point for any show’. D is incorrect because
although he mentions earning money, it is not money earnt for script editing or script writing.
18 The correct answer is B: Sarah says that ‘a love for TV and the area you want to specialise
in is vital, whether that’s drama, comedy, or documentaries’. A is incorrect because employers
are not keen on people who simply want to work anywhere in TV.
19 The correct answer is C: Sarah says if you watch a show and then write to the makers
‘They might even reply and that means the lines of communication are then open’.
20 The correct answer is D: Mike says certain characters will ‘trample over anything and
anyone in their way to get it, and therefore create conflict. It gives a story purpose’. Sarah
says that ‘without obstacles stopping characters from getting what they want stories become
predictable and boring’. B is incorrect because only Mike refers to a cliffhanger. A and C are
incorrect because neither speaker expresses these ideas.
21 The correct answer is D: Speaker 1 says ‘My friends and I know our favourite park so well
that we can almost revisit it in our heads, like a much-loved painting’ and they have ‘formed a
lasting connection with it’. B is incorrect because although the speaker mentions their friends,
they don’t talk about the park as a place for socialising with them.
22 The correct answer is F: Speaker 2 says ‘the attention to detail in the fountains and
ornaments is second to none,’ meaning the objects there are exceptionally attractive. G is
incorrect because there is no indication what the views were of.
23 The correct answer is C: Speaker 3 says that after visiting the park, they ‘invariably come
away armed with (having) ideas for some project or other’. B is incorrect because the speaker
mentions friends, but only in the context of not seeing them in the park. E is incorrect because
the exercise referred to is by other people: children cycling or footballers.
24 The correct answer is H: Speaker 4 says that ‘I’ve recently become involved in a working
party to bring [the park] back into public use. I couldn’t be prouder of what we’re achieving for
visitors – it’s not only beautiful, it has my personal stamp (influence) on it’.
25 The correct answer is A: Speaker 5 says the park is ‘the perfect place to take refuge …
from the sweltering, oppressive (very hot and humid) conditions in the city streets’.
C is incorrect because the speaker is referring to creative people who visit the park, not the
speaker’s own creativity.
26 The correct answer is G: Speaker 1 says ‘parks don’t necessarily bring in cash for local
councils, so it’s assumed they’re of no value’. C is incorrect because although visitors to the
park are mentioned, there is no suggestion of lower numbers.
27 The correct answer is B: Speaker 2 says ‘there’s a growing trend for businesses, say, to
use parks for concerts, festivals, whatever, with inevitable upheaval and even damage to the
sites’. A and H are incorrect because although disease and skilled staff are both mentioned,
there is no suggestion of an increase in tree diseases or a lack of skilled staff.
28 The correct answer is D: Speaker 3 says ‘residential areas are already encroaching on
(taking over)’ park land. G is incorrect because local councils are mentioned, but in terms of
being powerless to act, not in terms of lacking appreciation for parks.
29 The correct answer is H: Speaker 4 says ‘there seems to have been a fall in the recruitment
of people (in parks) who’re either motivated or knowledgeable enough’. A is incorrect because
the speaker mentions tree diseases, but not an increase in them.
30 The correct answer is F: Speaker 5 says parks are ‘falling prey (being victims) more and
more to destruction’ by those who use them: ‘I’ve seen carefully-tended plants pulled up and
tree branches broken by people swinging on them’. H is incorrect because park staff are
described as discouraged, but there is no mention of a shortage of such staff.