Lymphatic System Notes

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Diploma in pharmacy 1st year NOTES Human Anatomy and Physiology

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Diploma in Pharmacy 1st Year
Human Anatomy and Physiology
Chapter 6 : Lymphatic System
Topics Page No
Lymphatic System 3
Lymph nodes 3
Lymphatic organs and tissue 5
Lymph 7

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human anatomy anD physiology
Chapter 6
Lymphatic System
 The lymphatic system forms a closed network of lymph vessels through which lymph circulates
all over the body.
 The flow of lymphatic fluid is unidirectional from tissue space to the blood.
 Composition of lymphatic system
 Lymph is a fluid
 Lymphatic vessels that transport the lymph
 Lymph nodes through which lymph passes before returing to the blood
 A number of structure
cture and organs containing lymphatic tissue E.g. spleen and
thymusRed bone marrow where stem cells develop into various types of blood cells
including lymphocytes.
 Diffuse lymphoid tissue eg tonsils
 Lymphatic system protects body against harmful agents th through
rough body fluid circulation. Blood
plasma components filter through the walls of blood capillary producing interstitial fluid that
moves into lymphatic vessels as lymph.
Lymph nodes
 Lymph glands are structures that are small and glandular in appearance.
 They are present all along the path of lymph vessels.
 They are also referred to as lymph glands or lymphatic nodes. Lymph nodes are part of
lymphatic system, present throughout the body either independently or in groups.
 In the human body, around 500 500-600 lymph nodes are present in groups in the neck,
collarbone, under the arm and groin.
 Lymphadenitis is the medical term for enlargement in one or more lymph nodes, usually due
to infection Lymph nodes are filled white blood cells that help your body fight infections.
 Cervical Lymph Nodes : They are present in the head and neck region. They are 6 in number
and specifically located deep in the neck, behind the ears and bottom of the jaw. They drain
lymph from the scalp, face, nasal cavity, and pharynx
 Supraclavicular Lymph Nodes : They are present along the collarbone or clavicle, and
sometimes may be considered as a part of the cervical lymph node. They drain lymph from the
collarbone and upper parts of the chest.
 Axillary Lymph Nodes : They are prespresent
ent in the area of armpit and are divided into two types,
viz., superficial and deep lymph nodes. They drain lymph from arms, thorax, and breast.
 Mediastinal Lymph Nodes : They are located in the central part of the chest, and between
the lungs. They drain lymph from the middle section of chest cavity, parts of the upper
abdomen and lungs.

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 Supratrochlear Lymph Nodes : They are located on the arms just above the elbow joint. They
drain lymph from the fingers, arms (from the ulnar side), and from the superficial areas of the
 Mesenteric Lymph Nodes : They are present in the lower abdomen, along the small intestine.
They drain lymph from the cecum, jejunum, ileum, colon, and the upper part of rectum.
 Inguinal Lymph Nodes : They are present in th thee groin area either superficially or deeply.
They drain lymph from the genital areas, posterior part of the large intestine, abdominal wall,
and legs.
 Femoral Lymph Node : They are Present in the upper thigh portion along the femoral veins
just below the inguinal lymph nodes. They drain lymph from some of the genital parts,
buttock, thighs, and the medial side of the leg.

Lymph glands perform the following function
 They form lymphocyte (B-lymphocyte
lymphocyte & TT-lymphocytes) by multiplying the pre-existing
 Lymph kills bacteria and other particular matter by phagocytosis using macrophages
 Spread of cancer cells to body are temporarily halted while penetrating through the lymph
vessels to the lymph glands.
 They are mechanical filters
lters preventing poisonous material to enter into the circulation.
 They produce y-globulin.

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Lymph vessels are thin-walled,
walled, endothelial
endothelial-lined channels.
They arise near the capillary beds and act as a drainage system to return the interstitial tissue
fluid and inflammatory cells to the blood.
Afferent lymph vessels drain lymph into regional lymph nodes, which filter and provide
immunologic surveillance off the lymph, its cells, and the foreign matter within.
The filtered lymph flows into larger efferent lymph vessels, which drain the lymph into caval
blood via thoracic duct.
Both the lymph vessels and veins have valves that prevent the backflow of fluid

Lymph vessels have the following function

i. They help fluid transport.
ii. They aid in homeostasis.
iii. They transport dietary fat.
iv. They produce response to anticancer therapies

Lymphatic organs and tissue

The immune system is a complex system comprising of a m meshwork
eshwork of lymphatic organs, tissues, and
cells. The organs and tissues involved in lymphatic system can be categorised as:
1) Primary lymphatic organs, and
2) Secondary lymphatic organs.
Primary Lymphatic Organs
The primary lymphatic organs serve as ssites
ites of production and maturation of lymphocytes.
They are discussed below :
1. Red Bone Marrow : The red bone marrow acts as site of production. of blood cells.It is soft,
spongy, nutrient rich tissue present at the end of long bones (femur) or in flat bones (sternum,
bones of skull etc) neutrophils, basophils, eosinophils, monocytes, and lymphocytes are some
of the WBCs a the are produce in the marrow
maturation of B-lymphocytes
lymphocytes occur in red bone marrow White the T T-lymphocytes
lymphocytes mature in
the thymus
2. Thymus Gland : the thymus gland is found in the upper thoracic cavity. Thymus is divided in
to lobules by connective tissue . These lobules are rich in lymphocytes. The thymus gland
produce thymic hormones eg : thymosin

Secondary lymphatic organs.

The Secondary lymphatic organs. Play a significant role in the immune system because they form the
sites where lymphocytes reach and bind with antigens
They are discussed
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1. Spleen : Spleen is present in the vertebrates and is closely related to the circulatory system.
One of the major functions of spleen is the destruction of older RBCs. lt is a ductless gland,
found in the upper. left area of the abdominal cavity and is partly divided into compartments.
Every compartment comprises of tissues identified as white pulp an andd red pulp.
The white pulp is rich in lymphocytes, whereas the red pulp is known to assist the process of
blood filtration.
Functions of Spleen
i) Phagocytosis : The splenic macrophages engulf wornworn-out
out red blood corpuscles, white blood
corpuscles and plateletss and cell debris and microorganisms.
ii) Haemopoiesis : In foetus, the spleen produces all types of blood cells except in adult it only
produces lymphocytes.
iii) Immune Response : Similar to other lymphoid tissues, it is a centre where multiplication of
both B-lymphocytes and T-lymphocytes
lymphocytes occurs.
iv) Storage of Erythrocytes : Some erythrocytes (RBCs) are withdrawn from the blood
circulation and stored in the spleen when the animal nee
ds less oxygen. The spleen is also
known as "blood bank" because it stores ery~ocytes and releases them into the blood
circulation, when the animal requires more oxygen

2. Lymph Nodes : Lymph nodes are oval

shaped small nodes that are positioned along the
ymphatic vessels The structure of lymph nodes is like an internal honeycomb made up of
connective tissues.It is rich in lymphocytes, which filter and destroy bacteria and viruses.
3. Tonsils : The tonsils exist as a ringed structure around the pharyax in three
thre pairs. The
pathogens and antigens entering the body through mouth or nose are initially interrupted by
the tonsils.
4. Peyer’s Patches : Peyer’s Patchesare present in the walls of the intestine and the appendix,
attached to the cecum of the large intestine . The pathogens that enter the body through the
intestine tract are interrupted by the Peyer’s Patches

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Lymph is a clear watery fluid the composition of lymph is almost similar to the plasma and the
intestinal fluid Lymph is made up of the following components.
Composition of Lymph

Solid (4 %) Water (96%)

Cellular Components Inorganic Substance Organic Components

(Na+, Ca+2, K+, Cl-, and Protein
Biocarbonates) Carbohydrates
Amino Acid
Lymphocyte Other Cells
Nitrogenous Waste
Products (urea)
Plasma Cells
Function of lymph
1) Nutritive: Nutrition and oxygen is supplied to low blood areas
2) Drainage: Maintains constant volume and composition of tissue fluid removing excess fluid
and metabolites.
3) Transmission of Proteins: Lymph carries proteins to the blood through tissue spaces.
4) Absorption of Fats: Intestinal fats are absorbed through the lymphatics.

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