Road Safety Engineering

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Road Safety Engineering

OU |CBCS | 2019 – 2020

Prepared By

Riyaz Mohammed


Road Accidents: Causes, scientific investigations and data

collection, Analysis of individual accidents to arrive at real causes,
statistical methods of analysis of accident data, Basic concepts of
Road accident statistics, Safety performance function: The
empirical Bayes method Identification of Hazards road location.
Application of computer analysis of accident data.


Safety in Road Design: Operating the road network for safety,

highway operation and counter measures, road safety audit,
principles-procedures and practice, code of good practice and
checklists, vehicle design factors & Driver characteristics
influencing road safety.


Road Signs and Traffic Signals: Classification, Location of Signs,

measures of sign effectiveness, Types of visual perception, sign
regulations, sign visibility, sign variables, Text versus symbols.
Road Marking: Role of Road markings, Classification, visibility.
Traffic Signals: Need, Signal face. Illumination and location of
Signals, Factors affecting signal design, pedestrians’ safety, fixed
and vehicle actuated signals. Design of signa1s, Area Traffic
control. Delineators, Traffic Impact Attenuators, Road side rest
areas, Safety Barriers, Traffic Aid Posts.

Traffic Management Techniques: Integrated safety improvement

and Traffic Calming Schemes, Speed and load limit, Traffic lights,
Safety cameras, Tests on driver and vehicles, pedestrian safety
issues, Parking, Parking enforcement and its influence on
Accidents. Travel Demand Management; Methods of Traffic
management measures: Restriction of Turning Movements, One-
way streets, Tidal Flow Operation Methods, Exclusive Bus Lanes
and Closing Side-streets; Latest tools and techniques used for
Road safety and traffic management. Road safety issues and
various measures for road safety; Legislation, Enforcement,
Education and Propaganda, Air quality, Noise and Energy Impacts;
Cost of Road Accidents.


Incident Management: Introduction, Characteristics of Traffic

Incidents, Types of Incidents, Impacts, Incident management
process, Incident traffic management; Applications of ITS: Motorist
information, Equipment used; Planning effective Incident
management program, Best practice in Incident management
programs. National importance of survival of Transportation
systems during and after all natural disasters especially cyclones,
earthquakes, floods etc. and manmade disasters like sabotage,
terrorism etc.

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1. Road Users: Excessive speed and rash driving, violation of

traffic rules, failure to perceive traffic situation or sign or
signal in adequate time, carelessness, fatigue, alcohol, sleep
2. Vehicle: Defects such as failure of brakes, steering system,
tyre burst, lighting system.
3. Road Condition: Skidding road surface, pot holes, ruts.
4. Road design: Defective geometric design like inadequate
sight distance, inadequate width of shoulders, improper
curve design, improper traffic control devices and improper
5. Environmental factors: Unfavorable weather conditions like
mist, snow, smoke and heavy rainfall which restrict normal
visibility and makes driving unsafe.
6. Other causes: Improper location of advertisement boards,
gate of level crossing not closed when required etc.


➢ Scientific investigation of accidents - branch of forensic

➢ Forensic scientists/Accident Investigators will carefully
examine the scene of a crime for physical evidence.
➢ Outcome of such analyses may assist the Court to determine
guilt, innocence, fault or liability.

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➢ In road traffic accidents the primary physical evidence lies in

 Site details.
 Conditions which prevailed at the time of the accident.
 State of the road.
 Marks and debris on the road.
 Physical characteristics of the vehicles involved.
 Damage sustained by the vehicles.
 Injuries sustained by persons involved in the accident.
 Police plan.
 Police measurements.
 Police photographs.
 Police video.
 Laws of physics which determine the movement of
vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians before, during and
after an accident.
➢ Secondary physical evidence comes from the statements of
witnesses when they refer to times, distances, speeds and
➢ However, the validity and interpretation of such statements
are matters for the Court to determine.


➢ Accident data collection is the first step in the accident study.

➢ Primarily done by the police.
➢ Secondary data: Which are filed by motorists themselves -
Motorist accident reports

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Accident data collection includes

1. General: Date, time, person involved in accident,

classification of accident like fatal, serious, minor.
2. Location: Description and detail of location of accident.
3. Details of vehicle involved: Registration number,
description of vehicle, loading detail, vehicular defects.
4. Nature of accident: Details of collision, damages, injury and
5. Road and traffic condition: Details of road geometry,
surface characteristics, type of traffic, traffic density etc.
6. Primary causes of accident: Details of various possible
cases which are the main causes of accident.
7. Accident cost: Financial losses incurred due to property
damage, personal injury and casualty

Fig: Number of Accidents and Number of Persons Involved:

2005 to 2009 (Ministry of Road Transport and Highways
Transport Research Wing)

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Data collected need proper storing and retrieving. Why?

➢ Identification of location of points at which unusually high

number of accident occur.
➢ Identify the causes of accidents.
➢ Development of procedure that allows identification of
hazards before large number of accidents occurs.
➢ Development of different statistical measures of various
accident related factors to give insight into general trends,
common casual factors, driver profiles, etc.


➢ Purpose: To find the possible causes of accident.

➢ Related to driver, vehicle, and roadway.
➢ To develop information such as:
 Driver and Pedestrian: Accident occurrence by age
groups and relationships of accidents to physical
capacities and to psychological test results.
 Vehicle: Characteristic of vehicle, severity, location and
extent of damage etc.
 Roadway conditions: Characteristics of the roadway
and roadway condition etc.

Accident Rate per Kilometer

➢ Number of accidents of all types per km of each highway and

street classification.
➢ R = A/L
➢ R = total accident rate per km for one year.
➢ A = total number of accident occurring in one year.

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➢ L = length of control section in km

Death rate based on population

➢ Number of traffic fatalities per 100,000 populations.

➢ R = (B × 100000)/P
➢ R - death rate per 100,000 population.
➢ B - total number of traffic death in one year.
➢ P - population of area.

Death rate based on registration

➢ Number of traffic fatalities per 10,000 vehicles registered.

➢ R = (B × 10000)/M
➢ R - death rate per 10,000 vehicles registered.
➢ B - total number of traffic death in one year.
➢ M - number of motor vehicles registered in the area

Accident involvement Rate

➢ Numbers of drivers of vehicles with certain characteristics

who were involved in accidents per 100 million vehicle-kms
of travel.
➢ R = (N × 100000000)/V
➢ R - accident involvement per 100 million vehicle-kms of
➢ N - total number of drivers of vehicles involved in accidents
during the period of investigation.
➢ V - vehicle-kms of travel on road section during the period of

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Accident Rate based on vehicle-kms of travel

➢ Number of accidents per 100 million vehicle km of travel.

➢ R = (C × 100000000)/V
➢ R = accident rate per 100 million vehicle kms of travel.
➢ C = number of total accidents in one year.
➢ V = vehicle kms of travel in one year.

Problem: The Motor vehicle consumption in a city is 5.082 million

liters, there were 3114 motor vehicle fatalities, 355,799 motor
vehicle injuries, 6,721,049 motor vehicle registrations and an
estimated population of 18,190,238. Kilometer of travel per liter of
fuel is 12.42 km/liter. Calculate registration death rate,
population death rate and accident rate per vehicle km.

Solution: Approximate vehicle kms of travel = Total consumption

of fuel × kilometer of travel per liter of fuel =5.08 × 10 9 × 12.42 =
63.1 × 109 km.

Registration death rate can be obtained from

R = (B × 10, 000)/M

R is the death rate per 10,000 vehicles registered, B (Motor vehicle

fatalities) is 3114, M (Motor vehicle registered) is 6.72 × 106.


R = (3114 × 10000)/6.72 × 106 = 4.63

Population Death Rate can be obtained from the equation.

R = (B × 100, 000)/P

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Here, R is the death rate per 100,000 population, B (Motor vehicle

fatalities) is 3114, P (Estimated population) = 18.2 × 106.

R = (3114 × 100000)/18.2 × 106 = 17.1

Accident rate per vehicle kms of travel can be obtained from the
equation below as:

R = (C × 100, 000, 000)/V

Here, R is the accident rate per 100 million vehicle kms of travel,
C (total accident same as vehicle fatalities) is 3114, V (vehicle kms
of travel) is 63.1 × 109.

R = (3114 × 100 × 106)/63.1 × 109 = 4.93


➢ Accident occurrence relates to the numbers and types of

accidents that occur, which are often described in terms of
rates based on population or vehicle-miles travelled.
➢ Accident involvement concerns the numbers and types of
vehicles and drivers involved in accidents, with population-
based rates a very popular method of expression.
➢ Accident severity is generally dealt with by proxy: the
numbers of fatalities and fatality rates are often used as a
measure of the seriousness of accidents


➢ SPF is an equation used to predict the average number of

crashes per year at a location as a function of exposure and,
in some cases, roadway or intersection characteristics (e.g.,
number of lanes, traffic control, or median type) (1). For

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highway segments, exposure is represented by the segment

length and annual average daily traffic (AADT) associated
with the study section.
➢ Application: SPFs are used to predict crash frequency for a
given set of site conditions. The predicted crashes from the
SPF can be used alone or in combination with the site-specific
crash history (i.e., Empirical Bayes method) to compare the
safety performance of a specific site under various conditions.
➢ The Empirical Bayes method is used to estimate the expected
long-term crash experience, which is a weighted average of
the observed crashes at the site of interest and the predicted
crashes from an SPF.


➢ The empirical Bayes method assumptions are (1) a Poisson

distribution for the accidents, and (2) a Gamma distribution
for the distribution of the averages in the population of
➢ With these two assumptions, the number of systems with k
accidents must obey the negative binomial distribution. The
expected number of accidents, a’k, in the after period on a
system that had k accidents in the before period is

a'k =(k+1)*N’(k + 1)/N’k


➢ A primary function of an accident record system is to

regularly identify locations with an unusually high rate of
accidents and/or fatalities.

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➢ Accident spot maps are a tool that can be used to assist in

this task.
➢ Computer record systems can also produce lists of accident
locations ranked by either total number of accidents
occurring or by defined accident or fatality rate. It is useful
to examine both types of rankings, as they may yield
significantly different results.
➢ Some locations with high accident numbers reflect high
volumes and have a relatively low accident rate. Conversely,
a small number of accidents occurring at a remote location
with very little demand can produce a very high accident rate.
➢ Statistical rankings give the engineer a starting point,
judgment must still be applied in the identification and
selection of sites most in need of improvement during any
given budget year.


1. Data Mining: To explore data recorded Police Information

System, discover patterns, predicts future behaviour,
effective decision to reduce accidents.
2. Automated software-based solution: Road Accident Data
Management System (RADMS) is a geographical information
system (GIS) solution for identification of black spots, wrong
driving practices, road infrastructure, vehicular defects, road
types, damage to property, overloading issues, driver issues
and other factors causing or related to road accidents.


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Counter measures that offer significant and measurable impacts

to improving road safety.

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It is the procedure of assessment of the safety measures employed

for the road.


1. Proper planning.
2. Decision before-hand ensures minimization of future
3. Long term cost associated with planning is also reduced.
4. Enables all kinds of users to perceive clearly how to use it

Five Stages of Safety Audit by Wrisberg and Nilsson, 1996.

1. Feasibility Stage

Starting point for the design is determined such as

➢ Number and type of intersection.

➢ Relationship of the new scheme to the existing road.
➢ Relevant design standards.

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2. Draft Stage

➢ In this stage horizontal and vertical alignment, junction

layout is determined.
➢ After the completion of this stage decision about land
acquisition is taken.

3. Detailed design stage: Signing, marking, lighting, other

roadside equipment and land-scaping are determined.

4. Pre-opening stage

➢ Before opening a new or modified road should be driven,

walked or cycled.
➢ It should be done at different condition like bad weather,

5. Monitoring of the road in use: Assessment is done at the final

stage after the road has been in operation for few months to
determine whether the utilization is obtained as intended and
whether any adjustment to the design are required in the light of
the actual behavior of road users.

Who should Conduct Road Safety Audit?

➢ Project Designer/Engineer (Planning & Design Stage): The

person involved in designing or planning of the project will be
responsible for conducting the feasibility and design stage
➢ Site Engineer (Construction Stage): The person involved in
the execution or construction of the project will be
responsible for the construction stage audit.

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➢ Maintenance Engineer (Maintenance of existing

Infrastructure): The person involved in the maintenance of
the existing infrastructure or in monitoring of a newly
executed project will be responsible for the periodic audit.
➢ Administrators (Various Urban Local Bodies):
 Administrators are responsible for ensuring better
planning, construction and maintenance of
infrastructure that is people-friendly.
 The checklists are simple enough for them to carry out
themselves or to check on the work of their

Tool to Conduct Road Safety Audit

1. Standard Checklist

 The standard checklist shall be filled out in the feasibility

stage/monitoring stage/or maintenance stage.
 An audit using the standard check list shall be carried out
for any maintenance or retrofitting of the existing
 Standard checklist also needs to be filled out soon after
implementation of the project and periodically thereafter.
 On all roads, a safety audit using standard checklist should
be carried out every year and preferably after every monsoon

2. Design Checklist: The design checklist shall be filled after

completion of the proposed design, a standard checklist

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3. Construction Checklist

 The construction checklist needs to be filled out during the

construction phase of the project.
 Multiple construction stage audits need to be carried out on
construction projects that last longer than 3 months.
 It is recommended that the construction stage audits be
carried out once every three months on longer duration

Guidelines for carrying out Road Safety Audit

The corridor should be divided into sections based on the following


1. The sections can be divided from intersection to intersection

and should preferably be less than 500m with more or less
uniform cross section throughout the section.
2. When significant variation in a cross section is found (like
lane reduction, footpath width reduced by more than 1m,
etc.) then sections of roadway prior to the transition point and
after the transition point should be audited as different
3. The breakup of roadway into sections should be clearly
indicated on the checklist with sufficient landmarks
demarcating beginning and end points of a section.
4. When standard checklists/design checklists/construction
checklists are filled out for a roadway at different stages of a
project, demarcation of the sections need to be the same for
easy comparison.

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Road Safety Audit is the systematic application of safety principles.

Specific aims are:

1. To minimize the risk of accident occurring on the road project

and to minimize the severity of accident that does occur.
2. To minimize the risk of accidents occurring on adjacent roads
in the network as a result of a scheme.
3. To recognize the importance of safety in highway design to
meet the needs and perceptions of all types of road users and
to achieve a balance between needs where they may be in
4. To reduce the long-term costs of a road project, bearing in
mind that unsafe designs may be expensive or even
impossible to correct at a later stage.
5. To improve the awareness about safe design practices among
those involved in the planning, design, construction,
operation and maintenance of roads.

Two basic concepts underlying the aims of road safety audit

1. Prevention is better than Cure.

2. Drive, Ride, Walk in Safety.

A safe environment should:

1. Warn the driver of any substandard or unusual features.

2. Inform the driver of conditions to be encountered.
3. Guide the driver through unusual sections.
4. Control the driver's passage through conflict points or

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5. Be forgiving of the driver's errant or inappropriate behaviour.

6. Similar situations must be treated in similar way.

It is better to avoid:

1. Insufficient or deficient treatment.

2. Incorrect or misplaced treatment.
3. Exaggerated treatment.
4. Dissimilar treatment for similar situations.


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Elements of a Good RSA & Measure of its Success

1. As to what makes a good safety audit report will depend on

the audit team and its due diligence in assessing the designs
and drawings and a detailed inspection of the project.
2. A good safety audit report will restrict itself to road safety
issues, explain each of the safety issues in some depth and
provide practical and implementable recommendations.
3. A good report would also not indulge in blame game.
4. The success of a safety audit shall not be measured by cost-
benefit approach, but by the depth of analysis of the design
features, identification of issues of safety concerns and the
recommendations that are accepted by client.
5. In the initial stages, good number of recommendations may
be found to be acceptable by the client. However, with more
and more awareness raising among designers safety features
would get in-built into the design of the project and it may
not be surprising to find that the number of
recommendations from the audit team get reduced. The
objective of carrying out RSA would have then served its
intended purpose.


➢ Checklists are useful to assist the audit team. They describe

the performance and situations that can affect the road safety
of selected types of project and audit stage.

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➢ These checklists should be used as a guide to focus audit

towards important matters that should be covered and not
➢ Each project is different and will raise specific issues that
may contain further safety implications. When reviewing each
of the points, the team should consider that the road user
would have to cope with conditions at night and in adverse
weather conditions also.
➢ The safety audit team should visit the site for identifying the
deficiencies from safety angle of the stretch and should
suggest remedial measures.
➢ The team should check planning, cross-sections, alignment,
roadside furniture and facilities available, junctions, facilities
for vulnerable road users, signs, marking and lighting and
also road side hazards.
➢ Some sort of questionnaire should be prepared for each
kilometre. The questionnaire should include various aspects
covered under the methodology of the safety audit.
✓ Checklist 1 Stage 1 Audit (DURING FEASIBILITY STUDY).
✓ Checklist 2 Stage 2 Audit (COMPLETION OF PRELIMINARY
✓ Checklist 3 Stage 3 Audit (COMPLETION OF DETAILED
✓ Checklist 4 Stage 4 Audit (DURING CONSTRUCTION
✓ Checklist 5 Stage 5 Audit (COMPLETION OF

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✓ Checklist 6 Stage 6 Audit (ON EXISTING ROADS OR DURING

✓ Checklist 7 Planning.
✓ Checklist 8 Alignment.
✓ Checklist 9 Cross Section.
✓ Checklist 10 Intersections and Interchanges.
✓ Checklist 11 Road Signs.
✓ Checklist 12 Road Markings.
✓ Checklist 13 Lighting.
✓ Checklist 14 Roadside Hazards.
✓ Checklist 15 Roadside Facilities.
✓ Checklist 16 Vulnerable Road Users.
✓ Checklist 17 Development Proposals.
✓ Checklist 18 Maintenance Work.


✓ Well-maintained vehicles with good breaks, lighting, tyres

etc. will reduce accidents.
✓ Older vehicles and highly polluting vehicles should be phased
✓ Vehicles should be provided with seat belts and other
necessary safety provisions (like airbags).
✓ Currently available motor‐vehicle features would prevent the
majority of mortalities associated with motor vehicles, if
adopted for all vehicles.

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1. Automatic Emergency Braking

➢ Alerts a driver to an imminent crash, and assist the driver in

using the maximum braking capacity of the car.
➢ If the situation becomes critical and the driver is not
responding, AEB can independently brake.
➢ AEB goes by many names such as; active city braking, pre-
crash safety system, and active city brake.
➢ 3 categories of AEB
i. Low speed system: This system is designed for use on
city streets to detect other cars in front of yours, in
hopes to prevent crashes and minor injuries.
ii. Higher speed system: Scans up to 200 meters in front
of your car and uses a long range radar for faster
iii. Pedestrian system: Picks up pedestrian movement in
relation to the direction your vehicle is traveling and
determines risk of collision.

2. Back Up Camera

➢ Many accidents happen at low-speed, like during parking.

➢ A 360-degree camera system is a combination of cameras on
all sides of a car, sensors, and a display inside the car.
➢ It helps drivers see their surroundings behind them, which
can be extremely helpful when backing up.
➢ If a car gets too close to an object, most systems beep to alert
the driver, giving the driver time to break.

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3. Auto-Steering

➢ It can taking the steering wheel away from a driver in certain

situations to avoid collision.
➢ Many auto-steering systems work in conjunction with an
automatic emergency breaking system.

4. LED Headlights

➢ Quality headlights are crucial to preventing car accidents

when driving at night time.
➢ LED headlights are brighter, and typically last much longer
than traditional halogen bulbs, some over 20 years.
➢ LED lights are more efficient.

5. Lane Departure Warning/Lane Keeping System

➢ Lane departure warning is designed to prevent distracted

driving errors.
➢ A lane departure warning system uses cameras to determine
if a car has drifted across a lane.
➢ It sends an audible, vibration, or visual notification if your
car has shifted too far.
➢ There are two main types of systems
i. Systems that warn the driver if the car is leaving its
ii. Systems that warn the driver, and if no action is taken,
automatically take steps to ensure the car stays in its
lane (also known as lane keeping system).

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6. Rear Cross-Traffic Alert

➢ Rear cross-traffic alert is similar to a back up camera, but

alerts you to approaching objects, instead of stationary ones.
➢ The alerts are helpful when backing out of parking spaces,
since it can detect approaching vehicles, people, carts,
animals etc. and warn you.
➢ It usually sounds a warning tone and flashes indicators on
side mirrors.

7. Rear Automatic Emergency Braking (Rear AEB)

➢ Vehicles that have rear cross-traffic alert often have rear AEB.
➢ If an object is detected, brakes are automatically applied to
prevent backing into it.

8. Autonomous Cruise Control (ACC): ACC is a more advanced

type of cruise control that automatically adjusts your cars speed
to maintain a safe distance from vehicles ahead of you.

9. Bluetooth/Voice Control

➢ Texting and being on your phone while you drive is not safe.
➢ Smartphones can automatically connect when in a Bluetooth
capable car, and then if there is an incoming call you can
answer using voice command.
➢ Some phones even have voice texting that you can set up, or
pre-made message responses you can easily select on a car
➢ Other voice control systems let you do various things in the
car such as change a song, turn on heat, and more.

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10. Forward Collision Warning (FCW)

➢ This system is designed to prevent or reduce the severity of a

➢ It uses radar, laser, and camera to detect an imminent crash
and GPS sensors can detect fixed objects like an approaching
stop sign.
➢ If it detects something, the system will warn the driver, or
take action without driver input to avoid collision.

11. Blind-Spot Warning

➢ Blind spots are the cause of thousands of accidents every

➢ Blind-spot warning gives an audible or visual notification of
a car in your blind spot.


➢ Most drivers continue to be acting like maniacs in a tearing

hurry and error in judgment often leads to major accidents.
➢ Reckless driving.
➢ Over speeding.
➢ Decline to follow traffic rules.
➢ Drunken driving.
➢ Driver Fatigue.
➢ During night-time driving, either falling asleep or so
exhausted to make serious and fatal-driving errors.
➢ 20% of all the traffic accidents due to driver’s fatigue.


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➢ Give information about the road conditions ahead.

➢ Provide instructions to be followed at the major crossroads or
➢ Warn or guide drivers.
➢ Ensure proper functioning of road traffic.
➢ It can lead to loss of life and property.
➢ A person is supposed to be familiar (get through a written or
oral test) with the traffic signs and symbols before acquiring
a driving license in India.


1. Mandatory/Regulatory Signs: These signs require the

driver to obey the signs for the safety of other road users.
2. Cautionary/Warning Signs: These signs are for the safety of
oneself who is driving and advice the drivers to obey these
3. Informatory Signs: These signs provide information to the
driver about the facilities available ahead, and the route and
distance to reach the specific destinations.

1. Mandatory/Regulatory Signs

➢ Mandatory that the drivers must obey these signs.

➢ If the driver fails to obey them, the control agency has the
right to take legal action against the driver.

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➢ These signs are primarily meant for the safety of other road
➢ These signs have generally black legend on a white
➢ Circular in shape with red borders.

2. Cautionary/Warning Signs

➢ Give information to the driver about the impending road

➢ They advice the driver to obey the rules.
➢ These signs are meant for the own safety of drivers.
➢ They call for extra vigilance from the part of drivers.
➢ The color convention used for this type of signs is that the
legend will be black in color with a white background.
➢ The shape used is upward triangular or diamond shape with
red borders.

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3. Informatory Signs

➢ Guide signs, are provided to assist the drivers to reach their

desired destinations.
➢ These are predominantly meant for the drivers who are
unfamiliar to the place.
➢ The guide signs are redundant for the users who are
accustomed to the location.

➢ In addition special type of traffic sign - work zone signs.

➢ Used to give warning to the road users when some
construction work is going on the road.

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➢ Placed only for short duration and will be removed soon after
the work is over and when the road is brought back to its
normal condition.


➢ The sign boards should be placed at a distance such that the

driver could see it and gets sufficient time to respond to the
➢ The sign should be placed in such a way that the driver
requires no extra effort to see the sign.
➢ For commanding attention, proper visibility should be there.
➢ Also the sign should be distinctive and clear.


➢ Clarity and simplicity of message is essential for the driver to

properly understand the meaning in short time.
➢ The use of color, shape and legend as codes becomes
important in this regard.
➢ The legend should be kept short and simple so that even a
less educated driver could understand the message in less
➢ Overuse, misuse and confusing messages of devices tends the
drivers to ignore them.


➢ It is the first and most easily noticed characteristics of a

➢ Usage of different colors for different signs are important.

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➢ The most commonly used colors are red, green, yellow, black,
blue, and brown.
➢ Consistent use of colors helps the drivers to identify the
presence of sign board ahead.


➢ It is the second element discerned by the driver next to the

color of the device.
➢ The categories of shapes normally used are circular,
triangular, rectangular, and diamond shape.
➢ Two exceptional shapes used in traffic signs are octagonal
shape for STOP sign and use of inverted triangle for GIVE
WAY sign. Diamond shape signs are not generally used in


➢ For the easy understanding by the driver, the legend should

be short, simple and specific so that it does not divert the
attention of the driver.
➢ Symbols are normally used as legends so that even a person
unable to read the language will be able to understand that.

Word messages

➢ Capital letters.
➢ As brief as possible.
➢ More than three words.

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➢ It is normally used in the application of road markings.

➢ Generally solid, double solid and dotted lines are used. Each
pattern conveys different type of meaning.
➢ The frequent and consistent use of pattern to convey
information is recommended so that the drivers get
accustomed to the different types of markings and can
instantly recognize them.


Road markings

➢ Lines, patterns, words or other devices, except signs, set into

applied or attached to the carriageway or kerbs or to objects
within or adjacent to the carriageway, for controlling,
warning, guiding and informing the users.
➢ To guide and control traffic on a highway.
➢ They supplement the function of traffic signs.
➢ The markings serve as a psychological barrier and signify the
delineation of traffic path and its lateral clearance from traffic
hazards for the safe movement of traffic.
➢ They are very important to ensure the safe, smooth and
harmonious flow of traffic.


The road markings are classified as:

1. Longitudinal markings.
2. Transverse markings.

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3. Object markings.
4. Word messages.
5. Marking for parkings.
6. Marking at hazardous locations etc.

1. Longitudinal markings

➢ Placed along the direction of traffic on the roadway surface,

for the purpose of indicating to the driver, his proper position
on the roadway.
➢ Provided for separating traffic flow in the same direction and
Predominant color used is white.
➢ Yellow color is used to separate the traffic flow in opposite
direction and also to separate the pavement edges.
➢ The lines can be either broken, solid or double solid.
➢ Broken lines are permissive in character and allows crossing
with discretion, if traffic situation permits.
➢ Solid lines are restrictive in character and does not allow
crossing except for entry or exit from a side road or premises
or to avoid a stationary obstruction.
➢ Double solid lines indicate severity in restrictions and should
not be crossed except in case of emergency.
➢ There can also be a combination of solid and broken lines.
➢ In such a case, a solid line may be crossed with discretion, if
the broken line of the combination is nearer to the direction
of travel.
➢ Vehicles from the opposite directions are not permitted to
cross the line.
➢ Different types of longitudinal markings are:

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i. Centre line.
ii. Traffic lanes.
iii. No passing zone.
iv. Warning lines.
v. Border or edge lines.
vi. Bus lane markings.
vii. Cycle lane markings.

i. Centre line

➢ Separates the opposing streams of traffic and facilitates their

➢ Usually no centre line is provided for roads having width less
than 5 m and for roads having more than four lanes.
➢ The centre line may be marked with either single broken line,
single solid line, double broken line, or double solid line
depending upon the road and traffic requirements.
➢ On urban roads with less than four lanes, the centre line may
be single broken line segments of 3 m long and 150 mm wide.
➢ The broken lines are placed with 4.5 m gaps.
➢ On curves and near intersections, gap shall be reduced to 3

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ii. Traffic lane lines: The subdivision of wide carriageways into

separate lanes on either side of the carriage way helps the driver
to go straight and also curbs the meandering tendency of the

Lane marking for a four lane road with solid barrier line

Traffic lane marking for a four lane road with broken centre

iii. No passing zones

➢ No passing zones are established on summit curves,

horizontal curves, and on two lane and three lane highways
where overtaking maneuvers are prohibited because of low
sight distance.
➢ It may be marked by a solid yellow line along the centre or a
double yellow line.

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Barrier line marking for a four lane road

No passing zone marking at horizontal curves

iv. Warning lines

➢ Warning lines warn the drivers about the obstruction

➢ They are marked on horizontal and vertical curves where the
visibility is greater than prohibitory criteria specified for no
overtaking zones.

Warning line marking for a two lane road

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v. Edge lines

➢ Edge lines indicate edges of rural roads which have no kerbs

to delineate the limits upto which the driver can safely
➢ They should be at least 150 mm from the actual edge of the
➢ They are painted in yellow or white.

2. Transverse markings

➢ Transverse markings are marked across the direction of

➢ They are marked at intersections etc.
➢ The site conditions play a very important role.
➢ The type of road marking for a particular intersection
depends on several variables such as speed characteristics of
traffic, availability of space etc.
➢ Stop line markings, markings for pedestrian crossing,
direction arrows, etc. are some of the markings on
approaches to intersections.

i. Stop line

➢ Stop line indicates the position beyond which the vehicles

should not proceed when required to stop by control devices
like signals or by traffic police.
➢ They should be placed either parallel to the intersecting
roadway or at right angles to the direction of approaching

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Stop line marking near an intersection

ii. Pedestrian crossings

➢ Pedestrian crossings are provided at places where the conflict

between vehicular and pedestrian traffic is severe.
➢ The site should be selected that there is less inconvenience
to the pedestrians and also the vehicles are not interrupted
too much.

Pedestrian marking near an intersection

iii. Directional arrows: Used to guide the drivers in advance over

the correct lane to be taken while approaching busy intersections.

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3. Object marking: Physical obstructions in a carriageway like

traffic island or obstructions near carriageway like signal posts,
pier etc. cause serious hazard to the flow of traffic and should be
adequately marked.

i. Objects within the carriageway

➢ The obstructions within the carriageway such as traffic

islands, raised medians, etc. may be marked by not less than
five alternate black and yellow stripes.
➢ The stripes should slope forward at an angle of 45 with
respect to the direction of traffic.

ii. Objects adjacent to carriageway

➢ Sometimes objects adjacent to the carriageway may pose

some obstructions to the flow of traffic.
➢ Objects such as subway piers and abutments, culvert head
walls etc. are some examples for such obstructions.
➢ They should be marked with alternate black and white stripes
at a forward angle of 45 with respect to the direction of traffic.
➢ Other objects such as guard stones, drums, guard rails etc.
where chances of vehicles hitting them are only when vehicle
runs off the carriageway should be painted in solid white.

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Object marking for central pier and side walls of an underpass


➢ Marking of the parking space limits on urban roads promotes

more efficient use of the parking spaces and tends to prevent
encroachment on places like bus stops, fire hydrant zones
etc. where parking is undesirable.
➢ Such parking space limitations should be indicated with
markings that are solid white lines 100 mm wide.
➢ Words TAXI, CARS, SCOOTERS etc. may also be written if
the parking area is specific for any particular type of vehicle.
➢ To indicate parking restriction, kerb or carriage way marking
of continuous yellow line 100 mm wide covering the top of
kerb or carriageway close to it may be used.

5.Hazardous location

➢ Wherever there is a change in the width of the road, or any

hazardous location in the road, the driver should be warned
about this situation with the help of suitable road markings.
➢ Road markings showing the width transition in the
carriageway should be of 100 mm width.

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➢ Converging lines shall be 150 mm wide and shall have a taper

length of not less than twenty times the off-set distance.


1. To guide and control traffic on the highway.

2. To serve as psychological barrier.
3. To delineate traffic path and its lateral clearance from traffic
4. To aid pedestrians and cyclists for movement into safe


Control devices which alternately direct the traffic to stop and

proceed at intersections using red and green traffic light signal

1.Traffic Control Signals

➢ Red light indicates STOP.

➢ Yellow amber light indicates the clearance time for the
vehicles which have entered the intersection area by the end
of green signal.
➢ Green light indicates GO.

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i. Fixed Time Signals

➢ These signals are set to repeat regularly a cycle of red, amber

yellow and green lights.
➢ Depending upon the traffic intensities, the timings of each
phase of the cycle is predetermined.
➢ Fixed time signals are the simplest type of automatic traffic
signals which are electrically operated.

ii. Traffic Actuated Signals

➢ In these signals the timings of the phase and cycle are

changed according to traffic demand.
➢ In semi-actuated signals, the normal green phase of a traffic
stream may be extended upto a certain period of time for
allowing the vehicles to clear off the intersection.
➢ In fully-actuated signals, computers assign the right of way
for the traffic movement on turn basis of traffic flow demand.

iii. Manually Operated Signals: In these types of signals, the

traffic police watches the traffic demand from a suitable point

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during the peak hours at the intersection and varies the timings of
these phases and cycle accordingly.

2. Pedestrian Signals: When the vehicular traffic remains stopped

by red or stop signal on the traffic signals of the road intersection,
these signals give the right of way of pedestrians to cross a road
during the walk period.

3.Special Signals or Flashing Beacons

➢ These signals are used to warn the traffic.

➢ When there is a red flashing signal, the drivers of vehicles
must stop before entering the nearest cross walk at the
intersection or at a stop line where marked.
➢ Flashing of yellow signals are used to direct the drivers of the
vehicular traffic to proceed with caution.


➢ ATC systems are intelligent real-time dynamic traffic control

systems which are designed to effectively respond to rapid
variations in dynamic traffic conditions.
➢ It is an advanced process to control the traffic.
➢ Digital computer could be used to control many traffic signals
from one location, allowing the development of control plans.
➢ Uses Vehicle Detectors, Intersection Controller,
Communication Network, Application Software, Central
(Regional) Control System.


1. Minimizing journey time for vehicles.

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2. Reducing accidents.
3. Increasing average saving in fuel.


1. Very costly.
2. Very complex.
3. Suitable only for lane following traffic.


Highway delineators

➢ Delineators are used to alert drivers, motorists and

pedestrians to work areas, parking lot traffic control, striping

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or resurfacing, dangers and boundary limits in order to

prevent accidents and protect people.
➢ Delineators are particularly useful at locations where the
alignment might be confusing or unexpected, such as at lane-
reduction transitions and curves. Delineators are very
effective guidance devices at night and during adverse


➢ An impact attenuator, also known as a crash cushion, crash

attenuator, or cowboy cushion, is a device intended to reduce
the damage to structures, vehicles, and motorists resulting
from a motor vehicle collision.
➢ Impact attenuators are designed to absorb the colliding
vehicle's kinetic energy.
➢ They may also be designed to redirect the vehicle away from
the hazard or away from roadway machinery and workers.


A rest area is a public facility, located next to a large thoroughfare

such as a highway, expressway, or freeway, at which drivers and

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passengers can rest, eat, or refuel without exiting onto secondary



➢ A safety barrier is a component which prevents passage into

a dangerous area, commonly used to mitigate risk.
➢ Safety barriers may be hard barriers physically restricting


The place at an event where people can go for medical treatment if

they become ill or are injured.


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1. Speed Violation Detection

➢ Capture license plate of vehicles violating traffic rule.

➢ Traffic light violation.
➢ Traffic signal monitoring and raise alarm if signal do not
change after assigned time.
➢ Vehicle stopping on road.
➢ Vehicle moving wrong way.

2. Over Speed Monitoring

➢ Vehicle Over Speed Detection, violation detection with

➢ Separate Speed Limits for 2 & 4 wheelers.
➢ Camera Based System.
➢ Camera + Radar Based System.

3. No-Helmet Monitoring

➢ Detection of No-Helmet (Driver and Companion).

➢ Helmet Standard Training.

4. Variable Message Sign Boards, Public address system.

5. E-challan system

➢ Generate challan for valid violation.

➢ Integration with RTO database.
➢ Auto email challan.

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➢ Challan online payment portal.

➢ Challan payment tracker.


Uses physical design and other measures to improve safety for

motorists, pedestrians and cyclists.

Traffic Calming Schemes

➢ Volume control - Full Closures (dead ends), Half Closures

(partial closures, one way closures).
➢ Separation of directions - Median Barriers.
➢ Speed reducing measures - Speed Humps and Raised
Pedestrian Crossing.
➢ Raised junctions - Raised Pedestrian Crossing.
➢ Speed zones.
➢ Roundabouts.


➢ Speed limits in India vary by state and vehicle type.

➢ In April 2018, the Union Ministry of Road Transport and
Highways fixed the maximum speed limit:
 on expressways at 120 km/h.
 for national highways at 100 km/h.
 for urban roads at 70 km/h for M1 category of vehicles.
 The M1 category includes most passenger vehicles that
have less than 8 seats.
 Telangana – Motorcycle – 50, car – 65, heavy vehicle

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 Delhi - Motorcycle – 30-70, car – 25-50, heavy vehicle



July 2018 – load limit

➢ Load carrying capacity of heavy vehicles & trucks.

➢ The gross vehicle weight of a two-axle truck (two wheels in
the front axle and four wheels in the rear) has been increased
to 18.5 tonne from the existing 16.2 tonnes, increasing the
load carrying capacity by just over 20%.
➢ Gross vehicle weight for a three-axle truck has been
increased to 28.5 tonne from 25 tonne.
➢ For a five-axle truck, the vehicle weight has been increased
from 37 tonne to 43.5 tonne, increasing the load carrying
capacity by more than 25%.


Traffic lights (or traffic signals) are lights used to control the
movement of traffic. They are placed on roads at intersections &

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Camera which may be mounted beside or over a road or installed

in an enforcement vehicle to detect motoring offenses,
including speeding, vehicles going through a red traffic light,
vehicles going through a toll booth without paying, unauthorized
use of a bus lane, or for recording vehicles inside a congestion
charge area.

What does the camera record?

If an offence is detected, a digital image of the vehicle is recorded.

The image clearly shows the colour, type, make and numberplate
of the vehicle. Digital images also include:

1. Date of the offence.

2. Time of the offence.
3. Location details of the camera that took the picture.
4. Direction of travel of the offending vehicle.
5. Speed of the offending vehicle.
6. Speed limit on the road where the camera is positioned.
7. The lane that the vehicle was travelling within.
8. Other security and integrity parameters.


➢ Driving without holding an effective driving license.

➢ Driving by an under-aged person (Minor driving vehicle).
➢ Owner or person in-charge of a vehicle permitting an
unlicensed person or an under-aged person to drive it
(Parents/guardians/friends permitting minor to drive

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➢ Holder of a driving license permitting it to be used by other

➢ Running driving school without a license.
➢ Driving a vehicle at an excessive speed.
➢ Driving permitting to drive a vehicle carrying excess load.
➢ Driving by a drunken person or by a person under influence
of drugs.
➢ Driving an uninsured vehicle.
➢ Driver's failure to obey traffic signs (Red light jumping,
violation of yellow line, changing lane without indication,
➢ Using mobile phone while driving a vehicle.
➢ Carrying persons in excess of seating capacity.
➢ Driving motor vehicle without number plates Etc.


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The practice of temporarily leaving a vehicle into a certain location.

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Strategies that result in more efficient use of transportation


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1. Restrictions on turning movements.

2. One – way streets.
3. Tidal-flow operations.
4. Exclusive bus lanes.

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5. Closing side streets

1. Restrictions on turning movements


i. Problem posed by turning traffic.

ii. Prohibited right-turning movement.
iii. Prohibited left-turning movement

2. One – way streets


i. Reduction in the points of conflict.

ii. Increased capacity.
iii. Increased speed.
iv. Facilities the operation of a progressive signal system.
v. Improvement in parking facilities.
vi. Elimination of dazzle and head-on collision.

3. Tidal-flow operations: Tidal flow operation is a traffic

management process whereby the carriageway width is shared
between the two directions of travel in near proportion to the flow
in each direction.

4. Exclusive Bus Lanes

➢ A bus lane or bus only lane is a lane restricted to buses, often

on certain days and times, and generally used to speed up
public transport that would be otherwise held up by traffic
➢ Certain other vehicles may also be permitted, such as taxis,
high occupancy vehicles, motorcycles, or bicycles.

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➢ ITS is an emerging transportation system which is comprised

of an advanced information and telecommunications network
for users, roads and vehicles.
➢ ITS is the integrated application of advanced Technologies
using electronics, computers, communications, and
advanced sensors.

Benefits of ITS

1. Safety improvements.
2. Delay savings.
3. Throughput.
4. Customer satisfaction.
5. Cost savings.
6. Environmental.

Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS)

ATMS integrates various sub-systems such as CCTV, vehicle

detection, communications, variable message systems, etc into a
coherent single interface that provides real time data on traffic
status and predicts data for more efficient planning and operations

Advanced Traveler Information System (ATIS)

It provides to the users of transportation system, travel related

information to assist decision making on route choices, estimate
travel times and avoid congestion. This can enabled by providing
different information using various technologies.

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Advanced Vehicle Control System (AVCS)

These are the tools and concepts that enhance the driver’s control
of vehicle to make travel safer and more efficient. In vehicle
Collision warning System alert the driver to a possible imminent

In more advanced AVCS applications, the vehicle could

automatically break or steer away from a collision, based on input
from sensors on the vehicle.

Commercial Vehicle operations (CVO)

It comprises an ensemble of satellite navigation systems, a small

computer and a digital radio, which can be used in commercial
vehicles such as vans, trucks and taxis. This system affords
constant monitoring of truck operations by the central office and
provides safety and traceability.

Advanced Public Transportation Systems (APTS)

It includes,

➢ Real time passenger information system.

➢ Automatic vehicle location system.
➢ Bus arrival notification system.
➢ System providing priority of passage to buses at signalized

Advanced Rural Transportation System (ARTS)

➢ It provides information about remote road and other

transportation systems.

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➢ It includes automated roads and weather conditions

reporting and directional information.
➢ This type of information is valuable to motorists travelling to
remote or rural areas.
➢ It will be a valuable asset to countries like India where rural
areas are widely distributed.


1. Over Speeding.
2. Over Loading of passengers.
3. Carrying passengers in goods carriages.
4. Drunken Driving.
5. Red Light Jumping.
6. Using Mobile Phone While driving.

The Supreme Court Committee on Road Safety has given

directions to suspend the driving licences of the drivers who
commit the following traffic violations

1. The country had lost 1,47,913 people to road crashes in

2017, of which 48,764 were on two-wheelers, 26,869 were car
crash victims, 20,457 were pedestrians deaths, and 3,559
were cyclists. This roughly amounts to an average of over 400
deaths every day on Indian roads.
2. Road Safety Week rally at New Delhi on February 4
3. Ministry of Road Transport and Highways has taken earnest
steps for reducing the number of road accidents that include
rectification of accident black spots, improved road
engineering, training of drivers and awareness generation.

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Some positive, though small, results have been seen in the

past two years, with some reduction in the number of
4. Over the past five years, the government has taken several
measures to prevent crashes and fatalities from road
accidents. These include a National Road Safety Policy, which
outlines various policy measures such as promoting
awareness, establishing road safety information database,
encouraging safer road infrastructure and applying
intelligent transport, and enforcement of safety laws. The
government has also constituted the National Road Safety
Council as the apex body to take policy decisions in matters
of road safety. Further, it has conducted road safety audits of
selected stretches of national highways.
5. Ministry has released a set of comic books on road safety,
produced by Uber and Amar Chitra Katha, called Swachha
Safar and Surakshit Yatra, with an aim to create awareness
among children in an informal format that they can relate to.
6. It has also launched the third edition of iSAFE, a nine-
month-long championship on road safety issues for schools
and colleges across India to use the students’ knowledge in
their respective discipline, to bridge the gaps present in road
7. To inform the common man of the rules and regulations for
road safety, the ministry, along with the Indian Road Safety
Campaign, an IIT Delhi student initiative, began a social
media campaign with videos. Further, to help cut down road
accidents by redressing improper road infrastructure, the

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campaign, which was started in 2016, offers a two-month

paid "policy internship" for undergraduate students, through
which they can learn to identify and fix unsafe roads across
the country.
8. Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Bill - corrects a lot of the
systemic issues by providing for the protection of children,
rationalising penalties, a uniform driver licensing system,
fixing liability for road contractors for faulty roads,
introducing adult accountability for juvenile driving among
other progressive provisions.


➢ Safety Propaganda: To create awareness among road users

and general public.
➢ Safety campaign being organized through Film shows and
distribution of pamphlets, banners displayed during
➢ Provision of road safety counselors during day & night.
➢ Conducting regular ambush checks.
➢ Counseling by whistling habits.
➢ Provision of Boards.
➢ Conducted safety drives.
➢ Distribution of pamphlets to villagers & counselling them.
➢ Exhibition of video films with LCD projector in surrounding
➢ Conducting safety campaign at important religious

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➢ Road transport is a major source of air pollution that harms

human health and the environment.
➢ Vehicles emit a range of pollutants including nitrogen oxides
(NOx) and particulate matter (PM).
➢ 70% for nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and about 30% for particulate
matter (PM).
➢ Road transport accounts for a third of NOx emissions and is
the dominant source in urban, heavily-trafficked areas.
➢ NO2 is a toxic gas that causes 79,000 premature deaths in
Europe per year.
➢ NOx emissions also form secondary particles in the air and
contribute to acidification and eutrophication, causing
serious damage to ecosystems.


Automobile revolution has turned out to be a big source of

environmental noise in urban regions. In the modern age, there is
an increase in traffic due to the growth in the number of vehicles
such as buses, trains, and trucks. People caught in traffic jams
are also often impatient and will continuously hoot their horns in
an attempt to alert the driver in front of them to move. These acts
produce unbearable noise to the people living in the neighboring
areas, the commuters or passersby, and the environment as a

Effects of Noise Pollution

1. Hearing Problems.

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2. Health Issues - can influence psychological health. Studies

show that the occurrence of aggressive behavior, disturbance
of sleep, constant stress, fatigue, and hypertension can be
linked to excessive noise levels. These, in turn, can cause
more severe and chronic health issues later in life.
3. Sleeping Disorders.
4. Cardiovascular Issues.
5. Trouble Communicating.
6. Effect on Wildlife.


➢ Every four minute, one person is killed in India because of a

road accident.
➢ Every year, over 150,000 people die because of speeding,
drunk driving or similar incidents.
➢ In the past decade, over a million Indians have lost their lives
on the country’s roads, which are among the deadliest in the
➢ The economic loss from these accidents, India’s transport
minister reckons, is close to 3% of the country’s GDP. That’s
Rs55,000 crore ($8.2 billion) every year.
➢ “Not so many people die in war or terror attack or Naxalite
killing…not even in epidemics… It gives me sleepless nights
and I want to cut accidents by at least 50% as early as
possible,” Gadkari said.
➢ In India, 30% of the driving licenses are bogus… There has
been large-scale corruption in RTOs…

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➢ But it is not just India’s roads that are deadly. Earlier this
month, a number of popular cars in India including the
Renault Kwid, Hyundai Eon and Maruti Suzuki Celerio failed
crash tests by London-based Global New Car Assessment


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➢ Traffic Incident Management is the response to traffic

accidents, incidents and other unplanned events that occur
on the road network, often in potentially dangerous
➢ Incident management requires
1. Planning.
2. Response.
3. Safety at the scene of the incident.
4. Recovery.
➢ It requires attention to three main aspects in order of priority
safety, mobility of traffic flow and control and repair of


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1. Breakdown of vehicles.
2. Incidents with only material damage.
3. Those involving injured persons, death, fire, and dangerous
4. Investigation of guilt or crime.


1. Delay.
2. Property damage.
3. Injuries and fatalities.
4. Road safety for the road users.


Common phases of an incident are:

1. Detection: That an incident has occurred.

2. Verification: That the incident has occurred, determining its
location and having sufficient information to enable an
appropriate response.
3. Response: By dispatching appropriate services to resolve the
4. Clearance, or the removal of the vehicles, damaged property
and victims from the incident scene, and complete reopening
of any blocked lanes.
5. Recovery to normal traffic flow

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➢ Incident Response Teams - deliver actual incident

management services in the field.
➢ The following agencies and service providers may be part of
the IRT:
1. Service patrols.
2. Ambulance services.
3. Towing and recovery.
4. Transit.
5. Toxic material control.
6. Emergency services.
7. Other (Coast Guard, Railroads, etc.).
➢ Training: any combination of field drills; traffic operations
center training; and classroom lectures, discussion, and
➢ CPR.
➢ Basic First Aid.
➢ Radio communication.
➢ Removal of disabled vehicles.
➢ Response vehicle equipment use policies and procedures.
➢ Fatal or felony accident procedures.
➢ Field Guides - Formal training programs provide the
knowledge and skill base that IRT members need to perform
their jobs effectively.
➢ ITS.
➢ Traffic Signal Timing Adjustments.
➢ Ramp Controls.

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➢ Response - computer and communications technologies.

➢ Traffic Signal Pre-exemption for Emergency Vehicles.
➢ Traffic Operations Center - serve as the hub or nerve center
of ITS and traffic control systems - central point at which
information about the transportation system is collected,
processed, and collated.
➢ Planning, development, implementation and operation of ITS
➢ Service Patrols - effective in reducing incident detection time,
as well as the overall duration of the incident.
➢ Post-incident debriefings - very effective for identifying areas
for improvement, as well as confirming the value of practices
that are working well.


Prepared By


Road Safety Engineering By: Riyaz Mohammed

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