LV Systems

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Cable Systems

Building Single Line Diagrams

1. Build the following diagram (PSP) in ETAP and enter the associated data

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Cable Systems

Element Parameters
Type Element Parameters
U1 Power Grid kV: 0.4 kV
3 phase kVAsc: 788
Pos %R: 8968
Pos %X: 8968
Zero %R: 28666
Zero %X: 28666
Rn: 0.1
Xn: 0.1
Re: 0.1
Xe: 0.1
Rg: 0.35
TNS earthing
Fuse1 Fuse ABB, NH2, 0.5 kV, 315A
Cable1 Cable BS5467, Mag, CU, 1.0 kV, XLPE, 100%,
4/C, 50 mm2, 8m
Configuration Page:
Check the Main Neutral checkbox
UPS1 Uninterruptible Power Supply  Rating page:
o 48 kW
o 0.4 kV input
o 0.4 kV output
o 94% eff
o 80% pf
o DC Rating: 400V
 Loading Page: Ups Loading Based
on Connected Load
 SC Imp page:
o Kac: 150%
o Kdc: 150%
o AC Secondary Grounding:
o Earthing Type: TN-S
o DC Grounding: Ungrounded
o Earthing Type: IT-Individual

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Cable Systems

2. Build the following diagram (Signal Supply) in ETAP and enter the associated data

Type Element Parameters

Fuse2 & Fuse 3 Fuse ABB, NH00, 0.5 kV, 35A
T2 Transformer 20 kVA, 0.4kV/0.65kV
Dry Type, Sealed, AN, Temp 60
Typical Z&X/R
Solid Grounded Secondary
TN-C-S Earthing Type
Rg: 4
CT5 Current Transformer Primary: Secondary 100:1
Relay1 Relay Areva P122
Input Page: Select CT5

Cable2 Cable BS5467, Mag, CU, 1.0 kV, XLPE, 100%,

4/C, 95 mm2, 8m
Check the Protective Checkbox

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Cable Systems

3. Build the following diagram (Signal Load) in ETAP and enter the associated data

Type Element Parameters

Fuse4 Fuse ABB, OFAA 00, 0.69 kV, 6A
T3 Transformer 0.5 kVA, 0.65kV/0.11kV
Dry Type, Sealed, Other, 150
Typical Z&X/R

CT5 Current Transformer Primary: Secondary 100:1

Relay1 Relay Areva P122
Input Page: Select CT5

Cable2 Cable BS5467, Mag, CU, 1.0 kV, XLPE, 100%,

4/C, 95 mm2, 8m
Check the Protective Checkbox
PA1 Phase Adapter Phase AB

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Cable Systems

4. Connect Fuse2 to Bus 1

5. Connect SW1 to Cable2
6. Create 6 Copies of Signal Load and connect the equivalent of Cable3 to the equivalent of SW1
7. After the 6th copy of the Signal Load, make a copy of the Signal Supply and connect the
equivalent of Cable2 to the equivalent of Cable3
8. Make a copy of the PSP and connect the equivalent of Fuse2 to Bus1
9. Open SW1 and run LF to determine if the system is free of ETAP errors; otherwise, fix the errors.

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Cable Systems

10. Create a single phase equivalent of the Signal Supply and Signal Load and connect them in
parallel with the existing 3 phase Signal Supply and Load using a phase adapter with an AB

Element Parameters
Fuse ABB, OFAA 00, 0.69 kV, 6A
Transformer (T11) 20 kVA, 0.4kV/0.4kV
Dry Type, Sealed, AN, 60
Typical Z&X/R
IT-Individual EarthingRg:10 ohms
No Distributed Neutral
Current Transformer Primary: Secondary 100:1
Relay Areva P122
Input Page: Select CT5
Use default relay settings
Cable BS5467, Mag, CU, 1.0 kV, XLPE, 100%,
4/C, 95 mm2, 8m
Check both the Main and Aux Protective
For Aux PE, choose any Rubber insulated
Transformer (T12) 0.5 kVA, 0.4kV/0.11kV
Dry Type, Sealed, Other, 150
Typical Z&X/R

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Cable Systems

11. Create a DC equivalent of the Signal Supply and Signal Load and connect them in parallel with
the existing 3 phase Signal Supply and Load using a charger (Rectifier and no relay).

Element Parameters
Transformer 20 kVA, 0.4kV/0.4kV
Dry Type, Sealed, AN, 60
Typical Z&X/R
IT-Individual EarthingRg:10 ohms
Charger AC Rating: 20 kVA, 90% eff, 85% pf, 0.4 kV
DC Rating: 15.3 kW, 400 V
Earthing: TT
Rg: 12 ohms
Fuse GEC, CIA, 460V, 15A
Circuit Breaker Nikko, SK202, 250V, 2 P, 125A
DC/DC Converter 20 kW, 400/50V, 90% eff
Cable Heesung, XLPE, Non-Mag, 100%, 1.0 kV,
3/C, 50 mm2, 200 m
Check both Main and Aux PE cable
For Aux PE, choose any Rubber insulated
Local earthing in PE sizing page: 7 ohms
DC Motor 0.5 kW, 50V, 90% eff

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Cable Systems

Protective device Sizing

Under abnormal system conditions, such as when a short circuit fault takes place, a protective device is
expected to operate to mitigate any damage that might result due to the abnormal system conditions.
During the abnormal system conditions, such as a fault, the protective device is expected to not cause
damage to surroundings by, for example, exploding. The protective device needs to be sized so that its
short circuit duty rating, breaking rating, is above the calculated short circuit values.

However, under normal system conditions, the rated continuous (load flow) current needs to be above the
calculated load flow current.

1. Run Load Flow and size protective devices based on the results
2. Run Short Circuit and size protective devices based on the results

Current Transformer Sizing

Current transformers proportionally step down current so that current sensing devices such as meters or
relays can operate without being exposed to the high current.

Under short circuit conditions, a CT will saturate due to the high amount of flux.

Under normal system conditions, the CT will have a rating factor (e.g. 2.0, so twice the ratio) that will be
the ultimate steady state rating.

1. Run LF and utilize a 100:1 CT. Based on the results, determine if the CT is adequate to handle
the load flow conditions.

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Cable Systems

Transformer Sizing
Transformer Sizing must be based on both power handling and purchase cost. The electrical standard
used (IEC, ANSI) will specify transformer standard sizes. As a rule of thumb, a transformer should
not be loaded above 60% of its rating.

1. Run LF and size the transformers in the system in the Transformer Sizing page
2. Size the transformer based on:
a. Operating Load
b. Growth factor of 130%
c. Load Factor of 80%

Transformer Inrush
A transformer is an electro-magnetic device and, when energized, will draw a multiple of its rated full
load amp current. Protective devices located at the source side of transformers must be sized so that it
will not accidently operate due to inrush current.

A major issue arises is when multiple transformers are simultaneously energized. This requires
attention when performing system protection and coordination analysis.

1. In the Protection page of the buses, run Transformer Inrush study

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Cable Systems

Current Carrying Capacity

A cable is intended carry current from one point of a system to another. Cables can only handle so
much current before their maximum current carrying capacity can be reached. The challenge is to be
able to push as much current through the cable’s conductor without damaging the conductor.

The cable manufacturer provides a base maximum capacity value based on ideal system conditions
such as when it is located in an above ground installation in an open space, with spring temperature,
and with no other cables around. However, if your system is located above ground in an air tight well
heated room surrounded by other heat emitting cables, the manufacturer’s rating is not useful
anymore and derating factors, such as given by the BS7671 or the IEC 60364 will have to be utilized.

1. Set the 3 phase system to be a U/G Buried installation type with “In Conduit” (Method D) sub-
Type installation and derate based on the following condition.
a. Set temperature to 40C
b. Set soil resistivity to 100 C-CM/Watt
c. Set No. of Circuits to 3
d. Set Circuit Clearance to 0.3 m
e. Set Thermal insulation Length to 20 mm
f. In protection page, check the “Fuse to BS 3036” after choosing a fuse as an overload
2. Repeat the above for the single phase system with above ground Trays (Unperforated) as
3. Repeat the above for DC cables as applicable with <= 0.3*Cable OD option selected.
4. Now that the installation conditions have been laid, phase conductor sizing must be done and
afterwards, the final derated ampacity will be utilized. The cable’s final derated ampacity is the
comparison value that Load Flow analysis uses to alert user if maximum capacity has been

Phase Conductor Sizing

1. For all cables, size based on the following conditions:
a. Loading based on LF value in loading page
b. Max Vd% of 2%
c. Short Circuit
d. Overload
e. Harmonic value from the loading page using the IEEE Flourscent Harmonics (if
f. Utilize a CF factor or 1.2 (If applicable)

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Cable Systems

Protection and Coordination analysis

The purpose of protective devices is to disconnect the fault current supply so that the devices that they
meant to protect will not be damaged.

An issue arises when multiple protective devices are in the system and they are not coordinated. The
system must be coordinated so that the least critical elements (loads) will be disconnected first and
the most critical elements (sources) will be disconnected last.

1. Run STAR Short Circuit for both 3 phase and 1 phase systems see the fault current throughout
the system.
2. Run DC short Circuit.
a. Verify that all the protective devices are protecting their assigned devices
b. Verify that all protective devices are coordinated
c. Verify that the multiple transformer inrush calculated in the Bus Protection page is in the
plot and taken into account during the protection and coordination analysis

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Cable Systems

Protective Earthing Conductor Sizing

When a fault condition occurs, there is a chance that the affected equipment frame will become energized
and may be a safety hazard. The frames are earthed (grounded) by protective earthing conductor that will
safely provide a path of least resistance to the fault current away from the equipment.

The PE conductor must be sized properly according to the BS7671 and IEC 60364 standards.

1. For the 3 phase cables, size the Main PE cable

2. For 1 phase and DC cables, size the Main and PE cables.

Electric Shock Calculation

1. Utilize Typical Armour Z button in cable’s Configuration page for all AC cables
2. Find the Loop Impedance and determine if it exceeds allowed loop impedance
3. Find Touch Voltage for the AC 3 phase TN system and DC TT systems
4. Find 1st and 2nd touch voltages for the 1 phase IT system
a. For First fault touch voltage calculations in 1 phase cables, a user defined ground short
circuit ground value will have to be defined.

Reports and Model Forms

1. Generate the following Reports from within the cable editor:
a. Capacity
b. Phase Conductor
c. Shock Protection
d. Summary
2. Generate the following Model Forms:
a. Electric Installation Certificate Page 2 (2003)
b. Periodic Inspection Report for an Electrical Installation Page 2 (2003)

Working with 3D Data Base

1. Create another Revision and name it “2020”
a. Change all 20 kVA transformers 10 kVA
b. Change all 3 phase cables to 1 kV, AL, ICEA Rubber 3/C cables
c. Size the PE cables using Tables method instead
2. Create another configuration and name it “Config B” and configure it in a manner so that the
other PSP is feeding the signaling loads.
3. Rerun all the exercises above and determine the differences in results

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