BGB3212 5u

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Instrument manual

Power supply for electrical machines

Instrument manual
Power supply for electrical machines

Preface ...................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Name and address of manufacturer ........................................................................................................................... 3
Legal information ....................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.3.1 Liability limitations ........................................................................................................................................ 4
1.3.2 Copyright/authorisation ................................................................................................................................ 4
Target groups............................................................................................................................................................. 5
Symbols used ............................................................................................................................................................ 5
2 Basic safety instructions .............................................................................................................................. 6
2.1 Safety information ........................................................................................................................................ 6
2.2 Safety equipment ......................................................................................................................................... 8
2.4 Work safety measures ................................................................................................................................. 9
2.4 Specific safety instructions ........................................................................................................................ 10
3 Description of modules .............................................................................................................................. 11
3.1 Product label and designation ................................................................................................................... 11
3.2 Area of application and stipulated use ....................................................................................................... 11
3.3 Dimensions and weight .............................................................................................................................. 11
3.4 Technical data ........................................................................................................................................... 11
3.5 Environment conditions ............................................................................................................................. 11
4 Control and display elements .................................................................................................................... 12
4.1 Connections and their significance ............................................................................................................ 12
4.2 Functions ................................................................................................................................................... 13
5 Commissioning .......................................................................................................................................... 15
6 Operation ................................................................................................................................................... 16
6.1 Safety ........................................................................................................................................................ 16
6.2 Sample circuits .......................................................................................................................................... 16
7 Maintenance and cleaning ......................................................................................................................... 17
7.1 Maintenance and customer service ........................................................................................................... 17
7.2 Spare parts ................................................................................................................................................ 17
8 Disassembly and disposal ......................................................................................................................... 18
8.1 Decommissioning ...................................................................................................................................... 18
8.2 Disassembly and disposal ......................................................................................................................... 18

Instrument manual
Power supply for electrical machines


This instruction manual is written to be read, understood and complied with in every respect by persons intending to
use the training system.

It contains basic tips and instructions to be observed during assembly, operation, maintenance, disassembly and
disposal involving the training system.

For that reason, this manual must be read through carefully before assembly by any teaching staff, students or other
users. Only the information in this manual can prevent errors and ensure faultless operation.

Name and address of manufacturer

Manufacturer and servicing


LUCAS-NÜLLE Lehr- und Messgeräte GmbH

Siemensstr. 2
D-50170 Kerpen

Tel.: +49 (0) 22 73 5 67-0

Fax: +49 (0) 22 73 5 67-30

E-mail: [email protected]

Instrument manual
Power supply for electrical machines

Legal information

1.3.1 Liability limitations

LUCAS-NÜLLE GmbH accepts no liability for any damage occurring due to the following:

 Inappropriate or incompetent use

 Irresponsible or incorrect assembly and/or commissioning by operators or third parties
 Subsequent modifications by operators or third parties
 Natural wear and tear
 Negligent or incorrect handling, servicing or maintenance
 Actions not in keeping with the instruction manual
 Use of inappropriate materials

1.3.2 Copyright/authorisation

This instruction manual is authorised for the use of teaching staff and students.

The instruction manual contains specifications and drawings of a technical nature. These may not be reproduced
distributed, utilised without permission for competitive advantage or passed on to others either in part or in full.

The making of copies, including extracts, is expressly permitted to users of the training system, but only for internal
use in connection with the operation of the equipment.

Instrument manual
Power supply for electrical machines

Target groups

Those groups at whom this instruction manual is targeted are described as listed in the following:

Target groups - Tasks - Qualification

Target group 1 Tasks Qualification
Training staff  Supervision of students  Electrician
 Teachers  Set-up of training system
 Providing students with an initial
 Trainers
introduction to the training systems
 Educational assistants  Providing safety instructions for
 Laboratory supervisors students
 Enabling power supplies
 Rectification of minor faults
 Observation of procedures
 Recognition of faults and safety
problems and guaranteeing correct
functioning of processes related to
the training system

Target group 2 Tasks Qualification

Students  Set-up of training system  Must have had some electrical
 Modifications to training system instruction
 Trainees
set-up  Person with specific previous
 Students instruction and reading and writing
 Switching training system on and
 Work placement trainees off skills in the language of their
 Rectification of minor faults
 Introduced to the training system
 Observation of procedures by teaching staff
 Recognition of faults and safety
problems and guaranteeing correct
functioning of processes related to
the training system

Symbols used

Hazard symbols
Degree of risk Application
This symbol means there is a direct risk to life and health of people.
Ignoring this warning can result in a serious effect on the health of
persons and may result in life-threatening injuries.

This symbol means there is a direct risk to life and health of people.
Ignoring this warning can result in a serious effect on the health of
persons and may result in life-threatening injuries.

This symbol provides important advice on the proper and economic use of
the training system. Ignoring this warning can result in slight injuries or
adverse effects on health or may result in damage to the training system
or its environment.

Instrument manual
Power supply for electrical machines

2 Basic safety instructions

2.1 Safety information

The training system is designed and constructed with the latest technology and according to recognised safety
guidelines. Nevertheless, incompetent or unauthorised use of the equipment may result in risks to life and limb of
users or third parties or to damage to the training system itself or to other equipment.
The training system may only be used if it is in technically perfect operating condition and following specified
procedures with attention paid to aspects of safety and risk. Any faults which may adversely affect safety must be
rectified immediately.

This instruction manual must be stored close to the training system itself and be accessible by anyone at any time.


Apart from definitive laws of the user's respective land, and the safety guidelines applicable for operation,
maintenance and assembly of equipment as set forth by the educational establishment or company involved, the
following instructions must be observed.

Any person given responsibility for the operation, set-up, maintenance or repair of the training system must have read
and understood the relevant instruction manual and any experiment instructions.

The valid regulations for prevention of accidents should be stored within view in the vicinity of the training system and
should be accessible to anyone there. Regular instruction of users must be undertaken by those responsible for the


Reconfiguration and/or modification of the training system by users may only be undertaken with the consent of the
supplier. The supplier assumes no liability for any measures taken without that consent or for any damage resulting
therefrom. This includes any use of the training system that contravenes the instruction manual (during assembly/set-
up modifications and conduct of experiments using the training system).

Prevention of accidents during operation

The training system is safe to use if the instructions are adhered to correctly and the equipment uses the latest
technology. Danger may only occur under the following circumstances:

 Use of the training system by persons with no electrical instruction

 Incorrect operation of the training system
 Use of the training system that contravenes the instructions

Instrument manual
Power supply for electrical machines


All the safety features and operating instructions provided by the manufacturer are to be regarded as prerequisites
for the safe operation of the training system and for avoiding accidents.
The operator and teaching staff are responsible for the prevention of accidents when using the equipment. Staff
should be fully conversant with their tasks relating to use of the training system.

The operator must guarantee the following:

 Training staff are sufficiently trained for their specific task in relation to safety regulations
 Safety regulations for the workplace are made known to training staff and students and this action is documented
 Safety regulations are available for inspection at any time
 Safety regulations are obeyed

Electrical installations must meet the valid local standards. In particular, suitable earthing connections must be
provided for the training system.

Legal regulations for the prevention of accidents

Apart from the regulations specified here and all the contents of this instruction manual, as signified by hazard
symbols, the following general guidelines are also binding for the use of the training system:

 Safety regulations for EU member states

 Relevant safety regulations in countries outside the EU

Training system users

The training system is manufactured using the latest technology. It is safe to use and should be operated
appropriately by persons who have received electrical instruction under supervision of qualified teaching staff.

Non-compliance may result in risk to life and limb for the operator or for third parties, damage to the training system
or other equipment and may endanger the efficient use of the training system.

Function checks, maintenance work

Regular function checks and maintenance work advance safety.

Training staff should check the training system before use for any visible damage or shortcomings. Any changes
which may affect safety should be rectified at once.

The training staff is responsible for maintaining the training system in perfect condition at all times.

Maintenance and cleaning work are not permitted when the training system is in operation.

Instrument manual
Power supply for electrical machines

Protective systems

Existing protection may only be removed during the course of setting up an experiment with the power supply turned
off and must be properly replaced after the work is completed.

Ensuring safety of the workplace

During upkeep, cleaning and reconfiguration of the training system, the workplace should be protected appropriate to
the circumstances.

Power should be turned off and protection provided to stop it being turned back on.

Electrical components that cannot be turned off. Equipment must be protected from being turned on by removal of

The housing and rear of the devices may not be covered since this may lead to impermissible heating of the
equipment and to the possible failure of the training system.

Fuses may only be removed and replaced by authorised personnel

2.2 Safety equipment

Safety equipment may not be modified, removed or rendered inoperable. Unprotected elements may cause life-
endangering injuries.

All safety equipment, such as safety switches, covers and barriers must always be functional. The operation of the
training system is not permitted if the safety equipment is faulty or missing. Correct functioning of the necessary
safety equipment must be checked before starting the training system.

Instrument manual
Power supply for electrical machines

2.4 Work safety measures

Personal safety

For your own safety, the necessary protective clothing and equipment must be worn.
It is not permissible to wear loose clothing or jewellery that become trapped within the training system. Long hair
should be bound with a hair net.
Prohibition of gloves: when working next to moving or rotating pieces of equipment, gloves may not be worn.

Persons under the influence of drugs, alcohol or medication capable of affecting reactions are prohibited from
operating, maintaining or repairing the training system.

Protection of the feet

Danger of crushing!

Panels have sharp edges and could fall on people's feet if not correctly handled.
Always wear appropriate, safe footwear.

Instrument manual
Power supply for electrical machines

2.4 Specific safety instructions

Danger due to electric current

Incorrect earthing of the training system may lead to life-endangering current flows.
The training system must be earthed as stipulated
Devices with a plug-in mains power supply will be earthed via the power supply itself. Devices not powered by such
equipment must be connected to an earth conductor via the green/yellow sockets.

Danger due to electric current

It should be observed that the plugs for the training system (cables and sockets) are always connected to the
correct, identical colours and patterns.
Use the green/yellow sockets exclusively for earth connections.
Only use green/yellow cables for the earth connection

Danger due to electric current

Incorrect use of the supplied power cable can lead to life-endangering flows of current.
The training system may only be used with the supplied cabling.
Always use safety cabling and safety plugs.
Make sure that the measuring cables are in perfect condition.
All experiment cables must have continuous double insulation throughout their length.

Danger due to electric current

The training system may only be used in circuits protected by fuses or circuit breakers with a maximum rating of
16 A.

Danger due to electric current

Use the equipment in the training system only at the specified operating voltages.

Instrument manual
Power supply for electrical machines

3 Description of modules
3.1 Product label and designation
The device CO3212-5U is a voltage power supply for DC, AC and three-phase current. The power supply is
engineered especially for use with electrical machines.
The device is equipped with the following outputs:
Three-phase current: L1, L2, L3, N, connected to 4-mm safety sockets
Direct current: 0...260 V DC variable, stabilised and electronically protected against overload and short-circuit
Output current: 3...10 A (adjustable current limitation)
210 V DC, 6A fixed
Protective devices: motor protection switch adjustable from 6.3...16 A; undervoltage trip; safety switch-off

3.2 Area of application and stipulated use

The power supply for electrical machines is a training system exclusively designed for educational purposes, to be
used in schools, universities, training establishments and other educational institutes for the teaching of electrical
machines/drive technology (see section 3.1 “Product label and type designation”)

The training system is only authorised to be used in rooms that fulfil the local regulations for education and training.

The training systems can only be operated within the bounds as stated in the technical data.
Any other use or any use which exceeds the specifications is in contravention of regulations.
LUCAS-NÜLLE GmbH assumes no liability for any damage resulting from such use. The user alone is liable for
all risks.
Use of the equipment as per regulations involves constant observation of the specifications in the supplied
instruction manual

3.3 Dimensions and weight

Width: approx. 228 mm
Height: approx. 297 mm
Depth: approx. 130 mm
Total weight: approx. 3 kg

3.4 Technical data

Input voltage:
CO3212-5U 3 x 400 V/50 Hz, connection via cable and CEE plug, N-conductor compulsory
CO3212-5U2 3 x 220 V/60 Hz, connection via cable
SO3636-2G7 3 x 208 V/60 Hz, connection via cable
Output voltage:
0...250 V DC adjustable and regulated with electronic overload protection
210 V DC fixed
3 x 10 AFF

3.5 Environment conditions

Max. relative humidity: 60%, without condensation
Max. ambient temperature: 35°C

Instrument manual
Power supply for electrical machines

4 Control and display elements

Fig. 1: Panel layout and connections

4.1 Connections and their significance

1 Main switch
2 Output sockets for three-phase current and signal lamps for voltage indication
3 Control input for safety shut-off
4 Voltage controller, 0 V to 250 V
5 ON/OFF-button
6 Current limitation 0 A to 10 A
7/8 Sockets 7 and 8: Outputs for
210 V DC voltage, Imax 6 A
9/10 Sockets 9 and 10: Outputs for 0 to 250 V adjustable DC, Imax adjustable from 0A to 10 A
11 Green LED for adjustable output voltage U7,8 (operating indicator)
12 Red LED error or overcurrent indicator for the adjustable output voltage U7,8
13 Fuses F1 to F3

Instrument manual
Power supply for electrical machines

4.2 Functions

Safety shut-off

The device is equipped with a safety shut-off mechanism. This means that whenever the release inputs (3) are not
connected to each other the power supply cannot be switched on. If during operation this connection is broken, the
outputs are immediately turned off. In conjunction with the corresponding output of the STM brake (floating switch
contact) the power supply is immediately shut off as soon as the shaft guard is removed.
If the safety shut-off mechanism is not used, the two inputs have to be connected to each other directly.

Danger due to electric current

The inputs are connected to the mains– be sure to use safety measurement leads! Make sure that these
measurement leads are in flawless condition. When using a switch contact, make sure it is not connected to a
potential. Switches should handle at least 1A at 230 V.

Three-phase output

After the main switch has been actuated, mains voltage is applied to the safety sockets (2). The signal lamps indicate
whether voltage is present at the corresponding socket. The outputs are protected by a motor protection switch which
also serves as the main switch. The maximum current can be set to between 10 and 16 A.

Fixed DC voltage

A fixed DC voltage of 210 V is provided from outputs 5 and 6. This DC voltage is attained by rectification of UL3N. The
voltage is immediately present when the main switch is turned on and is protected by 10 A FF fuses. This voltage can
be used to supply power to the field winding.

Socket [7]: +
Socket [8]: -

Adjustable DC voltage

The adjustable voltage provided from terminals 9 and 10 can be switched on or off using a pushbutton switch. With
the aid of the voltage controller (2) the voltage can be set between 0 V and 250 V. The output voltage is regulated
and is thus largely independent of the load.

Socket [9]: +
Socket [10]: -

Please bear in mind that in this case a basic load must be connected (holding current for the thyristors).

The output current has a default setting ex-works of 10 A, but if needed it can be set to values between 0 A and 10 A
by using the voltage controller (4).

Instrument manual
Power supply for electrical machines

Electronic protective circuitry

In addition to the previously mentioned fuses F1, F2 and F3 (13), the output voltage at terminals 9 and 10 is also
protected by an electronic protective circuit. If the value of Imax set using the voltage controller (6) is exceeded, a
device-internal protective circuit is activated, which limits the current to the set value. The red LED (12) lights up. If
the current goes below the set value, the red LED Imax (12) automatically goes out.
If the set current is exceeded for a prolonged period or to a very great extent, the device switches off outputs 9 and
10. The red LED then flashes. After the error has been corrected, the device can be switched on again using the
ON/OFF button.

Should the green LED flash, please check fuses F1 to F3 and the supply voltage.

Instrument manual
Power supply for electrical machines

5 Commissioning

It is essential to take note of Section 2.1 Safety information on page 6

Before putting the equipment into operation, the experiment set-up should be complete and ready for use.

 Deactivate the safety shut-off (see section 4.2 Safety shut-off).

 Connect the power supply to the mains via a cable and the CEE-plug at the rear of the panel.
 Switch on the main switch (1). The mains voltage can be tapped at output sockets (3), and at sockets 7/8 there is
a DC voltage of 210 V.
 Turn the voltage controller (4) all the way to the left and press the ON/OFF-button. The adjustable 0…250 V DC
voltage is now available at outputs 9/10,. This voltage can be adjusted using the voltage controller. Set the
current limit so that the current remains small in the event of a fault.
 In order to switch off the DC voltage, turn the voltage controller all the way to the left and switch off the voltage
using the ON/OFF-button.
 The mains voltage and the fixed DC voltage are switched off by turning off the main switch.

Instrument manual
Power supply for electrical machines

6 Operation
6.1 Safety

It is essential to take note of Section 2.1 Safety information on page 6

6.2 Sample circuit

Sample of connections for three-phase motor

Instrument manual
Power supply for electrical machines

7 Maintenance and cleaning

7.1 Maintenance and customer service

It is essential to take note of Section 2.1 Safety information

The address for customer service can be obtained from your local dealer.

The address of the manufacturer is found in: Section “Name and address of manufacturer” on page 3

7.2 Spare parts

LUCAS-NÜLLE GmbH assumes no liability whatever for any damage caused by the use of spare parts or
accessories not supplied by us and any guarantee is thereby invalidated.
See the “Safety information” section on page 6

Ordering spares from LUCAS-


When ordering spares, please provide the following data:

 Article number
 Order number/delivery date
 Name of the spare part
 Number of spare parts required

The address for our spare parts sales department can be found in
Section “Name and address of manufacturer” on page 3.

Instrument manual
Power supply for electrical machines

8 Disassembly and disposal

8.1 Decommissioning

The specifications under “Safety instructions” on page 6 must be obeyed at all costs!
Non-compliance may result in:
Risks to life and limb of the operator or third parties,
Depreciation of the training system, of individual products or other equipment,

8.2 Disassembly and disposal


The equipment may only be disassembled by qualified personnel.


Components must be disposed of according to the regulations stipulated by the responsible legal authority.


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