Customer Satisfaction Level of Customer's of Amazon Company (1) 1

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Submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award

(Session 2022-2023)
(Affiliated to AKTU University Lucknow)

Submitted To : Submitted By:

(Director ) Roll No. 210174070038

Kishan Institute of Information Technology

(Affiliated to AKTU, University)

This is to certify that the report titled “CUSTOMER SATISFACTION LEVEL


JAIN Roll No. 210174070038., in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the

award of the Degree of Master of Business Administration, is a bonafide record of

the project work done by RACHIT JAIN of MBA, KISHAN INSTITUTE OF







This is to certify that the project report entitled CUSTOMER SATISFACTION LEVEL OF


University for the partial fulfillment of Masters Degree in Business Administration is an

outcome of genuine





I RACHIT JAIN undersigned, hereby declare the Project Report titled


AMAZON COMPANY” submitted in partial fulfillment of the award of degree

of master of Business admiration of a APJ Abdul Kalam technical University is a

bonafied report of work done by me Under the guidance of DR. AAKASH

CHABAQUE Assistant Professor of management KISHAN INSTITUTE


previously formed the bases for the award any degree, diploma or sommelier

tittle of any university .

Date :

Place :

Student Signature

Roll No. 210174070038


Through this acknowledgement I express my sincere gratitude towards all those

people who helped me in this project, which has been a learning experience.

This space wouldn’t be enough to extend my warm gratitude towards my


MEERUT for his/her efforts in coordinating with my work and guiding in right


I escalate a heartfelt regards to our Institution Director Dr. AAKASH

CHABAQUE and Head Of Department Mr. SANJAY KAUSHIK

for giving me the essential hand in concluding this work.

It would be injustice to proceed without acknowledging those vital supports I

received from my beloved classmates and friends, without whom I would have

been half done.

I also use this space to offer my sincere love to my parents and all others who

had been there, helping me walk through this work.

S.No. Particulars Page No.

 Project Home Page

 Student Declaration
 Certificate by H.O.D. & Faculty Guide
 Certificate by Reporting Officer
 Acknowledgement
 Preface
1. Executive Summery

2. Introduction

3. History

4. Company Profile

5. Research & Development

6. Objective of the study

7. Research Methodology

8. Swot Analysis

9. Data Analysis And Interpretation.

10. Findings

11. Recommendation Suggestions

12. Limitations

13. Conclusion

14. Bibliography

13. Questionnaire

Internet marketing involves the usage of the Internet to market and sell goods or services. In
this thesis I wished to seek answers for the following questions with the help of secondary
data obtained from the News Papers, Business Magazines, Online articles along with web,
email surveys and e-questionnaires taking into consideration consumer perspective, and see if
they are moved by the internet marketing done by the companies or not, and if they are, then
up to what extent. The survey results helped me in predicting the trends in Internet marketing.
The new millennium has brought us on the brink of the I.T. Revolution. This revolution has
been aided by the advent of the Internet in a big way. Internet is fast changing the way people
used to do things. Naturally, the same would have an impact on the advertisers. The Internet
has been accepted as the most powerful media for advertising due to the absence of
geographical barriers. The advent of the Internet and its subsequent acceptance has once
again challenged the traditional forms of advertising. Advertisers are trying to use the ‘net’ to
advertise their products and hence ‘net’ their customers. Thus, with the Internet gaining
prominence, advertising equations are fast changing we would like to study the impact of
Internet on advertising from the customers as well as advertisers point of view. There is no
question that the growth of Internet advertising is outpacing offline advertising. As more and
more companies realize the real value in advertising their goods and services online, they are
diverting funds from other forms of offline advertising to compensate. Consequently, the
market share of Internet advertising is continually growing while the market share of offline
advertising mediums stagnates or decline .At the current rate of growth, Internet advertising
has already overtaken radio advertising in spending and market share. While outdoor
advertising is also experiencing growth, it is not growing as rapidly as Internet advertising,
and Internet advertising has already overtaken it. Digital marketing involves the promotion of
products and services using digital distribution channels that reach consumers in a timely,
relevant, personal and cost-effective manner. Digital channels can have several categories,
such as the internet, mobile, digital outdoors, and any form of interactive digital media. Each
category has multiple digital tools / sub-channels that can support digital marketing. Internet -
Email, banner ads, dedicated websites, pop- up ads, sponsored content, paid keyword search,
podcasts, social networks, blogs, wikis, widgets.

Chapter 1

Online marketing also known as digital marketing, web marketing, and internetmarketing
or e-marketing is the marketing of products or services over the Internet. Internet marketing
is sometimes considered to be broad in scope because it not only refers to marketing on the
Internet, but also includes marketing done via e-mail and wireless media. Management of
digital customer data and electronic customer relationship management (ECRM) systems are
also often grouped together under internet marketing.Clearly, marketers are adding on-line
channels to find, reach, communicate, and sell. I-marketing has at least five great advantages.
First, both small and large firms can afford it. Second, there is no real limit on advertising
space, in contrast to print and broadcast media. Third, information access and retrieval are
fast, compared to overnight mail and even fax. Fourth, the site can be visited by anyone from
any place in the world. Fifth, shopping can be done privately and swiftly.Internet marketing
and e-commerce has marked its place in the world of technology. The success of any business
at present strongly depends on Internet marketing . Below gives a graphical view of how
online marketing can effectively be planned .

There are many sources of online marketing or Digital Marketing as described below:

Web Marketing:
Web marketing includes Web sites, Affiliated marketing Web sites, promotional or
informative Web sites, online advertising on search engines, and organic search engine

results via Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Internet marketing is sometimes considered to
be broad in scope because it not only refers to marketing on the Internet, but also includes
marketing done via e-mail and wireless media

Web Marketing

Social Media Marketing:

Social media marketing involves both advertising and marketing efforts via social networking
sites like Face book, Twitter, YouTube and Digg. This has come with a most useful source of
marketing as there are billions of people reach out these media and thus make possible to
reach the people anywhere in the world with , simple broadcasting of the product
advertisement takes no time to reach the consumers .Internet, but also includes marketing
done via e-mail and wireless media. Management of digital customer data and electronic
customer relationship management (ECRM) systems are also often grouped together under
internet marketing. Clearly, marketers are adding on-line channels to find, reach,
communicate, and sell. I-marketing has at least five great advantages.
Social Media Marketing

Email Marketing:

Email marketing involves both advertising and promotional marketing efforts via e-mail
messages to current and prospective customers. Email messaging has made possible to send
promotional messages to the email users acting as a quick mode of online product broad cast
over internet. Digital marketing for ecommerce applies traditional marketing principles to a
multichannel, data-driven environment. Digital marketing for ecommerce applies traditional
marketing principles to a multichannel, data-driven environment. Studying collaborative
research and the accessing of external sources of technology, Hummel found that in deciding
on business partners, it is important to make sure that both parties' business models are

Email Marketing
E-commerce Marketing:
E-commerce marketing is the process of driving sales by raising awareness about an online
store's brand such as Amazon, flip kart, snap deal and many other online product services,
product offering companies. Digital marketing for ecommerce applies traditional marketing
principles to a multichannel, data-driven environment.

E-commerce Marketing

Internet marketing is associated to various business models. It comprises of e-commerce

business model where goods and services are sold directly to consumers (B2C), businesses
(B2B) or from one consumer to other consumer (C2C).These business model are described
below. Studying collaborative research and the accessing of external sources of technology,
Hummel found that in deciding on business partners, it is important to make sure that both
parties' business models are complementary. For example, they found that it was important to
identify the value drivers of potential partners by analyzing their business models, and that it
is beneficial to find partner firms that understand key aspects of our own firm's business
model ,one being that it often depends on campaigns' abilities to invoke emotional responses,
rather than solely demonstrating value. Marketers with carefully designed World Wide Web
sites are already interacting computer to computer, with prospective customers or an
individual basis, much as ATM does in very primitive fashion
Business-to-customer (B2C):
Business-to-customer marketing refers to the tactics and best practices used to promote
products and services among consumers. B2C marketing differs from B2B marketing in a
number of key ways, one being that it often depends on campaigns' abilities to invoke
emotional responses, rather than solely demonstrating value.

Business-to-Business Model:
B2B (business-to-business) marketing is marketing of products to businesses or other
organizations for use in production of goods, for use in general business operations (such as
office supplies), or for resale to other consumers, such as a wholesaler selling to a retailer.

Customer-to-customer Model

C2C, or customer-to-customer, or consumer-to-consumer, is a business model that facilitates

the transaction of products or services between customers. An example of C2C would be the
classifieds section of a newspaper, or an auction.


16 was very nearly called “Cadabra”, as in “abracadabra”. Founder Jeff
Bezos rapidly re-conceptualized the name when his lawyer misheard the word as

Bezos instead named the business after the river reportedly for two reasons. One, to
suggest scale ( launched with the tagline with Earth’s biggest
bookstore”) and two, back then website listings were often alphabetical.

The logo began as an abstract river design. After a few design changes,
in 2000 the logo was re-imagined as the Turner Duckworth design we see today.

In the words of brand design agency, the smile and arrow say “we’re happy to deliver
anything, anywhere.
In an press release from the time, the retailer stated “a smile now begins
under the a and ends with a dimple under the z, emphasizing that offers
anything, from A to Z, that customer may looking to buy online”.

When introduced in the early ‘00s, the logo was sometimes animated with arrow
moving under letters, but it was mixed after some suggested the arrow looked a little,

Amazon River has the largest collection of flora and fauna in the world. Amazon Inc
will represent the largest collection of retail items on the internet. will appear in the first pages of the internet directory, making it easier to
attract users and customers.

 What was the first product
Amazon sold its first book from Jeff Bezos seattle area garage in July of 1995. The
book was Fluid Concepts & Creative Analogies: Computer Models of the
Fundamental Mechanisms of Thought. A Exclusive bookstore that became one of the
internet biggest success stories.

Amazon began its selling books online, across America and 45 others countries within
30 days. In two months scales reached to $200000 a week, growing faster than Bezos
can’s imagined.

Amazon grew out of CEO Jeff Bezos’ desire to build an” everything store”. It was an
idea he’d discussed at length with his former boss, David Shaw.

As Brad Stone describes it in his 2013 book, also called “The Everything Store”,
Bezos’ and Shaw’ goal was to build “an Internet company that served as the
intermediary between customers and manufacturers and sold nearly every type of
product, all over the world”.

Finally, there were 3 million books in print, which was a lot more than a bookstore
like Barnes and Noble could stock.

Amazon began broadening its horizons beyond books in 1998, when it bought the
companies Junglee and Corporation and Planet All.

When Amazon opened to the public in 1995 according to The Los Angeles Times, it
billed itself as “The Earth Biggest Bookstore”.
 Danger of selling on Amazon
Right Now, selling on Amazon is too easy. All you have to do is find the product with
good margins, list it on Amazon, and it will eventually sell because Amazon’s audience
and reach is so vast. Sales and revenue might be great right now, but things can turn on
a dime and you have to make sure you have a fall back plan just in case because
Amazon doesn’t really care about you.


If you do a little Google searching, you can easily find stories of Amazon entrepreneurs
losing their businesses practically overnight. But as with any thing on the internet, we
like to take everything we read with a grain of salt.

After all, the seller could have sold counterfeit goods or violated Amazon stumps of
services and got banned for legitimate reasons.

The threat of getting banned is quite real, can happen unexpectedly, and often times can
be out of one’s control. In fact, the number 1 threat of getting your Amazon seller
account revoked is by getting a string of negative feedback on product quality policy

Amazon policy always favors’ the buyer in all most all cases. And savvy customers are
well aware that customer can bypass return shipping fees by stating their arrived
damaged or that it did not match the listing.


Even if you sell your own branded product’s on Amazon doesn’t mean that you get to
set your own prices. Every day Amazon, deploys an army of computer bots who crawl a
scrap other websites for product and pricing info.

If Amazon determines that your products are priced to high, they may take away or buy
box which will basically kill your sales. In addition, if you have previously priced your
goods at low prices during a lightning deal or a sale, Amazon may not let you raise your
prices back up to where they were prior to the sale depending on their algorithm.


There are 2 ways to sell on Amazon. One, you can sell as a 3 rd party vendor where you
control your products, inventory and listing.

3rd party selling is by far the most desirable way to sell on Amazon today because you
have full authority over your listing and your marketing.

The other way to sell on Amazon is as 1 st party seller on vendor central. As an Amazon
vendor, you sell your goods directly to Amazon at a wholesale price that they set and
you have zero control over anything.

Colleagues of mine who have converted products over to Vendor Central in the past
have all had terrible experiences where Amazon totally destroyed their products listings
and their sales.

There have been reports of Amazon forcing popular vendors to convert from being 3 rd
party sellers to 1st party sellers.


Earlier in the year, Amazon employees in China and India were caught selling
confidential information regarding 3rd party sellers on Amazon. And this information
was used to give independent merchants an advantage over others on the sale.

Dirty sellers are also buying Amazon vendors central accounts on the black market to
gain access to others people’s product listings.

Bottom line, Amazon is growing so quickly that it’s wild west out there. There is mass
corruption everywhere and it’s tough for Amazon to control


One day, he was checking up on his listings when he noticed that products from our
online store were being listed on Amazon without my permission. When he took a
closer look, he discovered that a seller under the name “bee” had stolen all our product
photos and all of our product descriptions and were selling our items on Amazon!!!

They literally ripped everything off! They stole their photos, our verbiage and even our
products numbers. It was wholesale piracy on a large scale with over 400 SKUs.

When we sent an email to Amazon, they sent us an automated response asking us for
documentation on each and every product to show proof that we owned the photos and

To put together a through response would have taken a ton of work and time and we
were unable to get a human to take care of this for us. Fortunately, we politely reached
out to the vendor and they took everything down without a fight.

While it’s for a customer to file a complaint on a seller, it’s much harder for a seller to
file a complaint against another seller. Be aware!
While getting all of your products copied and stolen doesn’t happy very often, there is
rampant piggy backing of Amazon listings happening all the time.

Even if you sell a private labeled product under your own brand and ASIN on Amazon,
there is nothing stooping Amazon seller from piggy backing on your listings and
undercutting you on price with a counterfeit item.

For example, let’s say I sell linen napkins that are clearly labeled with my brand and
label. An unscrupulous seller could sell poorer quality linen napkins under my same
Amazon product number and undercut me on price even though it’s not the same item.

In the worst case scenario, a customer might buy this counterfeit product, be unsatisfied
with the quality and leave bad feedback on my product even though it’s counterfeit!

The best way to fight this is to actually purchase the product yourself as the customer
and then file an A to Z complaint against the fraudulent seller.

Unfortunately, this process is a major pain in the butt and Amazon has been known to
take its time before taking action.


In just the past few years, Amazon has become such a cutthroat marketplace that
unscrupulous sellers have been purposely trying to sabotage their competitors. As a
result, most sellers are hush hush about their product and never talk about their winners
in the public.

In fact Amazon is so competitive today that if you have a product that is even mildly
successful, you will eventually get piggybacked by multiple sellers if you haven’t been

Here’s a sampling of some of the insidious activities that are happening on the platform
right now:

Evil strategy #1: Tying up all of your inventory

First off, they buy all of your inventory to steal the buy box. Then they sell your exact
same goods on the same Amazon listing and on EBay.

Finally at the end of the season they return the excess inventory!

I wish that there was a good way to combat this but there’s nothing you can really do
except to be wary of any large order that you receive and to contest any large returns

Evil strategy #2: Changing your product photos
If you are an Amazon seller who has not registered your brand (which now requires a
trademark) you need to be very careful about others seller changing out the photos on
your listings. Here’s what sucks: when someone changes the photo on you listing, you
don’t even get a notification! So the only way to know that this happened is to
constantly watch your listings like a hawk.

Basically, a competitor will have someone buy your product and then leave you
negative feedback claiming that your product is counterfeit or fake.

Amazon’s bots will then take notice of these “trigger keywords” and immediately ding
your account.

Evil strategy #4: Leaving false positive feedback on your products

Now you would think that getting a bunch of positive reviews on your listings would be
a good thing.

But because Amazon’s have been cracking down on sellers who buy 5 star reviews,
Amazon now has algorithm in place to detect unusual spikes positive review activity.

If your listing all of sudden gets 100 5-star reviews, Amazon will detect this anomaly
and instantly suspend your account.

Evil strategy #5: Orchestrating multiple returns and

simultaneous negative feedback
If you have too many returns or too many bad feedbacks on your products in a
short period of time, you risk getting your product or account suspended.

For Example:

 Order defect rate of less than 1%

 Negative feedback less than 6%

 Customer response time less than 24 hours

 A return rate of less than 3%

Can you believe that a little more than two decades ago, Amazon was still one man, a light
bulb idea and a home garage?

Circa 1994, Jeff Bezos began working on a business plan (yes, in his garage) for what would
eventually become the largest internet retailer in the US. In 1995, the company made its
official debut.

Since then, a lot has changed.

The marketplace that originally started as an online bookstore now produces consumer
electronics, cloud computing services and the world’s most competitive delivery services —
and these elements don’t even reach beyond the tip of Amazon’s iceberg.

Now well past its 20th birthday, Amazon is going stronger than ever. Here’s a look at (some
of) the marketplace’s most memorable moments for first- and third-party sellers:

The Year-by-Year Evolution of Amazon

1994: (yes, as in “abracadabra”) is built by Jeff Bezos in his garage, located in
Bellevue, Washington.

“Cadabra” is quickly dumped in favor of “Amazon” after Bezos’ lawyer reveals he misheard
the original moniker as “cadaver.” Bezos decides to go with a more authoritative name —
referencing the largest river basin in the world — to suggest the business’ scale. (Its launch
tagline was “Earth’s biggest bookstore.”)

Amazon bumps its employee count to 11 and moves out of the garage and into a small
warehouse — its second official headquarter

Amazon issues its initial public offering (IPO) of stock at $18 per share.

Amazon’s appetite grows, resulting in its takeover of multiple companies — including, and

Amazon’s online shopping platform secures the national spotlight when Time magazine
name Bezos its “Person of the Year”

Amazon updates its logo, introducing the curved arrow pointing from A to Z that the world
recognizes today. Meanwhile, the marketplace begins offering free shipping on orders over
$100 and opens to third-party sellers.

Amazon turns its first profit — $5 million (1¢ per share) on revenues of more than $1 billion.

Amazon Web Services (AWS), a platform for developers to include features of
into their own sites, launches.

Amazon launches Search Inside the Book — a feature allowing customers to hunt for
keywords in the full text of books listed on

Amazon’s consumer electronic sales surpass book sales for the first time.
Amazon Prime, the company’s now-overwhelmingly popular membership program, is born.

Amazon launches Amazon Simple Storage, an online storage service.

Several new services make their debut: Amazon Fresh, a home grocery delivery service;
Amazon Music, Amazon’s online music store; and Amazon Kindle, the now-famous e-

Amazon releases a paid search feature called Product Ads to allow advertisers to drive
Amazon traffic back to their own websites.

AmazonBasics, a private-label product line primarily consisting of consumer electronics
accessories, launches.

For the first time, sales of Kindle eBooks outnumber sales of printed books.

This is the year Amazon launches the Subscribe & Save program to offer discounts on items
delivered monthly. It’s also when the Kindle Fire comes on the e-commerce scene.

Amazon eclipses Google as the place more people start when searching for products.
Meanwhile, Amazon Supply (now known as Amazon Business), launches as an online
marketplace for industrial and scientific goods.

Amazon Art launches as an online marketplace for original and limited-edition fine art from
select galleries.

Prime Pantry, a delivery service for dry goods and non-perishable groceries for Prime
members, gets its start. Prime members in Manhattan are given access to one-hour delivery.

Amazon turns 20! In celebration of the milestone, the company rolls out the Dash Button and
launches Prime Day. On a quieter note, Amazon also starts to roll out Seller-Fulfilled
Prime to increase the number of items eligible for Prime two-day shipping.

Amazon’s private label line expands to the consumer packaged goods (CPG) and fast moving
consumer goods (FMCG) categories.

Amazon Prime Day sets a new record, with sales growing by more than 60% compared with
2016. The marketplace makes even more headlines when it announces the acquisition of
Whole Foods. Additionally, features including Amazon Stores and coupons are introduced to
help third-party sellers connect with more customers.

Continued rapid-fire growth, which has now reached 100 million Prime members, leads
Amazon to buy land for its growing fleet of cargo jets.

And the expansion continues. Amazon has fast become one of the most critical components
of successful online selling — one that requires a robust strategy to ensure you’re taking full
advantage of the marketplace giant’s many options for both 1P and 3P sellers.
How Amazon aims to help women in India achieve
their goal of working in technology.

 AmazeWIT will offer talks, leadership and mentoring sessions, as well as panel
discussions to inspire women to attain their professional goals.

 The percentage of women in technology is low compared to their counterparts, and

this trend has been on for decades. Several tech companies have been trying hard to
increase the percentage of women in technology, but the percentage is still low. The
reason is, women join companies as technologists but switch to other roles soon, or
just leave the company due to societal pressures—marriage and family.

 Amazon is also focused on increasing the percentage of women in technology. It has

launched AmazeWIT—Amazon Women in Technology Conference 2017—in
Bengaluru. The conference aims to help women who seek a career in technology or
those who are already in the technology sector.

 The conference will offer a host of talks, leadership sessions and panel discussions to
mentor and inspire women to achieve their professional goals.

 The conference will see the presence of some renowned women in technology, which
will extend their knowledge and insights to the women participants. There will also be
discussions on the roadblocks specific to women professionals.

 Some of the senior women leaders present in the conference will be – Colleen
Aubrey, VP of advertising business, Amazon; Aparna Nandyal, senior development
engineer, Alexa Comms; Laura Grit, senior principal engineer; Sandra P, vice-
president, HR at Amazon; Libby Johnson McKee, director- recommerce; and other
industry leaders.  

 Speaking about the conference, Raj Raghavan, director, human resources, APAC,
Amazon said “Women today are leading innovation and transformation across
verticals and industries. In fact, in our Endeavour to be the world’s most customer-
centric company, we see women leaders as an integral part of our mission. Through
AmazeWIT, we aim to showcase their great work and throw light on the many
opportunities that lie in store for women to build a promising career”.

 Around 350 women technologists from external companies and 100 senior women
technologists from Amazon have registered for this conference.
The conference is geared towards women who are considering a profession in
technology, or those already flourishing in the sector. It is aimed at inspiring women
to achieve their professional goals and be a guiding light for other women, through a
host of talks, leadership sessions, panel discussions, and mentoring opportunities.

The event provides an opportunity to extend knowledge and insights from renowned
women in technology to the community. The conference will also revolve around
networking and discussing the roadblocks that are more specific to women

The conference will give an opportunity to many women to engage and gain insight from
senior women leaders in the industry such as Colleen Aubrey, VP of advertising business,
Amazon; Aparna Nandyal, senior development engineer, Alexa Comms; Laura Grit, senior
principal engineer; Sandra P, vice-president, HR at Amazon; Libby Johnson McKee, director,
returns and recommerce; along with other key industry leaders.

The conference has received registrations from almost 350 women technologists in external
companies, while about 100 senior women technologists from Amazon are also participating,
Raghavan said.

 Prohibition to sell on Amazon

Today, the Amazon Marketplace sells more than 600 million products, but there is definitely
a lengthy list of restrictions on what you can and can’t sell to consumers.

Some products are banned for obvious reasons like endangered animals, explosive devices, or
human remains (gross!)

But what about baby formula, antique coins, or surveillance equipment?

It gets even more complicated when we start talking about selling in categories such as
makeup or dietary supplements (the list of restrictions is pretty astonishing in these verticals).

If you’ve ever had to ask yourself – can I sell this on Amazon? We’ve got the ultimate list of
what you are restricted to sell on the Marketplace today.

List of product you can’t sell on Amazon


Amazon doesn’t necessarily restrict all types of alcohol (for example, there’s some
exceptions for wine) but keep in mind if you supply alcoholic products for sale on Amazon,
you must comply with all federal, state, and local laws and Amazon policies applicable to
those products and product listings.

Permitted Listings include:

 Wine sold by pre-approved sellers

 Wine and beer making kits and products that do not contain alcohol

 Alcohol-related accessories and products, including corkscrews, decanters and


 Alcohol-related memorabilia and collectibles that do not contain alcohol

Prohibited Listings include:

 Alcoholic beverages (except from pre-approved wine sellers)

 Liquor licenses
 Any product marketed for customers over 21 years of age

 Any product that encapsulates raw alcohol

Animal and Animal products

Permitted Listings:

 Live shellfish and crustaceans

 Live insects and worms used for agricultural purposes, bait, or pet food

 Products made to resemble prohibited animal parts or products, but which are not
made from those animals. If the listing includes a clear title and description that the
item is not genuine; for example, faux tortoise shell is permitted if the listing states the
item is fake or artificial.

 Animal parts or products that are not otherwise restricted, such as:

 Shark teeth jewelry

Prohibited Listings:

 Animal feces

 Most live creatures, such as: pets, livestock, or marine mammals

 Illegal wildlife products

 Fish or wildlife that are taken, possessed, transported, or sold in violation of the Lacey

 Insects or other creatures designated as “plant pests”

 Parts or products, including fur and feathers, from federally endangered or threatened

Art- Fine Art

According to Amazon, whether you’re selling an edition of lithographs, 18th century oil
paintings, or contemporary mixed media work, accurate data is crucial to discoverability and
sales in Amazon Fine Art.

Providing a clear and concise listing while following a consistent format will better inform
customers and enhance discoverability of your art.

For this category in particular, sellers are required to obtain approval from Amazon before
listing in this category.

Permitted Listings:

 One of a kind paintings, watercolors, drawings, and two-dimensional mixed


 A print or photograph in a limited edition with the following requirements:

 In an edition of 200 or less

 The only edition of the work published in that size (the same image can also
have editions of up to 200 in other sizes)

 The prints should be numbered (X/XX) and signed, or accompanied by a

certificate of authenticity signed by the artist and stating the number of the
print (X/XX)

 Artist proofs or color test proofs (CTP) are allowed for editions of less than
 Secondary-sale works (artwork with a sales history): Works must be
authenticated by the seller; the seller must have proof of purchase or title for
the work and provide it to the buyer; listings should include provenance (with
sales history) where applicable.

 Ex-libris prints are qualified for the site, but they must have a named artist, be
hand-signed or numbered and from an edition of less than 200.

Prohibited Listings:

 Three dimensional artwork, such as sculptures

 Textile or anthropological or archaeological-based art (for example, Navajo blankets

or Arts and Crafts textiles )

The following types of artworks do not qualify for the Amazon Fine Art category:
 Artwork without a named artist

 Artwork that is a mass-produced or commercial work that has been hand-painted (also
called “brush to canvas”)

 Artwork that was created as a reproduction of an existing work; the artist did not
deliberately make more than one version of the same artwork (such as artist Edvard
Munch did with The Scream) even if there is a named artist or the artwork otherwise
meets the requirements above.

 Giclée print on canvas

 Promotional posters or advertisements even if they otherwise meet the requirements


 Artwork in a limited edition that consists of any of the following:

 Estate signed or estate editions

 Plate signed editions

 Creative Commons images or editions: CC

 An edition of over 200, even if numbered and hand signed or otherwise meeting the
requirements above

 Open editions, even if hand signed or otherwise meeting the requirements above

 Products related to art, but that are not artworks themselves (for example, books about
or containing art, posters of artwork, artwork printed on clothing, and decorative
mouse pads)

Art- Home Décor

Permitted listings:

 Exact replicas or reproductions of artwork if the listing includes the word

“reproduction” in the title and the description

 Genuine artwork for which the seller has and can provide evidence of authenticity

 Artwork for which the seller clearly and prominently discloses its condition,
alterations and conservation or repairs in the listing description

Prohibited listings:

 Unauthorized copies or reproductions of artwork that violate any copyright or


Automotive and Powersports

Permitted listings:

 New catalytic converters that are certified to conform to the Clean Air Act standards

 New tires

 Automotive batteries

 Portable fuel containers certified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Prohibited listings:

Motor vehicles that are required to be registered

Photo blocker sprays or license plate covers designed to block detection by red light cameras,
toll both systems, police cameras, and other photo detection sources

Products intended to defeat, bypass, or shut down emission control devices, including oxygen
simulators and CAT, DPF or EGR delete kits

Products intended to override malfunction indicator lights

High-intensity discharge (HID) conversion kits

Used tires

Products intended to affect traffics signals

Products designed to intentionally block, jam, or interfere with licensed or authorized radio
communications, such as:

Cell jammers

GPS jammers

Laser jammers

PCS jammers

More Amazon restricted items

 Offensive and Controversial Materials

 Organic Products

 Pesticides

 Plants, Plant Products, and Seeds

 Postage Meters & Stamps

 FBA Prohibited Products exceptions

 Recalled Products

 Recycling electronics

Future Plans of Amazon

Amazon's ambitious projects for the future

Now valued as a trillion-dollar company, Amazon has grown from humble beginnings as a
modest online bookstore into a global e-commerce and cloud colossus – and you ain't seen
anything yet. Seemingly intent on world domination, the Seattle-based company has a whole
bunch of projects in the pipeline that will make your jaw drop. Join us as we take an eye-
opening look at what Amazon plans to do next.

Cashier-free stores
Waiting in line at the grocery store could soon become a thing of the past thanks to Amazon.
In January 2018, the company opened up its cashier less Amazon Go convenience store in
Seattle to the general public.
Cashier-free stores
Amazon has launched a further two stores in Seattle this year, which are doing a roaring
trade, and cashier-free convenience outlets are planned for several major US cities, including
New York, Chicago and San Francisco, with more likely in the future.

Cashier-free stores
The 'Just Walk Out' stores are fitted with sensors and cameras, and use deep learning
algorithms and other state-of-the-art technologies to monitor customers' purchases, which are
relayed to an app and charged to the relevant Amazon Prime account.

AI-powered home robots
In April, Bloomberg revealed that Amazon is working on a top-secret project that could
really shake things up: a next-generation smart robot for the home that will be powered by
artificial intelligence (AI).

Amazon wants AI-powered Alexa to be a constant companion, with you 24/7 to help run your
life and keep you company. Just imagine. No matter where you go on the planet, Alexa will
be there to call upon.

Amazon is stone-cold serious about making Alexa ubiquitous and inescapable, and is
spending millions to ensure you're never out of reach of the voice assistant.

Earlier this month, Daniel Rausch, the vice-president of Amazon's Smart Home division,
announced that Alexa has been integrated in 20,000 devices, up from 4,000 devices in
January. That's quite a jump.

As well as speakers, laptops and other gadgets for the home, Alexa is also finding her way
into offices, hotels, cars, you name it. That soothing voice is set to get a whole lot more
familiar to millions of people around the world. Be that as it may, Amazon faces especially
stiff competition from Google and Apple, which have their own hugely popular voice
assistants, and may find it that bit harder to dominate this particular market.

Fleets of delivery drones

Amazon has been hyping up its Prime Air drone delivery service since December 2013 when
CEO Jeff Bezos mentioned the firm's exciting plans to develop the concept during a 60
Minutes interview with Charlie Rose.

for years now, but now intends to take the healthcare side of the business to the next level.
Amazon Tap

The first Amazon Echo device to be discontinued by Amazon without a replacement, the
Amazon Tap was a mobile version of its ultra-popular Alexa-enabled smart speakers.

Amazon stopped selling the device near the end of 2018, and its product page on tells the customer: “This device is no longer available however, Certified
Refurbished tested and certified to look and work like new.”

But as Amazon puts Alexa functionality in nearly everything, a portable device probably isn’t
as useful.

Instant Pickup

In 2017, Amazon debuted a new way to pick up items within minutes of ordering them,
calling it Instant Pickup.

Customers could order items such as snacks, drinks, and basics essential from the Amazon
app and use a barcode to access their purchase at designated Pickup locations. An Amazon
employee would fill an Instant Pickup locker within minutes of the order being placed.

However, Amazon pulled the plug on the service, a company spokesperson confirmed to
Business Insider in 2018. The Company did not specify when the service ended.

Amazon Tickets

Amazon Tickets launched in 2015 in the UK, a market with fewer exclusive contracts than in
the US, potentially giving the retailer to muscle in. It closed by 2018. A planned rollout in the
US was also cancelled in 2017. However, Billboard reported in 2018 that a new ticketing
program could relaunch in 2019.

Whole Foods 365

Whole Foods, a wholly- owned subsidiary of Amazon, announced earlier this year that it
would not be moving forward with its Whole Foods 365- branded stores.
These stores were designed to cater to younger shoppers with aisles full of budget-friendly
private-label goods.

Business Insider’s Harley Peterson reported in January that the brand would carry the 365
name. The company cited a diminishing price difference between 365 stores and regular
Whole Foods stores as a reason for the change.

Online marketing has following core objectives:

1. Establish a Presence
2. Build Visibility
3. Generate Sales
4. Increase Revenue
5. Build A Brand
6. Improve Local SEO

Establish a Presence

Remember the old adage, “You only get one chance to make the first impression?”There is
more truth in this than many realize. When building a website or a landing page or your Face
book page, consider the fact that your presence online might be the very first impression that
people have of you. How much more then do you want that impression to be the best? From a
content perspective, the words on the page really have to say something. Bring meaning, and
resonate like you live in their closet. When you know your market and whom you serve, it is
easier to say exactly the right things that draw them in. Do not skimp on your image. Invest
like you did on that first date. Remember how upset you got because those five hairs were out
of place and would not get in line? That passion is what is needed to build a great presence.


A great presence doesn’t make you visible. People need to know that you are out there. This
often gets neglected. In talking with our friends at EBWAY, we learned that their number one
complaint from their clients is that their website doesn’t do anything. We have heard similar
stories from Matt Weeden MWDWeb and Rob Riggs at YDO.

It is work to get in front of folks. Blogging is a great example. The more blog posts you write
the more indexed pages that Google creates. This really makes you visible. Also, do not
neglect SEO. Yes, it takes a while, but it pays off in building your brand. It’s a must have.
Many people are still trying to figure out how to use Social Media, and the bottom line is that
you simply have to roll up your sleeves and commit.


Revenue must be there, right? It is amazing how many people do not enter into online
marketing with a plan for growing sales from their efforts. Even establishing goals would be
helpful. Once you set your basic objectives, you can develop a solid plan that includes critical
milestones, the timeframes associated with those milestones and how you plan on achieving it
all. This will help control your spend and allow you to throttle up or down your online
marketing efforts.The Internet is a great tool for building that trust, because it has a wide
reach and allows you to directly connect with individuals. Social media is particularly useful
when building a brand, because it allows companies to create and post with a more personal

Increase Revenues

The primary goal of any marketing strategy is ultimately to increase revenue, and Internet
marketing is no exception. Thankfully, the Internet provides plenty of opportunities for every
business to improve their bottom line.

By combining search engine optimization, or SEO, with pay-per-click ads, or PPC, your
company can improve the chances that potential customers find you online. And with
strategies like content marketing and social media marketing, you can position yourself as an
expert in your field who also cares about your clients.

Build A Brand

Internet marketing objectives often include building a brand. This means not only
establishing your logo and company name in the minds of consumers, but also what your
company stands for. Well-known brands are typically trusted more by customers, especially
when paired with positive associations. The Internet is a great tool for building that trust,
because it has a wide reach and allows you to directly connect with individuals.
Social media is particularly useful when building a brand, because it allows companies to
create and post with a more personal feel.  Organizations have discovered that this kind of
brand-building can be fostered by the use of social media channels such as Face book,
Twitter, Instagram and Interest.  In addition to organic posts on these sites, companies can
build brand recognition by paying for advertisements and placements.  This takes patience on
the part of the organizational leaders, because trust and loyalty are developed over many
months, and sometimes years.  The key is to stay focused on the results.

Improve Local SEO

Many small businesses, as well as companies focused on increasing sales in specific

geographic region, focus much of their marketing efforts on improving their local SEO. This
means optimizing various elements on their sites in order to attract local customers who are
looking for the services they provide.

Although the number of searches that include both your industry and your town or city is
undoubtedly lower than those that just specify a product or business type, those searches tend
to generate much more qualified traffic. If a user is already looking for businesses where you
are, chances are high that they’ll be willing to come to your physical location.


The 8 Types of Market Research

Market research can help you solve problems and reduce the risk of making important
business decisions. Discover the 8 types of market research you can conduct to identify and
solve any business challenges.

1. Brand Research
2. Campaign Effectiveness

3. Competitive Analysis

4. Consumer Insights
Customer Satisfaction Research

Customer Segmentation Research



Problem Statement for small business owners
Small business owners should employ Internet marketing to compete successfully in a
business environment (Eida & El-Gohary, 2013). As of August 2011, 78% of U.S. adults and
95% of U.S. teenagers use the Internet (Zickuhr & Smith, 2012). Ninety-two percent of adults
use search engines to find information, 91% use e-mail, 71% use the Internet for buying
products, 64% use social networking sites, and 61% bank online (Zickuhr & Smith, 2012).
Businesses that are choosing not to leverage Internet marketing risk losing competitive
advantage since some consumers search for information and make purchases online. The
general business problem is that small business owners often face challenges with using
Internet marketing to promote products or services. The specific business problem is that
some small business owners lack knowledge on how to develop and implement an Internet
marketing strategy

3 problem of internet marketing and how to around

navigate them
Launch your market research survey
1. Problem: The Security-Leary Consumer
I was scammed by a pair of teenagers shortly after I moved into a new neighborhood. They
said they were selling magazine subscriptions in order to get money for their own business
start-ups as a means to escape their current conditions. Naively, I agreed to help them out and
purchased three one-year subscriptions. When four months passed and my magazines still
hadn’t arrived, I realized they never would. I tried calling the number on my receipt only to
discover that the company was non-existent. The following year when another young man
knocked on my door with the same story, I knew better and asked him to leave. Lesson
learned. Although my experience was minor in comparison, today cases of identity theft and
online scams are all too common; thereby making many individuals hesitant to view the
internet as a consumer landscape. Rather, these people look to the internet as a means to
obtain information, while preferring to conduct their business in a more traditional setting –
such as a physical store or office.

Solution: Understand the consumers fear and address it head-on.

People work hard for their money and the thought of losing all of one’s life savings due to
identity theft is scary. Those of us who have shopped online know that the ease and

accessibility of internet consumerism can be the perfect complement to our fast-paced lives.
The challenge of web-based companies is to unite these two factors and reassure new clients
that safety precautions are available to make online transactions secure. Educate your clients
about ways they can protect themselves as online consumers. For example, remind them that
they should only enter their personal information in a secure domain (a web address
beginning with https:// as opposed to https://). Always use secure and reliable web hosting
providers instead of low quality bargin hosting solutions. When your client sees that you care
about their identity protection and financial security, they will be more willing to conduct
business with you and utilize your online services.

2. Problem: The Competition

Like a beauty queen at a Miss America pageant, your company is constantly vying for the
judges’ attention – but in this case the judges are potential clients. For every service you
offer, chances are, there are thousands of companies that offer the same in return. Why
should a client choose company A, when they can go with company B? Let’s face it, the
internet is a hodgepodge of information and enterprise, and every company wants to be the
chosen one. If I am anything like the average consumer, I perform a Google search for the
service I need, glance at a website or two and make a decision. Some people don’t even look
a website. Instead they just call the first business that pops up in the search results.

Solution: Learn how to capture a client’s attention.

Business possibilities on the internet are endless and if you want to succeed, you must learn
the art of capturing a client’s interest. This can be as simple as knowing your target audience
inside and out and marketing towards them specifically. If you own a company that is selling
all things newborn, don’t waste your marketing efforts advertising with antique collector
websites. It may sound logical, but have you sat down and pinpointed which sites are directly
related to the services you provide? Choose websites which will maximize exposure to your
core audience. You must make strategic decisions when it comes to internet marketing to
always stay one step ahead of your competition. In the case of baby novelties, try PPC
marketing campaigns on sites like or Once you have a clear
vision of who your client is, you can adjust your marketing efforts accordingly, and are much
more likely to attract valuable business.
3. Problem: Instant Information

Try this: Go to and pick a story. It can be anything. For example, I just
picked “Apple” under the “Top Stories” section and instantly had access to the same stories
that were written seven hours ago, and were still being updated to as recent as 13 minutes
ago. Interesting, right? Now ask yourself this: How often does your company update its
marketing efforts? With the level of competition among online businesses, chances are some
company somewhere that is in direct competition with you, has updated their marketing
information within the past thirty minutes. This is a fundamental challenge for companies
who want to stay on top of their game, but cannot dedicate 100% of their resources to
constantly updating information.

Solution: Commit to your marketing efforts.

Try to dedicate one hour a week towards updating and re-assessing your internet
marketing goals. This ongoing dedication will ensure to all clients who visit your website,
that you are committed to providing them with accurate, up-to-date information and that you
are a competitor in today’s market. This can be as simple as posting a new blog once a week,
or updating your Twitter or Facebook status. By being an active participant within the
internet community, you will demonstrate that you are well aware of all of the trends going
on within your market, thereby, gaining consumer confidence. A good content management
system will help you to achieve this goal.

Rationale of the study

Internet Marketing in its simplest terms refers to the marketing and selling of goods and
services using the Internet as the sales and distribution medium. The current project on
innovative marketing strategies aims to understand the concept of online marketing; study as
to how much online marketing has penetrated in the market place; gain insights about
functioning of online marketing; study the benefits of online marketing for the businesses as
well as the customers and explore the future prospects of online marketing.
The report concludes that internet has opened up new avenues for reaching the consumer. It is
true that there is never a fixed way or strategy that a marketer can use to market its products
and services on the internet but it is still very much an arena where creative thinking can take
the company reach new heights. Thus we can say that marketing has not changed its shape. It
is the same, unpredictable, unusual and creative field that needs constant change and open

inputs that can work wonders for the company,study the benefits of online marketing for the
businesses as well as the customers and explore the future prospects of online marketing.

7 P'S Of ONLINE Marketing are presented below diagrammatically with description

7 P'S Of Internet Marketing are as described below:-

1. Product:

Product on the Internet usually changes form online, and the user experiences it
electronically, in the form of text, images and multimedia. Physical goods are usually
presented in the form of a detailed online catalogue that the customer can browse through.
Technology allows the user to virtually touch and feel the product on the Internet - rotate it,
zoom in or zoom out and even visualize the product in different configurations and
combination. It will rather be on the uniqueness of the product. To be able to attract the
customers and retain them, the company will have to provide nouvelle and distinct products
that forces the net users to purchase and come back for more.

2. Price:

Price has been drastically changed over the Internet. It lets the buyer decides the price. Also it
gives the buyers information about multiple sellers selling the same product. It leads to best
possible deal for the buyers in terms of price. Pricing is dynamic over the Internet.Many
Internet marketing firms don’t provide Internet marketing pricing on their websites. At
Webpage, we believe our clients deserve a detailed listing of what our prices include. No
games. No hidden fees. Accurate pricing for our Internet marketing services based on years
of experience.Whether you’re looking for SEO, link building, or social media pricing, our
website offers Internet marketing pricing options in a range of plans to suit your specific
marketing approach. Internet marketing prices are intended to match your needs so that you
get what you pay for and maybe a little more.

3. Place:

Place revolves around setting up of a marketing channel to reach the customer. Internet
serves as a direct marketing channel that allows the producer to reach the customer directly.
The elimination of the intermediate channel allows the producer to pass the reduced
distribution cost to the customer in the form of discounts.

4. Promotion:

Promotion is extremely necessary to entice the customer to its website, as there are currently
more than one billion web pages. Promoting a website includes both online and offline
strategies. Online strategies include search engine optimization, banner ads, multiple points
of entry, viral marketing, strategic partnership and affiliate marketing. Presently, the
cyberspace is already cluttered with thousands of sites probably selling similar products. The
report concludes that internet has opened up new avenues for reaching the consumer. It is true
that there is never a fixed way or strategy that a marketer can use to market its products and
services on the internet but it is still very much an arena where creative thinking can take the
company reach new heights

5. Presentation:

The presentation of the online business needs to have an easy to use navigation. The look and
the feel of the web site should be based on corporate logos and standards. About 80% of the
people read only 20% of the web page. Therefore, the web page should not be cluttered with
a lot of information. Also, simple but powerful navigational aids on all web pages like search
engines make it easy for customer to find their way around.
6. Processes:

Customer supports needs to be integrated into the online web site. A sales service that will be
able to answer the questions of their customers fast and in a reliable manner is necessary. To
further enhance after sales service, customers must be able to find out about their order status
after the sale has been made.

7. Personalization:

Using the latest software it is possible to customize the entire web site for every single user,
without any additional costs. The mass customization allows the company to create web
pages products and services that suit the requirement of the user. A customized web page
does not only include the preferred layout of the customer but also a pre selection of goods
the customer may be interested in.

How can companies use this model?

Companies can use the 7Ps model to set objectives, conduct a SWOT analysis and undertake
competitive analysis. It's a practical framework to evaluate an existing business and work
through appropriate approaches whilst evaluating the mix element as shown below and ask
yourself the following questions:

 Products/Services: How can you develop your products or services?

 Prices/Fees: How can we change our pricing model?

 Place/Access: What new distribution options are there for customers to experience our
product, e.g. online, in-store, mobile etc.

 Promotion: How can we add to or substitute the combination within paid, owned and
earned media channels?

 Physical Evidence: How we reassure our customers, e.g. impressive buildings, well-

trained staff, great website?

 People: Who are our people and are there skills gaps?

 Partners: Are we seeking new partners and managing existing partners well?.

The 7Ps helps companies to review and define key issues that affect the marketing of its
products and services and is often now referred to as the 7Ps framework for the digital
marketing mix.

To understand the business model of AMAZON and end to end process of getting a seller onboard.

1. Managing the onboard sellers.

2. Bringing new sellers as AMAZON clients by motivating them to do business with the

3.To know the consumer behaviour in offline and online market.



Online marketing refers to a set of powerful tools and methodologies used for promoting
products, business, brandfactory,household businesses and services through the Internet. 
Online marketing includes a wider range of marketing elements than traditional business
marketing due to the extra channels and marketing mechanisms available on the Internet. 

Online marketing can deliver benefits such as:

 Growth in potential
 Reduced expenses
 Elegant communications
 Better control
 Improved customer service
 Competitive advantage

Research problem
This study focuses on following problems

 Should companies integrate various marketing tools to communicate about its brand?

 How do consumers get awareness about different brands?

 How online marketing plays important role in companies’ marketing strategy?

 What are the reasons for growing popularity of online marketing among consumers?

 How is online marketing advantageous over traditional marketing?

Research Methodology
The first step is to formulate a research design. This means planning a strategy of conducting
research. It is a detailed plan of how the goals of research will be achieved. Research design
is exploratory, descriptive and/or experimental in nature. After collecting and analysis of the
data, the researcher has to accomplish the task of drawing inferences. In the present study,
researcher has followed Descriptive research. Descriptive research is usually a fact finding
approach generalizing a cross - sectional study of present situation. The major goal of
descriptive research is to describe events, phenomenon and situations on the basis of
observation and other sources through survey :
Survey Method:
 The survey method is the technique of gathering data by asking questions from people

who are thought to have the desired information. Every effort should be made to state

the objectives in specific terms.

 The survey design can be defined as: “gathering information about a large number of

people by interviewing a few of them

 The definition can be modified by stating that collecting information with other data

collection alternatives available to survey researcher in addition to interviewing i.e.

questionnaire, personal observation etc.

 Surveys are conducted in case of descriptive research studies with the help of

questionnaire techniques in most appropriate manner. Survey type of research studies

usually have larger sample. It is concerned with conditions or relationships that exists,

opinion that are held, processes that are going on effects that are evident or trends that

are developing. Thus in surveys variables that exist or have already occurred are selected

and observed. It is the example of field research.

 The major goal of descriptive research is to describe events, phenomenon and

situations on the basis of observation and other sources through survey :

Exploratory research study is also termed as formative research studies. The main purpose of
such study is that of formulating a problem for more precise investigation orof developing a
working hypothesis from an operational point of view. The major emphasis of such studies is
of the developing of discovery of idea and insight.

A Sample Design is a definite plan for obtaining a sample from a given population. It
Refers to the technique to the procedure adopted in selecting items for the sampling designs
are as below:
Types of research study (pending)

The substantial portions of the target customer that are sampled to achieve reliable
result are 100.
Online Shoppersof India

 Non-probability sampling method : Convience Sampling

 Percentage analysis

 Tabulation

 Graphical

 Average mean

The study was conducted by the means of personal interview with respondents and the
Information given by them were directly recorded on questionnaire. For the purpose of
analyzing the data it is necessary to collect the vital information.

There are two types of data, this are-

 Primary Data

 Secondary data


 Primary Data

Questionnaire method

 Secondary Data

 Books

 Journal

 Website


Data Analysis

Tools Use For Data Analysis Of Online Marketing

With the increasing internet literacy, the prospect of online marketing is increasing in
India.Theconsumers indulging in online shopping consider many factors. If companies
analyze the factors affecting consumer behavior towards online shopping and the
relationships between these factors and the type of online buyers, then they can devise
effective marketing strategies to convert potential customers into active ones, while retaining
existing online customers. This project is a part of study, and focuses on factors which online
Indian buyers keep in mind while shopping online.

This research found that information, perceived usefulness, ease of use; perceived enjoyment
and security/privacy are the five dominant factors which influence consumer perceptions of
online purchasing. With the increasing internet literacy, the prospect of online marketing is
increasing in India. The consumers indulging in online shopping consider many factors. If
companies analyze the factors affecting consumer behavior towards online shopping and the
relationships between these factors and the type of online buyers, then they can devise
effective marketing strategies to convert potential customers into active ones, while retaining
existing online customers. This project is a part of study, and focuses on factors which online
Indian buyers keep in mind while shopping online.
This research found that information, perceived usefulness, ease of use; perceived enjoyment
and security/privacy are the five dominant factors which influence consumer perceptions of
online purchasing.
The two perspectives that seek application of its knowledge are micro and societal
Perspectives. The micro perspectives involve understanding consumer for the purpose of
helping afirm or organization to achieve its objectives. The people involved in this field try to
understand consumers in order to be more effective at their tasks. Whereas the societal or
macro perspective applies knowledge of consumers to aggregate- level faced by mass soar
society as a whole. The behavior of consumer has significant influence on the quality and
level of the standard of living.
Throughout the project we will see that how Kemrock Industries and Online Shopping Study
consumer behavior. How they approach in the new market, what are the problems faced by
them while accepting local culture and customs, how they compete with the local competitors
how they respond to the customers’ behavior towards their products and services. I have
developed a survey indicating online shopping behavior and acceptance among customers in
Online Shopping In India:
It is a fact that a great online shopping revolution is expected in India in the coming
Years. There is a huge purchasing power of a youth population aged 18-40 in the urban
If we observe the growth of Internet Subscribers from the above graph, it is getting doubled
year by year. The usage of internet in India is only 4% of the total population. This is also
getting increased day by day as the costs of computers are decreasing and net penetr action is
increasing. The micro perspectives involve understanding consumer for the purpose of
helping firm or organization to achieve its objectives. The people involved in this field try to
understand consumers in order to be more effective at their tasks. The cost of internet usage
is also getting lower, with good competition among the providers. Wi-Fi &Wimax system has
also started in India. According to Miyazaki and Fernandez (2015), perceived risk affected
consumer online purchasing behavior negatively. They also found that Internet experience is
negatively related to the existence of concerns regarding the privacy and security of online
purchase and the perceived risks of conducting online purchases.
The behavior of consumer has significant influence on the quality and level of the standard of
living. Throughout the project we will see that how Kemrock Industries and Online Shopping
Study consumer behavior.
Factors That Boost Online Shopping in India:
Rapid growth of cybercafés across India access to Information the increase in number of
Computer users reach to net services through broadband middle-class population with
Spending power is growing. There are about 200 million of middle- class population good
spending powers. These people have very little time to spend for shopping. Many of them
have started to depend on internet to satisfy their shopping desires.

Factor Influencing Online Shopping Behavior:

There are a lot of researches about online shopping. Most studies intended to investigate
factors affecting consumers' purchasing behavior on the Web. Swaminathan,Lepkowska-
White, and Rao (2014) referred vendor characteristics, security of transactions, content for
privacy, and customer characteristics as factors influencing electronic exchange.
Wolfinbarger and Gilly suggested that consumers purchase and shop online with both
reasons: goal-oriented and experience-oriented. According to Miyazaki and Fernandez
(2015), perceived risk affected consumer online purchasing behavior negatively. They also
found that Internet experience is negatively related to the existence of concerns regarding the
privacy and security of online purchase and the perceived risks of conducting online
purchases. Donthu and Garcia (2015) proposed that risk aversion, innovativeness, brand
consciousness, price consciousness, importance of convenience, variety-seeking propensity,
impulsiveness, attitude toward adverting, attitude toward shopping, and attitude toward direct
marketing would influence online shopping behavior and found that among them, age,
income, importance of convenience, innovativeness, risk aversion, impulsiveness, variety-
seeking propensity, attitude toward direct marketing, and attitude toward advertising were

factors influencing online shopping behavior. Li, Kuo, and Russell (2015) found that
"Consumers who make online purchase perceive the Web to have higher utilities in
communication, distribution, and accessibility than those who do not make online purchases,
and frequent online purchases perceive higher utility than occasional online purchasers" and
"Consumers who make online purchases consider themselves more knowledgeable about the
Web as a channel than those who do not make online purchases, and frequent online buyers
consider themselves more knowledgeable than occasional online buyers." According to
Jarvenpaa, Tractinsky, and Vitale (2016), perceived size, perceived reputation, trust in store,
attitude, and risk perception would be factors affecting online purchasing behavior.
Considering the prior studies, this study selected several factors below in order toexplain
what influences consumer online purchasing behavior.

- Demographics (Age, Income, Gender, and Education)

- Perceived Risk

- The Reputation of Retailers

- Consumer Orientations (Convenience-oriented and Experience-oriented)

- Price

Consumer choice behavior in online and traditional supermarkets:

The effects of brand name, price, and other search attributes Are brand names more valuable
online or in traditional supermarkets? Does the increasing availability of comparative price
information online make consumers more price-sensitive? We address these and related
questions by first conceptualizing how different store environments (online and traditional
stores) can differentially affect consumer choices. We use the liquid detergent, soft margarine
spread, and paper towel categories to test our hypotheses. Our hypotheses and the empirical
results from our choice models indicate that: (1) Brand names become more important online
in some categories but not in others depending on the extent of information available to and
Consumer’sbrand names are more valuable when information on fewer attributes is also
Available online. Sensory search attributes particularly visual cues about the product to be in
(e.g., paper towel design), have lower impact on choices online, and factual information also
(i.e., non-sensory attributes, such as the fat content of margarine) have higher impacton
choices online. (3) Price sensitivity is higher online, but this is due to online promotions
being stronger signals of price discounts. The combined effect of price and promotion on
choice is weaker online than offline.

Analysis Objective

 To find out the factors affecting the online shopping behavior.

 To study the behavior of online shopping

 To study the factor important while using the Online shopping.

 To study the Satisfaction level of Online shopper.

Research design specifies the methods and procedures for conducting a particular study.The
main purpose of such study is that of formulating a problem for more precise investigation or
of developing a working hypothesis from an operational point of view. A research design is
the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of thedata in a manner that aims to
combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure. Research design is
broadly classified into three types as

 Exploratory Research Design

 Descriptive Research Design

 Causal Research Design

Data Analysis And Interpretation


1. Last time made a purchase over the internet.The study was conducted by the means of
personal interview with respondents and the information given by them were directly
recorded on questionnaire.For the purpose of analyzing the data it is necessary to collect the
vital information.

According to survey Last time made a purchase over the internet
9 respondent says that
last week,17 says last 15days,34says last month and 40 says last year. Items have you
purchase on the internet.The study was conducted by the means of personal interview with
respondents and the information given by them were directly recorded on questionnaire. For
the purpose of analyzing the data it is necessary to collect the vital information.

According to survey 80% respondent has purchased ticket while 8% preferred clothing. Other
like Books 10%, Video games 25%, electronic equipment18%Computer& software12% and
music 20%.

3. Mode of payment
According to survey 27 respondents make payment through Credit cards, 10 Debit cards, 8
Online Bank transfer and 55 online cash payment out of 100.

Factor affecting online shopping:

4. Information about product and Services

Average Score of respondent = (10*1+16*2+3*18+4*24+5*32)/100=352/100=3.52

According to all score, it can be interpreted that information about product and service is a
Important factor while using online shopping.

5. Time saving

Average Score of respondent = 350/100 =3.50(same as early calculate)

According to this score, it can be interpreted that time saving can be consider as an important
factor while using online shopping. The study was conducted by the means of personal
interview with respondents and the
Information given by them was directly recorded on questionnaire. For the purpose of
analyzing the data it is necessary to collect the vital information.
6. Convenience

BumAccording to this score, it can be interpreted that convenience in online shopping is an
importantfactor.The study was conducted by the means of personal interview with
respondents and the information given by them were directly recorded on questionnaire.For
the purpose of analyzing the data it is necessary to collect the vital information.

6. Delivery time and mode of payment

According to this score, it can be interpreted that Delivery time And mode of payment in
online shopping is an important factor
 87% respondent said that they have idea to purchase Online shopping product by Flipkart

and AMAZONl but 13% respondent have no idea to purchase Online shopping product.

 77% respondent said that they purchase Online shopping product by Flipkart and AMAZONl

but 23% said no.

 23% respondent said that TV advertisement help to decide to purchase Online shopping

product , 36% personal recommendation, 11% special offer, 17% radio advertising, 7% news

paper and 6% said that word of mouth is help to purchase Online shopping product.

 25% respondent said that they saw Online shopping advertisement weekly, 33% monthly,

25% daily, 17% said none.

 57% respondent said that they purchase branded good 23% purchasing local goods, 11%

only gathering information and 9% others reason.

 32% respondent said that quality attract to purchase product, 49% economy and 19%

respondent said taste is attract to purchase product of Online shopping

 Maximum respondent satisfied with product range of Online shopping but 9% respondent

no satisfied.

 71% respondent said that product range is changed the customer satisfaction and 29 said


 89% respondent said that they suggest to other to purchase of Online shopping product but

11% said no.

 7% respondent rate poor for performance of Online shopping product, 23% satisfactory,

27% fair, 21% good, 13% very good and 9% respondent rate excellent.


 The brand loyalty for more Online shopping can be increased if the Quality and
appearance of the products are given due attention because Samsung has captured a major
share of Leather market.

 The switch over of the customers can be prevented if more of new products are launched
more frequently like woodland which launches new products with slight variations from
the previous.

 Quality wise very good but it still needs improvements.

 The most selling milk product should be given schemes like some discounts offer like
Diwali bumper sale offer.

 Consumers should be educated on online shopping procedures with proper stepsto be

following while online shopping.

 Transactions should be safe and proper security should be assured to the people
making online purchases.

 Government should play a pivotal role in encouraging online shopping

 E-marketers must give a thought to secure, time saving, information about product
and services factors when they design there online product strategy.

 The study highlights that convenience, accessibility, scope, attraction, reliability,

experience and clarity are the important factors considered by the online shopper.

 Usage of internet includes the consumer’s purchase of product as well as theconsumer

intention to secure for product related information while experiencing the new

 People were not ready to fill in the questionnaire

 Many of the surveyed people did not reply all the questions.

 The time period given for study was very limited.

 The sample size was very small which is may not represent the entire population

 of Indian women.

 Many of the people did not even know the working of a computer


 The most preferred product of online buying is travelling tickets and clothing remains
the least preferred choice of online shoppers.

 Among the payment options, Payment on delivery through cash in the safest choice of
payment, while credit card are next preferred choice, online bank transfer is least
preference choice.

 Online shoppers seek for clear information about product and service, timesaving,
convenience, security and delivery on time are all important factor for online
shopping. The offers with punch lines “Attractive offers” do not attract online

 Most of the consumers who have experienced online shopping are very satisfied.


 Book: The Art of Digital Marketing by IAN DODSON

 Book: Digital Marketing by VANDANA AHUJA

 WILLIAM G. ZIKMUND,(Business research method) , published by THOMSON,


 S.A. CHUNAWALA , (Foundation of advertising), Himalaya publishing house , 2008

7th edition

 The Michael Jordan phenomena, journal of advertising research. Indian streams

research journal- Dr. G.l.pedhiwal.


www.flipkart .com




Respondent’s details
Name: ______________________________________(optional)

Gender:  Male (   )   Female   (   )

Student   (   )
Service    (   )
Self employed   (   )
Age: Between 18 to 25   (   )
Between 25 to 35   (   )
Between 35 to 45   (   )
Contact detail ;_________________________________(optional)
(Please tick √ in the box besides option/s matching your response)

Q1.Which of these websites have you already used or visited?

(Several answers possible)
*For the Respondent - The different possible answer choices are presented in random
I have never used or visited any of these websites

Q2.Where do you mostly use the Internet?

At home
At work
Other, please specify:

Q3.What is your main purpose for using the Internet?

Q4.How much do you spend on average for Retail shopping per month in GBP (High
Street / Malls etc)?
£0 - £30
£30 - £90
£90 - £120
£120 +

Q5.How much do you spend on Online shopping per month in GBP (Website
I never buy online
£0 - £30
£30 – 90
£90 - £120
£120 +

Q6.How would you rate your Internet connection?

Very good

Q8.What type of Internet Connection do you use?

Mobile devices
Other, please specify:
Q9.What is your favourite E-commerce website? and Why?

Q10.How often do you visit



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