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The International HR Professional


“What factors influence people management in an international context as

opposed to a domestic context”?

The international human resource management process includes a range of distinct

HR activities. Organizations are exposed to a variety of threats that can have a
significant effect on how they operate (Briscoe et al, 2016). As a result,
managing staff both within and throughout country boundaries is a major part of the
domestic management. There is indeed a narrow choice of integrated HR duties in
this case, and the amount of operational risks is modest (Dowling et at, 2017).
Organizational behaviour has been examined between cultures and countries to
obtain a greater knowledge as to how management, leaders, clients, and suppliers
act around the world so that they can enhance their personal productivity (What is
human resource, 2022). Understanding the differences between domestic and
international HR management is crucial to successfully manage both the parent and
hosting countries' expectations and customs. In several legal and economies system
around the world, HRM is a challenging problem to address (Dowling et at, 2017).

Factors of Law and Politics:

The legal and political systems of several nations are in change. Recruitment,
training development, salary, and dismissal, and a variety of other human resource
activities have all been influenced by government regulations. HR rules and
legislation varies in nature and complexity between nations. Employment follows the
same principles at all stages. In several nations, legislation dealing with work
discrimination and sexual harassment have been enacted. Many workplaces may
permit discrimination based on moral beliefs and religious. This all suggests that HR
experts must conduct extensive research into the country's politics and labour laws
before going back to work abroad (Whatishumanresource, 2022).
Economic Factors:

The current situation of an economy is among the most critical factors affecting
International HR activities. This has an impact on the capability group and the firm's
contracting capability. The approach for equipping the firm for economic
circumstances is to know what is happening in the nation's broad surrounds and to
prepare for when there is a financial downturn. Every organization can survive in a
bad economy if it has an emergency savings or a strategy to deal with the
circumstance. Different countries have different economic markets. A few even
pursue a sort of socialism that has since faded. In China, for example, socialism is
the legal monetary sector. The government, meanwhile, depends on jobless and
funding cuts to reduce overstaffed government contracts as component of its aim to
shift towards a more integrative system. Most advance countries embrace
international investors to create jobs for their citizens. Employment expenses in
these countries are typically substantially lower than Europe, Japan which is the
locations where global firms typically conduct business. Exchange rate volatility and
revenue transfer limitations may make it difficult for emerging-market enterprises to
achieve significant gains. Likewise, political turmoil can result in a situation where the
advantages of outside enterprises are exploited. Furthermore, countries with
unsteady economies are still unable to update and maintain vital facilities such as
energy and college and road (Whatishumanresource, 2022).

Cultural factors:

Culture is made up of various societal factors that form person ’s behaviour, beliefs
and values (Gregory, 2018). There are numerous cultural distinctions across nations,
as well as within countries. It may be difficult to bring individuals from various or tribal
groupings together in some nations. There may be changes in how individuals
conduct ethically based on where you reside. Employees who work for big
businesses come from a variety of cultures, thus they might notice variances in how
each person behaves, thinks, acts, and values things. Management gets a difficult
time interacting with individuals from diverse cultures. There are indeed a variety of
cultures that must be studied about. Working collaboratively gives people knowledge
to understand more about one other's languages and cultures. It maintains
employees engaged in the company and helps them to assist one another in
achieving organisational goals. There are several aspects to culture, which are listed
beneath (Whatishumanresource, 2022).

Distance Of Power:

The power distance is a measurement of how desirable it is for persons in an

organisation to have differing amounts of authority. However, whether a nation's
culture is founded on power dynamics that result in unfairness for its citizens. The
reactions of administrative authorities in various cultures can be quite diverse.
Differences in culture in this aspect could have an impact on HR work. Several
countries operate in a much more assertive manner (Whatishumanresource, 2022).


Individualism is also another well-known aspect of the culture. Residents in some

nations are more inclined to respond as themselves instead of as members of a
group. Those in Asian nations are much less individualistic in this regard, whereas
Americans are much more individualistic. Because of these distinctions, experts
assumed that nations with lower individualism are likely to collaborate and have
small interpersonal disputes (Whatishumanresource, 2022).

Femininity and Masculinity:

The cultural component femininity and masculinity extent to which man worth are
prioritised above women values. Goal clarity, accomplishment, competitiveness, and
etc were among a man's characteristics. Female 's values were living standards,
deep close connections, and compassion. The greatest male traits ratings were
given to Japanese participants, whereas the greatest feminine traits ratings were
given to Dutch survey participants (Whatishumanresource, 2022).

Avoidance Of Uncertainty:

Controlled instead of uncontrolled settings are preferred by the citizens of

many countries. This level demonstrates that laws could be established in both
formal and informal situations, and explicit standards could be established for how
individuals should operate. This enables a group of nations to become more
adaptable in their operations. Due to the differing in this section, it could be utilised to
predict how people form foreign cultures will respond to organisational changes.
Whenever a nation is more adaptable, doing something might be more fascinating
and challenging, leading to more danger and innovation than when it becomes more
inflexible (Whatishumanresource, 2022).

Long-Term Visioning:

Values that are much more worried about such as the past, present or the future are
referred to as long-term orientation. Heritage and social responsibilities are brief
values, while conserving and attentiveness are lengthy virtues.


Briscoe, Dennis R., Tarique, Ibraiz.; Schuler, Randall S (2016). International human
resource management: policies and practices for multinational enterprises. 5th ed.
New York, NY: Routledge. p13-88.

Dowling, Peter J. Festing, Marion, Engle, Allen D. (2017). DIFFERENCES

International human resource management. 7th ed. Hampshire, England: Cengage
Learning. p4-10.

Gregory S. Nelson (2018). The Analytics Lifecycle Toolkit: A Practical Guide for an
Effective Analytics Capability. New York: Newark: John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated.

International Labour Organization. (2022). About the ILO. Available:

https://www.ilo.org/global/about-the-ilo/lang--en/index.htm. Last accessed 09 March

What is human resource, (2022). Human Resource Management - What is HRM? -

Definitions - Functions - Objectives - Importance - Evolution of HRM from Personnel
management. [Online] Available at:
https://www.whatishumanresource.com/humanresource-management. Last
accessed 09 March 2022.

What is human resource, (2022). Factors Affecting Global HR Management. [online]

Available at: https://www.whatishumanresource.com/factors-affecting-global-
hrmanagement. Last accessed 09 March 2022.
“Discuss the employment rights problems in one African country of your

Ghana employment issues with labour rights:

Employee rights would never be maximised in a capitalist system since there is an

inevitability uneven division of power among managers, who make decisions, and
workers who followed instruction, according to labour process theory (Braverman,
1974). Worker's rights are described as the right to demand equitable treatment from
their employment. Consequently, women in Ghana are mainly uneducated, a
problem that is worsened in rural areas. Ghana has a youth unemployment rate of
21 present and a level of employment of under 53.7 (Passport, 2022). This problem
will be exacerbated by the fact that huge governmental and private sector
investments, job possibilities stay restricted. Joblessness in Ghana is caused by a
variety of factors such as education, and this while it may assist reduce illiteracy, it
also runs against to current economic interests. It concentrates on theoretical
knowledge instead of the skills that are required in the job. Youth poverty and
unemployment in general is a severe political concern in Ghana and several African
countries, considering Ghana's excellent growth rate. Joblessness has a
significant detrimental influence on young people, even though it impacts individuals
of different ages.

Gender discrimination:

Discrimination in the workplace affects most people worldwide. It has not only

breached a fundamental people right, it also has broader economic
and social implications (ILO, 2022). Historically, women in Ghana have engaged in
crop production instead of top commercial products like cocoa. Consequence,
women involved in agriculture have been negatively affected, and recent gains in
cocoa costs, for instance, this has not been as advantageous to them (ILO, 2022).
As a result of inequality, female average salaries particularly in the informal
employment are smaller, and women in the formal employment have less prospects
for advancement. The significant poor learning between women is among the most
significant descriptive causes for discrimination. On the other hand, it could be a
good predictor of gender inequality in the family and in the society (FAO.ORG,
2022). In Ghana, young female is likely to have less employment rate than young
men. Several labour contracts, especially those pertaining to medical protection and
other forms of remuneration have been found to include a form of gender bias.
Fathers of male workers were extensively shared by the company's medical
insurance, but husbands of female worker were not included.

Work force:

According to ITUC (2022), young people in Ghana have a higher likelihood of

unemployment and will likely receive limited wages. Between the ages of 15 and 35,
half of Ghana's population lives. People enter the employment with various levels of
learning and almost no work history, which makes it hard to find profitable and
proper employment. Because of inability to find appropriate salaries and worthwhile
employment after graduation, young people are in danger to become a cause of
social difficulties, dispute, and political disruption. Young people face specific
challenges in acquiring entry to labour market opportunities, which diminishes their
chances of finding work. Youths’ incompetent of job market experience makes it
difficult for them to find productive and a proper job that pay good wages.  
Additionally, individuals are more concerned about losing their employment during
economic downturns. Youth lack of development leads to not only estrangement but
also generational hardship. Another fascinating aspect of Ghana's unemployment
levels trend is that youthful joblessness is greater among the intelligent (Trading
economics, 2022).

Child Labour:

The UN “convention on the rights of the Child”, ratified by 193 countries in 1989, is
an internationally binding treaty that protects child's social, political, economic,
and cultural rights. Approximately 215 million children worldwide are child workers,
according to (ILO), and are involved in projects which should be prohibited. There is
limited trustworthy information on the details of child workers in West African cocoa
farms. Several juvenile laborers, meanwhile, lift very large loads, use hazardous
instruments such as hatchets, and handled toxic fertilisers and pesticides (The
Guardian, 2022). Children are seriously harmed by this type of practise. Moreover,
young workers are frequently denied the equal opportunity to learn permanent or
temporary, restricting their potential development and compromising their career
(OECD, 2022). Ghana considers children labour to be a serious problem.
Regardless of the economic growth, regional socioeconomic difficulties are the
primary drivers of children labour in Ghana. Socialising has likely the
main recognised factor of child labour. About 21 percent of Ghanaian kids aged of 5
and 17 engage as child labourers, including 14 percent operating in dangerous
conditions due to inadequate work practices (Statista, 2022). This is twice as
common in rural regions as it is in metropolitan settings. It is hard to ascertain how
often youngsters are impacted by the serious kinds of child labour, such as
trafficking, and prostitution given the present situation of child labour in Ghana.
Although there are no credible figures on the count of trafficking and most victims are
youngsters and primarily young girls (U.S. Department of labour, 2022).


It is suggested that professional and educational institutions should be given more

attention. Several young unemployed people wandering around cities, unable to
seek employment since they lack the necessary skills to secure a job. Educating
individuals with knowledge would help toward relieving this issue. To support the
work force, a programme should be established.


Braverman, H. (1974). Labour and Monopoly Capital. Ithaca: Monthly Review Press.

Guardian. (2022). Cadbury faces fresh accusations of child labour on cocoa farms in
Ghana.1 (1), p1. Available at:

FAO.ORG. (2022). Gender Inequalities in Rural Employment in Ghana. [Online]

Available at: https://www.fao.org/3/ap090e/ap090e00.pdf. Last accessed 09 March
International Labour Organization. (2022). Equality and discrimination. Available:
https://www.ilo.org/global/topics/equality-and-discrimination/lang--en/index.htm. Last
accessed 09/03/2022.

International Labour Organization. (2022). National Labour Law Profile: Ghana.

[Online] Available at: https://www.ilo.org/ifpdial/information-resources/national-
labour-lawprofiles/WCMS_158898/lang--en/index.htm. Last accessed 09 March

“Explain the problems caused by remote working and how they can be
Remote working entails being away from the company office. It does not always
imply that they work at home, but it does for most employees. The modern workforce
is no longer limited to the constraints of a single office. Individuals’ capacity to
operate worldwide was impeded by the COVID-19 outbreak. Both firm and the
employees had to devise new methods for directed work activities during the
shutdown. For some businesses, the reality that most employees currently work
remotely is not enough. Several people working from home do not have a separate
desk, therefore, they mix their professional and personal life (Monica et al, 2022).

Source: https://www.ventureharbour.com/remote-work-challenges-solutions/.

Managing Project:

Numerous of authors have noted that developing a structured methodology in project

management which will assist management, experts differentiate between projects,
select suitable management styles for various projects, and techniques is
essential. Team must adjust their style to the challenges and problems they face
(Pinto and Morris, 2004). Managing on huge projects and coordinating multiple
teams can be challenging. When individuals are not paying full attention in their work
environment and engagement, task management might be difficult. This is especially
true for large projects and groups. Most firms deal with several challenges when
workers work from multiple places. Managing operations and working from
home when the workforce is dispersed is a problem with working remotely. It is easy
for workers to make their own judgments and implementing organisational
communication standards, such as communicating essential employability activities.
There are tools for almost every difficulty that a remote team manager might face.
Company could implement project management software in possible to allocate work
and monitoring individual performance.

Isolation and loneliness:

Working remotely and distributed teams are inescapable because of globalisation

(Ehsan et al, 2008). Large firms struggle to place all their personnel in physical areas
caused by an increase of employment compared to recruiting (Timmerman and
Scott, 2006). In remote, distance and loneliness are the most serious concerns.
Several industries are in rural locations, putting individuals at danger in the event of
a calamity. Because an absence of social interaction could result in bad impact on
performance and motivation. Working from home does not mean getting shut off
from your co-workers or leadership. It is best suggested that individuals begin to
work at workspaces or tea shops to feel more connected to the rest of the world.
Visit seminars at the community recreation facility to engage small teams.
Employees have difficulties as a result of the solution's combination of high hazard
and isolation. Whereas working remotely helps a company to employ great people
from around the world, it also creates a time zone issue. It necessitates the
employment of specific methods. A corporation that has never deployed remote
workers might struggle to develop and formulate strategies, and their organization's
software may need to be updated.

Communication difficulties:

Communication is a major difficulty for people that work from home. Because they
live in different places, remote workers may quickly feel out of contact with their
organisation if they are unable to interact in person. When employees were only a
few desks apart, communication can become normal. Employees today face
challenges because of organizational tools. Few company rarely upgrade to newer
models when their gadgets are still working (Margrethe, 1983). It is best suggested
that Individuals can engage more efficiently with the help of communication tools
such as virtual meetings or text messaging. Working remotely necessitates high
tech, and it should be accessible to workers (Clement, 2022).

As discussed above, centralisation thrives in the absence of confidence among

management and remote workers, degrading workers' productivity. Employees
would be allowed to navigate more quickly and effectively. It can be difficult to meet
new individuals and deal with their characteristics. When management decentralises
the business environment, it boosts job satisfaction and performance. Corporations
must deal with challenges that arise because of people working from different


Aaron Brooks. (2021), 10 Common Remote Work Challenges (+ Solutions).

Available at: https://www.ventureharbour.com/remote-work-challenges-solutions/.

Ehsan, N., Mirza, E. and Ahmad, M. (2008), August. Impact of computer-mediated

communication on virtual teams’ performance: An empirical study. In 2008
International Symposium on Information Technology (Vol. 3, pp. 1-8). IEEE.

Monica Molino, Emanuela Ingusci, Fulvio Signore, Amelia Manuti, Maria Luisa
Giancaspro, Vincenzo Russo, Margherita Zito and Claudio G. Cortese. (2020).
Wellbeing Costs of Technology Use during Covid-19 Remote Working: An
Investigation Using the Italian.

Margrethe H. Olson. (1983). Remote office work: changing work patterns in space
and time. 26 (3), p1-6. Available at:

Moss Clement. (2022). 5 Remote Work Project Management Challenges and How to
Fix Them. Available: https://thriveglobal.com/stories/5-remote-work-project-
management-challenges-and-how-to-fix-them/. Last accessed 19/04/2022.

Pinto, J.K. and Morris, P.W. (2004). The Wiley guide to managing projects. New
Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
Timmerman, C.E. and Scott, C.R. (2006). Virtually working: Communicative and
structural predictors of media use and key outcomes in virtual work teams.
Communication Monographs, 73(1), pp.108-136.

Translation of the Technostress Creators Scale. 15 (12), p1-2. Available at:


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