Ms Gaudia (Validation)

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College of Hospitality & Tourism Management

Burgos Street, Bacolod City,

Negros Occidental, Philippines 6100
Tel. (034) 434 45618 local 140

November 11, 2022

Ms. Nicka Gaudia,CTP,MSHM

HM Faculty
College of Hospitality Management
STI West Negros University

Dear Ms. Gaudia,


Currently, together with my co-proponents, we are conducting a research study entitled


In this regard, we will need your assistance regarding the validation of survey instrument
attached. With your expertise, we humbly ask for your assistance to assess the items of the
instrument by rating each item as 5-Excellent, 4-Very Good, 3-Good, 2-Fair and 1-Poor. Please
indicate your response into the attached validation instrument using the criteria developed by
Carter V. Good and Douglas Scates.

We are looking forward that our request will merit your positive response. More power
and God Bless!

Respectfully yours,

Bautista, Ralgie Egay,Beverly,

Proponent Proponent

Espanola, Jycil Tinsay, Lady Dianne Rose

Proponent Proponent

Noted by:
Mr. Andrew James Oyo,CHP, PHD
CHTM Research Coordinator
Validation of Survey Instrument
Using the criteria develop for evaluating survey questionnaire set forth by Carter V. Good and Douglas B.
Scates, a jury of experts have evaluated the self-made survey instrument specifically for this study.

Rating: 5 – Excellent 4 – Very Good 3 – Good 2 – Fair 1 – Poor

Criteria for Validity Jury 2 Verbal interpretation

1. The questionnaire is short enough that the respondents

respect it and it would not drain much of his precious

2. The questionnaire is interesting and has fair appeal such

that the respondents will be induced to respond to it and
accomplish it fully.

3. The questionnaire can obtain some depth to the responses

are neither to superficial answers.

4. The items/questions and neither alternatives response is

neither too suggestive nor too unstimulating.

5. The questionnaire can elicit responses, which are definite

but not mechanically forced.

6. Questions/items are stated in such way that the responses

will not be embarrassing to the person/persons concerned

7. Questions/items are formed such in a manner to avoid

suspicion on the part of the respondents concerning
hidden responses in the questionnaire.

8. The questionnaire is not too narrow nor restrictive or

limited in its philosophy.

9. The respondents to the questionnaire when taken as a

whole could answer the basic purposes for which the
questionnaire is designed and therefore considered valid.


Juror’s Signature over printed name:

Ms. Nicka Gaudia,CTP,MSHM

Interpretation Guide JURY 2

Mean Score Interpretation

4.21-5.00 - Excellent
3.41-4.20 - Very Good
2.61-3.40 - Good
1.81-2.60 - Fair
1.00-1.80 - Poor
Survey Questionnaire

Dear Respondents,


As the matter of course requirements of being Tourism Management major, we are to

conduct a research entitles “AGRI-TOURISM: CHALLENGES AND IMPACTS OF
BANANA FARMING TO LOCAL COMMUNITY”. The purpose of this study is to
determine the level of challenges and impacts of banana farming to local communities in La
Castellana . In order to attain the objectives of the study, relevant data shall have gathered using
in survey questionnaire to be conducted among the residents of La Castellana. We are pleased to
inform you, that you are selected to be one of the participants of the study. However, your
participation in this study is voluntary. It is up to you to decide whether or not to take part in this
study. If you decide to take part in this study will be asked to sign consent as provided below.
After you’re signing you are still free to withdraw at any time and without giving a reason.
Withdrawing from this study before data collection is completed; your data will be returned to
you or destroyed. Attached is the survey questionnaire for your reference. You are free to ask
question/s or clarify matter/s with the proponents concerning part of the entire content of the
survey questionnaire. Rest assured that your names will be treated with utmost confidentiality
expect that the study will be presented to a panel of evaluator for approval and grading. Thank


Bautista Ralgie Egay Beverly

Espanola, Jycil Tinsay, Lady Diane Rose


I have read and understand the provided information and have had the opportunity to ask
questions. I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I am free to withdraw at any
time, without leaving reasons and without cause. Fully understanding the purpose of this study
and the importance of my participation to attain its objective, I voluntarily agree to take part of
this study.
Participants Name and Signature: Date:

Part I Respondents Profile

Instructions: Please indicate your answer to the space provided and put a check mark (✓)
on the box that corresponds to your answer.

Name (Optional): ________________________________________ Age: ________

Sex: Male Female prefer not to mention

Educational Attainment:

Grade School High School Level

High School Graduate College Level

Others (Please Specify): ________


Government Officials
Non-Government Officials
Licensed Professionals
Service, Shops, Market
Others, please specify__________________

Average Monthly Income:

₱ 5,000 and below ₱ 5,000– 10,000 ₱ 10,000- 15,000

₱ 15,000 – 20,000 ₱ 20,000 and above

Length of Stay:

10 years and below

10-15 years
15- 20 years
20 years and above
II. Survey Questionnaire

Instruction: Please identify your answers by putting check on the box before each item.

Likert Scale

Scale Verbal Interpretation

4 Strongly agree
3 Agree
2 Dis-agree
1 Strongly dis-agree

4- Strongly agree 3- Agree 2- Dis-agree 1- Strongly dis-agree

Part II: Challenges

Positive 1 2 3 4
1. Socioeconomic status positively influences banana
2. Observing agricultural training programs has a
favorable impact on banana cultivation.
3. Banana plantations, being labour intensive, are an
essential economic booster as they help in
generating employment to local community.
4. Does training through extension courses have a
positive impact on banana cultivation?
5. Sustainable agriculture planning create an impact to
banana cultivation.
6. Many communities benefit from having Famers
Markets where smaller farmers can interact directly
with consumers.
7. Farmers point of view should be taken for better
understanding to the current situation of both land
and banana growth.

Negative 1 2 3 4
1. Continuous cropping of bananas affects the number
of crops that will not be sold in the market.
2. Farmers are reluctant to invest time and money in
crops that have no guaranteed market.
3. The environmental impact of agriculture involves
impacts on a variety of different factors: the soil,
water, air, animal and soil variety, people, plants,
and the food itself.
4. Agriculture contributes to a larger number of
environmental issues that cause environmental
degradation, including climate change,
deforestation, biodiversity loss, dead zones,
irrigation problems, pollutants, soil degradation,
and waste.
5. For smallholder farmers dependent on growing
bananas for a living, challenges abound too, with
rising costs of production but stagnation in prices
and the severe impacts of changing climate and
weather patterns making production unpredictable
and unsustainable.
6. Rural poverty is often a product of poor
infrastructure that hinders development and
mobility. Rural areas tend to lack sufficient roads
that would increase access to agricultural inputs and
7. Supermarkets are able to make major profits by
paying unsustainably low prices to the fruit
companies that market bananas and/or own

Part III: Impact

Political 1 2 3 4

1. Banana Farmers should receive the right amount of

salary cost mandated by the government.

2. The government provides basic requirements and guide

for banana farming.

3. Banana farming are protected and well observed by the

government to promote better location for banana

4. There is annual survey mandated by the government to

research and detect various challenges in banana

5. I am in favor of giving banana farmers children an

access to education for literacy to help the community
aware of certain memorandum imposed by the

6. Banana Farmers should be given equal government

benefits especially to health sector.

7. Farmers are given the access to attend seminars and

free trainings on how to cultivate banana.

Economic 1 2 3 4
1. Banana farms make a huge contribution to the

2. Banana farming provides livelihood to the local

3. I can afford to buy bananas in the market because
they are relatively cheap among other fruit crops.

4. I believe that banana farming could open more

market opportunities, especially by exporting it to
different places in the world, which will give us
benefits for the locality.
5. Because bananas are so readily available, I can
make items from them that I can sell in the market
and use as a source of income.
6. Banana farming is one of the explored and helps the
rapid growth of regional food systems and their
potential economic impacts in communities.
7. The demand for local food of bananas has helped
support an industry that had been in decline, with
the number of small farms ever decreasing and the
median age of farmers continually rising.

Social 1 2 3 4
1. The mass use of harmful pesticides impacts the
health of workers and villagers surrounding
growing areas.
2.  I choose to support local Farmer’s Market, head on
down there with some friends and family members;
meet the growers, and support them by buying their
3. Tell people about the impact bananas are having on
the planet, and encourage them to buy local fruits
4. I will continue to consume bananas, always buy
organic and fair trade bananas wherever possible
5. As part of local community and has been
experiencing the impacts of banana farming , I can
help collaborate with other farmers to address
issues in farming (production and marketing
6. Banana growing fosters positive relationships
between locals and farmers.
7. I believe that banana farming has a positive effect
on the local community as it provides a livelihood
and is one of the main sources of income for the

Technological 1 2 3 4
1. I am in favor of replacing methods in banana
harvesting if there was a mechanical technology that
could aid in banana picking.
2. Banana farmers should invest in new technological
method of farming such as buying highly innovative
3. Does type of mobility a hindrance to deliver banana in
the market?
4. On the scale 1 to 4 with 4 as strongly agree, 3 agree, 2
disagree and 1 strongly disagree. Do you rely on
banana picking machines rather than sticking to manual
labor in banana harvesting?
5. Is there a method of studying banana cultivation?
6. At present, the most common semi mechanized banana
transportation methods in the world are car
transportation and ropeway transportation. On the scale
1 to 4 with 4 as strongly agree, 3 agree, 2 disagree and
1 strongly disagree. Do you agree of using these
7. Given the advance technology, do you think minimum
wage can sustain and help the expenses towards the
compensation and welfare of the farmers?

Environmental 1 2 3 4
1.  The banana farmers consume Agrochemicals which
classified as hazardous by world health organization.
2. Agrochemical use pollutes water supplies,
contaminates soils, and can have devastating impacts
on worker health.
3. Because of monoculture and high input production of
banana farming, this makes plants highly susceptible to
pests, fungi and diseases, and therefore large quantities
of insecticides and other pesticides are applied to the
4. The use of Fertilizers and pesticides in banana farming
can have a devastating impact on the environment, such
as polluting water channels and leading to
eutrophication, resulting in the destruction of aquatic
5. I am in favor of Organic banana farming and
6. I know that by organically growing bananas, it uses
natural materials to feed the plant and produce edible
bananas without chemicals and pesticides.
7. I choose organic banana farming than conventional
farming, because conventional banana farms might be
more detrimental to surrounding air, soil, and water
quality compared with organic farms

Legal 1 2 3 4

1. Banana farmers are given equal rights the same as the

other farmers in agriculture sector in tourism.

2. There are laws imposed by the government to protect

the equal rights of banana farmers.

3. Banana farmers landowner adheres to government

mandated law.

4. Banana farmers should be given a chance and given an

exemption from paying land taxes especially if they are
a started or micro business.

5. Government should urge the market to compensate

well the banana famers to lessen the poverty in banana
farming industry.
6. The farm owners should hold a business permit or any
permit that proves that he/she authorized to farm
7. Are you in favor that employers and workers must have
appropriate knowledge or must have a proper training
on their areas of responsibility that are relevant to good
agricultural practice?

Comments and Suggestions:


Thank you.
(A Research Study)

Presented to
The Faculty of College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
STI West Negros University
Bacolod City

In partial Fulfillment
Of the Course Requirement for the Degree
Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management


Ralgie Bautista
Beverly Egay
Jycil Española
Lady Diane Tinsay


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