GSRDI Rajasthan

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Let’s change the Face of Rajasthan

Gandhi Social Research and Development Institute will be a Company

incorporated under section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013 as a Company
Not for Profit and limited by Guarantee and will have a share capital.
GSRDI will work towards self-sustainable development and a
collaborative and focused endeavor to build up infrastructural and all-
inclusive transformation to empower Rajasthan based on sustainable
development goals (SDGs).

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For Self-Sustainable Nation Building

GSRDI will cause for the modern transformation of Rajasthan which will
be in sustainable way to grow in partnerships.
This growth will be through public-private partnership in self-
sustainable nation building between GSRDI and government bodies,
leading corporates, philanthropic organizations and development
institutions to plug developmental gaps and establish greater social
capital in Rajasthan.

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Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The GSRDI intends an integrated transformation in every part of

Rajasthan that will accomplish multiple developmental goals — which
Agriculture, Water Conservation, WASH, biodiversity, environment
protection, and improved livelihood, outstanding education and
learning outcomes.
The comprehensive objective of the GSRDI is to establish that
communities are empowered, and change is self-initiated and
sustainable. The mechanism thus generated will become a constant
and synergetic vehicle for socio-economic transformation of Rajasthan
as well as a unique solution with significant potential for replication in
the future.

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Sectors to cover

Agriculture Women Empowerment

Skill Development and

Livelihood Entrepreneurship

Water Conservation Healthcare

Education Nutrition

Digital Transformation Environment

Arts, Culture and Sports Disaster Relief

Youth Development Tourism

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1. Listing reputed companies, institutions and organizations in Rajasthan and those works
for Rajasthan
3. Preparation of Workflow and Action Plan
4. Meetings with Stakeholders (1st Board Meeting)
5. Implementation Plan

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1. Preparation of Sustainable Development Plan Part A and Part B

2. Baseline Survey (Institutional and Individual)
3. Baseline Survey Report with analysis.
4. Preparation of Programs/ Projects/ Initiatives
5. Aligning 4. with SDGs and NITI Aayog indicators
6. Presentation to stakeholders
7. Identifying and utilising grants/schemes by government bodies.
8. Allocation of responsibilities and grants according to projects
9. Phasewise/ Stepwise Execution

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Ways Forward
• SDG Baseline (keeping 2021 as the base year) prepared at Block
and Panchayat levels
• Establishment of the monitoring system and dashboard at the
Block & Panchayat levels
• Regular Reporting system at Block & Panchayat levels on SDG
• Functioning knowledge hub with regular documentation and
dissemination of best practices SDG wise

• Regular Capacity Development of identified stakeholders

• Localization of SDG Implementation: Block/Panchayat level

implementation with involvement of multiple stakeholders
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Village Development Plan: PART A (Survey)

Why VDP?

1. To know local needs and people’s priorities

2. To identify collective and unique issues of villages
3. Easy way to form program/ projects
4. Identifying scope of work for various sectors
5. Developing unique models
6. Current process of acquiring data

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Questionnaire Creation

Training and Piloting

Data Collection

Data Analysis

Data Visualization
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Improved Budgeting, Roll out of
Policy Decisions and development plans
Program Targeting across the blocks


Improved field visits Better targeting for

and government government
meetings programs
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Village Development Plan: PART B (Report)
1. Introduction
2. About the village
A. Demographic Profile
B. Land and Agriculture and Natural Resources
C. Household Waste Collection
D. Connectivity
E. Water Sources in the household
F. Drinking Water Facility
G. Drainage linked to the household
H. Average Annual Income per family across prevailing various Categories
I. Health and Sanitation
3. Problems faced by village
4. Objectives of Intervention
5. Methodology
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Village Development Plan: PART B (Report)
Plan of Activities
1. Water Management
2. Roads
3. Solid Waste Management
4. Energy Needs and Infrastructure
5. Health Services
6. Cleanliness and Sanitation
7. Schools and Education
8. Employment and Skill Development
9. Governance
10. Agriculture and Livelihood
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Baseline Survey: Institutional

Why BS?

1. Current situation of Institutions in both aspects, Quality and Infrastructural facilities

2. Need and priorities of Institutions
3. Quick analysis and comparison
4. Formulation of need based programs and projects
5. Linkage to government programs
6. Current process of acquiring data

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1. School, College, University and other Educational Institutes

2. Hospitals (Government, Public/Charitable, Private)
3. Development Institutes (NGOs, Orphanages, Old Age Homes etc.)
4. Hostels, Libraries, Study Centers, Coaching Institutes etc.
5. Government Offices
6. Gardens, Open Spaces, Sport Complex etc.

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Baseline Survey: Individual

Why BS?
1. Basic Information of an Individual
2. Health, Education, Employment, Skill etc. related information
3. This will be useful for the formation of programs

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Some untended areas like Menstrual Health and nutrition should be focused. By doing
initiatives for Menstrual Health we can cover each and every woman of slum areas and by
nutrition initiatives we can cover woman and child which will be great achievement.
Improved facilities in hospitals will enhance health of deprived.

Healthcare Cell: There should be a cell for the convenience of patients. One can directly
submit their applications at this cell. To make it more convenient, a block level
representative can be placed to get it done.

Skill Development
Though we have large number of young talent, its going wasted because of unemployment.
An Entrepreneurship Development Cell should be created and a concept of Shark Tank
should be implemented where the young talent and skilled youths will be encouraged.

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Youth Development
❖ Youth Forum:

Some of the initiatives of this body will be as follows:

1. Innovation Forum
2. Internships, Fellowships, Scholarships
3. Youth Exchange Program
4. Youth Festivals
5. Youth Entrepreneurship Development
6. Youth Hubs
7. Young Women Empowerment Program
9. Youth Development Institute
10. Rajasthan Youth Parliament
11. Youth Magazine
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From decades we are working on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene but unable to get success
as expected. Models developed by CINI and CSPC in Gujarat can be implemented effectively
which has been successful on large scale over there.
WASH in Schools Program should be implemented effectively.

❖ Sports:

Through CSR and Government initiatives we can improve condition of sports and sport
grounds. Sport Hubs according to types and scholarships/ grants to sportsman.
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Advocacy and Governance

A. International Cooperation Cell

B. Priyadarshini Fellowship
C. Rajiv Gandhi Development Academy
D. ISO of all Departments
E. Grievance Helpline

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