DLL - Mapeh 6 - Q2 - W5-1

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School: Grade Level: VI

GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Learning Area: MAPEH

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: DECEMBER 5-9, 2022 (WEEK 5) Quarter: 2ND QUARTER


A.Content Standards Understands the importance of Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates the concept of Demonstrates understanding of shapes, space, colors, and the
keeping the school and participation in and assessment melody by using intervals in the principles of emphasis, harmony and contrast in digital painting
community environments of physical activities and physical major scale and in the minor scale. and poster design using new technologies.
healthy fitness
B.Performance Standards Demonstrates practices for Participates and assesses Applies learned concepts of Applies concepts on the use of software in creating digital
building and maintaining performance in physical melody and other elements to paintings and graphics design.
healthy school and community activities. composition and performance
environments Assesses physical fitness
C.Learning Competencies/ Classifies different types of Observes safety precautions Demonstrates the ability to sing, Realizes that art processes, elements and principles still apply
Objectives wastes PE6GS-IIb-h-3 read, and write simple musical even with the use of technologies
H6CMH-IIe-5 Executes the different skills notations in the key of G Major AGEL-IIe
involved in the game and its relative minor
PE6GS-IIc-h4 MU6ME-IIa-1
Explains the nature background Analyze the melodic patterns of
of the game songs in G major and its relative
PE6GS-IIb-1 minor
II.CONTENT Healthy School and Community Assessment of Physical Activities Melody Digital painting graphic Design
Environment and Physical Fitness
Invasion Game:” Lawin at sisiw”/
“Agawang panyo”
1.Teacher’s Guide pages TG. p9 PE6 Curriculum Guide, p.35
2.Learners’s Materials pages
3.Textbook pages Enjoying life Through Music, The 21st Century MAPEH in Enjoying life Through Music, Arts, Enjoying life Through Music, Arts, Physical Education and
Arts, Physical Education and Action Physical Education and Health 6 by Health 6 by Marissa C. Pascual, Irene Feliz S. Reyes, Ma. Elvira
Health 6 by Marissa C. Pascual, Marissa C. Pascual, Irene Feliz S. M. Garcia. Mignon C. Artuz pp.44-53
Irene Feliz S. Reyes, Ma. Elvira Reyes, Ma. Elvira M. Garcia.
M. Garcia. Mignon C. Artuz Mignon C. Artuz pp.47-53
The 21st Century MAPEH in Action
4.Additional materials from learning K to 12 Curriculum Guide 6
resource (LR) portal
B.Other Learning Resource Powerpoint, Activity card. Laptop, Ppt Presentation Powerpoint, cellphones, computers, netbook

A.Reviewing previous lesson or Ask the pupils to identify wastes What game did you play last What key signatures have we Have you wondered just Checking of pupils’ homework.
presenting the new lesson that can be found at home, in week? discussed last week? What musical what digital paintings are? What are the different
school and in the community What are the rules to follow in symbols do you see in it? elements and principles of art?
playing Sungka? How many shells
are needed in all? Who will win in
the game sungka?

B.Establishing a purpose for the Present some examples of Present the song” O Come, All ye Showing the art work of Did you bring your gadgets
lesson invasion games and let them faithful”key of G major Vincent Van Gogh, Amorsolo children?
identify it. and Tadao Cern. Who are your favourite artists?
Why did you like them?

What do you notice at the fifth

line of the staff? What do we call
that symbol? What does it mean?
Where can you find the Do?
Look at the second staff what do
you observed?What does the
sharp mean except from telling its
key signatures?

Today,We are going to assess our

participation in physical activities
based on the
Philippines physical activity
pyramid through an invasion
C.Presenting Examples/ instances of Activity1: What games have you played Present the song” O Come, Allow the puplis toobserve Teacher discuss the activities to
the new lesson Biodegradable and Non- with your friends and Emmanuel”Let them analyze the and describe the works of de done by the pupils using
Biodegradable (Annex 1) classmates? key of the song Vincent Van Gogh, Amorsolo their gadgets.
Direction: Classify the words Have you tried the games shown and Tadao cern Direction:
below under the proper on the pictures? What is the home tone of the Create your own digital
heading. song? painting similar with the
food waste rubber tires masters
DVD animal waste Is the song in major or minor ( Van Gogh, Amorsolo, Tadao
metals radioactive mode? Cern, Etc)using GIMP
materials On what line or space is the home
paper magazine tone located?
dead animals vegetables
What is the name of the key of the

D.Discussing new concepts and Discuss and differentiate What are some reasons why Allow the pupils tostudy the song What art processes are used Hands On activity of the pupils.
practicing new skills #1 biodegradable and non- most children don’t play “Away in a manger” by these artists in painting
biodegradable materials traditional games anymore? -clap the rhythmic pattern whiule their artworks?
reciting the syllables Are these processes be
1.How will you know that waste -recite the words of the song in use /apply even with the use
is biodegradable? rhytmn of technologies? Why?
non-biodegradable? -Sing the pitches of the song Allow the pupils to view a
-Sing the words of the song in video tutorial of GIMP’s Paint
2. How can you lessen the accurate pitch and rhytmn tools.
amount of biodegradable and
non-biodegradable waste at
home? In school? In the
E.Discussing new concepts and Activity2: Do you know the game “Lawin at Write out the melodies on the Give some instructions to the Call on a pupil to say
practicing new skills #2 Classify other waste materials Sisiw”? How about the agawang staff in the key of GMajor and e pupils in creating a digital something about his/her
as: solid waste, water waste, panyo? How to play the game? minor painting that shows output.
hazardous waste, bio The teacher let the pupils to view a. Geometric shape What motivates you to create
medical/health care waste, and the short video about “Agawang b. Constrasting lines your output?
reusable and recyclable panyo and Lawin at Sisiw” c. Two colors
materials. (Annex 2) https://www.youtube.com/ Is using technology in your art
watch?v=piDObmOoDAY work essential? Why?
Direction: Classify the words
below by matching Column A https://www.youtube.com/ so fa mi re
with that of Column B. watch?v=ZjBq-IF7KZk
Column A Column B
Wood, Solid Wastes
boards, pet
fragile mi re do ti
scrap metals
Spoiled Hazardous
foods, scrap Wastes
parts of
fruits and
F.Developing Mastery The teacher will discuss other What should we remember Analyze the melodic patterns of Study and discuss the Contimuation of hands On
waste materials (solid waste, before we play? song in g major in e minor outputs of the puplis Activity.
water waste, hazardous waste, Play the game “Lawin at Sisiw”/ “Away in a Manger”
bio medical/health care waste, Agawang Panyo” Fiil the data being asked for in the
and reusable or recyclable table below
materials) 1. Away in O
Why is it important to know the the Come,
types of wastes? manger All ye
2. How can this help you in faithful
maintaining a healthy school Home
and community environment? Tone
tone is
of the
G.Finding Practical application of How does classification and Why should we not forget our
concepts and skills in daily living segregation of wastes help you Traditional Filipino games?
at home?
In school?
In the community
H.Making generalization and What are the different What are the skills develop in the ⮚ The sharp sign at the GIMP is a powerful and
abstraction about the lesson classifications of wastes? game? beginning of the staff versatile siftware that can be
Can you assess your physical serves as the key to be used to create a beautiful
fitness through this game? able to read the pitches digital painting its various
on the staff features can create lines,
⮚ The sharp sign raises the shapes and colors that when
pitch by a half step these elements are blended
⮚ The key of one sharp in a pleasing way, it shows
gives the key of G major harmony.
and E minor Arts elements and principles
⮚ G mnajor and E minor are still apply with the use of
relative keys because technologies.
both of them use the
same key signatures
which is one sharp
I.Evaluating learning Classify the different type of 1. Did you enjoy the game? True or false Using Rubrics to evaluate the
wastes 2. Describe the skills involved in 1.The home tone or tonal center outputs of the pupils.
Direction: the game? of songs in majoy keys is DO cri Adva Profici Devel
Write B if the example is 3. Did you observe safety 2. The key of a piece is named te nced ent oping
biodegradable,NB if non precautions? after the letter name where the ri 5 3 1
biodegradable or H if it is 4. What are the rules in playing home tone is. a
haradous Agawang Panyo? Lawin at Sisiwi? G major and D Minor are relative D Cam Can Can
Fruit Seeds 5. Do you feel proud being keys because they use the same es apply apply apply
peelings Filipino while playing the game? key signatures. ig desig desig desig
Cans Used n n n, n
batterie elem eleme eleme
s ents nts nts
Pesticid Left with with with
es over excel great fair
foods lent skills skill
bottles Expired skills
medicin Cr Can Can Can
es ea show show show
tiv excel great good
ity lent atten atten
atten tion tion
tion to to
to detail detail.
detai s, Imagi
l the ideas native
ideas mater touch
/ ials, es are
mate meth scatte
rial / ods red
meth are throu
ods effecti ghtou
are ve t the
highl digital
y painti
effec ng.
J.additional activities for application Make a slogan about the List down other invasion games Bring your gadgets tomorrow What is a poster?How can you
or remediation importants of classifying wastes. with pictures then paste it in your create relevant posters?
A.Bilang ng mag-aaral na nakauha ng
80% sa pagtatayao.
B.Bilang ng mag-aaralna
nangangailangan ng iba pang Gawain
para sa remediation
C.Nakatulong ba ang remedial? Bilang
ng mag-aaral na nakaunawa sa aralin.
D.Bilang ng mag-aaral na magpapatuloy
sa remediation
E.Alin sa mga estratehiyang pagtuturo
ang nakatulong ng lubos?Paano ito
F.Anong sulioranin ang aking naranasan
na solusyunansa tulong ng aking
punungguro at superbisor?
G.Anong kagamitang panturo ang aking
nadibuho nanais kong ibahagi sa kapwa
ko guro?

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