05 Handout 1

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JavaScript Basics
- It is a scripting language used to manipulate the contents of a Web page. It can be both HTML and CSS.
- Using JavaScript, it can animate, move, transition, and hide HTML elements.
- JavaScript is different from Java. Java is a compiled, object-oriented programming language known for its ability to
run on any platform with a Java Virtual Machine installed, while JavaScript only runs in a browser.
- JavaScript's file extension is .js
- The comment in JavaScript prevents the execution of the program or explain the JavaScript Code.
- There are two (2) styles of comment:
o The single line or end-of-line comment starts with two (2) forward slashes //.
o The block or multi-line comment begins with /* and ends with */.
- JavaScript can be linked in a number of ways in an HTML file. It can be inline, embedded (internal), and external
- Inline JavaScript
o The inline JavaScript refers to including or placing the JavaScript code directly within certain attributes of an

- Embedded (Internal) JavaScript

o This refers to including or placing the JavaScript code inside the <script> element.

- External JavaScript
o This refers to the external file of a JavaScript that is placed within the <head> element, similar to the case
of external CSS files. It is also possible to include this external file inside the <body> element, and it is
recommended to place it at the bottom.

- Variables in JavaScript are dynamically typed. It means that the variable can be a string, an integer, and then later an
- In declaring a variable, the var keyword is usually followed by the desired variable name and a semicolon. It simplifies
the variable declarations, and it doesn't need or require the common data types, such as int, char, double or float,
and string, once the value is set as a string (var str = "hello world!";). It is already set as a string variable,
and if the value is a number (var num = 5;), then it is set as an integer.

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Data Type
- In JavaScript, data type specifies which type of value a variable contains.
- There are six (6) primitive data types that are supported in JavaScript:
o String – The string data type represents textual data.
o Boolean – The Boolean data type contains a logical entity that may return a value of TRUE or FALSE.
o Number – The number data type can be an integer or a decimal.
o Null – This data type represents an unknown or missing value.
o Undefined – It refers to a variable that has no value. The undefined keyword can be set in the variable.
JavaScript Output
- In JavaScript, there are different ways to display the data in the browser:
o innerHTML
▪ The innerHTML is used to display the output in an HTML element.

o document.write();
▪ This syntax is used to display the data in the HTML document.

o window.alert();
▪ The alert function shows a pop-up message to the browser.

o console.log();
▪ This function displays the output in a console. The console for JavaScript can be seen in the developer
tools of a Web browser.
▪ The console object refers to the console of developer tools in a Web browser, while the log
method prints the data.

Control Flow
Control Flow Statement
- The control flow statement refers to the decisions or conditions that the executed program may depend on its
- This control statement contains the following:
o if – the if statement returns true if the specified condition is true.

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o if-else – the if-else statement returns true if the condition is true; otherwise, it returns false.

o else if – the else if statement is used if the first condition is false; otherwise, the second condition is
true and so on.

o switch – The switch statement is the same as the if-else statement. It evaluates an expression and
matches the expression's value but in the case label.

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o try…catch – The try…catch statement is used to block a statement(s) to try and respond with an
▪ This statement consists of the following:
• try – The try block contains one (1) or more statements.
• catch – The catch block contains a statement of what to do when the try block throws an

- It is used to assign values in a variable.
- The following types are operators in JavaScript:
o Assignment operator
▪ The assignment operator is used to assign the value to its left operand or variable.
▪ The following are the common assignment operators in JavaScript:
• =
o Assigns the value to a variable
• +=
o Adds the value to a variable
• -=
o Subtracts the value from a variable
• *=
o Multiplies the value by a variable
• /=
o Divides the value by a variable
o Comparison operators
▪ The comparison operator compares the two (2) variables or operands.
▪ The following comparison operators are:
• ==
o Equal to the value of the variable or operand.
• ===
o Equal value and equal type
• < , >
o Less than and greater than
• <= , >=
o Less than or equal to and greater than or equal to
• !=
o Not equal to the value of the variable or operand.
o Arithmetic operators
▪ The arithmetic operator performs addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
▪ The following arithmetic operators are:
• Addition ( + )
o This arithmetic operator adds two (2) operands or two (2) variables that contain
number values.
• Subtraction ( - )
o This arithmetic operator subtracts two (2) operands or two (2) variables that
contain number values.
• Multiplication ( * )
o This arithmetic operator multiplies two (2)operands or two (2) variables that contain
number values.

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• Division ( / )
o This arithmetic operator divides two (2) operands or two (2) variables that contain
number values.
• Modulus ( % )
o The modulus operator gets the remainder of the division of the two (2) numbers.
• Increment ( ++ )
o This operator adds one (1) in the operand.
• Decrement ( -- )
o This operator subtracts one (1) from the operand.
o Logical operators
▪ The logical operator uses Boolean values.
▪ There are three (3) logical operators, and they are the following:
• AND ( && )
o The AND operator returns true if both values are true.
• OR ( || )
o The OR operator returns true if either expression1 or expression2 is true.
• NOT ( ! )
o The NOT operator will return true if the expression1 is false.
o Ternary operator
▪ The ternary operator is the same as the if-else statement that if the condition is true, then
execute the statement; otherwise, return false.

Loops and Iterations

for Loop
- A for loop specifies the number of loops of an object.
- The for loop contains three (3) expressions:
o Initialization
▪ The first expression is known as the counter of the for loop.
o Condition
▪ The second expression is condition; it will check if the condition will return true or false.
o Increment/Decrement
▪ The third expression specifies the number of loops based on the condition; it may increment or
decrement this loop.

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for in
- It is used to loop the properties of an object or an array.

- It is used to loop the statement until it evaluates to false.
- The do-while will execute the block of code first before checking if the condition will evaluate to true.

- The while loop is the most basic loop. It only uses a condition. The while loop is like an if statement that
repeatedly runs until a condition is satisfied.

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- The label statement identifies a statement and uses a break or continue statement to indicate whether the
executed code will interrupt a loop or continue its execution.

- The break statement is used to terminate a loop, switch, and a labeled statement.

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- The continue statement is used to repeat a loop, condition, or a labeled statement.

- A function is a block of code or modular code in JavaScript that performs a specific task. The function is defined in
function keyword followed by the function name and parameters enclosed in parentheses.
- Parameters in a function are accessible within the body of the function.

- The function may also return a value once you declare the parameters.

1. Connolly, R. & Hoar, R. (2015). Fundamentals of web development. New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.
2. Lemay, L., Colburn, R., & Kyrnin, J. (2016). Sams teach yourself html, CSS and JavaScript web publishing in one hour a day (7th Ed.).
New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.
3. Krause, J. (2016). Introducing web development. California: Apress Media, LLC.

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