Act 3 Scene 3 4 5

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Act 3 Scene 3

Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:

Shylock: Gaoler , look to him: tell me not of mercy ;

This is the fool that lent out money gratis:

Gaoler, look to him.

1. Where are the speakers?

a) Venice, a street

b) Venice, the street outside Shylock’s house

c) Venice, a court

d) Belmont, In Portia’s garden

2. What animal does Shylock remember Antonio comparing him to?

a) a cow

b) a wolf

c) a dog

d) a sheep

3. The meaning of ‘money gratis’ is_______________ .

a) money lent without any interest.

b) money lent for buying ship

c) money that one owes

d) money that one has lent

4. How does Shylock want the Gaoler to deal with Antonio?

a) take Antonio for a walk

b) escort Antonio to a nearby shop

c) watch Antonio closely lest he should escape

d) talk to Antonio

5. What is Antonio’s state of mind at the end of the scene?

a) thrilled

b) confused

c) afraid

d) resigned to fate

Act 3 Scene 4
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:

Lorenzo: Madam, although I speak it in your presence,

You have a noble and a true conceit

Of god-like amity; which appears most strongly

In bearing thus the absence of your lord.

1. Whom does Lorenzo praise in this particular scene?

a) Nerissa

b) Portia

c) Jessica

d) Both Nerissa and Portia

2. What information is given to Lorenzo about Portia when she asks him to take

care of her house in her absence?

a) she is going on a trip

b) she is going to a monastery two miles away to pray

c) she is going to a monastery three miles away to pray

d) she is going to visit her aunt

3. Whose absence is Lorenzo referring to?

a) Antonio

b) Launcelot

c) Shylock

d) Bassanio

4. What does ‘god – like amity’ mean?

a) god- like goodness

b) god- like purity

c) all knowing like god

d) god- like friendship

5. Who is Balthazar?

a) Portia’s cousin

b) Portia’s servant

c) another Jew working for Shylock

d) Doctor Bellario’s friend

Act 3 Scene 5

Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:

Jessica: And what hope is that, I pray thee?

Launcelot: Marry, you may partly hope that your father got you not, that you are not

the Jew’s daughter.

Jessica: That were a kind of bastard hope, indeed: so the sins of my mother

should be visited upon me.

Launcelot: Truly then I fear you are damned both by father and mother: thus, when

I shun Scylla, I fall into Charybdis: well, you are gone both ways.

Jessica: I shall be saved by my husband; he hath made me a Christian.

1. How are Jessica and Launcelot related?

a) They are lovers

b) Jessica works for Launcelot

c) Launcelot is a guest visiting Jessica

d) Jessica is the mistress to Launcelot

2. What ‘hope’ does Jessica refer to?

a) The hope of getting married to her lover.

b) The hope of acquiring her father’s wealth.

c) The hope of not getting punished for the sins of her father.

d) The hope of becoming a Christian.

3. Who is the mother of Jessica?

a) Sara

b) Hagar

c) Leah

d) Eva

4. Who are Scylla and Charybdis?

a) friends of Shylock

b) Roman gods

c) Venetian merchants

d) Monsters of classical legend

5. Later in the scene, why does Lorenzo state that he would soon grow jealous of


a) Launcelot was making a lot of money recently.

b) Launcelot has started working for Bassanio.

c) Launcelot and Jessica are seen together, too often.

d) Launcelot had gained a lot of popularity.

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