Bac German Engleza 2023 Model Subiect Oral

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Ministerul Educaţiei

Centrul Național de Politici și Evaluare în Educație

Examenul în vederea obținerii

Diplomei de acces general în învățământul superior german și a
Diplomei de bacalaureat
de către absolvenții secțiilor/școlilor speciale germane din România - 2023

Proba orală - Limba engleză

• Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii.
Biletul nr. ...

Read the text below and complete the tasks that follow.
Both parents and teens alike often find the idea of teenagers travelling abroad scary! It’s easy to let
these fears hold us back and prevent us from seeing all of the awesome ways that overseas teen travel
can transform teens into amazing young people. These reasons for teens to travel abroad are learned
by everyone in their own individual way, providing teens of all ages with invaluable experiences that will
last a lifetime.
Travelling is important for youth because it teaches meaningful life skills, provides an opportunity to
meet new people, facilitates cultural appreciation on a deeper level, and teaches the ability to adapt to
new environments. Travel is a fantastic way of gaining these unique experiences, and developing youth
into more well-rounded citizens, all while having fun along the way!

First, you become an independent and responsible young person. Travelling on your own or with a
group without the familiarity of people from home means that you need to take more responsibility of
your own actions, as well as look out for those who are with you. One closely related skill you develop is
saving and budgeting money. This is such a basic principle of life that everyone starts to learn from a
young age, but nothing shows true maturity like saving up all school year for an epic trip
throughout Europe that you can proudly say that you paid for partially or even all on your own.

Just when you think that you have planned the perfect budget, BOOM! Everything might not stay so
perfect…and that’s okay! International travel wouldn’t be complete without the occasional bump in the
road. Dealing with problems like pouring rain when the forecast predicted sun for your bike tour
through Amsterdam or your sandal breaking as you descend the Acropolis will make you an active

Also, when you come back home, you can teach your friends and family about the people and their
cultures that you have learned about. Instill in them the same curiosity about differences and
appreciation of similarities across cultures that they might have never thought to consider. Keep an
open mind and an open heart and never stop sharing everything that it means to be a global citizen.

adapted from

SUBIECTUL I (50 de puncte)

A. 1. Identify the theme of the text. 10 puncte
2. Sum up the text and dwell on the ideas it contains. 40 puncte

SUBIECTUL al II-lea (50 de puncte)

B. Some people say that tourism is benefical for local communities. Do you agree? Why (not)? Use
relevant arguments and examples to support your opinion.
Probă orală - Limba engleză
Bacalaureatul secțiilor speciale germane

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