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2019, VOL. 12, NO. 1, 1–25

Ecological cognition: expert decision-making behaviour in

a b c a,d
Duarte Araújo , Robert Hristovski , Ludovic Seifert , João Carvalho and
Keith Davids
CIPER, Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, Spertlab, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal; bFaculty of
Sports Sciences, University of Rouen, Rouen, France; cFaculty of Physical Education, Sport and Health,
University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia; dEscola Superior de Educação e
Comunicação, Universidade do Algarve, Faro, Portugal; eCentre for Sports Engineering Research, Sheffield
Hallam University, Sheffield, UK


Expert decision-making can be directly assessed, if sport action is Received 18 February 2017
understood as an expression of embedded and embodied Accepted 27 June 2017
cognition. Here, we discuss evidence for this claim, starting with a
critical review of research literature on the perceptual-cognitive Action choices; expertise;
basis for expertise. In reviewing how performance and underlying affordance selection;
processes are conceived and captured in extant sport psychology, constraints; information
we evaluate arguments in favour of a key role for actions in
decision-making, situated in a performance environment. Key
assumptions of an ecological dynamics perspective are also
presented, highlighting how behaviours emerge from the
continuous interactions in the performer-environment system.
Perception is of affordances; and action, as an expression of
cognition, is the realisation of an affordance and emerges under
constraints. We also discuss the role of knowledge and
consciousness in decision-making behaviour. Finally, we elaborate
on the specificities of investigating and understanding decision-
making in sport. Specifically, decision-making concerns the choice
of action modes when perceiving an affordance during a course
of action, as well as the selection of a particular affordance,
amongst many that exist in a landscape in a sport performance
environment. We conclude by pointing to some applications for
the practice of sport psychology and coaching and identifying
avenues for future research.

How expert athletes decide to do what they do is a topic that has interested scientists for
several decades (e.g. Beise & Peasley, 1937), and particularly sport psychologists (e.g.
Straub & Williams, 1984). It has been argued that sport is a most appropriate context for
studying expert decision-making (Gilovich, 1984; Gilovich, Tversky, & Vallone, 1985).
According to Gobet (2016), sport is a domain of expertise, where expertise relies on per-
ception: ‘experts literally “see” things differently compared to novices’ and ‘these

CONTACT Duarte Araújo [email protected]

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differences in perception and knowledge affect problem solving and decision making’
(Gobet, 2016, p. 7).
Predicated on these ideas, studies of decision-making in sport have intensively tested
athletes’ perception and anticipation, attention, memory, and decision-making. An impor-
tant gap emerges immediately: decision-making in sport, by following trends in cognitive
psychology, has neglected the important role of action and its constitutive role in cogni-
tion (Araújo, Ripoll & Raab, 2009; Prinz, Beisert, & Herwig, 2013; Wolpert & Landy, 2012). In
this article, we critically overview research on the perceptual-cognitive basis of decision-
making, before we present an action-based alternative, from the ecological dynamics fra-
mework, clarifying repercussions for theory and research in sport psychology.

The perceptual-cognitive framework for the study of decision-making in

Currently, the perceptual-cognitive view of decision-making tends to focus on use of per-
ception, memory and decision-making tasks to capture performance and to identify med-
iating mechanisms (Williams & Abernethy, 2012; for previous reviews see Bar-Eli, Plessner,
& Raab, 2011; Cotterill & Discombe, 2016; Hodges, Huys, & Starkes, 2007; Raab & Helsen,
2015; Tenenbaum & Gershgoren, 2014; Williams & Ward, 2007).

Paradigms for capturing perceptual-cognitive performance

Following de Groot (1965, Dutch original in 1946), research in sport has purported to reveal
experts’ ability to use ‘advance cues’ for anticipatory responses, or to anticipate outcomes
of an immediate opponent’s action, often before an action is completed (e.g. Abernethy,
Gill, Parks, & Packer, 2001; Williams, Ward, Knowles, & Smeeton, 2002). Early research
showed that expert players are better than novices at detecting deceptive moves by an
opponent (e.g. Jackson, Warren, & Abernethy, 2006). Also, in comparison with novices,
experts display visual search strategies that tend to fixate on movements of an opponent’s
body segments that are more remote from an end effector when completing an action
such as hitting a ball (e.g. Abernethy & Russell, 1987). Research methodologies employed
allowed participants to observe, and respond to short ‘sport-specific courses of action’,
captured in a series of video-clips (also in films, static images and point-light displays).
The clips are edited to present a course of action, testing: (i) rapidity and accuracy in con-
trolled response conditions (e.g. response time paradigm), or (ii), relative importance of
spatial and temporal variables in decision-making by occluding specific information
sources (spatial occlusion paradigm), or varying durations of each clip (temporal occlusion
paradigm). Traditional explanations for these findings were similar to original proposals of
de Groot (1965) studying chess players: perception in experts is better developed because
they can access more refined internal representations as knowledge structures (e.g. Erics-
son & Kintsch, 1995; Williams & Abernethy, 2012).
Recognition and recall have been associated with the study of memory, through identi-
fication of sequences of play. Several studies in sport have used brief presentations of
domain-specific material, followed by a recall task (e.g. Allard & Starkes, 1980). In these
tasks, a series of slides or video-clips are presented, and participants have to indicate verb-
ally or on paper, as quickly as accurately as possible, which slides or clips were already

presented, and which were new (recognition paradigm, e.g. Smeeton, Ward, & Williams,
2004), or to recall players’ positions in a display (recall paradigm, e.g. North, Ward, Ericsson,
& Williams, 2011). Results showed that experts attain better recall and recognition per-
formance than non-experts, with structured performance situations, but not with unstruc-
tured situations. These results have been explained with reference to chunking theory
(Chase & Simon, 1973), and this and other memory-based representations are assumed
to underpin experts’ performance superiority, particularly with respect to decision-
making (Tenenbaum & Gershgoren, 2014; see Kording & Wolpert, 2006 for a Bayesian
The influence of the information-processing paradigm on the study of decision-making
in sport has promoted what Simon (1956) called ‘bounded rationality’ (including related,
more contemporary, approaches, e.g. fast and frugal heuristics, naturalistic decision
making): humans are rational within the limits imposed by their cognitive systems (infer-
ring the capacity to process information). The reasoning behind the claim that rationality is
bounded suggests that understanding decision-making requires studying both the
environment and the decision-maker. Even if a decision-maker meticulously follows nor-
mative steps of rationalisation, there is still an influence of environmental constraints to
The fast and frugal heuristics framework places greater significance on the role of
the environment than the information-processing approach, and is aligned with the
arguments of Simon (1956). It addresses environmental variables that are representa-
tive of those in socio-cultural settings, towards which an experiment is intended to
generalise, as Brunswik (1944, 1956) originally proposed. Fast and frugal heuristics
are strategies for decision-making that do not involve much searching for information
or computation (Gigerenzer & Todd, 1999). This approach has some similarities with the
naturalistic decision-making framework (Klein, 1998) that has investigated decision
making of experts under time pressure in their domain of expertise. A significant con-
clusion of both frameworks is that experts tend not to deliberate between options but
expediently implement the first satisfactory action. Raab and colleagues conducted
research within the fast and frugal heuristics framework in sports contexts (see Raab,
2012 for a review). For example, they (Johnson & Raab, 2003; Raab & Johnson, 2007)
used video clips of team sports performance which were interrupted when a player
with the ball faced several possible actions. Participants choosing better options gen-
erated fewer options. Expert players, performing under time constraints, use the ‘take
the first’ heuristic, choosing the first alternative that emerged and better players
tended to select the ‘best’ option. Option generation and selection were proposed
to occur in an athlete’s memory, from internalised knowledge representations of per-
formance (Raab, 2012).
Similar knowledge structures are proposed as an explanation for how athletes gener-
ate different probabilistic expectations on how an event may evolve, such as the poten-
tial success associated with performing a certain action (e.g. a pass or dribble with a ball),
or in predicting next movements of an adversary (e.g. Alain & Proteau, 1980; McRobert,
Ward, Eccles, & Williams, 2011). It is assumed that the mind or the brain calculates the
statistical distribution of likely event probabilities, and the level of uncertainty in
sensory feedback (Kording & Wolpert, 2006; Williams & Abernethy, 2012), before
making a decision.

Paradigms for measuring the mediating mechanisms of decision-making

The prevailing approach assumes that to understand mediating mechanisms employed by
performers to make decisions, measures of behaviours like eye movements, verbal reports,
as well as imaging of neurophysiological and neuroanatomical function, should be under-
taken (Williams & Abernethy, 2012). Recently, neuroscientific evidence has been proposed
to support theoretical arguments of cognitive sport psychologists (e.g. Tenenbaum et al.,
2009), highlighting brain activity putatively ‘underlying’ processes of perceptual-cognitive
performance (e.g. Williams & Abernethy, 2012; Yarrow, Brown, & Krakauer, 2009). Although
using highly restricted micro-movements (e.g. button-pressing, blinking, pointing),
research related to sport performance has postulated that experts tend to display more
consistent brain behaviours during preparatory periods before initiating movement (Hat-
field & Hillman, 2001). These include: (i)more efficient organisation of brain regions (Milton,
Solodkin, Hlustik, & Small, 2007), or (ii), specific brain areas displaying greater ‘activation
levels’, (Aglioti, Cesari, Romani, & Urgesi, 2008; Wright, Bishop, Jackson, & Abernethy,
2011), in experts compared to novices. These findings have been interpreted as support
for a mirror neuron system (Rizzolatti & Sinigaglia, 2016), which is proposed to transform
internal sensory representations of the behaviours of other performers into motor rep-
resentations of an observed behaviour. Later in this chapter we argue that the prevalent
idea of ‘brain activity’, as the underlying mechanism of perceptual-cognitive performance,
is a fallacy. Brain activity does not constitute proof of the presence of representations, and
it should not be misconstrued as action or cognition (e.g. as if activity level is indicative of
the brain ‘deciding for’ an individual).
Eye movement recording has also been used to assess how performers visually search
a displayed image or scene during decision-making (Ripoll, Kerlirzin, Stein, & Reine, 1995;
Vickers, 2016; Williams, Janelle, & Davids, 2004). Expert players tend to exhibit fewer fix-
ations of longer durations and focus for a longer time on areas of free space that could
be exploited or exposed (e.g. Vaeyens, Lenoir, Williams, & Philippaerts, 2007). Again,
these findings are explained as revealing the underlying neural structure (Vickers,
2016), for example, as explained by mirror neuron theory (Rizzolatti & Sinigaglia,
2016). Additionally, verbal protocols, as described by Ericsson and Simon (1993), have
also been used, either concurrently or retrospectively, as a way to evaluate thought pro-
cesses that mediate action (e.g. Kannekens, Elferink-Gemser, & Visscher, 2009; McPherson
& Kernodle, 2007). Regardless of the discrepancies between ‘what we say, what we do’
(Araújo, Travassos, & Vilar, 2010), verbal reports are interpreted as responses to ‘situation
prototypes’, represented in long-term memory (Ericsson & Kintsch, 1995; MacMahon &
McPherson, 2009).

Criticisms of representational approaches to decision-making in sports

Previous research on perception, action and cognition has typically been grounded on
theories of memory enrichment through representations (i.e. schemas, scripts, pro-
grammes and the like), which consider stimuli in the environment to be impoverished
for individuals. The role of internalised knowledge structures is to enhance meaning
and richness of stimuli. Stimuli need encoding, and transformation by internal mechan-
isms that transform meaningless stimuli into meaningful representations, in order to

interpret the environment and programme the body to implement actions during per-
formance (Kording & Wolpert, 2006).
Alternatively, non-representational approaches (e.g. ecological dynamics, Araújo,
Davids, & Hristovski, 2006; for a discussion among different approaches see Araújo & Bour-
bousson, 2016) are predicated on the idea that perception and cognition are embedded
and embodied, emphasising the study of the performer-environment relationship as an
appropriate scale of analysis. We elaborate some criticisms of the representational
approach to cognition, where cognition is seen as information processing that results in
representations in the mind or brain (Rowlands, 2009). In interpreting these criticisms,
we discuss ecological dynamics as an important action-based, non-representational
approach to cognition. From this perspective, cognition is the on-going, active mainten-
ance of a robust performer–environment system, achieved by closely coordinated percep-
tion and action (Araújo et al., 2006; Stepp, Chemero, & Turvey, 2011).

Theoretical criticisms: the world is its best model

The representational approach to human performance considers representations as con-
taining meanings of symbols (i.e. perceptual encoding of stimuli in the brain, motor pro-
grammes decoding intentions from brain, through the nervous system, to physical
apparatus for coordinating actions, e.g. muscles, joints, limbs, bones)(see Araújo, 2007;
Shaw, 2003). Representations are assumed to ‘stand for’ things in the world and things
in the body. However, the mechanisms typically proposed for associative memory, or gen-
erally, knowledge structures are epistemic mediators. They provide contact with the world
for an individual athlete. Computationally, this process of making contact requires conven-
tional rules of reference that specify what symbols refer to, as well as rules of common
usage that specify symbol meaning in actual contexts. The conventional connection of
symbols to what they represent necessarily involves establishing common conventions
through perceptual means (Shaw, 2003). Currently, little, if anything, is known about
how the vital computational processes of symbolic encoding, decoding, and respective
rules, are biologically implemented. In contrast, the ecological dynamics approach holds
that ambient energy distributions are necessarily specific to the facts of the environment
and of a performer’s actions relative to the environment (Gibson, 1979; Turvey & Shaw,
1995). As Warren (2006, p. 361) asked, if perceptual and cognitive states are represen-
tations, how is it possible for an agent to know what they stand for, without presuming
some other direct access to the world?
In sport, the majority of decision-making studies follow the assumption that decision-
making and perceptual judgements are predicated on internalised knowledge structures
operating as inference engines to deliberate on ‘the’ best decision, or the decision that
‘best fits’ the task. In this process, the same assembly of stimuli is assumed to be perceived
and commonly represented in the mind of every observer of a situation. These stimuli are
viewed as always constraining similar decisions and actions (the ‘correct’ decisions made
by experts, for example). Thus, it is believed that some people decide well and other
people decide poorly. The problem is that, in open, dynamic systems there is no ‘best
decision’, since the most functional decision at any moment may compromise future
decisions (Araújo et al., 2006; Davids & Araújo, 2010). During the act of perceiving, the
limbs, ears or eyes of a performer explores available information in an environment.

Complex, structured energy fields of ambient, patterned energy (i.e. information), such as
light reflected from objects, are an environmental resource to be sought and exploited by
individuals, who continuously modulate their interactions with the world, i.e. exert their
agency (Withagen, Araújo, & de Poel, 2017). Information is the basis for maintaining
contact with the environment because it is specific to its sources. Thus, various exploratory
actions of perceptual systems are required for perception to occur. For the ecological
dynamics approach, meaning in perception is not derived from any form of mental associ-
ation, or labelling, but only from information detected by an observer. Therefore, percep-
tual learning, for example due to training and experience, is the process of becoming
attuned, i.e. better able to differentiate more and more kinds of information, increasing
the range and economy of the information detection process (Reed, 1993).
These arguments suggest that an individual’s regulation of behaviour can be explained
without the postulation of mental representations. Decisions are expressed by actions
(Beer, 2003). Planning an action before acting (denoted as ‘strategical’ in sports science)
can influence the course of decisions (e.g. where to explore), but behaviour is always
dependent on circumstances (action is not a mechanical outcome, but it is ‘tactical,’ i.e.
an intentional exploration for an efficient solution). In this respect, decision-making is
an emergent behaviour (Araújo et al., 2006). As the individual moves with respect to
her/his surroundings, there are opportunities for action (affordances, Gibson, 1979) that
persist, arise, and disappear, even though the surroundings remain the same. Changes
of action can give rise to multiple variations in opportunities for subsequent actions. To
exemplify, in team games, two defenders may face an attacker with the ball, but the
gap between the defenders may vary momentarily, inviting different actions of the
attacker, depending on his/her capacities (e.g. speed of movement), amongst other
things. Perception of affordances (opportunities for action) is the basis for performers con-
trolling her/his behaviours prospectively, i.e. regulating future behaviours (Gibson, 1979;
Turvey, 1992). An important aspect of expert performance involves acting in a manner
that is consistent with ways that are socio-culturally endorsed (Barab & Plucker, 2002;
van Dijk & Rietveld, 2017), such as those valued in different sports. Experience in acting
in a performance context attunes performers to perceptual variables that reliably
specify the state of the environment relevant to performance in a specific task (Araújo
& Davids, 2011a). In this way, athletes can use the situation as its own best model, actively
exploring and scanning it in detail at specific locations according to particular needs in the
moment. This idea was elegantly described by Rodney Brooks, a prominent scientist in
robotics as ‘the world as its best model’ (Brooks, 1991). Accordingly, robotics and other
areas (e.g. computational neuroscience) are actively searching for embodied and
embedded explanations for cognition (including perception and action) (see Clark,
2015) for a recent review). If social, historical, and possibly other external processes, are
to be taken as integral constraints on skilled action, then traditional notions of expert per-
formance (which relegate these processes to an individual’s internal environment) should
be re-examined: focusing on contexts and relations channelling expert performance.

Methodological criticisms: variables that are beyond immediate observation

How scientific findings from laboratory experiments can provide effective interventions in
society (Ericsson & Williams, 2007) has become a major concern within sport psychology. A

critical issue is that disregard for the need to study functional behaviours in traditional
empirical designs has led to a decoupling of perceptual processes from actions on rel-
evant external objects and events (Fajen, Riley, & Turvey, 2009; van der Kamp, Rivas,
Van Doorn, & Savelsbergh, 2008). Neisser (1976) recognised this weakness, in his
seminal treatise on cognitive psychology, arguing that laboratory settings with con-
trived and trivial tasks, rather than everyday situations in life, can lead to the emer-
gence of artificial decisions and behaviours. Examples abound in sport, perhaps
best exemplified with reference to research methodologies in which film and video
presentations have been used to simulate sport performance contexts. Discrepancies
between these task constraints and performance in sport contexts have long been
well-documented (Williams & Abernethy, 2012; Williams, Davids, & Williams, 1999).
These concerns were endorsed by a recent meta-analysis (Travassos et al., 2013)
which clarified how expertise effects on decision-making in sport were moderated
by ubiquitous response modes (verbal reports, button pressing, performance of
micro-movements) and methods of stimuli presentation (slides, images, video presen-
tations, in situ) in research. Moderating effects on decision-making were most obvious
when participants were required to move in highly controlled laboratory conditions,
rather than when actually performing sporting actions under in situ task constraints
(Travassos et al., 2013).
For example, evidence has revealed that, when cricketers bat against a bowler, ball
projection machine or a video simulation of a bowler with a projection machine, signifi-
cant variations in timing of movement initiation and downswing initiation arise under
the different task constraints (Pinder, Davids, Renshaw, & Araújo, 2011; see similar find-
ings in studies of catching behaviours, Stone, Maynard, North, Panchuk, & Davids, 2015).
Such findings indicate the relevance of representing in investigations, the key con-
straints of performance environments (see Brunswik, 1956). The representativeness of
a particular situation helps participants to achieve performance goals cyclically, by
acting to perceive information to guide further actions (Araújo & Davids, 2015). There
needs to be a clear correspondence between behaviours in one context (an experiment
or a training session) and behaviours in another context (a performance environment)
(for detailed arguments see Araújo & Davids, 2015). The concept of correspondence is of
great importance in decision-making, because, among other things, it is linked to our
ability to perceive similarities between contexts. Recently, Seifert and colleagues
(Seifert et al., 2013; Seifert, Wattebled et al., 2016) showed how training on an indoor
climbing wall might facilitate climbing on a frozen waterfall. Correspondence
between behaviours in these contexts resulted in emergence of the use of quadrupedal
locomotion, facilitating use of limb extremities and control of gravitational forces due to
the vertical support needed for locomotion.
Performance in sport contexts involves actions, in which perceptual judgements and
decisions are embodied (Araújo et al., 2006; Beer, 2003). Much previous research has
linked perception to verbal responses, eye movements or neuroanatomical parts of
the body supposed to express variables beyond immediate observation (i.e. decisions,
judgments). However, actions by which cognition is expressed require that infor-
mation be available in the patterned ambient energy for behaving with respect
to environmental constraints. In this regard, actions, not their surrogates, are true
cognitive behaviours.

Hidden reductionism: expert decision-making is not that which happens in a

body location
Gobet (2016) has proposed that ‘the jury is out’ with regard to whether neuroscience has
‘really taught us anything surprising and critical’ (p.184) concerning expert anticipation
and decision-making. Gobet (2016) also suggested that studying the nervous system at
the level of brain regions is the wrong level of analysis for understanding such processes.
To exemplify, the mirror neuron hypothesis (Rizzolatti & Sinigaglia, 2016) is a theory
grounded on representations, located in the CNS, which are considered to have just the
right type of organisation needed to produce behaviours (Churchland & Sejnowski, 1989).
This type of reductionist explanation of decision-making, as an internalised neurophy-
siological process, seems to endorse psychological attributes as specific anatomical sub-
strates, and not as emerging from interactions of the individual-environment system. This
is an organism-centred view of behaviour which misses a central point: the reciprocity
between an organism and environment (Davids & Araújo, 2010). Such a neurophysiologi-
cal perspective is predicated on a conceptualisation of a CNS that perceives, executes, con-
ceives and constructs an action for the organism. For this reason some neuroscientists
have argued that sport represents a valuable natural context which challenges the brain
(Walsh, 2014). However, it is the performer, who actually perceives and acts during dyna-
mical interactions with sport environments, not separate parts of his/her body (e.g. com-
ponents of a nervous system), (Araújo & Kirlik, 2008). Athletes act to perceive and perceive
to act (Gibson, 1979), with many more subsystems engaged in the emergence of beha-
viours than simply the CNS. Evidence for this view is abundant in the literature, traced
back to Dewey (1896) (but see recent reviews of empirical evidence from Reed, 1982,
1996; Richardson, Shockley, Fajen, Riley, & Turvey, 2008; Seifert, Komar, Araujo, &
Davids, 2016; Teques, Araújo, Seifert, Campo, & Davids, in press). Sport experts are
active performers engaged in dynamical transactions with their functionally defined
environments. Thus, expert performance is not possessed by the brain of a performer,
but rather it is best captured as an ongoing, dynamically varying relationship that has
emerged (and continues to emerge) between the constraints imposed by the environ-
ment and the capabilities of a performer (Araújo & Davids, 2011a).
This conceptualisation does not mean that the role of neurophysiological systems in
these continuous interactions should not be considered (Teques et al., in press). After
studying the emergent interactions of environment-athlete systems under the specific
constraints of sport tasks, researchers can investigate what affordances (opportunities
for action) are relevant, how they channel action, what the structure of such actions are
and how the entire process involves the contributions of many individual sub-systems
such as the nervous or the cardiovascular sub-systems. In ecological analyses of neural
processes underlying behavioural regulation (Järvilehto, 1998), a basic principle of
nervous system functioning is the self-organisation tendencies of neuronal assemblies.
Neuroanatomical organisations are temporary, only relatively stable and self-organising
to capture the embeddedness of individuals in their environments, dependent on what
Gibson (1966a, 1966b) called the resonance of a perceptual system to ecological infor-
mation. Gibson proposed that ‘The brain is a self-tuning resonator’ (Gibson, 1966b,
p. 146) and achieving resonance implies that the perceiver learns to become ‘tuned’ to
specific patterns of ambient energy (e.g. sound from the steps of an approaching

opponent or light of an approaching ball). Such structured information specifies features

of a particular substance, surface, object, or event in relation to a particular individual. Res-
onance is not something that a brain achieves in isolation, but involves all the body (sub)-
systems involved in perceiving and acting in the environment (Gibson, 1966a). Resonance
captures how the brain-body-environment system is embedded and embodied (Teques
et al., in press).
Similar reasoning can be applied to use of eye movements or verbal protocols as expla-
natory mechanisms in expert decision-making. Like neurophysiological processes, eye
movements and concurrent verbalizations may be related to performance. But they also
may not, although performance may still be maintained (e.g. high levels of performance
achieved by Paralympic athletes such as blind or deaf-mute performers). A key point is
that partial (neural or eye activity) or surrogate processes (verbalizations) are not different
aspects of decision making in sport (Cotterill & Discombe, 2016); more importantly they are
not the phenomenon of interest. The embeddedness of a performer within the perform-
ance environment during decision-making behaviour is the phenomenon of interest. Why
study the behaviour of the eye if what one really wants to study is the exploratory beha-
viours of a player or of a team? Why not move directly to the study of actions, and how it
reveals the performer’s exploration, problem solving or reasoning in a performance task?
It is worth noting that researchers can actually test hypotheses about action and cogni-
tion directly. Different kinds of activities and different kinds of information produce various
cognitive functions. All of them have their basis in perceptually-guided actions. Investi-
gators can modify ambient information in addition to modifying task demands when
they seek to study cognition. Since action is an expression of cognitive processes, it is poss-
ible to look at organisational and functional aspects of contextualised action in testing
hypotheses about cognitions in behaviour (Araújo et al., 2006; Correia, Araújo, Vilar, &
Davids, 2013).

An ecological dynamics account of decision-making in sport

Ecological dynamics can be traced to areas of science tangential to sport performance.
Two seminal researchers were instrumental in its origin: the ecological psychologist
James J. Gibson (1966a, 1979) and the physicist and biomechanist, Nikolai A. Bernstein
(1967, 1996, written in the 1940s and in the 1960s in Russian). Turvey (1977) first high-
lighted the relevance of their work for understanding of perception and action, further ela-
borated by Kugler, Kelso and Turvey (e.g. 1980) by introducing the language of complex
systems from physicists such as Prigogine (Prigogine & Nicholis, 1971), Haken (1977), and
Iberall (1977). A comprehensive exposition of these ideas, and their implications for sport
scientists, was provided by Davids and colleagues (Davids, Handford, & Williams, 1994; Wil-
liams, Davids, Burwitz, & Williams, 1992). Importantly, Davids et al.’s (1994) paper was influ-
ential for indicating the interdisciplinary relevance of their insights for the sport sciences
(especially motor learning, biomechanics, sport psychology, sport pedagogy, performance
analysis). A further important impact in the sport sciences was made in developing an eco-
logical dynamics rationale for decision-making by Araújo et al. (2006), where the link to
Brunswik’s (1956) concept of representative design was firmly established. There are
three important assumptions of the ecological dynamics approach, which are worth
emphasising in discussions of decision-making: i) behaviour emerges from the

performer-environment system; ii) perception is of affordances (opportunities for action);

and iii), action, therefore cognition, emerges under interacting constraints.

Behaviour emerges from the performer-environment system

Behaviour is defined at the ecological level of analysis: the level of interactions between an
organism and its environment, both continuously shaping each other (Gibson, 1979;
Richardson et al., 2008). A consequence of this idea is that behaviour can only be under-
stood, not simply according to the characteristics of a performer, but symmetrically
according to the characteristics of a performance environment. If sport psychologists
seek to generalise behaviours from one context (e.g. experimental laboratory, training
session) to another context (competition, a performance environment), there should be
clear theoretical guidance on establishing behavioural correspondence between contexts.
This guidance is available in ecological psychology (e.g. Brunswik, 1956), where it has been
demonstrated how athlete behavioural patterns are generated from the tight coordination
emerging between a performer and a performance environment in the service of achiev-
ing specific performance goal (e.g. coupling limb movements when climbing a vertical
surface, Seifert et al., 2014; for a review, see Araújo & Davids, 2015).
A tight performer-environment relationship seems to be a ‘common-sense’ view pro-
posed in traditional sport psychology. However, a misconception is that the performer
is typically regarded as the active agent, with the environment acting as a passive ‘back-
drop’ that merely supports an individual’s selection of actions, providing sources of stimuli
to control behaviours (Araújo & Davids, 2011b). The separation of organism and environ-
ment leads to theorising in which the most significant explanatory factors in behaviour are
located within the organism. The upshot is that causes for behavioural disturbances are
located in disturbances of brain function or in lack of sensitivity to ‘cues to control’ per-
formance (e.g. O’Brien & Ahmed, 2016; Wolpert & Landy, 2012; Yarrow et al., 2009). In eco-
logical dynamics, there is no internal knowledge structure or central pattern generator
inside the organism responsible for controlling action. Rather, all parts of the system
(brain, body, environment) are dynamically integrated during action regulation, just as
both hands in the air are needed for the task of clapping. Contemporary research has clari-
fied this misconception through the identification and analysis of eco-biophysical vari-
ables that capture the embedded relations between a performer and his/her
environment (Araújo et al., 2006; Correia et al., 2013).

Perception is of affordances
In ecological psychology, environmental properties can directly inform an individual per-
former about what he/she can and cannot do in a performance environment (Gibson,
1966a, 1979). For example, the rate of dilation of an image of an approaching object on
an individual’s retina can provide time-to-collision information without mental compu-
tations of distance or speed of an object to intercept it (Craig & Watson, 2011; Lee,
Young, Reddish, Lough, & Clayton, 1983). By calibrating information of their own action
capabilities, individuals directly perceive opportunities to act in the environment (i.e. affor-
dances) (Gibson, 1979). The concept of affordances captures the fit between the con-
straints on each performer and the properties of the environment. Cognition emerges

during such continuous interactions at the ecological scale of analysis, i.e. the performer-
environment system (Turvey, 1992), not from an internalised model of the world (the
world is its own best model). Affordances, as possibilities for action in a particular perform-
ance setting, are what an arrangement of surfaces, texture and objects offers to a perfor-
mer. Whether a gap between two defenders, for example, is passable or not is not
determined by its absolute size (whether measured in cms, metres or feet and inches),
but how it relates to particularities of an individual performer, including size, speed and
agility. The concept of affordance presupposes that the environment is directly perceived
in terms of what actions a performer can achieve within a performance environment (i.e. it
is not dependent on a perceiver’s expectations, Richardson et al., 2008). Affordances are
dynamic, changing across continuous performer-environment interactions (Fajen et al.,
2009) and are not representational properties of mind. Perceiving an affordance is to per-
ceive how one can act in a particular set of performance conditions. Affordances capture
the dynamics of the continuous interactions among individuals and their environment
(Araújo & Davids, 2016).
Performers can anticipate or prospectively control their actions by producing move-
ments guided by information about future states of affairs in a performance environment
(Beek, Dessing, Peper, & Bullock, 2003; Montagne, 2005; Turvey & Shaw, 1995). Gibson
(1966a, 1979) termed this direct perception, or ‘knowledge of’ the environment. This
type of knowledge is not formulated in pictures, symbols or words, because it is the knowl-
edge that makes the formulation of pictures and words possible. Knowledge of the
environment obtained through direct perception is not subjective or private. Information
is available in the environment, and performers can detect it. On the other hand, Gibson
conceived another type of knowledge: ‘images, pictures, and written-on surfaces afford a
special kind of knowledge that I call mediated or indirect, knowledge at second hand’
(Gibson, 1979, p. 42). This kind of knowledge, or indirect perception, is intrinsically
shared, because it involves the displaying of information to others. In these cases the infor-
mation on which direct perception can be based is selectively adapted and modified in a
display, for example as a schematic presentation of the co-positioning of players in two
handball teams. They consolidate gains of perception by mediating knowledge through
communication. The role of indirect forms of knowledge is to make others aware and
to articulate shared knowledge (Reed, 1991). Thus, contradicting some unfortunate misin-
terpretations in sport psychology (e.g. Ripoll, 2009; Sutton & McIlwain, 2015; Williams &
Ward, 2007), the ecological dynamics approach is deeply concerned with knowledge
and considers cognition to play an important role in theoretical explanations of human
behaviour (Araújo, Cordovil, Ribeiro, Davids, & Fernandes, 2009).
A recurrent question to ecological psychologists is ‘what about consciousness?’. Scien-
tists and philosophers have argued about the nature of consciousness, whether it exists or
can be verified, without reaching a consensus about the involvement of mind–body
dualism, physical reductionism, or epiphenomenalism (Shaw & Kinsella-Shaw, 2007).
Specifically in psychology, Wilhelm Wundt and William James conceived consciousness
without separating inner and outer experiences. However, Chalmers (1996) identified
the ‘easy’ and ‘hard’ problems in defining consciousness. For him, the solution to the
easy problem involves discovering the alignment between behaviours and their neuro-
logical correlates. The ‘hard’ problem implies moving beyond mere correlation to show
how the nature of experience (behaviours) superimposes on the nature of physiological

events. Merely correlating inner and outer events, avoids questions of how experience
arises and where its content comes from (Shaw & Kinsella-Shaw, 2007). Correlation
between two data series says nothing about the nature of the items correlated.
For Shaw and Kinsella-Shaw (2007) consciousness facilitates the detection and use of
information. It can improve its integration, specification, interpretation, and generalisation,
as well as making movement control more flexible and coordinated over a wider range of
tasks. Consciousness contributes to the adaptive value of being aware of one’s needs, pre-
ferences, and intentions with respect to actual or potential performance situations.
However, the greater the ecological significance of what one needs to be aware of, the
more likely it will be attended to. As Gibson put it:
Perceiving is an achievement of the individual, not an appearance in the theater of his con-
sciousness. It is a keeping-in-touch with the world, an experiencing of things rather than a
having of experiences. It involves awareness-of instead of just awareness. It may be awareness
of something in the environment or something in the observer or both at once, but there is no
content of awareness independent of that of which one is aware (Gibson, 1979, p. 239).

With this understanding of perception, Gibson advanced the holistic view of conscious-
ness of Wundt and James, by eliminating the need for solving the ‘easy-hard’ problems
of consciousness. Within this view these problems do not even arise: mental and material
have equal status (Shaw & Kinsella-Shaw, 2007). Gibson followed James and Holt in reject-
ing the mind-matter dualism in that consciousness needs to be capable of physical charac-
terisation. For example, the experience of observing a goal scored when a football is
curved through the air, implies a particular way of kicking the ball by a soccer player, in
relation to a specific position related to the goal, and to the specific angle of the observer.
These physical relations are needed for this experience to occur. Consciousness is a phys-
ical relation that only exists at the level of the individual-environment system. If one sub-
tracts such relations, only matter exists. Individuals can directly perceive their situation and
themselves in that situation without needing a ‘consciousness copy’ of it.
Grounded situational awareness emerges when the performer notices what surrounds
her/him, what is changing, and what is emerging (Shaw, 2003). Importantly, to be aware of
an affordance is not to have some kind of belief about the world (e.g. beliefs about cause
and effect; Reed, 1996). Informed awareness is not just information about the environ-
ment, but of information about oneself in relation to that surrounding environment as
well (Shaw & Kinsella-Shaw, 2007).
Recently, Seifert, Cordier and colleagues (2017), in a study about decision-making in
climbing, showed that, during previewing, climbers do not necessarily make plans
based on mental representations for programming their actions. Rather previews help
them become aware of functional properties of the environment. They perceive opportu-
nities for action rather than neutral physical properties (metrics such as distance, in cms or
inches, to reach a hold). By capturing gaze behaviours during route previewing, and by
relating those behaviours to actual climbing actions, Seifert and colleagues (2017) demon-
strated that previewing allowed climbers to become perceptually attuned to affordances.
Once acted upon they implied adjustments and revealed new information that, in turn,
implied further adjustments and so on towards goal achievement (see Araújo, Dicks, &
Davids, in press). Previewing (attuning to specific affordances) can be considered a stra-
tegical behaviour (changing at a slower timescale without relying on mental

representations and motor programming). The explorations, adjustments and choices

actually made during the implementation of this strategy in climbing (faster changing)
can be considered tactical behaviours. These continuous interactions in person-environ-
ment relations during performance do not require a role for non-observable concepts
such as mental representations and motor programmes.

Action, therefore cognition, emerges under constraints

One consequence of the performer–environment system assumption is that behaviour
can be understood as self-organized under constraints, in contrast to organisation
being imposed from inside (e.g. the mind) or outside (e.g. reinforcement contingencies,
or the instructions of a coach). Performance is not prescribed by internal or external struc-
tures, yet within existing constraints, there are typically a limited number of stable sol-
utions that can achieve specific desired outcomes (Araújo et al., 2006). An athlete’s task
is to exploit physical (e.g. rule-determined performance setting characteristics) and infor-
mational (e.g. surface grips to be used in vertical ascent or trajectories of other performers)
constraints to stabilise performance behaviours. Constraints have the effect of reducing
the number of configurations available to an athlete at any instance. In a performance
environment, behaviour patterns emerge under constraints as less functional states of
organisation are dissipated. Athletes can exploit this tendency to enhance their adapta-
bility and even to maintain performance stability under perturbations from the environ-
ment. Importantly, changes in performance constraints can lead a system towards
bifurcation points where choices emerge as more specific information becomes available,
constraining the environment-athlete system to switch to more functional paths of behav-
iour (such as performing a half volley on court in tennis, rather than a volley, as ball trajec-
tory changes due to top spin on the ball). Measurement of the dynamics of eco-biophysical
variables (e.g. the angle between an attacker-defender-goal) enables understanding of
how the cognitive functioning might be predicated on emergent, on-going performer-
environment interactions in sport (Araújo et al., 2006; Correia et al., 2013).

Choice of action modes while perceiving an affordance

When a performer changes from one action mode (walking towards a ball) to another
(running after catching it), transitions among stable behavioural states (i.e. action
modes) emerge from dynamic instabilities in the athlete-environment system. Transition-
ing provides a universal decision-making process for switching between distinct behav-
ioural patterns (Kelso, 1995). Such stabilities and instabilities do not exist a priori in the
(internalised) memorial structure of a performer, nor are pre-determined in the structure
of the environment. Rather they are co-determined by the confluence of constraints and
information, exemplifying how control lies in the emerging relations of the individual–
environment system. This is a key point for sport psychologists to understand when
they engage with athletes to help improve their decision-making behaviours. Emergent
behavioural patterns have been formally modelled using differential equations and poten-
tial functions to describe the dynamical interactions of system components (e.g. Haken,
Kelso, & Bunz, 1985). The landscape changes as attractors disappear or emerge. Athletes
can exploit system multi-stability, transiting between different action modes.

Araújo and colleagues (e.g. Araújo et al., 2006; Davids & Araújo, 2010) have previously
explained that decision-making behaviours during performance emerge in such a land-
scape of attractors (stable system states), as potential task solutions. In contrast to the tra-
ditional view of arriving at a putative ‘single best solution’, athletes modulate their
interactions with the environment until the performer-environment system arrives at a
stable, functional solution. A viable option selected is the strongest attractor for an individ-
ual-environment system at any given moment, with other options having less strength of
attraction. Decision-making is explained through an integration of intentions, actions and
perceptions, since selected behaviours are the realisation of affordances. This selection
only emerges from the continuous interactions of an individual and a performance
environment. Ignoring other options is a consequence of the dynamical (athlete-environ-
ment) system relaxing to one stable state, concomitantly ignoring remaining options
(attractors). The presence of a stronger attractor does not eliminate the influence of
other attractors in the dynamic landscape of action possibilities (e.g. Araújo, Diniz,
Passos, & Davids, 2014). Under dynamic performance conditions, other attractors (i.e. as
options) may emerge and exert their attraction. Dynamical models can explain different
decisions through the same underlying process of originating and decaying attractors.
A model initially proposed by Tuller, and colleagues (Tuller, Case, Ding, & Kelso, 1994),
for judging between pronounced words accounted for decision-making behaviours in
other tasks such as the walk-run transition (Diedrich & Warren, 1998), or the decision to
start from right or left positions in a sailing regatta (Araújo, Davids et al., 2015). In the
model of Tuller et al. (1994), it is assumed that the system’s state changes over time influ-
enced by the dynamics of the attractor landscape. In the study of Araújo, Davids et al.
(2015), the system’s state was the decision, expressed by ecological constraints such as
the sailors’ place on the starting line and the angle between the wind direction and the
starting line. In agreement with predictions of Tuller et al.’s (1994) model, Araújo et al.
(2006, Araújo, Davids et al., 2015) observed properties such as qualitative changes,
abrupt jumps, critical fluctuations and multi-stability. In the crucial pre-start period,
there was no single ‘valid’ course for each boat to follow, so the boats engaged in an inten-
sive pre-start competition, with each continuously trying to gain a positional advantage
over opponents. Analysis of the pre-start period revealed that, although decisions regard-
ing the discrete ‘most favourable starting place’ could be made in advance, this tactic was
inherently misleading. There is a need to consider and interact with instantaneously chan-
ging task (e.g. movements of opposing boats) and environmental constraints (e.g. ocean
currents) (Araújo, Davids, & Serpa, 2005; Pluijms, Cañal-Bruland, Kats, & Savelsbergh, 2013).
This particular process of decision-making (the selection of a path to an advantageous
starting point) clearly cannot be based on mental comparisons between optimal and
actual states mentally represented, because they emerge under the interaction of emer-
ging constraints including an adversary’s actions, wind changes, ocean currents, and
boat manoeuvring skills. Due to high computation loads required, this level of action pro-
gramming would be highly infeasible, perhaps needless. It would be impossible to pre-
cisely calculate the exact relational state of each source of constraint such as opponent
manoeuvres, winds, tides and currents, and personal/boat movements, and predict their
changes, and plan how to act accordingly, on a momentary basis (see also Araújo et al.,
2014 for a model in decision-making in Rugby Union).

Rather, action modes are chosen when affordances are selected, but they can change,
guided by appearance and disappearance of affordances in the performance landscape.
As Turvey and Shaw put it ‘to see the distance-to-contact is to see the work required, to
see the time-to-contact is to see the impulse forces required, to see the direction to-
contact is to see the torques required’ (Turvey & Shaw, 1995, p. 158). During performance,
an athlete’s actions generate perceptual information, which, in turn, constrains the emer-
gence of further movements. For example, in ice climbing, Seifert and colleagues (2014)
observed how skilled climbers perceived different properties of ice surface structures to
adapt their inter-limb coordination patterns with ice tools and crampons. When they
detected holes in the ice surface left by previous climbers, hooking actions emerged. Con-
versely, when the ice was smooth and dense, climbers used swinging actions to create
holes needed for a safe and rapid traversal. In turn, a climber’s movements continuously
change his/her relationship with the ice surface. Decision-making in this climbing task is
facilitated by multi-stability of the perception-action system. Multistability refers to the
principle of ‘functional equivalence’ (Kelso, 2012, p. 907), also known as ‘degeneracy’
(Edelman & Gally, 2001). Degeneracy corresponds to ‘the ability of elements that are struc-
turally different to perform the same function or yield the same output’ (Edelman & Gally,
2001, p. 13763). It signifies that an individual can vary action-perception without compro-
mising function (Mason, 2010), as an expression of the adaptive and functional role of
coordination pattern variability in order to satisfy interacting constraints (Seifert, Komar
et al. 2016). A higher level of skill reflects greater adaptive capacity to achieve similar per-
formance outcomes with different movements and coordination patterns, rather than
relying on a single (programmed, represented) ready-made solution. The presence of
degeneracy in sport actions increases an athlete’s complexity and robustness against per-
turbations and ensures a functional ongoing engagement (decision-making) with a
dynamic environment.

Selecting an affordance in a world full of affordances

Behaviours can be sustained by simultaneous and successive affordances, and not necess-
arily by a hierarchical plan or representation capturing a sequence of performance oper-
ations (Araújo et al., in press). Reed (1993) argued that these patterns of behavioural
organisation emerge in situations in which different affordances can be utilised to
enhance performance in contexts like sport. This performer-environment basis of concep-
tualising behaviour indicates that affordances can be used, motivating an organism to act,
but they are not to be viewed as unique causes for behaviour because a person may not
act on a perceived affordance. Affordances favour certain behaviours and select against
others (Withagen, de Poel, Araújo, & Pepping, 2012). The factors underlying the tendency
for favoured behaviours to be realised are multiple. For example, in climbing, a rock
surface may be traversable for an individual climber in a specific way, depending on
the availability and spatial organisation of surface texture properties (holes shape, size
and orientation, offering more or less stability) (Seifert, Boulanger, Orth, & Davids, 2015).
Indeed, each surface property has many affordances, and it is from this selection of
which affordance to act upon that it is possible to understand behavioural dynamics in
different climbers. Whether the individual takes up these possibilities or not is a separate
matter since affordances are not deterministic causes, i.e. one can decline or accept an

invitation to act in a specific way (Withagen et al., 2012, 2017). Since affordances do not
select themselves, the intention to use an affordance, as Reed (1993) put it, like other bio-
logical phenomena, emerges out of a process of variation and selection. In this way,
people are ‘drawn into’ interactions with affordances offered by a performance environ-
ment (Withagen et al., 2017).
Relatedly, Kiverstein and Rietveld (2015) defined skilled intentionality as ‘the individ-
ual’s selective openness and responsiveness to a rich landscape of affordances’ (p.701).
This notion indicates that the everyday environment offers a range of more or less inviting
affordances (Withagen et al., 2012). However, these affordances are relational: accessible
to individuals with necessary skills (e.g. developed through previous experiences) to act
on them. For example, where one tennis player with an excellent backhand shot may per-
ceive an opportunity to force cross-court shots when using it, another player who is highly-
skilled at volleying may perceive every ball as an opportunity to approach the net. Thus,
sports people interact with a surrounding environment through skilled engagement with
the affordances that a specific environment offers them, because of their unique skill set.
From this viewpoint perceptual attunement developed through experience brings an
‘openness’ to affordances that, without skill, would not be accessible, since it is skill that
opens up possibilities for action to an individual.
Moreover, individuals act relative to multiple relevant affordances simultaneously, or to
what Rietveld and colleagues (Kiverstein & Rietveld, 2015; van Dijk & Rietveld, 2017) call a
‘field of affordances’, each of which is of greater or lesser significance to the performer. For
example, the field of affordances of significance for a goalkeeper in hockey or football only
marginally overlaps with the field of affordances for an attacking player in these invasion
games. This idea justifies why an individual is open to and ready to act on multiple affor-
dances at the same time. Through experience, training and practice, individuals can
display tendencies towards a specific link with the environment in a field of affordances.
Additionally, the existence of constellations of constraints, maximising the availability of
affordances, has been identified in different sports settings (e.g. Barsingerhorn, Zaal,
dePoel, & Pepping, 2013; Hristovski, Davids, Araújo, & Button, 2006; Paulo, Zaal, Fonseca,
& Araújo, 2016 Pepping, Heijmerikx, & de Poel, 2011). These regions of ‘hyper-link’ in a
field of affordances may be important in sensitising performers to subtle differences in
an opponent’s actions, and thus in the process of calibration to a perceived affordance.
The perception of a new affordance in a landscape of temporally nested affordances (Hris-
tovski, Davids, Araújo, & Passos, 2011; Torrents Martín, Ric, & Hristovski, 2015) can bring
about higher adaptive capacities of performers.
We recently suggested that one important way to explain how affordances are selected
is based on information for the next affordance (Araújo et al., in press). This is the informa-
tional basis for the selection of affordances in multi-scale dynamics (Keijzer, 2001). This
means that affordances are conditionally-coupled (van Geert, 1994), allowing a dynamic
assembly of overall behavioural sequences. In tennis, Carvalho and colleagues (2014)
studied how sequential behaviours, expressed as successive strokes in a rally, was
based on conditionally-coupled affordances. The goal-directed displacement index, was
developed as a measure to simultaneously consider the distance of competing players
in relation to two on-court reference points –the central line of the court and the net-
during competitive performance. This eco-biophysical variable reflects the state of the
individual-environment system. This study showed that different functional relations

could be established between skilled players attuned, open, and responsive to match
affordances. A player with an advantage is perceiving and creating affordances for the
other (see Fajen et al., 2009), where the other is invited (pressured) to act upon such affor-
dances, since he/she is open and responsive to play in the rally. The stability of the inter-
actions between players is highly constrained by the co-adaptations (co-positioning) of
the players (near or away from the central line of the court, or from the net) and the
pattern of interactions developed during play (cross-court or down-the-line rallies). In
such a field of affordances, a player with an advantage tries to create a successively
more unstable situation for the other player, stroke after stoke, in an effort to de-stabilise
the existing spatial-temporal coordination between them (Carvalho et al., 2013). The
advantage in a rally is a process that is developed though successive actions, where
nested affordances are dynamically assembled and imply perceptual attunement of
skilled players to information for the next affordance.

In sport, coordination of whole body actions with events, objects and surfaces and other
athletes in the environment, is a requisite of performance. In other social-cultural activities,
such as chess or playing piano, expert action tends to reside in micro-movements. A gen-
eralised interest of the scientific community on the topic of action has been around for no
more than two decades (Herwig, Beisert, & Printz, 2013). However, sport performance is
not typically predicated on performance of micro- or simple movements. It is a phenom-
enon that capitalises on detailed interactions between an individual and a performance
environment. This is why the structure of action, during ongoing interactions of a perfor-
mer in a performance environment, is a key issue for understanding expert cognition in
From this viewpoint, the study of decision-making in sport involves selecting among
affordances. However, once an affordance is perceived, its selection embodies an action
mode, i.e. the action mode is chosen in the perception of an affordance. Interestingly,
this action mode can change to other action modes guided by the information conveyed
by the affordance (e.g. from walking to running when fielding in cricket or baseball if a
ball’s trajectory is perceived as falling to ground earlier). A few models of decision
making already exist in ecological dynamics (e.g. Araújo et al., 2014, 2015). But there are
many other courses of action, competition sub-phases and sports to address. Moreover,
action modes bring about new affordances among which new selections may emerge.
Therefore, the two instances of decision-making are intimately connected and future
research is needed to investigate this relationship.
Ecological dynamics is focused in the performer-environment system as an explanatory
level of analysis, not on inferred internal variables. Ecological dynamics research is limited
at the moment, but it is needed to understand how environmental manipulations (e.g.
match status in competition, effects of differences in heights between a competing
attacker and defender or the influence on performance of variations in holds designed
into a climbing wall) influence the behavioural dynamics of the participants (Cordovil
et al., 2009).
The understanding of action, and therefore cognition, as an emergent process under
individual, environmental and task constraints has consequences for how decision-

making behaviour is understood and enhanced by experience and training (Araújo,

Davids, Chow, & Passos, 2009) by sport psychologists and sport practitioners. Also, such
an approach has consequences for understanding of cognition and agency (Withagen
et al., 2017), and creativity (Hristovski et al., 2011), in general psychology, as well as per-
formance analysis in sport (Passos, Araújo, & Volossovitch, 2017), sport pedagogy
(Chow, Davids, Button, & Renshaw, 2015; Renshaw et al., 2016), team sport expertise
(Araújo, Silva, & Davids, 2015) and expert athlete development (Davids, Güllich, Araújo,
Shuttleworth, & , 2017). Indeed, sport psychology is located in an exciting position, to
reveal how action is not a ready-made implementation selected ‘off the shelf’, but a
true choice behaviour emerging from a range of action opportunities.

Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.

This work was partly supported by the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, under Grant UID/DTP/
UI447/2013 to CIPER – Centro Interdisciplinar para o Estudo da Performance Humana (unit 447).

Duarte Araújo
Robert Hristovski
Ludovic Seifert
João Carvalho
Keith Davids

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