The Critical Necessity of The Future Pusa Hydrogel, A Novel Approach To Convert Desert Into Farmland

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Volume 7, Issue 12, December – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

The Critical Necessity of the Future: Pusa Hydrogel,

A Novel Approach to Convert Desert into Farmland
Shabir Ahmad Bhat*
M.Sc, Student Division of agronomy Faculty of agriculture,

Bisma Nazir, Nadeem Nissar, Sadaf salam Mehraj ud din sofi

M.Sc, Student Division of Entomology Faculty of M.Sc, Student, Department of Agronomy,
agriculture, SKUAST-K Wadura , Sopore , Jammu and College of Agriculture, AU Jodhpur,
Kashmir Rajasthan

Fayaz Ahmed Bahar1, Waseem Ahmad Raja2

Professor cum chief scientist1, Associate professor 2
Division of agronomy Faculty of agriculture SKUAST-K Wadura, Sopore,
Jammu and Kashmir

Abstract:- Water scarcity is currently a major problem I. INTRODUCTION

for humanity, particularly for the farming population.
The total growth and development of a plant depends Water, which directly affects plant metabolism, is one
heavily on water. This issue has become exponentially of the most essential components for crop growth and
more problematic because of climate change. India's development. Crops cannot use inputs to their full capacity
population is expected to grow to 1.6 billion people by without an appropriate supply of water. Natural resources
the year 2050, which will worsen the country's water are deteriorating quickly and causing significant crop
shortage. The country only has 4% of the world's production difficulties. The world is experiencing a food
freshwater despite having 16% of the world's crisis, there are more mouths to feed due to population
population. About 1122 BCM (690 BCM from the growth, and droughts are becoming more frequent and
surface and 432 BCM from groundwater) of the nation's severe due to climate change. Water, one of the most
total water resources are usable, which is just 28% of important natural resources, is essential to the establishment
water which comes from precipitation . A significant and expansion of agriculture, which in turn reveals
portion of this water is being diverted for irrigation in information about the yield and commercial feasibility of a
agriculture about 85% (688 BCM) , it may increase up to particular crop. Only 3% of the world's water is freshwater,
1072 BCM by the year 2050, and at the same rate, water and by 2050, it is predicted that 87 countries would
use in the home and industrial sectors could reach 29.2 experience a water shortage. Water shortages in India have
BCM by 2025. Therefore, it is anticipated that water recently gotten much worse, which has had a large impact
availability in the agricultural sector, mainly for on crop productivity because agriculture will be the main
irrigation, will decline to 162.3 BCM. Taking all these driver of demand as a result of a growing population. Two-
factors into account, scientists worked to come up with thirds of the global population is anticipated to experience
an alternative solution to this ongoing issue. The United water scarcity by 2025,India has already stepped into the
States Department of Agriculture invented the notion of economic and physical water scarcity zone. In addition to
hydrogel in the 1960s (USDA). Hydrogels initially do not this, the economics of water usage in all areas are impacted
receive much attention due to their poisonous nature, by the high cost of fuels and electrical energy used to draw
high cost, and short lifespan because of their starch- groundwater and poor water use efficiency. A significant
based structure, which was vulnerable to soil bacteria. fall in groundwater level is also a result of excessive
Maintaining this restriction Pusa Hydrogel, a cellulosic removal for agricultural and other applications. The
hydrogel, was created at the Indian Agriculture scientists are being forced by this deteriorating situation to
Research Institute (IARI). look for practical solutions to fulfil future water needs. In
order to keep these things in mind Scientists from the Indian
Keywords:- Pusa Hydrogel, Water Scarcity, and Water Agriculture Research Institute in New Delhi created the
Productivity. "Pusa Hydrogel" with the world's water shortage expected to
intensify by 2025 in mind. Pusa Hydrogel is a cross-linked,
semi-synthetic material superabsorbent polymer made from
derivatized cellulose-grafted-anionic polyacrylate. The
beauty of this gel is that it can function even at temperatures
above 30 °C and when salts and fertilisers are present, where
most hydrogels are known to fail to function, mostly
because of their structural degeneration. Early hydrogels
were starch-based and under field conditions they didn't
work well because of their susceptibility to soil microbes.
Scientists at the Indian Agriculture Research Institute (IARI)

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Volume 7, Issue 12, December – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
created the Pusa-Hydrogel, cellulose-based hydrogel, which B. Pusa Hydrogel characteristics
performs significantly better in real-world settings. This  Cellulose makes up the backbone ( a natural polymer )
substance showed a 350-times swelling potential in pure  Wide range of absorbency at high temperature ( 40-50
water, frequently exceeding 500 times its weight C)
(IARI,2012). Pusa Hydrogel's capacity to swell increased  Pusa hydrogel has enhanced the physical qualities of
when temperature rose to 50 degrees without having a soil by containing no measurable levels of the
negative impact on the polymer matrix. This was created by hazardous monomer (acrylamide), contains a low
IARI scientists who took into account the soil type and application rate (1–1.5 kg/acre), has improved root
climate of the Indian subcontinent. This was intended growth and density, and is least affected by the
primarily for tropical and subtropical climates. So, several presence of salts in its near surroundings.
comparable products were tested in India but failed in real-  A minimum of one year's worth of soil stability
world settings before Pusa Hydrogel emerged as a fresh  Absorbs at least 350 times its dry weight in clean
alternative. water and releases it gradually
A. Pusa Hydrogel  Increases emergence rate, which enhances root growth
Pusa Hydrogel is a superabsorbent semi-synthetic cross- and density and promotes seed germination and
linked cellulose-grafted-anionic polyacrylate polymer. It is a seedling emergence.
biodegradable gel made of carboxymethyl cellulose with a  Reduces the time it takes for nurseries to open and
2–5 year shelf life in the soil. When we examine the future reduces the amount of watering and fertigation that
while taking the water scarcity constraint into account, it's a crops need.
fantastic invention. Farmers all throughout India swiftly  Encourages early and abundant flowering, fruiting, and
embraced this innovation, consideringits properties like high tillering.
fluid absorption in the presence of fertilisers, capacity to
absorb at high temperatures, cellulose backbone, and C. Biochemical mechanism in soil
matrixqualities on the health and productivity of crops. It Hydrophilic functional groups connected to the polymer
works as a slow-release source of water because it mixes chain give hydrogels their ability to retain water; yet
crosslinks between network chains prevent hydrogels from
with soil to generate an amorphous, gelatinous material that
can absorb and desorb over an extended period of time. dissolving in water. Hydrogels simply absorb water by
osmosis when it comes into touch with them. As a result,
hydrogen atoms react and release positive ions. Because of
this, negative ions form throughout the length of the chain,
which causes the polymer chain to unravel because the
negative ions oppose one another before drawing in water
molecules and forming hydrogen bonds with them . In this
way, hydrogels are capable of absorbing 400 times as much
water as their own weight. It can endure up to 2-5 years
before decomposing by dispensing up to 95% of its water
when its surrounds start to dry out and then rehydrating
when exposed to water once more.

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Volume 7, Issue 12, December – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig. 1: Biochemical mechanism in soil

D. Behaviour of hydrogels in soil E. Application Techniques

Hydrogels can produce unreacted monomers including Depending on the type of soil, apply 2.5 kg/ha with a soil
acrylamide, acrylic acid, and acrylate that are present in depth of 15 to 20 cm for clayey soil and 5.0 kg/ha with a soil
their completed polymer, but this is a misperception depth of 10 cm for sandy soil.
regarding how they degrade. However, in practise hydrogels
can never return to their original monomers since it is not Its technique of application varies:
possible to undertake a reverse reaction.The ionic and  For the crops on the field,prepare a 1:10 hydrogel and fine
microbiological media in the soil help hydrogels biodegrade, dry soil combination, and then apply it alongside seeds
ultimately converting them to ammonia , carbon dioxide and and fertiliser.
water . When cellulose is utilised as the backbone of the  For every square metre of nursery bed, evenly distribute
polyacrylamide, there is no residual quantity of acrylamide 2gm of Pusa hydrogel at a depth of 5cm.
present in the soil after decomposition since the  Before planting, mix 3-5 g of soil per kg in pot culture.
polyacrylamide can never rebuild its monomer.  Make a free-flowing solution of 2 g of hydrogel per litre
of water for the transplanting case, then let it sit for an
 Recommended dose : 2.5–5.0 kg/ha hour to settle. Plant roots should be dipped in the solution
before being transplanted to the field.

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Volume 7, Issue 12, December – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
F. Footprints of hydrogel polymer on soil properties Allahadi et al. likewise had comparable outcomes (2005).
Hydrogel polymer put positive footprints when we talk According to Khadem et al. (2010), applying 65% cow
about as a soil conditioners or amendments on the arid and manure and 35% superabsorbent resulted in a 16.2%
semiarid regions in the following ways : increase in grain output when compared to the control.
 In the coarse textured soils, it has been seen that it
improves the soil structure by altering the physical ( viz; According to Nazarii (2010), the application of
soil permeability , porosity , bulk density , water holding polymer has a tendency to enhance the weight of 100
capacity , percolation and infiltration rate , soil sunflower seeds compared to the control. Islam et al. (2011)
temperature , etc .) chemical (CEC, etc.) and biological observed that the number of grains per plant increased 9.3%
environment through aggregation , stabilization, and & 16.6%, respectively, in comparison to control, with
solidification. modest application of superabsorbent polymer.
 Prevent crust formation .
 Soil water retention capacity has been increased , high PROPERTIES OF SOIL
water supply to plant roots , and reduce irrigation
frequency by lowering water loss by leaching and According to Uz et al. (2008), the usage of
evaporation . polyacrylamide increased macropore size in clay soil while
 Provide a favourable plant growth medium by lowering decreasing it in clay sandy loam and loam. According to
soil bulk density , supplying better ventilation and Karimi et al. (2009), adding polymer to peat soil lessened
moisture regime for supporting plant growth , and yield . water stress and lengthened the period until wilting.
 Inhibit soil loss by water and wind erosion and runoff . Superabsorbent polymer is useful in enhancing soil water
 Enhancing soil microbial activity retention, according to Feng and S (2011). According to
Nazarii et al. (2011), the use of superabsorbent polymer
G. Crop reaction to hydrogel resulted in good water retention and drought protection.
Since the hydrogel is having a strong impact on plant When polymers were added to coarse sand, Ekabafe et al.
growth & development so , its implications will be (2011) found that the water retention capacity increased by
imperative to discuss here so that we can correlate and will 171 to 402%.
have more understanding on the hydrogel.
According to Volkammar and Chang (1995), adding
In barley and wheat, Akhtar et al. (2004) observed that hydrophilic polymer at 1.87g plant-1 to the soil boosted root
more polymer in the soil led to higher dry matter production biomass compared to the control. According to Sendur et al.
than the control. According to Anupam et al. (2005), the (2001), hydrophilic polymers considerably increased both
performance of hydrogel (0.5% w/w) in the soilless media in root length and dry weight when compared to control.
chrysanthemum cultivated in controlled environments According to Zhang et al. (2005), the hydrophilic polymer
showed most notable development with plant height, stem markedly enhanced root biomass compared to control, In
diameter, and number of leaves per plant as compared to Aleppo pine, Huttermann et al. (2006) found that applying
control. Al-Harbi et al. (2006) concluded that adding hydrophilic polymer at 0.4% weight/volume resulted in
hydrophilic polymer to the soil boosted the number of leaves increased root development.
and leaf area in cucumber plants. Silberbush et al. (2001)
and Wang et al. (2001) both reported a considerable increase VI. CONCLUSION
in canola dry matter yield as a result of hydrogel polymer.
According to Yazdani et al. (2007), an increase in polymer In dry and semiarid areas, water is increasingly the
dose was accompanied with an increase in total dry matter limiting constraint for sustainable crop production. The use
(leaves + stem + pod) in soybean. In comparison to control, of hydrogel as a soil conditioner can enhance the hydro
soil treated with 225 kg ha-1 polymer had the highest total physical, physicochemical, and biological conditions of the
dry matter. Crop growth rate and leaf area index were higher soil, as well as its capacity to hold and release water. It can
in the crops that grew in soil with the highest dose of also increase irrigation, water, and nutrient use efficiency,
polymer (225 kg ha-1). increase crop yield and quality, and maintain environmental
quality. In terms of improved yield (cereals, vegetables,
III. HYDROGEL’S IMPACT ON YEILD AND YEILD oilseeds, flowers, spices, plantations, etc.) and easing soil
ATTRIBUTES moisture stress, this hydrogel technology may become a
practically useful and revolutionary technology in water-
When soil was treated with superabsorbent polymer, stressed locations. In India, where there will be water
Sender et al. (2001) observed an increase in the number of shortages, Pusa-hydrogel is the way of the future for
fruits, fruit weight, and yield per plant in tomato plants. El- agriculture. Farmers and the government must incorporate
Hady and Wanas (2006) came to the conclusion that at the pusa-hydrogel into field operations to improve soil quality
same irrigation rate, a larger hydrogel application dose and water use efficiency in order to make the most effective
results in a better marketable yield, According to Yazdani et use of the country's limited water resources. Additionally, it
al. (2007) that, when compared to control, significantly is essential for maintaining the natural ecology, raising the
increase in the soybean seed production by using groundwater table, and conserving resources for future
hydrophilic polymers (225 kg/ha) (without polymer). generations.

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Volume 7, Issue 12, December – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
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