AReviewof Selected Medicinal Plantswith Potential Health Benefitsin South-Eastern Nigeria

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A Review of Selected Medicinal Plants with Potential Health Benefits in

South-Eastern Nigeria

Article · October 2017


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2 authors:

Emmanuel Okezie Eziuche Amadike Ugbogu

Abia State University Abia State University


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Review Article
A Review of Selected Medicinal Plants with
Potential Health Benefits in South-Eastern Nigeria
I. Elekwa*, AE. Ugbogu, SC. Okereke and E. Okezie
Department of Biochemistry, Abia State University, Uturu. Abia State, Nigeria.

Medicinal plants and plant-derived medicines are widely used in treatment of various diseases all over
the world. Medicinal plants are of socio-economic importance to the rural population both as a source
of raw material for health care remedies and as a source of income. They are equally growing popular
in modern societies as natural alternatives to synthetic drugs. Today, it is estimated that more than
three quarters of the world population relies mainly on plants and plant extracts for better health care.
Increase in population, inadequate supply of orthodox drugs, prohibitive cost of treatments, side and
toxic effects of many synthetic drugs, resistance of some diseases to synthetic drugs have led to
increased emphasis on the use of plant materials as main sources of medicine for a wide variety of
human diseases. Most medicinal plants are used as hypolipidemic, anti-ulcerogenic, abortifacient,
contraceptive, antihypertensive, treatment of skin diseases, wound healers, antimicrobial, anti-cancer
and anti-diabetics etc. This review therefore highlights the health benefits of selected medicinal plants
used mainly in South-Eastern Nigeria for treatment of various ailments.

Keywords: Diseases, Health benefits, Medicinal plants, Nigeria.

INTRODUCTION irrespective of their cultural affiliation. A

Medicinal plants are inexhaustible primary bio- herbalist is one who studies, collects, sells or
resource of drugs for traditional systems of administers plants and/or plant products for
medicine, modern medicines, healing purposes (Morah, 2007). The name
pharmaceuticals, forklore medicines and herbalist has been most loosely and
chemical entities (Ncube et al. 2008). In the erroneously used in Nigeria, especially in the
past few decades, medicinal plants have been media, to be synonymous with medicine man,
used as sources of medicine in virtually all witch doctor and sorcerer.
cultures. The use of herbal remedies has The bioactive ingredients that have the
expanded globally and is gaining popularity therapeutic activity in plants used in herbal
because it has continued to be used not only practice are mostly unidentified and herbalists
for primary health care of the poor in believe in the holistic nature of their treatment.
developing countries but also in countries Although a herbalist is free to practice any of
where conventional medicine is predominant in these arts, it is wrong to take them to be
the national health care system. synonymous with herbal healing.
In the world today, up to 80% of the Substances found in medicinal plants,
population uses herbal medicine for primary containing the healing property is known as
health care and the global market for herbal phytochemicals. Phytochemicals are naturally
medicines currently stand at over US $ 60 occurring, non-nutritive biologically active
billion annually and is growing steadily (Tilburt chemical compounds in plants which act as a
and Kaptchuk, 2008). In Nigeria today, natural defence system for host plants and
therapy with medicinal plants is of great provide colour, aroma and flavour (Liu, 2003,
importance in conjunction with western Ugbogu et al. 2013). Basically phytochemicals
medicine in the health care system. are broadly classified into two main categories,
The practice of traditional medicine using namely, primary constituents and secondary
medicinal plants is as old as the origin of metabolites. Primary constituents includes
mankind. This type of health care is described proteins, amino acids, common sugars and
as Herbalism. The growing sophistication in chlorophyll, whereas, secondary constituents
the lifestyle among world populations makes it include glycosides, alkaloids, phenolic
imperative to refer to herbal practice as compounds, flavonoids, saponins, essential
alternative or complimentary medicine to oils, tannins and terpenoids. Majority of
appeal to a cross section of people phytochemicals contain important therapeutic

Vol. 6 (4) Oct-Dec 2017 162


activities and the plants thus find their agricultural produce available in large
medicinal importance due to presence of the quantities in Western Africa. It is found grown
respective phytochemical constituents (Zeb et in the rain forests and served in almost all
al. 2014). For instance saponins have the Nigerian homes as adjunct or supplement to
ability to treat different disease conditions and the true kolanuts in ceremonies, occasions
serve as antimicrobial, antidiabetic, cytotoxic, and complimentary visits. Bitter kola is used in
antitumor, antioxidant, antiplasmodiasis and as the treatment of cough, diarrhoea, tuberculosis
antihelminthic. Plants also contain other and other bacterial infections as it has very
compounds such as morphine, atropine, potent antibiotic features (Obute, 2005). It
codeine, steroids, lactones and volatile oils, helps to detoxify the system and can be
which possess medical values for the chewed immediately after eating any
treatment of different diseases. In recent suspected bacteria contaminated food.
years, these active principles have been Bitter kola has an anti-poison property. The
extracted and used in different forms such as plant has a hypoglycaemic effect as it reduces
infusions, syrups, concoctions, decoctions, plasma glucose level by aiding the beta cells
infused oils, essential oils, ointments and of Islet of the Langerhans of the pancreas
creams. perform its hypoglycaemic function. Garcina
The clinical success of quinine and quinidine kola contains some bioactive compounds like
isolated from the Cinchona tree bark and terpenes and saponins which have also been
recently artemisinin from Artemisia annuain noted to be effective in the treatment of
used in the treatment of malaria, which have inflamed or ulcerated tissues.
rekindled interest in medicinal plants as
potential sources of novel drugs (Igoli et al. Gongronema latifolium (Utazi)
2005). Today artemisinin based combination Gongronema latifolium is a climbing shrub with
therapy is recognized as drug of choice for a broad, heart-shaped leaf and its leaves are
treatment of malaria (WHO, 2006). Also, the bitter in taste. It is commonly called ‘Utazi’ and
numerous advantages of herbal medicine such ‘arokeke’ in South Eastern and South Western
as low-cost, affordability, ready availability, parts of Nigeria respectively. It is a tropical
accessibility, acceptability and low toxicity are rainforest plant primarily used as a spice and
ready sources of medical power. However, the vegetable in traditional folklore medicine. It has
various disadvantages of the practices which been used traditionally in South Eastern part of
include; lack of adequate scientific proof, Nigeria for the management of diseases such
imprecise diagnosis and dosage, as diabetes and high blood pressure.
unstandardized medicines and occultic Phytochemical analysis of the leaf extract of
practices can also be resolved. the plants shows the presence of essential oil,
Medicinal plants play vital roles in disease saponins, and alkaloids, while the minerals
prevention and their promotion and use fit into estimation reveals calcium, phosphorous,
all existing prevention strategies. However, magnesium, copper and potassium.
conscious efforts need to be made to properly Gongronema latifolium exhibits the following
identify, recognise and position medicinal herbal actions:- Analgesic, anti-tumour, broad
plants in the design and implementation of spectrum antimicrobial (antibacterial,
these strategies. This present reviews antifungal, antiparasitic and antiviral),
therefore shows the already identified and well antipyretic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory,
documented Nigerian medicinal plants, the antiulcer, anti-sickling, anti-asthmatic, mild
benefits and limitations associated with their expectorant, hypoglycaemic , hypolipidemic,
usage as they portend great promise for the hepatoprotective, digestive tonic and laxative
treatment of several diseases. properties. It stimulates the flow of bile and
Medicinal plants are known to contain appetite for food and enhances the activities of
substances which could be used for treatment the pancreas, regulates plasma glucose and
purposes or used to produce drugs (Sofowara, promotes the detoxification actions of the liver
1999). Many of such plants are known to be (Alagwu et al. 2014).
used primitively to alleviate symptoms. The In Southern part of Nigeria, especially among
medicinal value of some plants lie in some the people of Southeast and south-south, the
chemical substances that produce definite leaves of these herbs are used commonly for
physiological actions in the human body. nutritional purposes, including spice and
Examples of these most important medicinal vegetable to garnish some special local
plants are discussed below. delicacies, such as ‘Isiewu’, ‘Nkwobi’,
‘Abacha/ugba’ (African Salad), ‘Ofe Nsala’
Garcina kola (Henkel) (White Soup), unripe plantain porridge etc,
It is commonly called bitter kola and in Igbo because of its sharp-bitter and sweet taste. In
language as ‘akilu’. This is a popular many local ‘joints’, where people enjoy Isiewu,

Vol. 6 (4) Oct-Dec 2017 163


Nkwobi and African Salad with palm wine or Papaya is a power house of nutrients and is
beer, the leaves are usually added to these available throughout the year. It is a rich
delicacies to help prevent drunkenness or source of three powerful non enzymic
hangover. antioxidants;-, Vitamin C, Vitamin A and
The leaves are believed to neutralize the Vitamin E; the Minerals include;-, Magnesium
intoxicating properties of alcohol and its and Potassium; the B vitamin include;,
harmful effects on the liver. Medicinally, its Pantothenic acid and folate, and fibre. In
leaves and stems infusion or decoction is addition, it contains a digestive enzyme
used in the home treatment of digestive papain, aids in remedying causes of trauma,
problems, such as loss of appetite, dyspepsia, allergies and sport injuries. All the nutrients of
colic and stomach ache, constipation, papaya as a whole improve Cardiovascular-
dysentery and intestinal worms. It lowers system i.e. protects against heart diseases,
plasma glucose level and high blood pressure heart attacks, strokes and prevent Colon
in diabetic and hypertensive patients Cancer. The fruit is an excellent source of beta
respectively. It can also be employed in the Carotene that prevents damage caused by
cleansing of the womb and treating of free radicals that may cause some forms of
abdominal pain after child birth. It prevents cancer by its trigger of the oncogenes. It is
liver damage associated with alcoholism and reported that it helps in the prevention of
viral hepatitis. It is also helpful in treating diabetic-heart disease. Papaya lowers high
malaria, releases cough, wheezing and cholesterol levels as it is a good source of
asthmatic attacks. dietary fibre (Yogiraj et al. 2014).
Papaya effectively treats and improves all
Vernonia amygdalina (Bitter leaf) types of digestive and abdominal disorders. It
The leaves of Vernonia amygdalina are green is a medicine for dyspepsia, hyperacidity,
with a characteristic odour and bitter taste. dysentery and constipation. It helps in the
Vernonia amygdalina is a valuable medicinal digestion of proteins as it is a rich source of
plant that is widespread in West Africa. It is proteolytic enzymes. Papain found in papaya
known as bitter leaf due to its characteristic acts as a meat tenderizer. This papain
bitter taste and flavour and can be used as an (digestive enzyme) is extracted, dried as
active anti-cancer, anti-bacterial, anti-malarial powder and used as an aid in digestion. It is
and anti-parasitic agent. This plant contains reported that papaya prevents premature
complex active components that are aging. This may be attributed to poor digestion
pharmacologically useful in a living system. In which impairs nutrients from being distributed
ethnomedicine, the roots and leaves are used evenly in our body. The fruit is regarded as a
to treat fever, hiccups, kidney problems and remedy for abdominal disorders. The skin of
stomach discomfort. Many West African papaya works as a best medicine for wounds
countries like Cameroon, Ghana and Nigeria (Yogiraj et al. 2014).
use the stem and root as chewing sticks The nutritional values of papaya help to
(Burkill, 1985). It is also documented that V. prevent the oxidation of cholesterol. Papaya is
amygdalina has been traditionally used in rich in iron and calcium; a good source of
blood clotting and has elicited a substantial Vitamin C (ascorbic acid). The extract of
reduction in the level of glucose in the blood at unripe Carica papaya contains terpenoids,
post- prandial time examination. Fasola et al. alkaloids, flavonoids, carbohydrates,
(2011) reported that V. amygdalina has glycosides, saponins and steroids.
hypoglycaemic activity. They observed a close Pharmacological activities include
dependent reduction in fasting blood sugar  Dengue fever: Papaya leaf juice
level in alloxan-induced diabetic rats after helps to increase the number of white
treatment with different concentrations of the blood cells, and platelets which
aqueous leaf extracts. Yedjou et al. (2008) normalizes clotting and repairs the
also demonstrated that V. amygdalina leaf liver.
extracts as a DNA-damaging of cancer agent  Cancer cell growth inhibition:
in the management of breast cancer. Recent research on papaya leaf tea
extract has demonstrated cancer cell
Carica papaya (paw-paw) growth inhibition. It appears to boost
Papaya, botanical name Carica papaya, is a the production of key signaling
lozenge tropical fruit often seen in orange-red, molecules called T helper 1-type
yellow-green and yellow-orange hues, with a Cytokines, which helps in regulating
rich orange pulp. The fruit is not only delicious the immune system.
and healthy, but whole plant parts, fruits, roots,  Antimalarial and antiplasmodal
bark, peel, seeds and pulp are also known to activity: Papaya leaves are made into
have medicinal properties. tea as a treatment for malaria.

Vol. 6 (4) Oct-Dec 2017 164


Antimalarial and antiplasmodal activity chemistry and structural diversity of these

have been noted in some preparations compounds. The compounds include;
of the plant as they reduce the number Isoprenoids (like diterpenoids and triterpenoids
of Schizonts, gametocytes and containing protomeliacins, limonoids,
trophozoites produced by the azadirone and its derivatives, vilasinin type of
plasmodium. compounds and (Secomeliacins such as
 Facilitate digestion: The leaves of nimbin, salanin and azadirachtin) and non-
the papaya contain chemical isoprenoids, which are proteins (amino acids)
compounds like papain, a substance and carbohydrates, sulphurous compounds,
which kills microorganisms that often polyphenolics such as flavonoids and their
interfere with digestive function glycosides, dihydrochalcone, coumarin,
(Yogiraj et al. 2014). tannins, and aliphatic compounds etc.
Various parts of the Neem tree have been
therapeutically used as folk medicine to control
Ocimum gratissimum (Scent leaf) leprosy, intestinal helminthiasis, respiratory
Scent leaf is a perennial plant which is widely disorders, and constipation. Its use for the
distributed in the tropics of Africa and Asia. It treatment of rheumatism, chronic syphilitic
belongs to the family Labiatae and it is the sores and indolent ulcer has also been
most abundant of the genus Ocimum. In the evident.
Southern part of Nigeria, it is called ‘Efirin Biological activity of neem compounds
nla’by the Yoruba speaking tribe. ‘Nchanwu’ in includes
Igbo land, while in the Northern part of Nigeria;  Immunostimulant activity: The
it is called ‘Daidoga’ (Effraim et al. 2003). aqueous leaf extract of Neem bark
The phytochemical evaluation of Ocimum and leaf also possesses anti-
gratissimum shows that it is rich in alkaloid, compliment and immunostimulant
tannins, phytates, flavonoids and activity. Neem oil has been shown to
oligosaccharides (Ijeh et al. 2004). In the possess activity by selectively
coastal area of Nigeria, the plant Ocimum activating the cell mediated
gratissimum is used in the treatment of mechanisms to elicit an enhanced
epilepsy, high fever and diarrhoea (Sofowara, response to subsequent mitogenic or
1993). This is a home grown shrub used antigenic challenge.
mainly as spices for cooking delicacies due to  Hypoglycaemic activity: Aqueous
its unique aromatic tastes. extract of Neem leaves significantly
Ocimum gratissimum plants are of high decreases plasma glucose level and
importance to the health of individuals and the prevents adrenaline as well as glucose
society at large. This plant has huge medicinal induced hyperglycaemia. Recently,
values that depend on certain active chemical hypoglycaemic effect was observed
substances which have physiological impact with leaf extract and in seed oil, in
on the human body. Extensive research has normal as well as alloxan-induced
shown that the nchanwu extract exhibit diabetic wistar rats.
antifungal activities. Scent leaf can be used in  Antiulcer effect: Neem leaf and bark
the treatment of cough and catarrh when aqueous extracts produce highly
inhaled. It can be infused and used as a potent antacid secretion and antiulcer
remedy for stomach disorder such as activity.
gastroenteritis. Ocimum gratissimum leaf can  Antifertility: Intra-vaginal application
be used to treat stomach pain, diarrhoea, of Neem oil, prior to coitus, can
cholera, chronic dysentery and emesis, prevent pregnancy. It could be a novel
especially, if blended. It can also act as a method of contraception.
repellent to mosquitoes and other insects. The  Antimalarial activity: Neem seed and
essential oil of scent leaf contains eugenol, leaf extracts are effective against both
which has antibacterial properties. chloroquine resistant and sensitive
strain malarial parasites.
Azardirachta indica (Neem/Dogoyaro)  Antifungal activity: Extracts of Neem
For thousands of years, the beneficial leaf, neem oil seed kernels are
properties of Neem (Azardirachta indica) have effective against certain fungi including
been recognized in the Indian tradition. Each Trichophyton, Epidermophyton,
part of the neem tree has some medicinal Microspor, Trichosporon, Geotricum
property. and Candida spp.
More than 135 compounds have been isolated  Antibacterial activity: Oil from the
from different parts of neem and several leaves, seed and bark possesses a
reviews have also been published on the wide spectrum of antibacterial actions

Vol. 6 (4) Oct-Dec 2017 165


against Gram-negative and Gram- Traditional healers throughout Nigeria have

positive microorganisms including used species of the Xanthoxylum for the
Mycobacterium tuberculosis and treatment of a wide range of disorders,
Streptomycin resistant strains. In vitro including toothache, urinary and veneral
studies have shown that- it inhibits diseases, rheumatism and lumbago.
Vibrio cholera, Klebsiella pneumonia, Metabolites isolated from Xanthoxylum
Mycobacterium tuberculosis and M. include; alkaloids, aliphatic and aromatic
pyogenes. Antimicrobial effects of amides, sterols, carbohydrate residues etc.
Neem extract have been Some of the metabolites have shown
demonstrated against Streptococcus cytotoxic, molluscidal, anticonvulsant, anti-
mutans and Streptococcus faecalis. sickling, anaesthetic, antibacterial,
 Antiviral activity: Aqueous leaf antihypertensive and anti-inflammatory
extract offers antiviral activity as seen properties (Adesina, 2005).
in Vaccinia virus, Chikungunya and
measles virus. Moringa oleifera
 Anticancer activity: Neem leaf Moringa oleifera is a nutritional plant used as a
aqueous extract effectively constituent in food preparation owing to its
suppresses oral squamous cell active ingredients like essential amino acids,
carcinoma induced by 7, 12- carotenoids found in its leaves and
dimethylbenzanthracene (DMBA), as nutraceutical properties. Some nutritional
revealed by induced incidence of assessment has been carried out in leaves
neoplasm. Neem may exert its and stems. An important factor that accounts
chemopreventive effect in the oral for the medicinal uses of Moringa oleifera is its
mucosa by the modulation of very wide range of vital antioxidants,
glutathione and its metabolizing antibiotics and nutrients including vitamins and
enzymes. minerals. Almost all parts of this plant can be
 Antioxidant activity: Antioxidants are used as source for nutrition with other useful
molecules that inhibit the oxidation of values (Leone et al. 2015).
other molecule. Oxidation is a In traditional medicine, these leaves are used
chemical reaction involving the loss of to treat several ailments including malaria,
electrons or an increase in oxidation typhoid fever, parasitic diseases, arthritis,
state. Oxidation reactions can produce swellings, cuts, diseases of the skin, genito-
free radicals. In turn, these radicals urinary ailments, hypertension and diabetes.
can start chain reactions. When the They are also used to elicit lactation and boost
chain reaction occurs in a cell, it can the immune system (to treat HIV/AIDS related
cause damage or death to the cell. symptoms) as well as cardiac stimulants and
Antioxidants terminate these chain contraceptive remedy (Leone et al. 2015).
reactions by removing free radical Barks are boiled in water and soaked in
intermediates and inhibit other alcohol to obtain drinks and infusions that can
oxidation reactions. They do these, by be used to treat stomach ailments (ease
being oxidized themselves, so stomach pain, ulcer and aiding digestion), poor
antioxidants are often reducing vision, joint pain, diabetes, anemia and
agents. hypertension (Popoola and Obembe, 2013 ;
 Effects on central nervous system: Abe and Ohtani, 2013), toothache,
Varying degrees of central nervous haemorrhoids, uterine disorder.
system (CNS) depressant activity in Roots are soaked in water or alcohol and
mice was observed with the leaf boiled with other herbs to obtain drinks and
extract of this plant. Fractions of infusions as remedies for toothache, as
acetone extract of the leaf showed antihelminthic and antiparalytic (Popoola and
significant CNS depressant activity Obembe, 2013), drugs and as sex enhancers.
(Biswas et al. 2002) Finally, flowers are used to produce
aphrodisiac substances and to treat
Xanthoxylum macrophylla inflammations, muscle diseases, hysteria,
Xanthoxylum macrophylla (formerly Fagara tumours and enlargement of the spleen
xanthoxyloides) is a tree found in Africa, with (Yabesh et al. 2014).
its fruits used to produce a peculiar spice. The
tree is popularly known in the West as the Psidium guajava
Yoruba chewing stick. In Yoruba, it is called The important constituents of guava are
Oriata, or Ata-Igbo, and in Igbo as Ukor. This vitamins, tannins, phenolic compounds,
plant is used as a vermifuge and for the relief flavonoids, essential oils, sesquiterpene,
of toothache. alcohols and triterpenoid acids (Barbalho et al.

Vol. 6 (4) Oct-Dec 2017 166


2012). Leaves of this plant contain phenolic

compounds, isoflavonoids, gallic acid, General uses
catechin, epicatechin, rutin, naringenin, Guava is proven for its antidiarrheal,
kaempferol having hepatoprotective, antimicrobial, antiparasitic, antitussive,
antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, hepatoprotective, antioxidant, antigenotoxic,
anticancer, antimicrobial, anti-hyperglycemic, antimutagenic, antiallergic, anticancer and
analgesic actions (Barbalho et al. 2012). The anti-hyperglycaemic effects (Gupta et al.
leaf contains two important flavonoids; 2011). It has been used in the treatment of
quercetin which is known for its spasmolytic, diarrhoea, dysentery, menstrual disorders,
antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory vertigo, anorexia, digestive problems, gastric
actions and guajaverin, known for its insufficiency, inflamed mucous membrane,
antibacterial action. Its pulp contains ascorbic laryngitis, skin problems, ulcers, vaginal
acid, carotenoids (lycopenes, β-carotene) discharge, cold, cough, cerebral ailments,
possessing antioxidant, antihyperglycaemic, nephritis, jaundice, diabetes, malaria and
antineoplastic (Barbalho et al. 2012). The seed rheumatism to mention a few (Kumar et al.
contains glycosides, carotenoids, phenolic 2012).
compounds having antimicrobial actions (Ravi
and Divyashree, 2014).
Table 1: Nigerian plants used for medicinal purposes

Common/vernacular Parts
S/NO Botanical name Medicinal use References
Name use
Acanthus Agameebu (igbo), Leaves are used for treatment of boil on
1 Leaves Obute, 2005
montanus Edule imemein (ljaw) the finger, also used in treatment of cough.
Kutama et al.
The decoction of the leaves is used to treat
2 Acanthus spp Inyinyi ogwu (Igbo) Leaves 2015
boils and chesty coughs.
Used as food spice to boost metabolism,
Afromomum calm indigestion, heartburn, intestinal Obute, 2005
3 Ose oji Seeds
melagueta infection, antihelmintic, Purgative, increase
breast milk and boost fertility.
Sap is used in the preparation of a lotion
4 Agave sisalana Udo-akpa (lgbo) for the treatment of local inflammatory sap ”
Decoction of plant is a remedy for
Ageratum Agadi nwanyi isi awo abdominal pains. Leaf juice is used for Obute, 2005
5 Leaves
conyzoides (lgbo), imi esu (Yoruba). dressing wounds, ulcers and other skin
Used as a remedy for cough. Leaves used
Kutama et al.
Alchornea Ubu (lgbo), lpa (Yoruba), to relieve drunkenness. Leaf decoction
6 Leaves. 2015
cordifolia Mbom (Efik) used to treat toothache and ulcers. Pulped
root taken for gonorrhoea.
In combination with ginger and uziza, it
Garlic, Aayu (Yoruba), helps to cleanse the blood. It is used in the Kutama et al.
7 Allium sativum Ayo (lgbo), treatment of hypertension. The powder is Bulb 2015
Tafarnuuwa(Hausa). rubbed as counter irritant for the skin and
The bark and leaves are used for malaria,
Stool wood, Eghu (lgbo),
asthma and pains. The root-bark is chewed Leaves Obute, 2005
8 Alstonia boonei Awun (Yoruba), Ukpo
frequently to induce maturity and and bark
development of breast.
Used as tonic for hot/discomforting
Lnine ogwu (lgbo), Kutama et al.
Amaranthus stomach. Roots used for treatment of Leaves
9 Ruku’bu (Hausa), Tete 2015
spinosus STDs. The leaves are used as poultice for and roots
kekere (Yoruba).
Anarcadium Bark and
10 Cashew The bark and leaves are used as diuretic. Obute, 2005
occidentale leaves
Kutama et al.
Anchomanes Aroids, Akasi- Used for re-conditioning of the health in
11 2015
difformis Okanamgba (lgbo). elderly people.
Asclepsias Whole
12 Okazi (lgbo). Used for treatment of measles in children. ”
lineolata plant.
Extracts of roots and bark are anti-fungal,
anti-bacterial, antihelminthes, leaf Bark,
Azadirachta Nwachukwu et
13 Neem/Dogoyaro decoction and infusion for chicken pox, leaves
indica al. 2010
small pox and malaria. Twig chewed for and roots
Decoction of the leaves is taken as a tonic
Majibi (Hausa), Leaves
and also in the treatment of fever. Leaf Nwachukwu et
14 Baphia nitida Abosi(lgbo), Ubara and
juice is applied to sore eyes as drop and al. 2010
(Efik), Otau (Benin). roots.
for constipation.

Vol. 6 (4) Oct-Dec 2017 167


Wild cocoyam, Ede Ohia,

Extract of fresh leaves can be applied to
Caladium Ede mmuo
15 the eyes for the cure of convulsion and Leaves ”
bicolour (lgbo), Lefunlosun
also on the body for skin discolouration.
Bark and Nwachukwu et
16 Carica papaya Pawpaw Antimalarial, diuretics
leaves al. 2010
Corchorus Leaf water extract is for fever, irregular
17 olitorius Ahihara (Igbo) menstrual flow. It also serves as a Leaves Obute, 2005
Used for indigestion, stomach upset, skin
Chromolaena Obute, 2005
18 Awolowo weed diseases, burns, infections, haemostatic- Leaves
arrests and bleeding.
Cocoyam, Ede akasi ite
Eating of the plant instead of cereals as
Colocasia (lgbo), Gwaza (Hausa),
19 carbohydrates source leads to a marked Tubers ”
esculetum lyokho (Efik), koko
reduction in dental cases.
Albasa (lgbo), It is used as an emetic and for the
20 Crinum gigantum Bulbs ”
Isumeri(Yoruba). treatment of tuberculosis.
It is used for treatment of UTI,
Rheumatism, BPH, Nourisher/Energizer, Ikeyi and
21 Curcubita pepo Anyu, Anyi (Igbo) gout, enhances milk flow in new mothers, Omeh, 2014
in postpartum swelling. It is also used as
an aphrodisiac.
Awin (Yoruba), lnfusion of leaves and fruits are used to
Dialium Whole
22 Lcheku (lgbo), Akin treat fever. lt is also used for treatment of ”
guineense plant
(ljaw). diarrhoea.
Olokoro moudu,
23 Dracaena mannii It is used to stop bleeding after birth. Leaves ”
Alakramodu (lgbo)
Cream made from this plant is used to treat
Agbirigba ozara
swellings and skin diseases. Juice from Whole
24 Eclipta prostrate (lgbo), Abikolo ”
plant is used as a remedy for fever. Leaves plant.
used in the treatment of liver problems.
Oil from this plant is an antidote for
poisons, venoms, stings, bites and healing
Elaeis wounds. Oil from kernel is an Obute, 2005
25 Nkwu (Igbo) and
guineensis anticonvulsant, for skin infections,
irritations and blemishes. It is a diuretic,
antioxidant and laxative.
Emilia The juice is instilled in the eyes for the Obute, 2005
26 Nti ele (lgbo). whole
sonchifolia treatment of conjunctivitis.
For the treatment of bronchitis, cough, Obute, 2005
27 Garcinia kola Aku-ilu (Igbo) Seeds
catarrh, throat infections and asthma
Swallow apple,
Gongronema It is used for the treatment of diabetes. The Nwachukwu et
28 Utazi(lgbo), Aunje- Leaves
latifolium leaves are used to relieve stomach ache. al. 2010
Adiye (Yoruba).
It is used for the treatment of asthma. The
Aiyeloja and
lpomoea Mgba n’ ala (lgbo), root stalk mixed with palm wine is given to
29 Roots Bello, 2006
Mauritania Atewogba Yoruba). nursing mothers to increase secretion and
flow of breast milk.
Its leaves are used for stomach problems.
Ugbono (lgbo), Leaves,
Irvinga The bark of the tree is used for treatment
30 ogwi (Benin), oro bark and ”
gabonesis of skin diseases. Tender leaves are
(Yoruba). Seeds.
squeezed and drunk as worm expeller.
The stem is used as blood booster and
Mango, Mangoro antibiotic. The leaves are used for the
31 Magnifera indica (Igbo), Mano (Efik), treatment of malaria. The Seeds are used Bhat et al. 1998
Mangwaro (Hausa). also as worm expeller. Its fruit is a good
source of vitamin C.
Calabash Nutmeg, Seeds Aiyeloja and
32 Ehuru (lgbo), Abo The root is chewed to relieve toothaches. and Bello, 2006
Lakoshe (Yoruba). roots.
It is used to stop vaginal bleeding in
Ogilisi (igbo), Akoko threatened abortion. The leaves and roots Leaves,
Newbouldia Obute, 2005
33 (Yoruba), Aduruku are boiled together and administered for bark and
(Hausa). fever and convulsion. The stem and bark roots.
are used for treating skin infection.
Nchu-anwu (lgbo),
The leaves are used to treat stomach
Ocimum efirin wewe Nwachukwu et
34 problems and skin diseases. Also, are Leaves.
gratissimum (Yoruba), ihiri al. 2010
used for respiratory disorders.
Boiled fresh leaves and fruit are given for
Avacado pear, pia hypertension and insomnia. The seed is Fruits Aiyeloja and
35 (Yoruba), Ube oyibo used to reduce fluid secretion and and Bello, 2006
(lgbo). powdered seed infused tea are used as leaves.
heart tonic.
It is used to stabilize womb after childbirth. Obute, 2005
36 Piper nigrum Uziza (Igbo) and
Constipation and indigestion.
37 Psidium guajava The leaves and barks are used for the Leaves Nwachukwu et

Vol. 6 (4) Oct-Dec 2017 168


treatment of malaria. and al. 2010

stem and
Ricinus Ogili isi (lgbo), Cika The decoction of the leaves and oil from
38 root or Obute, 2005
communis (Hausa) fruit used as a laxative. Oil from seeds is
taken to induce labour.
Leaves’ juice is used for treatment of ear
Leopard lily,Ebube
ache, gonorrhoea, pile, Asthma and
Sanseviera Agu (lgbo), Moda Leaves
39 Eczema. Roots are used for the treatment ”
liberica (Hausa), Abala and roots
of high blood pressure and used as
antidote for snake bite.
The leaf juice is used to stop bleeding in
Ogwu afo (lgbo), wounds or cuts. It is also used to treat Leaves
40 Aluganbi (Yoruba), cardiac troubles and stomach upsets. The or whole ”
Ogbugho (Urhobo). decoction of the whole plant is used to Plants.
treat leprosy.
Ububo (lgbo), lpa
Telferia The leaves are washed and taken with milk Obute, 2005
41 (Yoruba), Leaves.
occidentalis as a blood tonic.
Ubong (Efik).
The seeds used in the treatment of fibroid.
Africa walnut, They are also chewed to improve sperm Seeds Aiyeloja and
42 Ukpa (lgbo), Asala count in men. Its leaves juice can be used and Bello, 2006
(Yoruba). to improve fertility in women and also to leaves
regulate menstrual flow.
The bark is a powerful febrifuge. The Leaves,
Exile tree, Ode iye Aiyeloja and
kernel is chewed for purgative effect. The stem,
43 Thevetia nerifolia (lgbo), Olomiojo Bello, 2006
decoction of the bark is used for cardiac Bark and
disorder. kernel
Squeezed aqueous leaves extracts are
used to treat malaria and pile. It is also Leaves
Vernonia Onugbo, Obute, 2005
44 used as a purgative, anti-diabetes and and
amygdalina Olugbo (Igbo)
antifungal agent. Root extract is used to Roots
treat diarrhoea.
The roots and leaves are used for the
treatment of malaria. The root is used in
Mmimiohia (lgbo), Leaves
45 Uvaria chamae treatment of abnormal menstrual cases. Bhat et al. 1985
Eruju (Yoruba). and roots
The Root has a purgative and febrifugal
Ethiopian pepper
The fruit is valued for its carminative
Seed, Uda (lgbo), Ikeyi and
Xylopia effects and as a cough remedy. It also
46 Sesdo (Yoruba), Fruits Omeh, 2014
aethiopica promotes lactation and treatment of
Kimba (Hausa),
infertility in women.
Aghako (Edo).
active ingredients require different methods
DISCUSSION such as infusion, decoction, chewing of the
The efficacy and inestimable value of plant parts such as the seed, fruits or even the
medicinal plants in health has proven global leaves. The different methods of preparation
recognition. Medicinal plants form part of the depend on the part of the plant by which these
natural ecosystems, their exploitation despite active ingredients are found as they help in
how sustainable, will inevitably have some ameliorating of diseases.
effects on the biodiversity of these systems The present review has shown a
resulting in changes or even loss of some comprehensive and accurate list of some
species with vital curative ingredients. selected medicinal plants grown in South-
Therefore, non-destructive harvesting, setting Eastern Nigeria which could be found
aside and cultivation of botanical gardens, elsewhere within the globe with identified that
proper management among other good have identified folk medical uses. The curative
measures for these health impacting and attributes of these plants are owed greatly to
tremendous used plants should be adopted their secondary metabolites which affect
(Emereonye, 2007). biosynthetic processes and influence
A number of these plants have been studied.
Some exist in the wild form, while others are regulatory patterns in living organisms.
domesticated. These indigenous plants have Ugochukwu et al. (2003) has demonstrated the
been the earliest companion of man providing reducing serum liver enzymes when elevated
food, shelter and serving humanity in curing consequent upon decoction of Gongronema
different diseases and healing of injuries latifolium. This implies biochemically that the
(Jaleel et al. 2009). plant has hepatoprotective properties.
The basic active ingredients used for treating Molecularly, human system is properly
various ailments are accumulated in the integrated and the molecular basis of these
different parts of plants such as leaves, roots, natural products attacks enzymes, ion
barks, seeds (Timothy et al. 2012). More often channels or proteins which facilitate the
than not, the fruits and the extraction of these elicitation of these pharmacological properties

Vol. 6 (4) Oct-Dec 2017 169


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