Annex 2f COVID19

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N.B: This flow chart should be used together with Annex 2C - Screening and Triaging, Guidelines on COVID-19
Management in Malaysia Edisi Kelima
- Asymptomatic
Client request for COVID-19 test - Non PUI (refer ANNEX 1)
- No history of contact with
confirmed case of COVID-19
- Team should consist of THREE
trained healthcare workers
Preparation: - All team members should wear
1. Nasopharyngeal AND Oropharyngeal sampling set and VTM full PPE and carry their
Client request for
2. Triple packaging set for transportation of samples identification tags
COVID-19 test
3. Biohazard waste bin/beg
4. PPE (Shoe cover, double gloves, head cover, isolation
Private doctor:
gown, apron, face shield/ google, N95 mask)
5. Laboratory form (KKM) 1. To advise client to wear face
6. Disinfectants mask.

2. To notify respective PKD & CPRC

JKN as well as National CPRC using
the Notification Form (Annex 7)
Take samples and do triple packaging
3. To call CPRC JKN for advice
regarding which hospital to send
case/ quarantine arrangement

4. To contact ID physician of that

Collection of samples by the laboratory designated hospital to inform
about the case

5. To arrange transport to send

case to that designated hospital
RESULT RESULT (Annex 3) either through private
NEGATIVE POSITIVE doctor’s ambulance service or
Laboratory patient to use his/ her own
conduct test transport but not using public
transport. If patient does not have
transport/ unwell/ severe
Result send to the symptoms, contact PKD for
Advice client to referring doctor transport arrangement

- Wash hands Private laboratory* to send PCR chart *If the results of 5
frequently and sample to IMR for confirmation samples from a
- Practice private laboratory
Respiratory Doctor to correspond with
Hygiene provide health IMR results, then
- Social advice to client the laboratory is
distancing Result from IMR sent to the referring considered to be
- If develop reliable and is not
symptoms to laboratory and doctor
required to send
seek medical
anymore samples
care early
to IMR.

CPRC - Crisis Preparedness & Response Centre Private Laboratory to fill up ANNEX 5d
JKN - Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri (6.4 Reten Keputusan Ujian Makmal COVID-19 dari
PKD - Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah
IMR - Institute of Medical Research
Makmal ke CPRC Negeri) everyday

Guidelines COVID-19 Management No. 5/2020 Updated on 24 March 2020

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