Emergency Response Plan

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Appendix F – Emergency

Response Plan & Oil Spill

Contingency Plan
Issue Date:
02 February 2016
Myint& Associates Co., Ltd. Effective Date:
Issue: 3.0
09 February 2016

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Myint & Associates Co., Ltd.

Emergency Response Plan

Prepared By: Management Representative

Approved By: General Manager

Date: 02 February 2016

Vantage Tower, 623 Pyay Road, University P.O., Kamaryut Township, Yangon, Myanmar
Tel: ( 95 -1 ) 230 7722 ( Pilot Line ) Fax: ( 95 -1 ) 230 7720
Email : [email protected]
Website : www.myintassociates.com.mm
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Myint& Associates Co., Ltd. Effective Date:
Issue: 3.0
09 February 2016

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No. Name Hard Copy Electronic Copy

01 Document Custodian – M&A HSE


02 U Moe Myint, Chief Executive Officer

03 U Myo Tin, Group General Manager

04 U Tin Ohn, Financial& Tax Consultant

05 U Soe Khine, General Manager

06 Daw Nu Nu Lwin, Deputy General Manager

07 U Win Phyo, Assistant General Manager-1

08 U Soe Lwin, Assistant General Manager-2

09 U Nay Myo Aung, Health, Safety and

Environment Manager

10 Daw Myint Myint Swe, Head of Internal Audit

11 Daw Naw Helen, Finance Manager

12 U Zaw Min Soe, Administrative Manager

13 Daw Aye Aye Kyi, Human Resources


14 U Ko Ko Naing, Operations & Logistics


15 U Thaike Soe, Business Development


16 U Win Ko, Catering and Beverages Manager

17 U Myo Win, Motor Transport Officer

18 U Aung Zaw Moe, Assistant Engineer

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Myint& Associates Co., Ltd. Effective Date:
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Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................ 5
1.1 HSE Objectives ........................................................................................................................ 5
1.2 Scope of this Document ........................................................................................................... 5
2.1 The Definitions of Emergency Response Plans ...................................................................... 6
2.2 Existing Emergency Response Plans ...................................................................................... 6
2.3 Emergency Response Planning .............................................................................................. 6
2.4 Test Emergency Response Plans ........................................................................................... 7
3. EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLANS .................................................................. 7
3.1 Chemical Spill ........................................................................................................................... 8
3.2 Forces of Nature ( Earthquake / Cyclone ) ............................................................................... 9
3.3 Fire .......................................................................................................................................... 10
3.4 Medical Emergency..................................................................................................................12
3.5 Traffic Accident (Minor)............................................................................................................13
3.6 Traffic Accident (Major) ...........................................................................................................14
4. EMERGENCY RESPONSE MANAGEMENT TEAM. .................................... .15
4.1 Roles and Responsibilities ..................................................................................................... 15
4.2 M&A Representations ............................................................................................................ 18
4.2.1 Group General Manager – U Myo Tin .................................................................................... 18
4.3 Emergency Response Center, Yangon ................................................................................. 18
4.3.1 Emergency Response Team Commander (ERTC) – U Myo Tin ........................................... 18
4.3.2 Deputy Emergency Response Team Commander (DERTC) – U Soe Khine ........................ 19
4.3.3 Emergency Response Team Scribe (ERTS) – U Zaw Min Soe/ Daw Sandar ....................... 19
4.3.4 Emergency Response Team Logistics Coordinator (ERLC) – U Ko Ko Naing/ U Myo Win .. 20
4.3.5 Emergency Response TeamHSE Manager - U Nay Myo Aung............................................. 20
4.3.6 Emergency Response CenterSupplies .................................................................................. 21
4.4 M&AS Work Site ..................................................................................................................... 21
4.4.1 Field Emergency Response Team Commander (FERTC) - U Soe Lwin ............................... 21
4.4.2 Deputy Field Emergency Response Team Commander (DFERTC) –U Myint Kywe Oo /
U Myo Myint Lay ……………………………..................................................................................22
4.4.3Field HSE Officer (FHSEO) – Dr. Tin Ko Lwin / U Ye Win Htut .................................................. 22
5. ATTACHMENTS .............................................................................................. 23
ATTACHMENT 1 M&A INCIDENT REPORT FORM ........................................................................... 23
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Issue Date:
02 February 2016
Myint& Associates Co., Ltd. Effective Date:
Issue: 3.0
09 February 2016

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An emergency is an unforeseen combination of circumstances that disrupt normal operating

conditions and pose an actual or a potential threat to human life, health, property, or the
environment if not controlled,contained, or eliminated immediately.

Protection Priorities ( Strategic Objectives for Emergency Response )

 People: Employees, contractors, suppliers, customers, and communities
 Environment: Air, water, land, spillages, and area of sensitivity
 Property: M&A, contractors, communities, third party facilities and offices
 Business: Supply, production, and reputation

At the outset of any emergency it is critical to identify the body/organization which has
overallresponsibility for the execution of whole or part of the immediate response in the protection
ofpersonnel, the environment and property during an emergency.

1.1 HSE Objectives

M&A HSE objectives are;

 foster a positive safety culture characterized by a shared commitment to safety and hazard
 establish HSE responsibility and accountability at every level of our organization;
 ensure that potential impacts on the natural environment are minimized, and water, energy
and other natural resources are conserved where practicable;
 identify and assess HSE risks through a formal and structured process to facilitate effective
risk reduction plans and action;
 ensure that systems are established, documented and maintained to ensure the on-going
integrity of company and equipment;
 ensure that employees are suitably trained, supervised and provided with the resources to
perform their work in a competent manner;
 only engage contractors who share our vision and will work with us to implement these
guiding principles;
 develop, implement and continuously improve effective health, safety, and environmental
management systems and develop standards that reflect best industry practices.

1.2 Scope of this document

The design scope of this Emergency Response Plan, HSE-ERP Issue: 2.0, is;

 Identifies the major risks potentially impacting business operations and local communities.
 Describes the response strategies and the management organization.
 Sets out the roles and responsibilities of the key personnel
 Identifies internal and external notification procedures
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Myint& Associates Co., Ltd. Effective Date:
Issue: 3.0
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2.1 The Definitions of Emergency Response Plans

Emergency Response Team Commander shall define the coverage of Emergency Response Plans
( ERPs ) for any particular operations applicable to M&A’s scope of work. The coverage of
emergency response plans shall address as a minimum, but not limit to, the following scenarios;

a. Chemical Spill / Environmental incident

b. Forces of Nature (Earthquake / Cyclone)
c. Fire
d. Medical Emergency
e. Traffic Accident ( Minor )
f. Traffic Accident ( Major )

2.2 Existing Emergency Response Plans

In most cases, existing emergency response plans will be in place. These existing emergency
response plans have been reviewed, and where appropriate, translated into the Myanmar language
to ensure the objectives and goals described in Section 1.1 are achieved.

M&A’s HSE Department shall demonstrate the effectiveness of theemergency management

system that is currently in place, and such exercises and otheractivities as required ensuring the
employees can effectively respond to identified potentialemergencies.

2.3 Emergency Response Planning

Prior to the commencement of any new operations, the Emergency Response Team Commander
shall be responsible for completing the following tasks;
 Establishing an Emergency Response Centersuitably equipped to support any emergency
that may occur. This Emergency Response Center shall be capable of providing technical
support to the affected facility and the Emergency Response Management Team in M&AS
Office if required
 Establishing and maintaining a duty roster and call out procedures as describe in the
approved Emergency Response Plans
 Ensuring a full set of Emergency Response Plans and any other emergency response
documentation is provided to the work site, is available in the Emergency Response Center
in Yangon for daily operations / reference
 Ensuring that Operations Team ( staff, contractors, and allied partners ) has a work
familiarity of the defined operation’s Emergency Response Plans.
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Myint& Associates Co., Ltd. Effective Date:
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2.4 Test Emergency Response Plans

The Emergency Response Team Commander is accountable that there is an effective emergency
response process applied to M&A’s operations.

One part of this accountability includes ensuring that the preparedness and competency of ERP
Team is tested by conducting regular training exercises, in conjunction with the Emergency
Response Center in Yangon.

It is the responsibility of the Emergency Response Team Commander and M&A HSE Department
to reviewthese emergency response exercises to identify lessons learned to carry forward to the
next planned exercise.


3.1 Chemical Spill

 Whenever you discover a spill of potentially toxic  Guard House

materials, evacuate the area. REMAIN CALM and ( Ext : 2513 )
call Guard House and notify M&A senior staff.  U Soe Khine, General
Report the location of the spill and type of Manager
chemical involved. ( 95-9 ) 43200699
1  Daw Nu Nu Lwin, Dy.
General Manager
(95-9 ) 540 5716
 U Zaw Min Soe, ADM
(95-9 ) 5076054
 M&A senior staff to immediately check MSDS
2 sheet of chemical involved prior to attempting any
containment and clean-up operation.

 In case deemed necessary by M&AS staff RAISE  Fire Department

IMMEDIATELY, secure work sites, and close all  Hlaing Fire Department
doors. All Delegates (if any) and visitors under ( 95-1 )519578
supervision of M&A staff to muster at designated
Muster Point, or other safe upwind location. Check  Police
duty roster and take roll call. (95 ) 199
 Hlaing Police Station
 M&A to notify authorities, and alert person at ( 95-1 )519 531,519 532, ( 95-9
3 neighbouring premises to evacuate. ) 730 88550
 Thukhagabar Hospital
( 95-1 ) 504 545,
526 329, 500 100
 Green Cross Hospital
( 95-1 ) 230 0652 ~ 3
 Green Cross Ambulance
( 95-1 ) 230 0551
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Myint& Associates Co., Ltd. Effective Date:
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 Use protective equipment as per MSDS when  U Nay Myo Aung

attempting to clean up the spill. ( 95-9 ) 4318 2225
 When toxic chemicals have made contact with  Thukhagabar Hospital
skin, remove any clothing and immediately flush ( 95-1 ) 504 545, 526 329,
the affected area with ample and clean water for 500 100
4 fifteen minutes. Seek immediately medical
 Green Cross Hospital
( 95-1 ) 230 0652 ~ 3
 If the chemical splashes into a person’s eye,
immediately flush with ample and clean water for  Green Cross Ambulance
fifteen minutes. ( 95-1 ) 230 0551

 In case chemical spill is contained: Wait for the

5 Fire Department, appointed M&A staff to declare
the building safe for re-entry;

 HSEM to make decision on continuing training or

not ( if applicable ).
 Investigation of chemical spill by Investigative
FollowUp Team and specialist ( s ) if required.
 Incident report to be completed and distributed.

3.2 Forces of Nature ( Earthquake )

 REMAIN CALM: Take cover under a table or desk

to avoid falling objects
 Do not attempt to evacuate from the M&A office
until it is safe to do so.
 Stay away from windows or tall cabinets that
1 
could fall.
When walking through the building, move
cautiously to avoid damaged stairways, doors or
exposed electrical cables. If possible, carry a
large book or a thick bag to cover your head.
 If you are outside, move away from buildings,
trees or power lines.
 Call for help if you are trapped, or injured;
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 EVACUATE M&A OFFICE, and be prepared for

 When evacuating open doors carefully, watch for
falling objects or exposed electrical cables, and
be prepared for damaged stairways.
 When safe, M&A staff will conduct a search of the
2 building for anyone who might be trapped or afraid
to leave.
 Do not attempt to move injured persons unless
there is a danger of further injury from collapsing
structure, fire, etc.
 All Delegates ( if any ) and visitors under
supervision of one M&A staff to muster at
designated Muster Point. Check duty roster and
take roll call;

 In case of fire: M&A / HSE staff to ATTEMPT TO  Fire Department

CONTAIN THE FIRE with appropriate portable ( 95 ) 119
fire extinguishers. In case of people missing or  Hlaing Fire Department
injured; M&A / HSE staff to ENTER AND ( 95-1 ) 519578
PERSONS exercising extreme caution. Contact  Police
Yangon Fire Department, Police, or Hospital ( 95 ) 199
3 services for assistance, if required;  Hlaing Police Station
( 95-1 ) 519 531, 519 532,
( 95-9 ) 730 88550
 Thukhagabar Hospital
( 95-1 ) 504 545, 526 329,
500 100
 Green Cross Hospital

 Guard House
 CONTACT Management ( Ext : 2513 )
 U Soe Khine, General
( 95-9 ) 43200699
4  Daw Nu Nu Lwin, Dy.
General Manager
( 95-9 ) 540 5716
 U Zaw Min Soe, ADM
( 95-9 ) 507 6054

5  Wait for the Fire Department, appointed M&A

staff to declare the building safe for re-entry and
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 Check building integrity by Investigative Team

FollowUp and specialist if required.

3.3 Fire

 REMAIN CALM and RAISE ALARM (break glass of  Guard House ( Ext : 2513 )
1 call point, call Guard House, or shout for help


worksites, and close all doors. All Delegates (if any)
and visitors under supervision of M&A staff to muster
2 at designated Muster Point. Check duty roster and
take roll call;

 M&A / HSE staff to ATTEMPT TO CONTAIN THE  Fire Department

FIRE with appropriate portable fire extinguishers. ( 95-1 ) 119
Contact Yangon Fire Department for assistance, if  Hlaing Fire Department
required; ( 95-1) 519578
 Police
( 95 ) 199
 Hlaing Police Station
( 95-1 ) 519 531, 519 532, ( 95-
3 9 ) 730 88550
 Thukhagabar Hospital
( 95-1 ) 504 545, 526 329,
500 100
 Green Cross Hospital
( 95-1 ) 230 0652 ~ 3
 Green Cross Ambulance
( 95-1 ) 230 0551
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 CONTACT Management  U Soe Khine, General

( 95-9 ) 43200699
4  Daw Nu Nu Lwin, Dy.
General Manager
( 95-9 ) 540 5716
 U Zaw Min Soe, ADM ( 95-
9 ) 5076054

 In case fire is contained: Wait for the Fire

5 Department, appointed M&A staff to declare the
building safe for re-entry;

 Investigation of fire by Investigative Team and

specialist if required.
FollowUp  Incident report to be completed and distributed by
HSE team.
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3.4 Medical Emergency

 M&A staff to assess patient;

 Guard House ( Ext : 2513 )
 Check ABC; patient condition assessed and the
basic life support and first aid treatment
administered by HSE officer.
1  Remaining Delegates to clear the area, and remain
under supervision of M&AS staff at all times.

 U Nay Myo Aung, HSE

 Senior staff and first aider to determine if further Manager
treatment is necessary. Obtain medical advice ( 95-9 ) 4318 2225
through Thukhagabar or Green Cross Hospital, if  Thukhagabar Hospital
necessary; ( 95-1 ) 504 545, 526 329, 500
 If indicated, patient to be transported to 100
Thukhagabaror Green Cross Hospital with M&A
2 vehicle using stretcher, or ambulance service.
 Green Cross Hospital
( 95-1 ) 230 0652 ~ 3
 If visit to ThukhagabarorGreen Cross Hospital is
deemed necessary, patient’s medical form and  Green Cross Ambulance
HSE officer to accompany patient to hospital. ( 95-1 ) 230 0551

Check next of kind data on

3  Appointed staff to inform patient’s employing patient’s
medical form if
company and / or next of kin of patient;
 U Soe Khine, General
 CONTACT Management Manager
( 95-9 ) 43200699
 Daw Nu Nu Lwin, Dy.
4 General Manager
( 95-9 ) 540 5716
 U Zaw Min Soe, ADM
( 95-9 ) 5076054

 Obtain copy of medical report;

 Investigation of incident by investigative Team;
FollowUp  Incident report to be completed and distributed by
HSE Team.
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3.5 Traffic Accident (Minor)

 Examine any injuries inflicted to passengers on  U Myo Win, MTO

board and vehicle damage. IF CRITICAL INJURY ( 95-9 ) 506 0801, 503 1774
 M&A H.O.
 ( MAJOR ).
( 95-1 ) 230 7722 ( Pilot ) ,
1  Get any and all information of all parties involved.
( e.g. license plate, driver’s license, vehicle
230 7721 ~ 9
description). If possible, take pictures of accident
using cell phone or a camera.
 Make sure other party remains at accident

 Inform MTO by using public phone or any means  Police

necessary. ( 95 ) 199
2  If negotiation fails with parties involved, notify  Hlaing Police Station
police at nearest intersection or call police ( 95-1 ) 519 531, 519 532, ( 95-9
department. ) 730 88550

3  Wait for MTO personnel to arrive at accident


 U Soe Khine,General
 Notify Management Manager
( 95-9 ) 43200699
4  Daw Nu Nu Lwin, Dy.
General Manager
( 95-9 ) 540 5716
 U Zaw Min Soe, ADM
( 95-9 ) 5076054

 Incident report to be completed and distributed by

MTO to Admin and HSE departments.
 Investigation of accident / incident by Investi-
FollowUp gative Team and specialist if required ( HSE Team
 Distribute all findings to all departments.
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3.6 Traffic Accident ( Major )

 U Myo Win, MTO

 Assessany injuries inflicted to passengers on ( 95-9 ) 506 0801, 503 1774
board and vehicle damage.
 M&A H.O.
1  IF CRITICAL INJURY INVOLVED, stabilize victim
( 95-1 ) 230 7722 ( Pilot ) , 230
 Get any and all information of any parties 7721 ~ 9
involved. ( . license plate, driver’s license, vehicle
description ).
 Yangon General Hospital
 Proceed to Yangon General Hospital ( Accident ( 95-1 ) 256 112, 256 123
2 and emergency department ) in a safe manner
using own vehicle or public transport ( taxi ).

 Inform MTO by using public phone or any means

3 necessary after reaching Yangon General

 U Soe Khine,General
 Notify ERP Management. Manager
 Follow orders by MTO and Management. ( 95-9 ) 43200699
4  Daw Nu Nu Lwin, Dy.
General Manager
( 95-9 ) 540 5716
 U Zaw Min Soe, ADM
( 95-9 ) 5076054

 Incident report to be completed and distributed by

MTO to Admin and HSE departments.
 Investigation of accident / incident by Investigative
FollowUp Team and specialist if required ( HSE Team
 Distribute all findings to all departments.
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4.1 Roles and Responsibilities

The primary role and responsibility of the Emergency Response Management Team formed under
the guidance of this Emergency Response Plan is to provide for the safe and efficient evacuation
of all personnel during an emergency situation. The secondary responsibility will be to manage the
mitigation of the emergency whether it is within the capabilities of the Team or outside help is
needed. The core team will be comprised of the following members:

 Emergency Response Team Commander ERTC

 Deputy Emergency Response Team Commander DERTC
 Emergency Response Team Scribe ERTS
 Emergency Response Logistic Coordinator ERLC
 Emergency Response Team HSE Manager HSEM
 Field Emergency Response Team Commander FERTC
 Deputy Field Emergency Response Team Commander DFERTC
 Field HSE Officer FHSEO
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Figure 1 – M&A Organization Chart during Normal Operations

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Figure 2 – Emergency Response Team Organization Chart

Note: Emergency Response Center in Yangon is activated to bring more resources to the event. These
resources include expert advisors outside of M&A.

Group General
U Myo Tin

Emergency Response
M&AS Yangon Office

Emergency Response
Deputy ERTC Emergency Response Emergency Response
Team Logistic Field ERT
( Planning Team Scribe Team
Coordinators Commander,
Coordinator ) U Zaw Min Soe / HSE Manager
U Ko Ko Naing / U Myo U Soe Lwin
U Soe Khine Daw Sandar U Nay Myo Aung

Deputy Field ERT

Expert Advisors
U MyintKywe Oo
U Myo Myint Lay

Located at Emergency Response Center in Yangon

Located at M&A’s WORK SITE

Field HSE Officers
Dr. Tin Ko Lwin
U Ye Win Htut
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4.2 M&A Representations

4.2.1 Group General Manager – U Myo Tin

Under M&A Management System, Group General Manager is accountable for establishing a crisis
management system. The group general manager also has certain corporate roles to manage
communication links withgovernments, media and external parties on matters of material
significance on a national basis andto manage the inter-Company communication of such
Group General Manager’s roles and responsibilities during an emergency are;

 Direct the establishment of a Crisis Management System in M&A Yangon Office

 Keep Chief Executive Officer(CEO) advised of the incident status and the M&A position
in the country.
 Consult with Emergency Response Team Commander ( ERTC ) on media, government
and public relations activities and strategies, and agree on the M&A spokesperson's role.
 Consult with Legal and elsewhere as necessary on the corporate statutory obligations
interms of the incident.
 Provision of all the necessary facts in order to produce suitable Press Releases.
 Establish a media strategy.
 Secure additional financial authority if required beyond the normal delegated level.

4.3 Emergency Response Center, Yangon

4.3.1 Emergency Response Team Commander ( ERTC ) – U Myo Tin

The Emergency Response Team Commander ( ERTC )shall be located in Yangon and upon
activation of the Emergency Response System will assume overall command of the emergency.
His duties include but are not limited to:

 Oversees the preparation of the Emergency Response Plan.

 Assist in the selection of other ERT members.

 Runs the Emergency Response Center.

 Obtains initial information regarding a crisis situation. “Briefs” the other ERT members
regarding the nature and status of the crisis.
 Determines the need for emergency response.
 Determines what outside agencies should be notified.
 Determines if evacuations are in order, and for what area (s).
 Instructs Team Leaders as to the movement and actions of their personnel during the
 Activates “replacement members” of the ERT whenever original Team Members are
unavailable, and appoints additional replacement members if necessary.
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 Assigns “in-house” resources as appropriate.

 Establishes initial interfaces with outside agencies.

4.3.2 Deputy Emergency Response Team Commander ( DERTC ) – U Soe Khine

Under the direction of the Emergency Response Team Commander ( ERTC ), the Deputy
Emergency Response Team Commander ( DERTC ) shall:

 Assume Team Leader for planning and overseeing the planning activities of the M&A
resources and outside resources.
 Assist the ERT Commander as directed.
 Assume interim command and responsibility for ERT Commander Duties when the ERT
Commander is not available.
 Verify execution of the ERT Commander's directives.
 Appoint department personnel as representatives to be located at the command centers
of outside agencies.
 Review situation reports, journals, and other reports for completeness.

4.3.3 Emergency Response Team Scribe ( ERTS ) –U Zaw Min Soe / Daw Sandar

Scribes shall try to answer who, what, when, where, how, and why on the command side. They
write down any specific instructions that were given by or to the ERT Commander.
Scribes shall document anyone whom the ERT commander talked to over the phone outside the
chain of command. This helps eliminate having to ask dispatch for the same information or asking
them to have someone call you back.
At the direction of the ERT Commander, the Scribe shall record information from all incident
message forms with reference to time, message and action taken. Responsibilities include:
 Maintaining and periodically distributing a situation report.
 Ensuring that all messages are appropriately routed.
 Ensuring that the incident communications and messages are established.

 Setting up telephone and public address systems as required.

 Establishing appropriate communications to and from all relevant locations.
 Ensuring that these communications systems are operating properly and efficiently.
 Will maintain contact with the Emergency Response Management Team at M&A Yangon
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4.3.4 Emergency Response Team Logistics Coordinator ( ERTLC ) – U Ko Ko Naing / U Myo


The ERT Logistical Resource Coordinator is responsible for coordinating providing facilities,
services, and materials for the incident response and provides all incident support needs such as:
 Facilities
 Transportation
 Communications
 Supplies
 Equipment Maintenance

 Provides logistical input to the ERT Commander in preparing the Emergency Response
 Identify anticipated and known logistical service and support requirements impacting
 Request additional logistical resources as needed.

4.3.5 Emergency Response Team HSE Manager – U Nay Myo Aung

Health, Safety and Environment Manager ( HSEM ) role is to develop and recommend measures
to the ERMT and / or FERT for assuring personnel health and safety and to assess and/or
anticipate hazardous and unsafe situations. Health, Safety and Environment Manager ( HSEM )
also develops the Site Safety Plan, reviews the Emergency Response Plan for safety implications,
and provides timely, complete, specific, and accurate assessment of hazards and required
controls. His duties include but are not limited to:

 Participate in planning and strategy and meetings providing HSE input as necessary.
 Periodic assessment and identification of hazardous situations associated with the
incident and prevent accidents.
 Assign assistants qualified to evaluate special hazards.
 Review the Emergency Response Plan for safety implications and prepare specific safety
message or plan based on hazards and problems.
 Exercise emergency authority to stop and prevent unsafe actions.

 Initiate preliminary investigation of accidents that have occurred within the incident area.
 Ensure safety messages and briefings are made as needed.
 Conduct risk assessments on activities associated with response to incident.
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4.3.6 Emergency Response Center Supplies ( M&A Head Office )

The Emergency Response Center will serve as the nucleus for response to an emergency
situation. As such it is important that it contain the necessary resources, equipment, supplies,
personnel, etc. The following is a list of basics that should be used as a minimum guideline:

 Telephones with international access

 Mobile phones
 Teleconference phone with speaker phone
 Laptops with Internet Access
 Mass Notification System
 Contact lists
 Maps
 Printer (s), Copier, Scanner
 Fax
 Overhead projector
 Pin board and white board
 Flip charts and markers
 Office supplies-staplers, tape, pens, paper
 Access to water, food, coffee, tea
These supplies will be located in a designated area in the M&AS office in Yangon

4.4 M&A Work Sites and Emergency Location

4.4.1 Field Emergency Response Team Commander ( FERTC ) – U Soe Lwin

The Field Emergency Response Team Commander ( FERTC ) is responsible for all aspects of
the response, including developing incident objectives and managing all incident operations.

The FERT Commander is faced with many responsibilities when he / she arrives on scene. Unless
specifically assigned to another member of the ERT, these responsibilities remain with the FERT
Commander. Some of the more complex responsibilities include:
 Establish immediate priorities especially the safety of responders, other emergency
workers, bystanders, and people involved in the emergency.

 Stabilize the incident by ensuring safety of life and managing all resources efficiently and
cost effectively.
 Determine incident objectives and coordinate strategy with ERT Commander to achieve
the objectives.
 Establish and monitor incident organization in accordance with this emergency response
plan to achieve objectives.
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 Approve the implementation of the written or oral Emergency Response Plan.

 Ensure adequate health and safety measures are in place.
 Establish and maintain coordination with ERT Command Center in Yangon Head Office.

4.4.2 Deputy Field Emergency Response Team Commander ( DFERTC ) – U Myint Kywe Oo / U
Myo Myint Lay

In addition to being prepared to assume the duties of the FERT Commander, the following is a list
of responsibilities that the Deputy Field ERT ( DFERTC ) Commander should perform or assign
to appropriate members of the Command as directed by the FERT Commander:

 Provide response direction.

 Coordinate effective communication.
 Coordinate resources.

 Establish incident priorities.

 Develop mutually agreed-upon incident objectives and approve response strategies.
 Assign objectives to the response structure.
 Review and approve Emergency Response Plans.

 Ensure integration of response organizations into the emergency as required.

 Establish protocols.
 Ensure worker and public health and safety.

4.4.3 Field HSE Officer ( FHSEO ) – Dr. Tin Ko Lwin / U Ye Win Htut

The Field HSE Officer ( FHSEO ) role is to develop and recommend measures to the ERT and /
or FERT for assuring personnel health and safety and to assess and/or anticipate hazardous and
unsafe situations. The Field HSE Officer ( FHSEO ) also develops the Emergency Response
Plan and provides timely, complete, specific, and accurate assessment of hazards and required
controls. His duties include but are not limited to:

 Participate in planning and strategy and meetings providing HSE input as necessary.

 Periodic assessment and identification of hazardous situations associated with the

incident and prevent accidents.
 Assign assistants qualified to evaluate special hazards.
 Review the Emergency Response Plan for safety implications and prepare specific safety
message or plan based on hazards, problems, or EIA requirements.
 Exercise emergency authority to stop and prevent unsafe actions.
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 Initiate preliminary investigation of accidents that have occurred within the incident area
 Ensure safety messages and briefings are made as needed.
 Conduct risk assessments on activities associated with response to incident.
 Conduct safety meetings and toolbox talks using relevant topics to activities associated
with the incident.


M&A Emergency Response Team shall utilize the following attachments as reference. The M&A Incident
report shall be filled out as necessary after any accident, incident, near-miss or emergency. ERP Team and
emergency service contact details will be periodically reviewedand updated and changes will be recorded
with the revised version of this document and redistributed to all head of departments. ERP procedures will
be posted in visible areas of every department and site locations.


Instruction / vrf:nÏefcsuf
01. This form should be completed as much as possible and sent to the HSE and / or
AdministrationDepartment within twenty-four (24) hours of the occurrence.
01` TyHkpHudk wwfódkiforû ]yD:]ynfhpHkatmif]znfhpGuf]yD: HSE XmeóSifh (odkh) Admin Xmeodkh xl:]cm:]zpfpOf]zpf]yD:

02. The supervisor or other authorized personnel should complete the form if the injured person is unable to
do so.
02` xdcdkuf'Ef\m\\Sdolr]znfhódkifvûif 4if:>juD:juyfol (odkh) t]cm:wm0ef\SdolwpfOD:rS ]znfhpGuf\ef`

03. The completed form must have all the required signatures.
03` vdktyfaomolrsm:> vufrSwftm:vHk:yg0if\rnf`
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Name: Job Title: Department:

(trnf) (\mxl:) (Xme)
]zpfyGm:rëwGif yg0ifol (rsm:)
Name: Job Title: Department: Contact Info:
(trnf) (\mxl:) (Xme) (qufoG<f\ef)

Time of incident: Was a third party involved? Yes No
(]zpfyGm:csdef) (]yifyrSvlyg0if]cif: \Sd/r\S)d
Date of incident: Was the police involved? Yes No
(]zpfyGm:onfhaehpGJ) (\JXmerSyg0ifrë \Sd/r\S)d
Precise location: Were there any pictures taken of the Yes No
(]zpfyGm:onfhae\m) incident or incident location?
(]zpfpOf(odkh)]zpfyGm:onfhae\mtm:"gwfyHk\dkufxm:]cif: \Sd/r\S)d
Was there anyone injured? Yes No
(xdcdkuf'Ef\m\\Sdol \Sd/r\S)d
Was there property damaged? Yes No
dk fysufpD:rë \Sd/r\S)d
xdcdkuf'Ef\m\\Sdrë / emrusef:]zpf]cif: ypPnf: qHk:\ëH: / ysufpD:rë /rD:ab:
Nature of damage:
Injured's name: (ysufp:D qHk:\ëH:rëtrsdK:tpm:)
Cost estimate:
Nature of injury or illness(including part of body): (qH:k \ëH:rëwefz:dk )
xdckdufonfhae\m(odkh)emrusef:]zpfy(Hk udk<fcóÝmtpdwftydik f:
tm: azmf]yay:\ef)
Treatment provided:
None  First Aid  Doctor  Hospital Other (specify) …………………………………
(r\Sd) (a\S:OD:olem]yK) (q\m0ef) (aq:\Hk) (t]cm:? azmf]yyg)
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Was personal protective equipment required? Yes No

(PPE vdktyfygovm:)
Was personal protective equipment provided? Yes No
(PPE pDpOfay:ygovm:)
Was personal protective equipment being used? Yes No
(PPE toHk:]yKygovm:)

EMPLOYEE / (0efxrf:)

Describe the incident as detailed as possible (Use additional sheets if necessary and staple at the back of this form ).
Notify supervisor and provide any pictures and / or evidence recorded during incident:
(xl:]cm:]zpfpOfudkwwfókid foa\G htao:pdwfazmf]yyg` vdktyfvûifpm\Guftydo
k Hk:I TyHpk H>ausmzufwGifwGJuyfyg\ef` rdrd>juD:juyfoludk
today:]yD: ]zpfpOf>"gwfyHkóSifhoufaoypPnf:rsm:]znfhpGufyg`)

Name of employee: Signature:Date:

(0efxrf:trnf) (vufrSw f) (aehp)GJ
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WITNESS / (todoufao)

Witness statement
Witness Name Job title(\mxl:) Company(ukrE
í )D attached
(oufao>trnf) (oufaoxGufcsufy:l wGJyg\Srd )ë

(1) Yes No

(2) Yes No

(3) Yes No

(4) Yes No

(5) Yes No

Witness (1) / oufao(1)

Describe the incident as detailed as possible ( Attach additional sheets if necessary and staple at the back of this form ).
(xl:]cm:]zpfpOfudkwwfókid foa\G htao:pdwfazmf]yyg` vdktyfvûifpm\Guftydt
k oHk:]yKI TyHkpH>ausmbufwGifwGJuyfyg\ef`)
Name of witness: Signature:Date:
(oufaotrnf) (vufrSwf) (aehp)GJ
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Witness (2) / oufao(2)

Describe the incident as detailed as possible ( Attach additional sheets if necessary and staple at the back of this form ).

(xl:]cm:]zpfpOfudkwwfókid foa\G htao:pdwfazmf]yyg` vdktyfvûifpm\Guftydt

k oHk:]yKITyHkpH>ausmbufwGifwGJuyfyg\ef` )

Name of witness: Signature:Date:

(oufaotrnf) (vufrSwf) (aehp)GJ
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SUPERVISOR / (juD:juyfol)
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Describe the incident as detailed as possible (Use additional sheets if necessary and staple at the back of this form ).
Provide any pictures and / or evidence recorded during incident:
(xl:]cm:]zpfpOfudkwwfókid foa\G htao:pdwfazmf]yyg` vdktyfvûifpm\Guftydo
k Hk:I TyHpk H>ausmzufwGifwGJuyfyg\ef`
]zpfpOf>"gwfyHkóSifhoufao ypPnf: ]znfhpGufyg`)

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Name of immediate supervisor: Signature:Date:

(0efxrf:trnf) (vufrSwf) (aehpJ)G


Emergency Response Roles Name Phone Number

Emergency Response Center M&AS Head Office Tel: ( 95-1 ) 230 7722 / 230
Vantage Tower,623 Pyay Road, 7721~9
University P.O., Kamaryut
Township, Yangon, Myanmar

Emergency Response Team U Myo Tin ( GXM ) Mob: ( 95-9 ) 508 2428
Commander (ERTC) E-mail:
[email protected]
Deputy Emergency Response U Soe Khine ( GMS ) Mob: ( 95-9 ) 43200699
Team Commander (DERTC)

Emergency Response Team Scribe U Zaw Min Soe ( ADM ) Mob: ( 95-9 ) 507 6054
( ERTS ) Daw Sandar ( ADO ) Mob: ( 95-9 ) 515 6483

Emergency Response Team HSE U Nay Myo Aung ( HSEM ) Mob: ( 95-9 ) 4318 2225

Emergency Response Logistic

Coordinator ( ERLC ) U Ko Ko Naing ( OLM ) Mob: ( 95-9 ) 505 6654
U Myo Win ( MTO ) Mob: ( 95-9 ) 5060801
U Win Naing Moe ( MTO ) Mob: ( 95-9 ) 503 1774

Field Emergency Response Team U Zaw Min Soe ( ADM ) Mob: ( 95-9 ) 507 6054
Commander (FERTC)

Deputy Field Emergency Response U Myint Kywe Oo Mob: ( 95-9 )862 4503
Team Commander ( DFERTC) U Myo Myint Lay Mob: ( 95-9 ) 862 4487

Field HSE Coordinator ( FHSEC ) Dr. Tin Ko Lwin Mob:( 95-9 ) 517 9842
U Ye Win Htut Mob:( 95-9 ) 975 489271
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Hlaing Police Station No. 218, Yangon – Insein Road, Tel: (95-1)519531, 519 532,(95-
Hlaing Township, Yangon. 9) 730 88550
Hlaing Fire Station Bata Bus Stop, Ward ( 12), Tel: (95-1) 519 578
Hlaing Township, Yangon –
Insein Road, Hlaing Township,
Thukhagabar Hospital 615(E), Marlar Street, Pyay Rd, Tel: (95-1) 504 545, 526 329, 500
Kamayut Township, Yangon. 100

Green Cross Hospital 101, Lan Thit Street, Lanmadaw Tel: (95-1) 286863 / 286864
Township, Yangon.

New Yangon General Hospital Bogyoke Aung San Road and Tel: (95-1) 283022 / 283455
Pyay Road Junction, Yangon.

Thukhagabar Hospital Green Cross Hospital Hlaing Fire Station HlaingPolice Station
2km 5km 5 km 5 km
5 minutes 25 minutes 13 minutes 13 minutes

Note - Distances from M&AS Head Office in Yangon

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ta\:ay;ta]ctaewGif wkefh]yefaqmif\Gu\f rnfhtpDtpOf


• tqdyf]zpfapódkifaom"gwkaA'ypPnf:rsm: <dkzdwaf eonfudk • vHk]cHKa\:Xme

awG h\d\S ygu – (vdkif:cGJ - 2513 )
(1) <if:ae\mrS xGufcGmyg`  OD:pdk:cdkif(GMS)

1 (2) pdwfwnf]idrfpGmxm:]yD:? vHk]cHKa\:wm0efus óSifh M&A ( 95-9 ) 4320 0699

 a';ókókvGif(DGM)
tkyfcsKyfa\:tzGJhodkh atmufygtcsufrsm:tm: owif:ydkhyg`
( 95-9 ) 540 5716
( u ) <dkzdwrf ëpwif]zpfyGm:aomae\m  OD:aZmfrif:pkd:(ADM)
( c ) "gwkaA'ypPnf: trsdK:tpm: ( 95-9 ) 5076054

 tkyfcsKyfa\:tzGJhrScsufcsif:pHkprf:ppfaq:rë]yKvkyf\ef`4if:<dkzd
2 wfrëtm:r\Sif:ypfrD MSDS yHkpHygtwdkif:ppfaq:aqmif\Gufrë

 vdktyfyguwm0efus0efxrf:rSrD:owday:tcsufay: • vëdif]rdK he<f

]yKvkyfrnf` rD:owfXme
<if:aemuf\Hk:tm:ab:tÊ\m<frSz<f\Sm:a\:udkcsufcsif:]yK ( 95-1 )519 578

vkyfrnf`vkyfief:cGifvHk]cHKa\:t\ \Hk:wHcg:tmvHk:tm: • vëdif]rdK he<f \JXme

( 95-1 ) 519 531,
ydwfrnf` {nfhonfrsm:tygt0if? \Hk:0efxrf:tm:vHk: 519 532,
(rnfolrqdk) wm0efus0efxrf:>OD:aqmifrët\ ]yXmef:xm: ( 95-9 ) 730 88550
3 aom pk\yf ae\mwGifpka0:\rnf` 4if:pk\yfae\mrSm M&A • rD:owfXme
\H:k >a]rnDxyf? pm:aomufcef:ta\ShwGifaomfvnf:aumif:? ( 95 ) 119

t]cm:vHk]cHKpdwfcs\aomavwift\yfaomfvnf:aumif:]zpf • \JXme
( 95 ) 199
onf` pk\yfae\mwGif vlOD:a\pm\if:ppfwrf:aumuf<lrnf`
 M&A rS a'oqdkif\mtkyfcsKyfa\:odkhvnf:aumif:? teD:
 okcurBmaq:\Hk
( 95-1 ) 504 545,
ywf0ef:usifwGifaexdkifaomvlxkodkhvnf:aumif: 526 329, 500 100
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tÊ\m<ftm:owday:I? tÊ\m<fuif:\modkah \Smif\Sm:ódkif  Green Cross aq:\Hk

a\:tm: today:nÏefjum:ygrnf` ( 95-1 ) 230 0652 ~ 3
• Green Cross
( 95-1 ) 230 0551

 OD:aersdK:atmif
( HSEM )
 MSDS rS vdktyfcsuftwdkif: umuG<fa\:ypPnf:rsm:udk ( 95-9 ) 4318 2225
toHk:]yKI zdwfpifrëudk oefh\Sif:a\:]yK\ef`  okcurBmaq:\Hk
 ta\]ym:óSifhxdpyfrdaomae\mtm: oef\h Sif:aoma\]zifh ( 95-1 ) 504 545,
(15)rdepfcefhaq:ajumyg` t0wfrsm:udkz<f\Sm:yg` 526 329, 500 100
4 aq:ukorëudk cH<lyg`
 Green Crossaq:\Hk
( 95-1 ) 230 0652 ~ 3
 rsufpdwGif:odkh xdpyfrdygu csufcsif: oefh\Sif:aoma\]zifh
• Green Cross
(15)rdepfcefh aq:ajumyg` eD:pyf\m rsufpdaq:\ef vlemwif<mOf
ae\mwGifvnf: aq:ajumódkifonf` ( 95-1 ) 230 0551

 zdwfpOfrëtm:xdef:csKyfódkifvûif
(rD:owfXmetm:apmifhqdkif:\ef)? M&A tkyfcsKyfa\:tzGJhrS
5 vHk]cHKaomtcg taqmuftOD:wGif: ]yefvnf0ifa\muf\ef
 HSEM rS Todk]h zpfpOfrsm:twGuf oifwef:ay:\ef twGuf
FollowUp  "gwkzdwpf OfrëtwGuf pHkprf:a\:tzGJh? u¡rf:usifolrsm:rS
vdktyfvûifpHkprf:ppfaq:a\: ]yKvkyfygrnf`
 T]zpfpOftm: ppfaq:]yD:\v'frsm:tm: ]zefha0ygrnf`
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pdwfwnf]idrfpGm]zifh pm:yGJcHkatmufwGif tumtuG<f<lyg`

 \Hk:rSvHk]cHKpdwfcs\rër\Sdr]cif: rxGufcGmygóSifh`
 ]rifhaombD'dk? ]ywif:aygufrsm:rS a0:\modkhz<f\Sm:aeyg`
 ysufpD:aeaomavSum:?wHcg:rsm:? vûyfppfrD:judK:rsm:tm:
owd]zifah \Smif\Sm:yg`]zpfódkifvûifpmtkyftxl(odkh)oifhv
1 ufudkiftdwftm:oifhacgif:ay;wGiftkyfrdk:Itaqmuf
tOD: twGif:wGifoGm:vmyg`
 tu<fI\Hk:]yifwGifoifa\mufaevûiftaqmuftOD?o
pfyif?vûyfppfrD:judK:rsm: atmufwGifraeyg óSifh`
 tu<fI 'Ef\m\vûif? twGif:wGifzdrd? ydwfrdaevûif
tultnDawmif:I owday:yg`

taqmuftODtwGif:rStÊ\m<fuif:pGm]zifha]ymif:a\Gah \:
aqmif\Guf\mwGif -
 wHcg:rsm:udkowd]zifhzGifhyg`tay;rSusvmódkifaomypPnf:rsm:
 vHk]cHKpdwfcs\aomtcg\Hk:0efxrf:rStaqmuftODtwGif:
2 wGif ydwfrdaeolrsm:tm: vdkufvH\mS azGygrnf`
 ]ydKusvmódkifaomt\mrsm:?rD:tÊ\m<fponfrsm:r\Sdvûif
'Ef\m\aeolrsm:tm: z<f\Sm:ygrnf`
 M&A tkyfcsKyfa\:tzGJ> h nÏefjum:rëatmufwGif {nfhonf
rsm:tygt0if rnfolrqd]k yXmef:xm:aom pk\yfwGifpka0:\yg
rnf` 4if:pk\yfwGifvlpm\if: aumuf<lygrnf`
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• vëdif]rdK he<f
 rD:avmifrë]zpfyGm:cJhvûif : M&A / HSE 0efxrf:rsm:rS rD:owf
aq:Al:rsm:]zifh rD:udk]idrf:owf\efjudK:pm:ygrnf` vdktyfvûif ( 95-1 )519 578
\efukefA[dkrD:owfXme?]ynfolh\JXme?aq:\Hkrsm:udk tajumif: • vëdif]rdK he<f \JXme
jum:I tultnDawmif:cH\ef` aysmufqHk:? 'Ef\m\olrsm:\Sd ( 95-1 ) 519 531,
vûiftaqmuftODtwGif: 0ifa\muf\SmazG\mY 519 532,( 95-9 )
730 88550
• rD:owfXme
( 95 ) 119
• \JXme
( 95 ) 199
3  okcurBmaq:\Hk
( 95-1 ) 504 545,
526 329, 500 100
 Green
( 95-1 ) 230 0652
• Green
( 95-1 ) 230 0551

• vHk]cHKa\:Xme
 M&A tkyfcsKyfa\:tzGJ hodkh qufoG<f\ef`
(vdkif:cGJ - 2513 )
 OD:pdk:cdkif(GMS)
( 95-9 ) 4320 0699
4  a';ókókvGif(DGM)
( 95-9 ) 540 5716
 OD:aZmfrif:pkd:(ADM)
( 95-9 ) 507 6054
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 taqmuftOD:wGif: ]yefvnf0ifa\muf\ef vHk]cHK? pdwfcs\

5 ajumif: M&A tkyfcsKyfa\:t\m\SdóSifh rD:owfXme>cGifh]yK
csufudk apmifh\ef`

 taqmuftOD:>juHcð dkifrëta]ctaeudk vdktyfvûifpHkprf:

FollowUp a\:tzGJ h? u¡rf:usifolrsm:rS ppfaq:rnf`
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 pdwfwnf]idrfpGm]zifh rD:tcsufay:]yKvkyf\ef? tultnDac; • vHk]cHKa\:Xme
1 \ef? wm0efustapmifhtm: owday:\ef` (vdkif:cGJ - 2513 )

 \Hk:rS ab:tÊ\m<fuif:\Sif:pGmz<f\Sm:a\:udk csufcsif:

aqmif\Guf\ef` vkyfief:cGiftm: oD:]cm:ydwf\ef` M&A
2 wm0efus0efxrf:> nÏefjum:rëatmufwGif {nfhonfrsm:
tygt0if? rnfolrqdk ]yXmef:xm:aom pk\yfwGifpka0:\yg
rnf` 4if:pk\yfwGif vlpm\if: aumuf<lrnf`
• vëdif]rdK he<f
 M&A / HSE 0efxrf:rsm:rS rD:owfaq:Al:rsm: toHk:]yKI ( 95-1 )519 578
rD:]idrf:owfrnf` vdktyfvûif \efukefA[dkrD:owfXmetm: • vëdif]rdK he<f \JXme
tultnDawmif:cH\ef` ( 95-1 ) 519 531,
519 532,
( 95-9 ) 730 88550
• rD:owfXme
( 95 ) 119
• \JXme
3 ( 95 ) 199
 okcurBmaq:\Hk
( 95-1 ) 504 545,
526 329, 500 100
 Green Cross aq:\Hk
( 95-1 ) 230 0652 ~
• Green Cross
( 95-1 ) 230 0551
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4  OD:pdk:cdkif(GMS)
 M&A tkyfcsKyfa\:tzGJ hodkh qufoG<f\ef` ( 95-9 ) 4320 0699
 a';ókókvGif(DGM)
( 95-9 ) 540 5716
 OD:aZmfrif:pkd:(ADM)
( 95-9 ) 507 6054

 taqmuftOD:twGif: ]yefvnf0if\ef vHk]cHKpdwfcs\ ajumif:

M&A tkyfcsKyfa\:tzGJhóSifh rD:owfXme> cGifh]yKcsufudk apmifh

 vdktyfvûif pHkprf:a\:tzGJ h? u¡rf:usiforl sm:rS rD:avmifrë

FollowUp twGuf ppfaq:rërsm: ]yKvkyfygrnf` Txl:]cm:]zpfpOf tm:
pHkprf:ppfaq:]yD:? \v'frsm:tm: ]zefha0ygrnf`
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 vlemtm: ppfaq:\ef
 ta]ccHa\S:OD:olem]yKt]zpf? touf|ërëóSifh óSvHk:ckefrërsm:? • vHk]cHKa\:Xme
aoG:xGufvGefrë\Sd/r\Sd ponfwdkhudk ppfaq:\ef` (vdkif:cGJ - 2513 )
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vdktyfvûif vlemtm:]yKpk\ef` okcurBm (odkh) Green Cross ( HSEM )
( 95-9 ) 4318 2225
aq:\Hk> aq:ynmtjuHay:csufudk \<l\ef`  okcurBmaq:\Hk
 vdktyfvûif okcurBm (odkh) Green Cross aq:\Hkodkh ( 95-1 ) 504 545,
vlemtm: vlemwif<mOf (odkh) oifhawmf\m 526 329, 500 100
2  Green Cross aq:\Hk
t]cm:<mOfrsm:]zifh ydkhaqmif\ef`
 vlem> aq:pmóSifhtwl olem]yKpkolu okcurBm (odkh) ( 95-1 ) 230 0652 ~ 3

Green Cross aq:\Hkodkh vdkufygoGm:\ef` • Green Cross

( 95-1 ) 230 0551

vlem> eD:pyfol udk

 vlem> eD:pyfol (odkh) tvkyf\Sifurk íEDodkhajumif:jum:\ef`
3 vlem>aq:\mZ0ifykH
pH wGif junfhyg`
• vHk]cHKa\:Xme
 M&A tkyfcsKyfa\:tzGJ hodkh qufoG<f\ef`
(vdkif:cGJ - 2513 )
 OD:pdk:cdkif(GMS)
( 95-9 ) 4320 0699
4  a';ókókvGif(DGM)
( 95-9 ) 540 5716
 OD:aZmfrif:pkd:(ADM)
( 95-9 ) 507 6054
Issue Date:
02 February 2016
Myint& Associates Co., Ltd. Effective Date:
Issue: 3.0
09 February 2016

Emergency Response Plan Page 40 of 41

 aq:pmrdwWL\<l\ef`
FollowUp  xl:]cm:]zpfpOftm: pHkprf:ppfaq:rërsm:]yKvkyf\ef`
 4if:pHkprf:ppfaq:rë\v'frsm:tm: ]ynfhpHkpGm]yKvkyf]yD:

<mOfwdkufrëta\:ay;]zpfpOf ( omref )
 <mOfxdcdkufysufpD:rë? <mOfpD:olc\D:onfrsm: xdcdkufrë \Sd /  OD:rsdK:0if:( MTO )
r\Sd ppfaq:\ef` tu<fI touftÊ\m<f \Sdaom ( 95-9 ) 506 0801

'Ef\m\\Sdvûif? ta\:ay; ]zpfpOfenf:vrf:rsm:tm:  M&A |k:H csKyf

vdkufem\ef` ( 95-1 ) 230 7722,
1  ]zpfyGm:aom <mOf> vdkifpifeHygwf? <mOfarmif: vdkifpif?
230 7721 ~ 9
 OD:aZmfrif:pkd:(ADM)
<mOftrsdK:tpm: azmf]ycsufrsm:udk pkaqmif:\ef` ]zpfódkif ( 95-9 ) 507 6054
vûif "gwfyHk\dkuf<l\ef`
 t]cm:aom yg0ifywfoufolrsm:óSifh awG hqHkar:]ref:\ef`
 vëdif]rdK he<f \JXme
 MTO odkh zkef:quftajumif:jum:\ef` ( 95-1 ) 519 531,
519 532,
 judKwifnÛdóëdif:csufrsm: ratmif]rifvûif? eD:pyf\m <mOfxdef: ( 95-9 ) 730 88550
2 \Jtm: tajumif:jum:\ef`  \JXme
( 95 ) 199

 MTO wm0efus0efxrf: tcif:]zpfyGm:\m ae\modkh

a\muf\Sdonf txd apmifhqdkif:\ef`

 M&A tkyfcsKyfa\:tzGJ hodkh qufoG<f\ef`  OD:pdk:cdkif(GMS)

( 95-9 ) 4320 0699
 a';ókókvGif(DGM)
Issue Date:
02 February 2016
Myint& Associates Co., Ltd. Effective Date:
Issue: 3.0
09 February 2016

Emergency Response Plan Page 41 of 41

( 95-9 ) 540 5716

 OD:aZmfrif:pkd:(ADM)
( 95-9 ) 5076054

 vdktyfvûif pHkprf:a\:tzGJ h? u¡rf:usifolrsm:rS Txl:]cm:

]zpfpOftm: ppfaq:rë]yKvkyfygrnf`
 4if:]zpfpOftm: ppfaq:]yD:vûif\v'frsm:tm: MTO t\m\SdrS
FollowUp tkyfcsKyfa\:tzGJ hóSifh HSE Xmetm: ]zefha0\ef`
 pHkprf:awG h\Sdcsufrsm:udk Xmetm:vHk:odkh ]zefha0\ef`

<mOfwdkufrëta\:ay;]zpfpOf ( tjuD:pm: )
 <mOfxdcdkufysufpD:rë? <mOfpD:olc\D:onfrsm: xdcdkufrë \Sd /  OD:rsdK:0if:
r\Sd ppfaq:\ef` tu<fI touftÊ\m<f \Sdaom ( MTO )
( 95-9 ) 506 0801
'Ef\m\\Sdvûif? vlemtm: a\S:OD:pGm touftÊ\m<frS
 M&A |k:H csKyf
pdwfcs\atmif ]yKvkyf\ef`
1  ]zpfyGm:aom <mOf> vdkifpifeHygwf? <mOfarmif: vdkifpif?
( 95-1 ) 230 7722,
230 7721 ~ 9
<mOftrsdk:tpm: azmf]ycsufrsm:udk pkaqmif:\ef` ]zpfódkif
vûif "gwfyHk\dkuf<l\ef`
 t]cm:aom yg0ifywfoufolrsm:óSifh awG hqHkar:]ref:\ef`
 \efukefaq:\HkjuD: xdcdkuf'Ef\m ta\:ay;Xmeodhk vlemtm:  ta\:ay;Xme
2 vHk]cHKpdwfcs\aom tpDtrHrsm:]zifh ydkhaqmif\ef`
( 95-1 ) 256 112,
256 123

3  MTO odkh zkef:quftajumif:jum:\ef`

Issue Date:
02 February 2016
Myint& Associates Co., Ltd. Effective Date:
Issue: 3.0
09 February 2016

Emergency Response Plan Page 42 of 41

 MTO t\m\Sd> nÏefjum:csufrsm:tm:  OD:pdk:cdkif(GMS)

vdkufemaqmif\Gu\f ef` ( 95-9 ) 4320 0699

 tkyfcsKyfa\:tzGJ hodkh qufoG<f\ef óSifh nÏefjum:csufrsm: tm:  a';ókókvGif(DGM)

4 ( 95-9 ) 540 5716
qufvuf vdkufemaqmif\Guf\ef`
 OD:aZmfrif:pkd:(ADM)
( 95-9 ) 507 6054

 vdktyfvûif pHkprf:a\:tzGJ h? u¡rf:usifolrsm:rS Txl:]cm:

]zpfpOftm: ppfaq:rë]yKvkyfygrnf`
 4if:]zpfpOftm: ppfaq:]yD:vûif\v'frsm:tm: MTO t\m\SdrS
FollowUp tkyfcsKyfa\:tzGJ hóSifh HSE Xmetm: ]zefha0\ef`
 pHkprf:awG h\Sdcsufrsm:udk Xmetm:vHk:odkh ]zefha0\ef`
Oil Spill Contingency Plan
1.0 Purpose

M&AOSB will put in place appropriate management of spills to minimize any risk to the
environment from pollution. M&AOSB has developed this plan to formalize the
processes required to ensure that there are adequate resources available and
procedures in place to ensure that all spills are cleaned up immediately and reported

2.0 Responsibility Summary

In the event of an oil release, the staff of M&AOSB shall carry out the procedures
outlined herein.

M&AOSB Staff will respond to any emergency situation in accordance with their
knowledge and skills.

Staff shall insure that M&AOSB Supervision is notified immediately, and may be
required to assist with follow up response actions as instructed by M&AOSB
Supervision/ HSE Team/ Management.

M&AOSB personnel are responsible for reporting all spills to the M&AOSB Supervisor/
Client Supervisor/ HSE Team immediately.

The Emergency Response Team/ committee are to initialize Emergency Response

Procedures as per (Emergency Response Plan).

The M&AOSB Supervisor/ Management/ HSE Team (Emergency Response Team)

shall report spills to appropriate departments as soon as possible.

3.0 Abbreviations & Definitions

BU – M&AOSB Supply Base

ERC - Emergency Response Committee (Team). Includes Chief Fire Wardens, Fire
Wardens and First Aid Officers

ERT - Emergency Response Team

SDS - Safety Data Sheet

Contractor - A person or firm that undertakes a contract to provide materials or labour to

perform a service or do a job

Incident - An unplanned event that has or could have caused personal injury or damage
to property, equipment, the environment or a loss of business
Worker - Employees of M&AOSB

4.0 Spill Procedures

M&AOSB will put in place appropriate management of spills to minimize any risk to the
environment from pollution. M&AOSB has developed this plan to formalize the
processes required to ensure that there are adequate resources available and
procedures in place to ensure that all spills are cleaned up immediately and reported

5.0 Dealing with Minor Spills

A small spill is considered to be a spill of 5 litres or less, providing the product is not
concentrated. For concentrated products of any quantity, the spill must be treated as a
large spill. The following steps will be taken in the event of a small spill:

 Assess safety - Make sure that people are kept clear, and that you have the right
training and equipment to deal with the spill.

 Stop the source - Providing it is safe to do so, stop the spill at its source. This
may involve righting an overturned container or sealing holes or cracks in

 Contain and clean up the spill - The spill should be mopped up immediately

 Record the spill - Record when, what, how and where the spill occurred, clean up
measures undertaken and the names of any witnesses. Also make note of what
changes can be made when handling, transporting or storing chemicals to
ensure a similar incident does not happen again.

6.0 Dealing with Large Spills

A large spill is considered to be anything over 5 litres or concentrated chemicals of any

volume. The following steps will be taken in the event of a large spill:

 Assess safety - Make sure that people are kept clear, and that you have the right
training and equipment to deal with the spill.

 Consult the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) - The SDS will have instructions on how to
deal with specific spills.

 Put on protective clothing - If necessary, put on gloves and goggles, a mask and
an apron.
 Stop the source - Providing it is safe to do so, stop the spill at its source. This
may involve righting an overturned container or sealing holes or cracks in

 Contain and control the flow - The spill should be prevented from filtrating into the
ground or entering the storm water system. The outer edge of the spill should be
dammed with rags, blankets, sand, sands bags, mops and/or absorbent booms.

 Clean up the spill - Promptly cover the spill using absorbent materials such as
the correct absorbent granules for the product (note that some strong acids will
react with some types of granules and sawdust), sand and rags, being mindful
not to splash the spill. Using a dustpan or spade, the absorbent granules or sand
must then be scooped up and placed into a container.

 Record the incident - Record what, how and where the spill occurred and the
names of any witnesses. Also make note of what changes can be made when
handling, transporting or storing chemicals to ensure a similar incident does not
happen again.

 In an emergency situation the ERC must be notified (i.e. Chief Fire Warden).
Refer to relative emergency response plan.

7.0 Reporting Spills

All uncontrolled spills on a site, requires an Incident Report to be generated. For all
spills occurring outside of an M&AOSB facility, regardless of volume, requires an
incident report to be generated. The report must be completed within 24 hours of the
incident. Clean-up of the spill must not occur until the BU Manager /or HSEQ Advisor
are notified and an appropriate response initiated.

8.0 General purpose spill kits

A basic general purpose spill kit must contain at least three components. Personal
protective equipment (PPE) must be supplied to enable employees to mop up spillage
safely. The extent of the PPE must be suitable for the spillages likely to be encountered.
Small spill kits should contain safety gloves, while larger kits for dealing with spillages of

Basic spill kit contents list

 Protective clothing (gloves, overalls, overshoes, safety goggles)

 Absorbent materials (paper towels, spill pads, spill socks)
 Disposal bags with tape or twist ties
 Dustpan and polypropylene broom
 Container for waste

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