1.12 Locsin, Agravante

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Dr. Ma. Luisa Uayan / First Semester
Transcriber: Kathleen Venus 22


instruments, e.g. monitors, implants, and devices,

OUTLINE that are a part of patient care, as these will provide
I. Rozzano Locsin opportunities for the nurse to know the patient fully
A. Early Life as person.
B. Academic Career - Locsin's work is obviously guided by the question
C. Knowing Persons: Framework for Nursing asked by thoughtful nurses everywhere: How can I
D. Assumptions satisfactorily reconcile the idea of competent use of
E. Dimensions of Technological Value in the Theory technology with the idea of caring in nursing?
F. Technological Competency as Caring in Nursing - His theory significantly describes a practical
G. The Process of Nursing understanding of the solution enriching the practice
II. The CASAGRA Transformative Leadership Theory value of all of the general theories of nursing which
A. Sister Carolina S. Agravante, SPC, RN, PhD are grounded in caring.
i. Educational Background - Technological competency as caring in nursing
ii. Personal Experience informs nursing as a critical process of knowing
B. The CASAGRA Transformative Model: Servant – persons’ wholeness.
as Leader Formula & the Nursing Faculty’s - Locsin's theory book explores, clarifies, and
lllllTransformative Leadership Behavior advances the conception of technological
C. The CASAGRA Transformative Theory as a competency as caring in nursing.
iiiiiiPractice Theory - His theory is essential to modeling a practice of
D. What prompted Sister Carolina Agravante to do nursing from the perspective of caring.
iiiiithe theory? - It is a practical illumination of excellent nursing in a
E. Main Propositions technological world.
F. Applicability
- Rozzano Locsin is a Professor of Nursing at
Tokushima University (Japan)
- A Professor Emeritus of Florida Atlantic
- University (United States)
- a Visiting Professor at universities in Thailand,
Uganda, and the Philippines.
- He has authored a book entitled Technological
Competency as Caring in Nursing: A Model for
- edited and co-authored three more books, including
one entitled A Contemporary Nursing Practice: The
(Un)Bearable Weight of Knowing in Nursing.

- Locsin was born in 1954.
- He is a registered nurse, a native of Dumaguete
City, Philippines who resides and practices his
nursing profession at Tokushima University,
Tokushima, Japan as a Professor of Nursing.
- He is a Professor emeritus of Florida Atlantic ASSUMPTIONS
University in Boca Raton, Florida, USA. - Technological Competency as Caring in Nursing is
- Dr. Rozzano Locsin earned his PhD in Nursing from a middle range theory grounded in Nursing as
the University of the Philippines in 1988 Caring
- Earned his MA in Nursing and Bachelor of Science - It is illustrated in the practice of nursing grounded in
in Nursing from Silliman University in 1978 and the harmonious coexistence between technology
1976 respectively in the Philippines and caring in nursing. The assumptions of the
theory are:
ACADEMIC CAREER o Persons are caring by virtue of their
- In 1991, Locsin joined Florida Atlantic University,
o Persons are whole or complete in the
Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing, where he was
a tenured Professor of Nursing, and now a
o Knowing persons is a process of nursing
Professor Emeritus
that allows for continuous appreciation of
- Locsin's middle range nursing theory is an
persons moment to moment
interesting discussion of the correlation between
o Technology is used to know wholeness of
hands-on patient care and the use of technology.
persons moment to moment
- Technology is defined as anything that makes
o Nursing is a discipline and a professional
things efficient – from basic diagnostic technologies
to therapeutic practices familiar to all nurses.

- Specifically, he discusses the importance of

understanding the need for knowing “high-tech”
[NCMA110] 1.12 LOCSIN, AGRAVANTE– Dr. Ma. Luisa Uayan
Technology as completing human beings - BSN Degree at St Paul University
- to re-formulate the ideal human being such as in Manila as magna cum laude
replacement parts, both mechanical (prostheses) or - Passed the NLE as a board
organic (transplantation of organs.) topnotcher
Technology as machine technologies 1967-1969
- e.g. computers and gadgets enhancing nursing - Master’s Degree in Nursing
activities to provide quality patient care such as Education atCatholic University of America as a
Penelope or Da Vinci in the Operating Theatres fullfledged scholar
Technologies that mimic human beings and human 2002
activities - Doctoral Degree in Nursing at University of the
- to meet the demands of nursing care practices, e.g. Philippines Manila
cyborgs (cybernetic organisms) or anthropomorphic - CASAGRA Transformative Leadership Theory was
machines and robots such as ‘nursebots’ published


NURSING - President of St. Paul University - Iloilo, where she
taught research subjects among senior students.
- Technological competency as caring in nursing is
- Former president of the Association of Deans of the
the harmonious coexistence between technologies
Philippines Colleges of Nursing (ADPCN).
and caring in nursing.
- Philippine Accreditation Association of Schools,
- The harmonization of these concepts places the
Colleges and Universities (PAASCU) Accreditors
practice of nursing within the context of modern
- President of St. Paul College - Ilocos Sur.
healthcare and acknowledges that these concepts
- Vice-President for Academics. Program chair of the
can co-exist.
school's Department of Nursing
- Technology brings the patient closer to the nurse.
- Part of a delegation that participated in the
Conversely, Technology can also increase the gap
International Council of Nursing in Vancouver,
between the nurse and nursed.
- When technology is used to know persons
- Representative in the International Nursing
continuously in the moment, the process of nursing
Congress that was held in Brunei in 1996.
is lived
- The process of knowing person is guided by NURSING FACULTY’S TRANSFORMATIVE
technological knowing in which persons are LEADERSHIP BEHAVIOR
appreciated as participants in their care rather than - It is psycho-spiritual model coined after the name of
as objects of care. the investigator.
- The nurse enters the world of the other. - This consists of the three S namely:
- In this process, technology is used to magnify the o Servant-Leader Spirituality
aspect of the person that requires revealing - a o Self-mastery
representation of the real person. o Special Expertise
- The person’s state change moment to moment -
- dynamic, living, and can not be predicted
- Both the nurse and the one nursed (patient) plan a Complexity or Abstractness, Scope
mutual care process from which the nurse can - Focuses on a narrow view of reality, simple and
organize a rewarding nursing practice that is straightforward
responsive to the patient’s desire for care. Specificity
Participation in Appreciation - Linked to a special populations or an identified field
- The simultaneous practice of conjoined activities of practice
which are crucial to knowing persons. Characteristic of Scope
- In this stage of the process is the alternating rhythm - Single, concrete concept that is operationalized
of implementation and evaluation. Characteristic of Proposition
- The evidence of continuous knowing, - Propositions defined
implementation and participation is reflective of the Testability
cyclical process of knowing persons - Goals or outcomes defined and testable
Verifying Knowledge Source of Development
- The continuous, circular process demonstrates the - Derived from practice or deduced from middle
ever-changing, dynamic nature of knowing in range theory or grand theory.
- Knowledge about the person that is derived from WHAT PROMPTED SISTER CAROLINA
knowing, designing, and implementing further AGRAVANTE TO DO THE THEORY?
informs the nurse and the one nursed. - The present day demands in the nursing profession
THE CASAGRA TRANSFORMATIVE LEADERSHIP challenge nursing educators to revisit their basic
THEORY responsibility of educating professional nurses who
are responsive to technological, educational and
social changes happening in the Philippines society
“Focus on the type of leadership in nursing that can

- Nursing education is faced with a new concern that

challenge the values of the changing world…”
is globalization of nursing services for the
[NCMA110] 1.12 LOCSIN, AGRAVANTE– Dr. Ma. Luisa Uayan
international market. Therefore a need to develop - Expertise is the practice of caring and proactive in
globalization of care with focus on developing face of challenges for the profession go hand-in-
caring nurses. hand.
- The formation of new nursing leaders is urgently - Education and practice bring this about.
needed; leaders with new vision who will venture
new traits and who have gone through new APPLICABILITY
formation in order to serve the society as - The servant-leader formula can be a useful tool to
professional nurse. charge nurses as this will enable them to become
- Nurses need competent leaders with a dream of leaders and educators while following the footsteps
what nursing can be, whose basic stand is caring of our Lord, Jesus Christ
and service who are competent in nursing, assertive - In the academe, knowing one's strengths and weak
of their own rights with the help profession. points can help in becoming a better individual and
professional resulting to an effective teaching on
MAIN PROPOSITIONS students and staff..
- CASAGRA transformative leadership is a psycho- - The effect of the CASAGRA leadership model using
spiritual model, was an effective means for faculty the servant leader model on the leadership behavior
to become better teachers and servant-leaders. in the nursing facility is an effective formula in
- Care complex is a structure in the personality of the organizing one direction in achieving organizational
caregiver that is significantly related to the goals
leadership behavior.
- The CASAGRA servant-leadership formula is an SUMMARY
effective modality in enhancing the nursing faculty’s - Sr. Agravante's theory Of Transformational
servant-leadership behavior. Leadership Theory is focused primarily on the
- Vitality of Care Complex of the nursing faculty is educational and psycho-spiritual aspect of nursing.
directly related to leadership behavior - Sr. Agravante emphasized the need for nursing
faculty specially trained to develop holistic nurses
CASAGRA TRANSFORMATIVE LEADERSHIP who will become leaders in health service

The model is a Three-Fold Transformation Leadership

Concept rolled into one, comprising of the following

1. Servant-Leader Spirituality
- refers to the perceived behavior of nursing faculty
manifested through the ability to model the servant
leadership qualities to students, ability to bring out
the best in students, competence in nursing skills,
commitment to the nursing profession, and sense of
collegiality with the school, other health
professionals, and local community.
2. Self-Mastery
- expressed in vibrant care complex
- Care complex in the personality of the nursing
faculty is highly correlated to their leadership
- The care complex is necessary given as a stimulant
in the performance of the leadership activities.
- A person with dynamic care complex is the
cornerstone of nursing leadership
3. Special Expertise
- is the level of competence in the particular nursing
area that the professional nurse is engaged in.

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