DLL - Mapeh 6 - Q2 - W7

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GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Alyssa Mae C. Montefalcon Learning Area: MAPEH

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: JANUARY 4-6, 2023 (WEEK 7) Quarter: 2ND QUARTER


A.Content Standards The learner understands the Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of
importance of keeping the shapes, space, colors, and the shapes, space, colors, and the
school and community principles of emphasis, harmony principles of emphasis, harmony
environments healthy. and contrast in digital painting and contrast in digital painting
and poster design using new and poster design using new
technologies. technologies.
B.Performance Standards The learner demonstrates Applies concepts on the use of Applies concepts on the use of
practices for building and software in creating digital software in creating digital
maintaining healthy school and paintings and graphic design. paintings and graphic design.
community environments.
C. Learning Competencies Identifies things that can be Applies skills in layouting and Applies skills in layouting and
recycled in school and in the photo editing using new photo editing using new
community technologies(Hardware and technologies(Hardware and
H6CMH-IIg-7 Software) in making a poster Software) in making a poster
II.CONTENT Proper Waste Management Digital Painting Graphic Digital Painting Graphic
Design(Poster) Design(Poster)
1.Teacher’s Guide pages
2.Learners’s Materials pages
3.Textbook pages Enjoying Life trhough Music, Enjoying Life trhough Music, Arts, Enjoying Life trhough Music,
Arts, Physical education and Physical education and Health 6 Arts, Physical education and
Health 6 pp. 55-61 Health 6 pp. 55-61
4.Additional materials from K to 12 basic education curriculum Guide 6, p57 for Health, p. 50 for Arts p.
learning resource (LR) portal

B.Other Learning Resource LCD Projector, Netbook, Projector, Powerpoint Projector, Powerpoint
Powerpoint, cut-outs, lapel presentation, netbook, gadgets, presentation, netbook, gadgets,
coupon bond, ruler, paint, paint coupon bond, paint, brushes
A.Reviewing previous lesson or Let the pupils sing the song What are posters? What is MS Publisher?
presenting the new lesson “Waste Disposal Method” with Why are posters created? What are the uses of MS
the tune of Are You Sleeping Do you like to create your own Publisher learned yesterday?
Ask the students: poster and be publish? Did you brimng the materials I
1. What is the waste disposal ask you?
methods mentioned in the
2. Which of these methods is
applicable in your place? Why?
B.Establishing a purpose for the 1. Lead the class in searching for What is MS Publisher? Call on a learner to open the
lesson garbage/trash/waste that can Have you encountered it? Would laptop and proceed to MS
be found inside the school. you like to know about MS Publisher.
2. Tell the students to list these Publisher? Allow also other learners to
(garbage/trash/waste) down. open their gadgets.

C.Presenting Examples/ Activity: Present samples of a poster. Present to them a product you
instances of the new lesson Guessing Games wanted to sell. Let them create
The teacher will give clues that its advertisement poster.
the pupils will answer. Title, save, display their poster
Directions: Guess the and say something about it.
items/wastes using the given
1. Clue: containers of
soft drinks, milk and
fruit cocktails Answer:
Tin cans/ Cans

2. Clue: newspapers and

magazines are made of it.
Answer: Paper

What is the poster no 1 alll

about/ how about poster no 2
and 3?
D.Discussing new concepts and a. Group Activity Let the pupils open MS Publisher How did you come up with your
practicing new skills #1  Group the pupils into 4. and discuss to them how to open output?
 Each group must have a and operate, click the following What skills did you applied?
leader and a reporter 1. Start button
 The reporter will explain to 2. All programs
the class the output of the 3. Microsoft office
group 4. MS Publisher
 Role card may be used if 2010 versuion of MS
appropriate Publisherlooks like this. To create
Role Cards a poster:
Leader Encourager 1. Click more blanks pages
Leads the Ensure 2. Scroll down until you see
group in the everyone is publication Types, click
given tasks participating on the posters folder
Invites 3. Choose the size of the
everyone to poster
join in 4. Click create
Time Keeper Reporter
Keeps an eye Shares the Discuss further how to edit
to the allotted consolidated photos in MS Publisher.
time si that ideas
the assigned generated
tasks wii be during the
finished on or discussion/
before time brainstorming

b. The teacher will

provide a box with
diffferent recyclable
materials inside.
c. Each group will get 2
materials in the box.
The group will be given time to
explain how these things can be
useful again.
E.Discussing new concepts and Ask the pupils: How is MS Publisher open? Allow the pupils to create a
practicing new skills #2 Is recycling important? Why? How can you edit photos in MS poster informing their
How can we benefit from Publisher? schoolmates that there will be
recycling wastes? What other Why should you use it when you an upcoming school activity
ways can we do to lessen our need to layout a poster? regarding waste management
wastes? What skills did you developed and not everybody is informed
using the new technologies? about the important details. As
a graphic artist you will make a
poster series for this event. You
will apply emphasis and create
multiple copies of it then
F.Developing Mastery Directions: List the recyclable Let the pupils master symbols on Hands on activity of the
items that can be found in the how to operate the MS publisher learners.
picture. Teacher supervises

G.Finding Practical application Your mother asks you to throw Why do you need to learner how You are expert in using MS
of concepts and skills in daily your wastes on the trash bin, to make a poster? Can you help Publisher especially in layouting
living but you notice that there are your parents to advertise their and photo editing. Your
objects that can be used again, product using what you learned mother’s friend is looking for
what will you do? in making a poster using the MS someone to make the Birthday
Publisher? Tarp of his son, What can you do
to help her?
H.Making generalization and How do you define recycle? Poster is to communicate a How can you create relevant
abstraction about the lesson message It is powerful tool to posters?
How can you help in inform, persuade or promote.
diminishing waste products in MS Publisher helps use crearte
your school and community? professional-looking publications

easily and quickly.

Skills in layouting and photo
editing are learned through new
I.Evaluating learning Identify the wastes that can be 1. Let the learners create a Check(/
recycled by putting a check (/) simple design of a poster ) the
on the blank and mark X if not. using the MS Publisher box of
___1. Tin cans your
___2. Boxes answer
___3. Plastic bottles I can
___4. Paper create
___5. Harmful chemicals poster
I can
I can
isi on
I can
tion or
I can
pass my
on time
J.additional activities for Think of your design for
application or remediation tommorow’s layouting and photo
editing for poster making.
Bring your gadgets.


A.Bilang ng mag-aaral na nakauha ng 80% sa

B.Bilang ng mag-aaralna nangangailangan ng
iba pang Gawain para sa remediation
C.Nakatulong ba ang remedial? Bilang ng
mag-aaral na nakaunawa sa aralin.
D.Bilang ng mag-aaral na magpapatuloy sa
E.Alin sa mga estratehiyang pagtuturo ang Cooperative grouping, think pair share
nakatulong ng lubos?Paano ito nakatulong?
F.Anong suliranin ang aking naranasan na
solusyunansa tulong ng aking punungguro at
G.Anong kagamitang panturo ang aking Powerpoint making
nadibuho nanais kong ibahagi sa kapwa ko

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