Draft Pe Evaluation

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As a student, I had visualized myself spending my four years on

campus. But this pandemic ruined everything. What was supposed to be fun
and fruitful learning turned into a chore for everyone. It is difficult to learn in
an unfamiliar setting. Nonetheless, I'm glad I chose Modern Jazz as my PE for
this semester.
All through out the semester, we, students, were given the chance to
discover our inner potentials and showcase what we got. We were free to
choose concepts, music, and choreography. We were able to learn more
about Jazz Dance - its history, turns, leaps, and jumps - and various barre
and center exercises. If there is one lesson I got from this class that I find
most valuable is that always believe in yourself despite you are just a
beginner, and always give your best in everything you do. Most of us, we are
afraid to go out to our comfort zones because of the fear of failure, but we
can’t enjoy life, know ourselves more, and develop our talents if we will just
stay on our ground, and going out from our comfort zone starts when we
believe in ourselves. As long as we keep on learning, striving, and improving
ourselves in every single performance it’s okay to have mistakes in to be shy
on your first video presentation, to do it how many times before you can
figure out the best spices for your dance, and if you aren’t satisfied of the
result of your practices and ideas.
My dance teachers constantly demonstrated a strong passion for what
they were doing, and they, without fail, put passion into each and every
dance move that they did. While they were demonstrating their own passion
for dance, they were encouraging us to do the same. The passion we had for
dance was going to help us become more passionate about other aspects of
our life; our faith, schoolwork, family, etc.
My dance teachers were constantly challenging me and my fellow
dancers to become the best dancers that we could be. While we all had our
individual strengths and weaknesses, we all had to work together to make a
dance piece come together. Each of us brought our own little part to the
dance, but it was up to us to take the choreography we were given and make
all of our parts work together. Without team work, there would just be a
bunch of random pieces dancing on stage, rather than a story being told. This
teamwork is something that can and will be carried over to many other areas
of life such as the work force, group projects and being part of a family.
Through the random scars that appeared on my body, the almost
constant struggle of sore muscles, and the frustration of that numerous run
throughs of an 8-count, I learned the value of working hard. Every bruise
reminded me of the hard work that I had put in the day before trying to
perfect one step. The almost constantly sore muscles reminded me that I was
getting that much better. And the frustration of that one 8-count reminded
me of the work that I needed to put in to becoming a better dancer. This
hard work would encourage me to work hard in all aspects of life.
If I had given up every time a difficult combination crossed my way, I
would not have gotten anywhere in my dance career. The numerous run
throughs of an 8-count to attempt perfection taught me that perseverance
pays off. We may not have gotten the step perfectly on that particular run
through, but we all knew it well enough to take it home and work on it for the
next week. Just because one hard step was thrown at us, did not mean
that we could just quit. We would never have a dance if we did. Our teachers
gave us those challenging steps to push us to the next level. This
perseverance pushed me to apply it to every part of life. To push through the
hard math problems, the difficult reading assignments, and the rough patches
in life.
Without the numerous falls, the failed attempts at different steps or
the constant challenging, I would have never learned humility. Nothing is a
better humility check than falling flat on your face on the landing of a jump,
but all of those falls reminded me that I can always improve myself. There is
always further I can go. I can always perfect a step a little more. I can always
stretch a little further. Through all of these, what seemed like, fails, I was
really succeeding. I was making myself a better person.
Trying new things is where the excitement of life lies. Interesting
things can happen when we leap outside of the comfort zone we’ve built for
ourselves. If you’ve never tried a particular type of dancing… … or if you’ve
never experienced dance at all, over time you’ll learn to leave your inhibitions
at the door. Dance is a place of self-expression and fun.

As a student, I had visualized myself spending my four years on

campus. But this pandemic ruined everything. What was supposed to be fun
and fruitful learning turned into a chore for everyone. It is difficult to learn in
an unfamiliar setting. Nonetheless, I'm glad I chose Modern Jazz as my PE for
this semester.
We will not always be victorious in life. There will be setbacks that cause us
to question our purpose and value as individuals but remember that we need
to go through them to be prepared for the victories that lie ahead. Even you
go through a lot, don’t be afraid to take risk because you won't progress if
you don't attempt. Challenge yourself and make the most of every move your
make. But, always consider you next step, as it will affect your entire life.

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