Catalogo Bridge Yamaha 2015

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The nos uptodate OU LE 2015 BREATHING NEW LIFE INTO ACOUSTIC AND ELECTRIC GUITARS IN ASIA, OCEANIA, LATIN AMERICA, AND EURASIA eT ‘Tam amazed at how dedicated Yamzha is to,thie highest level of craftemanship and artistry in the building oFéach instrument. This fees asic scmarisies and eouncde good in any susical sieustion. Lay ae ae Ae eta] Artists believe in Yamaha. een rey CONTENTS 3 Introduciton © SGSeries $22)... HE 18 TREX SerwaFemures 19 TREXAS0O /TREKI7AN7EWEED © TRBXSeries 17 mesuesnoaion 18 TREXWOO 20 _RGX4Z0DZII/RGX220DZ/RGX121Z 21 eB Ants 27 86 n2000 » BB Series B Sitewcm 5 Broulen 28 68 Sores Fost 3 Billy Sheehan Signature Model ATTLTD3 Mike Stern Signature Model PAC1611MS 34 AES1500/1500B/SA2200 25 PACIFICA Series 2 mcr mein riz0ser a y Sheehan Signature Model BB714BS. BE Series « Nathan East Signature Model BBNEII « John Patitucci Signature Model TRBJPII 44_TRB1006J/TRB1005J/TRB1004) 49 RGXA2/RBX4A2/RBXSAZ + THR Series 4 mimo/sival 448 Tunga/ THRO 1 GIGMAKER Yamaha Guitar Development 5 ‘eu » Artists (250 aM international Guitar Artists arts n Aso, Octavia, Lain Amerea, . 61 ErieCannataof YOUNG THE GIANT « A Series & A Sui lnducon 64 Ane Mooney How (65 APX Sores htrodueton 69 CPX Sones 61 APASoris 22 L Series 3 tsomesmowerconmars a .seterrenwes i Lion 81 FG Series 81 Rodrigo Ry Gabrola 91 NXSeres 88 Lae Ritenour 23 CG Serer 1 CG5/CSems6SO 35 GCSeres SATS yee Tar ARE s7 Yamaha Technology ® Pn! Pmmoitarsiten 101 RA for Electr Acoust Gare Artists and Yamaha Creating The Tools For Tomorrow’s Music Ce ea ee eee eed een etn er em neers ee a a et ee ca cane a) fully express themselves. The right tools can free up the artist's imaginaticn, Ce oe Ao) 2 great deal of energy, working with arises to improve the quality, sound, playability, durability, and design of our instruments. Feedback fiom you, out eee te cre eee Ree ee ges Se ee eee toed critical when it comes to requests and requirements, and we focus a great deal of time and effort bringing their ideas to life. Our goal is to ceate the tools thet deiver the right type of tone, the perfect attack, the ideal feel to help the Pe oe aCe ey ee eens ery 5 | SGdtets re Gee ee a ae ae ah > a pore eO eee Corte Getcha Arwen Moe Kiba Bae ee ee ee ee ee ee ae INTRODUCING THREE NEW TE es ee TPMT CaO E uae nee ae ae toa Pe ere) erie error rec) prea ritS a Perr er Pere tend Preeti) Srnec) ere tn) eeu tee rt) eet ir rere ie Permeation err ee ir Reger a troy pear re retry Re) ene PrUenereene ary ri permet) ES eee cho Ee teers Ty erie epee y 0) Decree neces, i) Cee Cert ernie) Nostra ee ree Perit eed Roemer od oe se Uae) ‘same shape asthe of inal SG, providing Perr eLearn) Sa eae eae ‘ourcustom shop caling for rosewood eeu MS tag tid Pete ee aes eae Re etry eee ac Pratt eer huss {Is aneck that produces a warm tone Pee eaten ee i orl Pope ener ‘smaller for better body balance and Perec Cee hee ee ete ener eu Ly Peet es eae Pe eerarers ea reed Sonera gsc toute) a eet as Peace oer eer eee ences Eee eet Eros ee ecm peeererrerera eee Riemer erry ee eee Beenie ees Fares tae Pu Se ied ro Eee ere eani ey Reon eer ey ee perenne eee Eee Sete re pe ey ee Cede eed erro ia ae ee Cee eee ae cE uy Se eee ES wee Aer payg the sume gut fr yeas, be qutaradatstohegutanst: er re Ck) ee Retort ty | Peele ee ee eee meee Meret et tard pea kttied forte ere eh Da eee tel eater ut sete te preemmmnmrnerer i eri | pee reenter Trey | ty. a x Steere ES Caretay A 9 | Yamaha Bete Gules ere eer aay s Bsn ie Reece tt Sat Se ee eps neneneonee cea ao | 8S es oN iu Docba tort eer CE eae em ae. penetra a eer CT mL ee nL OT Ca ee arr deems mareas) Sc emp a8 Ree HE esi eee te et eee ea ee Se a er eee nn er er te FROM COOL heoks--o—- EXPRESSIVE DISTORTION eet ee Habe cpap ate arrears ee ee Free ria ree Ts peer eres Pee ec nee [ops cease ae es vd ‘The sound concept behind the SGI820A is eee een ee eee ene cr nt 7 Sr erg Cnc ccc regener ane een eet aan Pree eet etter sy Perens ete ty peeeee ere ers ‘tremely lowe sound must beckarand Pierce et ine | Pree een Renee eC Set aaa perc nero eee ee terete Peete rent as Pee ct ae EMG—an EMG'850n the frontand an Vente entre Peeters ee ee (EMG. 88) andceramic (EMG 81) magnet tet te aoee ert Sere . eee Crete sty Peer a eet eee eer eee oes eaters sce rr eee coer nar et te a cee ee per ret sor TIFT PN nae ea ae rE = ——a- 2" aN Tae Een eae aoa eee creer eee) eee etter See cig ‘metal band that would later be a eee cnr) Pee a 13 | YamhaBecte Guiers Deemer ran) ere eee eee three albums before moving on ee ene Peete ng ets ee oe Peoreeser tite CS earn er aero Se ceed POSE Se to eer eae eee eed coer ener een ‘explore his own musical roots. Pee ary Cee Ryd Reece ee ee ee co eee ay Fete ae ee eee cee eel DeLee ed Pets ea a ‘cancer. Rather than take time of though, he kept himself busy rer meee rs pe eee neers Peete powering through chemother Prete ete ents rst Pre rat Cee Seu eee See ene a the ist in the SGline to utilize pee et pen een cent front and back deliver a scund Pe eee es cen trea eet Ce SEG een acd eee eee ranging from sweet and fat to clean and crisp, Looking athe ae eee ee een Peete tt See and either gold or black top ee eg tee een re ee Pregnant ne Per ers pers aca a Sed ae See ee OREN SINGLE COIL SGS DELIVER Withthe exception of some Imited desi, barrebtype central knobs, ‘ealtlon models, theSGIB02 s thea choice between geld or black first guitar in the SG line to feature top color rises. ts enough single col pickups. laberlting to bringa stale to ay guitar Dailies trom te $52900/1000, overs face, Underaeath all of that the SGIS02's archtop body Is ited Mes some serious, cutting edge with a palt olsoap bar pickups designs; pickups, hardware, body toddiverclassc tock tone that shape, weight ba matches lis reo sty ‘ofSeymour Dusean S and exe provides the $7 x The pair plavabiliy, Put simply, the SGI8I2 delvers the sound ard loot of ‘sound that lies between asingle instrument with call plckup andahumbudcer— One wonders what path nnusi ‘aunque tone thathas asirong might have takea this isthe following. They deliver apowertuly instrument we put in the hands of punchy sound that ranges fom all those guitarists three decades sweet andfat to clean zndciisp. ago. Ofcourse, we would like ‘TheSGI8(2's extercrisfinished In today’s guitarists to play these a cassie vintage favo pesition markers, ind He dot fine instruments as wel Its nie ree head sound will inspire your sou err a ad —>. a) 1-1 [Teter] Deere red eg otis Cer as ey ee ened peer eey Pickups (TRBXS@Q) asl ee ed oa Bridge eee ay traders stingvbratns the tty tr en es eee ee eta otal ce eted ey Output Jack Cee Saeed Secs Battery Alert LED (TRBX52@) Coe roy Serene Peet tenes NECK & HEAD DESIGN Headstock Pea Rau Sear ae out See oS me Teno) cor Pea) Pee eretres 3-band active EO (TRBXS@a@) Performance EQ a 1=> <1) )) ee nn Pickups (TRBX3Q@@) SE a) en es Controls (TRBX302) ees eal een fetelelemelty a (TRBX5aq) oe De Ce) cy eee ey ise. raat 2 nebo ae Pick The Tone That Matches The Tune Balance Is Important! Pee eee tae You are, of course, playing with ¢ sound you lke. But when you'te playing in a band, sound balance isa very important factor It may sound good wnen played alone, but not as great as you think when Its heard ina band. In a group situation, you want topay witha sharo, well-defined tone that won't get buried by the other instruments. Reaching this level of bassmanship ee ee et What kind of sound should you aim ForP ‘Thetwo major factors that determine how your bess scunds are the way its played, and equalization. “The way its played." ‘means how hard or soft the sting is plucked, whether the string is played with fingers or a pick, muting, ibrato, and a wide eee eee eee eee ee ee ee ee aot eee rege pes eres see ena es ee Oe et ae eee LeU) Se eee ne en ct See eer ead Ifyou'te pleying in a heaw rock band yau went your bass to have @ law-end tone that has mace presence. Ifyou are playing some unky Sap, you'll need a sound that has more punch. Ifyou area technician playing ast detailed phrases youll want esr ee ae cds ene ret tries ot gets rene eta tee Reeser Ur tnt rt ett rene means i Dy ~ b bh Poet F pees, 3 ed eee TRBXS@@ Series er te eee ects De ee tesa ae eet teas as =>.(-120 Se Was |=b.4-121-) i _ Seer ‘d aes SF i Se a 2 2 SS 7 —— a oats Soe eee er ae TRBX3@@8 Series See ee a eee eae ee eee or ed eee ee ee end cod 8 A ae oe TRBX114 Series Ee ee ete tet tt ar tes sie athe ridge alos he 24 bas delve powerful rund whe seoelrt nal are, rm bas treble, kt ou iain the on jou bee fran on. eer irene seston entre ats NEW Ban 1=-P Gerla au l-P Garg Serercen | Sas sae eed ene Supercharge A(a qau(aneditts raga See eT) par) eer Fs Sn,” ae pe Ae eS ae wears! © i Oe ee 3 s er x ¥ Sn ek ear es rcappreene yar pease ructeey ieee aie Mmmm at eboney pana seremerr sneer nih a reeretnoers Sitio enone omer Eietcerrne sumer ane OI te nT eet per ? > Pare Tbr erp tner ren Teter ee eee aed Pe : re ae ee tn emu tC 2 Serr et eet tenet mnt eer tte y eer el Ca - erento nent mmr er ett meme ehh Peesisee toes ne mmm art tos tee ae STE Pretend paneer hrs mon ere ary , Preaeeperenrnees fhrough designs delivered hanced. and beginterbasssts, further boosting [eeeemeceei st beta Mmmm ace rte tier eee eT] prensa eet amma tee tna eter ttc Parte mere inte) peer te ae eee Deu See RAs Co ue neal Peep nee ne mmr ees Perey r Poartrbe aati Wonnint oy peer ee aS ote re presences pene vin eneeeg iy RRS SPO PET =o hie met ed eo eaee apn rie person Nett tie m" Tone thebeats tenene mmr ner ey ey nepeeeen eb ee een Serene matty a Pearse aebeipiee vy meal eee |r) peroweene ce a Sern enero poererneeneaner pene enka * ieee tri eer TNO Se OuN Baer peor eee et a Pee Cen ne eee nee EP a 3 ee gp a ens ad Se erect eth met Lee ted Perera eer en ora eo Ei ci me semi a or ere errr BU eer SS (oh basco Ma Eto A CB) By: was to design a highly resonant body. BCC BERR ty ek Meswene ilo a te fy et byol (ba Fes ban einen) ouagd st Pie B ERC Bie ELT olor lon) ie loess ye) cou " eo caral se rons pera = = ian a AY ® ial \ a LY as : \ ra Soca s etre em ||) Lee clear string vibration a fz) New thru-body stringing Cresta reduces string vibration loss Pe ee ® Nic! B See eee bet sound the gs: tone foe Baa tat tl \y ae 2 Webi String guide maintains op’ Pome vofemc vel-tskasy all strings | Sot aEy Crp eras has @ HR sound > i - oa <) @Tuning Kachines @spline Joint Paeire race) acre Ppeentstel eee C Me Btls) % loliectencaity corer her oer oe eran Dhara Re es Ca Cog Preer yer ret) OPC OES etre y Pete Wen Ho ermmmna caeess tet erent) en ae een ek mt reenter ae Pe eat’ basses, Yama the best mincs err eben: et eel r eee eae ee Naren tte Deere ul _and development faclty now locatedat etre enc y ea 5 Poerieenstrr Coreen Pee nied Pioneer faster response; YASH designed passive ote ee Preece aus ee wec nica ees emt elena rar Sack uD eer cy ana aerate eet eerie es eee rt) enter s eT ay Cire och eter Peer arabia ates Sea ‘Specifications io Stati i SSS S558 Sas See ee 1 | || ee SS aera i (santana ou PLUS Ta BB425xX rea at Slo las =o Ea Ea BILLY SHEEHAN SIGNATURE MODEL L ATTITi Aoi NORCO EEIOMREE | ARIA my ily Shechan's Career has taken im from @ unique extended neck/oin that provides font tne with ahigh-cut vitohto boost [Bertormng win me twee-plece cower ro a sulk bond betwean the body and neck bass output fom the font pickup, and “as, to eadining arenas with Lav Lee delving the demencing lel ot S@blity fear volume witha sterea/mono switcn. oth withwhom he recorded twe patinum that Bly was locking for ‘The Attude Lid ITbasses Bily pays are buns Moring on hefomed Mc Big,a Crafted from maple, the neck on this production madels, nat custom shop band which found irtemational siccess ‘bass is bigand thick to add othe hse mode's. That is one point Bly was fim achisveg 281 Rilboard ranking the U.S. ment's sold soundand orea:sustan.It on, that his signature bassas would be {ed {other countrae wth the hteinglo alse features jurb fratsfrem 10 16for _manuacturaita the exact same speci To Be With Vou". He tralblazng heavy sustain, and scalogs trom Fats 17 theugh atone 2s thebbsssashe played, ensur- rock playng siyiefs won him fumerous 21. Fraly, aHipshot D-Tureriets you ing that the customer would bo abloto "Best Rock Bass Player" awarésbanin accurate drep the pich ofihe"E"sting purchase one ofhis signature basses and me US. ancabread, noudngan amzing downto "D"wih the fckofaleverfor now that Hey were getting a instrument 14 consecutive “Best Bass Player avards extended lowend range ‘of tmesame designand quali. fromJapan's# musicrragazine*Player The Will Power pickups are custom mada Magazine’. Hehas pefomnedonevery ty DiMarzio and deliver a hear low continent excent forAtica and Anteresca enc tone wtha sold fundamental. Th [Bly holds down the bottom endwih hie neck pickup rroduces avery deep Atttide Lid W signature base. Bly voked souncing tena with great lou-and| ‘closely wth the designers and crafts eee ere Pe eee eer ens ee nn eee ear ee Perrone ers eee iene ns Poe ea Eee eto an Skils are fully passedon from person to ete es eee ieee ean rae eres ee eerie ae Presents Yana Tur A GUITAR UU ar eC ec am i YAMAHA Sy SU Cs TN eae a age NL soot UU Has / Eric\Cannata of YOUNG THE GIANT chooses AC3R Beaysiupe Body | AC Body | ABody | AC Body lore wearsoa | ASR | AC3R | ARM | AC3M wisadtoe | AIR | ACIR | AIM | ACIM ASR, AIR, A3M,AIM. io Pawertloweandoear hans win fl i ) ( i AC3R, ACIR, AC3M, ACIM Neck Finish ‘Alcala nies nang sa icin SRF Pickup Rosewood Back 8 Sides Manogany Bick 8 Sides A Series Rosewood Models emg | “fee aa | "eam wT SE awa A Series Mahogany Model AC3M 4p rem HD rr je a mainstay for performers who just want to plug in and play. With bullt- DeLuna ncNmiee eC UCeDore cnn Ree een Cera jodies, the APX Series offers playability and performance reminiscent of an electric guitar and a crisp, clear, tone. Expertly-craited non-scalloped X-ype bracing allows. the guitar’s top to sing and maximizes the resonance of the unique body shape for a 8. full, natural tone that will stand out in any live mix. nwa connec res eT Take The Stage By Storm See Ae Coe ea ee eee er ee eee ee ee oo eee eer ne arn extoordinary playability ond superior comfort mating the iransifon betwee electric and electicacovsic mich smoother for electric quitris. Nor pee ee ee ee ee ey ee eee eee ret Ee ete eer eee ey ey De a ete ed oe eae ad Set ee ores Dear APX Body Depth: 80- 90mm (31/8"- 39/16”) ofthe nig yr pele ey ea) CPX is great for any purpose. Itsatsfies your need in acoustic gular anywhere from lving room, dudio to tage. k plays natvrally unplugged and eee eee teeny eee deep lows to silky highs; this isa loud boomy, yet senstive pee coe oe eee ee ee eee ened 0 err ane soescpeeer ea eeee oeeeke net never experience feedback. . iq OCT See toa) aor s coe ee = ae eae eACTS Er oe Le oe eres Otte Ad BN 20001 cs eee Pe eer aA | ceo ru eon) 7 | Aeouste Gata Atists eet iain AUB Va) ead) BODY SELECTION Whothor you profer a ful sizedLLorginal jumbo, cmallsizo LS body, or modiam jumbo szo4 U, stylos iaropr , ting Ya iratrument that moo ‘LL (Yamaha Original Jumbo Body) LLS6 custom, LL38, LL26, LLIGD, LLI6, LL16-12, LLIGL, LLIGM, LLG, LLM LS (Small Body) LS56 custam, LS36, LS26, 1516, LSI6M, LS6, LS6M U (Medium Jumbo Body) 56 custom, L136, L126, L116, U6 The body shape is signa eo ts ith acon tes Lite Liohes vis mis alo-end wih tore its aie arg ol Piva yes rom ado stan, CHOICE OF ROSEWOOD OR MAHOGANY BACK AND SIDES The lineup now includes movols wt aack an sides of mahogany (LLIGW/6M, LST6M/6N) It: ting you choose accarcng to your laying syle andtonal needs. Rosewood models otter wel balanced tone trom iow to nigh, while mahogany provides rich micrange with quick response. =k w6D/i6 Said | Leo] LUIe #6: Said Tp us Yonata Acoust Guts | 14 Crafted using time-honored techniques and construction, the L Series builds on Yamaha's enduring heritage of acoustic instrument design to create instruments that meet and exceed the demands of today’s guitarists Featuring a classic shape and exquisite mother-of-pearl inlays, these guitars possess the unique combination of well-rounded tone, superb playability and excellent dynamic range exemplified ty the L Series. For stage performances, high-qualty pickups capture every nuance of your playing, ging you the cc SICILY er eue Cs ereer e Lens Lsenes ‘smog Is geeraton 1887 1900 1946 1950S 1966 1971 1972 1974 1975 Mppe Cobia, Ltd Begins gs production Foiohand LSaies Seria st (noeYanataCormraton) proweion tuts model iaanctet ‘Istmog! ——getentian ‘estbisted tans r rau Arcane mae rise Ql eto ‘ynamie guitar Yanato fok 1st owraion faunchad guar bunced dieberie cost tars tench eer LIGB/LIG/EG [ROSEWOOD BACK/SIDE) fF (uso) BEAUTIFUL ABALONE BINDING Specifications at tus | useae _|werewensoue | seine | neue | usa some use ro Sousa ARE BE saa Sac I omar a I seayoepn om ISIE 4 5N6) ey pasamis Te 49516) m= | ose-etsioy eevee — a E samara) ene aranm pantie Saray ing ARE eal kee Race CER aL pap TA LIGM/EGM [MAHOGANY BACK/SIDE] Specifications coor * Back tnd ie of malogn tr tovo sé ant LS lem chlor tens mr os tl Gater apne Bath the 1 an Gmeteh intranets areas iy LL ant LS badly sein toy can ca He body sre tha beat Br our sind ad yng reir LGM ARE ARE) "The ney deep SRT Zero Impact Rclep aren sak porn bah est leaing yu amy the itrement hen rede. LUGM ARE awaigo) anager Raa “Aas Race hava rae Rese FOTIA ARE. & NEW BRACNG (186/28 /26/160/16/6) ‘Amotiiednonscalped wachigsesgn S-PLY NECKS (usa/6/6) ‘ar body ro asinge unt retire power ‘i eehsourd Ts sopmachasccrestes & ‘Storg, able neck hat eastststng ane verpre ——_ << ‘SRT ZERO IMPACT PICKUPS = ~ ELSE custom ALSB/L 126 ; ze E cusToM = " Ber oriat ‘en wert) Specifications = a a ee ara = a eS =e ti er 2 = fr = ET T eS ra , = oe 1 si a LJSG custom /LS36/L526 ‘The sean shag of he 1 ty fee pitin grater paying conf whee tatek Keema los parle Fy Shop romans, chat bred song preven he sien Fats ree Usacing pater ad iat of Yar (eck ARLE promt ong colors Doesnt a micas improving ie ‘cen send ot ere Fe orem Iago api lds ie] set Tatnment ft dee al # LISE custow ARE ARE) # 36 ARE AWE) 1026 ARE ARE) Specifications at at stam me | une ! tase a Sama I ‘atime mt $n ea ae aaa i Sana Se SST ; ra aE I ene "ARE oso aan a a FTO L SERIES FEATURES S-PLY NECKS (136/36/25) cesgrndumn avohtont tetoncaock aut ouslnoctonagusata od eranrgareck \nthescolen'stengthand tbl, shores ‘S6 CUSTOM—THE L SERIES FLAGSHIP MODEL tandarleied tei thera adrncae dere andthe hes llc arliachcoe Exch ‘Hlomed wihgald tng pegs and ababne binding makrg every nstumert abeautulpiceat art. LACQUER FINISH (136/36) caer sis caret ape i mtoelaers ust rece thoushteehngoe. Tis appa watsinafinsh ‘ateors rot ah he woods aby to vnatedenean ‘usta eapose and sound Specaly formated ‘Drgout the ba ne pests braun tones Inequetiauneden tel S0and 6 ines NECK AND FINGERBOARD (155/26/26/60/6) A romolusiorot repay Sg MN, teprsa big ar rech pee on ew hak shag ate {ort teeta ype Tne ee ea ‘rani grander pena ah gh wmodelie FG Series ro/rs/r/sr/cii If you're locking for an extry-lovel aooustie @uliar to ge: started on, you can’t go wrong with one of Yornaha’s PC Series guitars. Since its inzoduction in the late 1960°s, the PO has provided more gutarists with a sold, qualty, frst tnatrumont, Refined over the yoara, the FG atill offera the beat tona, playabiliy, and quality for the money. Today's ‘models feature nor-sealloped 2-bracing and reverse L-biook neck Joins originally developed for use on Yamaha's Hagship LeSerios guitars, and dotiver a rich, resonant tone and quality feel that are unrivaled at this level, Inoptring milions of smusiolans over the last 40-phus yours, Yamaha's 7G wil inspire you to keop playing for yoara to como. g Bracing Pattern Saas h soneeareline menor gs jf Thin Finish ‘ying ectiqus ena te ih gh gan Seay arengendnatieat ae PG7508 Ly I sea a FG740SFM FG7508 weapche a5 ‘ia br Sea rns —-s Scenes, | Sie ser Specifications is Se eo Sa Sas aE pesos ere aaa rs a ras ee aa) eT TEER — Sema eT eae eemee Cr SmeRT a Se ESAT OOS ST —— Sa RT Ha a DTT Eamcteysccutoes) — Somswoanes mam remasrae et 9 es oa es FG Series Frox/FSx/Fox/FX FGX7508¢ aes 90 OS Dovetail Neck Joint Jessi, Tals proceny crafted ire ‘Wee no metal paris ana veo ie (putar he best neketo boy contact fo outtanding taro alan vith fnerodibe strona and stay. Specifications "Aine use Rene Ranacn ewe wera ance Cutaway ‘ith fut tone are clase 36, —— enn Superior Playability shhh a ey she it ey ‘gaya yer seo ay Src forint nid w yr beh ‘te frame provides exellent pla yabity and stbity. Superior Sound Quality thee Gateris wiped wth igh plea pied edemathibesae, webind ine ‘el on dr. een 8? Serle by ncaspesiu tes voencond, hilroed, ebm, thos ha eve gay sd iota ead Sen Gutrsdesgn poly ens feeb. a I RU Ta Rodrigo y Gabriela Ae eee cette Ere era ci) pees re eee ces ee eae ete) er ey ee eee eer) Re Mean emg era eras elon eS eens Eset rd eee ot a ee er) es Using just two acoustics, rey burn pene eee aed ete reece ee tee ee ee er eee} Pete ey eo errant Pe ee mead the NTX and NCX nylon string guitars ear) Pee eater cs ee ened ee fee nos See eee ees ee eer eres ert eee Sees ee te aon} ee eae they worked hard continuously making en Pen eeee rence! eeenect nn teat tr) playing styles make instruments nC ea) are engaged inthe birth of new music ener Rota Panna ee een re Tree TT a eee a Ce Pe ny Poa a ens ci ake em ee ne Re re Teer ee ear ei ie ee Peet me Mee eee nee ete ea ere) Pek ersten ea oa Rca ero en eer ini eae ene teen enn Pe toe eee Sa erecta ee Lee Ritenour Talks About the NX lee Riorour'scorwer look of quickly ‘extomely versal. | playedit sometimes ween’ long efor his Frstsession at the age very mele, very cherdal ype sles, of 16, hat he become @ very in demond single nets, then hiting it very hore very session ploye: inthe mid 70's, which led thymic playing with effets. The NX is te a lng running sole cara 76 a the age of 24. Celebrating $0 years fanesie latingin. much mere vartile that I thought Its of ploying he quitor in 2010, he has, over "think dete gitor players who only hhecourte of is caceer, recorded ever 40 play elactrie gular sometimes have a hard albums ond played on over 3000 sessions, time playing the classical guitar. H anything received ome Grammy Awerd, 17 Grammy they ick up the stelsting guiter because ramipctions, umeteut #1 spotein guitor ie alitle closer o he elecie guia pols as well oso hos! of oer awards But this NX i 1 well balanced, ond the lee has been a Yanahaarist for over stringsore 10 close io he neck, i's 0 easy three dacadas with our GC savias dassical to play. And it makes you want play. guts and abo plays the Silent Nylon really recommend it for any electic gutor Sking Guitar. ployers who ae cuiovs about the costcal ‘Mest racanly ba has baen playing the naw guitar. Also, bacouse ofthe varsity of Nise, Thecommentstha flow are his. _ the pickup system, you con gat ino ome heavy stumming on this guitar oF you 85, pal few hings about the NX series, con treat ike 2 real dassical git. Wall Wee not usinga microphone to anlify the ouitr is completely new ond veces revolutionary pickup system. Tho rama! Lee Rienour offal sit Yomncha realy dd a bt of esearchon the ip // pickup end I'm very happy wih is sound, Wevery vettatte the way they hove F corgenized, You con blend the two petups, bring up tho bass side pckup, 0 Bing up the treble side, You con have sham oven, cor one clit brighter ora line darker. hos en EG and an auomatic wner so i's ‘very modern, contemporary syslam, And 1 tos plony of ouput soyeu cor do some ificati ‘domage" wih this A couple ofother Soreiatiers things that eve about the guia, is ho Batt_ tanh _—_—_—__ slimmer neck on NIX seros guitars which rmckes them so easy fo ploy jst foot 50 smooth. I's eater f play this guitar Foster thon « rodionel dassieal gutar se iteven helps with your speed." Playing the NX wos wally @ big eye fopanar Fema, hed fll rythm secon SS aaa plying, attines prety song, and | Sante aay rn Used this pickup stem, it wos fontaste, "ova Ratna a The guitar hata lot of grec dynamics Hye Pause pe eee NCX2000R ses ry Dlrubass sh He ea NCX Series Specifications era) —_— Exceeds its Class in Quality ‘Yamaha's CC series clasical guitars are created using the experience and technclogy gained fiom dacades of hand crafting fine classical git “The scrics offers ten models divided ito five wades makingitcay to finda guar that fits your sound and design requirements The CG series has been redesigned with improvements made o functions and desigs that are key to the classical guitar Pear abl oT seme me BP Perey ieentneey Sree Tne ea ys PeeCepee ewer er Sear one eC oP footerrirey Sen ects ten tres Sree we ntian a eater ere Leet] ee Oe playability with thir lower string height. Even attention to deta lic neweasiet so turn tuning peg design, provides these instruments Fee tere eee teen er eserr ry peeinereterenes eter hme sie Tenant ett Urner mentees mere conc eth Ts powerecre meetin Sir Tamms ut gs ere eretmrmiecr eae heer terete ee Ries emanates asstentan # ca CGx102 Tee yA YL y16% [eel OIE [eee t yer feel yay (oes CGI22Ms/122MC ———CG102 [ecto g cot eee Cee ee enn GC Series (OES ler Mequi testa ee ene nee GC32C peat i ij (ery letere rte Specifications rr 7 (OER s(5 omc C Series Tmo pen) UPA ft i (e730 CS40 Compact Classical Guitar re een ees area) Yamaha Technology EDP htlin Rew = lorhiolagy nd Seco eer eet SMCS Erde NAL L eC (em COT) When professional guitarists want to record real acoustic guitar tone, they'll rocord the guitar with a microphone. Den eer te ecg eee etere ney seca ester eared in lve situations due to their ability o adjust sound and balance volume with the other instruments in the band. But Cee eee aces ae oe eee ec eg ek ee eer et ee rn Lem eens eMac ema tay exists in the recording studio where experienced sound engineers have the means to capture that sound. Yarraha's new SRT system lets you create that same studio recorded sound. The system lets you choose from three Gifferent high-end mic types as well as mic postioning. It also lets you obtain more detailed sound by blending the Se ue ee te nee Pe ee ae tee cee cect tees Pood Seer Advanced Features for Playing Live and Recording ren ese Ted Dee eee erence! perenne eee eer eeree ett peneeshete eer orien caret) (We he oad id irs Pera en we Ma er Ce ee Ge ere none. eee ee ee ee eee eee ees Cee he ee a Ss eee eke ces eee Tee mace! eee eee ie? caer eee ee eet ecole ' ere es ee Cee CO ec ey eee ee Leen eon reer erate ee eran ery pera eta et eer rs) ARR @ ieee sad Ce Corn Tota rots See ieee eer Uae peer te eee Ue eed Poteet cas rd ee eee Lc Tt ee eee motors way fom the guta. Closet the ambiort sound that tho eerie sane error ees Blending Piezo and Mic Sound Sources Cee eee pre enon ni ent are ree) een eee ns Dod ) er) amma ull right) Der Ray Prt ay New PU. SAT) “ Tere hha neerae cular gkecerkectebeseat sat ee ee ee er ert ee ee a eerie pea etn er cei Senn een Ler mn? Yamaha Technology Pickup/Preamplifier System for Electric Pai ae Newly developed contact pickup Ren etcetera toreproduce the pure sounds of the acoustic guitar. But piezo pickups eet eee ators Coe eet ee ee on eee eae Set ere eee a ee en RO en eee ee eee eee eee Neer ht ee) Pee eee een re enn as ee hee eee en eee ee ey the topboard, ft functions asa transducer attached to the body. - es (Acoustic Resonance Transducer) technology Unique multilayer structure achieves optimum dynamic balance. roa) Peer er) Pee ete eee Se ete no usc rea) eee eet rent the stings and bed, as well as the pee ee eee eee eet Peete irra eters ood Seer PX em Cre A.R.T. Preamp Systems System61 cp e sel Aegis Yan eve ART Phun Sten a ued ai fan ang gu fs eaity pode ay mals tlorutrcotgea uvecesed mid Sd Modbls: NX Series —T ren elk se! ah ‘ere ned roc ater ae oan Sgro aie Models: CPX7O0II Serios, APX700II Series, FGX/FJK/FSK730 Series, eda Sho) eter erty Sei oben a en ene erobny pennies tonto tne] eee ee rea tt eee ery ey iretree ren | Ea } Dea CCl Peer enn eo Ponnerenriststs Cee nee ee titers Poot reer tren peer ese tia ier Bor omy Yamaha Technology AR.E. (Acoustic Resonance Enhancement) AR. (Acoustic Resonance Enhancement) isan original wood reforming technology developed by ‘Yamaha. Instruments made with woods processed with this technology produce a distinct tonal richness, just like vintage instruments that have been played for years. eee ecard eee en een eee eee et erg ciate) Peers ere ear ee ae eas Cee eee te ene Ee etc pore eee er ee ee ee eer oad Se En ere ae coe eet ( Models: L series, NCX2000, BB2000 series, ATTLTIII } IRA (Initial Response Acceleration) DE et eae ete arene Cae eet ECT ets Sata eC se ae ee Se oat ge ere eens ee eee eee ee eed ee ar rece en rer te ee eer oa ance ee ote a ee eee ae ee eee Se er ener eer Let a eet) er to Leet! Models: SG series, BB2000 series, PAC1611MS } oor Cet = = = = = ° nT) Breen ee cnn d www YAMAHA ATION Japan

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