Thesis 6 Live Experiences of Senior High School Students in Mathematics in

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Most countries around the world have temporarily

closed educational institutions to contain the spread of

the virus and reduce infections (Tria, 2020).

Philippines is in the process of adapting to the new

normal form of education at present, and continuous

innovations of educators and active involvement of other

stakeholders are the driving force for its success. For

the continuity of education and for every school to still

attain its mission and vision which is to provide quality

education to every Filipino learner, the Department of

Education implemented the Modular Distance Learning. Face

to face engagement of students and teachers within the

school has also been suspended.

Distance Learning refers to a learning delivery modality,

where learning takes place between the teacher and the

learners who are geographically remote from each other during

instruction. In the Philippines, this learning modality is

currently used by all public schools because according to a

survey conducted by the Department of Education (DepEd),

learning through printed and digital modules emerged as the

most preferred distance learning method of parents with

children who are enrolled this academic year (Bernardo, J).

This is also in consideration of the learners in rural areas

where internet is not accessible for online learning.

Mathematics is often pointed as a difficult topic

despite of its importance in daily life. Such perception

is due to the abstract nature of Mathematics as said by

Sufiana K. Malik (2012). If the students with negative

perception towards Mathematics performed poorly and vice

versa, that performance of mathematics can be improved

through enhancing positive perception towards Mathematics

(Wasike, Michael, & Joseph, 2013). According to Antony

Charles that modular approach in Mathematics learning

proved to be an effective and efficient tool to help

students to learn mathematics themselves. (Jazim and

Rahmawati, 2017) stated students improve the mathematical

understanding on the material that is given to them. As

they explained, the use of module in learning mathematics

makes students with high academic ability tended to be

more active in the discussion process. Moreover, this

approach is also useful for students with a poor

mathematical background and lack of motivation

(Abramovits, Berezina, & Shvartsman.

Meanwhile, according to Maimunah from State

University of Medan Indonesia that the mathematics module

is classified as good in terms of material aspects and

student learning effectiveness.

This study will examine the modular distance

learning approach to academic performance in mathematics

of senior high school students of a specific school in

Margosatubig amidst Covid-19 pandemic. To give

significant plan to the educators to improve the

teaching-learning process even this pandemic vanished and

how it can be implemented effectively so the teachers

embrace its use. This study is also to determine that

using module can help and can be permanently used as

teaching-learning material in mathematics subject.

Conceptual Framework

Lived experiences of

Senior High School

Modular Learning
Students in


Figure 1. The Schematic Diagram of the Study.

Statement of the Problem

This study will examine the Live experiences of

Senior Highschool Students in learning Mathematics in

Modular Learning.

Specifically, the study is designed to answer the

following questions:

1. How would the Senior High School describe their

experiences in learning mathematics in modular


2. What are the difficulties encountered by the Senior

High School students in modular distance learning?

3. What are the coping mechanisms of the Senior High

Schools students to overcome difficulties in

learning mathematics?

Significance of the Study

This research finds significant in the following


School Administrators. The result of the study will

serve as a basis for the future plans by the school

administration with regard to the necessary response of

the school.

Teachers. The study will not only benefit the school

administrators but also the implementer. Teachers will

benefit the result of study and will use as guide on how

to use modular in the subject of mathematics.

Students. As teachers implement modular activity,

students will also acquire the benefits of study since

this study is an intellectual interaction from their


Scope and Limitations

This study is limited to the following features

involved in the study.

Subject Matter. This study will examine the Live

experiences of Senior Highschool Students in Mathematics

in Modular Learning.

Research Design. The research employed descriptive

type of research and Used survey method and focused group

discussion to examine modular distance learning approach

to academic performance in mathematics of Grade 11 and 12

senior high school students.

Research Subject. The respondents of the study are

the senior high school students of Margosatubig Academy Margosatubig S.Y. 2021-2022.

Definition of Terms

Coping mechanism. Any conscious or non-conscious

adjustment or adaptation that decreases tension and

anxiety in a stressful experience or situation.

Distance Learning. A method of studying in which

lectures are broadcast or classes are conducted by

correspondence or over the internet, without the

student's needing to attend a school or college.

Examine. To test the knowledge or proficiency of

(someone) by requiring them to answer questions or

perform tasks.

Implementer. It is someone or something that puts a

decision, plan, agreement, etc. into effect.

Intellectual Interaction. It is the relationship

between the, interacting individuals may be either a

power relationship or an intimate relationship.

Lived Experiences. Is a depiction of a person's

experiences and decisions, as well as the knowledge

gained from these experiences and choices

Modality. Is psychological processes through the

experience gained by the five senses, individuals can

process responses into positive or negative perceptions.

Modular.  A form of distance learning that uses

Self-Learning Modules developed by the teachers with the

aid of curriculum developers.

Overcome. Succeed in dealing with (a problem or


Perception. It is psychological processes through

the experience gained by the five senses, individuals can

process responses into positive or negative perceptions.



In the study of Dangle & Sumaoang (2020) in their

title ‘The Implementation of Modular Distance Learning in

the Philippine Secondary Public Schools’ the key purpose

of the research was to find out the challenges

encountered, opinions, and recommendations of teachers,

parents, and students in the implementation of Modular

Distance Learning. These challenges, opinions and

recommendations were identified through a mixed

quantitative and qualitative approach by conducting

surveys to the 37 participants in the selected schools

through quota and purposive sampling. The main challenges

that emerged were lack of school funding in the

production and delivery of modules; students struggle

with self-studying, and parents' lack of knowledge to

academically guide their child/children. In conclusion,

the study was able to determine the prevailing challenges

of the participants in terms of resources, preparedness,

and communication.

According to Antony Charles in his article entitled

"Modular approach of teaching mathematics for selected

topics at plus one level", Modular approach in

Mathematics learning proved to be an effective and

efficient tool to help students to learn mathematics

themselves. He also defined that the modular approach is

a self-contained package dealing with one specific

subject convenient form, so that the learner can identify

the objectives, select materials and method and evaluate

his own accomplishment. This provided more flexibility to

distance teaching mode as well as to learners. It was

enabling the learners to have a control over his learning

and accept responsibility for learning. Since strategy

demanded greater maturity on the part of learner, the

modules are more appropriate for more mature students.

The study of Edgar Julius A. Lim (2016), entitled

“Effectiveness of Modular Instruction in Word Problem

Solving of BEED Students”, used Quasi-experimental design

to the third year BEED students. Based on the findings

cited, it concluded that modular instruction 394 in

teaching Math specifically word problem solving, it is

effective teaching approach. According to Dr. Padmapriya

P.V. (2015), modules helped to develop self-learning

capacity among the learners. The present study implied

that this is self-learning style in which immediate

reflection of the self is possible, which motivated the

students to regulate and manage their own learning

styles, and thereby to create an interest and attitude

towards science among the students as they are free to

learn at their own pace. With the help of modules

students learned and interacted which boost their

confidence in their own learning. The student’s treated

with modular approach achieved higher mean scores than

those students teach through activity-oriented method.

The study revealed that effectiveness of self-

instructional module on achievement among secondary

school students and the administrators must take

necessary steps to give special training to teacher in

developing modular packages.

In the study of Edrian E. Gonzalez (2015) entitled

“A Modular Approach Utilizing Decision Tree in Teaching

Integration Techniques in Calculus” stated many students

failed in Mathematics courses because they did not know

on how to arrive at the correct decision when doing a

mathematical task. This finding led to the conclusion

that both modular and traditional instructions are

equally effective in facilitating the learning of

integration by parts. The other result revealed that the

use of modular approach utilizing decision tree in

teaching integration by trigonometric transformation was

more effective than the traditional method. Cristobal M.

Ambayan (2020) as stated in his study entitled “Modular-

Based Approach and Students' Achievement in Literature”

he used Comparative Experimental research design. The

third year Bachelor of Secondary Education students (BSED

major in English students for school year 2015-2016) were

the participants of the study. Based on the results, the

performance of the college students in literature

improved from poor to fair achievement. Hence it was

recommended that the module is used in similar contexts

particularly in learning mythology and folklore.

Dochy, F.J.C. and others (n.d.) entitled

“Modularization and Students Learning in Modular

Instruction in Relation with Prior Knowledge”, the study

found out the important of prior knowledge, suggesting

that in a modular Education environment, according to the

changing ideas in today's society on personal

development, students requested a kind instruction more

fully in accordance to their personal characteristics and

their prior knowledge stated resulting in a more

efficient and effective education for the learner. There

was also the opportunity for students to ship a module or

to work through it more quickly on the basis of prior


In the study of Carmen L. Vedal Rodeiro and Rita

Ñadas on “Effects of Modularisation”, a modular

specification was one in which the content divided into a

member of units or modules, each of which examined

separately. The study found out mathematics students were

more satisfied with their grade reports (most common form

of feedback) and gained more information from them.

Furthermore, mathematics students found it easier.

However, grade reports were not helpful in identifying

student's learning needs and informing their learning

strategies. Students reported messing the opportunity of

going through their own marked paper or receiving

suggestions about the areas they needed to improve on in

order to change, it necessary, their focus of learning

and strategies of exam preparation.



This chapter described the research design, research

environment, research subjects, research instrument and

data gathering procedure.

Research Design

This study utilized the descriptive type of the

research in order to achieve the purpose of the study

which is to examine the modular distance learning

approach to academic performance in mathematics of senior

high school students of Margosatubig Academy Inc. amidst

Covid-19 pandemic. It is qualitative research in the

sense that the data that will be obtained will be

analyzed and interpreted verbally.

Research Environment

The study was conducted at Margosatubig Academy Inc.

Margosatubig, Zamboanga del Sur. The school is a semi-

private school in the Poblacion.

Margosatubig is a third-class municipality and the

oldest town in the province of Zamboanga del Sur,

Philippines. As of year 2020, Margosatubig has 38,660

Sampling Design

The study used a Phenomenological Sampling.

Phenomenology uses criterion sampling, in which

participants meet predefined criteria. The most prominent

criterion is the participant's experience with the

phenomenon under study. The researchers look for

participants who have shared an experience, but vary in

characteristics and in their individual experiences.

Research Instrument

This study utilized a self-made questionnaire

designed by the researchers. The set of questions serve

as guide for the interview.

Research Respondents

The respondents of the study are the senior high

school students of Margosatubig Academy Inc. in

Margosatubig S.Y. 2021-2022.

Grade Level Strand Population Research

Grade 11 Academic 105 10
T.V.L. 25 5
Grade 12 Academic 139 10
T.V.L. 24 5

Data Gathering Process

The researchers first prepared a set questionnaire.

Then the researcher submitted it to the adviser for

finalization. After the questionnaire’s finalization, the

researchers sent a letter to the school head of

Margosatubig Academy Incorporated for the permission to

conduct the study. Then after the approval the

researchers presented the approved letter to conduct the

study. Afterwards, the results were tabulated, analyzed

and interpreted. Also, researchers employed all the

ethical considerations for this study and all who will

show inhibitions to join were not forced to take part in

the study.

Data Analysis

The data analysis involved transcription, data

coding and development and discovery patterns. The

researchers read first through several times the

responses of the respondents. Then, the researchers

looked closer to examination of the frequent and

outstanding words, phrases and sentences that merged from

the transcript.

The respondents’ involvement in the study were

voluntary and the researchers managed not to reveal their

identities to allow the respondents to freely express

their feelings and to keep the matter confidential.

Chapter 4


This chapter presented the data gathered and the

interpretations of the results from the reactions of the

research participants regarding their live experiences as

Senior Highschool Students in Mathematics via Modular


Learning Mathematics through modular set up.

Below are the data gathered describing the status of

learning mathematics in the Modular Set-up of Grade 11

and 12 students in Margosatubig Academy,Inc.

Margosatubig, Zamboanga del Sur.

Difficulties In Learning Mathematics

“Learning mathematics through modular set up is very

hard especially when we encounter modules that lack
explanation and instruction.” [Respondent 1]
“There are times that modules are not fully
sequenced and that is why we find it difficult
to learn mathematics through modular set up.”
[Respondent 2]
“Learning mathematics through modular set up is very
hard especially when we encounter lessons
that are difficult to understand.”
[Respondent 3]
“For me learning mathematics through modular set up
is definitely tough. It is hard to comprehend
without actual discussion. As a student, I don’t
have any choice. Mathematics is hard especially in
this kind of learning modality. [Respondent 4]

The narratives above described a specific situation

of Grade 11 and Grade 12 students in learning Mathematics

in Modular Setup. The data yielded that both grade level

have difficulty in learning mathematics. According to the

respondents’ responses, unanimously learning mathematics

is really hard and difficult especially now where there

is no face-to-face class and the lessons are given in

modular setup.

Additionally, below are the identified responses in

the difficulties of Grade 11 and Grade 12 students

encountered in learning Mathematics in Modular Set-up.

Lack of Clear Instructions and/or Information

“Lack of clear instruction, lack of financial, lack

of information in the module and getting those
modules in school.” [Respondent 1]

“I can’t find the correct answer especially in

problems without given formulas. I can’t really
understand the topic because it has numerous
ways to answer it but it isn't stated all in the
module. [Respondent 2]
“Lack of financial, lack of information from the
teacher and lastly, we always travel from our home
to the school just to get modules.” [Respondent 3]

“Solving problems without knowing its formulas, I

can’t get the right answer.” [Respondent 4]
“Difficulty in answering specifically statistic
probability ,it’s hard solving it.” [Respondent 5]
“Encounter difficulty in performing the
activity.”[Respondent 6]
Financial Difficulty

“Some are difficult to understand,lack of budget in

paying for the modules and in submitting it
because we live on the other side of town.
[Respondent 7]

“Mostly I lack the financial to pay for the modules,

lack of instructions and lack of modules from
teachers.” [Respondent 8]

“Mostly lack of financial.” [Respondent 9]

“Lack of financial.” [Respondent 10]

“Financial problem(buying of modules and expenses

everyday).” [Respondent 11]

These data displayed the difficulties they

encountered. This only proved how difficult learning math

in a Modular set-up is. As shown, respondents indicated

difficulties such as lack of information and financial


   Here are also responses on how Grade 11 and 12

overcome their difficulties aforementioned above in

learning mathematics in Modular set-up.

Use of Internet

“When we encounter those, I usually go to internet

to get information so that I can fully understand
and to relax and calm my mind.” [Respondent 1]
“I always use the internet to get information
because mathematics module is hard to understand.”
[Respondent 2]
“I always used internet for further understanding
because some modules lack of information.”
[Respondent 3]

“I rely on internet so that I can get information

and examples on the given questions.”

Through Self Understanding

“I will do it by my own or ask my parents to help me

cope up and answer it.”[Respondent 5]
“I spend my time learning mathematics through
self study [Respondent 6]
“Self learning.” [Respondent 7]
“I studied it.” [Respondent 8]

The data gathered exhibited plans and strategies on

how the students overcome difficulties in learning

mathematics. Respondents revealed that they used the

Internet and/or YouTube to overcome the difficulties. In

this manner they can practice and determine on how to

solve a specific problem. Some also took time to do self



    Based on the narratives manifested by the

respondents, they find learning Mathematics difficult in

modular setup. These difficulties were identified as lack

of information and financial. Most of them overcome these

difficulties by exhausting the internet and by self


Chapter 5


     This chapter presented the findings, the conclusions

drawn from the findings and the corresponding

recommendation relevant to the study.


     This chapter presented the summary of the findings,

conclusions drawn from the findings and the corresponding

recommendations relevant to the problem under study.

The study answered the following inquiries after all the

data were gathered, tabulated, analyzed and interpreted.

1. How would the Senior High School students describe

their experiences in learning mathematics in modular


According to the data, all of the respondents find

difficulty in learning Mathematics in a modular set-up.

These difficulties come with specific areas that hinders

them to smoothly acquire the lesson without any


2. What are the difficulties encountered by the Senior

High School students in modular distance learning?

As the data were being analyzed, there were multiple

difficulties identified. These were the lack of

information and financial, no visible formulas, hard in

understanding and performing the activity and solving the


3. What are the coping mechanisms of the Senior High

Schools students to overcome difficulties in learning


In line with the respondents responses, all of them

utilized the internet and/or YouTube to correctly execute

given lessons and to answer different problems. This also

provided them accurate discussion and enable them to

acquire the lesson in a correct manner. It is also clear

that most of them use YouTube videos on a regular basis

which is evidently manifested that they knew how YouTube

can help them answer their module and how far YouTube can

help them.


The following conclusions were inferred by the

researchers based on the findings of the study.

Based on the findings, the study concluded that

students from grade 11 and grade 12 from Margosatubig

Academy Inc. Margosatubig, Zamboanga del Sur found

difficulties in learning Mathematics during modular set-

up. These difficulties are identified as; lack of

information and financial in solving the problems. These

difficulties were overcome by the students through

utilizing the internet and/or YouTube and by self

understanding to correctly execute given lessons and to

answer different problems.


Based on the findings of the study, the following

recommendations were made. First is to to provide more

examples for each subject matter. This would allow a

clear vision of the lesson. Second, limited face-to-face

class or Blended Learning if recommended by LGU and DepEd

at low-risk areas. Additionally, online consultation with

teachers which will allow students to have a direct

response when having difficulties answering the module.

And lastly, responsiveness of teachers through the use of

social media platforms. This includes being reachable

through messenger and any other social media platforms.


Abramovits, B., Berezina, M., & Shvartsman, L. (n.d.). A

Blended Learning Approach in Mathematics. pp.


Anthony, M. (2020). DepEd Learning Delivery Modalities

for School Year 2020-2021.

Bernardo, J. (2020, July 30). Modular Learning most

preferred parents: DepEd. ABS-CBN News.


Dangle, Y. R., & Sumaoang, J. D. (2020, November 27-29).

Dochy, F.J.C. and others (n.d.). Modularization

and Students Learning in Modular Instruction in

Relation with Prior Knowledge.

Jazim, R. B., & Rahmawati, D. (2017). The Use of

Mathematical Module Based on Constructivism

Approach as Media to Implant the Concept of

Algebra Operation.

Lim, E. J. (2016). Effectiveness of Modular Instruction

in Word Problem Solving of BEED Students.

Padmapriya, P. V. (2015, June). Effectiveness of Self

Learning Modules on Achievement in Biology among

Secondary School Students.

Quinones, M. T. (2020, July 3). DepEd clarifies blended,

distance learning modalities for SY 2020- 2021.

Philippine Information

Shua, A., Qureshi, I. A., Schaeffer, D. M., &

Zareen, M. (2019). Effect of m-learning on student'

academic performance mediated by facilitation

discourse and flexibility. Knowledge Mnagement &

E-Learning: An International Journal (KM&EL) ,


Tria, J. Z. (2020, June 3). The COVID-19 Pandemic through

the Lens of Education in the Philippines: The New


Wasike, A., Michael, P. N., & Joseph, D. K. (2013).

Impact of Perception Performance in Mathematics of

Female Students in Secondary Schools in Teso

Research Questions

1. How is learning mathematics describe through modular

set up?
2. What are these difficulties?
3. How do Senior High school students spend their time to
overcome difficulties in learning mathematics?

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