G12 Principles of Marketing W8 LAS

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Principles of Marketing
Quarter 1 - Week 8

I. Introduction
In making good marketing decision, the business needs accurate
information about what is happening in the market. Many firms realize
that it doesn’t pay to wait until you have important questions you cannot
answer. They anticipate the information they will need. Managers cannot
usually get all of the information they like, but part of their job is to find
cost-effective ways to get the information that is imperative. Through
Marketing Research, developing and analyzing new information about the
market and creating a good decision becomes easier.

This lesson will give you a basic understanding of the concept of

marketing research, its importance and the steps in marketing research

II. Learning Competency

Define marketing research, its importance to a business enterprise
and identify the steps in marketing research (ABM_PM11-Iei-11)

III. Objectives
At the end of this learning activity sheet, you are expected to:
1. define marketing research;
2. understand the role and importance of Marketing Research;
3. identify steps in marketing research.

IV. Discussion

A marketing research refers to the process of gathering

information from a sample market, such that marketing
opportunities and problems are identified and may then
influence marketing decisions. It is a process of collecting
valuable information to help you find out if there is a market for
your proposed product or services.

Through market research, companies get information such as

consumer insights that are pertinent in developing superior brands and
establishing meaningful relationships with customers. For instance,
marketers conduct marketing research to find out how customers will
think, feel and act on certain marketing programs, what motivates them to
buy the products or service, and why they prefer this brand above any other
brands in the market (Gonzales, 2016).

Importance of Marketing Research

Marketing Research is used by management to:

 help the company in making better business decisions and gain

advantages against the competition;
 remove skepticism by providing relevant and up-to-date information
about the market environment, and consumers;
 provide insights and assists in the creation of a business plan,
launching a new product or service, optimizing existing products and
services, and guide expansion into new markets;
 determine which section of the population will be most likely to
purchase a product or service, based on variables such as age,
gender, location, and income level;
 understand how consumers perceive the products in the market; and
 identify which consumer needs are important and if those needs are
being met by current products.

For instance,
Apple has been the most well-known in technology for years.
This is not necessarily because they appear to be the most innovative,
but rather they use market research to find out exactly what their
customers want from their devices. Through that, they figure out how
to make those wants a reality. Their research group, Apple Customer
Pulse, created online surveys. With this, the company is able to compile
and analyze the data faster, and the surveys are easy to administer,

without much effort. These surveys and strategies have led to different
modifications and designs of various Apple products. Modifications
include having bigger screens for videos and games more clearly.

Types of Marketing Research

By Source By Methodology By Objectives

• Primary • Qualitative • Exploratory

• Secondary • Quantitative • Descriptive
• Causal (or

By Source

Primary Research – involves finding out new and first-hand

information. It sometimes called Field Research.

 Data collected are from original source (e.g. customers)

 Collected for specific purpose
 Usually costs more and takes time to conduct
 Qualitative (Surveys) - Hard facts or opinions representing
larger market groups
 Qualitative (Focus Groups, in-depth interviews) – Opinions
not representative of larger market groups.

Secondary Research – Research using existing public sources of

relevant information. It is also known as Desk Research and is
basically cheaper than primary research.

 Accessing of information and data previously collected

 Often for different purpose
 Good precursor to Primary research (articles, newspapers,
company databases)

By Methodology

Qualitative Research – is a research that seeks customer opinions

and views. For example, a researcher may ask a customer who

purchase a particular type of ice cream on why he prefers that type
over other options.

 Involves finding out opinions, attitudes and feelings

 Often more useful than quantitative data but is more difficult
to collect and analyze
 Methods of collecting qualitative data includes focus group
and in-depth interviews
 Focus Group - form of qualitative research in which a
group of people are asked about their perceptions,
opinions, beliefs, and attitudes towards a product,
service, concept, advertisement, idea, or packaging.

Quantitative Research – is a research where results can be

expressed in numbers. For example, a business might ask its
customer to rate its overall service as excellent, good, poor or very
poor. This will provide quantitative information that can be
analyzed statistically.

 Involves finding numerical data

 Is generally collected from large samples and is easy to
 Methods of collecting quantitative data includes written and
online questionnaires

By objectives

Exploratory Research – the main purpose of this research is to

collect initial information that will help define the problems and
suggest hypotheses.

 Objective: Discovery of ideas and insights

 Methods: Expert surveys, pilot surveys, secondary data:
qualitative analysis, qualitative research

Descriptive Research – the main purpose is to describe marketing

problems, situations or markets, such as the market potential for
a product or the demographics and attitudes of customers.

 Objective: Describe market characteristics and functions

 Methods: Secondary data: Quantitative analysis, surveys,
panels, observation and other data

Causal Research – the main purpose of this research is to test
hypotheses about cause-and-effect relationships.

 Objective: Determine Cause and effect relationships

 Method: Experiments

Steps in Marketing Research

The steps in marketing research are summarized as follows:

1. Define 3. Design
objective and Prepare
and Research 5. Analyze
problem Instrument Data

2. 4. 6. Visualize and
Determine Sampling Communicate
Research and Data Results
Design Collection

Step 1. Define the Objective & Problem

The first step is to define clearly the problem to be tackled. At

the core of this is the understanding the root question that needs to
be informed by market research.

In determining the problem, market group may be guided by

these two (2) questions:
1. Why is there a need to conduct a marketing research?
2. What particular gap in marketing needs to be addressed?

This stage involves discussion, interviews with industry

experts, analysis of secondary data and some qualitative research,
such as focus groups. Marketing team may base the formulation of
research objectives in the three types of marketing research
objectives: Exploratory research, Descriptive research or Causal

Step 2. Determine Research Design

The research design is a framework or blueprint in the conduct

of marketing research project. It defines the procedures necessary in
obtaining the required information. Its purpose is to design a study

to determine possible answers to the research questions, test the
hypotheses of interest, and provide the information needed for
decision making.

You first need to determine what market research method to be

use (will it be a survey, focus group, etc.?). Deliberate through
specifics on how you will identify and choose your sample (Who are
we going after? Where will we find them? How will we benefit them?
etc.). It is also the time to plan where you will conduct your research
(telephone, in-person, mail, internet, etc.).

Step 3. Design and Prepare Research Instrument

In this step of the market research process, it’s time to design

the research tool to be use. As determined in step 2, if a survey is
the most appropriate tool, then begin by writing questions and
designing your questionnaires. If a focus group is your choice of
instrument, start by preparing questions and materials for the
moderator. You get the idea. This is the part of the marketing
research process where you start executing your plan.

The following are involved in formulating research design:

 Secondary data analysis (based on the secondary research)

 Qualitative research
 Methods in collecting quantitative data (survey, observation
and experimentation)
 Definition of the information needed
 Measurement and scaling procedures
 Questionnaire design
 Sampling process and sample size
 Plan of data analysis

Step 4. Collect Your Data

Data collection is a crucial step in the research process

because it enables the generation of insights that will influence the
marketing strategy. This is the time when you are administering
your survey, running your focus groups, conducting your
interviews, implementing your field test, etc.

Step 5. Analyze Your Data

In this process, the research team must secure utmost

accuracy and completeness of data to be treated and analyzed.
Summarize data using the tools provided in your software package
(typically Excel, SPSS, etc.), build tables and graphs, segment your
results by groups that make sense (i.e. age, gender, etc.), and look
for the major trends in your data. Start to formulate the story you
will tell.

Step 6. Visualize Your Data and Communicate Results

In this stage, marketing researchers will interpret the process

data and come up with findings and conclusions. Significant findings
and insights should be reported to help the management in making
major decisions. When presenting your results, remember to present
insights, answers and recommendations, not just charts and tables.
Adding this additional critical thinking to your final report will make
your research more actionable and meaningful and will set you apart
from other researchers.

V. Activities

Exercise 1: Let’s explore!

Instruction: Read and analyze the questions carefully. Answer the

following questions using 5-7 sentences. Put your answer on your activity

1. Distinguish between primary research and secondary research. Illustrate

your answer.
2. With so many secondary information available for free or at low cost over
the Internet, why would a firm ever want to spend the money to do primary
3. If I wanted to find out specific information about my customers, which
type of research I should use and why?

Exercise 2: Let’s Analyze!

Instruction: Read the case below and answer the question that follows.
Write down your answer in your activity notebook.

Case Study
Lucas and Max run a chain of milkshake shop called The Tea
Breeze, which allow customers to bring in or buy at the shop their own
ingredients to make a milkshake of their choice. They have been
currently making a small profit for the five years they have been trading.
Currently The Tea Breeze offers only milk shakes but Lucas wants to
start selling Coffee alongside their current product range. Josh feels
there is too much competition from more established competitors.
Source: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/market-research-lesson-2-3-primary-

Question #1: Explain two suitable methods of market research they

could conduct to decide whether to sell coffee.

Question #2: Lucas feels that just taking a small questionnaire around the
local area will provide all the detailed results The Tea Breeze will need to
make the right decision regarding selling of coffee. Do you agree with his
decision? Explain your answer.

Rubric for Exercise 1 and 2

Areas of 5 4 3 2
Ideas Presents ideas in Presents ideas in Ideas are too Ideas are vague
an original manner consistently general or unclear
Organization Strong and Organized Some organization No organization;
organized beg/mid/end lacking
Understanding Writing shows Writing shows a Writing shows Writing shows
strong clear adequate little
understanding understanding understanding understanding
Sentence Sentence structure Sentence structure Sentence No sense of
Structure enhances meaning; is evident; structure is sentence
flows throughout sentences mostly limited; sentences structure or flow
the piece flow need to flow
(Source: https://www.thoughtco.com/essay-rubric-2081367)

Exercise 3: Design Your Own!
Instruction: Design your own questionnaire that is answerable by the
given choices to carry out on friends/teachers. Complete the following

You have been asked to carry out some research into the feasibility of
opening a new canteen in your local area. The owner wants to know the
consensus of the community when it comes to what variety of foods the
canteen should serve in order to properly reach out to potential customers.
As a researcher, create an appropriate questionnaire to assess customer in
terms of their preferred variation of products and foods.

not applicable














Exercise 4: Let’s Grasp!

Instruction: Using the data on Exercise 3, answer the questions below.

Write down your answer in your activity notebook.

1. Decide who you are going to ask to answer the questionnaire.

2. How many people you are going to ask?


3. Analyze and present the result


Rubric for Exercise 4

Criteria 5 4 3
Excellent Good Fair

Exercise 5: Fill in the Blanks

Instruction: Fill the blanks with appropriate word/s to complete the

sentences. Choose your answer in the choices provided.

Expensive interviews cheaper Secondary Field

relevant up to date Marketing surveys journal

1. ____________ Research is any set of techniques used to gather

information and better understand the target market. 2. ____________
Research is also called Desk research. This is 3. ______________ to carry
out than Primary because data has already been collected for you. A
good example of secondary research is 4. ____________. Primary research
is sometimes called 5. _____________ Research. This is more 6.
______________ to carry out. You have to collect information yourself as
a business. This means that the information is more 7. ___________ and
also 8. ____________ to your needs. Good examples are 9.___________ and
10. ______________.

VI. Assessment

Instruction: Read the case below and answer the question that follows.
Write down your answer in your activity notebook.

Case study
Mandy has a business that manufactures a range of clothes. Its
best-selling products are casual clothes and sweatshirts. The customers
of these products are ranging from 18-25 years old and usually have
high incomes. Mandy wants her business to continue to grow by
widening her range of products. She employed a market researcher to
investigate the clothing market. She wanted to identify a consumer need
and the gap in the market and asked to research the 18-25 year age
range. The researcher interviewed a sample of potential consumers.

The results of the survey show the following findings.

 Young people love to buy fashionable clothes regardless of the
 Young people buy their clothes in boutiques, not department
 Choice of fashion jeans is limited to a few major brands.
 Style and appearance are more important than the durability of

After studying the information, Mandy decided to design a new

brand of fashion jeans. She knew now that the market was competitive.
She felt that her focus point would be design, not low prices. She knew
that she must design and produce these jeans quickly if he was to fill
the market gap.

1. What is objective of the research?


2. Explain why the market research results were particularly useful

to Mandy.

3. After finding out the results of the research, what do you think
Mandy’s next move? Take into consideration all the findings noted
when interpreting the results.


4. If one of Mandy’s partners felt that the business is spending too

much on marketing research and believes that ‘good products sell
themselves’. To what extend do you agree with his statement? Why
or why not?

VII. Reflection
Instruction: In your activity notebook, make a 10 sentence reflection paper
on the topic below.

At this time of pandemic, how does Marketing Research help

business enterprises in maintaining its stand amidst restrictions in
business operations made by the government?


Rubric for Assessment and Reflection

Areas of 5 4 3 2
Ideas Presents ideas in Presents ideas in Ideas are too Ideas are vague
an original manner consistently general or unclear
Organization Strong and Organized Some organization No organization;
organized beg/mid/end lacking
Understanding Writing shows Writing shows a Writing shows Writing shows
strong clear adequate little
understanding understanding understanding understanding
Sentence Sentence structure Sentence structure Sentence No sense of
Structure enhances meaning; is evident; structure is sentence
flows throughout sentences mostly limited; sentences structure or flow
the piece flow need to flow
(Source: https://www.thoughtco.com/essay-rubric-2081367)

VIII. References


Gonzales, Edward. 2016. Principles Of Marketing. Pasay City: JFS

Publishing Services.

Perreault, William D, Joseph P Cannon, and E. Jerome McCarthy. 2017.

Essentials of Marketing. 15th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Higher


2017. Principles of Marketing - Quexbook. [ebook] PERC Learning Portal.

Available at: <http://quexbook.com> [Accessed 8 August 2020].

Boundless Marketing. 2018. Ebook. Pustaka Dewi. License: CC BY-SA:

Attribution-ShareAlike https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=


"How 5 Massive Companies Changed Using Market Research". 2015.

Surveypolice Blog. https://www.surveypolice.com/blog/how-5-massive-

"The Market Research Process: 6 Steps To Success". 2020. My Market

Research Methods. https://www.mymarketresearchmethods.com/the-


SHS Teacher I
Subic National High School, Subic District

(For teacher’s copy only. Don’t include this part in the distribution)
Exercise 1: Let’s explore!
The learner has their own answer
Rubric is provided for the exercise.
Exercise 2: Let’s Analyze! (Case Study)
The learner has their own answer
Rubric is provided for the exercise.
Exercise 3: Design Your Own!
The learner has their own answer
Exercise 4 Let’s Grasp!
The learner has their own answer
Rubric is provided for the exercise.
Exercise 5: Fill in the Blanks
1. Marketing 6. expensive
2. Secondary 7. up to date
3. cheaper 8. relevant
4. journal 9. surveys/interviews
5. Field 10. surveys/interviews
VI. Assessment
Case Study
The learner has their own answer
Rubric is provided for the exercise.
VII. Reflection
The learner has their own answer
Rubric is provided for the exercise.
IX. Answer Keys

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