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You will hear a text of four paragraphs. Listen carefully and fill in the blanks with the
words/phrases missing from the text.

CV or Résumé
CVs and résumés are both the same. CV is short for “curriculum vitae,” which is Latin for “a
timetable of life,” and résumé is French for a “summary.” Both refer to a (1) ____________________
which will tell potential employers all about you and what you have done so far in your life.

The first part of the CV (2) ____________________ personal information such as your full name,
date of birth, nationality, and address. Some companies may require other personal details.
(3) ____________________ this is the section which will show all your educational history, with
details of your high school and university or college education. Potential employers will look
at what you have studied because this will help them to decide whether or not you would be
(4) ____________________ for the position you are applying for.

Another very important section details your work experience, showing where you have
worked in the past, what you did at those companies, and how long you were there. A lot of
human (5) ____________________ managers like to know why you left your previous jobs because
they want to see if you are the type of person who will stay at a company for a long time or if
you are someone who (6) ____________________ around a lot.

It is very important that a CV is prepared on the computer and presented in a neat and clear
format. You can guarantee not to get a job if you send a CV (7) ____________________ because
this will be seen as being highly unprofessional. A CV with too many errors might also cause it
to be rejected. Finally, CVs should be brief because potential employers may have received
hundreds of CVs and won’t have time to (8) ____________________ all of them, so keeping it brief
will increase the chance that it is read.
You will hear two dialogs, each followed by three questions. Listen carefully and choose
the best answer to each question.

9. Where is this conversation probably 12. Why does the woman want to borrow
taking place? the truck?
A) At a bus stop. A) To carry furniture to her house
B) On a bus. B) To clean her old furniture
C) In a subway station. C) To go with her family on vacation
D) On a subway train. D) To take things to the garbage dump
E) At Slingerland Station. E) To drive to work

10. What does the man have to ride to get 13. What does the man mean by “old
home? treasures”?
A) Bus–train–airplane. A) Smelly, dirty trash
B) Train–taxi–light rail. B) Vehicles those were very old
C) Taxi–bus–train. C) Fashionable clothes
D) Train–light rail–bus. D) Hippies
E) Bus–train–light rail. E) Things that were saved for too long

11. Why is the woman riding the bus? 14. What will the man probably say next
A) She has to transfer at Slingerland Station. at the end of the conversation?
B) She wants to see Prayton. A) Thank you.
C) She is on her way home. B) No problem.
D) She is leaving Slingerland. C) Same to you.
E) She is commuting to work. D) Good morning.
E) I am sorry.
You will hear two talks, each followed by three questions. Listen carefully and choose
the best answer to each question.

15. What is a white noise machine? 18. Who is the speaker?
A) A machine making a gentle sound to cover A) A high school teacher
other noises B) A university student
B) A music machine with bright lights C) A high school student
C) A machine that will disturb your sleep D) A parent
D) A bright white machine that keeps you E) The manager of a college
awake at night
E) A machine to help your neighbor’s kids

16. Which of the following is not one of the 19. What does the speaker say about
machine settings? American high-school students?
A) Gentle breeze A) They cannot choose their teachers.
B) Shifting leaves B) They must work part-time.
C) Flowing water C) They are under tremendous pressure.
D) Sea waves D) They are not supposed to get good grades.
E) None of the above E) They can choose their own subjects.

17. How can the bright-night white noise 20. Which of the following is not
machine be purchased? mentioned as an after-school activity?
A) By phone A) Playing baseball
B) By Internet B) Participating in a business club
C) From the store C) Watching dramas on TV
D) By mail order D) Going to part-time jobs
E) Through a sales person E) None of the above
You will read an article with five sentences missing. Read carefully and choose the best
sentence (A-F) for each blank. There is ONE extra.

Stopping Hunger
People shouldn’t go hungry. Not because of someone’s hopeful wish, but because the world
produces enough calories to go around. (21) _____ That’s enough to surpass the
recommended intake of 2,100 daily calories per person. So why do 805 million people still
have too little to eat? To start with, it’s important to understand the difference between
hunger and undernourishment. Hunger is a physical condition marked by stomach pangs and
general fatigue. Undernourishment is a more chronic condition than hunger.
Undernourishment affects communities, and even entire countries and regions.

Each year, the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) measures undernourishment
around the world. In countries most at need, development agencies find it hard to get food in
and data out. (22) _____ Some of these people are isolated in rural communities, while others
live in politically unstable countries or areas destroyed by natural disasters. Africa has the
highest rate of undernourishment. Asia has the greatest number of undernourished people.
According to FAO researchers, parts of Africa and Asia are plagued by a lack of income, poor
agricultural development and few social safety nets. (23) _____ Even though the Western
Hemisphere has almost uniformly reduced undernourishment over the past 20 years, the
island nation has been relentlessly attacked by natural hazards and political instability.

(24) _____ Since 1990, the overall number of undernourished people around the world has
gone down—that means 209 million fewer undernourished people. Ultimately, solving world
undernourishment comes with diminishing returns. As places like sub-Saharan Africa increase
their production of food staples, they then need to focus on distributing it to the people who
need it most. (25) _____ So, someone looking to alleviate world hunger doesn’t only need to
focus on food, but on building roads and more secure buildings. We should remember that
when a country’s economy grows, almost everyone is better off.

A) No country has it worse than Haiti, however.

B) Each day, farmers grow 2,800 calories per person on the planet.

C) Food often doesn’t get to the people who need it.

D) Many regions lack infrastructure that can accommodate trucks carrying food.

E) There is some good news:

F) People all over the world go hungry when they don’t have enough to eat.
You will read an article. Read carefully and choose the best answer to each question.

A lot of people don't really understand what coding is. But people who learn how to code are
able to apply it beyond their computers. Coding forces you to collaborate with other people
and solve problems in an effectively and productively way. Even if you've never coded before,
there are several reasons why you should consider learning to code.

At its core, a coding language is a system of variables and rules that govern them – just like
English. By putting English words and grammar together, you are able to turn your thoughts
into output that other people can understand. But if you wanted to express your thoughts in a
foreign language like Spanish, you would have to follow different grammar. The same
principles apply with coding languages. For instance, while Python and JavaScript both consist
of objects and functions, the way you write code for each language is different. These skills
you use in coding are applicable to multiple facets of life. For example, coding forces you to
break a problem into a series of smaller steps and then logically create a program that solves
them. This same approach can be applied to virtually every problem in life.

In addition to developing hard skills like HTML and CSS, coding also develops soft skills like
getting along with co-workers, because most projects are so enormously collaborative.
Whether you're interacting with bosses, subordinates, or outside stakeholders, good people
skills are essential for thriving in any environment. You know this, right? Those same skills can
also help in your personal life by teaching you how to get along better with friends and family.

Furthermore, developers are in high demand today. So high, in fact, that the average
developer in Los Angeles has an annual salary of $82,000. And as more and more Silicon
Beach tech companies strike it rich, the demand for local developers keeps increasing. So, if
you've been on the fence about learning to code, this is definitely the right place and the right
time. Plus, even if you're not looking to code full-time, you can become a freelance developer
and code part-time. Even if you're just looking to make a little extra money for retirement or
vacation, coding can be quite lucrative.

26. What does the idiom "on the fence" in 27. Which one of the following is NOT a
the last paragraph mean? reason for learning to code?
A) willing to wait patiently A) It develops problems solving skills.
B) discouraged to go somewhere B) It improves interpersonal skills.
C) unable to decide something C) It creates new career opportunities.
D) fed up with someone D) It helps to learn foreign languages.
E) likely to accomplish anything E) It provides opportunity to earn more.
28. The article suggests that those who learn to code ...
A) can apply the skills they acquire to the problems of life.
B) cannot relate their computer skills and aspects of life.
C) do not need other people in order to complete a project.
D) can learn foreign languages more easily than other people.
E) always work less hours, and get an early retirement.

29. According to the article, which one of the following statement is true?
A) If you want to be a developer, you should know that you have to work long hours.
B) Developers never earn much, but they are obsessed with coding.
C) Flexible options are available if you want coding to be only a part of your life.
D) Unfortunately, there is not much demand for local developers.
E) Coding is not a good choice if you are just looking for a little extra money.


You will read an article with six words missing. Read carefully and think of a word that
best fits for each blank. Use only ONE WORD for each blank.

Denmark Loves Bicycles

Denmark is one of the most bicycle-friendly countries in the world. Roughly 40 percent of the
people in its capital, Copenhagen, commute to school or work by bicycle. Why are bikes so

(30) ____________________ in Denmark?

First of all, the government is (31) ____________________ about pollution. Cars pollute the air,
and the number of cars is growing every day. Denmark has a very high tax on cars because
the government wants more people to ride bikes instead.
Another reason is that Denmark is a very (32) ____________________ country. The highest place
in the country is only 557 feet (170 m), so it is a very easy place to ride a bike. There are also
special lanes just for cyclists. Cars must stop while a bike is (33) ____________________ the road.

About 20 percent of people in nearby towns commute to Copenhagen on their bikes. But
Denmark wants to double this number. The government is planning to build bicycle
"superhighways". These roads will only be for cyclists. Cyclists will have special places on
these highways to stop and rest or (34) ____________________ air in their tires.

With these bicycle superhighways, Copenhagen may become the most bicycle-friendly city in
the world. Many other cities, such as New York, London, and Guangzhou, China, are thinking
about copying its plans. In fact, there is a new word for (35) ____________________ a city more
bicycle-friendly: “Copenhagenization.”
You will read an article with seven words/phrases missing. Read carefully and choose
the best option for each blank.

A recent survey of crime statistics shows that we are all more likely to be burgled now than 20
years ago and the police advise everyone to take a few simple (36) _____ to protect their
homes. The first fact is that burglars and other intruders prefer easy opportunities, like a
house which is obviously empty. This is much less of a challenge than an (37) _____ house, and
one that is well-protected. There are some general tips on how to avoid your home becoming
another crime statistic. Avoid leaving signs that your house is empty. When you have to go
out, leave at least one light on as well as a radio or television, and do not leave any curtains
wide open. The sight of your latest music center or computer is enough to tempt any burglar.
Never leave a spare key in a (38) _____ hiding place such as under the doormat or inside the
mailbox. Windows are usually the first point of entry for many intruders. Downstairs windows
provide easy access while upstairs windows can be reached with a ladder or by climbing up
the drainpipe. Before going to bed you should double-check that all windows and shutters are
locked. (39) _____ how small your windows may be, it is surprising what a narrow gap a
determined burglar can manage to (40) _____. For extra security, fit window locks to the inside
of the window. What about entry (41) _____ doors? Your back door and patio doors, which are
easily forced open, should have top quality security locks fitted. Even though this is expensive,
it will be money well spent. Install a burglar alarm if you can afford as another line of defense
against intruders. When you do have callers, never let anybody into your home (42) _____ you
are absolutely sure they are genuine. Ask to see an identity card, for example.

36) A) measures B) resolutions C) statements D) vengeance E) priority

37) A) demolished B) invaded C) hunted D) rented E) occupied

38) A) prominent B) sufficient C) imminent D) convenient E) obedient

39) A) No matter B) However C) Although D) Even so E) Despite

40) A) rely on B) put up with C) bring about D) give up E) get through

41) A) akin B) throughout C) over D) via E) with

42) A) while B) if C) unless D) but E) thus

Complete the given sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence using
the word given. Do not change the word given. There is an example at the beginning.

Ex. The man who is wearing a black hat is the new manager.
The man with the black hat is the new manager.

43) Kevin started his tennis lessons three months ago.

has been learning
Kevin ________________________________________ for three months.

44) Sam has never played the piano before.

It's been a long timeSam has played the piano.
It ________________________________________

45) The company rejected my suggestion for a new production line.

turned down
The company ________________________________________ for a new production line.

46) John blamed her sister for losing his dog.

put the blame on
John ________________________________________ for losing his dog.

47) James Cameron wrote the 1997 American movie, Titanic.

was written by
The 1997 American movie, Titanic, ________________________________________ James Cameron.

48) Mount Everest is higher than Mount Kilimanjaro.


not as high as
Mount Kilimanjaro isn’t ________________________________________ Mount Everest.

49) It took two hours to find an available room for the night.
spent two hours
We ________________________________________ an available room for the night.

50) Danny will only come to the party if he is invited.

never comes
Danny ________________________________________ he is invited.
Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form ONE WORD that fits in the
space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning.

Varna is one of the stars of the Black Sea, and one reason it is
ADVANTAGEOUS is that it’s only 45 minutes away from İstanbul by ADVANTAGE
air. It’s rooted in history, yet modern and well (51) __________________. ORGANIZE
(52) ___________________ itself to tourism and tourists, the city’s DEDICATE
(53) population
___________________ increases fivefold in summer. The first POPULATE
(54) ___________________ to see in Varna is the old train station, ATTRACT
(55) ___________________ for its Art Nouveau style. If you continue FAME
walking by the shore, you will arrive at the Morska Gradina (Sea
Garden). Stretching across the Varna coastline, and (56) KNOW
___________________ as the biggest park in the Balkans, the Sea Garden
is home to many structures: The Naval Museum upfront with its (57) INTEREST
___________________ and huge (58) ___________________ ships; the HISTORY
aquarium dating back to 1932; the trees (59) ___________________ by PLANT
the first cosmonaut, Yuri Gagarin as well as Bulgarian cosmonauts;
and (60) ___________________ cafés, playgrounds, cycling trails, and VARY
many statues, all set in a spectacular landscape.

Choose only ONE of the options below and write an article, using a minimum of 150 –
200 words.

61) “Humans are, by nature, social animals.” Express your opinion on the effects of social
media on young people. Include the following:
• What are the positive and negative effects of social media on young people?
• Compare your life before and after the era of social media
• Is privacy a big concern for you while using social media?
• Do “internet celebrities” deserve their status of fame?

61) “We are what we eat.” Write your opinion about the food culture in your life,
including the following:
• dietary habits in your country
• how healthy your national dishes are
• your opinion on the convenience foods (for example: frozen or oven-ready meals)
• cooking at home or eating in restaurants (why)

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