De ZG516 Course Handout

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Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani

Work Integrated Learning Programmes Division

M.Tech. Design Engineering
Digital Learning Handout

Course Title Mechatronics
Course No(s) AE ZG511/ DE ZG516 / DM ZG511
Credit Units 5
Credit Model 1-1-2
(32 Hours of Class-room Instruction + 32 Hours of Case-
studies/Tutorials/Laboratories + 64 Hours of Student Preparation)
Content Authors Samatha Mujumdar
Instructor-In-Charge PRAKRUTHI HAREESH
Version No. 02
Date 20-7-2019

Course Objectives

No Objective

CO1 An introduction to the applications of mechatronics in various household and

industrial products like in washing machines, microwave ovens, computers, printers,
programmable logic controllers, CNC machines etc.

CO2 Introduction to the various mechatronics building blocks like the System modelling,
Signal sensing and conditioning, Control system engineering, Electrical and
mechanical actuation systems etc.

CO3 Learning about Sensors and Transducers, Operational Amplifiers, Hydraulic and
Pneumatics, Dynamic response of systems, System transfer function, Frequency
response, Closed loop controllers, Programmable logic controllers etc.

Text Book(s)
T1 Mechatronics by W. Bolton, 4th Edition, Pearson
T2 Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems by D.G. Alciatore and
M.B. Histand, 4th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill

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Reference Book(s) & other resources
R1 Mechatronics, HMT Limited, Tata McGraw Hill, 1998
R2 Pneumatics and Electro pneumatics: Basic Level by Festo Didactic
R3 Fluid Power with Applications by Anthony Esposito, Prentice Hall
R4 Control Systems by W. Bolton, Newnes

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Content Structure

1. Introduction to Mechatronics
1.1. Measurement systems
1.1.1. Sensors
1.1.2. Transducers
1.1.3. Need for signal conditioning
1.2. Control systems
1.2.1. Open and Closed loop controllers
1.2.2. Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
1.3. Actuators
1.3.1. Electric actuators
1.3.2. Mechanical actuators
1.4. Application examples
1.4.1. Mechatronics in Industry
1.4.2. Mechatronics in home appliances
2. Sensors and Transducers
2.1. Definition of sensors and transducers
2.2. Performance terminology
2.2.1. Range and Span
2.2.2. Errors: Hysteresis and Non-linearity errors
2.2.3. Accuracy, precision and sensitivity
2.2.4. Resolution
2.2.5. Repeatability and Stability
2.3. Static and Dynamic characteristics
2.3.1. Response, rise and settling times
2.3.2. Time constant
2.4. Sensing various physical quantities
2.4.1. Sensing displacement, position and proximity
2.4.2. Sensing force, velocity and motion
2.4.3. Sensing fluid flow rate, pressure and level
2.4.4. Sensing temperature with the following:
2.4.5. Thermocouples, Thermistors, RTDs, AD590, LM35
2.5. Sensor selection
3. Signal Conditioning
3.1. Need for signal conditioning
3.1.1. Signal protection
3.1.2. Noise elimination
3.1.3. Getting right type and level of signal
3.1.4. Signal manipulation
3.2. Signal conditioning with operational amplifiers
3.2.1. Inverting amplifier
3.2.2. Non-inverting amplifier

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3.2.3. Summing amplifier
3.2.4. Difference amplifier
3.2.5. Integrating amplifier
3.2.6. Differentiating amplifier
3.2.7. Logarithmic amplifier
3.2.8. Analog to Digital conversion and vice versa
3.3. Wheatstone bridge
3.3.1. Applications with strain gauges
3.3.2. Temperature compensation
3.3.3. Temperature compensation
4. System modelling and dynamic response
4.1. Basic system models
4.1.1. Mechanical, electrical, thermal and fluid systems
4.1.2. Rotational-translational systems
4.1.3. Electromechanical systems
4.1.4. Hydraulic-mechanical systems
4.2. Dynamic response of systems
4.2.1. 1 and 2nd order systems and their identification

4.2.2. Performance measures

4.3. System transfer functions
4.3.1. 1 and 2nd order systems

4.3.2. Systems in series

4.3.3. Systems with feedback loops
4.3.4. Effect of pole location on transient response

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4.4. Frequency response of systems
4.4.1. Frequency response with a sinusoidal input
4.4.2. Bode plots
4.4.3. Performance specifications
5. Controllers
5.1. Controller types
5.1.1. Open loop controllers
5.1.2. Closed loop controllers
5.2. Various control modes
5.2.1. Two step control mode
5.2.2. Proportional control mode
5.2.3. Derivative control mode
5.2.4. Integral control mode
5.2.5. PID controllers
5.3. Control system performance
5.3.1. Controller tuning
6. Actuators
6.1. Electrical actuators
6.1.1. Relays, contactors and solenoids
6.1.2. Electric motors: AC, DC, stepper
6.2. Mechanical actuators
6.2.1. Gears, belt and chain drives
6.2.2. Linkage mechanisms, Ratchet and pawl
7. Hydraulics and Pneumatics

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7.1. Hydraulics
7.1.1. Hydraulic power pack
7.1.2. Various types of pumps, valves, cylinders, motors
7.1.3. Hydraulic component symbols and drawings
7.2. Pneumatics
7.2.1. Various types of compressors
7.2.2. Compressed air distribution
7.2.3. Various types of valves, cylinders, pneumatic motors
7.3. Hydraulic and pneumatic circuits
7.3.1. Circuit for single and double acting cylinders
7.3.2. Circuits for counter-balancers
7.3.3. Expand here
8. Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
8.1. Microprocessor systems
8.1.1. Buses
8.1.2. Microprocessor components
8.1.3. Memory and input / output
8.2. Microcontrollers
8.2.1. Difference with microprocessor
8.2.2. Motorola M68HC11
8.2.3. Intel 8051
8.2.4. Programming
9. Programming Logic Controllers
9.1. Basic structure of a PLC
9.1.1. Input and output modules
9.1.2. Power supply and CPU
9.1.3. Sinking and sourcing inputs and outputs
9.2. PLC programming
9.2.1. Ladder logic programming
9.3. Timers, Counters, Internal relays, Registers

Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to

LO1 Apply mechatronics in the design of products

LO2 Acquire concepts of signal sensing and conditioning, control and decision making
and output actuation.

LO3 Illustrate working of various sensors and transducers, system modelling and
dynamic response, open and closed loop controllers, electrical and mechanical

LO4 Develop hydraulic and pneumatic drawings for industry automation

LO5 Put to use PLC programming using ladder logic.

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Experiential Learning Components:
1. Lab: Onramp, Virtual lab (Automation Studio), Remote Lab (NI Elvis III)
2. Case study: None
3. Work integrated Learning Exercise: None
4. Design work/Field work: None
Part B: Learning Plan

Contact Hour 1

Type Content Ref. Topic Title Study/HW Resource Reference

Pre CH

During T1, T2 Introducing Mechatronics, T1: Chapter 1, T2: Chapter 1

CH Concepts of signal
measurement, control and
output actuation

Post CH

Contact Hour 2

Type Content Ref. Topic Title Study/HW Resource Reference

Pre CH

During T2 Mechatronics application T2: Page no. 84, 98, 101, 108,
CH examples 146, 188, 245, 247, 290, 312,
405, 449

Post CH

Contact Hour 3

Type Content Ref. Topic Title Study/HW Resource Reference

Pre CH

During T1, T2 Sensor and Transducers: T1: Chapter 2, T2: Chapter 9

CH Definition and performance
terminology, Static and
dynamic characteristics

Post CH Chapter end problems

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Contact Hour 4

Type Content Ref. Topic Title Study/HW Resource Reference

Pre CH

During T1, T2 Sensing physical quantities: T1: Chapter 2, T2: Chapter 9

CH Displacement, position and

Post CH Chapter end problems

Contact Hour 5

Type Content Ref. Topic Title Study/HW Resource Reference

Pre CH

During T1, T2 Sensing physical quantities: T1: Chapter 2, T2: Chapter 9

CH Force, strain, velocity and

Post CH Chapter end problems

Contact Hour 6

Type Content Ref. Topic Title Study/HW Resource Reference

Pre CH

During T1, T2 Sensing physical quantities: T1: Chapter 2, T2: Chapter 9

CH Fluid flow rate, pressure and
liquid level

Post CH Chapter end problems

Contact Hour 7

Type Content Ref. Topic Title Study/HW Resource Reference

Pre CH

During T1, T2 Sensing physical quantities: T1: Chapter 2, T2: Chapter 9

CH Temperature measurement
with Thermocouples,
Thermistors, RTDs, AD590,

Post CH

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Contact Hour 8

Type Content Ref. Topic Title Study/HW Resource Reference

Pre CH

During T1, T2 Signal conditioning: Need for T1: Chapter 3, T2: Chapter 5
CH condioning, protection, noise

Post CH

Contact Hour 9

Type Content Ref. Topic Title Study/HW Resource Reference

Pre CH

During T1, T2 T1: Chapter 3, T2: Chapter 5

CH Signal conditioning with
operational amplifiers:
Inverting, non-inverting

Post CH Chapter end problems

Contact Hour 10

Type Content Ref. Topic Title Study/HW Resource Reference

Pre CH

During T1, T2 Signal conditioning with T1: Chapter 3, T2: Chapter 5

CH operational amplifiers:
Summing and difference

Post CH Chapter end problems

Contact Hour 11

Type Content Ref. Topic Title Study/HW Resource Reference

Pre CH

During T1, T2 Signal conditioning with T1: Chapter 3, T2: Chapter 5

CH operational amplifiers:
Integrating, Differentiating and
lograthimic amplifiers

Post CH Chapter end problems

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Contact Hour 12

Type Content Ref. Topic Title Study/HW Resource Reference

Pre CH

During T1, T2 Signal conditioning: T1: Chapter 3, T2: Chapter 9

CH Wheatstone bridge, application
examples and temperature

Post CH

Contact Hour 13

Type Content Ref. Topic Title Study/HW Resource Reference

Pre CH

During T1 Signal conditioning: Analog to T1: Chapter 4

CH digital conversion and vice

Post CH

Contact Hour 14

Type Content Ref. Topic Title Study/HW Resource Reference

Pre CH

During T1 System modelling: Modelling T1: Chapter 10

CH of mechanical and electrical
systems, Modelling of thermal
and fluid systems

Post CH Chapter end problems

Contact Hour 15

Type Content Ref. Topic Title Study/HW Resource Reference

Pre CH

During T1 System modelling: Modelling T1: Chapter 11

CH of rotational and translational
systems, Modelling of
electromechanical systems

Post CH Chapter end problems

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Contact Hour 16

Type Content Ref. Topic Title Study/HW Resource Reference

Pre CH

During T1 System modelling: Modelling T1: Chapter 11

CH of hydraulic-mechanical

Post CH

Contact Hour 17

Type Content Ref. Topic Title Study/HW Resource Reference

Pre CH

During T1 Dynamic response of systems: T1: Chapter 12

CH 1st and 2nd order systems and
their performance measures

Post CH Chapter end problems

Contact Hour 18

Type Content Ref. Topic Title Study/HW Resource Reference

Pre CH

During T1 System transfer functions: 1st T1: Chapter 13

CH nd 2nd order systems, systems
in series and with feedback,
effect of pole location

Post CH Chapter end problems

Contact Hour 19

Type Content Ref. Topic Title Study/HW Resource Reference

Pre CH

During T1 Frequency response of T1: Chapter 13

CH systems: Response with a
sinusoidal input, Bode plots,
Performance specifications

Post CH

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Contact Hour 20

Type Content Ref. Topic Title Study/HW Resource Reference

Pre CH

During T1, R4 Control systems: Open and T1: Chapter 15, R4

CH closed loop controllers, On-off
and proportional control

Post CH Chapter end problems

Contact Hour 21

Type Content Ref. Topic Title Study/HW Resource Reference

Pre CH

During T1, R4 Control systems: Derivative, T1: Chapter 15, R4

CH Integral and PID controllers

Post CH Chapter end problems

Contact Hour 22

Type Content Ref. Topic Title Study/HW Resource Reference

Pre CH

During T1, T2 Actuators: Electric actuators T1: Chapter 9, T2: Chapter 10

CH like relay, contactor, solenoid,
AC, DC, Stepper motors

Post CH

Contact Hour 23

Type Content Ref. Topic Title Study/HW Resource Reference

Pre CH

During T1 Actuators: Mechanical T1: Chapter 8

CH actuators like belt and chain
drives, linkage mechanisms

Post CH

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Contact Hour 24

Type Content Ref. Topic Title Study/HW Resource Reference

Pre CH

During T1, R3 Hydraulics and pneumatics: T1: Chapter 7, R3: Chapter 6, 8

CH Hydraulic pumps and valves

Post CH

Contact Hour 25

Type Content Ref. Topic Title Study/HW Resource Reference

Pre CH

During T1, R3 Hydraulics and pneumatics: T1: Chapter 7, R3: Chapter 7

CH Hydraulic cylinders and

Post CH

Contact Hour 26

Type Content Ref. Topic Title Study/HW Resource Reference

Pre CH

During T1, R2,R3 Hydraulics and pneumatics: T1: Chapter7, R2, R3: Chapter
CH Compressed air generation and 11, 12
distribution system,
compressors, valves and

Post CH

Contact Hour 27

Type Content Ref. Topic Title Study/HW Resource Reference

Pre CH

During T1, R2,R3 Hydraulics and Pneumatics: R2, R3

CH Drawing symbols and basic

Post CH

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Contact Hour 28

Type Content Ref. Topic Title Study/HW Resource Reference

Pre CH

During T1, T2 Digital logic: Logic gates, T1: Chapter 5, T2: Chapter 6
CH boolean algebra, applications

Post CH

Contact Hour 29

Type Content Ref. Topic Title Study/HW Resource Reference

Pre CH

During T1, T2 Microprocessors and micro- T1: Chapter 17, T2: Chapter 7
CH controllers: Components and

Post CH

Contact Hour 30

Type Content Ref. Topic Title Study/HW Resource Reference

Pre CH

During T1 Programmable logic T1: Chapter 21

CH controllers: Components,
programming using ladder

Post CH Chapter end problems

Contact Hour 31

Type Content Ref. Topic Title Study/HW Resource Reference

Pre CH

During T1 Programmable logic T1: Chapter 21

CH controllers: Use of relays,
timers, counters, registers in
ladder logic, application
examples etc.

Post CH

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 Each student is given an individual assignment on any of the topics discussed in the
 Assignments are take-home and deadline-driven (typically of 2 weeks duration)
announced post Mid-semester examination
 Students to spend at least 16 hours of work in study, research, discussion and
preparation of the report and presentation.
 As part of deliverables, the student is expected to prepare a report and make a short-
presentation in the class

Evaluation Scheme

Evaluation Name Type Weight Duration Schedule


EC - 1 Assignments Individual and 7.5% 2 Weeks Throughout


Virtual Lab Exam Online 06% 2 Hrs. Throughout

Virtual Lab Quiz Online 04% 8 Weeks Throughout

Remote Lab Exam Online 12.5% 4 Hrs. Throughout

EC - 2 Mid-Semester Open Book 30% 2 Hrs. Sunday,

Examination 12/03/2023 (AN)

EC - 3 End-Semester Open Book 40% 2 ½ Hrs. Sunday,

Examination 21/05/2023 (AN)

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Closed Book: No reference material of any kind will be permitted inside the exam hall.
Open Book: Use of any printed / written reference material (books and notebooks) will be permitted
inside the exam hall. Loose sheets Photocopies and Laser printouts of any material will not be
permitted. Computers of any kind will not be allowed inside the exam hall. Use of calculators will be
allowed in all exams. No exchange of any material will be allowed.

It shall be the responsibility of the individual student to be regular in maintaining the self-study
schedule as given in the course handout attend the online/on demand lectures as per details that would
be put up in the BITS eLearn (Taxila) website and take all the prescribed
components of the evaluation such as Assignments/Quizzes Mid Semester and End Semester
Examination according to the Evaluation Scheme given in the respective Course Handout. If the
student is unable to appear for the Regular Examination due to genuine exigencies the student must
refer to the procedure for applying for Make-up Examination which will be available through the
Important Information link on the eLearn website on the date of the Regular Examination. The Make-
up Tests/Exams will be conducted only at selected exam centres on the dates to be announced later.



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Mechatronics: Simulation Lab
1. Scope of the lab
Mechatronics lab enables the students to understand and implement various electrical,
mechanical components to achieve automation in the industry.

2. Objectives of Lab
To simulate various mechatronics automation circuits with electrical, mechanical and
electronic components.

3. List of simulation experiments

Software Tool used for Virtual Lab (VL): Automation Studio.
Remote Lab (RL): NI_Elvis III with Controls Board and NI_Elvis III with Actuators
Tutorials and manuals will be uploaded once the lab starts

# Tutorial Name Solving Lab Marks

Time Quiz
1. Basic pneumatic circuits -1 (VL) 2 hours
2. Advanced pneumatic circuits -2 (VL) 2 hours
4 6
3. Hydraulic circuits -1 (VL) 2 hours
4. PLC -2 (VL) 2 hours
5. E1:NI – ElvisIII with Controls Board (RL) 2 hours
No quiz
6. E2:NI – ElvisIII with Controls Board (RL) 2 hours
for Re-
7. E3:NI – ElvisIII with Controls Board (RL) 2 hours
mote 12.5
8. E4:NI – ElvisIII with Controls Board (RL) 2 hours
9. E1: NI-Elvis III with Actuators Board (RL) 2 hours
Total Marks
4. Learning Outcome of the lab

 Electric drive selection

 Simulate concepts of signal sensing and conditioning, control and decision making
and output actuation.
 Implement working of various sensors and transducers, system modeling and
dynamic response, open and closed loop controllers, electrical and mechanical
 Put to use PLC programming using ladder logic

Note: After completion of every practice tutorial problem, take a snapshot and
include the same in the final assignment PPT lastly. Quiz questions will be based on
the practice tutorial problems and results

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Instruction Schedule

Lab Class work Instructions Online TBA 2 Hrs


Evaluation Scheme
Evaluation Name Type Marks Lab Exam Date Duration

Quiz based on Online 04

virtual lab

Assignment Online 06 Regular TBA

based on virtual TBA
EC - I Makeup TBA

Assignment Online 12.5 No separate lab exam for Throughout

based on Remote Lab, assignment
Remote Lab question needs to be
performed and submitted in
E-Learning portal.

Note: After completion of every practice tutorial problem, take a snapshot and include the same in the
final assignment PPT lastly. Quiz questions will be based on the practice tutorial problems and

Link for lab dates and other details (copy the link and paste it in your browser).


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