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International Business Education Journal Vol. 13 No.

1 (2020) 1-16

Factors Affecting Students’ Academic Performance in

Higher Education: Evidence from Accountancy Degree
Haslinda Hassana, Rosli Mohamadb, Raja Haslinda Raja Mohd Alic,
Yurita Yakimin Abdul Talibd, Hafizah Mohamad Hsbollahe
Tunku Puteri Intan Safinaz School of Accountancy (TISSA-UUM),
College of Business, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia
Corresponding author: [email protected]

The increasing demands for accountants in the future have resulted in an increased number of students enrolling
in the accounting programmes of Malaysian universities. This expansion, however, has caused some concern
about whether these students are likely to succeed in their studies. This study, therefore, aims to examine the
factors that drive the academic performance of accounting students at Malaysian universities. The factors
included gender, ethnic groups, type of secondary school, sponsorship, and family income. The students’
academic performance was represented by their cumulative grade point average (CGPA) obtained at the end of
their programs. The study used a quantitative research design using secondary data of 367 undergraduate
accounting students graduated in 2016 from the Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) for analysis. The findings
suggested that there were significant differences in students’ academic performance related to ethnic groups,
type of secondary school, and family income. Specifically, Malay, Indian, and other students performed less
well than did Chinese students. Gender and sponsorship, however, had no significant influence on their
academic performance. The study’s findings could help higher learning institutions, parents, and policymakers
to formulate effective intervention mechanisms and to introduce a more holistic approach to improve student

Academic performance, accounting students, undergraduate, CGPA, ethnicity, types of school, income


Malaysia needs to double its accountants to 60,000 to support its transformation into a high-
income nation by 2020 (NST Online, 2015). The increasing demands for accountants in the
future has resulted in universities (be they public or private universities) offering an
increasing number of accounting programmes, and the number of students enrolled in
accounting programmes has continued to grow. For example, the findings of a 2015 study
reported that 14% of the 123,947 graduates in 2015 had studied accounting, making it the
second largest programme of choice after business administration (20.7%) (MOHE, 2015).
However, this expansion has caused some concern regarding whether students studying
accounting are likely to encounter success in their studies.

The issue of student performance at a university has been a major concern in prior
studies. Many researchers have shown their interest in understanding the factors that
influence the academic performance of the students in higher learning institutions. Many
studies have attempted to establish a direct causal link between various factors and the
performance of undergraduates. These include demographic characteristics, type of
secondary school (e.g., high performance schools), and socio-economic factors. In this
context, prior studies have highlighted that various factors impact academic performance,
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including gender (Ahmad, Pervaiz, & Aleem, 2015; Alfan & Othman, 2005; Ali & Hayat,
2019; Azmi & Mustapha, 2017), race or ethnic groups (Alfan & Othman, 2005; Azmi &
Mustapha, 2017), type of secondary school (Kumwenda, Cleland, Walker, Lee, & Greatrix,
2017), family income (Farooq, Chaudhry, Shafiq, & Berhanu, 2011; Kamal & Ahuja, 2019),
parents qualification and background (Kamal & Ahuja, 2019; Olufemioladebinu, Adediran,
& Oyediran, 2018), the number of school resources, and the condition of schools’ facilities
(Ali & Hayat, 2019).

Despite a growing body of literature conducted in the area of students’ academic

performance, there remains significant variation on how any of these factors could affect
academic performance in the context of Malaysian higher learning institutions. This is due to
the mixed findings reported by the existing studies between the relationship of these factors
and academic performance. As a result, the exact factors and how they could affect students’
performance have not been fully examined, especially in the context of the students in
Malaysian universities. The aim of this study is, therefore, to investigate the factors (i.e.,
gender, ethnic groups, type of secondary school, sponsorship, and family income) affecting
student's academic performance at the tertiary education level. Understanding factors related
to academic success and failure is particularly important as the intention of policy initiatives
is not simply to inspire students to commence higher education study but to complete it
satisfactorily (Byrne & Flood, 2008). The findings of the study could help higher learning
institutions, parents, and policymakers (be they at the state or federal level) to formulate
effective intervention mechanisms and to introduce more holistic approaches in improving
student performance. Comparing the academic performance of the different ethnic groups
could also help determine why certain groups lag behind others.

The remainder of the article is set up as follows. First, the literature review on academic
performance and its determinants are presented. The last two sections have a discussion of
the empirical results of the study and a conclusion.


In Malaysia, education at the primary and secondary levels has been considered to be a
crucial platform to mould young generation with the necessary knowledge, competencies,
and skills that facilitate their survival in a highly competitive global economic environment.
To reach this objective, the government has made several improvements in the educational
system. Among others, the government has created the High Performance Schools
Programme, which recognises schools that exhibit high performance based on Malaysian
Education Quality Standards metrics. The aim of this programme is to produce outstanding
students of international calibre to “enable them to pursue their studies in the best educational
institutions in the world and to be exceptional personalities in all fields of endeavour”
( These schools are amongst the preferred choice of the parents, together
with a variety of boarding schools and junior science colleges (Maktab Rendah Sains
Mara/MRSM). Besides, parents also have options to send their children to religious secondary
schools, technical schools, national secondary schools, and vocational colleges. Given that
both parents and students have various options for the selection of a secondary school, one
concern is whether attending high performing schools or boarding schools could improve
future student performance, especially at the university level.

Prior studies have identified demographic characteristics, type of secondary school,

and socio-economic factor as possible determinants of students’ academic performance at

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various level (e.g., schools and colleges). Nonetheless, the mixed results reported in these
studies suggest insufficient support to reach a conclusion, especially for understanding
student performance at the university level. Moreover, prior studies do not highlight the
relationship of financial sponsorship and academic performance. Hence, the impact of these
factors on academic performance is unclear.

To date, no single study has highlighted the impact of gender, ethnic groups, type of
secondary school, sponsorship, and family income on students’ academic performance
attending Malaysian universities. This study, therefore, fills this gap by assessing the impact
of these factors on academic performance amongst university students. Specifically, this
study aims to investigate the extent to which a student's tertiary academic performance can be
explained by gender, ethnic groups, type of secondary school, sponsorship, and family

In general terms, academic performance can be defined as the success of an individual

in formal education in elementary, secondary, or tertiary education. However, the
measurements being used for academic performance have been inconsistent across studies.
Some studies have employed Grade Point Average (GPA) (Goff & Ackerman, 1992),
whereas other studies have used first-year examination scores (Ahmad et al., 2015), final year
examination scores (Conard, 2006), or Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) (Adzido,
Dzogbede, Ahiave, & Dorkpah, 2016; Ahmad et al., 2015; Alfan & Othman, 2005). In this
study, academic performance is proxied at the tertiary education level by the CGPA, which is
calculated by dividing the total number of grade points earned by the total number of credit
hours (Aidoo-Buameh & Ayagre, 2013).


This study incorporates the factors identified in the previous research as determinants of
student academic performance. The research model of the study is illustrated in Figure 1.
Five factors hypothesised to affect the academic performance of the students are gender,
ethnicity, type of secondary school, the availability of education financial sponsorship, and
family income.

With respect to gender, prior studies have shown interest in assessing the effect of
gender differences on academic performance in elementary school, secondary school, high
school, and university (Ahmad et al., 2015; Ghazvini & Khajehpour, 2011; Ngozi, 2011; Lam
et al., 2012). Lam et al. (2012), for instance, found that girl reported higher levels of
engagement and rated higher academic performance as compared to boys in elementary
schools from 12 countries across the world. While examining the CGPAs of high school
students, Ghazvini and Khajehpour (2011) observed that female students achieved relatively
higher scores than males in Literature with the female students are more adaptive to learning
tasks. This trend is further confirmed at the university level. For example, Ngozi (2011)
found that females lead males in arts-related subjects at university, and Ahmad et al. (2015)
discovered that female students at Government College University, Lahore outperformed the
male students. Other studies discovering that females outperformed males include Azmi and
Mustapha (2017) and Farooq et al. (2011).

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Ethnicity H2

Type of secondary H3 Academic

school performance
sponsorship H5

Family income

Figure 1: Research Model

Thus, a tendency exists for female students to beat male students academically from
elementary school to their adolescence. This would suggest that female students are more
serious and committed to ensuring better academic achievement. Hence, gender is seen as an
important variable in predicting academic performance. Consequently, it is hypothesised that:

H1 : Gender is related to academic performance.

Ethnicity has been reported as one of the determining factors for varying academic
performance. Malaysia is made up of 60% Bumiputeras, 23% Chinese, 7% Indians, and 10%
other races (BBC News, 2013). Because Malaysia is a multi-racial nation, the possible effect
of this factor on performance is paramount. Prior studies in the Malaysia setting have
consistently confirmed that non-Bumiputeras (mainly Chinese) students are higher
performers than Bumiputera (mainly Malay) students (Azmi & Harith, 2012; Azmi &
Mustafa, 2017; Othman, Nopiah, Asshaari, Razali, Osman, & Ramli, 2009). Azmi and Harith
(2012), in their study of assessing students’ performance from different ethnic groups, found
that the Chinese students performed much better than the Bumiputera students across
different cognitive levels. Similarly, Othman et al. (2009) discovered that first-year
engineering students with the Malaysian Higher School Certificate pre-university
qualifications did better in their first-year results as compared to students with matriculation
pre-university qualifications. Considering the fact that the majority of the Malaysian Higher
School Certificate pre-university qualification students were Chinese and ethnic Malays
dominated the matriculation pre-university qualification, this outcome indicated ethnicity as a
driving force for academic performance. Hence, the following hypothesis is proposed:

H2 : Ethnicity is related to academic performance.

The secondary schools in Malaysia can be categorised into several types. These
include Vocational College, MRSM, School of Arts, School of Sports, Cluster School,
National Religious School, National Secondary School, Bestari Religion Secondary School,
and Technical School. While each type of school has its strengths and weaknesses, their
ultimate goal is similar.

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In 2009, the Government of Malaysia first introduced the High Performance School
and Cluster School, with the aim of uplifting the quality of the schools. These schools mainly
accept excellent students and thus are expected to produce high-performing students. It is of
major concern for some parents to send their children to these types of schools as some
believe that these schools are better than other schools. For example, the Petaling Utama
district education department receives more than thousand requests each year from parents to
switch to the cluster and high achieving schools (The Star, 2017). Students are selected for
these schools based on their achievement in a specific test in either primary school (Primary
School Evaluation Test), or junior high school (Pentaksiran Tingkatan 3/PT3 results).

As admission to the university depends on post-secondary achievement, parents tend

to plan their children’s future by applying to various types of public secondary schools or
private schools. Prior studies have argued that the type of school attended later influences the
academic performance of the students at university (Banai & Perin, 2016; Win & Miller,
2005). Win and Miller’s (2005) key finding is that high school type impacts the academic
performance of students at university, beyond their own background characteristics. The
results of the study showed that students from government-sponsored schools performed
better than students from private schools. Further, Banai and Perin (2016) provided the
support that different school types are associated differently with academic performance. The
results suggested that high school-gymnasium students performed better at university
compared with high school-vocational stream students. This may imply that gymnasium high
schools are better at preparing their students for tertiary education as compared to vocational
high schools. This scenario has suggested that students might perform better in their
academics if they were enrolled in appropriate types of secondary school. Therefore, it is
hypothesised that:

H3 : Type of secondary school is related to academic performance.

Education is a gift that offers someone the opportunity to transform his life and
family. However, many bright and excellent students still find it difficult to pursue their
studies due to the costs of education. In Malaysia, the cost of pursuing a bachelor’s degree in
private higher institutions ranges between RM75,000 and RM93,000 inclusive of programme
fees and cost of living, while for a public institution, the cost average is around RM20,000
(NST Online, 2017). In view of expensive programme fees and increased living costs over
the years, many third parties, such as companies and non-profit-organisations, offer monetary
support for selected students to pursue their educational programmes. The monetary support
may come in the form of scholarship, which students do not need to repay upon their
graduation, or loans, which students are expected to pay in full or in part depending on their
academic achievement. Examples of institutions offering scholarship in Malaysia include
People's Trust Council, TELEKOM, Petronas, public service department, state foundation,
and zakat institutions. By having a sponsorship, a student can reduce his/her student debt.
Study shows that student debt is one of the most pressing economic issues in contemporary
education (Dwyer, McCloud, & Hodson, 2012), which can be related to illness, stress, worry
over debt, and financial problems (Richardson & Elliott, 2011). Having such pressure might
lead to underperformance or failure in a degree programme. Therefore, it is hypothesised

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H4 : Education sponsorship is related to academic performance.

Family income is another source of financial support for students to pursue their
tertiary education. Data from the Department of Statistics Malaysia showed that the mean and
median of Malaysian income in 2016 were RM6,958 and RM5,228, respectively. The income
was generated mainly from four common sources: paid employment, self-employed, property
and investment, and current transfer received. The data further reported that five of ten
households earn RM5,228 or less in a month. Breaking down the income into the household
group (Table 1) showed that the T20 group has an average of RM16,088 per month, followed
by the M40 group with a mean of RM6,502 per month. The B40 group, on the other hand,
had an average income of RM2,848 per month. This data indicates that the majority of
Malaysian are able to help finance their children in pursuing their educations.

Table 1: Malaysian household income 2016

Group Income share (%) Median Mean (RM)
B40 16.4 3,000 2,848
M40 37.4 6,275 6,502
T20 47.2 13,148 16,088
Source: Department of Statistics Malaysia

Previous studies have found that family income does influence student achievement.
For example, An (2010) discovered that economic investments made by parents were
positively associated with their child’s educational attainment. This suggests that parents with
higher earnings are more capable of supporting the educational costs of their children. In such
a case, students are expected to have a more conducive learning experience with a more
manageable level of stress. This conducive situation may result in better achievement than
students with financial stress. Baliyan, Rao, and Baliyan’s (2012) study involving 168
students in Botswana revealed that family income level had a significant influence on the
performance of students in maths. The finding indicates that high-level income parents were
able to support the financial needs of their children, which, in turn, was related to better
performance. In contrast, Adzido et al.’s (2016) study on tertiary education in Ghana
discovered that family financial status was not an important predictor of the academic
performance of students. A good number of respondents from low income families performed
well as measured by their CGPA. This may infer that students who are diligent can overcome
the impact of low income. Therefore, it is hypothesised that:

H5 : Family income is related to academic performance.


The respondents of the study are the undergraduate students who had completed their
accountancy degree programme at UUM in 2016. Specifically, 367 accounting students (male
= 84 and female = 283) completed their studies in the specified year. The study uses a
quantitative research design using secondary data obtained from the Academic Affairs
Department, UUM. There are two accountancy programmes at UUM, namely, Bachelor of
Accounting (Honours) [B.Acct.(Hons)] and Bachelor of Accounting (Information Systems)
(Honours) [B.Acct.(IS)(Hons)]. All the available secondary data of the 367 graduates from
both programmes were used for the analysis. The CGPA data represents the actual
performance of the students in their four-year accountancy degree programme.

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The IBM Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (Version 23) was used for the data
analysis. The analysis tools used for analysis include the descriptive analysis (to calculate the
frequencies of the graduates’ profiles), the independent sample t-test, and the analysis of
variance (ANOVA) with a post-hoc test. An independent sample t-test was carried out to
compare the mean scores of two different groups of people or conditions. The ANOVA with
a post-hoc test was used to compare the variance (variability in scores) between the different

Graduates’ profiles

The vast majority of the students were female at 77.11% of the sample and male at 22.89%.
Most were from B.Acct.(Hons) (71.93%) and B.Acct.(IS) (Hons) (28.07%) degree (Table 2).
Malay students (58.86%) dominated the programme, followed by Chinese (34.33%) and
Indian (5.99%). Most of them graduated with the second class upper (59.40%), followed by a
first-class degree (21.25%) and second class lower (19.35%).

A high percentage of the graduates’ parents (71.12%) had an income below RM3,000,
hence, falling in the B40 group. Forty graduates (10.90%) were from families without an
income. Only 66 graduates (17.98%) were from families with a monthly income of more than

Table 2: Graduates’ background

No. % No. %
Gender: Type of secondary school:
Male 84 22.89 MRSM 12 3.27
Female 283 77.11 Religious Secondary School 23 6.27
Total 367 100 Boarding School 8 2.18
Bestari Religion Secondary
School 5 1.36
Ethnic group: National Secondary School 222 60.49
Malay 216 58.86 Private Secondary School 2 .55
Chinese 126 34.33 Technical School 14 3.81
India 22 5.99 School of Sports 2 .54
Others 3 .82 Not specified 79 21.53
Total 367 100 Total 367 100

Family income: Programme:

No income 40 10.90 B.Acct.(Hons) 264 71.93
RM1 - RM3,000 (B40) 261 71.12 B.Acct.(IS)(Hons) 103 28.07
RM3,001 - RM7,000 (M40) 59 16.07 Total 367 100
More than RM7,000 (T20) 7 1.91
Total 367 100 Class of Degree:
First class 78 21.25
Sponsorship: Second class upper 218 59.40
No sponsorship 52 14.17 Second class lower 71 19.35
With sponsorship 315 85.83 Total 367 100
Total 367 100

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Factors affecting students’ academic performance

Inconsistent with Norwani and Yusof (2008), our study found no significant difference in the
academic performance of male and female students (Table 3). Hypothesis 1 is, therefore, not
supported. This finding is in line with Swope and Schmitt’s (2006) study of the academic
performance of economic majors at the U.S. Naval Academy (USNA) in which gender was
not found as a significant predictor. A possible explanation for this finding is that the entry
requirements set for students to pursue their studies in both B.Acct.(Hons) and
B.Acct.(IS)(Hons) programmes are high, and they need to obtain at least 3.30 for the CGPA
from all the channels of qualifications: (1) Malaysian Higher School Certificate, (2)
Matriculation/UUM Foundation (pre-university), and (3) Diploma. Even though the
minimum CGPA at the entry-level is 3.30, 77.38% of the students had a CGPA of more than
3.70. A higher CGPA ensures that students are of high quality, academically rigorous, and
have a positive attitude towards achieving high academic performance.

Table 3: T-test - Gender

Variable N Mean F Sig
CGPA .772 .380
Male 84 3.2582
Female 283 3.3175

In relationship to ethnic groups, student performances varied amongst the three major
ethnicities – the Malay, Chinese, and Indian (F=96.871, p=.000) (Table 4), hence, supporting
hypothesis 2. Specifically, students’ academic performance at the tertiary level was highest
for Chinese students. The finding is consistent with other studies that found that Chinese
students performed better than Malay and Indian students (Alfan & Othman, 2005) and that
Chinese students outperformed Bumiputeras (Azmi & Harith, 2012).

Table 4: ANOVA test - Ethnicity

Variable N Mean F Sig
CGPA 96.871 .000*
Malay 216 3.1285
Chinese 126 3.6156
India 22 3.2459
Others 3 3.2733

A Tukey post-hoc test revealed that the Chinese students’ academic performance was
significantly different from that of Malay and Indian students, but not with that of other
students (Table 5). However, there was no significant difference in the performance of Malay
and Indian, and Malay and others. The study’s finding, therefore, suggested that the Malay,
Indian, and other students place less importance on excellence and thus lag behind Chinese
students. Several factors that might contribute to Chinese students outperforming other
students include practising the correct learning methods, establishing priorities at school and
university, and learning in a small group to encourage brainstorming and time-savings
(Utusan Online, 2001). Moreover, their parents are very strict about the education of their
children and foster a sense of learning from childhood to make their children more
disciplined (Utusan Online, 2001). Hence, the Malay, Indian, and other students should

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expend more effort to improve their academic performance to be on par with their Chinese
Table 5: Post-hoc test - Ethnicity
Race Race Sig
Malay Chinese .000*
Indian .170
Others .764
Chinese Malay .000*
Indian .000*
Others .101
Indian Malay .170
Chinese .000*
Others .998
Others Malay .764
Chinese .101
Indian .998

Earlier studies (Akinloye, Adu, & Adu, 2017; Banai & Perin, 2016; Win & Miller,
2005) provided the support that different school types associated differently with academic
performance. Win and Miller (2005), for instance, found that government school students
performed better than private school students. In contrast, Akinloye et al. (2017) found that
students in private schools performed better than their counterparts in public schools.

In the present study, more than half of the accounting graduates were enrolled in
national secondary schools (60.49%) during their secondary school studies (Table 2). Others
included religious secondary school (6.27%), technical school (3.81%), and MRSM (3.27%),
while only .55% of them were from private schools. An ANOVA test was carried out to test
the effect of these types of secondary school on the students’ academic performance (Table
6). The findings indicated a statistically significant difference in the relationship between the
type of secondary school and academic performance (F=4.750, p=.000). Hypothesis 3 is,
therefore, supported.

Table 6: ANOVA test - Type of secondary school

Variable N Mean F Sig
CGPA 4.750 .000*
National Secondary School 222 3.3104
Fully Residential School/Boarding School 8 2.9313
MRSM 12 3.1808
Religious Secondary School 23 3.0987
Private Secondary School 2 3.5550
Technical School 14 3.0650
Bestari Religion Secondary School 5 3.5720
School of Sports 2 3.6250

A Tukey post-hoc test revealed that the students’ academic performance from national
secondary school was significantly different from that of boarding school and religious
secondary school (Table 7). The findings indicated that students from national secondary
schools performed better than students from boarding schools and religious secondary
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schools. In addition, the academic performance of students from bestari religion secondary
schools was significantly different from religious secondary schools, boarding schools, and
technical schools, wherein bestari religion secondary school students performed better than
these groups.

Table 7: Post-hoc test - Type of secondary school

Type of secondary school Type of secondary school Sig
National Secondary School Boarding School .028*
MRSM .880
Religious Secondary School .062**
Private Secondary School .964
Technical School .114
Bestari Religion Secondary School .633
School of Sports .872
Boarding School National Secondary School .028*
MRSM .697
Religious Secondary School .914
Private Secondary School .231
Technical School .983
Bestari Religion Secondary School .014*
School of Sports .126
MRSM National Secondary School .880
Boarding School .697
Religious Secondary School .997
Private Secondary School .802
Technical School .985
Bestari Religion Secondary School .318
School of Sports .626
Religious Secondary School National Secondary School .062**
Boarding School .914
MRSM .997
Private Secondary School .547
Technical School 1.000
Bestari Religion Secondary School .066**
School of Sports .355
Private Secondary School National Secondary School .964
Boarding School .231
MRSM .802
Religious Secondary School .547
Technical School .486
Bestari Religion Secondary School 1.000
School of Sports 1.000
Technical School National Secondary School .114
Boarding School .983
MRSM .985
Religious Secondary School 1.000
Private Secondary School .486
Bestari Religion Secondary School .059**
School of Sports .307
Bestari Religion Secondary School National Secondary School .633
Boarding School .014*

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Type of secondary school Type of secondary school Sig

MRSM .318
Religious Secondary School .066**
Private Secondary School 1.000
Technical School .059**
School of Sports 1.000
School of Sports National Secondary School .872
Boarding School .126
MRSM .626
Religious Secondary School .355
Private Secondary School 1.000
Technical School .307
Bestari Religion Secondary School 1.000
*p<.05; **p<.10

Krishnapillai, Kwok, Cheong, Xin, Cheong, and Lee (2016) discovered that school
characteristics, such as quality of schools, affect parents’ preferences in selecting the
secondary school for their children. Win and Miller (2005), however, argued that agreement
had not been reached on the reasons for differences in the academic performance of students
from different types of school. Marks, McMillan, and Hillman (2001) argued that students’
confidence level, schools with a more conducive learning environment, and parental
aspirations for the students’ education contribute to student achievement. Bakri, Razak,
Rahman, and Khalid (2005), on the other hand, noted five factors that lead to the poor
academic performance of students. These factors are learning techniques (e.g., poor time
management, depends entirely on lecturer lecture notes), student attitudes (e.g., they are not
ambitious and just learn to pass the examinations), communication, interest, and motivation
(e.g., less confident with the courses taken), spiritual (e.g., easy to give up with failure), and
students self-confidence (e.g., students dissatisfied with their achievements).

Funding for pursuing study in higher education colleges and universities is critical for
students, especially those who come from middle- and lower-income families. Educational
funding comes from various sources, such as government, private agencies, and even parental
income. In the present study, most of the graduates received sponsorships (85.83%) to
support themselves financially. Most sponsorships (82.83%) were from the National Higher
Education Fund Corporation, a financing scheme established by the government to provide
education financing for students in local institutions. Fifty-two graduates (14.17%), on the
other hand, did not receive any sponsorship.

Table 8: T-test - Sponsorship

Variable N Mean F Sig
CGPA .765 .365
No sponsorship 52 3.3375
With sponsorship 315 3.2984

A t-test was conducted to explore the effect of the sponsorship on academic

performance (Table 8) where participants were categorised into two groups: with sponsorship
or without sponsorship. The t-test revealed that no difference existed in terms of the academic
performance of students between the groups. Hypothesis 4 is, therefore, not supported. A
plausible reason for this finding is that good and quality students (with high CGPA screened

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at the entry requirements) would achieve high academic performance regardless of the
availability of the sponsorship. This is because they have better study habits, work harder,
and are more organised and diligent.

A review of literature has shown that many studies have supported a strong
association between family income and academic performance of their children (An, 2010;
Baliyan et al., 2012; Machebe, Ezegbe, & Onuoha, 2017). Machebe et al. (2017), for
instance, argued that greater academic achievement for a student is accomplished by those
students from families with strong financial well-being. This is because parents would be able
to provide learning materials needed by their children (Machebe et al., 2017) and support the
educational costs (An, 2010). Similarly, Baliyan et al. (2012), in their survey of students’
performance in senior secondary school mathematics in Botswana, discovered that parent’s
income level was a significant predictor of the students’ performance. Consistent with their
findings, the present study discovered a statistically significant difference between family
income and academic performance (F=3.274, p=.021) (Table 9), hence, supporting
hypothesis 5.
Table 9: ANOVA test - Family income
Variable N Mean F Sig
CGPA 3.274 .021*
No income 40 3.2690
<RM3,000 (B40) 261 3.3368
RM3,001 – RM7,000 (M40) 59 3.1905
>RM7,000 (T20) 7 3.2343

A Tukey post-hoc test revealed that the academic performance of students from B40
family was significantly different from the M40 family, but not with T20 and no income
family (Table 10). The performance of B40 students was better than M40 students. It is
important to note that more than two-thirds of the graduates covered in this study were from a
low-income family (i.e., B40 group) with a monthly income of less than RM3,000. The
finding is consistent with Adzido et al.’s (2016) study which discovered that students from
low-income families performed well in their studies.

Table 10: Post-hoc test - Family income

Family income Family income Sig
No income B40 .640
M40 .669
T20 .994
B40 No income .640
M40 .015*
T20 .858
M40 No income .669
B40 .015*
T20 .988
T20 No income .994
B40 .858
M40 .988

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International Business Education Journal Vol. 13 No. 1 (2020) 1-16


This study examined the effects of gender, ethnicity, type of secondary school, availability of
education sponsorship, and family income on academic performance of 367 undergraduate
accounting students at UUM. Academic performance was measured using the CGPA of
students in their final semester of the programme. The findings demonstrated the importance
of ethnicity, type of secondary school, and family income on academic performance.
Nevertheless, no significant difference in students’ academic performance was found based
on gender or the availability of sponsorship.

Even though this study has many interesting findings to contribute to the literature,
some features, however, limit the generalisability of these findings. First, this study has only
focused on one institution and accounting graduates. Apart from the UUM, studies examining
the same issue could be carried out across different institutions and study levels. Second, the
factors influencing students’ academic performance were limited to gender, ethnicity, type of
secondary school, sponsorship, and family income. Therefore, some variables (e.g., entry
qualification to university, CGPA for Degree entrance, and Malaysian University English
Test or MUET band scores) that may have an influence over the students’ performance in the
university were omitted. Further research examining these factors on academic performance
should be undertaken.

The study discovered that the Malay, Indian, and other students seem to lag behind
Chinese students. Further research should, therefore, be carried out to determine the factors
that could cause the difference in the performance amongst the races.

The outcome of this study could provide meaningful insight to both higher education
providers and national education ministry in facilitating accounting students to extend their
academic performance in higher institutions. The higher education providers could
potentially identify and impose appropriate intervention programmes to the accounting
students by taking into consideration selected demographic factors that are likely affecting
student’s academic performance. Identification of the intervention programmes may
concentrate on factors that potentially have a substantial influence on explaining the
performance variance amongst the accounting students. As reported in this study, factors
involving ethnicity, prior academic exposure (the type of secondary school), and family
financial status deserve special attention. Designing intervention programmes that
specifically deal with the issues concern could be crucial in realigning the students’
competencies with ever-increasing expectation in pursuing accounting programme in higher
institutions. Hence, equipping students with relevant competencies and skills could assist
them in sustaining their academic performance over the years in pursuing the accounting

This study outcomes also provide meaningful input for policy making purpose,
particularly to the Ministry of Education. The results have reported that prior education status
does affect students’ performance while undergoing their accounting programme at higher
institutions. As reported, students obtained their secondary education in national secondary
schools tend to better excel in their accounting degree programme. This would indicate that
the environment in which students had obtained their secondary education has a certain effect
in shaping the student’s characteristics, mindset, attitude, and learning style. Hence,
introducing any programmes that potentially strengthen students’ personalities and attitude
may be introduced in all types of schools. Early exposure to the students with appropriate

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International Business Education Journal Vol. 13 No. 1 (2020) 1-16

skills and techniques, as well as setting the right mindset, do help to mould the students’
ability to survive and to sustain their excellence in the higher education level.


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