Enakmen Taman Negara Pahang 1939

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No. 2 OF 1939.


An Enactment to provide for the dedication and administration of

certain land in Pahang as part of National Park.
[23rd June, 1939.] Date of
WHEREAS the Sultan of Pahang, Kelantan and Trengganu have Preamble.
declare their desire jointly to commemorate the silver jubilee
of the accession to the Throne of His Majesty King
George  by the dedication of certain lands situate in each of
the said States which shall constitute together a National Park
in perpetuity for the propagation protection and preservation of
the indigenous fauna and flora of Malaya and which shall be
known as the Taman Negara National Park:
AND WHEREAS it is expedient to make provision for the de-
dication and administration accordingly of so much of the land as is
situate in the State of Pahang.
IT is hereby enacted by His Highness the Sultan by and with the
advice and consent of the State Council as follows:

1. This Enactment may be cited as the Taman Negara National Short title.
Park ( Pahang ) Enactment 1939.

2. In this Enactment Definitions.

“animal” means any vertebrate animal and the eggs and young of
any vertebrate animals;
“National Park” means the State Park together with such other
areas in Kelantan and Terengganu as may be constituted by
Enactments in those States together to constitute the Taman Negara
National Park;
“Officer in charge of the Park” means the officer appointed by
the Trustees in accordance with the provisions of sub-section (i) of
section 6 of this Enactment to be in charge of the State Park;
“Park official” includes all officers servants and other officials
employed by the Trustees in exercise of powers conferred upon
them under sub-section (i) of section 6 and by notification in the
Gazette appointed by such Trustees to be Park officials;
“State Park” means those lands part of Taman Negara National
Park which are situate in the State of Pahang and which are
described in the First Schedule;

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“trap” means any contrivance or device or thing by means of

which any animal can be captured;
“Trustees” means the persons referred to in sub-section (ii) of
section 3 in whom the State Park is from time to time jointly
“weapon” means any firearm or ammunition therefor or any
other instrument capable of propelling a projectile or capable of
being propelled or capable of being used in such a manner that
any animal can be killed or injured thereby.

Establishment 3. (i) The State Park is hereby dedicated set aside and reserved
of State Park. in perpetuity in trust for the purposes of the propagation,
protection and preservation of the indigenous fauna and flora of
Malaya and of the preservation of objects and places of aesthetic
historical or scientific interest and shall together with any
contiguous lands dedicated set aside or reserved for similar
purpose within the State of Kelantan and Trengganu constitute
the Taman Negara National Park.
(ii) The State Park shall vest from time to time jointly in such
persons as shall be fulfilling the duties and exercising the powers
of the Sultan Pahang and the High Commissioner of the
Federated Malay States respectively who shall hold and
administer the said lands as Trustees for the purposes referred to
in sub-section (i).
(iii) No modification of the area or boundaries of or of the title
to the State Park shall be made save by an Enactment of the
Ruler of Pahang in State Councilor as is in section 4 provided
and no dealings in or dispositions of the lands constituting the
State Park shall take place or be recognized registered or
enforceable save as in section 5 provided.
(iv) For the purposes only of the provisions of section 250,
251, 252 and 255 of the Land Code the State Park shall be
deemed to be land reserved for a public purpose:
Provided however that any warrant issued under section 251 of
the Land Code in respect of any land within the State Park shall
require any police officer to whom it is addressed to take
possession of such land on behalf of the Trustees.

Amendment 4. (i) The State Councilor the application of the Trustees may
of schedule by Resolution amend the First Schedule in respect of the
boundaries of the State Park as therein set out and described
provided that such amendment is in the opinion of the Trustees
necessary or desirable in order to secure greater case of
description or demarcation of the said boundaries or greater case
in the administration of the State Park and provided that such
amendment does not result in any substantial decrease in the
total area of the State Park.
(ii) Any amendment made under sub-section (i) shall take
effect (unless the Resolution otherwise declares) on the date of
the Resolution and shall be published in the Gazette.
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5. (i) The Trustees may lease or permit the leasing use or Occupation of
land within
occupation of any land within the State Park subject to such State Park.
conditions and restrictions as they think fit to impose and for
the following purposes only:
(a) the construction and maintenance of roads;
(b) the construction and maintenance of railways and
railway buildings;
(c) the construction and maintenance of aerodromes;
(d) the construction and maintenance of dams and
(e) the construction and maintenance of hotels rest
houses dwelling houses buildings and works of
public utility where the Trustees consider these to be
necessary and in the interests of the development of
the State Park in accordance with the purposes
referred to in sub-section (i) of section 3;
(f) mining in accordance with the provisions of section 7
(ii) Any land leased by the Trustees or in respect of which
any lease use or occupation has been permitted by the Trustees
under sub-section (i) shall continue to form part of the State
Park and to be subject to the provisions of this Enactment and
of any Rules made there under save in so far as may be set out
in any condition or restriction imposed by the Trustees under
the said sub-section.
(iii) Save by virtue of any right conferred by or acquired
under or in respect of any lease or permission under sub-
section (i) or as otherwise in this Enactment provided no
person other than a Park official may reside on enter use or
occupy any land within and forming part of the State Park
without the permission of the Trustees so to do.

6. (i) The Trustees shall have full powers to administer the Trustees of
State Park and may for that purpose employ and appoint either State Park.
by name or office an officer to be known as the Officer in
charge of the Park and such other officers servants and Park
officials as they may consider necessary.
(ii) The appointment as a Park official of any person
employed by Trustees shall be notified in the Gazette.
(iii) Every officer servant or official employed by the
Trustees shall for the purpose of the Panel Code be deemed to
be a public servant and shall within the State Park have all the
power of a police constable as defined in the Criminal
Procedure Code or any other written law force.

7. (i) The State Park shall not for the purpose of the Mining General
prohibition of
Enactment or of the Land Code or of any other Enactment be mining within
deemed to be State land nor shall any mining or prospecting State Park.
operations be normally carried on within the State Park.

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(ii) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (i)

if at any time the Trustees have reason to believe that in a
particular portion of the State Park a mineral deposit exists
of such richness that it would be contrary to the interests to
the State that it should be mind the Trustees may take such
steps as may be necessary to consent to the issue under the
Mining Enactment of licenses to prospect such portion of the
State Park and if necessary for the issue thereafter of mining
certificates or mining leases in respect of the portion of the
State Park or any part of such portion of the State Park.
(iii) For the purposes of sub-section (ii) and in respect of
any portion of the State Park which is to be prospected that
Trustees shall be deemed to be the proprietors and lawful
occupiers of alienated land and in respect of any land in
respect of which any mining certificate or mining lease is to
be issued it shall be lawful for the Trustees by writing under
their hands to surrender such land to the State and any land
so surrendered shall then be deemed to be State land.
Provided that upon the termination of any rights granted
over any land within the State Park by any mining document
of title (or by any renewal thereof) by reason of forfeiture
efflux ion of time or otherwise such land shall automatically
re-vest in the Trustees to be held by them under this
Enactment and as part of the State Park.
(iv) When any mining document of title is issued in respect
of any land within the State Park the Trustees shall grant in
respect of any other portion of the State Park such right of
passage licenses or other facilities as may be necessary for
the practical exercise of the rights granted by such mining
document of title.
(v) Notwithstanding anything in any other Enactment
contained no mining certificate or mining lease shall be
issued in respect of any land surrendered under sub-section
(iii) unless such mining certificate or mining lease includes
such reasonable conditions as the Trustees may require to be
included therein order to allow them such rights of entry into
and control of such land as may be consistent with such land
being used for mining purpose and as may be necessary in
order that the Trustees may carry out the general objects of
this Enactment in respect of such land and of the State Park

Acts 8. Subject to the provisions of this Enactment and to any

prohibited Rules made hereunder, no person other than a Park official
within the
State Park
acting in the performance of this duty shall
(a) convey into the State Park or within the confines of the
State Park be in possession of any weapon explosive trap
net birdlime poison or other thing intended or calculated
to cause injury to any animal within the State Park;

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(b) convey into the State Park or within the confines of the
State Park be in possession of any implement or tool
intended or calculated for the provisions of this
Enactment or of any Rule made thereunder ;

(c) introduce any animal into the State Park or permit any
domestic animal to stray into the State Park;

(d) within the State Park disturb or take the nest of any animal
or kill injure capture or molest any animal:
Provided that any dangerous animal may be killed in
defense of human life or prevent the infliction of personal

(e) remove from the State Park any live animal or any part of
any dead animal other than an animal lawfully introduced
into the State Park;

(f) within the State Park cut destroy or damage any tree or
plant or clear break up dig or cultivate any land;

(g) remove from the State Park any tree or plant or any part of
any tree or plant.

9. (i) No person shall within the State Park willfully or Other

negligently destroy damage or deface any abject of zoological offences.
botanical geological ethnological or other scientific or aesthetic
interest or value.
(ii) No person shall destroy damage deface or remove any
notice boundary mark or other thing whatsoever the property of
the Trustees.
(iii) No person shall use occupy any building vehicle boat or
other thing the property of the Trustees except in accordance with
any permission granted by a Park official competent to grant such
permission or otherwise in accordance with the provisions of this

10. (i) The trustees may make Rules for the better carrying into Rules.
effect of the purpose of this Enactment.
(ii) In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the
foregoing power such Rules may.

(a) delegate to any Park official any of the powers and

duties of the Trustees (including the power of further

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(b) prescribe the condition under which the State Park

may be used;
(c) prohibit the doing of any particular act within the
State Park;
(d) prescribe the fees payable in respect of any particular
use of the State Park or of any thing done under this
(e) prescribe in respect of any contravention of any Rule
penalties not exceeding imprisonment for six month
or fine of five hundred dollars or in the case of a
continuing offence a fine of fifty dollars for every day
on which the offence has been committed;
(f) provide for the seizure and for the forfeiture after
conviction of any animal or other thing by means of
which or in respect of which any offence has been

(iii) Such Rules shall not take effect and come into force until
they have been confirmed or amended by Resolution of the State
Council and have thereafter been published in the Gazette.

11. Any person contravening offending against or not

complying with any provision of this Enactment or any Rule in
respect of which no specific penalty has been prescribed shall be
liable to a fine of five hundred dollars or to imprisonment for six

12. Any charge for an offence against this Enactment or

Trial and against any Rule made there under may be tried by a Court of a
composition of Magistrate of the First Class: Provided that the Trustees or any
Park official to whom they may delegate such power may in
their or his discretion compound any such offence for any sum
not exceeding the sum of twenty-five dollars.

13. (i) Any member of the police force or any Park official
generally or specially authorized by the Trustees so to do may
within the State Park or within two miles from the nearest point
on any boundary thereof arrest any person found committing any
offence against this Enactment or against any Rule made there
under or whom he may reasonably suspect to have committed
such an offence and shall as soon after such arrest as is
practicable take or send such person before a magistrate or to a
police station there to be deal with according to law:
Provide that at the request of any person so arrested such
person may in the first instance be taken before any Park official
to whom under section 12 power to compound offences

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has been delegated and if any offence committed is thereupon

compounded and the composition is paid or secured to the
satisfaction of the said Park official the person so arrested shall
be released from such arrest
(ii) So long as provisions to the like effect exist in the law of
the State of Kelantan or of the State of Terengganu respectively
if any person is known or reasonably suspected to have done in
any part of the Taman Negara National Park lying within the
State of Kelantan or within the State of Terengganu respectively
any act which if it had been done in the State of Pahang would
have constituted an offence against this Enactment or against
any Rule made there under and such person is found within or
immediately on his arrest has been brought into the State of
Pahang such person may be dealt with in all respect as if such
act had in fact been done within the State of Pahang.
(iii) So long as provisions to the like effect exist in the law of
the State of Kelantan or of the State of Terengganu respectively
any person who has done within the State of Pahang any act
which constitutes any offence against this Enactment or against
any Rule made there under and who is found within or
immediately on his arrest has been taken into the State of
Kelantan or the State of Terengganu respectively may within
that State be dealt with in all respects as if such person had in
fact done such act within such State.
(iv) A notification in the Gazette that the President satisfied
that provisions to the like effect with sub-section (ii) and (iii)
exist in the law of the State of Terengganu or of the State of
Kelantan respectively shall until cancelled be conclusive
evidence that such provisions exist as aforesaid.
Power of
14. Any member of the police force or any Park Official
generally or specially authorized by the Trustees so to do may
within the State Park or within two miles from any point on the
boundary thereof if he suspects that any baggage equipment
package container tent vehicle boat craft or place and seize any
thing therein which he requires as evidence that any such
offence has been committed.
15. Nothing in this Enactment shall prevent

(a) any Government officer from entering or being in the

State Park or from carrying arms therein in the
execution of the duties of his office; or
(b) any person from traveling through in or over the State
Park on any public road therein or in public
railway train or in any aircraft provided

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that such person does not leave the public road or the
railway line or the precincts of any railway station or
(except while being conveyed by any air craft) the
precincts of any aerodrome within the State Park; or

(c) the use of the State Park subject to any conditions that
may be imposed by the Officer in charge of the Park
by any member of any of the aboriginal tribes
specified in the Second Schedule to this Enactment.

Privileges 16. (i) If any time it is established to the satisfaction of

the Trustees that any person or community or description of
persons, living on or near the borders of the State Park had been,
immediately before the coming into force of this Enactment,
habitually in the enjoyment of any privilege of way, of fishing,
of collecting produce, or otherwise, claimed by such person or
persons in or in respect of any part of the State Park, it shall be
lawful for the Trustees by notification in the Gazette to authorize
the continued enjoyment of the privilege so claimed, for such
period of time, and subject to such conditions, as to the Trustees
shall seem fit.
(ii) The granting of any such authority shall establish, in the
person or persons to whom it is granted, no right in the nature of
property, nor shall it be evidence that any such right was
previously in existence, and any such authority may at any time
by notification in the Gazette be varied or revoked by the
Trustees, at their absolute discretion, and such variation or
revocation shall in no case give rise to any claim, compensation
or otherwise.

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