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Optical Antennas

Control Light Emission

Alberto González Curto

ICFO – Institut de Ciències Fotòniques

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Barcelona, 11 April 2013
Optical Antennas
Control Light Emission

Alberto González Curto

under the supervision of

Professor Niek F. van Hulst

submitted this thesis in partial fulfillment

of the requirements for the degree of


by the

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Barcelona, 11 April 2013
To my wife and parents.

The emission of light is at the heart of both fundamental science and

technological applications. At its origin lie electronic transitions in nanoscale
materials such as molecules, atoms and semiconductors. The interaction of light
with such single quantum emitters is inefficient because of their point-like
character. Efficient interfaces between light and nanoscale matter are therefore
Inspired by the effective communication between small electronic circuits
enabled by radio-frequency antenna technology, an emitter can be addressed
efficiently with a nanoantenna, an optical element that converts localized energy
into propagating radiation.
The control of light emission with such optical antennas is the topic of this
Thesis. By coupling an emitter to a metal antenna, the emission properties are
determined by the antenna mode in direction, transition rates, polarization, and
spectrum. In Chapter 1, we set out the basic concepts of optical antenna theory.
To couple an emitter to an antenna, it must be within its near field. In
Chapter 2, we introduce a nanofabrication method to place quantum dots on
metal nanostructures with high spatial accuracy. The resulting emitter-antenna
systems are imaged by confocal microscopy and their angular radiation patterns
directly recorded. This combination of experimental methods allows us to study
any optical antenna.
A metal wire is the canonical antenna design and the basis to understand and
construct other optical antennas. Through selective coupling of a quantum dot to
the resonant modes of a nanowire, we demonstrate in Chapter 3 that the emission
of a dipolar source can be converted controllably into higher multipolar radiation.
We describe the antenna as a standing-wave resonator for plasmons and
reproduce its emission with a multipolar expansion.

An aperture in a metal film can be regarded as the complementary structure of
a wire. In Chapter 4, we address the emission of light through a rectangular
nanoaperture as an antenna problem. We demonstrate, explicitly, that resonant
nanoslot antennas display a magnetic dipole response. Such antennas offer an
efficient interface between emitters and surface plasmons.
The excitation or detection of a dipolar emitter from the far field involves
large solid angles. To address quantum emitters efficiently, a low divergence of
their radiation patterns is needed. To this end, in Chapter 5 we develop and
realize unidirectional optical antennas. We show how the emission of a quantum
emitter is directed by multi-element Yagi-Uda and log-periodic optical antennas
and demonstrate directional operation of a single-element design based on a split-
ring resonator.
Light emission usually occurs through electric dipole transitions because
multipolar emission rates are orders of magnitude slower. In some materials,
however, multipolar optical transitions do occur. In Chapter 6, we assess through
simulations the feasibility of enhancing magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole
transitions with several realistic nanoantenna designs.
The results in this Thesis demonstrate the potential of optical antennas as
elements to control light on the nanoscale, based on radio and microwave antenna
engineering. Within this powerful paradigm, the interaction of light with
nanoscale matter can be tailored with complete flexibility.
Such a degree of control over light emission and absorption may have a
practical impact in spectroscopy, sensing, display technologies, lighting,
photovoltaics, and general optical and optoelectronic devices.


La emisión de luz radica en el corazón tanto de la ciencia fundamental como de

varias aplicaciones tecnológicas. En su origen están las transiciones electrónicas en
nanomateriales como moléculas, átomos y semiconductores. La interacción de la
luz con uno de estos emisores cuánticos es ineficiente debido a su carácter
puntual. Es necesario, por tanto, desarrollar interfaces más eficientes entre la luz
y la materia de tamaño nanoscópico.
Inspirándonos en la comunicación entre pequeños circuitos electrónicos que
permiten las antenas de radio, se puede interactuar más eficientemente con un
emisor utilizando una nanoantena como elemento óptico que convierte la energía
localizada en radiación propagante.
Esta Tesis trata sobre el control de la emisión de luz con tales antenas ópticas.
Acoplando un emisor a una antena metálica, las propiedades de la emisión pasan
a estar determinadas por el modo de la antena en dirección, tasas de transición,
polarización y espectro. En el Capítulo 1, establecemos las nociones básicas de la
teoría de antenas ópticas.
Para acoplar un emisor a una antena, éste debe encontrarse en su campo
cercano. En el Capítulo 2, presentamos un método de nanofabricación para
posicionar puntos cuánticos sobre nanoestructuras metálicas con alta resolución
espacial. Para caracterizar los sistemas emisor-antena resultantes, adquirimos
imágenes mediante microscopía confocal y medimos sus patrones angulares de
radiación. Esta combinación de métodos experimentales nos permite el estudio de
cualquier antena óptica.
El diseño canónico de una antena es un cable metálico. Es la base para
entender y construir otras antenas ópticas. Mediante acoplamiento selectivo de un
punto cuántico a los modos resonantes de un nanocable, en el Capítulo 3
demostramos que la emisión de una fuente dipolar puede ser convertida en
radiación multipolar controladamente. Describimos la antena como un resonador
de onda estacionario para plasmones y reproducimos su emisión con una
expansión multipolar.
Se puede considerar una apertura en una película metálica como la estructura
complementaria de un cable. En el Capítulo 4, tratamos la emisión de luz a través
de una apertura rectangular como un problema de antenas. Demostramos,
explícitamente, que una nano-ranura resonante posee respuesta dipolar magnética.
Estas antenas permiten una conversión eficiente entre emisores de fotones y
plasmones superficiales.
La excitación o detección de un emisor dipolar conlleva ángulos sólidos
grandes. Para abordar un emisor cuántico individual eficientemente desde el
campo lejano, se requieren patrones angulares con una baja divergencia. Con estre
fin, en el Capítulo 5 desarrollamos e implementamos antenas ópticas
unidireccionales. Demostramos cómo la emisión de un emisor cuántico puede ser
dirigida por antenas multi-elemento de Yagi-Uda y logarítmicas periódicas y
observamos direccionalidad en una antena compuesta por un único elemento con
forma de diapasón.
La emisión de luz ocurre normalmente a través de transiciones de dipolo
eléctrico porque las tasas de emisión multipolares son, por lo general, mucho más
lentas. Sin embargo, en algunos materiales se pueden observar transiciones
multipolares. En el Capítulo 6, evaluamos la posibilidad de mejorar la emisión de
transiciones dipolares magnéticas y cuadrupolares eléctricas mediante distintos
diseños realistas de antenas ópticas.
Los resultados de esta Tesis demuestran el potencial de las antenas ópticas
como elementos para el control de la luz a escalas nanométricas, basadas en la
ingeniería de antenas de radio y microondas. Dentro de este paradigma, se puede
manipular la interacción de la luz con la materia con total flexibilidad.
Tal grado de control sobre la emisión y la absorción de la luz podría tener un
gran impacto práctico en espectroscopía, sensores, pantallas, iluminación, energía
fotovoltaica y todo tipo de dispositivos ópticos y optoelectrónicos.


No man is an island, particularly in research. ICFO provided the perfect

atmosphere to “take the most” out of the institute, its people, and its science.
First and foremost, I feel very fortunate for having had Niek van Hulst as
advisor. He gave me plenty of opportunities for development, the freedom to be
right and to be wrong, sincere advice on any topic. A PhD with Niek imprints a
character: I am taking that with me.
This Thesis is the fruits of the collaboration with very bright people: Tim,
Giorgio, Martin, Mark, Marta, Ion, Radostin. Romain was almost like a second
mentor to me, a true luxury. I got so much from all of you!
Daan, Martin and Florian: this thesis would have been very different without
bouncing ideas off of you. Thanks to Richard, Riccardo, Pablo, Jana, Jan, Emilie,
Jean-Christophe, Lars, Anshuman, Gaëtan, Nicolò, Dominique, Lukasz, Klaas and
Koen for helping me always, and never without a smile.
Tremendous was the support of the ICFO units. Too many people to be
thanked individually (NanoLab, Purchasing, Mechanical Workshop, Human
Resources, Projects, Frontdesk, …).
My visit to the Brongersma group in Stanford was a truly stimulating
experience. I thank particularly Mark, Farzaneh, and Kevin. Discussions with
Rashid Zia, Javier Aizpurúa, Javier García de Abajo, Alejandro, and Ana also
enriched this Thesis.
I really enjoyed the time and the conversations with Rafa, Ramaiah, Armand,
Petru and other great people at ICFO like Sudhir, Clara or Osamu.
Finally, my family: my sisters, my parents, my wife. They made this possible.
They are my motivation to be better every passing day.
¡Gracias a todos!


Abstract ................................................................................... vii

Acknowledgments ...................................................................... xi
Contents .................................................................................. xiii

1. Optical Antennas .................................................................... 1

1.1. Nanoscale light-matter interaction ........................................... 2
1.2. Controlling light with optical antennas .................................... 4
1.3. Fundamentals of optical antennas ............................................ 8
1.4. Potential applications ............................................................. 10
2. Experimental Methods for Nanoantennas..............................13
2.1. Characterizing optical antennas ............................................. 14
2.2. Coupling an emitter to a nanoantenna ................................... 14
2.3. Imaging a nanoantenna .......................................................... 17
2.4. Measuring the angular radiation pattern of a nanoantenna ... 23
3. Nanowire Antennas for Multipolar Radiation .......................27
3.1. Introduction to nanowire antennas......................................... 28
3.2. Resonant nanowires as optical antennas ................................ 28
3.3. Multipolar radiation of a quantum dot .................................. 33
3.4. Other signatures of antenna resonances ................................. 39
3.5. Discussion and conclusions ..................................................... 42
4. Nanoslot Antennas at Magnetic Resonance ...........................43
4.1. From nanowire to nanoslot antennas ..................................... 44
4.2. Probing nanoslot modes ......................................................... 45

4.3. Characteristics of resonant nanoslot modes ............................ 49
4.4. Discussion and conclusions ..................................................... 51
5. Directional Nanoantennas .....................................................53
5.1. Directing light on the nanoscale ............................................. 54
5.2. Yagi-Uda nanoantennas ......................................................... 56
5.3. Log-Periodic nanoantennas..................................................... 63
5.4. Magneto-Electric nanoantennas.............................................. 73
6. Antenna-Enhanced Forbidden Transition Spectroscopies ......79
6.1. Multipolar transitions in spectroscopy ................................... 80
6.2. Enhancing forbidden transitions ............................................. 81
6.3. Magnetic dipole emission enhancement .................................. 83
6.4. Electric quadrupole emission enhancement ............................ 87
6.5. Conclusions............................................................................. 89

Conclusion .................................................................................91
Bibliography ..............................................................................93
List of Publications ................................................................. 109

Optical Antennas
Molecules, ions, atoms and semiconductors are emitters of light
behind core technological applications. In general, interaction with
nanoscale materials, at the single quantum emitter level is
inefficient. Thus, one of the main tasks of modern Optics is the
development of more effective optical interfaces between light and
the nanoscale. In this Chapter, we introduce the concept of a
nanoantenna as an optical element to control light on the nanoscale
based on radio and microwave antenna engineering. We describe
the main physical mechanisms that allow antennas to control light,
explaining the basic elements of optical antenna theory. Finally, we
explore the applications that can potentially benefit from the
design paradigm of optical antennas.

1. Optical Antennas

1.1. Nanoscale light-matter interaction

Light is ultimately emitted by single quantum oscillators. Electrons in single
atoms and single molecules are confined to very small volumes, to dimensions on
the order of the nanometer. Transitions between different energy states result in
the emission of photons, one by one. Both from the quantum and classical
electrodynamics perspectives, light emission can be fully described by a multipolar
expansion [1]. The electric dipole moment is usually the dominant term, as a
result of the point-like character of such quantum emitters compared to the
wavelength of light.
This simple observation has profound implications for both fundamental and
technological applications because it determines to a great extent how light
interacts with matter. First, the probability that a photon in a beam is absorbed
by a single quantum emitter is low because of the size mismatch between the
nanoscale material and the light beam. A lens can reduce the interaction volume
to the scale of the wavelength, but the diffraction limit prevents a perfect spatial
overlap. Second, the emission and absorption of a dipolar emitter follows an
angular pattern that involves fields within a wide solid angle range, isotropic on
the plane perpendicular to the dipole orientation. The electromagnetic modes of
the emitter and the propagating light beam are clearly different. Therefore, the
task of making a single photon interact with a single dipolar emitter with unity
certainty proves to be challenging.
Inside a resonator, light travels back and forth multiple times thus enhancing
the probability that a photon meets a quantum emitter. For example,
macroscopic mirror cavities are commonly used for the manipulation of atomic
gases. Two mechanisms can contribute towards enhanced light-matter interaction:
a long lifetime of the photon inside the cavity and a reduction of the mode
volume. The lifetime of a photon inside a good resonator is inversely proportional
to the spectral width of the resonance, also quantified in terms of the quality or Q
factor Q= fresonance/∆f. The interaction strength of an emitter with an optical field
is thus proportional to the ratio Q/V, where V is the modal volume.
To find an optimal combination of both contributions (Purcell effect), novel
optical elements have been developed in the past decades Single quantum emitters
have been coupled to dielectric microcavities, based on Bragg mirrors or on the
whispering gallery modes of spheres and toroids, and to cavities in photonic
crystals [2].Dielectric microcavities can attain Q values as high as 106 but they
can only focus light to the scale of the wavelength. Furthermore, their angular
radiation patterns are complex, usually with multiple lobes. Consequently,
addressing a quantum emitter coupled to these resonators is difficult from the far

1.1 Nanoscale light-matter interaction

Figure 1.1 Cavities for enhanced light-matter interaction. Different

dielectric microcavities compared to a metallic nanoantenna, showing typical
quality factors (Q) and mode volumes (V). The strength of the interaction with a
quantum emitter is approximately proportional to the ratio Q/V. For a
nanoantenna, the strong field confinement compensates the quality factor of the
resonator. Adapted from [2].

field, with low divergence fields such as plane waves or Gaussian beams. More
efficient interfaces between light and nanoscale matter are thus required.

Antennas as optical elements

Electrical engineers commonly find similar problems to interact efficiently with
electronic circuits through radiation, because a deeply sub-wavelength electronic
circuit radiates very poorly by itself. The solution, at radio and microwave
frequencies, is to couple the circuit to an emitting or receiving antenna [3].
Antenna engineers have developed a myriad of designs to link electromagnetic
waves and matter; Optics can certainly tap on this vast knowledge.
Optical antennas are the counterparts of conventional radio and microwave
antennas for frequencies in the visible regime (hundreds of THz) [4, 5]. By scaling
down geometry and wavelength around a million times, the analogy with longer
wavelength antennas becomes a useful paradigm for nanoscale light-matter
interactions. The definition of an optical antenna that we will use in this Thesis
An optical element that converts efficiently localized energy
(near field) into propagating radiation (far field), and vice versa.
Antennas provide an effective route to couple photons in and out of nanoscale
objects. They are generally resonant cavities that maximize the loss of the
contained energy through radiation instead of ohmic dissipation.

1. Optical Antennas

A critical part of this definition is the presence of a localized light source. As

such, the history of optical antennas is closely related to near-field optical
microscopy. A hole in a metal film can concentrate optical fields to sub-
diffraction-limited volumes, surpassing the capabilities of bulk optical
components. Equally, a metal nanosphere can also be regarded as a primitive
dipole optical antenna.
Miniaturization brought antennas first to the infrared regime, where they were
used to improve photodetection. Further miniaturization, requiring fabrication
accuracies of a few nanometers, enabled the use of antenna technology concepts
and designs for shorter wavelengths in the visible regime. Top-down
nanofabrication techniques, such as focused ion beam milling or electron-beam
lithography, offer control on the geometry and position of individual nanoparticles
with 10-20 nm resolution. Alternatively, bottom-up colloidal chemistry methods
provide simpler mono-crystalline structures with higher quality optical properties.
Because of their ability to strongly confine electromagnetic fields and their
efficient radiation into the far field, antennas overcome some of the drawbacks of
dielectric microcavities to address single quantum emitters. In comparison,
nanoantennas are relatively poor resonators with Q-factors lower than 100. Yet,
antennas do exhibit a sub-wavelength mode volume V. As an approximation, the
coupling strength between a quantum emitter and light is proportional to Q/V,
known as the Purcell factor. For antennas, this combination results in a high
enhancement of transition rates, competitive with microcavities with superior Q
but also larger V (Fig. 2.1).
Optical nanoantennas offer intrinsic additional advantages. A much smaller
footprint favors their integration in larger photonic devices. Importantly, the
broadband response of these resonators is an advantage for most practical room-
temperature applications, which often involve spectrally broad emitters such as
fluorescent molecules or quantum dots.

1.2. Controlling light with optical antennas

Conventional radio-frequency antennas serve a wide variety of purposes by
adopting very different shapes. To name a few, there are antennas that receive
linearly or circularly polarized waves, antennas sensitive to electric fields or to
magnetic fields, electrically small antennas or large-scale phased antenna arrays,
omnidirectional and unidirectional antennas, ultra broadband or frequency-
selective antennas. Each different goal requires a dedicated antenna design.
Similarly, one can gain control over different properties of light with an optical
antenna. The specific optimal design will depend on the desired functionality.

1.2 Controlling light with optical antennas

Such a degree of control is possible because the emission is directly controlled

in the near field. By coupling an emitter to an antenna, the emitter interacts with
radiation through the antenna mode. The properties of the emission are thus
determined by the antenna mode. The design flexibility allows a tailored light-
matter interaction. In this Section we give a brief overview of the main physical
effects that optical antennas can use to manipulate, enhance, or modify light
emission (Fig. 2.2).

Enhancement of emission and excitation rates

A basic parameter of light emission is its intensity. The amount of photons per
second limits, for example, the detection of single molecules or the possibility to
carry out certain spectroscopies on single emitters. Both excitation and emission
transition rates can be enhanced by coupling to an optical antenna, which will
have a direct effect on the observed intensity [6-8].
For an emitter based on a dipolar transition d, if the excitation power of the
local field E is far from saturation, the collected photon rate in an experiment is
given by:
I ∝ ηc η Γexc
where ηc is the collection efficiency of the detecting optical system, i.e. the
fraction of the angular radiation pattern contained within the numerical aperture;
Γexc∝|d·E|2 is the excitation rate; η = Γrad/( Γrad+ Γnon-rad) is the quantum
efficiency, i.e. the fraction of photons that are actually radiated instead of lost
through non-radiative mechanisms. The enhancement of the local field E by an
optical antenna results in a higher excitation rate and, consequently, a higher
number of emitted photons.
On the other hand, at saturation of the excitation transition, the collected
intensity does not depend any more on the excitation rate Γexc but it is
proportional to the radiative rate Γrad. The radiative lifetime of the transition then
limits the amount of photons per second that can be obtained from the emitter.
The control of Γrad becomes important, for example, to obtain single-photon
sources with maximum brightness.
Finally, a gain in intensity may be also obtained through changes in the
quantum efficiency (η), particularly for poor emitters with low intrinsic quantum
efficiency (η0, in the absence of an antenna) [9]. The antenna can increase the
quantum efficiency (external quantum efficiency, or radiation efficiency in
antenna theory) by increasing the radiative rate over both the loss rate of the
intrinsic non-radiative decay channels of the emitter and the loss rate as heat
dissipation in the antenna.

1. Optical Antennas

Figure 1.2 Control of light-matter interaction with optical antennas.

The interaction of a quantum emitter with an optical antenna leads to the
enhancement of excitation and emission rates, the control of the polarization,
directions and spectrum of emission and excitation, and a confinement of the
electromagnetic fields to sub-wavelength volumes.

The opposite is also possible, and the external quantum efficiency with an
antenna may be lower than the intrinsic one, a situation known as quenching.
Due to the rapid increase in the non-radiative rate at close proximity to a metal
surface, the distance of emitter to antenna must be controlled to be within the
optimal range of 5-12 nm [6, 7].

Control of directionality
The angular radiation pattern of an object determines how easily it can be
addressed from the far field. The radiation pattern of a quantum emitter is
typically dipolar, with angular emission covering a wide range of solid angles.
Interaction with an emitter can be made more efficient by coupling it to an
antenna with an angular pattern matching the detection or illumination angles,
directing the emission or excitation into the optical system. An increase in the
collection efficiency ηc results in a higher observed intensity.
Furthermore, emission can be converted to another, well-defined
electromagnetic mode in the far field, with properties different to the original
source. Examples include the conversion of an electric dipole emitter into a
quadrupolar source or a mode in an optical fiber.
The directionality of a radiation pattern P(θ,ϕ), where θ is the inclination
angle (latitude) and ϕ is the azimuth angle (longitude) in spherical coordinates,
can be quantified by several metrics, including:

1.2 Controlling light with optical antennas

Power density at a given angle compared to the total integrated power
distributed isotropically over all directions:
An isotropic source would have a directivity of 1, a dipole has a directivity
of 1.5, and directional antennas typically achieve values of 10-25.
To take into account not only the shape of the radiation pattern but also
the radiation efficiency, the directivity is multiplied by the quantum
Front-to-Back Ratio
Power emitted in the direction of maximum emission P(θmax, ϕmax) divided
by the power radiated in the diametrically opposite direction:
F/B= 10 log(P(θmax,ϕmax)/P(θmax+π,ϕmax)),
or F/B=10 log(P(θmax,ϕmax)/P(θmax,ϕmax+π))
if the emission is contained only in one half-space.
Beam-Width at Half-Maximum
Angular width of the main radiation lobe.

The control of the directionality and of the electromagnetic modes of optical

nanoantennas is a central topic in this Thesis.

Local field enhancement

Optical antennas allow a strong confinement of fields to sub-diffraction-limited
volumes. This spatial localization can be used to improve spatial resolution in
near-field imaging methods [10]. A higher local field results in higher excitation
and emission rates and in a more efficient coupling of emitter to antenna.

Polarization control
An optical antenna can control the polarization of the interaction, both in the far
and near fields. In the far field, the antenna mode can determine the emission or
excitation polarization [11, 12]. In the near field, it can convert an external
polarization into another local polarization of the evanescent fields. This local
conversion between polarizations also enables their use as nanoscale interfaces
between freely-propagating and guided waves of a specific polarization (e. g.,
surface plasmons or waveguide modes). In- and out-couplers to such modes can be
devised, with control of the local phase distribution.

1. Optical Antennas

Spectral control
Excitation or emission through a resonant antenna can shape the wavelength
spectrum of the interaction [13]. This interaction usually occurs in the weak-
coupling regime and the spectral response of the coupled emitter-antenna system
is given by the product of the individual spectral responses of emitter and
antenna [14]. In contrast, if the interaction strength reaches the strong-coupling
regime, emitter and antenna cannot be separated as independent entities and the
linear relation of spectral enhancement breaks down.

1.3. Fundamentals of optical antennas

Scaling down radio and microwave antenna designs for operation at shorter
wavelengths is possible in Maxwell’s equations. Material properties, however, are
not scalable, and the frequency-dependent complex dielectric function of optical
antenna materials needs to be considered. Whereas metals behave as perfect
electrical conductors at lower frequencies, they are non-perfect conductors in the
visible regime.
Importantly, noble metals support surface plasmon polaritons at optical
frequencies. Surface plasmons are collective oscillations of the free electron gas
with a concomitant electromagnetic wave bound to the material. Most optical
antennas are based on metal nanoparticles exhibiting localized surface plasmon
resonances in the visible and near infrared. Semiconductors and other materials
display plasmonic resonances at infrared and terahertz frequencies. Dielectric
optical antennas are also possible, as in conventional antenna engineering (e.g.,
dielectric resonators), but they will generally lead to less confined near fields
suitable only for specific applications.

Half-wave dipole nanoantenna

Being the canonical antenna, we introduce first the simplest resonant optical
antenna: the half-wave dipole nanowire. Metal nanowires act as one-dimensional
resonators for plasmons. They exhibit Fabry-Pérot resonances with a simple linear
relation with length. Modes of increasing resonance order are characterized by an
increasing number of longitudinal oscillations in the near field of the structure
[15]. Consecutive modes are roughly separated by one half of the effective
wavelength of the plasmon in the nanowire. Hence, the first resonance can be
named half-wave dipolar mode. It possesses a standing-wave distribution of
charges and currents, sketched in Fig. 1.3a and simulated in Fig. 1.3d.
The resonant lengths can be sensitively shorter than the free-space wavelength
due to the finite skin depth of metals in the visible regime. The reduced effective
wavelength of the plasmon along the metal nanowire is typically between 2 and 4

1.3 Fundamentals of optical antennas

Figure 1.3 Dipole nanoantenna excited by an emitter. (a)A half-wave

dipole antenna driven by an electric dipole source at one of its ends. The electric
charges and currents depict a half a sinusoidal oscillation. (b) Section of the
angular radiation pattern of an electric dipole in free space. (c) Radiated power
spectrum for gold antennas of increasing length L (height 37 nm, width 55 nm)
surrounded by air. The resonant wavelength shifts to the red for longer antennas.
(d) Electric current on the surface of a 150-nm antenna at resonance, equivalent
to the sinusoidal current sketched in a. Arrows represent Re (JE). (e, f) Electric
energy density UE, proportional to |E|2, at resonant and non-resonant wavelengths
for the same antenna. Antennas in air were simulated with the FDTD method.

times shorter than the vacuum wavelength. The slope of the linear scaling of the
resonances with length depends on material (metal dispersion and surrounding
medium) and geometrical (width and height) parameters [16, 17]. For an Au
nanowire of 55 nm of width and 37 nm of height surrounded by air, the spectrum
of emission of a dipolar emitter coupled to the nanoantenna is presented in Fig.
1.3c. For example, a 150-nm long antenna is resonant around a wavelength of 700
nm. In our experiments, antennas will be lying on a glass substrate, resulting in
an additional shortening of the resonant lengths, around 1.5 times less.
The angular radiation pattern of such an antenna is very similar to a point
electric dipole oriented along the long axis of the nanowire (Fig. 1.3b), which
draws a parallel with the resemblance of a radio-frequency λ/2 dipole antenna to
a point Hertz electric dipole [3]. The angular pattern contains then two lobes with

1. Optical Antennas

a sin(θ)2 angular dependence and rotational symmetry around the axis of the
The electric field is concentrated at the ends of the nanowire. At resonance, an
emitter excites the antenna mode efficiently from one side of the antenna; both
ends light up with comparable strength (Fig. 1.3e). Off resonance, however, the
emitter couples inefficiently to the antenna mode; the original point dipole
dominates the field distribution with a maximum at the source position (Fig.
The half-wave electric dipole antenna is a basic building block for other
antenna designs. For example, two laterally shifted antennas can form a resonant
gap antenna, further increasing the local field enhancement. An array of detuned
dipole antennas is the basis for multi-element directional antennas, such as the
popular Yagi-Uda design used in television reception. Finally, the understanding
of the fundamental resonance of a nanowire is necessary to investigate higher
order resonances in nanowires, with contributions to the emission from other
multipoles. It proves also helpful in understanding the fundamental magnetic
resonance of a nanoslot antenna, the complementary structure of a nanowire.
Consequently, the λ/2 dipole antenna will prominently feature as the starting
point of the discussion of all the Chapters in this Thesis.

1.4. Potential applications

Light is a universal tool to probe matter, to convert energy, and to transfer
information. In particular, single quantum emitters are key elements in quantum
optics as single-photon sources for quantum information technologies and also in
sensing as the ultimate limit of detection. Optical antennas enable a richer control
over light on the nanoscale in absorption, emission and scattering processes,
opening new opportunities for developing applications in a broad range of fields.
Biochemical Sensing
Fluorescence-based sensors can directly benefit from enhancements of local
fields, collection efficiency or transition rates. For example, the engineering
of the external quantum efficiency may result in the detection of
intrinsically poor emitters or labels [9]. Beaming of fluorescence can result
in lower numerical-aperture requirements for detection optics. Fluorescence
correlation spectroscopy, based on the diffusion of emitters through a focal
volume, can expand its capabilities thanks to the very small volumes
achieved with nanoantennas [18]. Single-molecule techniques could be
boosted by the integration of microfluidic platforms with optical antennas.
Antennas might also find use in photochemistry.

1.4 Potential applications

Due to their broad spectral response, metal nanoantennas are particularly
suitable for room-temperature single-molecule studies. In the tradition of
metal-enhanced spectroscopies, they can improve fluorescence, Raman,
infrared vibrational and non-linear spectroscopies.
Single-Photon Sources
Photons are quantum information carriers and nanophotonic devices could
offer a route for scalable quantum information technologies. By enhancing
transition rates and directing the emission into specific electromagnetic
modes, antennas can increase the maximum repetition rate and brightness
of single photon sources [19].
Near-Field Optics
Field localization can contribute towards optimized scanning near-field
microscopy probes for nanometer-resolution imaging and spectroscopy [10].
Furthermore, the antennas can be tailored to interact with specific
polarizations of the electric and magnetic fields.
Photodetectors and Photovoltaics
Light-harvesting and emission devices based on thin films can be improved
through the integration of optical antennas. For example, local field
enhancement can focus the incident field to weakly-absorbing materials
such as thin-film photovoltaics or graphene. In a photodetector, reducing
the active material volume [20] allows for faster speeds thanks to improved
carrier collection. Electro-optical devices in general can employ metallic
antennas also as electrodes, combining electrical and optical functionalities
Nonlinear Optics
In nonlinear optical processes, the signal scales at least quadratically with
the local field. Resonant antennas, especially gap antennas, are
particularly suited due to their field enhancement [22]. The non-linear
response of external materials can be improved. The metal itself has a
strong nonlinear susceptibility, resulting in two-photon luminescence, and
second or third harmonic generation. They might be used as localized
sources of coherent radiation.
Other Nanophotonic Components
Photonic and plasmonic circuitry can benefit from the interfacing to free-
space radiation offered by antennas. A network of optical antennas might
be more efficient for nanoscale point-to-point links than plasmonic

1. Optical Antennas

waveguides for distances beyond tens of micrometers. Other applications of

the sub-wavelength local fields around metal nanoantennas are local
heating and optical trapping of small dielectric objects.
In conclusion, optical antennas are attractive optical elements to control light-
matter interaction at the single-emitter level with nanoscale resolution in a
variety of innovative ways. In view of the possibilities and applications offered by
optical antennas, in this Thesis we develop the Optical Physics of these novel
nanophotonic components inspired by conventional Antenna Engineering.

Experimental Methods
for Nanoantennas
We introduce the experimental methods used in this Thesis for the
characterization of light emission by optical nanoantennas. Firstly,
we describe a technique to attach quantum dots to nanoantennas
at predefined positions, a very flexible approach to couple light
sources in the near field. The resulting emitter-antenna systems are
characterized by confocal photoluminescence microscopy with
polarization resolution, which allows a first quantification of the
coupling of emitter and antenna. Importantly, we describe the
angular measurement technique of back focal plane imaging for
recording angular radiation patterns of nanoscale objects. In
combination, these experimental methods are a powerful tool for
the study of any nanoantenna design, regardless of the nature of its
electromagnetic mode.

2. Experimental Methods for Nanoantennas

2.1. Characterizing optical antennas

The study of the optical properties of a single nanoscale object requires the
effective interaction of light and matter, and therefore it can be considered an
antenna problem in itself. Because of the diffraction limit to focusing, methods
based purely on far-field sources and detectors are generally inefficient. Scattering
methods include transmission and extinction spectroscopies, dark-field scattering
spectroscopy or angular scattering measurements. Strategies can be devised to
discriminate the incident and scattered fields (e.g., in polarization or in angles) to
achieve nearly background-free measurements in the far field.
Near-field characterization methods provide more information about antennas,
including spatial mode maps. There exists a plethora of techniques that use at
least one step of light-matter interaction in the near field as a contrast
mechanism. Near-field scanning microscopies image the field distribution through
localization of the detection or excitation volumes. Absorption and field
enhancement can also be mapped in the near field by the modification of a
photoactive material or by integration on a photodetector substrate. The strong
non-linear optical response of metal nanoparticles, with origin in the near field
too, can characterize antenna resonances. On the other hand,
cathodoluminescence and electron energy-loss spectroscopy use electron beams as
local probes of the density of optical states.
The purpose of an optical antenna is the efficient interfacing between the near
field and the far field (evanescent and propagating waves). Therefore, the
excitation of a nanoantenna by local light emitters is a particularly suitable
characterization method; the emitter probes the antenna and the antenna controls
the emission. The antenna dominates the interaction because of its substantially
larger cross-section and moment strength.
The general experimental procedure that we will follow in this Thesis is to
couple emitters to antennas, to locate individual antennas through confocal
microscopy and to measure the angular radiation pattern of their emission.

2.2. Coupling an emitter to a nanoantenna

Feeding photons into an optical antenna is a task that can be best accomplished
from its near field. Coupling of an emitter allows local excitation at a designated
position, as opposed to driving the entire nanostructure simultaneously from the
far field. The antenna modes that can be accessed are consequently different, with
modal symmetries that cannot be excited by plane waves.
The emitter can be any local light source of nanometric dimensions: a single
organic dye molecule, a fluorescent nanosphere, a quantum dot or well, an ion or

2.2 Coupling an emitter to a nanoantenna

atom, a color-center in a diamond nanocrystal, etc. We employ quantum dots

because of their brightness, broad excitation spectrum, and lower photo-bleaching
compared to organic fluorescent molecules.

Dynamic and static emitter positioning methods

In order to couple efficiently, the emitter and the antenna need to be closer than
30 nm. Therefore, the probability of finding an efficiently coupled system
fabricated by random deposition is limited and deterministic methods to position
the emitters are needed. There are two main approaches for driving antenna
modes with emitters from its near field: either by controlled deposition of the
emitters (static), or by scanning the antenna over the emitter or vice versa
Dynamic methods
Requiring the spatial alignment of emitter and antenna with nanometric
resolution, they generally rely on the scanning probes of near-field optical
microscopy or atomic force microscopy [6-8, 10, 19, 23, 24]. The antenna
(or the emitter) is mounted in the probe, while the other object is static on
a substrate. They offer real-time control but have a low throughput.
Alternative methods with a higher positioning uncertainty use a liquid
environment to exploit microfluidic flow control, random diffusion of
emitters, or optical trapping.
Static methods
The emitters can be permanently deposited or attached close to the
antennas, ideally at predetermined positions. In order to collocate antenna
and emitter, different methods may be used: attachment by chemical
functionalization; site-selective attachment through DNA-linking;
attachment by electrostatic forces [25-27]; positioning by vertical
templating [28]; patterning in a polymer matrix [29, 30]. These methods
can be assisted by conventional nanostructuring techniques (lithographies
or focused ion beam milling) to achieve positioning at a specific location.
In this Thesis, we use primarily surface chemistry to attach semiconductor
nanocrystals to gold nanoantennas. In some cases, it is assisted by a lithography-
defined mask for more accurate positioning. We describe next this combined

Positioning by two-step lithography and functionalization

We locally deposit quantum dots (QDs) on nanoantennas. We employ
commercially available QDs (Qdot 800 ITK amino (PEG), Invitrogen). They are
water-soluble core/shell nanocrystals (CdSeTe/ZnS) with a polyethylene glycol

2. Experimental Methods for Nanoantennas

Figure 2.1 Fabrication technique to position emitters on nanoantennas.

A combination of two steps of electron-beam lithography plus chemical
functionalization provides spatial accuracy to position quantum dots, limited only
by the resolution of the lithography.

coating. This polymer is functionalized; an amino group caps the QD surface. The
total QD diameter is expected to be below 15 nm. The QD emission is centered
around 790 nm with a full width at half maximum of 80 nm. Such long
wavelengths are attainable thanks to the use of the alloyed ternary compound
CdSeTe instead of the more usual CdSe core.
For the two lithographic steps, we employ polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA)
as a positive electronic resist, spun-cast onto a glass substrate with a 10-nm layer
of indium tin oxide (ITO). The first e-beam lithography defines the Au antennas
and alignment markers, formed by thermal evaporation of a 30-40 nm Au layer
and subsequent lift-off. The markers are used as a reference to accurately overlap
the second lithographic layer, which sets the boundaries for the formation of a
self-assembled monolayer of mercapto-undecanoic acid (MUA).
Specificity to gold is provided by the thiol groups of MUA, which physically
adsorb on the Au surface. Next, a carbodiimide (EDC) activates the carboxylic
acid terminations of MUA, so that the amino groups of the QDs can bind to them
covalently. Finally, once the QDs are deposited and immobilized, the remaining
PMMA is lifted off by rinsing in acetone with the sample in vertical orientation to
avoid sticking of undesired QDs. The process flow is summarized in Figure 2.1. As
a final result, we attain an accuracy of around 40 nm in positioning a QD patch
relative to a metal structure, given by the resolution of the lithography.
To conclude, this fabrication technique will allow us to position a few emitters
at designated positions on an arbitrary metal nanostructure. Using close to ideal

2.3 Imaging a nanoantenna

Figure 2.2 Set-up for imaging and angular measurements. Confocal

photoluminescence microscope with avalanche photodiode detectors for real-space
imaging and with a CCD camera for Fourier-space imaging. Different
configurations depend on the position of Tube Lens 1 (in: conoscope to the left;
out: confocal to the right) and the Achromat Pair (in: Fourier image in red; out:
wide-field image in green). The left inset shows the structure of a back focal plane
image, indicating critical and numerical aperture angles. The right inset shows a
typical confocal image of single emitters with random polarizations (colors).

point sources, this method is a very powerful tool for the study of optical

2.3. Imaging a nanoantenna

The first step to study the characteristics of a single antenna and to assess the
reliability of the positioning method is to image the fabricated samples. Confocal
photoluminescence microscopy with single-photon counters lets us locate
individual antennas within an array and analyze their polarization and time-
dependent signal, also with the possibility of studying photon statistics (anti-
bunching and lifetime). The set-up is based on a Zeiss Axiovert 200 microscope
with piezoelectric scanning of the sample with respect to the confocal volume.
This confocal microscope has three detection branches for luminescence
imaging, angular detection and spectroscopy, respectively, all with single-emitter
detection capability. A high-NA oil immersion objective (Zeiss, α Plan-
Apochromat 100x/1.46 NA) is essential for efficient emission collection and as the

2. Experimental Methods for Nanoantennas

Figure 2.3 Reliability and reproducibility of the fabrication technique.

Confocal photoluminescence microscopy images of arrays of antennas demonstrate
that QDs can be selectively coupled at designated positions. Wire-shaped
antennas (length L) with emitters positioned inside the red patches (size P) were
fabricated using the two-step lithography method. In the upper right image, the
areas of the three alignment markers for the second lithographic step are clearly
visible at the corners. Images are color-coded for polarization (see Fig. 2.2).

basis for angular detection. The sample is excited by a circularly polarized He-Ne
laser beam (λ=633 nm), with a power of a few µW after reflection on a long-pass
dichroic mirror. The laser is focused to the diffraction limit in order to address
one antenna at a time. The resulting luminescence is separated from the
excitation wavelength with a long-pass filter. For alignment of the optical system,
we use small clusters of quantum dots or dye-loaded fluorescent nanospheres.

Polarization analysis
The confocal signal is split by a polarizing beam-splitter cube onto two detection
channels with avalanche photodiodes (Perkin Elmer, SPCM-AQR-14 and 16). The

2.3 Imaging a nanoantenna

Figure 2.4 Further direct evidence of the accuracy of the quantum-dot

positioning technique. (a) Nanowire antennas longer than the diffraction limit
confirm by direct visualization that the emitters can be positioned at the end (top
image) or at the center (bottom image) of the antenna. The images are saturated
in intensity to better appreciate the spatial features of the polarization. Notice the
dimmer polarized emission at the distal end of some antennas. When the emitter
is placed one end, indirect excitation through the wire results in more polarized
emission at the other end due to a lower uncoupled emission contribution. When
the emitter is placed at the center, the image is symmetric. (b) Nanowire
antennas smaller than the diffraction limit. A direct comparison of intensities for
QDs at the end or at the center of a dipolar antenna, for which local fields and
coupling are higher at the ends, demonstrates that the emitters can be positioned
with the accuracy of the electron beam resolution. The length of the antennas (L)
and the size of the predefined QD patch (P) are indicated below each image.

confocal aperture size is given by the area of the detectors. The two polarization
channels enable polarization-resolved imaging; by calculating the degree of linear
polarization DOLP=(I║-I⊥)/(I║+I⊥), we represent the polarization anisotropy of
the emission, where I║ is the counts detected in the vertical polarization (parallel
to the long axis of a linear antenna). The DOLP is one of the Stokes parameters
that parameterize the polarization of light.
The images can be color-coded for degree of linear polarization, with
brightness for each pixel proportional to the number of counts. Red (green) color
represents vertical (horizontal) linear polarization, whereas yellow may be
unpolarized emission or any polarization with a 45° degree projection on the
image plane. The two APD signals are calibrated to account for differences in the
quantum efficiencies of both detectors and for polarization by the optical elements
(e. g., induced by the dichroic mirror upon oblique reflection/transmission).
Coupling of an emitter to an antenna can lead to a complete modification of
the polarization. The change in polarization (color) is evident in Figures 2.3, 2.4

2. Experimental Methods for Nanoantennas

Figure 2.5 Deposition of emitters without using the positioning

technique. If the double lithography technique is not used, a sizeable
background signal arising from QDs not coupled to the antennas is detected,
making it difficult to study the nanoantenna emission.

and 2.5. These images are conclusive proof of the ability of our double lithography
technique to attach emitters to the antennas deterministically.
On the other hand, for a quantitative comparison of simulations with
experimental polarization measurements, the calculated emitted fields must be
also propagated through the confocal imaging system using the angular spectrum
representation [31] [32]. The use of a high numerical aperture objective (non-
paraxial imaging) for a linearly polarized nanoscale source (dipole) results in
additional polarization components in the image plane. As a consequence, the
highest value of DOLP that can be measured with our system is 0.9, even for a
linearly polarized point source with nominal DOLP=1.

Number of emitters per antenna

The number of emitters attached to an antenna using the double lithography
technique depends both on the area opened by the second lithography and the
concentration of the QD solution, as shown in Fig. 2.3 (bottom right). For the
antennas in Chapters 3 and 5, where this technique is employed, we opt for a size
of the QD patch of 60 nm as a trade-off between low number of emitters and
homogeneity of the sample. Based on the confocal imaging of individual antennas,
time-resolved single-photon counting techniques allow an estimation of the
number of QDs per antenna.
Intensity time traces show blinking behavior characteristic of single quantum
emitters (Fig. 2.6); a telegraphic on/off signal due to the temporary passage of the
exciton to a non-emitting state [33, 34]. Jumps in the number of detected counts
are also manifest in scanning confocal images, as dark lines inside some antennas

2.3 Imaging a nanoantenna

Figure 2.6 Blinking in the emission of emitter-antenna systems. Examples

of luminescence time traces of antennas fabricated with the double lithography
method with possibly one QD (red), two QDs (green), and three QDs (blue).
Gray horizontal lines are guides to the eye for possible intensity levels. The
timebin is 25 ms.

along the scanning direction (e.g., in Figures 3.2 and 5.1). The non-radiative
mechanisms that have been suggested to produce intermittency in emission [33]
are based on the ionization of the QD or the existence of surface trap states. In
our experiments, several factors might influence blinking simultaneously: the
metal nanoparticle [35, 36]; the ITO substrate [37]; excitation power, rapid aging

2. Experimental Methods for Nanoantennas

Figure 2.7 Non-classical photon statistics of emitter-antenna systems.

(a) Photon anti-bunching measurements comparing the inter-photon delay of
single photons emitted mostly by a single quantum dot on glass (black) and
coupled to a dipolar antenna (red). Single photon emission is evidenced by a dip
below 0.5 in coincidences. The total accumulation time was 50 minutes. Higher
transition rates (narrower anti-bunching dip) are due to resonant coupling to the
antenna. (b) Examples of antennas with more than one QD. The levels in
coincidences indicate ranges of numbers of ideal single emitters. The time
resolution was 1.184 ns. Background contributions to the coincidences were not

under ambient conditions, and functionalization involving thiol groups [38] and
Photon anti-bunching measurements directly reveal non-classical light emission
by the antennas. By using a non-polarizing beam-splitter instead of a polarizing
cube, we turn our microscope into a Hanbury Brown and Twiss set-up to record
the correlated arrival times of pairs of photons. The dip in photon coincidences
around zero inter-photon delay time (Fig. 2.7a) is characteristic of single photon
emission [39-41], confirming that as few as a single quantum dot can be attached
to an antenna.
For N perfect single-photon emitters, the normalized coincidence rate at zero
delay follows the dependence 1 - 1/N. As seen in the case of a QD without
antenna, our QDs are not ideal single-photon sources because bi-excitons provide
a non-negligible probability of emitting two photons simultaneously. Furthermore,
luminescence of the antennas themselves also contributes background photons.
The finite temporal resolution around zero delay also increases the observed
coincidences above zero.

2.4 Measuring the angular radiation pattern of a nanoantenna

Yet, the coincidences remain under 0.5, demonstrating that most photons
come from a single quantum emitter. For a better contrast in single-photon
emission, other emitters with lower bi-exciton rates or other antenna materials
with lower autoluminescence might be used. Other examples of antennas with
photons arising mostly from 2, 3 and 4 QDs are shown in Fig. 2.7b. In all cases,
coupling to the antenna increases transition rates (radiative, non-radiative and
excitation rates) resulting in a narrower dip than for a single QD on bare glass
(black line).
To conclude, we find thanks to these photon-counting measurements that the
number of QDs coupled to each antenna is usually between 1 and 3, with a most
frequent value of 2 or 3, when the combination of two steps of lithography and
chemical functionalization is used.

2.4. Measuring the angular radiation pattern of a

Polarization-resolved imaging of nanoantennas allows us to point to individual
antennas for further characterization. In general, polarization measurements alone
do not give access to all the available information in the emission of an antenna
(e.g., asymmetric radiation patterns or multipolar nature of the emission).
Therefore, angular detection complements and expands the study of optical
antennas. Several methods exist for the angular characterization of nanoscale
objects. For example, defocused imaging provides mixed information between real
and reciprocal spaces by imaging an object through an optical system slightly out
of focus. Scanning-angle detection (a point-like photodetector mounted on a
goniometer) is suitable for intense signals.
In this Thesis, we employ the technique of back focal plane imaging, also
known as conoscopy, to record directly in one shot the angular radiation patterns
of dim nanoscale emitters (Fig. 2.2). This technique is used, amongst others, in
the display industry to quantify the brightness at different viewing angles. In
nano-optics, it has been used to determine the orientation of single molecules [42]
and to observe surface plasmons in leakage radiation microscopy [43-45]. We will
image the intensity distribution on the back focal plane (BFP) of an oil-
immersion high numerical aperture objective (Zeiss α Plan-Apochromat 100x,
1.46) onto an electron-multiplying CCD camera (Andor, iXonEM+ 897). This
plane contains the Fourier-space image of the object plane, namely the directions
of emission. The signal is typically distributed over 120x120 pixels and
accumulated for more than 20 s.

2. Experimental Methods for Nanoantennas

Figure 2.8 Angular emission of single emitters without antennas.

Radiation patterns as recorded in the back focal plane of an oil-immersion
microscope objective with a glass substrate. (a) A single molecule in a thin
PMMA film. (b) A single quantum dot in PMMA. The inset shows an analysis of
the polarization of the BFP image with a linear polarizer along the arrow
direction. In all BFP images, individual pixels are shown directly as measured
without any interpolation. The single-molecule image was binned 4 times during
acquisition to compensate for a weaker signal.

The coordinates and power density of the emission as recorded on the BFP are
related to the angular radiation pattern (power density per unit solid angle) by a
projection given by the design of the microscope objective [46]. To assess the
particular relation followed by our objective, we used several diffraction gratings
to calibrate the k-space images with the known angles of the diffraction grating
orders. We found that our objective satisfies the sine condition [46], that is to say,
the coordinates on a BFP image (radius R) are related to the inclination angle (θ)
between the optical axis and the wave vector by the relation R(pixel)=K sinθ,
where K is a calibration constant related to the magnification of the imaging
system. The intensity on the back focal plane of the objective (k-space) is related
to the angular pattern by I(θ,ϕ)=IBFP(kx, ky) cos(θ), where kx=K R sin(θ) cos(ϕ)
and ky=K R sin(θ) sin(ϕ). The cosine factor is an apodization factor introduced
for conservation of energy, to account for the different solid angles covered by the
area of a pixel at different BFP positions. When comparing our experimental
results to simulations, we discard the last few pixels of the BFP image because
transmission goes down gradually near the numerical aperture.

Emitters without nanoantennas

We excite and detect emitters on a substrate, one at a time, with a focused beam.
As a reference for the antennas in the rest of this Thesis, we assess first the
characteristics of emitters in the absence of antenna structures.

2.4 Measuring the angular radiation pattern of a nanoantenna

The radiation patterns as obtained in the BFP for a single molecule (DNQDI)
in a thin PMMA film and a single QD embedded in a thin PMMA film are shown
in Fig. 2.8. In all k-space images, we observe two distinct circles: the maximum
collection angle of our objective (θNA=72.8°) and the critical angle of a glass-air
interface (θcrit=41.1°). Most of the radiation is emitted towards the substrate and
it is contained between the critical angle and the numerical aperture angle. In the
case of a single molecule (Fig. 2.8a), the anisotropic pattern of a single electric
dipole with two lobes can be clearly identified [42].
Our QDs exhibit a degenerate transition dipole moment oriented almost
isotropically on a “bright” plane [47-51], originating in the crystalline structure
and shape of the semiconductor nanocrystals. As a result, the radiation pattern of
even a single QD is nearly isotropic in the azimuthal angle ϕ, and its emission is
approximately unpolarized (Fig. 2.5). We find only minor differences between the
patterns of different QDs, and their emission can be described by a superposition
of in-plane electric dipoles. This observation is confirmed when a linear polarizer
is used to analyze the QD angular pattern (insets in Fig. 2.8b); the patterns then
resemble two single, linear electric dipoles, as for the single molecule case.
Finally, to understand intuitively why the radiation pattern of a dipolar source
peaks at the critical angle, we note that the fields of a point source contain
evanescent components. Emission at angles beyond the critical angle arises from
these fields [52]. Snell’s law must be used to propagate the fields of a dipole from
air into the dielectric; a plane wave is refracted at the critical angle for an
incidence angle of 90°, and higher angles of refraction can only be obtained with
imaginary angles out of the plane-wave angular spectrum. By bringing the source
close to a dielectric interface, the evanescent fields can be funneled to the far field.
This situation is reciprocal to the excitation of evanescent fields under total
internal reflection.

Nanowire Antennas for
Multipolar Radiation
We demonstrate controlled emission of a quantum emitter into
multipolar radiation through selective coupling to a linear nanowire
antenna. In general, multipolar transitions other than electric
dipoles are too weak to be observed at optical frequencies in single
emitters such as fluorescent molecules and quantum dots, because
they have dimensions much smaller than the wavelength of light.
Therefore, they emit predominantly as point electric dipoles. In this
Chapter, an antenna resonance tailors the interaction of a quantum
dot with light, effectively creating a hybrid nanoscale source
beyond the simple Hertz dipole. Our findings establish a basis for
the controlled driving of fundamental modes in nanoantennas and
metamaterials, for the understanding of the coupling of quantum
emitters to nanophotonic devices such as waveguides and
nanolasers, and for the development of innovative quantum nano-
optics components.

3. Nanowire Antennas for Multipolar Radiation

3.1. Introduction to nanowire antennas

Optical antennas offer new possibilities to tailor the interaction of light with
nanoscale matter [4, 53]. Emission and absorption can be controlled by near-field
coupling to a properly designed antenna, with the properties of the interaction
determined by the antenna mode instead of the original emitter. Nanoantennas
based on dipolar resonances have been exploited to improve single-molecule
detection [6], brighten single-photon sources [9, 19] or direct fluorescence [54].
Ultimately, having access to all possible multipolar terms in the field
expansion, beyond the dipole, provides complete control over optical fields to
exploit all the degrees of freedom of the three-dimensional, vectorial,
electromagnetic field. Such control will allow engineering electromagnetic
parameters like the phase, the polarization state, the directions of radiation and
the orbital angular momentum of light. Additionally, the efficient coupling of an
emitter to an arbitrary nanophotonic mode with subradiant or superradiant
character can be desirable for applications in sensing or plasmon-based nanolasers.
In this Chapter, we demonstrate multipolar radiation of single quantum dots
by coupling to multipolar resonances of nanowire antennas of increasing length,
with alternating symmetry and multipole parity. The measured angular patterns
and polarization states are reproduced by a one-dimensional model, and the
underlying nature of the resonances is revealed by a multipolar expansion,
showing controlled dipolar, quadrupolar, octupolar and higher multipolar
character in the photon emission.
These results provide a first deterministic realization of the resonant
interaction of quantum emitters with a variety of nanowire antenna modes of
even and odd symmetries, which are fundamental building blocks in nano and
quantum optics.

3.2. Resonant nanowires as optical antennas

Most optical antenna designs are based on short metal nanowires. Longer
nanowires act as waveguides for surface plasmons [55] and coupling of quantum
emitters to them results in confined transport of the emitted photons [56, 57]. In
contrast, the aim of an optical antenna is to maximize the power radiated by
emitters to the far field into well-defined modes of the light field.
Nanowire antennas are an ideal platform to explore photon emission beyond
usual electric dipole radiation thanks to the higher-order resonances that they
support. These resonances have been studied using various techniques, mainly
capitalizing on spatial mapping through different near-field contrast mechanisms

3.2 Resonant nanowires as optical antennas

Figure 3.1 Single quantum dots coupled to multipolar nanowire antenna

modes. a-b, A quantum dot is positioned at the end of a metal nanowire. The
first two resonant modes have opposite symmetries in surface charge distribution
and current along the antenna. Charge signs and current magnitudes are
sketched. c-d, Angular radiation patterns of point electric dipole and quadrupole
oriented parallel to the antenna above a glass substrate. Both patterns differ in
direction and width of the lobes, with most radiation emitted into the substrate.
The emission wavelength is 800 nm and the emitters are 15 nm above the
substrate. e, Section of the angular patterns in free space of longitudinal
multipoles oriented along the direction of the antennas.

such as near-field scanning probe microscopy, cathodoluminescence, electron

energy-loss spectroscopy, and photocurrent imaging [58-68].

Nanowires as surface plasmon resonators

Intuitively, nanowires can be regarded as cavities for surface plasmons; at
resonance, the oscillating surface charge and current distributions along the
nanowire display stationary nodes of a standing-wave [15, 16, 69-71].
We model a nanowire as a one-dimensional resonator. We label the order of
the different resonances with j, indicating the approximate number of half-
wavelengths contained in the resonator or, equivalently, the current maxima
along the antenna (Figures 3.1a and b). A nanowire can then be parameterized
with the following values [70]:
– the wavelength of the plasmon propagating along the wire, λSP,
related for a given mode to the effective refractive index;
– the losses on propagation, ki;
– the reflectivity at the ends of the wire, r;
– the phase picked up on reflection at the ends of the wire, φ.

3. Nanowire Antennas for Multipolar Radiation

In other words, plasmons travel along the antenna (length L) with complex wave
vector k and are reflected at the antenna ends with complex reflection coefficient
r=|r|eiφ. The plasmon propagating along the antenna has a wavelength λSP
(Re(k)=2π/λSP) and losses determined by Im(k)=ki.
Resonances are found at lengths that satisfy the condition Ln = λSP/2 (n-φ/π),
where n is a positive integer. These parameters are retrieved by fitting to
experimental results in polarization and angular measurements. This model
describes the emission of the antenna mode alone, regardless of the number of
emitters coupled to it, and does not include possible contributions of emission
that is not coupled to the antenna mode. Note that the presence of the
semiconductor nanocrystals will slightly perturb the antenna parameters.
The emission properties of these modes and their near-field interaction with
quantum emitters are governed by the symmetry and spatial distribution of the
characteristic currents for each mode. For example, the lowest order mode, j=1,
has odd charge symmetry (Figure 3.1a) and its current distribution creates a
dipole source. The j=2 mode has even symmetry, with a zero net dipole moment,
and resembles a longitudinal quadrupole. Hence, j=1 corresponds to a half-wave
dipole antenna, whereas j=2 is a full-wave, end-fed quadrupole antenna. As a first
approximation, we expect that the angular radiation patterns of these two lowest
order antenna modes are point dipoles and point quadrupoles (Figures 3.1c and d
for an antenna on a glass substrate and Figure 3.1e for free space).

Coupling a quantum dot to a nanowire antenna

Each resonance can be locally driven at points where the coupling between
quantum emitter and antenna is efficient. The electric mode density is high at the
ends of a nanowire regardless of the symmetry of the resonant mode. Therefore, a
point source (electric dipole) at the end of a nanowire couples to all possible
resonant modes, breaking the symmetry that might prevent access by far-field
illumination, and encompassing both sub- and super-radiant modes irrespective of
symmetry [70, 72]. Our approach to drive antennas locally relies on positioning
colloidal quantum dots (QDs) with nanometer accuracy at the end of each
nanowire through a combination of two steps of electron beam lithography and
chemical functionalization, as explained in Section 2.2. With our method, we
obtain arrays of antennas with typically one to three QDs per antenna at a
predefined position.

Polarization of nanowire antenna emission

First, we identify the resonant antenna lengths from the change of polarization of
the emission [12] of QDs when coupled to nanowires of increasing length. To this

3.2 Resonant nanowires as optical antennas

Figure 3.2 The emission becomes polarized by coupling to different

nanowire antenna modes. a, Geometric configuration of the sample. b,
Scanning electron microscopy image of an array of antennas. c, Scanning confocal
luminescence microscopy image of arrays of identical antennas with increasing
length, demonstrating a decreasing degree of linear polarization along the
antennas. The polarization is colour-coded into the image, with red being the
polarization along the antenna.

end, we record confocal photoluminescence images of arrays of identical antennas

with lengths from 60 to 900 nm (Figure 3.2). The emission is detected in two
polarization channels, parallel and perpendicular to the long axis of the wires,
with signals I║ and I⊥ , respectively. The polarization of the emission depends on
the mode of the antenna, evolving from linear polarization along the antenna to
unpolarized emission for increasing order resonances. For quantitative analysis, we
define the degree of linear polarization DOLP = (I║-I⊥)/(I║+I⊥). By taking
statistics over approximately 200 antennas per length, we observe clear
oscillations in polarization degree as a function of antenna length, on and off
resonance (Figure 3.3).
Yet, linearly polarized emission along the antenna, with constant DOLP ≈1, is
expected for an oscillating current on a line and predicted by our resonator model
even off resonance (Figure 3.3c). The observed oscillations in polarization are due
to partial coupling of the QDs to the antennas, namely, a fraction of the emission
does not interact with the antenna mode. This fraction of the radiation results in
depolarization. The relative weight of the contributions of antenna emission and
uncoupled background to the total polarization varies as the antenna is tuned to
resonance with the QD emission. The resonances in polarization are thus
attributed to the resonant modes j, and indicate the best overlap between antenna
mode and the luminescence spectrum of the QD, centered around 800 nm.

3. Nanowire Antennas for Multipolar Radiation

Figure 3.3 Polarization oscillations map the resonant modes of antennas

of increasing length. a, b, Histograms and statistical analysis of linear
polarization measurements taken over approximately 200 antennas per length
shows oscillations of the polarization on and off resonance. Vertical gray lines in b
indicate the standard deviation around the average polarization. Green squares
identify the individual antennas studied in detail in the next figures. c, The 1D-
resonator model predicts a linear polarization close to unity and, consequently,
unpolarized contributions were added to the model to describe the oscillations
with a fit to the average polarization (blue line in b).

λSP (nm) ki /k0 φ λSP/2π (nm) |r|

313±3 0.150±0.025 34±2 0.7±0.03

Table 3.1 Antenna parameters retrieved by fitting the polarization

measurements with a 1D-resonator model. These values, that reproduce
the results as a blue line in Figure 3.3b, represent an equivalent average
antenna, with losses (ki) and reflectivity (|r|), that is inhomogeneously
broadened and does not represent the quality of individual antennas. The
wavelength in vacuum of the emission is λ0=800 nm.

3.3 Multipolar radiation of a quantum dot

After taking into account this partial coupling of QDs to the antenna mode,
our one-dimensional cavity model reproduces the observed oscillations in average
polarization with a fit (Figure 3.3b, blue line) based on a superposition of the
theoretical antenna emission plus an incoherent sum of two perpendicular
polarizations describing uncoupled emission. The antenna parameters retrieved by
fitting to the average polarization are presented in Table 3.1.
The average polarization decreases for increasing order of modes because the
resonances are damped due to dissipation, resulting in a lower coupling efficiency.
This average represents the inhomogeneously broadened distribution of antennas
in the arrays, similarly to the broadened spectrum of an ensemble of molecules.
Individual antennas exhibiting higher degrees of polarization are singled out from
this ensemble (squares in Figure 3.3b). We focus next on these individual cases,
where the emitter-antenna coupling is stronger.

3.3. Multipolar radiation of a quantum dot

Polarization alone does not allow identification of the resonance order or
multipolar character of the emission. For a detailed understanding of resonant
antenna modes and their coupling to QDs, we turn to angular radiation patterns
[70, 73] for selected QD-antenna systems, which will ultimately lead us to a
quantitative demonstration of multipolar radiation.

Angular radiation patterns of nanowire antennas

The antennas lie on a glass substrate, which affects the angular radiation patterns
by funneling and projecting most of the emission into the substrate half-space,
especially above the critical angle of the air-glass interface. As a result, the
radiation pattern of a point multipole on a substrate (Figures 3.1c and d) differs
from what is expected in free space (Figures 3.1e). Fourier images of single
antennas contain the directions of emission of the coupled system into the
For off-resonance lengths, similarly to the absence of polarization, the
quantum dot angular emission is hardly affected by the antenna and the pattern
is rotationally symmetric (Figure 3.4a).
At resonance, the angular pattern becomes dominated by the antenna mode.
For the j=1 resonance, the emission represents a linear dipole along the antenna
(Figure 3.4c); the planar degeneracy in transition dipole moment of our
semiconductor nanocrystals (Figure 3.4a) [47, 51] is lifted by coupling to the
antenna mode. The antenna pattern is almost identical to a point electric dipole,
inasmuch as conventional half-wave dipole antennas are almost point Hertz

3. Nanowire Antennas for Multipolar Radiation

Figure 3.4 Multipolar angular radiation patterns of quantum dots

coupled to antennas of increasing resonance order. Fourier-space images
recorded in the back focal plane of the microscope objective. b, Schematic of an
angular pattern highlighting the critical angle of the glass-air interface and the
numerical aperture of the objective (maximum collection angle). The orientation
of the antenna and the relative position of the quantum dot are superimposed. a,
Reference structure: quantum dot on an off-resonance 60-nm square. c-h,
Experimental patterns of the first 6 resonant antenna modes. The first four
antennas are the individual antennas marked in Figure 3.3. i-n, The patterns are
reproduced with the analytical resonator model, including a rotationally
symmetric background. The left and right columns group together odd and even
modes respectively, with opposite angular symmetries.

3.3 Multipolar radiation of a quantum dot

The j=2 resonance has even charge symmetry and its radiation pattern is
oriented perpendicular to the first mode (Figure 3.4d), corresponding to a linear
or longitudinal quadrupole. Due to their opposite symmetry, the central
horizontal maximum in the emission of the dipole becomes a minimum in the
emission of the quadrupole, despite their equally parallel polarization along the
antenna. This is a clear illustration of the non-equivalence of polarization and
angular measurements; in general, the observation of a polarization cannot be
attributed to a single antenna mode with a characteristic angular pattern.
The third order resonance has the symmetry of the half-wave dipole antenna
but its lobes are now narrower (Figure 3.4e), a characteristic of higher multipoles.
For increasing order modes additional lobes appear, with alternating symmetry
and positions of minima and maxima. Related patterns have been measured
recently in the electroluminescence, cathodoluminescence and far-field scattering
of antennas of different resonant orders [21, 65, 74] and in the emission of
photonic crystal cavities [75]. The sharp features of our patterns gradually wash
out for higher order resonances due to a lower coupling, which results in a
rotationally symmetric background added to the pure antenna modes. For longer
wires [55, 57, 71], several resonances start overlapping within the luminescence
spectrum of the QD, and a band pass filter was used to select the central part of
the emission spectrum for j=5 and j=6 to improve the contrast (Figures 3.4g-h).
The j=2 resonance illustrates the physics involved. This antenna efficiently
converts the emission of a dipolar transition (QD) into quadrupolar radiation by
coupling to the optical antenna. Its angular pattern consists of two broad lobes
directed along the antenna and resembles the pattern of a point quadrupole on
glass (Figure 3.1d). The coupling of a dipole transition to a quadrupolar mode is
possible because the placement of the QD at the end of the antenna breaks the
inversion symmetry of the QD-antenna system. Because the total antenna length
(260 nm) is on the order of half the wavelength, the j=2 mode radiates effectively
[70]. It is therefore neither sub-radiant nor dark, despite its even charge
symmetry. For antennas, multipolar moments are not necessarily small and, for
antenna dimensions on the order of the wavelength, the radiant character of the
mode is independent of its multipolar nature.
Multipolar and dipolar antenna modes radiate with a comparable rate, in
contrast to multipolar transitions in small quantum emitters such as molecules,
quantum dots or ions, which are usually several orders of magnitude slower in
radiative rates than dipolar transitions. Indeed, the ratios of average detected
luminescence per antenna for the different modes are Ij=1: Ij=2: Ij=3: Ij=4 = 1: 0.4:
0.25: 0.3, with oscillations in radiated power following those of the polarization
response in Figure 3.3b. In absolute terms, the average count rate for the dipolar

3. Nanowire Antennas for Multipolar Radiation

resonance (Ij=1) is 135 kCounts per ms for an excitation power density of 1.08 kW
cm2. A QD coupled to the j=2 mode thus provides a novel nanoscale system: a
bright single quantum emitter that interacts with light as a quadrupole.

1D-resonator model of angular radiation patterns

To assess the strength of the coupling of the QDs to the antennas, we compare
the experimental angular patterns to our 1D analytical model in Figures 3.4i to
3.4n. The experimental results fit accurately to a sum of the theoretical antenna
emission pattern, i.e. pure antenna mode, plus an incoherent background
consisting of two equal in-plane dipoles. The relative weights of the antenna mode
and the uncoupled background give a measure for the effectiveness of the coupling
of the QD to the antenna mode. We find through such a fitting that the fraction
of the emitted power corresponding to the antenna mode is 90% and 60% for the
first two resonances j=1 and j=2, respectively, denoting high coupling efficiencies
between the QD and the plasmon mode of the antenna. The coupling is stronger
than for longer nanowires [56, 57] due to enhancement by the antenna resonances.
For an electric dipole at one of the ends of the antenna (position y=-L/2),
with the origin chosen at the center of the antenna and the antenna axis oriented
along y, the current distribution along the antenna is related to the plasmon
wavevector k by [70]:

From this current distribution, we obtain the emitted field as:

where kx and ky are the projections of the wave vector (of magnitude k0) of the
emitted radiation along the in-plane x and y coordinates, and E0(kx, ky) is the
electric field emitted by a y-oriented electric dipole above an air-glass interface
[76]. This dipole is situated 15 nm away from the interface on the air side, at half
the experimental antenna height of 30 nm.
The radiation pattern of each individual antenna was reproduced using a least-
squares linear fit to find the optimal weights of the antenna mode and the
uncoupled background for different sets of antenna parameters (see Section 3.1 for
definitions). We found the best fit to the individual antennas for the values of
antenna parameters summarized in Table 3.2. The parameters related to the
losses and the reflectivity of these individual antennas have a better quality than
the inhomogeneously broadened average antenna obtained from polarization
measurements in Table 3.1.

3.3 Multipolar radiation of a quantum dot

j λSP (nm) ki /k0 φ λSP/2π (nm) |r| R2

(mode) (fit quality)
1 280±10 0.01±0.03 32±2 1±0.05 0.980
2 250±10 0.04±0.03 32±2 1±0.05 0.987
3 280±10 0.04±0.03 32±2 1±0.05 0.982
4 330±10 0.01±0.03 32±2 1±0.05 0.967
5 330±10 0.08±0.02 32±2 1±0.05 0.976
6 310±10 0.08±0.02 32±2 1±0.05 0.971

Table 3.2 Antenna parameters retrieved by fitting the angular patterns

of individual antennas with a 1D-resonator model. To ease the
computational burden of the calculation, antenna radiation patterns were
calculated only once for a set of combinations of antenna parameters. A linear
fit was calculated for each set, and the best fit is shown in this Table. The
uncertainties in the antenna parameters are given by the spacing between
consecutive steps in the exploration of antenna parameter space.

Multipolar expansion of angular radiation patterns

To describe the nature of these radiating modes, we reproduce their angular
patterns with a point multipolar expansion [77], conclusively demonstrating
multipolar radiation of otherwise dipolar quantum emitters (Figure 3.5). An
oscillating distribution of charge on a wire generates propagating electromagnetic
fields that can be decomposed in axial multipoles oriented along the antenna.
Since magnetic multipoles vanish for line sources, we fit our experimental results
of individual antennas with a coherent superposition of electric multipoles (l) near
a dielectric interface with complex coefficients al. In our calculations we use the
angular spectrum representation based on vector spherical harmonics, as
formulated by Inoue and Hori [77]. Both propagating and evanescent fields are
refracted and reflected using the Fresnel coefficients of the air-glass interface. We
add, again, two equal and incoherent in-plane dipoles with emission constant in
the azimuth angle to account for the emission of uncoupled QDs and
autoluminescence of the antenna.
The expansion coefficients (al ) for the first two resonant modes confirm our
previous assignments of their prominently dipolar and quadrupolar characters.
They also confirm an efficient coupling to both antennas, with the majority of the
photons emitted through the corresponding antenna multipole channels. Although
it is tempting to assign one multipole order to each resonant mode, for instance
l=3 multipole to j=3 mode, this is generally not the case beyond the two lowest

3. Nanowire Antennas for Multipolar Radiation

Figure 3.5 The multipolar nature of the emission is described by a

multipolar expansion of the angular radiation patterns. a-f, The
experimental radiation patterns of the individual resonant antennas of Figures
3.4c-h were fit to a superposition of even (red) and odd (blue) multipoles oriented
along the antenna plus an incoherent rotationally symmetric background
consisting of two in-plane dipoles (uncoupled emission, green). Superpositions of
even and odd multipoles dominate the even (right) and odd (left) modes,
respectively. The complex multipole coefficients |al| are normalized to the
amplitude of the maximum coefficient. Note that for equal coefficient amplitudes
|al|, each isolated term in the expansion radiates the same power in free space but
not on a substrate.
3.4 Other signatures of antenna resonances

modes. For higher order resonances, even modes are composed of a coherent
superposition of predominantly even multipoles; complementarily, odd modes are
dominated by odd multipoles. This expansion also demonstrates that the
background contribution (green bars in Figure 3.5) increases and starts
dominating for higher order modes as expected for a decreasing coupling

3.4. Other signatures of antenna resonances

The antennas control the emission of the QD not only in polarization and angular
patterns but also in other properties. For completeness, we explore next the
modifications of the emission spectrum and the lifetime that result from resonant

Modification of the emission spectrum

Due to the coupling of two oscillators (QD and antenna), a spectral shift or
modification is expected in the emission of our hybrid systems [13, 14]. These
spectral changes are a possible method to monitor antenna resonances. When the
broad spectrum of the quantum dot and the resonance of the antenna overlap
exactly, this effect is barely visible when the coupling occurs in the weak coupling
regime, as in our case. The shifts are, however, most evident when the antenna is
slightly detuned with respect to the natural QD wavelength.
We argue that a small detuning between antenna and QD spectral maxima is
convenient to discern the antenna mode of interest from uncoupled emitters,
because the antenna acts as a spectral filter enhancing only coupled QDs. As a
result, we find that in the identification of antenna resonances in polarization and
angular measurements, the resonant antennas are slightly red-shifted with respect
to the QD.
We show two such modified emission spectra of QDs coupled to antennas of
first and second resonant modes detuned to the red of the QD emission (Figures
3.6b and c). They are compared to the average spectrum of QDs on a
nonresonant metal structure of 60 nm (shaded black line), which is basically
identical to the spectrum of an isolated QD. From the observed spectral shifts in
emission, a spectral enhancement can be calculated (in green, defined as the
antenna divided by the reference). Comparing both resonances, a weaker
modulation of emission spectrum is observed for the second order mode,
corresponding to a lower coupling efficiency. Dark-field scattering spectra acquired
under far-field unpolarized illumination are shown for comparison in Figure 3.6c.

3. Nanowire Antennas for Multipolar Radiation

Figure 3.6 Modification of the quantum-dot emission spectrum by

antenna resonances. a-b, Spectra of QDs coupled to antennas at the first (red)
and second (blue) resonant modes. The average spectrum of such quantum dots
on a non-resonant metal structure of 60 nm (black line) is very similar to an
isolated QD. A spectral modification is calculated (green) defined as the antenna
signal divided by the reference, revealing the modulation of the spectrum of
emission by the antenna. c, Dark-field scattering spectra of antennas of different
lengths. Under this configuration, excitation from the far field does not allow
access to the quadrupolar mode for L=260 nm and no peak is observed around
λ=800 nm.

3.4 Other signatures of antenna resonances

Figure 3.7 The emission lifetime is shortened by coupling to resonant

antennas. Lifetime of the emission for the first and second resonant modes and
for quantum dots directly on the glass substrate without antennas. Measurements
were performed under ps-pulsed excitation with a 640 nm diode laser. The decay
is bi-exponential in all three situations.

Modification of the emission lifetime

The enhancement of decay rates was one of the first applications of optical
antennas [6-8]. To achieve this goal, specific designs like the gap antenna were
investigated for emission [8, 9, 78, 79] and excitation [80, 81]. Although the
increase of transition rates is not the primary goal of a nanowire antenna, it is
interesting to observe the effect of a resonant antenna on the lifetime of a QD.
To this end, we measure the emission lifetime of emitter-antenna systems
under pulsed excitation, with a pulse length of several ps, and compare it to QDs
on the same glass substrate (Figure 3.7). The decay is bi-exponential; we can
identify two components in the lifetime with different time scales of a few ns and
more than 100 ns, respectively. Comparatively, the lifetime is reduced more by
coupling to the dipolar mode than to the quadrupolar mode.
A quantitative study of this effect requires the disentanglement of excitation,
emission and non-radiative rates. Such a separation of transition rate
contributions would be possible with QDs thanks to the photophysics of bi-
excitons (two excitons that coexist in the QD and decay faster than a single
exciton). The generation rate of bi-excitons is excitation power dependent [80],
resulting in a faster decay rate for higher laser powers because of an increased
probability of creating two excitons. Since nanowire antennas are not an optimal

3. Nanowire Antennas for Multipolar Radiation

design for lifetime modification, we do not pursue this methodology in this

Chapter, and conclude that coupling to a resonant antenna has a clear effect on
the transition rates as well.

3.5. Discussion and conclusions

In a broader context of plasmonic modes, angular measurements are a powerful
tool for understanding how the unit cells of metamaterials interact with light [74,
82, 83]. Additionally, multipoles provide a natural basis to study both
metamaterials and multi-antenna devices because semi-analytical methods can be
employed to describe the collective response if the multipolar expansion of the
unit cell is known [84-86].
In metamaterials, the near-field coupling between elements supporting
different modes, e.g., dipole-quadrupole, leads to interesting polarization [87] and
spectral effects such as electromagnetically induced transparency [88, 89], a
situation that resembles the coupling of dipolar QDs to quadrupolar antennas.
Similar spectral effects could be explored in our hybrid systems, formed by the
combination of quantum-mechanical transitions and other plasmon modes.
On the other hand, the multipolar character of an emitter is intimately related
to the angular momentum of light [90-93]. In addition to the angular intensity
distributions, the antenna also controls the underlying phase of each lobe. Hence,
the ideas presented here can be extended to design systems that could serve as
nanoscale integrated sources and detectors of optical orbital angular momentum
[94, 95]. Furthermore, a multipole moment is mostly sensitive to certain
components of the electromagnetic field. With a QD coupled to the quadrupolar
mode, for example, a nanoscale probe that is sensitive to the electric field gradient
can be envisioned.
In conclusion, we presented a systematic study of nanowire modes and their
interaction with quantum emitters. The use of optical antennas allowed us to
convert the radiation of electric dipole transitions efficiently into novel multipolar
photon sources. These results provide a wealth of new opportunities for the
nanoscale control and engineering of the usually inefficient interaction of single
quantum emitters with well-defined modes of the light field.

Nanoslot Antennas at
Magnetic Resonance
In this Chapter, we address the emission of light through a
nanoaperture in a metal film as an antenna problem. We
demonstrate, explicitly, that resonant nanoslots display a
predominantly magnetic dipole response. We observe clear
differences in the angular radiation patterns of resonant and non-
resonant antennas, and compare our results to calculations with
magnetic and electric dipole sources, respectively. At resonance,
angular radiation patterns evidence the dominant magnetic dipole
character, accompanied by a more efficient launching of surface
plasmons. Off resonance, angular patterns are divergent beams, as
for electric dipoles. The resonant magnetic mode is preserved even
when plasmons are suppressed by a chromium layer. Through
simulations, we draw a parallel with an electric dipole nanowire
antenna, in agreement with Babinet's principle. Our results
highlight the potential of resonant nanoslot antennas as interfaces
between photons, emitters, and propagating surface plasmons.

4. Nanoslot Antennas at Magnetic Resonance

4.1. From nanowire to nanoslot antennas

The control of nanoscale magnetic fields at optical frequencies provides new
opportunities for enhancing the interaction of light with matter. While the optical
response is usually determined by electric dipole moments, certain nanostructures
do also possess a magnetic dipole moment, most notably split-ring resonators [96]
and dielectric resonators (wires and spheres) [97-99]. At longer wavelengths, Bethe
and Bouwkamp showed that an aperture in a perfectly conducting screen behaves
as a superposition of electric and magnetic dipoles [100, 101]. From their models,
it was expected that nanoapertures in real metals would exhibit magnetism at
optical frequencies, a relevant fact to explain light transmission through nanohole
arrays [102], to understand near-field microscopy aperture probes or to excite
surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) [43].
To understand the interaction of a sub-wavelength hole with light, both the
responses to electric and magnetic fields need to be considered [103-107]. Recent
detailed studies have focused on non-resonant circular apertures [105, 108, 109].
For non-circular apertures, both the shape of the hole and the polarization of the
incident light influence transmission [110-112]. Such nanoapertures can be
exploited to develop optical antennas for various applications [18, 113-115] and,
more fundamentally, to selectively image, focus, and interact with optical
magnetic fields [109, 116-121]. Recently, rectangular apertures have been
investigated with an electron beam as local source [122-124]. As these studies only
mapped the normal component of the electric field, they could not expose the
magnetic dipole character of the fundamental resonance.
In this Chapter, we address the emission of light through a nanoaperture as an
antenna problem to demonstrate experimentally that resonant nanoslots emit
predominantly as magnetic dipoles.

Babinet’s principle for complementary antennas

To gain intuition, we start by invoking Babinet's principle for complementary
structures as used in antenna engineering to obtain magnetic antennas [90, 125,
126]. Rigorously valid for perfectly conducting, infinitely thin plane screens, it
relates the E and B fields radiated by wire and slot antennas through the
interchanges Eslot=cBwire and Bslot=–Ewire/c [90], as illustrated in Fig. 4.1a. This
extension by Booker of Babinet’s principle accounts for polarization, unlike the
original principle based on the diffraction of scalar fields. The principle still holds
qualitatively true for real metals at optical frequencies [127-129]. In this respect,
nanoslot antennas are spatially extended implementations of a point (Fitzgerald)
magnetic dipole, just as nanowires are of a point (Hertz) electric dipole.

4.2 Probing nanoslot modes

Figure 4.1 Nanoslot antennas as resonant magnetic dipole antennas. (a)

Schematic of Babinet's principle for complementary wire and slot antennas, dual
antennas for electric and magnetic fields, respectively. Electric current magnitude
and charge signs are sketched in gray. (b) Scanning electron microscopy image of
a single nanoslot antenna in a gold film. (c) Resonant matching through
numerical simulations of the slot length to the emission spectrum of our quantum
dots. The shadowed area indicates the full-width at half-maximum of the
luminescence spectrum.

4.2. Probing nanoslot modes

In our experiments, we probe the emission of a nanoaperture antenna in the far
field by feeding it with electric dipoles from its near field, similarly to the
generator in a conventional slot antenna (Fig. 4.1a). Arrays of antennas were
fabricated by focused ion beam milling into a thermally-evaporated, 60-nm-thick
gold film on a glass substrate. The width of the slots is 60 nm and their length
varies from 100 to 250 nm in steps of 25 nm, encompassing the first resonant
length of 175 nm (Fig. 4.1c). The separation between neighboring slots was kept
to distances larger than 8 µm to avoid mutual interference.
The nanoslots are excited by the photoluminescence of quantum dots (QDs)
with emission wavelengths around 800 nm. A colloidal QD solution (Invitrogen,
Qdot ITK 800 Organic) was dissolved with volume ratio [1:4.5] in a
PMMA:Trichlorobenzene solution [1:2] and spin-cast at 8000 r.p.m. to form a thin
film covering the nanostructured metal film. Photoluminescence of the QDs was
excited with a circularly-polarized, continuous-wave laser at 633 nm. The
excitation and emission wavelengths were separated using a dichroic mirror and a
long-pass filter. Although the QDs are deposited all over the sample, they are
preferentially excited and detected inside the nanoslots because the metal film is
otherwise opaque, as observed in confocal microscopy images (Fig. 4.2a).

4. Nanoslot Antennas at Magnetic Resonance

Figure 4.2 Imaging and polarization of resonant nanoslots. (a) Confocal

photoluminescence microscopy image of an array of resonant nanoslots covered
with quantum dots. The red-yellow-green color scale represents degrees of linear
polarization of the electric field. (b) Histograms of the degree of linear
polarization (weighted with counts per pixel) of the emission of arrays of resonant
nanoslots (green) and nanowire (red) antennas.

To distinguish between electric and magnetic dipole emission, we analyze

angular radiation patterns of individual slots. Electric and magnetic dipoles emit
electromagnetic fields with interchanged symmetries and polarizations [90]. Thus
both types of emitters can be identified by using a metal film acting as a mirror,
thanks to an angle-dependent self-interference of direct and reflected waves. A
related technique has been used in the past to determine the magnetic dipole
nature of rare-earth ion luminescence [130, 131]. We record angular radiation
patterns by imaging the back focal plane of a microscope objective. The use of a
high numerical aperture objective (NA=1.46) allows us to collect emission into
the glass substrate, including SPP leakage radiation at 42°.

Resonant and non-resonant nanoslots

We investigate slots of different lengths around L=175 nm, where we expect
overlap between the quantum dot emission spectrum and the antenna resonance.
Off resonance, we find that angular radiation patterns are divergent beams with a
maximum value at an angle normal to the metal film. The trend is similar for
both blue- and red-detuned slots of lengths L=125 and L=225 nm, respectively
(Figures 4.3a and c). Surface plasmons are inefficiently launched and are hardly
observable. When a linear polarizer is used to analyze an angular pattern, we
observe that the beam is slightly elongated along the polarization direction. A
comparison with the radiation patterns of in-plane electric dipoles in the vicinity
of a metal film [45, 132] leads us to attribute these patterns to inefficient off-
resonance coupling of the QDs to the antenna mode, emitting almost as if the

4.2 Probing nanoslot modes

Figure 4.3 Experimental angular radiation patterns of individual slot

nanoantennas show clear differences on and off resonance. The images,
recorded in the back focal plane of the microscope objective, contain the Fourier-
space photoluminescence emission into the glass substrate of quantum dots
coupled to antennas. (a, c) Off-resonant antennas of lengths L=125 and L=225
nm, respectively, possess diverging angular radiation patterns. (b) Resonant
antennas with L=175 nm emit both into free space and into surface plasmons.
The nanoslots are oriented vertically along the y-direction. The images in the
bottom row decompose the radiation pattern in two polarization components,
parallel and perpendicular to the antenna, by means of a linear polarizer. (d)
Length dependence of the ratio SPP/center of intensities at the SPP angle in the
x-direction and at the center of the back focal plane. At resonance, the emission
into high angles is higher than off resonance. Statistics were taken over several
antennas of the same length. Standard deviations are smaller than the points

antenna were not present. The situation is thus similar to the inefficient coupling
to non-resonant nanowires seen in the previous Chapter. The results are therefore
consistent with two perpendicular electric dipoles of QDs close to a mirror (Fig.
4.4c), not coupled to any antenna mode. The angular patterns are in agreement
with recent results on non-resonant apertures as the basis of more complex
antenna designs [18, 113], and are qualitatively similar to diffraction through
near-field aperture probes [133, 134].
At resonance, the angular pattern is strikingly different due to efficient
coupling of the emitters to the antenna mode, now dominating in Fig. 4.3b. The
emission is linearly polarized across the slot, with a 7:1 intensity ratio between
perpendicular polarizations (Fig. 4.2b). With the two lobes characteristic of

4. Nanoslot Antennas at Magnetic Resonance

dipolar emission and transverse-magnetic polarization, in free space it would

constitute an unequivocal signature of a magnetic dipole oriented along the slot.
The situation is, however, more complicated because of the presence of a metal
film that supports SPPs. Indeed, the most prominent feature in Fig. 4.3b is the
emission of SPPs in a narrow angular range [43].

The role of surface plasmons

Because of boundary conditions at the interface between a metal and a dielectric,
an in-plane magnetic dipole excites SPPs more efficiently than an in-plane electric
dipole. The ratio of SPP intensity emitted at a given angle by a magnetic dipole
and an electric dipole can be estimated by the relation |EMD y|2/|EED x|2 ∝ |1+ε |
[105]. For an Au film and a wavelength of 800 nm, a magnetic dipole excites
approximately 25 times more SPPs. This significant difference in excitation
efficiency, observed in our measurements by comparing the visibility of SPPs on
and off resonance (Fig. 4.3d), is an indirect proof of the dominance of a magnetic
dipole at the antenna resonance. Nanoslot antennas at magnetic resonance are
thus a more efficient interface between free-space photons, emitters, and
propagating surface plasmons.
To assess the role of SPPs in sustaining the magnetic mode, we deposit a 10-
nm Cr layer in order to suppress the propagation of SPPs on the air-metal
interface. Off resonance, the angular pattern in Fig. 4.4a remains the same. At
resonance, the magnetic mode is preserved as well in the absence of surface
plasmons, which are now damped out in the Cr film resulting in a small dip at
the SPP angle (Fig. 4.4b).
The suppression of SPPs allows us also to disentangle them from free-space
radiation of the slot, making it possible to compare with a simple model based on
point dipoles. For simulations, we use the Finite-Difference Time-Domain method
(FDTD Solutions, Lumerical). We calculate the emission patterns of electric and
magnetic dipoles close to a perfect electric conductor mirror, which retain the
characteristics of the measured angular patterns on and off resonance, respectively
(Figures 4.4c and d). We conclude that the emission of nanoslots at high angles is
due to magnetic dipole radiation, whereas the convex curvature of the radiation
pattern at low angles indicates the residual contribution of electric dipoles.

4.3 Characteristics of resonant nanoslot modes

Figure 4.4 The suppresion of surface plasmons allows a direct

comparison to a point-dipole model. (a, b) Angular radiation patterns on
and off resonance of nanoslot antennas covered with a 10-nm Cr film, as obtained
in the back focal plane of a collection objective. By suppressing SPP contributions
to the emission, the magnetic mode is still preserved and a two-lobe pattern is
more clearly observed. (c, d) FDTD calculations of the angular emission of point
electric and magnetic dipoles, respectively, in front of a perfect electric conductor
(PEC) mirror, as it would be recorded in the back focal plane. The electric
dipoles are oriented randomly on the plane whereas the magnetic dipole is
oriented along the slot long axis. Both are placed at a distance to the metal of 1
nm, much smaller than the wavelength. (e) Comparison of angular patterns for
experimental slot antennas (solid lines) and simulated point dipoles on PEC
(dashed), converted to angular space with the apodization factor 1/cosθ, where θ
is the inclination angle. A linear polarizer across the slot was used to increase the
contrast of angular features.

4.3. Characteristics of resonant nanoslot modes

The perimeter of the slot is the key geometrical parameter controlling the antenna
resonance by establishing standing-wave currents [135, 136]. Previous studies have
shown that the resonance of an aperture could potentially stem from other
sources, namely, waveguide modes resonantly excited at cut-off [137-140] or
vertical cavity resonances [135, 140].
We performed additional simulations with a mode solver, integrated in
Lumerical FDTD Solutions, that showed that the fundamental TE10 waveguide

4. Nanoslot Antennas at Magnetic Resonance

mode is clearly beyond cut-off, with a small effective refractive index of 0.02 and
high losses on the order of 100 dB/µm. No sharp variations of waveguide
propagation constants were observed around the resonance and, hence, we discard
the waveguide resonance found for larger apertures at the lowest order mode cut-
off [137, 140].
On the other hand, vertical Fabry-Pérot cavity resonances require thicker
metal films [135] and they are roughly independent of the perimeter. They can
thus be disregarded as the origin of our resonances. Note that, for thicker films,
Babinet's principle will eventually break down even qualitatively due to the
appearance of vertical modes.

Duality between nanoslots and nanowires

Simulations of energy densities and currents establish a duality between a
resonant nanoslot and a nanowire antenna (half-wave electric dipole, j=1 mode in
Chapter 3, also introduced in Section 1.3). For numerical simulations, we take the
optimal situation of an electric dipole source at the slot center and oriented across
its short gap. The magnetic energy density UB accumulates at the ends of the
nanoslot (Fig. 4.5a), just as the electric energy density would concentrate at the
ends of a nanowire (Fig. 1.3e). Equally, the maximum of electric energy density
UE at the center of the nanoslot (Fig. 4.5b) follows the distribution of the
magnetic field in nanowires. The magnetic field of a slot enters at one end of the
antenna and exits at the other, with a substantial magnetic field perpendicular to
the slot, just as perpendicular electric fields dominate the near field of an electric
dipole antenna at a close distance. B and E are essentially exchanged.
The origin of this optical magnetism can be understood in terms of a magnetic
current inside the slot. The equivalence principle allows the substitution of an
aperture by its equivalent electric and magnetic surface currents. They are defined
as JE=n×H and JM=-n×E, where n is the unit vector normal to the metal film
[141]. Following Babinet's principle, the electric current in a nanowire becomes a
magnetic current in a nanoslot; a sinusoidal, standing-wave magnetic current
inside the aperture (Fig. 4.5c) acts as a source of magnetic dipole moment along
the slot [100, 101, 142, 143]. The magnetic current mimics the electric current of a
half-wave electric dipole antenna (Figures 1.3d and 4.1a).
Although it is possible to determine the radiated fields of a slot entirely in
terms of electric currents, the use of fictitious magnetic currents is advantageous
because of simplicity. The electric surface currents curving around a nanoslot
point both in the same direction (Fig. 4.5d) inducing magnetic dipoles
perpendicular to the film that cancel each other out; to obtain a magnetic
moment from the electric currents alone (without the use of the equivalence

4.4 Discussion and conclusions

Figure 4.5 Nanoslot and nanowire antennas as dual antennas. Energy

densities (U) and surface currents (J) in a nanoslot show the complementarity to
an electric dipole nanowire antenna. FDTD simulations of magnetic energy
density (a), electric energy density (b), magnetic surface current (c), and electric
surface current (d) of a resonant nanoslot antenna on a gold film. The quantities
are evaluated on a plane monitor 20 nm below the metal film (substrate side) at a
wavelength of 800 nm. The nanoslot is dual to a nanowire antenna when
magnetic and electric quantities are exchanged. The absolute value of both
currents is represented in color, while arrows indicate the imaginary part of the
magnetic current and the real part of the electric current, respectively.

principle), a three-dimensional integration would be necessary to include currents

on the inner walls of the slots [144].

4.4. Discussion and conclusions

Comparing our results to previous experiments on light transmission through non-
resonant circular apertures [108, 109, 133, 134], two main differences arise. First,
both for apertures at the end of a tip illuminated through a tapered probe [134]
and for apertures on a metal film illuminated by a plane wave [108], a higher
divergence in the diffraction patterns was observed for smaller holes. This trend is
not present in our observations due to the resonant and non-resonant character of
the excitation mechanism with local electric dipoles. Second, for transmission
through aperture probes, a simple model of dipoles in free space was able to
describe the experiments [134]. In our case, the presence of an extended metal film
must be taken into account to explain the angular patterns.

4. Nanoslot Antennas at Magnetic Resonance

Furthermore, according to conventional antenna theory [126], the size of the

ground plane is expected to affect both the radiation pattern and the efficiency of
a slot antenna, and at least one wavelength of surrounding metal is necessary not
to alter its response (compare, for example, apertures at the end of sub-
wavelength probes [116] and apertures on extended films [109]). Although the size
of the surrounding metal film controls in part the radiation characteristics, the
magnetic resonance is still governed by the perimeter, with only the metal closest
to the aperture contributing to its dispersion.
The basic features of the angular emission of our nanoslots were reproduced
with a model consisting of point dipoles in front of a mirror. This configuration,
however, poses a limit for further quantification of the weight of electric and
magnetic dipole contributions to the emission, because of the necessity to choose a
distance of the equivalent dipolar sources to the metal film and of the effective
medium seen by the emitters inside the slots. Finally, we remark that plane wave
excitation of a hole under oblique incidence has been recently exploited as a
magnetic field polarization analyzer [109], in clear reciprocity to our observation
of higher radiation at high angles of a magnetic dipole near a ground plane.
In summary, we have explicitly demonstrated that resonant nanoslot apertures
radiate as magnetic dipole antennas. Our results provide a new entry on the
classical topic of how light interacts with nanoapertures in metal films, in
particular for resonant apertures. The demonstrated role of the antenna resonance
will be of direct use to control and enhance light emission, to increase the
efficiency of interfaces between plasmons and free-space radiation, and as the
basis of more complex antenna designs. We have also shown that Babinet's
principle is valid to a certain extent for real metals. Theoretical efforts to quantify
its validity for optics will result in simpler design rules for nanoaperture-based
antennas, adding a full complementary set of building blocks for nanophotonic
devices and materials.

Nanoscale quantum emitters are key elements in quantum optics
and constitute the ultimate limit in sensing. However, efficient
optical excitation and detection of such emitters involves large solid
angles because their interaction with freely-propagating light is
omnidirectional. In this Chapter, we present unidirectional
antennas for controlling the emission of single quantum emitters.
By coupling quantum dots to the near field of an antenna, the
emission is determined by the antenna mode in polarization and
radiation pattern. We demonstrate experimentally the operation of
a Yagi-Uda antenna driven by a single emitter. Next, we explore
through simulations the optimization of such multi-element
antennas with a log-periodic design. Finally, we show both with
experiments and theory that a single split-ring resonator is a
particularly suitable directional design that harnesses the
interference of magnetic and electric components. These results
open new possibilities for effective communication of light to, from
and between nano-emitters.

5. Directional Nanoantennas

5.1. Directing light on the nanoscale

One of the most recognizable characteristics of antennas is their directed emission
and reception. At optical frequencies, the control of directionality with
micrometric devices has mainly been pursued in the past by means of photonic
crystal structures [145] and surface-plasmon-based devices [146-149]. For
structures approaching the nanometer scale, diffraction poses a limit to the
collimated beaming of light.
On the other hand, the interaction of quantum emitters with light can be
enhanced with microcavities [150, 151]. Photon extraction and the control of
angular patterns are then an issue. Tapered semiconductor nanowires have also
been engineered to improve the extraction efficiency of enclosed emitters [152].
Compared to these approaches, plasmonic nanoantennas offer a much smaller
footprint in an open and accessible geometry, combining strong sub-wavelength
fields and increased transition rates together with directionality. Earlier,
variations in the angular emission of molecules by the presence of metallic objects
in their near field were observed [11, 153, 154].

From electric dipoles to plane waves

Single quantum emitters such as molecules, ions or quantum dots usually interact
with light as electric dipoles. The excitation and emission patterns are thus
dipolar, with isotropic emission in free space in the plane perpendicular to the
dipole moment axis. Because of the wide range of angles involved, it is difficult to
interact with a single emitter efficiently from the far field. At macroscopic scales,
light is preferably manipulated on the basis of plane waves, be it experimentally
with beams of low divergence or theoretically with plane-wave expansions. In the
near field, however, dipoles are dominant and provide a simple description of the
emission, absorption and scattering of light by nanoscale objects.
Given the mismatch between far-field and near-field optics, obtaining a
directional antenna to convert efficiently between localized fields (or excitons) and
collimated propating light is a canonical problem in nano-optics. In this Chapter,
we demonstrate that unidirectional nanoantennas can determine the
electromagnetic mode of light emission, greatly reducing the solid angle necessary
to interact with quantum emitters.
Unidirectional optical antennas thus provide an effective interface to address
nano-emitters from the far field, for use in directed, bright single-photon sources
for quantum optical technologies, in planar biochemical sensors, or in light-
harvesting and emission devices.

5.1 Directing light on the nanoscale

Types of directional antennas

First, we briefly evaluate design strategies of conventional directional antennas [3,
155] and analyze their feasibility at optical frequencies. The principles of
operation can be identified as follows, with possible overlap between categories:
Antenna arrays: directionality is obtained by interference of the scattering of
multiple elements. The phase and separation between elements are chosen
to create a directed wave and suppress radiation in the opposite direction.
Yagi-Uda antennas (with as few as two elements [156, 157]), log-periodic
antennas, and phased array antennas fall under this category. Micrometric
antenna concepts based on diffraction gratings are close to this principle
[158], including bull’s eye apertures [18] and slit-based antennas [113].
Traveling-wave or leaky-wave antennas: their operation is based on the
propagation of a bound wave leaking to radiation along its length.
Examples include long wires [159] and slot waveguides [160] fed locally at
one end. Directionality can also be achieved by removing reflection of the
wave at the distal end of a long antenna (or waveguide) either by means of
a load (Beverage antenna) or by tapering/flaring the antenna end. At
optical frequencies, they are inherently broadband but lossy and large.
Patch or microstrip antennas: a resonant metallic patch is backed by a
reflecting ground plane, separated by a thin dielectric film [161-163]. For
small patches the emission lobe may be broad, while for larger patches the
radiation efficiency may decrease.
Aperture antennas: directional radiation may occur at the end of an open-
ended waveguide. Examples include horn antennas and cavity-backed slot
Reflector antennas: they act as small mirrors. An example is the parabolic
antenna [164]. Radiation patterns are inherently sensitive to the position
of the sources and losses as surface plasmons may not be negligible. A
corner reflector is also commonly used for enhancing the performance of
Yagi-Uda antennas for TV reception.
Multipolar interference antennas: they exploit the different symmetries of the
electromagnetic fields radiated by electric dipoles, magnetic dipoles, and
electric quadrupoles. Their interference can produce directivity from a
single, compact element [165, 166].
In all cases, directionality is ultimately limited by diffraction, and larger
structures display higher directivities. The smallest nanoantennas provide thus
asymmetric dipolar patterns, with minimal reduction of beam width of the main
lobe. In this Chapter, we will study directional optical antennas of the Antenna

5. Directional Nanoantennas

Array (Yagi-Uda and log-periodic antennas) and Multipolar Interference (split-

ring resonator) types.

5.2. Yagi-Uda nanoantennas

At radio and microwave frequencies, highly directed beams are commonly
obtained with Yagi-Uda antennas [167]. A Yagi-Uda antenna consists of an array
of mutually detuned dipoles; an actively driven feed element is surrounded by a
set of parasitic elements, acting as reflectors and directors (Fig. 5.1a). The
reflectors and directors are detuned in length with respect to the dipolar
resonance of the feed, and the spacing between elements is chosen such that a
travelling wave pointing towards the directors is created.
In the optical regime, directional far-field scattering of a polarized laser beam
from arrays of Yagi-Uda antennas was demonstrated [168, 169]. A Yagi-Uda
antenna operating in reception mode has been also demonstrated by mapping its
near-field for opposite incident directions [170]. A nanoparticle array consisting of
identical elements, akin to a Yagi-Uda antenna, was also shown to concentrate
light at different positions along the chain for different wavelengths [171].
Complete control of the direction of light emission from a single dipolar emitter
using an optical Yagi-Uda antenna was theoretically proposed by several authors
In this Section, we realize unidirectional nanoscale photon sources by coupling
single quantum systems to a Yagi-Uda design. The realization of such a source
requires the precise near-field coupling of an emitter to a nanoscale antenna that
is tuned to the emission spectrum. We place a quantum dot (QD) at the resonant
feed element of a nanofabricated Yagi-Uda antenna. Next we confirm the coupling
by characterizing the modification of the emission polarization. Finally, we
demonstrate that the QD emission is indeed highly directed, and that the
directionality can be tuned by varying the antenna dimensions.

Driving a Yagi-Uda antenna only through its feed element

To obtain a strong near-field coupling of a quantum dot to the antenna mode, it
is critical to place the emitter at a position of high electric mode density, i.e. at
one of the ends of the feed element. Optimal performance will be obtained when
only the feed element is driven, similarly to the presence of a single source wire in
conventional Yagi-Uda antennas. To achieve this, we use again a two-step
electron beam lithography process combined with chemical functionalization. The
first lithography step defines the antenna structures on a glass substrate, followed
by thermal evaporation of a 30 nm layer of gold. The second lithography step sets
the boundaries for the formation of a self-assembled monolayer of

5.2 Yagi-Uda nanoantennas

Figure 5.1 Optical Yagi-Uda antennas driven by quantum dots. (a)

Schematic of a Yagi-Uda antenna consisting of a feed element, one reflector and
three directors, with different distances between reflector and feeed, and between
feed and director. (b) Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) image of fabricated 5-
element Yagi-Uda antenna. A quantum dot (QD) is attached to one end of the
feed element inside the marked area. (c) Comparison of SEM and scanning
confocal luminescence microscopy images of three antennas driven by QDs. The
image is color-coded for degree of linear polarization (see inset).

mercaptoundecanoic acid exclusively on the predefined exposed areas. Core-shell

QDs (Invitrogen, Qdot 800 ITK Amino) are immobilized on the functionalized
areas (70 nm squares) and the remaining resist is removed.
We used numerical simulations (CST, Microwave Studio, transient solver) to
design 5-element gold Yagi-Uda antennas for operation wavelengths around 800
nm [175]. A typical fabricated antenna is shown in Fig. 5.1b, with feed length Lf
=145 nm, spacing ar=175 nm between reflector and feed, and ad=200 nm between
directors. The total length is 830 nm, approximately one emission wavelength.

Emission polarization by coupling to the antenna

We characterize the emission of QDs on antennas with a confocal microscope with
three dedicated detection branches; for luminescence imaging, angular detection,
and spectroscopy, respectively. The use of a high-numerical-aperture objective
(1.46 NA) is essential for the angular detection. The sample is excited by a
circularly polarized He-Ne laser beam (λ=633 nm), which is focused to address a
single antenna at a time. The resulting luminescence is separated from the
excitation wavelength with a dichroic mirror and a long-pass filter. For confocal
detection, the use of a polarizing beam-splitter and two detection channels (I║ and

5. Directional Nanoantennas

Figure 5.2 Blinking of the emission evidences the presence of single

quantum dots. Intensity time-trace of luminescence in both polarization
channels for one of the antennas in Fig. 5.2c, where blinking has a visible effect in
the scanning luminescence images as vertical stripes. The signal is telegraphic,
with on and off periods.

I┴) with avalanche photodiodes allows us to determine polarization anisotropies.

For detection of the angular emission, we record images of the intensity
distribution on the back focal plane of the high-NA objective (conoscopy) [42] on
an EMCCD camera. These Fourier-plane images (momentum space) contain the
directions of emission towards the substrate.
All presented confocal luminescence images are color-coded (red-yellow-green)
for the degree of linear polarization, DOLP = (I║-I┴)/(I║+I┴), with red being
linear polarization parallel to the feed longitudinal axis. All antenna-QD systems
in Fig. 5.1c show red, i.e. linearly polarized, confirming that the QD drives the
linear dipole of the feed element [11, 176]. The QDs are cleanly positioned on the
antennas and the emission arises from quantum emitters, since discrete blinking
events interrupt the signal as the sample is raster-scanned. This blinking is better
seen in the luminescence time-trace displayed in Fig. 5.2, where clear on and off
states can be identified, characteristic of a single emitter. From many such time-
traces, we conclude that single QDs occur frequently, while the typical number is
1, 2 or 3; a number that can be controlled by both the size of the functionalized
area and the concentration of the deposited QD solution.
To gain direct insight into the changes in the QD emission upon coupling to
the antenna, we compare three types of nanostructures (Fig. 5.3): small 60-nm
gold squares, λ/2 dipole antennas, and the Yagi-Uda antennas. The small, off-
resonant squares are taken as a reference for QDs on metal, while the dipole
antennas are essentially the feed element of a Yagi-Uda antenna. In the reference
case, the polarization of the luminescence varies with a DOLP ranging from -0.5

5.2 Yagi-Uda nanoantennas

Figure 5.3 The polarization of the emission is controlled by coupling to

the antenna mode. Scanning confocal luminescence images of QDs on reference
60 nm gold squares (Ref), half-wave dipole antennas (λ/2) and Yagi-Uda
antennas (YU), respectively. Different colors represent changes in the degree of
linear polarization. YU corresponds to YU145 in the text. The schematics in the
insets are not to scale. Scale bar is 2 µm.

to 0.5 (Fig. 5.3, left) because the QDs have different orientations and the gold
squares induce no preferential direction. The corresponding angular emission
pattern is shown in Fig. 5.4a. All ensuing momentum-space images contain two
distinct circles in the polar angle θ: the outer circle is the maximum collection
angle of our objective (θNA=72.8°), while the inner circle is the critical angle for
the glass-air interface (θc=41.1°). A dipole close to an interface emits primarily
into the high index medium, with sharply peaked maxima at the critical angle.
Moreover, our QDs exhibit a degenerate transition dipole moment contained on a
“bright” plane [47, 48]. As a result, the radiation pattern of a QD is nearly
isotropic in the azimuthal angle ϕ.
When coupled to a λ/2 dipole resonant nanoantenna (Fig. 5.3, center), the
picture changes dramatically: the QD luminescence turns into a clear linear
polarization parallel to the long axis of the antenna (DOLP ≈ 0.8) and the
radiation pattern transforms to that of a linear dipole close to an interface [42].
These are two clear signatures of the near-field coupling [11]. Remarkably, the QD
emission becomes fully determined by the antenna mode, both in polarization and
direction, despite the degeneracy of the QD dipole moment.

A Yagi-Uda antenna directs the emission

Now, we can also control the emission direction. To this end, we position QDs at
one end of the λ/2 feed element of Yagi-Uda antennas (Fig. 5.3, right). The
luminescence remains strongly linearly polarized (DOLP ≈ 0.8), but the radiation
pattern now shows a single lobe, demonstrating the unidirectional emission of a
QD due to coupling to an optical antenna.

5. Directional Nanoantennas

Figure 5.4 Unidirectional emission of an optical Yagi-Uda antenna and

comparison to other metal nanostructures. Radiation patterns (intensity
distribution at the back focal plane of the objective) from single structures in Fig.
5.4: (a) Non-resonant square; (b) Half-wave dipole antenna; (c) Yagi-Uda
antenna. Critical (θC) and Numerical Aperture (θNA) angles are indicated. For the
YU antenna, a 830 nm long-pass filter was used, as in Fig. 5.7.

The directional performance can be quantified by a front-to-back ratio (F/B),

defined as the intensity ratio between the point with maximum emitted power
and the point diametrically opposite in the radiation pattern. The F/B value is
essentially 0 dB for the reference squares and the dipole antennas, as expected for
symmetrical structures. For the Yagi-Uda antenna in Fig. 5.4, F/B is 6.0 dB (or
alternatively, an intensity ratio of 4). The directed emission is centered at
θ=49.4°, with a beam half width at half maximum of 12.5° in θ and 37.0° in ϕ.
The experimental angular radiation pattern, calculated from the Fourier-plane
image, agrees well with the theoretical prediction (Fig. 5.5). The simulations
quantify that as much as 83.2% of the QD emission is directed into the high-index
glass substrate. The emission is thus truly unidirectional, unlike configurations
with a low index contrast interface, which results in two separate emission lobes
into both half spaces [168]. In this context, other authors have shown that a
planar dielectric multilayer structure allows collection efficiencies close to unity
[177], at the expense of isotropic emission in ϕ and still requiring the use of a high
numerical aperture (solid immersion) objective. It should be noted that the
brightness of the QDs coupled to Yagi-Uda antennas is comparable to that of
dipole antennas, indicating that, despite the parasitic antenna elements, the
radiation efficiency is similar.
The maximum experimental F/B values tend to be lower than the numerically
calculated values because part of the signal stems from autoluminescence of the
gold nanoparticles and a fraction of the QD emission is not coupled to the
antenna, both contributing to an isotropic background, as it was shown in
Chapter 3.

5.2 Yagi-Uda nanoantennas

Figure 5.5 Unidirectional emission in angular space. Angular radiation

patterns in the polar (θ) and azimuthal (ϕ) angles for a Yagi-Uda antenna
(black), in good agreement with the theoretical prediction (red). The emission
pattern was converted to angular space from the back focal plane of Fig. 5.5c.

Parameter tuning and spectral dependence

Any Yagi-Uda antenna is designed to operate at a certain frequency and
bandwidth. To assess the frequency dependence of the directionality, we
fabricated Yagi-Uda antennas tuned to four different resonant frequencies (Fig.
5.6, top row), identified with their feed element lengths Lf: 110 to 160 nm
(complete parameter set in the inset table). Increasing the antenna length creates
a red-shift of the resonance. The shortest antennas (YU110 and YU125) emit
clearly directionally. These antennas are tuned close to the QD emission, and
their bandwidth contains the complete luminescence spectrum. These observations
are in agreement with the calculated bandwidth of 150 nm for end-fire operation,
defined as F/B > 3 dB. On the other hand, for longer antennas (YU145 and
YU160), the antenna resonance is more detuned from the QD emission, and
directivity is hindered by short wavelength components of the spectrum. This
spectral dependence does also occur for radio frequency Yagi-Uda antennas [178]
and was in fact predicted for the optical regime [172, 179].
To corroborate the analysis above, we evaluate the dependence of the
directionality on the wavelength of the emitted photons for antennas of different
sizes (Fig. 5.6). We focus our attention on the antennas labeled as YU145, that
illustrate the spectral trends also observed for other sizes. These antennas are red-
detuned from the QD emission. As a result, the QD emission spectrum is modified
by the near-field coupling to the antenna (see Section 3.3). We divide the
emission spectrum of YU145 in three parts by using three different filters.

5. Directional Nanoantennas

Figure 5.6 Tuning of optical Yagi-Uda antennas in size and in

wavelength. Top row: radiation patterns in the back focal plane of the objective
for five different individual Yagi-Uda antennas of increasing overall size,
characterized by the length of the feed element Lf, from 110 to 190 nm. Two
antennas with Lf =145 nm are shown (YU145a and YU145b). The full emission
spectrum was recorded. Below each length, the angular radiation patterns of that
specific antenna is decomposed in different spectral detection windows. The
patterns show that performance is best for wavelengths to the red of the feed
resonance. The inset table contains the fabricated Yagi-Uda antenna parameter
sets for different feed element lengths and spacings, as measured by Scanning
Electron Microscopy. Lf is the length of the feed element, Ld the length of the
three directors, Lr the length of the reflector, w the width of the elements, ar the
spacing between the centers of the reflector and the feed, ad the spacing between
the centers of the feed element and the first director, and the spacing between the
directors. The height of all the elements is 30 nm for all antennas.

5.3 Log-Periodic nanoantennas

Although hardly any directed emission is observed for the complete spectrum
(Fig. 5.6, top row), a high directivity is recovered when only the long wavelength
part of the spectrum is selected (Fig. 5.6, second row from the bottom). For short
wavelengths, below a cut-off value, the emission is even reversed with the main
lobe pointing backwards, a fact also present in our numerical simulations. We
observe a similar behavior for the longer antenna YU160, with all characteristic
wavelengths shifted to longer wavelengths. For shorter antennas, YU110 and
YU125, the antennas are blue-detuned with respect to the quantum dot spectrum
and a lower directivity is observed for the full spectrum.
In summary, by tuning the antenna or selecting certain emission bands, we
have proved the frequency dependence of the directivity of an optical Yagi-Uda

We have demonstrated the unidirectional emission of quantum-dot–Yagi-Uda
systems; the antenna transforms the non-directional quantum-dot luminescence
into a directed light source which can now be efficiently collected with lower
numerical aperture optics. By reciprocity, we anticipate that the antennas work
both in emission and absorption. Most remarkably, all this control over photon
emission is obtained from an antenna that is only a single wavelength long.
Further optimization of the many Yagi-Uda design parameters, including the
addition of more director elements, might sharpen up the unidirectional cone.
This trend will eventually saturate when metal losses start to dominate the multi-
element scattering. The operation bandwidth can be increased through the use of
a Log-Periodic design [3], which we study in the next Section. An inherent
problem of the Yagi-Uda design for optical frequencies is the need to position the
source to drive locally one individual element, which might not be compatible
with some of the potential applications. We will explore in the next Sections
designs that alleviate this requirement.

5.3. Log-Periodic nanoantennas

Yagi-Uda antennas are the archetypal directional antennas. However, at radio
frequencies the original design has been improved by other geometries which,
based on the same principle of operation, offer higher directivities and wider
bandwidths of operation.
In this Section, we study log-periodic optical antennas, one of the evolutions of
the classical Yagi-Uda design. We show through numerical simulations that the
family of log-periodic designs has a considerable potential for improving both the
directivity and the operation bandwidth as a result of the self-similar relation

5. Directional Nanoantennas

between the lengths, separations and widths of the elements. Moreover, the source
can be located at the end of different antenna elements, distributing the role of
the feed element. We systematically study the influence of geometrical parameters
on angular performance and local field enhancement to find optimum values.
Next, we demonstrate that introducing a gap in the dipole array architecture can
provide at least a ten-fold enhancement of the emitted power. Finally we present
an optical zigzag antenna capable of both broader spectral response and even
higher directivity.

Introduction to Log-Periodic antennas

A variety of RF antennas rely on self-similar designs. Fractal antennas are
important representatives of this category, providing a remarkable combination of
compactness, broadband (or multiband) behavior and highly isotropic angular
patterns. Fractal designs have been found to be especially suitable for compact
microwave communication devices, such as mobile phones [3, 155]. Their
omnidirectional response can be a desirable property for certain applications of
optical antennas, such as light-harvesting. However, for others such as
biochemical sensors and single-photon sources, directivity is essential for efficient
excitation and detection.
Most theoretical studies on directional optical antennas have focused on the
classical Yagi-Uda design [172-174] , which is one of the few that have been
realized experimentally [54, 168, 169]. It provides directivity for a specific design
frequency with a limited bandwidth [3], as we have demonstrated in the previous
Section. Both bandwidth and directivity could be improved by adopting a more
general geometry, opening new degrees of freedom for further optimization.
Antenna designs with self-similarity along a single dimension are a promising
approach to combine directivity and broadband behavior. Indeed, a number of
such designs have been extensively studied and used in the RF regime, receiving
the name of log-periodic (LP) antennas because they exhibit a series of resonance
frequencies which are equally spaced when plotted in logarithmic scale [3, 155].
The common denominator of this family of antennas is a geometrical condition:
the size of their elements and the mutual separation scales as a geometric
Chains of metallic particles have been proposed for sub-wavelength light
localization and guiding. For example, nanofocusing with self-similar chains of
metal nanoparticles [180] or ultrafast, controlled changes in localization [181] were
proposed. Graded-size particle chains were predicted to show localization at
different positions for different excitation wavelengths [182], an effect that had
also been observed experimentally for arrays of identical particles [171]. More

5.3 Log-Periodic nanoantennas

Figure 5.7 Log-periodic optical antennas. Geometrical configuration of three

types of log-periodic antennas: (a) dipole array, (b) gap-dipole array and (c)
zigzag antennas.

recent simulations [183, 184] for antenna designs based on tapered dipole arrays
revealed directional and multiband characteristics. In the present study, we report
on the performance of strictly self-similar LP antennas, accounting for the effects
of the different parameters.
Three flavors of LP antennas will be studied based on arrays of different unit
elements: dipole nanowire antennas, gap antennas, and nanowires connected in
zigzag. The geometrical parameters defining a dipole-array LP antenna are
illustrated in Fig. 5.7a. The scaling factor r (or its reciprocal value τ) is the ratio
between the lengths (an and an+1) of two consecutive elements, as well as between
two consecutive widths (bn and bn+1) and between inter-element distances (dn and
dn+1): r=1/τ=an/an+1=bn/bn+1=dn/dn+1. Hence, only one of the element lengths an
suffices to define all the other lengths, once the scaling factor r is fixed. The
distance dn between adjacent elements with numbers n and n+1 can be expressed
normalized to the element length [3], thus defining an inter-element distance
factor: σ=dn/2an. The parameters τ and σ are also related to the antenna apex
half angle by α=tan-1(1-τ)/4σ. The geometrical description of the antenna is
completed with the definition of the aspect ratio of the elements AR = an/bn, the
element thickness and the edge rounding. The number of elements (N), the length
of one given element (an), the scaling factor (r) and the inter-element distance (σ)
were systematically varied for dipole-array antennas in order to investigate their
effect on the directivity, local field enhancement and radiated power.
Although analytical methods can be applied for the study of relatively simple
multi-element nanoantenna architectures [172, 174, 185, 186], we will employ the
Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) method because it is an approach
suitable for our complex three-dimensional objects. All FDTD simulations were

5. Directional Nanoantennas

carried out using commercially available software (FDTD Solutions by Lumerical

Solutions, Inc.). The values of the antenna parameters were selected in such a
way that the resulting dipolar resonances of their elements were in the visible and
near infrared.
Antennas can operate either in reception or in emission mode. In the case of
optical Yagi-Uda antennas, operation in emission can be achieved by placing an
emitter at a position of maximum modal field, where coupling is most efficient.
For a Yagi-Uda antenna to be directional, this source must best be positioned at
the end of the resonant feed element, usually next to the largest element or
reflector. This requirement can be relaxed by making use of a LP design, where
the roles of feed and directors are distributed over all the elements of the antenna.
As a result, in the case of optical LP antennas, the optimal position for the
emitter is not known a priori.
In the reception configuration, antennas were illuminated with a plane wave
directed along the y-axis either in the positive (forward) or negative (backward)
direction. The local spectrum of the electric field around the antenna elements
was recorded. On the other hand, in emission configuration, the antennas were
driven by placing an electric dipole source in the antenna near field and the
resulting angular far field power distribution was analyzed. In both configurations,
the effect of changing the position of the point field monitors (or dipoles) was
investigated. The directionality in both operation modes was assessed by
calculating the forward-to-backward ratio, F/B=10 log(|E|2fw/|E|2bw), and the full-
width at half-maximum (FWHM) beam width.

Dipole array Log-Periodic antennas in receiving mode

First, we consider a 6-element dipole array antenna made of gold under plane-
wave illumination and surrounded by air. Its parameters are a3=120 nm, r=1.14,
σ=0.4, and AR=2.1. We define two directions of incidence: backward and forward
incidence, for a plane wave impinging from the smallest and largest element,
respectively. The antenna is thus expected to perform satisfactorily in reception
mode for illumination the in the backward direction.
The electric field enhancement in the vicinity of the antenna elements is shown
in Figure 5.8, with near-field patterns that resemble those found for Yagi-Uda
antennas both theoretically [173] and experimentally [170]. The field shifts from
the shortest (a6=92 nm) to the longest element (a1=178 nm) with increasing
wavelength of the backward-incident plane wave and reaches values of over 500
(normalized to the incident plane wave).

5.3 Log-Periodic nanoantennas

Figure 5.8 Dipole array Log-Periodic antennas in reception. (a) Electric

field enhancement depending on the direction of incidence and the wavelength of
the excitation plane wave. (b) Spectra of electric field at the end of each antenna
element n. The maximum field concentration is achieved for backward
illumination at the second largest element. The field shifts to shorter elements
with shorter excitation wavelength. The electric field is normalized to the incident
plane wave. Antenna parameters are N=6, r=1.14, σ=0.4, AR=2.1, a3=120 nm.

For sufficiently small inter-element distance (σ) or scaling factor (r) the field
enhancement is expected to occur simultaneously at different elements because
adjacent resonances have overlapping bandwidths. At resonance, the field
enhancement for forward illumination is generally an order of magnitude smaller,
except at the longest element n=1, which is similar to the reflector in a Yagi-Uda
antenna. Away from the resonance, the forward intensity can be similar or even
higher than the backward intensity at particular wavelengths. Therefore, by
reciprocity, bi-directionality or even backward directivity should be expected in
emission configuration for a source at that position.

5. Directional Nanoantennas

The log-periodicity of our antennas was confirmed by analyzing the ratio of

the resonant wavelength on each consecutive element; the ratio λn/λn+1 = r is
constant. A clear linear scaling relation for the resonance with length was found,
in agreement with previous reports on the dependence of the resonance
wavelength with the length of single gold nanorods [16, 17].
Next, we investigate the variation of directivity and field enhancement as a
function of antenna geometry by changing the parameters N, r and σ for
backward incidence (Fig. 5.9). In general, no clear relationship can be established
between the directional figure-of-merit, F/B, and the element selected as a
detector (n, the “feed”), except for the “reflector” (n=1) which consistently
presents F/B values below 2.5 dB because it is the only element without a longer
neighbor. For a fair comparison between different antennas, therefore, we
obtained the F/B and the backward incidence field enhancement for each antenna
element and calculated the maximum, minimum and average values over the
resonances of all the elements excluding the “reflector”. Each point in Fig. 5.9
corresponds thus to different positions on the antenna and different wavelengths.
Regarding the number of elements, while the directionality reaches a
maximum for N=10 elements, the optimum value of |E|2bw is obtained between
N=6 and N=10 depending on whether we consider its maximum or minimum
value. The decrease of the field enhancement values with increasing number of
elements is associated to increasing losses by the addition of parasitic elements.
These losses, however, do not directly decrease our measure of directionality
(F/B, a self-normalized quantity).
Both |F/B| and |E|2bw reach a maximum for a scaling factor 1.1≤ r ≤1.14 and
the optimum inter-element distance is found to be σ≈0.4. The trends are similar
for the average and minimum values, as well, indicating that the operation is
similar across positions at different wavelengths. These optimal values of r and σ
correspond to tapering angles 2°< α< 3.2°, close to the value of 3.3° reported for
tapered antennas with constant element width and inter-element distance [183].
Combining the optimum values of all four parameters (N=6, r=1.14, σ=0.4,
AR=2.1), the results for the F/B values at resonance for each element are 2.2,
20.6, 13.8, 19.5, 19.1 and 11.9 dB, for n = 1, …, 6, respectively. The applied
approach consisting of varying the antenna geometrical parameters one-at-a-time
does not guarantee reaching an absolute optimum but permits the evaluation of
the influence of each parameter.

5.3 Log-Periodic nanoantennas

Figure 5.9 Effect of geometric design parameters of dipole array log-

periodic antennas on directionality and field enhancement. The
antennas operate in reception mode with plane wave illumination from front and
back (to determine F/B ratios), or from the front end (to determine field
enhancements). Since both quantities vary from one element to another within
the same antenna, the spectral resonances of all the elements were identified and
tabulated, and the maximum (red), minimum (blue) and average (black) values
were calculated with all the element resonances. Thus, different points
correspond to different wavelengths.

Dipole array Log-Periodic antennas in emission mode

In order to assess the emission performance of the dipole array log-periodic
antennas driven with a point dipole source, we placed the antennas on a glass
substrate (n=1.52), a common experimental configuration. Simulations allowed us
to obtain far-field angular radiation patterns (Fig. 5.10). The width of the angular
emission pattern decreases with the number of antenna elements (N), as expected
for diffraction by a larger antenna. When the source spectrum does not overlap
with the resonance of the element used as a feed, lower intensity antenna modes
can be excited emitting in the backward (curves with scaled up intensities in Fig.

5. Directional Nanoantennas

Figure 5.10 Wavelength dependence of angular patterns in emission

mode. (a, c) Far-field radiation patterns (yz plane) of a 6-element dipole-array
antenna with parameters as in Figure 5.9 but placed on a glass substrate. The
antenna is driven by a point dipole source placed at element 1, 3 and 6,
respectively. Due to the smaller radiated power of off-resonance emission patterns,
multiplying factors were applied (see tags).

5.10) and even in a lateral direction rather than in forward direction (not shown).
Backward emission was already demonstrated experimentally for detuned Yagi-
Uda antennas in Section 5.2, while lateral emission can be associated with the
asymmetric position of the source with respect to the antenna axis (y).

Gap-antenna Log-Periodic arrays

An improved LP antenna design makes use of the field enhancement in the
gap between two nanowires. We investigate next a log-periodic gap-antenna array
(Fig. 5.7b), as opposed to a simple dipole array (Fig. 5.7a). Adding a gap has
been suggested for improved performance in other directional antennas [179, 187].
We construct such an antenna by shifting laterally two identical dipole arrays to
leave a narrow gap between them. When fed by a dipole at the center of one gap,
the angular patterns are very similar to the ones corresponding to simple dipole
array LP antennas with regard to beam direction, width and shape. However,
both the forward and backward beam intensities present a strong enhancement
with respect to those of the corresponding simple dipole array. For an antenna
with 15 nm wide gaps driven by a dipole at n=2, an enhancement of about one
order of magnitude is obtained (Fig. 5.11). The resonant wavelength of this
element pair in the gap-antenna array is slightly red-shifted with respect to the
simple dipole array (910 and 885 nm, respectively), as in other gap antennas [15].

5.3 Log-Periodic nanoantennas

Figure 5.11 Adding a gap enhances the power radiated by a log-periodic

nanoantenna. Far-field radiation patterns of a gap-antenna array (blue) and a
single-dipole array (green, dashed) on a glass substrate. The parameters of both
antennas are the same as in Figures 5.9 and 5.11, with a gap is 15 nm. The
antennas are driven by an electric dipole in the gap or at the end of the second
element, at their resonant wavelengths (910 nm and 885 nm, respectively).

Zigzag Log-Periodic antennas

To conclude our study of self-similar directional antennas, we consider another
log-periodic architecture: the zigzag antenna (Fig. 5.7c), known in RF technology
for its strong directivity and broad bandwidth [155]. At optical frequencies, we
find indeed that this design increases both directionality and bandwidth compared
to dipole arrays. These antennas are obtained by tilting the elements of a dipole-
array LP antenna until its ends join.
The local spectrum of a 14-element zigzag antenna, operating in reception
mode, displays a more complex band structure than its equivalent 14-element
dipole-array antenna (compare Figures 5.12a and b) as a consequence of the
overlap between the fields of adjacent elements. Furthermore, under forward
incidence, the zigzag antenna presents lower intensities at the resonant
wavelengths for backward incidence, resulting in very high F/B values (Fig.
5.13a). The F/B ratio of the zigzag antenna increases with element number n,
reaching values as high as 32 dB, whereas for the corresponding dipole-array
antenna it diminishes. At the same time, the smallest elements present a
relatively high field enhancement under backward incidence, and a smaller
dependence of field enhancement on n is also found (Fig. 5.13b), suggesting that
surface plasmons instead of multiple scattering play a determining role in the
collective response of its elements.

5. Directional Nanoantennas

Figure 5.12 Zigzag Log-Periodic antennas in reception. Comparison of the

local spectra of a dipole-array antenna (left) and a zigzag antenna (right) with
N=14 elements, illustrating the larger bandwidth of the zigzag with respect to the
dipole array. The antennas operate in air under plane wave illumination.

Figure 5.13 Zigzag log-periodic antennas can outperform dipole array

antennas. (a) Dependence of the maximum F/B ratio and (b) the maximum
field enhancement ontained at the end of different elements for the dipole array
(black) and the zigzag (red) antennas in Figure 5.13. The zigzag can be more
directional and less sensitive to the position of the point detector.

In summary, zigzag antennas present certain advantages compared to simple

dipole arrays: potentially higher directivity, broader bandwidth and a more robust
field enhancement in reception mode. By reciprocity, it is expected for emission
that performance is less sensitive to the source position.

We have presented systematic simulations of several types of log-periodic optical
antennas. The dipole array design was investigated in detail with focus on

5.4 Magneto-Electric nanoantennas

directivity and field enhancement as a function of geometrical design parameters.

Directionality is found for dipolar sources (or point detectors) near most antenna
elements at different wavelengths. The use of resonant gap antennas in log-
periodic arrays allows achieving stronger beam intensity enhancement. Zigzag
antennas present an increased directivity towards the smallest elements while the
radiated power is relatively independent on the position of the source/detector.
The proposed set of self-similar designs offers a basis for improving the basic
Yagi-Uda design, which consists of identical director elements. By opening up the
parameter space and tapering element sizes, log-periodic antennas can outperform
simpler Yagi-Uda antennas. Effectively, the number of possible “feed”elements is
increased, with the feed role distributed among all elements. However, the
important practical drawback of multi-element antennas, positioning the emitters
at the ends of the elements, has not been removed by this optimization.
Indeed, we tested experimentally the performance of log-periodic designs in
experiments similar to Section 5.2 (results not shown in this Thesis), but now for
emitters randomly attached to the surface of the antennas (no lithographic
positioning). We found that, due to the narrow gaps between the antenna
elements, the emission was dominated by radiation towards lateral directions,
with polarization across the gaps between elements. When the emitters are not
selectively positioned, they couple more strongly to the transversal mode of the
gap than to the longitudinal nanowire mode. Log-periodic antennas are still
expected to outperform Yagi-Uda antennas if the emitters are selectively
positioned at the ends of the elements. In the next Section, we will shift the
design paradigm from multi-element to single-element antennas in order to
overcome this limitation.

5.4. Magneto-Electric nanoantennas

Because of their reliance on the interference between dephased dipoles, multi-
element antennas have relatively narrow bandwidths. Directivity is gained at the
expense of bandwidth, as different phase profiles are added to obtain
directionality. In Section 5.2, we have seen that a Yagi-Uda nanoantenna offered
directivity only in part of the spectrum of emission, partially improved in Section
5.3 by the introduction of a Log-Periodic design. The performance was also
sensitive to the position of the emitters and the antennas needed to be driven
from specific feed elements for operation at a given wavelength. These two
requirements limit the applicability of directional nanoantennas in many practical
devices. In this Section, we experimentally realize a compact and robust optical
antenna that outperforms the previously studied multi-element antennas in both
bandwidth and directionality. Interestingly, this single-element design is more

5. Directional Nanoantennas

robust against changes in the position of the local source, bringing directional
optical antennas closer to practical applications.

Magneto-electric interference
A magneto-electric antenna exploits the interference between magnetic and
electric modes as a principle of operation. The fields radiated by alternating
electric and magnetic multipoles have opposite symmetries, which can be used for
the design of optical antennas with a target radiation pattern. The interference of
both a magnetic dipole (MD) and an electric quadrupole (EQ) with an electric
dipole (ED) can lead to directional radiation. The concept of magneto-electric
interference is schematically explained in Fig. 5.14c for a MD perpendicular to an
ED. For an antenna, if both dipoles are excited simultaneously, the emission can
be directed to the forward or backward directions depending on the relative phase
between both dipoles.
For implementation of this principle at optical frequencies, nanostructures
with coexisting multipolar resonances are required. The directional scattering of
dielectric nanospheres supporting magnetic dipole Mie resonances has been
demonstrated recently both theoretically and experimentally [99, 165, 188-191].
Other particles that exhibit directionality as a result of multipolar interference are
metal-dielectric nanoshells and nanocups [166, 192].
Specifically, we will employ a split-ring resonator architecture (SRR), known
for its optical magnetic response. The resonances of SRRs have been studied
extensively within the context of metamaterials [96, 193-195]. A U-shaped SRR
design with a carefully chosen geometry (Fig. 5.14a) allows us to optimize the
directionality through the balance between different multipolar components.
Similarly to a gap antenna, the width and the separation between the SRR arms
can be used for improving the coupling of ED emitters to the antenna mode
thanks to local electric field enhancement. The two arms are connected by a
bridge, whose width controls how much the antenna differs from two parallel,
unconnected wires.

Directionality from a split-ring resonator

We fabricate Au nanoantennas by standard electron-beam lithography on a glass
substrate with 10 nm of ITO. The antennas, 40-nm high, are covered completely
with a molecular monolayer (MUA) for attachment of QDs at random positions
on the metal surface. We obtained arrays of SRRs with a square aspect ratio
(equal length and total width, L) covered with QDs. We fixed the gap and bridge
sizes (g and b, respectively) to g= 35 nm and b=50 nm after a systematic
exploration of the parameter space. The photoluminescence of the QDs is excited

5.4 Magneto-Electric nanoantennas

Figure 5.14 Split-ring resonators as magneto-electric antennas. (a)

Scanning electron microscopy images of split-ring resonators. The base is a square
of length L. Two arms are separated by a gap (g) and connected by a bridge (b).
(b) Confocal photoluminescence microscopy image of quantum dots coupled to
SRR antennas, showing linearly polarized emission. (c) Principle of magneto-
electric interference of multipoles with different symmetries of the emitted field.
As an example, a magnetic dipole and a crossed electric dipole interfere resulting
in an asymmetric radiation pattern.

by a focused circularly-polarized laser, as in previous Chapters, for the study of

one antenna at a time. Confocal microscopy shows that the emission of a SRR is
linearly polarized across the gap (green color in Fig. 5.14b, DOLP= -0.7),
indicating efficient coupling of the emitters to the antennas even without nano-
positioning the QDs at optimal points.
For angular measurements, the light collected in the back focal plane images
spans the entire QD emission spectrum (FWHM = 80 nm). For a non-optimized
SRR of size 220 nm, the radiation pattern is almost symmetric (inset of Fig.
5.15b). For an optimal size of 250 nm, the angular pattern of the magneto-electric
antenna is directional with F/B = 8.5 dB (equivalent to a linear ratio of 7, Fig.
5.15a and b). Such a high directionality is obtained for most antennas on an
array, as exemplified by another nominally identical antenna (SRR 250 #2 in Fig.
5.15b). Performance is robust and reproducible, even for emitters coupled to the
antenna at random positions.

5. Directional Nanoantennas

Figure 5.15 Directed emission by a split-ring resonator. (a) Angular

radiation pattern as recorded in the back focal plane of the microscope objective
for a SRR with parameters L=250, g=35, and b=50 nm. (b) Section of the same
angular radiation pattern along the main lobe direction. For comparison, another
directional antenna with the same nominal parameters (left bottom) and an
antenna of another size with poor performance (right bottom, L=220, g=35, b=50
nm) are shown. (c) Calculated angular radiation pattern for a superposition of an
electric dipole (px), a magnetic dipole (mz), an electric quadrupole (Qxy=Qyx) and
a small rotationally-symmetric uncoupled background (|px|2+|py|2). The main
features of the pattern are reproduced with this simplified model, including the
small side lobes.

Analysis of the antenna mode

To understand the excellent performance with respect to bandwidth and source
position, we simulate numerically the characteristics of the antenna mode excited
by a point electric dipole source. Using the FDTD method, we identify SRR sizes
that are close to resonance for the central wavelength of the QD emission. For a
size of L=250 nm, the QD emission spectrum overlaps well with an extended
resonance (Fig. 5.16a, red line) when the emitter is placed at the vertical center of
the antenna inside the gap, with an orientation perpendicular to the SRR arms.
By comparing simulated near fields with the higher-order resonances of SRRs
[193-195], we assign the antenna mode to the 2nd and 3rd standing-wave resonances
of a thin, U-shaped SRR. A plateau around λ=800 nm between the 2nd and 3rd
order resonances provides the simultaneous magnetic dipole, electric quadrupole
and electric dipole necessary for directional emission. Excitation of the antenna
in-between resonances is confirmed by the position dependence of the radiated
power (Fig. 5.16b). Emitters excite the antenna efficiently over a large area of the
gap, covering a distance of more than 100 nm from the bridge. Furthermore, the
spectral FWHM of the enhancement spans around 200 nm in wavelength. These

5.4 Magneto-Electric nanoantennas

Figure 5.16 Modal properties of a split-ring resonator antenna. In

simulations, a point electric dipole excites the antenna at a position along the gap
with orientation across the gap. (a) Enhancement of radiated power (proportional
to the radiative rate enhancement) normalized to the power radiated by the
emitter in vacuum for SRRs of varying L with g=35 and b=50 nm. The source is
placed at the vertical center of each antenna and 20 nm above the substrate, at
half the height of the antenna. (b) Spectral and emitter position dependence of
the radiated power enhancement for the SRR with L=250 nm. The horizontal
white line indicates the position of the source for the spectrum in a (red line).
The vertical gray lines show the FWHM spectrum of emission in the experiment.

two factors are responsible for the robustness of the directionality for broadband
emitters randomly attached to the antennas. Importantly, the external quantum
efficiency of the emitter-antenna system remains over 70% within the bandwidth
of the QD as required for a good antenna design.
Angular radiation patterns are also obtained in simulations, confirming the
experimentally observed directional emission with F/B ratios over 10 dB for
wavelengths between 750 and 850 nm for a dipole inside the gap. When the dipole
is at the top end of the gap, the antenna emits in the opposite direction but the
radiated power is much lower for all wavelengths within the bandwidth of the QD
(gray lines in Fig. 5.16b). The net result is that the SRR antenna emits
directionally even for emitters randomly positioned on the antenna.

Point multipole interference

The directional radiation of a SRR can be explained with a point multipolar
expansion. As in Chapter 3 (nanowire antennas), we use an expansion based on
the angular spectrum representation including the presence of the glass substrate
[77]. Whereas for 1D nanowires only longitudinal electric multipoles along the
antenna were necessary, in the current case of a fully 2D SRR it is not known a

5. Directional Nanoantennas

priori which magnetic and electric multipolar terms should be taken into account
in the expansion.
For a preliminary assessment of the orders of magnitude of each electric (al,m)
and magnetic (bl,m) multipolar coefficient, where m= -l, …, +l, we first obtained a
multipolar expansion of the antenna in free-space by direct numerical integration
of the simulated FDTD fields [84]. The results indicated that the emission of the
antenna is dominated by similar contributions by an electric dipole across the gap
(px), a magnetic dipole perpendicular to the SRR (mz) and two electric quadrupole
terms (Qxy= Qyx) with the rest of Cartesian components of the quadrupole
moment tensor equal to zero. Equivalently, this quadrupole is given in terms of
multipolar coefficients by a2,2= -a2,-2 with a2,0= a2,1= a2,-1= 0 [82].
With this simplification, it is now possible to reproduce the experimentally
observed angular patterns. We find, indeed, that the electric dipole, the magnetic
dipole and the electric quadrupole, all have a non-negligible contribution to the
radiation pattern (Fig. 5.15c); although the interferences of EQ-ED or MD-ED
alone already give directional patterns, only the combination of the three
reproduce all the features of the experimental angular pattern in Fig. 5.15a.

With a more compact, more broadband and more robust single-element design,
our magneto-electric antennas direct light emission comparably better than the
multi-element antennas of Sections 5.2 and 5.3. The volume of the antenna is only
λ3/200, the directional bandwidth is at least 200 nm and there is no need to
accurately position the emitters. Further tuning of the geometrical parameters
may result in higher directional and radiative enhancements. Interestingly, split-
ring resonators may be patterned by simpler nanofabrication methods such as
shadow-mask lithography because they do not require the alignment of multiple
elements. Therefore, these results are promising for the integration of directional
nanoantennas in light-emitting and light-harvesting devices.
From a fundamental point of view, the directional response of a SRR may be a
property to exploit in metamaterials. Understanding this directionality is
necessary to explain transmittance and absorption spectra commonly found in
experiments. For example, optical activity has been observed for achiral arrays of
SRRs under oblique incidence [196, 197]. This is a direct consequence of the
magneto-electric origin of the directionality of a single SRR.

Forbidden Transition
In previous Chapters, we have controlled the emission of electric
dipole electronic transitions with multipolar electromagnetic
antenna modes. Multipolar electronic transitions in the emitters
themselves, although usually slow compared to electric dipoles,
play a relevant role in various optical spectroscopies of several
materials. In this Chapter, through numerical simulations, we
evaluate and compare nanoantenna designs for the enhancement of
magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole transitions, while
simultaneously aiming to suppress electric dipole emission. We
identify promising geometries and materials suitable for the
experimental enhancement of forbidden-transition spectroscopies.

6. Antenna-Enhanced Forbidden Transition Spectroscopies

6.1. Multipolar transitions in spectroscopy

At short wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum (X- and gamma rays),
multipolar transitions are common in atomic spectra due to the comparable size
of atom and wavelength. At much longer wavelengths, in the microwave and
radio-frequency domains, magnetic resonance spectroscopy relies on magnetic
dipole transitions, which can be enhanced by cavities and antennas.
In the optical regime, on the other hand, non-electric-dipole electronic
transitions are often neglected because their transitions rates are usually several
orders of magnitude slower than electric dipole (ED) transitions. However,
magnetic dipole (MD) and electric quadrupole (EQ) transitions do occur,
particularly in cases where ED transitions are forbidden [1]. Examples of such
forbidden transitions with very slow transitions rates that are yet visible include
the green and red emission lines of atomic oxygen present in the aurora borealis.
Enabling optical forbidden spectroscopies through the selective enhancement of
non-electric-dipole transitions would constitute a valuable resource for a variety of
spectroscopic techniques, potentially providing more chemical specificity and new
structural information compared to ED spectroscopic methods.

Electric-dipole-forbidden optical transitions

Electronic transitions of non-ED origin have been demonstrated or expected to be
present in a variety of materials for different types of optical spectroscopies. First,
we briefly summarize some relevant examples that could benefit from the
enhancement of MD and EQ transitions:
Circular dichroism. The different response of chiral molecules to circularly
polarized optical fields is due to the interference between an ED and
either a MD or an EQ [198]. For the effect to be visible, both types of
transitions involved must have fixed relative orientations and phases
[199]. Dissymmetry factors are usually very small because of the lower
strength of the non-ED contribution to the product of both moments.
Luminescence of rare earth ions. The electronic structure of the lanthanide
elements favors MD moments that can be comparable or higher than ED
transitions [200].
Second harmonic generation in centrosymmetric materials. SHG is forbidden
in the ED approximation in centrosymmetric materials. Yet, certain
centrosymmetric molecules and crystals display a significant amount of
SHG (e.g., several phthalocyanines and C60 [201-203]). When surface
effects are discarded, MD and EQ transitions explain the origin of the
bulk SHG signal [204, 205].

6.2 Enhancing forbidden transitions

Oxides. Certain spectral lines of oxides such as Cu2O and Cr2O3 are attributed
to electric-dipole-forbidden transitions [206, 207].
Atoms. The enhancement of an EQ transition in a vapor of atomic cesium was
reported under evanescent wave illumination of total internal reflection on
a dielectric interface [208].
Quantum dots and wires. In some semiconductor nanostructures, particularly
of larger sizes, non-ED effects have been measured for emission near a
mirror [209] and were also investigated theoretically [210, 211].
Molecular aggregates (J- and H-aggregates). Coherent coupling between
aligned molecular units can lead to non-dipolar contributions to
excitation, emission and energy transfer, because of the extended nature
of the excitonic wave function.
Raman and hyper-Raman spectroscopy. Raman vibration modes with
symmetries that have dipole-forbidden emission can potentially be
activated through EQ radiation by strong electric field gradients. This
electromagnetic mechanism has been suggested for the appearance of
certain Raman lines near metal nanoparticles [212, 213].
As in previous Chapters, angular measurements offer great potential to study the
multipolar nature of the interaction of light with matter, both in absorption and
in emission [214, 215]. In particular, back focal plane imaging can uncover non-ED
contributions in emission [130].

6.2. Enhancing forbidden transitions

The interaction strength of an electric dipole, a magnetic dipole, and an electric
quadrupole with an electromagnetic field is proportional to the local electric field,
the magnetic field and the gradient of the electric field, respectively. It is possible
to control their transition rates by changing their electromagnetic environment
[216]. Far-field approaches based on mirrors and dielectric interfaces allow
enhancement factors below an order of magnitude for MD [217-220] and EQ
transitions [208, 209]. Bringing into light more forbidden transitions requires,
however, larger enhancements.
Optical nanoantennas have the potential to modify the selection rules thanks
to their strongly confined evanescent fields. Each antenna design concentrates
particular components of the electromagnetic field at specific locations. Antennas
can thus be devised to favor a given quantum-mechanical multipolar transition in
an emitter through an enhanced local field of interest.
To completely break the selection rules, ED transitions should ideally be
suppressed as well. Competition between different transition channels in an

6. Antenna-Enhanced Forbidden Transition Spectroscopies

emitter may result in deletion of the excited state through another ED decay
channel. For an emitter at a given position on an antenna, a high branching ratio
between non-ED/ED transition rates is in principle desirable. Additionally, from a
practical point of view, it is preferable to have such a high enhancement and ratio
at all accessible points near the antenna.
Several nanostructures have been proposed recently for enhancing MD or EQ
optical transitions. Separate works evaluated the possibility of MD emission
control with metal nanowires [70], metal-insulator-metal resonators [221] and
semiconductor spheres [222-224]. For EQ transitions, independent theoretical
works predict enhancement by slits [225], metal spheres [213], dielectric spheres
[226], and gap antennas [227, 228].
In this Chapter, we provide a systematic evaluation and comparison of
different resonant antenna designs for MD and EQ enhancement: metal
nanospheres, metal nanowires, semiconductor disks, and split-ring resonators. We
identify geometries suitable for experimental realization, incorporating the effect
of surrounding media such as a dielectric substrate, and evaluating the possible
enhancement of ED transitions at the same or other emitter positions. The
presented simulations can therefore guide realistic experiments to manipulate
forbidden transitions.

Simulation method
We model the enhancement of non-ED transitions with classical electrodynamics.
Using the Finite-Difference Time-Domain method (FDTD Solutions, Lumerical
Inc.), we solve Maxwell’s equations numerically for MD and EQ sources. Our
approach is essentially similar to the study of ED enhancement by optical
antennas with the FDTD method [229]. By solving the full electromagnetic
problem in 3D, this method offers flexibility to study any nanoantenna design.
We compute the power radiated by an emitter coupled to an antenna, Prad, by
integrating the Poynting vector over a surface enclosing the emitter-antenna
system. The same emitter alone, without antenna and in vacuum, would radiate a
power Prad,0. We define the radiated power enhancement as the ratio Prad/Prad,0.
The radiated power enhancement relates directly to the radiative rate
enhancement: Prad/Prad,0= Γrad/Γrad,0. We will evaluate the performance of our
antennas in terms of this quantity.
We use mesh sizes of 1-3 nm and employ perfectly-matched layers at the
boundaries of the simulation volume. Temporal propagation is terminated when
the total power decays to 10-6 times the injected power for MD sources. For EQ
sources, the fields excited by a 20-fs pulse are propagated during a total of 200 fs
to ensure decay and convergence.

6.3 Magnetic dipole emission enhancement

For maximum accuracy, we place the electric and magnetic dipolar sources at
the positions of the mesh Yee cells where the respective fields are numerically
evaluated [230]. We construct EQ sources by adding two ED sources with the
same orientation 180° out of phase, separated by 1 nm. A finer refinement mesh
of 0.1 nm is used surrounding the EQ. The relative positions of the EDs
determine the resulting EQ, which can be of longitudinal or lateral character for
collinear or parallel dipoles, respectively. They correspond to the diagonal and off-
diagonal terms of the Cartesian quadrupole moment tensor (Qij with i, j= x, y, z).
As a general methodology, we simulate the emission of ED, MD or EQ sources
with different orientations and at different positions, normally 5 nm away from
the antenna surface. The resonance of each antenna is tuned by sweeping its
dimensions. In our results, we highlight the three most relevant situations: a non-
ED transition at its optimal position; an ED transition at the same position; and
an ED transition at its optimal position. For clarity, only dipole orientations with
maximum enhancement at each position are shown.

6.3. Magnetic dipole emission enhancement

A MD transition is optimally enhanced at points of maximum magnetic field.
Although a useful starting point is the investigation of antenna designs with
magnetic resonances, antennas with either electric or magnetic modes may be
used for MD emission enhancement.
In this Section, we show that nanowire antennas, metal-insulator-metal
resonators and silicon disks offer realistic possibilities for MD enhancement. We
also evaluate the use of split-ring resonators. For a fair comparison between
different materials and geometries, we focus our attention to wavelengths in the
range 900-1100 nm.

Metal nanowire antennas

Magnetic fields are enhanced at positions where electric currents are maximal. For
a half-wave nanowire antenna, the current peaks at the center of the resonator
(Fig. 1.3d). A MD with orientation following the magnetic field lines around the
wire can be enhanced around 60 times (green line in Fig. 6.1, top).
Compared to the emission of an ED at the same position, the ratio MD/ED is
relatively poor, a factor of only 4 (see red line). Moreover, the emission of an ED
placed at the end of the nanowire is around 3 times more strongly enhanced
(dashed red line) than a MD at its optimal position. Therefore, if ED transitions
compete with MD transitions in the emitter, MD enhancement might only be
observed if the emitters are selectively placed at the center of the antenna.

6. Antenna-Enhanced Forbidden Transition Spectroscopies

Figure 6.1 Antennas for magnetic dipole transitions. Radiated power

enhancement, equivalent to radiative rate enhancement, for three antenna
designs: a gold nanowire; a gold-silica-gold resonator; and a silicon disk. Magnetic
(electric) dipoles are shown in green (red). Continuous (dashed) lines indicate
that the source position is optimal for magnetic (electric) dipole enhancement.
For EDs at positions with larger enhancenent than the maximum MD
enhancement, a multiplying factor of 0.3 is applied for representation. Sources are
5, 20 and 5 nm away from the antenna surface. All antennas lie on a glass
substrate Parameters are length (L), diameter (D), height (h), and width (w).
6.3 Magnetic dipole emission enhancement

Figure 6.2 Distance dependence of magnetic dipole enhancement. The

spatial dependence of magnetic enhancement is different for the three proposed
resonators. It decays rapidly within 15 nm for a nanowire, it remains
approximately constant within a MIM resonator, and it is confined to 30 nm for
silicon disk, when half-maximum values are considered. The nanowire and the
MIM resonator are on a glass substrate, whereas the silicon resonator lies on a
silicon-on-insulator wafer with a 150-nm SiO2 layer.

Metal-insulator-metal resonators
Another source of strong magnetic fields is the circulation of electric currents
between two parallel metal plates. Metal-insulator-metal (MIM) resonators
composed of cylindrical disks possess magnetic resonances that can be used for
ED emission enhancement [231]. For MD transitions, we obtain results that are
comparable in absolute value to a nanowire antenna (Fig. 6.1, center).
There are, however, important advantages. First, for an emitter placed at the
center of the resonator, where magnetic fields are maximal, the ratio of MD/ED
emission is significantly higher than for a nanowire (compare green and red
continuous lines). Second, the maximum MD enhancement is obtained for
orientations within the plane of the dielectric layer instead of a single direction.
As a result, the average enhancement will be higher for emitters with random
orientations. Third, although ED transitions display higher enhancement than
MD transitions at the rims of the resonator, the emitters may be contained only
inside the dielectric layer, making it easier in practice to position them towards
the center of the resonator. This might be accomplished, for example, by means of
radial chemical etching of the dielectric host material. MD enhancement is almost
constant with respect to the height of the emitter inside the resonator, providing
an extended volume for emission enhancement (Fig. 6.2, center).

6. Antenna-Enhanced Forbidden Transition Spectroscopies

Semiconductor resonators
Semiconductor and dielectric nanospheres and nanowires exhibit magnetic
resonances [97-99] that may be used for the enhancement of MD transitions. They
support low-order Mie resonances whose local magnetic field distribution is
maximal at its center. Here, we evaluate a related antenna geometry that might
be more controllably used in experiments; a cylindrical silicon disk on a substrate.
Enhancement factors can be above 100 at near-infrared wavelengths for MD
dipoles centered and perpendicular to the top surface of the silicon disks (Fig. 6.1
for a disk on a glass substrate; Fig. 6.2 for a disk on a silicon-on-insulator
substrate). At that position, the contrast of MD/ED enhancement can exceed 20
times. Importantly, an ED is only weakly enhanced at other positions around the
resonator, e.g., at the side or at the edges.
Although other dielectric materials with a lower —yet relatively high—
refractive index still support similar magnetic resonances, the enhancement is
smaller [222]. By simulating disks made of diamond (n≈ 2.4) and TiO2 (n≈ 2.7),
we found enhancements of MD transitions below 30 at the studied wavelengths.
The higher refractive index of semiconductors such as Si (n≈ 3.6) contributes to a
stronger resonant enhancement.

Split-ring resonators
The curvature of the electric current in a resonant split-ring resonator produces
strong magnetic fields, especially near its curved section. We evaluate next MD
enhancement with a U-shaped resonator (SRR), similar in geometry to a tuning
fork, whose arms can be tuned into resonance by varying their length.
The first resonant mode of a SRR in air offers a high enhancement of both ED
and MD transitions (Fig. 6.3, left). However, the antenna dimensions are small
even when surrounded only by air, and even smaller geometries would be required
for antennas on a realistic glass substrate. Larger split-ring resonators exhibiting
higher-order resonances may be considered for ease of fabrication, including a
glass substrate. We find, however, that the MD enhancements achievable with
higher-order modes on a substrate are considerably lower and provide a lower
contrast of MD/ED enhancement (Fig. 6.3, right).
Finally, we also simulated other structures known to support magnetic
resonant modes —including nanoslot antennas, parallel wire pairs, and
metal/dielectric core-shell resonators— and found no evidence of performance
superior to, for example, a nanowire antenna.

6.4 Electric quadrupole emission enhancement

Figure 6.3 Split-ring resonators for magnetic dipole transitions. Power

radiated by U-shaped gold resonators operating at the fundamental (left) and
high order resonances (right), in air and on a glass substrate, respectively. Line
colors and styles represent the different dipole types and positions sketched in the
insets. The antenna parameters are vertical length (L), arm width (w), gap
between arms (g), and height (h).

6.4. Electric quadrupole emission enhancement

An EQ transition is best enhanced at points with strong electric field gradients.
The evanescent fields of surface plasmons in noble metals naturally enhance EQ
transitions because the electric field is normal to the metal surface and decays
exponentially away from it. They produce mainly field gradients of the form ∇iEi,
where i is the direction normal to the metal surface.
Resonant antennas further contribute to the observation of EQ transitions
through electric field enhancement, because the emission of the individual EDs
constituting the EQ is also enhanced separately. We assess here the performance
of resonant nanospheres and nanowire antennas for EQ transitions.

Metal spheres
A noble metal sphere with a nanoscale radius provides a basic combination of
field gradients and resonant emission. Although the resonance of the antenna can
still be identified, our simulations show that there is a relatively constant level of
non-resonant enhancement throughout the spectrum (Fig, 6.4, left).
A longitudinal quadrupole with dipoles oriented along the radius of the sphere
can be enhanced by more than 3 orders of magnitude as a result of field gradients
of the form ∇xEx. The different local fields seen by each dipole break the
symmetry of the emitter producing more radiation.

6. Antenna-Enhanced Forbidden Transition Spectroscopies

Figure 6.4 Antennas for electric quadrupole transitions. The field gradients
near a gold sphere and a nanowire can enhance the radiative rates of quadrupolar
transitions by several orders of magnitude. In both cases, the enhancement is
much higher than for ED sources. Two types of quadrupoles are compared, lateral
and longitudinal, with constituting dipoles at different relative positions. All
sources are 5 nm away from the antenna surface.

A lateral quadrupole, on the other hand, is less enhanced because quadrupole

moment components like Qxy interact with crossed field-gradients, ∇xEy, which are
not particularly enhanced by the geometry of a sphere.

Metal nanowires
A nanowire antenna may have sharper edges than a sphere, producing steeper
field gradients as well as higher resonant local fields. The result is that an EQ
transition is enhanced by more than 4 orders of magnitude. The resonance of the
antenna is clearly visible in the spectrum of Figure 6.4, with similar shapes for ED
and EQ sources. Interestingly, ED emission is enhanced by at least 2 orders of
magnitude less than EQ transitions.

Radius of curvature and symmetry breaking

The simple cases of sphere and wire antennas allow us to identify two general
principles for further optimization of EQ transitions.
When the radius of a sphere is decreased from 80 to 20 nm, we observe an
overall increase of EQ emission (Fig. 6.5, left). Similarly to the lightning-rod
effect, sharp edges and tips with small radius of curvature further enhance EQ
transitions. Displacing the EQ towards points with a lower symmetry such as the
edges of a nanowire favors EQ transitions (Fig. 6.6, right). This spatial effect has
been reported for gap antennas made of pairs of spheres [227] or nanowires [228],

6.5 Conclusions

Figure 6.5 Field gradients near edges for quadrupolar transitions. The
power radiated by a quadrupole transition increases near antennas features of
small radius of curvature, such as smaller spheres (diameter, D) or the sharper
edges of a nanowire (position of the emitter with respect to the center height of
the nanowire, z).

and enhancements of up to 6 orders of magnitude have been predicted just out of

the center of a very narrow gap.
To conclude, we propose the use of gap antennas with sharp ends (e.g., bow-
tie geometry) to obtain even higher enhancements. Breaking the lateral symmetry
of a gap antenna by slightly misaligning its two arms may lead to higher
enhancements of lateral quadrupoles as well. Finally, since the extent of the decay
of evanescent fields depends on material parameters, other metals may
additionally increase EQ transition rates.

6.5. Conclusions
We have demonstrated through numerical simulations the feasibility of enhancing
magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole transitions with resonant optical
antennas. The antenna mode does not need to have the same multipolar character
as the transition, as illustrated with nanowire ED antennas and both MD and EQ
sources. With realistic configurations and potentially working at other
wavelengths, our results can serve as a guide to a range of spectroscopic
The observable effects of the activation of forbidden transitions by optical
antennas will depend on the enhanced optical process. Experimental signatures of
such enhancement could be the spectral modification of an emitter through the
appearance or suppression of spectral lines, the shortening of a decay lifetime, or a
signal intensity enhancement.

6. Antenna-Enhanced Forbidden Transition Spectroscopies

By altering the hierarchy of the selection rules, light-matter interaction can be

radically modified. Enhancing forbidden transitions with optical antennas would
open a new degree of freedom for optical spectroscopies. Some of the possibilities
that would be enabled include new electronic structure or conformational
information in complex materials, strong second-harmonic generation from
otherwise weak centrosymmetric materials, or the use of the specificity of
forbidden transitions in a dipole-dominated environment as a sensing or contrast


In this Thesis, we have demonstrated the control of light emission with optical
antennas. The near-field coupling of an emitter to a tailored nanoantenna resulted
in controlled directions of emission, polarization, decay rate or wavelength
spectrum. Each antenna design conferred its properties on the emitter,
dominating the emission.
Nanowire antennas produced multipolar radiation from dipolar transitions,
acting as converters between fundamental electromagnetic modes with different
symmetries. Nanoslot antennas were shown to possess a dominant magnetic dipole
response at resonance, even when driven by electric dipole sources. Yagi-Uda and
log-periodic antennas directed light emission through the interference of dephased
electric dipoles. Judiciously tuned split-ring resonators made unidirectional
emission possible with a single, compact element through interfering multipolar
moments. Finally, we explored the possibility of enhancing multipolar transitions
in the emitters themselves with optical antennas of arbitrary multipolar character.
Our antennas were mainly inspired by conventional antenna designs. There is
still plenty of room for ideas and improvement to be drawn by the optical
antenna engineer from that vast body of knowledge. Yet, designs exclusive to
optical frequencies might be found that outperform classical ones, as illustrated in
our example of magneto-electric antenna (split-ring resonator). Those potential
designs might be more suited to the peculiarities and applications of optical
Research in optical antennas is full of opportunities for integration in photonic
devices. For example, directional antennas can couple light into dielectric,
semiconductor or plasmonic waveguides. A coherent communication link between
two independent emitters with optical antennas has yet to be demonstrated; it
could boost the prospects for nanophotonic wireless networks. The combination of
nanoantennas with micro/nano-fluidics has the potential to revolutionize
biochemical sensors. The control of the electromagnetic modes of emission and
absorption enabled by optical antennas provides interesting opportunities to

manipulate the orbital angular momentum of light with sub-wavelength sources
and detectors, ideal for integration in more complex devices.
Light emission can still be more radically manipulated with optical antennas.
Breaking the selection rules through the enhancement of multipolar transitions
with optical antennas seems certainly within experimental reach, as shown in the
simulations in this Thesis. For dipolar transitions, our work always took place in
the weak-coupling regime. Access to the strong-coupling regime would allow the
use of quantum electrodynamics effects as a resource for optoelectronics. Also for
dipolar emitters, emission and excitation enhancements reported in the
experimental literature are still far from the values predicted by theory. If the
enhancements expected for gap antennas are obtained, they would enable the
detection of very slow emitters such as single rare-earth ions. Such emitters would
constitute virtually unbleachable solid-state sources of single photons for quantum
information technologies. The enhancement of these and other emitters could be
combined with spin manipulation.
This Thesis provided part of the necessary groundwork for these and other
exciting experiments by establishing the fundamental methods and the Optical
Physics of antennas as nano-optical elements.


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List of Publications
Book Chapter
“Directionality, polarization and enhancement by optical antennas”
N. F. van Hulst, T. H. Taminiau, and A. G. Curto,
Optical Antennas, Eds. M. Agio and A. Alù, Cambridge University Press (2013)
Journal Articles
“Antenna-Enhanced Forbidden Transition Spectroscopies”
A. G. Curto, M. Kuttge, and N. F. van Hulst,
In preparation
“Magneto-Electric Antennas for Directing Light Emission”
I. M. Hancu, A. G. Curto, M. Castro-Lopez, M. Kuttge, and N. F. van Hulst,
In preparation
“Probing the Magnetic Resonance of a Nanoslot Optical Antenna”
A. G. Curto, M. Kuttge, N. F. van Hulst
Under review in Physical Review Letters (2013)
“Multipolar Radiation of Quantum Emitters with Nanowire Optical Antennas”
A. G. Curto, T. Taminiau, G. Volpe, M. Kreuzer, R. Quidant, N. F. van Hulst,
Nature Communications 4, 1750 (2013)
“Log-Periodic Optical Antennas with Broadband Directivity”
R. S. Pavlov, A. G. Curto, N. F. van Hulst,
Optics Communications 285, 3334–3340 (2012)
“Unidirectional Emission of a Quantum Dot Coupled to a Nanoantenna”
A. G. Curto, T. Taminiau, G. Volpe, M. Kreuzer, R. Quidant, N. F. van Hulst,
Science 329, 930-932 (2010)
“Near-Field Focusing with Optical Phase Antennas”
A. G. Curto, A. Manjavacas, and F. J. García de Abajo,
Optics Express 17 (20), 17801-17811 (2009)
“Near-Field Optical Phase Antennas for Long-Range Plasmon Coupling”
A. G. Curto and F. J. García de Abajo,
Nano Letters 8 (8), 2479-2484 (2008)
Other Publications
“Optical Antennas for Quantum Emitters”
A. G. Curto, M. Castro-Lopez, and N. F. van Hulst
Óptica Pura y Aplicada 44 (2) 325-331 (2011)

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