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English for Pharmacist

Greeting & Everyday Conversation

 Good morning/ Good afternoon/ Good evening/ Good night
 Hello/ Hi
 How do you do?  How do you do.
 How are you? / How have you been? / How are you doing? / How are things? / How’s it going?
 Fine (Thank you/ Thanks)/ Very well/ Good/ All right/ So-so/ Okay/ Not bad

Leave Taking
 Good bye/ See you again/ See you later/ See you/ Bye
 Have a nice trip.
 Have a nice day/ weekend.
 Take care.
o Certainly
o Of course.
o I hope so.

1. That›s too bad! 5. What a pity!
2. That’s a shame! 6. I’m (very) sorry to hear about that.
3. That’s a pity! 7. I’m (very) sorry.
4. What a shame! 8. I’m so sorry.

1. Thanks/ Thank you 4. Thanks (very much).
2. It’s nice of you to say so/that. 5. I’m very grateful.
3. Thanks (for telling me).

Responding “thank you”

1. You’re welcome. 6. I’m glad I could do it.
2. Don’t mention it. 7. I’m glad I could help.
3. No problem. 8. I’m glad I could be of help.
4. Glad to be of help. 9. (It was) my pleasure.
5. It was nothing (at all). 10. Any time.

Asking for Repetition

1. Excuse me? Pardon me? 9. Would you please repeat that?
2. I beg your pardon? 10. Would you mind saying that again?
3. What was that you said? 11. I didn’t (quite) catch that.
4. Could you say that again, please? 12. I didn’t get that.
5. Would you say that again, please? 13. I missed that.
6. Would you mind repeating that? 14. I’m lost.
7. what did you say? 15. I’m not following you.
8. Could you please repeat that?
1. I don’t know where to begin.
2. I don’t know where to start.
3. I don’t know what to say.
4. Well, let’s see t
5. Well,
6. Let me see
7. Let’s see

1. Would you mind if I ________________?  pay it using card?
2. Would it bother you if I _____________?  wait here for a moment?
3. Would it disturb you if I _____________?  need more explanation about this medication?
4. Could I ask you to __________________?  let me know about the side effect of this medicine?
5. Could I ask you a favour?
6. Can you help me with this?
7. Could you please __________________?  suggest me the medication to take care of the rash?
8. May I ask you _____________________?  about this prescription?
9. Is there anything I can do for you?
10. Please __________.  Call me if the medications are ready for me.

1. I appreciate it/ that.
2. It’s (very) nice/ kind of you to offer.
3. Thanks for offering.
4. I appreciate your offering.
5. That’s (very) nice/ kind of you.
6. That would be nice.
7. You’re very kind/ nice.
8. I’m very grateful (to ).  have such this fast response from you.
9. I really appreciate it.
10. I appreciate it very much.
11. It was very nice of you (to ).  suggest an alternative medicine.
12. I can’t begin to tell you how much I appreciate .
13. I want to express my appreciation to .

Offering to do Something
1. Do you want me to ?
2. Would you like me to ?
3. I’ll________, if you’d like.  recommend you “antacid”
4. I’ll be happy/ glad to______, if you’d like.  change it into syrup for your child
5. Let me ( ).  help you to read the prescription
6. Okay
7. I think / I guess_________.  I can find something for your wife’s problem.
Offering to Help

Making an Offer
1. Do you want/ need any help? 11. Is there anything I can do to help?
2. Do you want/ need a hand? 12. Can I help you with anything?
3. Can I help you? 13. I’d be happy/ glad to give you a hand.
4. Can I give you a hand? 14. I’d be happy/ glad to lend a hand.
5. Would you like me to help you? 15. I’d be happy/ glad to help.
6. Do you want me to help you? 16. Let me give you a hand.
7. I’d be glad/ happy to help you. 17. I’m happy to lend a hand.
8. Let me help you. 18. Let me do it for you.
9. Would you like any help? 19. Allow me to help you.
10. Can I do anything to help you? 20. May I help you?
21. Is there anything/ something in particular I can help you find?
22. Is there anything/ something you’re looking for in particular?
23. Is there anything else I can help you with?
24. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance.
25. Please feel free to call on me if I can be of any further assistance.
27. If I can be of any further assistance, please don’t hesitate to ask/ let me know.

Responding to an Offer
1. If you don’t mind.
2. If you wouldn’t mind.
3. I don’t want to trouble.
4. I don’t want to trouble you/ bother you/ inconvenience you/ put you to any trouble/ put you out.
5. Don’t worry about it.
6. That’s okay/ all right.

1. Oh, I’m sorry.
2. Sorry about that.
3. I apologize for saying that.
4. I don’t mean to make things difficult for you.
5. I don’t mean to make things complicated for you.
6. I don’t mean to complicate things.
7. I don’t mean to give you a hard time.
8. I don’t mean to give you a trouble.

1. It’s O.K.
2. Forget about it.
3. Don’t worry about it.
4. No problem.
Possible Questions to the Patients
Patient is sitting in front of the counter for a long time.
1. Excuse me, sir?
2. Are you waiting for the medicine?
3. Could I have your prescription, please?
4. Can I see the prescription, please?
5. Have you seen the doctor yet?
6. Did you contact the cashier?

1. The medicine is not ready yet. Just a moment.
2. Just a minute. One moment.
3. Please have/ take a seat. Please be seated.
4. I will call your name when it›s ready.

Calling the name: If you can’t pronounce. Just try. If it still doesn’t work. Try harder until the patient comes
to you.
1. Mr. Anderson? Are you Mr. Anderson?
2. This is for Ms. Sapsiree Taerattanachai. Did I pronounce your name correctly?

1. Are you allergic to any medicines?
2. Do you have any medicine/ drug allergies?
3. Have any medicines ever upset you?
4. Have you ever allergic to any medicines?

 If the patient dose allergic to some medicine. We might continue asking these questions”
1. How was it?
2. What was the symptom? Was it Severe? How did you manage it?
3. When did you have drug allergy? Have you ever taken it again since then?
4. Medication history
5. Are you taking any medication currently? Are you on the pills?
6. Have you ever taken these medicines before?
7. Are these the same medicines that you had before?
8. How do you normally take it?
9. Is the dosage regimen still the same?
Practice it

Situation I: Patient is standing in front of the counter.

Pharmacist : Excuse me, sir? May I help you?
Patient : Yes. I’ve just seen the doctor and now I want to get my medicine.
Pharmacist : Did you contact the cashier?
Patient : No, not yet.
Pharmacist : O.K., could you please contact the first? And wait for the cashier to call your name.
After that you can bring the receipt to get your medicine here.
Patient : O.K., thanks a lot.
Pharmacist : No problem, sir.

Situation II: Patient already contacted the cashier.

Pharmacist : Good morning, Could I help your receipt, please?
* Patient give the receipt to the pharmacist
Pharmacist : Just a minute, please have a seat.
Patient : My medicine is not ready?
Pharmacist : I’m sorry, not yet, sir. I’ll call your medicine is ready.

Situation III: Calling patients to get their medicine.

Pharmacist : Mr. Peter Johnson. Mr. Johnson, please.
Hello, sir. Please check your name again, is it correct?
Patient : Yeah, Peter Johnson.
Pharmacist : How many doctors have you seen today?
Patient : Just one doctor. Why do you always keep asking this question?
Pharmacist : Because some patients met more than one doctor so I just want to make sure
that you’ve got all the medicine you suppose to have. Are you allergic to any medicine?
Patient : Nothing that I know.
Pharmacist : OK, today you have 3 medicines…..

Situation IV: Asking about allergy.

Pharmacist : Are you allergic to any medicine?
Patient : Yes, I used to allergic to penicillin but It’s a long time ago.
Pharmacist : OK, what was the symptom when you took penicillin?
Patient : I had a rash all over.
Pharmacist : Have you ever taken it again since then?
Patient : No, never.
Pharmacist : OK, today you won’t have any problem about this because
the doctor gave different class of antibiotic.
Patient : That’s good.
Rough Situation
1. The medicine is out of stock here.
2. Your medicine needs to be mixing.
3. We have to get the medicine from the main store/ stock on 2nd floor/ 3rd floor. It might take a little
bit longer than usual. It may take some more time. It will take about 10 minutes. Could you please
wait for a moment?
4. You can come back to get the medicines in about 15 minutes. We are very sorry for the
5. This medicine cannot be dispensed without prescription from the doctor. Could you please contact
the nurse station to see the doctor first?

1. We cannot return this medicine for you.
2. We would accept it only if you are allergic to the medicine and doctor has confirmed. I really don’t
have the authority to do so because it is against the policy.

Out of Stock
1. The medicine is out of stock right now.
2. We have run out of this medicine. It will be coming next week. You might have to come to get the
medicine next time.
3. Do you want me to mail it to you? Or do you want to come and get it yourself?
4. I will give you a receipt form. When the medicine is available, I will notify you. You just bring this
receipt from to get your medicine.
5. We are sorry for the inconvenient.
6. Sorry, we don’t have this medicine in the hospital. I afraid that you might have to buy it from
somewhere else. You might find it from some drug stores big hospitals nearby.

Taking the Medicine

1. This is from Pharmacy department. Yesterday you came to the hospital. You have forgotten to pick
up your medicine. You can take it today by showing your i.d card or the copy of the prescription.
2. Could you come to get your medicines now? They have been prepared for you.
3. You can come here any time. We are open from 7 am – 9 pm. Please contact the pharmacy
department on 2nd floor. And please bring your receipt with you.
4. Please contact the cashier and bring the receipt to get your medicine.

Confirming Prescription
1. There are some problems about your prescription. The prescription is not clear. I have to consult
the doctor.
2. I have to confirm with your doctor. You might have to wait a little bit long. Please wait.
Practice it!

Situation I
Patient : Hello, I want to but this medicine. I couldn’t find it from anywhere. Do you have it here?
Pharmacist : Just a minute, please. Let me check it for you. Yes, we have this medicine but
I cannot dispense it without a prescription from the doctor. Would you mind to see the
doctor first?
Patient : Why do I have to see the doctor? I›ve been taking this medication for a long time.
Pharmacist : Yes, I understand that but this medicine must be under doctors control that’s why
I need a prescription.
Patient : OK, where can I see a doctor?
Pharmacist : Is this your first time here?
Patient : Yeah.
Pharmacist : So, you have to register first. The registration section is right at the corner over there.
You just tell them that you want to but the medicine which need a prescription from
the doctor.
Patient : OK, thank you.
Pharmacist : You’re welcome.

Situation II
Pharmacist : Hello, May I speak to Mr. John Smith, please?
Patient : Speaking.
Pharmacist : This is calling from Medixa Hospital. Yesterday you came to the hospital, right?
Patient : Yes. Is there any problem?
Pharmacist : Do you know that you suppose to have the medicine to take home?
Patient : Yeah, but really didn’t have time to wait. Can I pick it up to day?
Pharmacist : Sure, you can.
Patient : Where can I get my medicine.
Pharmacist : Please contact the cashier on 2nd floor and bring the receipt to get your medicine
at Pharmacy department.
Patient : OK, thank you very much.
Pharmacist : No problem, sir.

Situation III
Patient : Is my medicine ready yet? I’m waiting here for almost 15 minutes,
and there is no other patient at all. What are you doing? I don’t get it.
Pharmacist : I’m very sorry. What your name, please? I’ll check it out for you.
Patient : Patricia Velazquez
Pharmacist : OK, just a minute please. You have one medicine that need to be mixing
So, it might take some more time.
Patient : So how long do I have to wait?
Pharmacist : Just about 10 minutes. I’m very sorry for the inconvenient.
Patient : Alright.

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