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Is it true that the first section may be more difficult than the last?

There are usually three sections, with the first being the simplest and the final being the most
difficult. It is possible that certain questions in Section 2 will be more tough for you than others
in Section 3, but in general, the third portion/Section 3 is the most difficult.

Is it true that the first section may be more difficult than the last?
There are three sections, with the first being the simplest and the last being the most challenging.
Certain questions in Section 2 may be more challenging for you than others in Section 3, but in
general, Section 3 is the most demanding.

Can we switch between sections in IELTS Reading and start with any part we like?
As soon as the part begins, you are free to flip your pages as you choose. In the IELTS on
computer test, you can click on any question, but I recommend that you should always start with
the first part, then the second, and then the third since each answer is worth one point. So, it's
ideal to obtain all the easy questions first and then spend the rest of the time on the more difficult

Can we switch between sections in IELTS Reading and start with any part we like?
You are free to browse through the pages as soon as the section begins. You can click on any
question on the IELTS on computer test, but I recommend starting with the first part, then the
second, and finally the third, because each answer is worth one point. As a result, it's best to
complete all of the simple questions first and then devote the remainder of your time to the more
difficult ones.

Taking down notes during the IELTS test helps me remember important details. Will we
be provided with a paper to write notes on during the IELTS on computer test?
Yes, test takers will be provided with pen/pencil and paper for note-taking during the test.
However, you will be asked to leave the used paper after the test. 

Taking notes throughout the IELTS exam assists me in remembering essential topics. Will
we be given paper on which to take notes during the IELTS on test?
Yes, test takers will be given a pen/pencil and paper to take notes with during the exam.
However, following the exam, you will be required to dispose of the used paper.

This is my first time to take IELTS on computer. Is there a complete IELTS on computer
practice test available for me to use?

The British Council has developed a  full sample version of the IELTS on computer test to help
test takers. This aims to familiarise test takers of  the features and format of the IELTS on
computer test. You may access the familiarisation test

This is my first time doing IELTS on computer. Is there a complete IELTS on computer
practice exam accessible for me to use?
To assist test takers, the British Council has created a complete sample version of the IELTS
computer exam. This is intended to acquaint test takers with the features and format of the
IELTS on computer exam. You may find the familiarization exam here:

Is there a submit or save button in every section of the IELTS on computer test?
There is no need for a 'save' or 'submit' button on the IELTS on computer screen.  All answers
are automatically saved as you go through the entire test. Similarly, the screen automatically
ends the test when the time is up.

Is a submit or save button available in each segment of the IELTS on computer test?
On the IELTS computer screen, there is no requirement for a 'save' or 'submit' button. As you
progress through the exam, all your answers are immediately stored. Similarly, when the timer
runs out, the screen instantly terminates the test.
Can we navigate from one part to another to view other parts of the test while still on the
current section?
Yes, you may view other parts of the test within the same section (Listening, Reading, and
Writing). There is a navigation bar at the bottom of the screen which allows you to check other
parts and questions within the same subtest.

Can we go from one part to another to examine other portions of the test while remaining
in the present section?
Yes, you may look at other portions of the test in the same section (Listening, Reading, and
Writing). You can examine different portions and questions within the same subtest by using the
navigation bar at the bottom of the screen.

Can we highlight words and phrases on the IELTS on computer screen?

Yes, the IELTS on computer screen includes features like highlighting and note-taking. Other
standard functions like, click and drag, copy and paste (CTRL+C and CTRL+V) are also

Can we highlight words and phrases on the IELTS on computer screen?
Yes, tools such as highlighting and note-taking are available on the IELTS on computer screen.
Other typical operations, such as click and drag, copy and paste (CTRL+C and CTRL+V), and
so on, are also accessible.

Is it mandatory to clear the highlighted texts and notes after completing the reading test?
No, there is no need for you to remove any highlights or notes you have made during the test.
These do not affect your score in the IELTS on computer test.

Is it necessary to erase the marked words and notes after finishing the reading test?
No, you do not need to delete any highlights or notes you created throughout the test. These have
no bearing on your IELTS on computer test result.

Can I go to the washroom during the reading test?

Yes, you may. However, you will not be given additional time.

Is it okay if I use the restroom during the reading test?
You certainly have the option. You will not, however, be granted additional time.
During the IELTS on paper test, do they tell you how much time is left on the reading test?
The times are written in front of you on the board, so you can manage your time.

Do they inform you how much time you have remaining on the reading test during the
IELTS on paper test?
The times are written on the board in front of you, so you can manage your time.

What happens if the examiner can’t read my writing on the answer sheet?
If it’s too difficult to read, you could receive a zero for that question. It’s very important to write
clearly on your answer sheet. One tip for this is to simply write in CAPITAL letters.

What if the examiner can't make out my writing on the answer sheet?
You may earn a zero for the question if it is too difficult to read. It is critical that you write
correctly on your answer sheet. One suggestion is to just use CAPITAL letters.

Can you explain the instructions? What does ‘Write NO MORE THAN TWO
That means that you cannot write more than two words plus a number. That is the maximum you
are allowed. Any combination lower than that is also okay!
For example, an answer like “Friday” is fine, because it is only one word.
An answer like “Friday at 5:30” is also okay, because it is two words and a number.
*Note that “5:30”, just like “24” or “1857” only counts as “a number” (one number).
*Note also that writing out a number, for example writing “eight” instead of “8”, still counts as a
number, not a word!

Can you explain the instructions? What does ‘Write NO MORE THAN TWO
That is, you are not permitted to write more than two words plus a number. That is the most you
can have. Any combination less than that is also acceptable!
For example, an answer like “Monday” is fine, because it is only one word.
An answer like “Monday at 1:30” is also okay, because it is two words and a number.
*Note that “1:30”, just like “14” or “1957” only counts as “a number” (one number).
*Note also that writing out a number, for example writing “nine” instead of “9”, still counts as a
number, not a word!

What makes the Reading Test so difficult?

Mostly time. Most people find the reading test difficult to finish in the 60 minutes given. A lot of
people find True / False / Not Given questions, as well as Header Matching questions really

What is it about the Reading Test that makes it so difficult?
Mostly time. The reading exam is tough for most individuals to complete in the allotted 60
minutes. True / False / Not Given questions, as well as Header Matching questions, are
notoriously tough for many people.

When should I write on the answer sheet?

You do not have extra time to transfer your answers so don’t write them on the test – right them
immediately on the answer sheet.

When should I write on the answer sheet?
Because you don't have extra time to transfer your answers, don't write them on the test/question
sheet. Write them on the answer sheet right away.

Do my answers have to be grammatically correct?

Yes, pay close attention to the gap-fills to be sure the grammar is accurate.
What counts as a word for the ‘no more than ____ words’ questions?
Dates, times and numbers all count as 1 word. 200 is one word, 3,000,000 is one word, 11am is
one word, 22% is one word and so on. Words with hyphens like mother-in-law are one word. For
dates, 18th September is one word and a number.

What counts as a word for the ‘no more than ____ words’ questions?
Dates, times, and numbers are all considered one word. 100 is one word, 1,000,000 is one word,
10 a.m. is word word, 11% is one word, and so on. Words containing hyphens, such as mother-
in-law, are considered one word. When it comes to dates, 25th November is both a word and a

How is the reading test made?

It takes 1 – 2 years for a reading test to be made and every question must be approved and
adjusted by dozens of people. The test is very reliable.

How is the reading exam developed?
A reading exam takes 1–2 years to develop, and each question must be reviewed and altered by
hundreds of individuals. The test is quite reliable.

Do the readings get harder as the test goes on?

Yes, they do.

Do the readings become more difficult as the test progresses?
Yes, they do.

I keep studying but I can’t improve. What should I do?

The key to reading test (and listening test) is vocabulary. There’s no shortcut to learning
thousands of English words. Improve your English vocabulary and your score will improve. But
this may take years depending on the score that you want!

I keep studying, but I'm not getting any better. What am I supposed to do?
Vocabulary is the key to passing the reading (and listening) tests. There is no quick way to learn
thousands of English words. Improve your vocabulary in English, and your score will rise.
However, depending on the score you desire, this may take years!

What if I don’t know about the topics in the reading passages?

The topics in IELTS are of general interest and come from books, magazines, newspapers,
journals and so on. They will not be so difficult or technical that an educated person can’t
understand them. It is sensible to spend some time reading the kind of text you are going to see
in the test — especially if you are not familiar with Western culture.

What if I'm unfamiliar with the themes covered in the reading passages?
IELTS subjects are of broad interest and are drawn from books, periodicals, newspapers, and
journals, among other sources. They will not be so tough or technical that an educated person
cannot grasp them. It is advisable to spend some time reading the type of content you may
encounter on the test, especially if you are unfamiliar with Western culture.

When the instructions say that I should answer in, for example, ‘NO MORE THAN
THREE WORDS’, will I lose marks if I write an answer with more than three words?
Yes. Answers which are over the word limit will be marked as incorrect.

When the instructions say that I should answer in, for example, ‘NO MORE THAN
THREE WORDS’, will I lose marks if I write an answer with more than three words?
Yes. Answers that exceed the word limit will be deemed wrong.

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