Chapter 1

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CP1N32C: Capstone Project – Dr.

Earl Marquez Albina

Prelim Examination

Directions: after the successful of your Title Defense. Answer the following:

Proponents: (Surname, Given Name) School Email:

1. Maluyo, Angel III C. [email protected]

2. Osorio, Juan Carlos Miguel E. [email protected]
3. Torrente, John Allan


Integrated Web Health Ecosystem with Appointment and Scheduling Application.

I. Introduction

The research study is to imply and increase the usefulness of clinical data held for

health records it is crucial to integrate software, apps, and devices with EHRs.

Additionally, software integration provides patients and their caregivers with additional

methods to access their electronic health records and broadens the range of diagnostic

and therapeutic tools available to healthcare professionals. The project proposal, titled

“Integrated Web Health Ecosystem with Appointment and Scheduling Application.”, is a

system that automates the management of various health facilities provided by Manila.

The system will monitor and manage the status and availability of rooms so that

information about where health facilities are still available and capable of receiving

patients is readily available In today’s era COVID - 19 people were amazed at the ability

to be transmitted when exposed to the virus. The health and government sectors provide

isolation facilities for COVID-19 patients to facilitate the spread and transmission of the
virus. However, proper communication regarding the availability of facilities is

ineffective resulting in the influx of patients into only one facility and some are

transferred multiple times due to unavailability. Respondents should have initial tools to

manage health facilities where respondents can easily find available facilities to cater to

more patients.

II. Background of the Study

As mobile technology has advanced in the modern era, new viewpoints have

emerged in the system of health monitoring. Due to the illnesses' requirement for

ongoing monitoring, a patient was now required to stay in at a hospital. Mobile

technology allows for the monitoring of patients' physiological data wherever they

are. Patients can be found (at work, home, on the road, etc.). Remote monitoring of

the patients' ECG data is possible with this investigation. The captured information is

stored on the environment of the web where this application is used. Then, the

sufferers' friends or family members can view this data. Doctors and web-based

patient monitoring are offered by the physicians, as well as the patients' companions

and family members. These types of web health tracking system improve the

efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare services.

Despite web tracking's popularity in the business and research communities (Libert,

2015; Hamed et al., 2013; Acar et al., 2014; Han et al., 2012; Roesner et al., 2012;

Schelter & Kunegis, 2016a, 2016b; Englehardt & Narayanan, 2016; Gomer et al.,

2013), earlier works mainly present the topic's individual components. Programmatic

advertising automates the buying of digital ad inventory, often through real-time

auctioning and bidding, in contrast to digital advertising, where advertisers and

publishers sign private arrangements (Stange & Funk, 2015). A growing number of

marketers and advertisers are drawn to programmatic advertising (O'Connell, 2014)

because it enables them to contact their target consumers in the "correct" environment

and, as a result, provide greater returns on their brand campaigns (Fernandez-Tapia,

2016). The surfing habits of online users are regarded as a valuable source for

creating their detailed profiles (Mitchell, 2012; Falahrastegar et al., 2016), since it is

very relevant to enhancing the commercial operations (Roesner et al., 2012).

III. Statement of the problem

In the past years, People tend to struggle going through medical check ups due to

fully loaded rooms, miscommunications on schedules, and uncertain places of hospitals

due to people having uncertainty of appointments and schedules is the problem people

find in having medical check ups. In addition, the sudden prevalence of pandemic such as

the COVID-19 had occurred in 2019 is the worst to occurred in the Philippines. People

struggled to go in hospitals due to quarantines and public lockdows. In addition, people

from rural places in Metro Manila often to find access to health facilities for basic health

cares due poverty. Considering their condition, people must meet their basic health needs

to prevent any kinds of diseases and epidemics. Therefore, the proposed capstone project

will enable all users to access and schedule appointments to comprehend the problem.
IV. Objective of the Study

The research’s objective is to identify how effective the project would for all health

workers and patients. The study tends to learn and to imply the needs of all users who

struggle to have appointing and scheduling accesses through walk-ins throughout any

hospitals and clinics. The researchers will conduct a survey form to a specific location

around Manila City to identify the problems that occurs on walk-in scheduling and

appointing of checkups. In addition, tracking of patients where in situations that needs

immediate assistance is required to discuss. Also, the precise location of all users is

urgently required to the study. The monitoring of all users inside and outside of their

homes and hosting institutions are required due to the importance of their current health

state. As a result, we must gather data to know and examine any unusual monitoring


V. Significance of the study

The findings of the study can benefit, first and foremost, Metro Manila considering that

they have a lot of health facilities. This study can help them to evaluate how they are going to

overcome the difficulties in terms of appointments, monitor the patients, and the availability

of health facilities.
VI. Scope and Limitations

This study is about the Web Health Ecosystem in conquering the difficulties of Metro

Manila Health Facilities in how they are overcome. The respondents of this research are the

Health Facilities of Metro Manila only. This involves a survey for those employees and

patients who experience difficulties in appointments at the facilities. The selection of the

respondents is only limited since it is said only for Metro Manila. The research has no

control over this study. The limited time that was given to the researchers might affect the

results of the study. In addition, the flaws of this study are not only the limitation of time but

also the budget that the researchers have.

VII. Beneficiaries

The Beneficiaries of the research will be for all the people of Metro Manila to imply

prevention of diseases and epidemics and basic personal health utilities. Doctors,

nurses and hospital staffs are required to use the web appointments for the schedules

and prescreening of patients for possible contagious diseases and more. In addition,

PWDs, Senior citizens and children are the priority of the research matter due to

contagious diseases that may affect when coming in health facilities.

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